A basic thermaling simulation for paragliders and hang glider pilots
WINDOWS XP, 7, 8 Download the RESOURCES file Download the windows executable file. Create a local folder on your PC Extract the executable file into this folder Create a subfolder called RESOURCES Extract the contents of the RESOURCES file into this sub-folder (This is important) Run the apploication by executing the executable file.
The source code will work on any machine with PYTHON and PYGAME installed But the windows executable has been built to automatically include this.
LINUX: The simulation is provided as PYTHON source code. REQUIREMENTS: You need to install PYTHON 2.7.x You need to install PYTHON PYGAME This is easily done using your preferred package manager
Download the RESOURCES file Download the PYTHON source file. Copy them to a suitable folder. Extract the source file Create a subfolder called RESOURCES Extract the contents of the RESOURCES file to this new folder
Run the python application Have fun.
I have just completed a NEW VERSION of a (possibly) useful game as a learning aid for thermal flying. And of course a bit of fun for the cold wet and windy days we have at the moment. I developed this using Python on Linux and compiled it for Windows using PyInstaller.
Download the file at the bottom of this page. You may need to right click and save as... The file will extract to a folder containing the images and audio beeps and an executable which runs the actual application (Ver_009.exe).
Note that you may need to put everything except the actual executable into a folder called 'resources' as the WinZip utility managed to mess this up and I have only just noticed. Create a 'resources' folder and place everything except the executable into it. It should look a bit like this.
And today I added the pre-thermal.ogg audio file to supplement the current variometer sounds. Download the file called pre-thermal.ogg from the link below and copy it into the resources folder.
I have just tested it and it works on WinXP and usually Win7. Others have reported it works on Win8. It does NOT run in WINE in LINUX. A LINUX version is available on request. If you want it on a Mac, you will need to contact me.
You can extract the files to any suitable folder on your PC and create a link to the executable if you wish or run it directly.
It will not install anything extra on the machine nor will it affect registry entries etc. To remove the application, just delete all the files. No internet connection is required.
I don't claim that the application is absolutely complete and without bugs but it is reasonably functional at the moment.
Currently implemented controls are as follows
= Turn Right < = Turn Left Up Arrow = Speed Bar Down Arrow = Apply Minimum Sink
a = Toggle Audio (on/off) e = Toggle Big Ears c = Collapse Wing k = Attempt recovery from a collapse p = Pause the simulation t = Toggle visibility of the thermals s = toggle visibility of sink patches q = Quit r = Throw reserve w = Toggle the wind direction indicator Number pad '+' = Add another thermal Number pad '-' = Add another patch of sink Normal '-' = Add another patch of sink Normal '=' = Add another thermal
The idea is to provide a simple simulation of thermaling. You can show that increased speed increases sink rate but may improve a glide into wind. You can also see that slowing in lift has a net improvement.
These things are often difficult to visualise at first.
The main idea is that this is really an educational aid rather than a game. Ideally it is to be used alongside some discussion from an existing pilot.
The limitations and compromises made by such a simulation can stimulate discussion about real world conditions.
For the gifted, try thermaling without looking at the thermals (press 't') or even better, try not looking at the screen at all and just use the simplified vario noises. If you can do this, you have probably cheated!
I may add some more functions later. I can think of lots of potential improvements but they are really just complications to what should be a simple game.
The application may be updated but I expect to keep this one for a while.
Last Updated Tuesday 21-2-2017
Added additional audio file to the resources folder to enable a pre-thermal sound when the sink rate is less than the glider sink rate. Previous Version added: Big ears, collapses at random and in strong lift along with a fancy reserve parachute.