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Anti-Tinnitus Project

Welcome to the Anti-Tinnitus Project!
This innovative approach combines custom audio processing with relaxation techniques to potentially alleviate tinnitus symptoms.
While developed through personal experience, it's now shared freely to help others find relief.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. How It Works
  3. Getting Started
  4. The Recipe for Success
  5. Customization
  6. Future Development
  7. Medical Disclaimer
  8. Support the Project
  9. Why It's Free
  10. Professional Contact


This project offers a unique, code-based approach to tinnitus management. By applying specific audio filters to calming music, I aim to retrain the brain's response to tinnitus. The effects are subtle yet potentially powerful, targeting the complex auditory processing that contributes to tinnitus perception.

How It Works

  1. Audio Processing: The code applies various filters to a stereo MP3 file, creating a tailored auditory experience.
  2. Brain Retraining: Even if you don't consciously perceive all effects, your auditory system processes them, potentially helping to recalibrate your brain's response to tinnitus.
  3. Consistent Practice: Regular use, especially before sleep, may enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.

Getting Started

  1. Choose a calming MP3 file - think relaxing radio music rather than intense concert recordings.
  2. Modify the code to specify your chosen audio file (all code files can be executed).
  3. Run the script to process your music (there are multiple scripts.
  4. There is also a program to find the tinitius you cannt hear currently.
  5. Listen at a comfortable volume - there's no need for high volume.
  6. For best results, stick to one song and use it consistently.

The Recipe for Success

What worked for me, and might work for you:

  1. Just before sleep, listen to your chosen song processed with bandfilter-4 three times (minimal).
  2. Finish with one playthrough using the same song with bandfilter-5 its effects are different, the brain will notice it. And although it will be the same song it sounds is different, at an unconscious level the brain will notice this. At digital data level, the same sound will be quite different, but at the conscious level, they sound identical. (akin to how different people can call you by name, you respond the same, but you process sound adjusting to who speaks to you).
  3. Go to sleep and notice potential effects upon waking. PS its better to use headphones the ones you got with your mobile or so, doesn't need to be super special. Try it for a week or so, Tinitius may become less or with some luck even disappear, you get your life back. Though I strongly advice not to go again in loud environments, it may come back. Also lowering the caffeine intake helps a bit that just my personal experience, but I like coffee as well.

Bandfilter-4: The Ladder Technique

  • Applies short, alternating left/right beeps followed by frequency-specific filters.
  • Starts 1000Hz below your tinnitus frequency, creating a "ladder" effect, you must be able to hear some beaps (important).
  • Simple enough for the brain to process, and to detect the pattern, yet covers a wide frequency range.
  • The wide range is ideal since tinitius isnt an exact hz number either.

Bandfilter-5: The Comprehensive Approach

  • Combines various common tinnitus treatment filters.
  • Used as a "finisher" in this approach.
    • Notice that this code can be changed for specifc filters, though i think bandfilter-4 realy helped me
      It's included in version 5 as well, but 5 contains other filters as well.


Feel free to adjust settings to match your specific tinnitus frequency.
The current setup is optimized for the common "TV static" tinnitus around 10,000Hz.
Share your successful modifications by creating a "thanks" issue with your settings!

Future Development

More filters and approaches are in the pipeline! Show your support by starring the repository, and I keep innovating.

Medical Disclaimer

This project is born from personal success and a desire to help others. It's not a substitute for professional medical advice, it can be an addition to it.
Always consult with a healthcare provider about your tinnitus (as maybe you need antibiotics for an ear infection or so).
You can discuss with him this software, it won't cost you a dime.
This code applies audio filters and is not known to pose any risks, but individual responses and results may vary.
Essentially though I think retraining the brain reaction is what this code does.

Support the Project

This project is free because healthcare should be accessible.
However, if you've found relief and want to support future development or express your thankfulness
Donations are appreciated, but it's fine if you want to use it for free as well, you decide :

IBAN: NL25 RABO 0149 4838 80
Account Holder: P.G.T. Boos
Please include "Tinnitus Tool Donation" in the transfer description.

I guess I will donate it to something good.

Why It's Free

  1. To help as many people as possible find relief from tinnitus.
  2. To contribute to open-source healthcare solutions.
  3. To honor those who struggle daily with tinnitus.
  4. My goal is to help, I don't want to get rich from other people's diseases I know some medical industries do this, a white mafia (medical patents etc) but I'm not such a guy. I prefer making the world a better place.

Professional Contact

For Medical Professionals

  • Feel free to use this tool with your patients (keeping it free).
  • For discussions, create an issue with the headline "Doctor:".

For Medical Device Suppliers

  • This is a free, open-source project under MIT license.
  • Commercial use is not permitted.
  • Instead of monetization, consider contributing to the code's improvement.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by tinnitus. Your experiences, feedback, and contributions are valuable in this journey towards better auditory health for all.


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