Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface (LIRI) is a command line node application that accepts parameters and returns matching data via application programming interfaces (APIs). The resulting data is returned to the user via console.log and appended to a log file.
LIRI includes four (4) features:
- accepts the name of a singing artist or band and returns the following concert information using the "Bands In Town" API.- Venue name
- Venue location
- Concert date, formatted as "MM/DD/YYYY"
- accepts a song/track name and returns the following information using the "Spotify" API.- Artist(s)
- Song name
- Song preview link on Spotify
- Album name
- accepts a movie name and returns the following movie information using the "OMDB" API.- Title
- Year
- IMDB Rating
- Rotten Tomatoes Rating
- Country where produced
- Language
- Plot
- Actors in the movie
reads the contents of random.txt, which contains the name of a LIRI feature and an input parameter, and then calls the feature using the supplied input parameter.
LIRI is launched by running one of the following commands on the command line:
- node liri concert-this artist/band name
- Calls the concertThis() function
- Checks for missing artist name
- Checks for missing user input
- Console logs an error message to the screen if no artist/band name was provided
- Formats the user's input, replacing spaces with "+"
- Builds a query URL with the user's input and required API key
- Makes an async call with the Axios NPM to the Bands In Town API
- Console logs an error message if the response fails to return any concert dates
- Console logs the response to the screen
- Appends the response to the log.txt file
- node liri spotify-this-song song name
- Calls the spotifyThis() function
- Checks for missing song name
- Checks for missing user input and defaults to "The Sign" if no song name was provided
- Formats the user's input, checking for multi-word titles
- Makes an async call with Spotify NPM to the Spotify API
- Console logs an error message if the response fails to return any tracks
- Console logs the response to the screen
- Appends the response to the log.txt file
- node liri movie-this movie name
- Calls the movieThis() function
- Checks for missing movie name
- Checks for missing user input
- Checks for missing user input and defaults to "Mr. Nobody" if no movie name was provided
- Formats the user's input, replacing spaces with "+"
- Builds a query URL with the user's input and required API key
- Makes an async call with the Axios NPM to the OMDB API
- Console logs an error message if the response fails to return any movies
- Console logs the response to the screen
- Appends the response to the log.txt file
- node liri do-what-it-says
- Calls justDoIt() function
- Reads contents of /files/random.txt
- Calls the liri feature (value 1) using the provided input (value 2) in the file (e.g. spotify-this-song,I Want It That Way)
- LIRI Bot
- Node JS v12.13.0, including the File System module
- Axios Node Package Manager (NPM) v0.19.2 -
- Dotenv NPM v8.2 -
- Moment NPM v2.24 -
- Node Spotify API NPM v1.1.1 -
- Bands In Town API -
- Spotify API -
- Display Results Page
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Google Fonts
- Google Icons
- Materialize CSS/JS
LIRI Bot is a command line application; accordingly, its commands cannot be run in a web browser. Therefore, I have created a website at that contains screenshots of the results of each command as well as a PDF copy of the log.txt file.
Alternatively, see below for results screenshots and a PDF copy of the log.txt file after running each command.
PDF of final log.txt
Pam Kelly at
GitHub at
LIRIBOT Results at
Professional Porfolio at
Copyright © 2020 Pamela L. Kelly