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Panfactum OpenTofu / Terraform Provider

A utility provider used in the Panfactum Stack.


Testing Changes Locally

If you want to test provider changes using local IaC, you can do that by executing the following steps:

  1. Add a .terraformrc to your IaC repository with the following values. Change <path_to_this_repo> to an absolute path to the local copy of this provider repository on your local machine.

    provider_installation {
        dev_overrides {
            "panfactum/pf" = "<path_to_this_repo>/go/bin"
        # For all other providers, install them directly from their origin provider
        # registries as normal. If you omit this, Terraform will _only_ use
        # the dev_overrides block, and so no other providers will be available.
        direct {}
  2. Set the TF_CLI_CONFIG_FILE to an absolute path to the above .terraformrc file.

  3. Make any desired updates to the provider code.

  4. After anytime you make code updates, run go install to make the new provider binary available to your local IaC.

Release Process

The release process is configured according to the publishing guide provided by Hashicorp and is based on the terraform-provider-scaffolding-framework repository.

To cut a new release:

  1. Run go generate . inside of the tools directory to update the documentation.
  2. Commit your changes.
  3. Tag the commit with a semver tag (e.g., v0.0.1).
  4. Push the changes git push --atomic origin main <tag>.