Your task is to return the amount of white rectangles in a NxN
spiral. Your font may differ, if we talk of white rectangles, we talk about
the symbols in the top row.
- As a general rule, the white snake cannot touch itself.
- The size will be at least 5.
- The test cases get very large, it is not feasible to calculate the solution with a loop.
For example, a spiral with size 5 should look like this:
And return the value 17 because the total amount of white rectangles is 17.
A spiral with the size 7 would look like this:
And return the value 31 because the total amount of white rectangles is 31.
A spiral with the size 8 would look like this:
And return the value 39 because the total amount of white rectangles is 39.
A spiral with the size 9 would look like this:
And return the value 49 because the total amount of white rectangles is 49.
A spiral with the size 10 would look like this:
And return the value 59 because the total amount of white rectangles is 59.