- Bad Collection?
- Basic Arabic-To-Roman Numerals (1 to 999)
- Beginner friendly: remove the letter o
- Brackets Checker
- Build Alien Virus Estimator
- CaMeLcAsInG
- Change for pizza
- Check the tire pressure
- Consecutive Sum
- Convert natural number to its binary representation
- Count the likes
- Fibonacci Number
- Find Email Domain
- Find something in an Array
- Flip it
- Find the closest point(s)...
- Formatting decimal places #2
- Palindrome checker
- Palindrome-Generator
- Parenthesis validator
- Perimeter of a Rectangle
- Phase Transitions
- Primary Primes
- Simple Equation
- Simple string concatenator
- Sort an Array!
- Square Root of 2
- String anagram checker
- String Calculator With Different Input Types
- Sum of list values
- Sum of values from 1 to n inclusive { nΣn=1 }