- Calculator
- Carbon Dating
- Center of Array
- Checking Groups
- Collatz conjecture counter for big numbers
- Convert your name to Japanese! (Game)
- Count the Characters
- Counting like a kid
- Counting power sets
- CubeSummation
- Filter Map Sort Practice
- Find all pairs
- Find next greater number with disjoint set of digits
- Find the GCF of Two Numbers
- FIXME: String == String
- Flatten a List
- Form The Largest
- Format date DD/MM/YYYY
- Fun with Physics #1 - Are the tanks in range of the cannonballs?
- Function 3 - multiplying two numbers
- Happy Birthday
- Holiday I - Temperature in Bali
- How bigga ma pizza?
- How many inches does Subway waste?
- How many times does it contain?
- Series of integers from 0 to n
- Series of integers from m to n
- Sexagesimal degree
- Signal Generator
- Simple transposition
- Simplified Nim - AI
- Spacify
- Squash the bugs
- Stop Donald Trump (2015)
- String Product
- String Task
- Sudoku Solution Validator
- Sum and Count All Odds vs Evens
- Sum of numbers
- Summy
- The number of digits of a power of 2
- Thinkful - Number Drills: Pixelart planning
- Thinkful - String Drills: Repeater