A Flutter application for Bennett Community.
Please make sure to Setup the Flutter SDK amd install the Dart Package inside Android Studio. Flutter Installation
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.
Following packages have been including in the project:
cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 :
url_launcher: 4.1.0
image_picker: 0.4.12
barcode_scan: "^0.0.4"
Whenever you are trying to clone the project, make sure to install all the dependencies. In case of upgrading the version of the packages, please make sure that the version is below AndroidX SDK.
For getting help in version of packages, please visit Flutter AndroidX.
All the Images and custom fonts used are present inside the /assets Directory.
- assets/Images/trending.png
- assets/Images/profile.png
- assets/Images/newsfeed.png
- assets/image_01.png
- assets/image_02.jpg
- assets/image_03.jpg
- assets/image_04.jpg
- assets/Images/previous.png
- assets/Images/map.png
- assets/Images/calendar.png
- assets/Images/hourglass.png
- assets/Images/feedback.png
- assets/Images/scanner.png
- assets/Images/register.png
- assets/Images/reset.png
- assets/Images/login.png
Above code should be mentioned inside pubspec.yaml along with the content.
All the Files are stored inside the /lib Directory.
There are 12 Dart Files.
1.main.dart :
- It contains all the Page routes as well as starts the app code.
2. HomePage.dart :
- The code of the Main screen lies inside this dart file.
- PageView Widget is used to create a much better User Experience
3. Menu.dart :
- It has the larger view of the Functions of the Application.
4.ChatBot.dart :
- A machine learning based Bot made with the help of the
DialogFlow to have a human-like interaction with the Users.
- Url_Launcher package has been used inside this file.
- A screen that helps you to scan any QR or BarCode and
provides you with the entire detauls of the upcoming event.
- barcode_scan package has been used in this screen.
- A screen that contains threee different views of the
Event details. It is directly linked to EvenScanner as well
as the homepage.
- A screen that refers you to various options such as Creating a Account,
Login In and in case you have forgot the passsword.
- All the upcoming events are being shown inside this screen with
the ability to swipe left or right to view the events.
9. Details.dart:
- It contains the values in form of Collections and Lists for the Events.
The Files Login.dart, SignUp.dart, ForgotPassword.dart are in the phase of
the development but the user Interface is complete.
**The code for the firebase integreation is left only.**
We have used DialogFlow to create the ChatBot for your application.
To have a human like interaction with our application, Please visit our BeYou ChatBot.
We have used Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Services to deploy our ChatBot.
We have used Event_Scanner package to scar barcode and qr images.
To Obtain the details of the entire event all you have to do is Scan the Code and the application would be able to showcase the details.
The Integration of FireBase with the other packages has been one of the biggest
issue since the starting of the Project.
1. The version of the FireBase packages should be below the
Android X compatibility which leads to breaking of the application.
2. Even if you migrate the version of the Application to AndroidX,
then the bug with the KotLin based package BarCodeScanner arises.