Here you can see my pet projects, some test tasks and also some abandoned repos. The list of most interesting things here is below.
You can create your custom music box easily, just create a music track in MIDI file format and use this app!
This is a flappy bird clone that uses Pygame, written in Python during my voluntary activity as a Python teacher for kids.
Works in the browser (except Safari :c) Written in Go using WASM
It was created as an university task. Written in Go, works in browsers (except Safari) using WASM.
Another university task. A very basic raster editor written in Python.
The original was tinyraytracer. I've ported it to Python just for fun.
Ray marching rendering algorithm implementation in Python and in Go.
Inspired by this article on Habr.
A small django-based web application for automating testing students code. It uses Docker to create one-time sandboxes and run students code. The app allows teachers to configure different sandboxes and to create tasks for students.
It is located here.