Please be advised that this project is currently in its development phase. As such, not all features and functionalities are fully implemented at this moment.
Pashmak Guru is a GitHub organization where we, as a team of learners and enthusiasts, explore the principles of Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC). We use Terraform modules to build infrastructure on Microsoft Azure, to learn various topics and keep them here for people who are interested in learning too. This organization demonstrates how IaC can be applied, albeit not with the polish of a production-ready project. See the Pashmak Guru repositories.
- Practical Examples with Terraform and Azure: We provide examples and experiments that we conduct in real-time, showcasing our learning journey in creating infrastructure on Azure.
- Integration with Port Internal Developer Platform: We use this platform as part of our learning to understand better how different tools work together.
Here is a C4 component-level diagram of the whole organization IaC and IDP integration:
Person(platform_admin, "Platform Admin", "Owner of the infrastructure")
Person(platform_engineer, "DevOps/Platform Engineer", "Developer of the platform")
Person(developer, "Developer", "Developer and software engineers")
System_Ext(azure, "Microsoft Azure", "Cloud Computing Platform<br>")
System_Ext(tfc, "Terraform Cloud", "Terraform Cloud SaaS<br>")
System_Ext(port, "Port IDP", "Port Internal Developer Platform<br>")
System_Ext(github, "GitHub", "GitHub<br>")
Container_Boundary(c_github, "GitHub Repositories") {
Container(platform_internals, "Platform Internals", "bash, terraform, workflow", "Bootstrap and manage<br>infrastructure prerequisites.")
Container(platform_repo_scaffolder, "Platform Repository Scaffolder", "cookiecutter, workflow, vuejs, golang", "Scaffolding and managing<br>repositories and templates.")
Container(platform_cloud_resources, "Platform Cloud Resources", "terraform, workflow", "Manage cloud resources<br>on Azure.")
Container(terraform_azure_kubernetes_cluster, "Kubernetes Cluster<br>Terraform Module", "terraform, workflow", "Manage Azure Kubernetes<br>Service.")
Container(terraform_azure_front_hub, "Fronthub<br>Terraform Module", "terraform, workflow", "Manage Azure DNS Zone and<br>Front Door.")
Container(terraform_azure_administrative_argocd, "Administrative ArgoCD<br>Terraform Module", "terraform, workflow", "Deploy and manage<br>Administrative ArgoCD.")
Container(terraform_azure_blob_storage, "Blob Storage<br>Terraform Module", "terraform, workflow", "Manage Azure Blob Storage.")
Container(gha_platform_orchestrator, "Platform Orchestrator<br>GitHub Action", "golang, workflow, action", "Preparing requirements of<br>Platform Cloud Resources.")
Container(gha_port_labs_cookiecutter, "Port Cookiecutter<br>GitHub Action", "forked", "Scaffolding templates using<br>cookiecutter.")
%% Person Relations
Rel(developer, port, "Uses")
Rel(platform_engineer, port, "Uses")
Rel(platform_engineer, port, "Uses")
Rel(platform_engineer, platform_internals, "Updates")
Rel(platform_admin, port, "Initiates")
Rel(platform_admin, azure, "Initiates")
Rel(platform_admin, tfc, "Initiates")
Rel(platform_admin, platform_internals, "Fetches")
%% System Relations
Rel(tfc, azure, "Manages")
Rel(tfc, tfc, "Manages")
Rel(tfc, port, "Manages")
Rel(port, platform_repo_scaffolder, "Dispatches")
Rel(port, platform_cloud_resources, "Dispatches")
%% Component Relations
Rel(platform_internals, tfc, "Runs")
Rel(platform_repo_scaffolder, github, "Creates/Deletes")
Rel(platform_repo_scaffolder, gha_port_labs_cookiecutter, "Uses")
Rel(platform_cloud_resources, terraform_azure_kubernetes_cluster, "Uses")
Rel(platform_cloud_resources, terraform_azure_front_hub, "Uses")
Rel(platform_cloud_resources, terraform_azure_administrative_argocd, "Uses")
Rel(platform_cloud_resources, terraform_azure_blob_storage, "Uses")
Rel(platform_cloud_resources, gha_platform_orchestrator, "Runs")
Rel(gha_platform_orchestrator, platform_cloud_resources, "Modifies")
Rel(platform_cloud_resources, tfc, "Runs")
UpdateRelStyle(platform_repo_scaffolder, github, $offsetY="-20", $offsetX="30")
UpdateRelStyle(platform_repo_scaffolder, gha_port_labs_cookiecutter, $offsetY="-80", $offsetX="-65")
UpdateRelStyle(gha_platform_orchestrator, platform_cloud_resources, $offsetX="-60")
UpdateElementStyle(terraform_azure_kubernetes_cluster, $bgColor="#844FBA")
UpdateElementStyle(terraform_azure_front_hub, $bgColor="#844FBA")
UpdateElementStyle(terraform_azure_administrative_argocd, $bgColor="#844FBA")
UpdateElementStyle(terraform_azure_blob_storage, $bgColor="#844FBA")
UpdateElementStyle(gha_platform_orchestrator, $bgColor="#a67b40")
UpdateElementStyle(gha_port_labs_cookiecutter, $bgColor="#a67b40")
- Aspiring Cloud Enthusiasts: Perfect for those who are starting their journey in cloud computing and want to learn alongside a team doing the same.
- Students & Hobbyists: If you're interested in exploring cloud infrastructure and IaC, our repositories offer real-time learning scenarios.
Dive into our repositories, each equipped with instructions and insights into our learning process. Pick any project that interests you and follow along.
We welcome contributions of all kinds! Feel free to suggest improvements, share your learning, or even help us understand best practices.
Join our journey and share your experiences. We’re all learning together and your input is valuable in this shared path. Let's discuss about your ideas!