Simple example of an Android application, which showcases navigation between Activities, the use of ListViews, and the consumption of a web service. This example has been developed for the II.3510 mobile development course at Institut Supérieur d'Électronique de Paris (ISEP), Paris, France.
This application uses to retrieve data from a dummy web service.
In this application, we show how to create the structure of some user interfaces using the XML files. However, we sometimes need to dynamically add widgets to some activities, and this demo shows how to proceed to just do that.
In particular, we show how to create and display ListViews. However, the implementation could be perfected to add a "Load more entries" kind of feature. Doing so would improve the performances of the application.
In this application, we simply show how to create Intent and pass information (i.e., extras) from an activity to another. Of course, we also show how to retrieve these extras on the newly displayed activity.
As stated previously, the application uses to retrieve some dummy data. The application uses all the available resources except for Photos (because there are too many photos, and there is no way to limit the number of photos we get from a single request).
The requests are made using Android Volley (more information on this particular library here:
In the courses, we mentioned the AsyncTask class. This class is used when a long task needs to be executed asynchronously. This prevents the main UI thread from locking and allows for smooth user experience. We are not going to showcase an implementation of the AsyncTask as it is much easier to use Google Volley.