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Brainstorm Finterly, Tina

Finterly edited this page Dec 7, 2020 · 6 revisions
  • Focus on documentation for 2013a
    • Tree diagram
    • Textual documentation for the elements and attributes
  • Discuss changes in the 2013a schema for 2021
  • Discuss extensions for 2021 schema version (complexes, annotations, multi-species pathways)
    • Complexes - e.g. add Xref for Group element
    • Multi-species - e.g. add Organism element to data node elements
    • Annotation elements for pathway, data node, interaction, group, shape


  • Upload GPML2013a-doc.xsd
  • Upload GPML2021.xsd (copy of GPML2013a-doc.xsd)
  • step-by-step process:
  1. create issue for the change you make, close issue with commit (fix #123)
  2. element and property naming convention
  3. cleaning up literature reference
<Citation idGPML="c00" url="">
	<Xref identifier="31226023" datasource="PubMed"/>
  1. adding Annotation element
<Annotation idGPML="abc" name="disease pathway">
	<Xref id entifier="PW:0000013" datasource="Pathway Ontology"/>
  1. renaming graphId
  1. allowed groups to have Xrefs
  2. add author element for pathways (0...unbound number of authors)


  • Went over questions and discussion points for GPML 2021
  • Resolved some issues including: property renaming, improving modularity (e.g. adding LineStyleAttributes, separating Point and Anchor from GraphicalLine/Interactions)
  • Some issues still to be discussed with group:
  1. Renaming properties
  2. Pathway property "version/revision"
  3. Allowing customized border and label color
  4. How to visually represent and store lines like elbow
  5. Supporting custom shapes or background images
  6. Should Interactions and GraphicalLine have labels?
  7. To keep fontStrikeThru, InfoBox, Legend?
  8. How is “type” used for Interaction / GraphicalLine
  9. Should label element have Xref instead of href?
  10. Where and how should graphID be added?
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