A small and easy-to-use messageboard aimed at children/pre-school classes to post, what they interesting thing they have learned that day.
Work-in-progress alpha version
Very very early in development. Still lots of placeholder and temporary solutions.
A friend of mine who is a pre-school teacher had the idea to use a very simple messageboard in class that can run their own server (Raspberry Pi preferred).
So i started a small learning-project with the following goals:
- Build my first Fullstack App utilizing the MERN-Stack (MongoDB, Express, React/Redux, NodeJS)
- Deepen my knowledge of React and try out Redux.
- Learn how to deploy a Fullstack WebApp
- Learn about authentification and protected routes
- Create a simple to use UI/UX for young children
Live version online at:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Clone the repo
Install dependencies
npm install
npm run client-install
- Setup environment variables
PORT = {specify express server port on your pc}
MONGO_URI = {URI to local or remote MongoDB database}
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = {specify google client id for the google oauth 2.0 flow}
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET = {specify google client secret for the google oauth 2.0 flow}
COOKIE_KEY = {specify a cookie key}
In root folder run:
npm run dev
- React - The web framework used
- Redux - State management for react
- Semantic UI - CSS Framework
- MongoDB - NoSQL Database
- NodeJS - Backend
- Patrick Schülke - PatrickS83
This project is licensed under the MIT License