GammaRay 6.16: upgrade to VTK 9 and other years-old dependencies; minor fixes.
Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe
These software must be installed in your system if you do not have them already:
GSLib Fortran source codes and executables for your operating system can be found here:
Some GSLib executables for MacOS can be found here: -
Ghostscript for your platform, necessary to render GSLib plots, can be found here:
GraphViz for your operating system, necessary to generate the Facies Relationships Diagram, can be found here:
What's new:
🔵 Upgrade to VTK 9.1.
🔵 Upgrade to Qt 5.12.
🔵 Upgrade to Qwt 6.2.
🔵 Upgrade to ITK 5.1.
🔵 Upgrade to Boost 1.78.
🔵 User's Manual: major review and cleanup.
🔶 Gabor Analysis Dialog: misbehavior of the spectrogram display with grid cell sizes and origins different from 1x1x1 and 0,0,0.
🔶 Wavelet Transform Dialog: misbehavior of the scalegram display with grid cell sizes and origins different from 1x1x1 and 0,0,0.
🆕: NEW FEATURE; 🔵: enhancement; 🔶: defect fix; 🔴: bug fix.