This repository contains the deployment of a Machine Learning Image Recognition Model, and Machine Learning Random Forest Model. Predictions can be performed using API request methods.
Create and activate the virtual environment
python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate
Install the packages and start the application
pip install -r requirements.txt flask run
Build the Docker image and run the Docker container
docker build -t ml-deployment .
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d ml-deployment
or Deploy to Cloud Run by configuring the cloudbuild.yaml
and .gcloudignore
, then submit it
gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml
Base URL (Require Authentication):
Route | HTTP Method | Description |
/ | GET | Health check |
/ | POST | Perform image recognition |
- Method: GET
- Path:
- Status: 200 OK
{ "status": true, "message": "OK" }
Method: POST
- Form-Data with a single file field named
- Form-Data with a string of list (matrix) of gejala penyakit field named
"file": image.jpg "gejala_matrix": "[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, ...]"
- Form-Data with a single file field named
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": true, "prediction": { "penyakit": ["Masitis", "Penyakit 2"], "penanganan": [ "Menjaga kandang untuk tetap bersih. Memakai antiseptik ...", "Deskripsi penanganan dari penyakit 2", ] } }
Status: 400 Bad Request
{ "status": false, "error": "no file" }
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
{ "status": false, "error": "error message" }