Real Device:
- Kindly follow the procedure mentioned here in order to generate the .app files for this sample project. Place the generated .app files into this project's base directory.
- Update appPath and testAppPath in configFile.json.
- To activate the perfecto gradle plugin, open a command-line/terminal window in the project's folder and run the following gradle tasks:
cd PerfectoXCUITest
gradle perfecto-xctest -PconfigFileLocation=configFile.json -PcloudURL=${url} -PsecurityToken=${securityToken}
Virtual Device:
- Refer our help portal and prepare the application files. PerfectoXCUITest's build.gradle has a sample task named buildXcodeProject which prepares the .xctestproducts automatically.
- To prepare xc product file & activate the perfecto gradle plugin, open a command-line/terminal window in the project's folder and run the following gradle tasks:
cd PerfectoXCUITest
gradle buildXcodeProject perfecto-xctest-vd -PconfigFileLocation=configFileSim.json -PcloudURL=${url} -PsecurityToken=${securityToken}
- Replace ${url} with your perfecto cloud url. E.g.: where 'demo' to be replaced with your cloud name.
- Replace ${securityToken} with your perfecto security token.