This is a Python project from my early days as a Computer Science student
This programm was created for the eighth semester class Distributed Artificial Intelligence -Intelligent Agents and is the final project for the class
A python script that implements a generic planner to solve a series of minigames using heuristic algorithms to generate the best possible moves to reach the goal state.
A planner generates a sequence of actions so that when the actions are executed the agent's world is found from an initial to a final state. The planner is considered generic when we change nothing in its code to solve different problems.
To generate the sequence of actions the planner uses a search algorithm to construct a search tree. The algorithm A star (A *) was used in this work.
- Blocks World
- Water Jug problem
- n - Puzzle
- The comments to make the code understandable, are within the .py archive
- This project was written in Anaconda's Spyder IDE.
- This program runs for Python version 2.7
- This repository was created to show the variety of the work I did and experience I gained as a student