1.8.0 (2024-01-23)
- add and use Grype HTML template (bbcee76)
- add gitignore file (ad73838)
- add Grype (e32f01d)
- add ssh-audit (fe8018e)
- create an SBOM during the Docker build process (106584b)
- create multiple reports with Grype (9624c27)
- do a shallow fetch for Dependency-Check configuration file (99bae94)
- ensure that Hadolint can read a settings file (8c2f4eb)
- execute Dockle in directory with configuration file (a90d993)
- improve and upgrade automated security tests (3b8c293)
- improve Docker build process (229dc12)
- make SonarQube dependent on hadolint and grype (4eaf6da)
- pin and parameterize jwt_tool (e7409eb)
- pin and parameterize Nikto (c6c8af0)
- pin and parameterize testssl.sh (effea30)
- pin versions (186b92b)
- remove anchore-cli and black (92865c7)
- remove truffleHog as its Python library is very outdated (78ee471)
- remove unused vars as all tools now use configuration files (43afaad)
- update Debian of Docker base image (a72d3c5)
- update Sonarscanner CLI (f13e614)
- upload Grype and Hadolint reports with SonarQube (533322b)
- use vars for automated security testing configuration files (a4ee529)
- clean up correct jwt_tool directory (3d01208)
- ensure CHANGELOG links work (f150ee1)
- ensure cyclonedx remains installed (6c9475b)
- use correct name for job (df4062d)
1.7.0 (2023-01-23)
- add jwt_tool 986d6a6
- push latest tag on any build d0c14f3
- refactor test stage 40f67e7
1.6.0 (2022-07-21)
- add several new automated security scans (990d9a6)
1.5.0 (2022-06-16)
- add nmap to image (d1abbcb)
- parameterize sonar-scanner-cli version (d55a9ad)
- use newer npm syntax (06b4ad4)
- set workdir earlier to prevent NodeJS build issues (e30fb74)
1.4.0 (2022-04-19)
- add black and pylint (988fb2d)
- add test for yamllint (897330b)
- ensure owner is set directly on new files (060131e)
- set default workdir to /workdir (2260825)
1.3.0 (2022-04-11)
- add ansible-lint (7730e1b)
1.2.0 (2022-02-10)
- add basic GitLab pipeline (6ca3523)
- add curl (3fafdff)
- add demo 2 (fc6ef42)
- add jq to image (88879c5)
- add linting of Dockerfile (3961d30)
- add test for curl (03bcf38)
- add testssl.sh (475cf09)
- change default Anchore Engine address (e27aa24)
- clean up hadolint issues (b80d90f)
- compact resulting Dockerfile (1cc582e)
- ensure that linting results are stored (ce60453)
- install CycloneDX module to create Software Bill-of-Materials (5b5caf0)
- install typescript (6804f91)
- remove ansible-lint, add yamllint (4a272c5)
- specify NODE_PATH as required by sonar-scanner (e235373)
- specify WORKDIR (97b38e8)
- update npm packages (1820611)
- update sonar scanner binary (8db2706)
- use current Debian as base image (b2dd53b)
- ensure that packages get updated globally (5bb0b7d)