Weekly v0.7.14+2
🚀 New features
- Offline playlists/albums are available
- Fixed error handling on screen loading
- Fixed UI bug with tiles under favorite screen
- Fixed playlist load (faster offline/online loading)
- Fixed offline favorite screen
- Fixed modal menu not closing properly
- Fixed navigator context poped while empty
- Fixed track shuffling
- Fixed album "liked" display
- Fixed dynamic bottom padding when PlayerBar is active
- Standardized network check function under utils/connectivity
- Deezer branding (animation, splash screen & icon)
- Fixed UI responsive layout for landscape detailed screens (albums, playlists, artists)
- Fixed UI for Deezer style PlayerScreen
🐞 Known issues
- When the same track is added multiple times to queue, it does not display properly
- If queue is cleared and player bar is dismissed, it will not be brought back up if the user clicks back on the formerly playing track.
🏗️ Upcoming
- Menu add inkwell tiles ontap visual effect
- Merge offline tracks and online tracks under tracks (same for playlists, albums, etc.)
- Caching information to avoid reloading every time (eg. favorites screen)
- Implement UpdateOfflinePlaylist() in downloadManager
- Re-think the offline/download scheme.
- Currently (ReFreezer) :
- Offline = downloaded "within" the app and accessible ofline through the app only
- Download = downloaded to local storage with art and lyrics and accessible as such, but not accessible through the app in offline mode
- Next :
- Downloaded within the app with art and lyrics
- Export button under settings to export tracks to local storage (file copy instead of second download)
- Currently (ReFreezer) :
- Turn the mod into a skin for the official refreezer app
- NavigationRail for landscape mode on left side of screen
🛟 Help
Feel free to get in touch to help with the project !
👾 Discord : @PetitPrinc3#1380
📫 E-mail : gavrochebackups@gmail.com