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*/ +/*# 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*/ diff --git a/data/actions.json b/data/actions.json index f7d808e31f..db2ea20ea1 100644 --- a/data/actions.json +++ b/data/actions.json @@ -1,5 +1,192 @@ { "action": [ + { + "name": "Extract Element", + "source": "RoE", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "page": 17, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You extract elemental matter from a creature's body to weaken it and take its power for your own. Target a creature within 30 feet that has a trait matching one of your kinetic elements or is made of one of your kinetic elements. The target takes {@damage 2d4} damage (with no damage type) and becomes susceptible to your impulses, depending on its Fortitude save against your class DC.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": "The target is unaffected.", + "Success": "The creature takes half damage, and you add some of its elemental matter to your kinetic aura. Your impulses bypass any immunity the creature has to their elemental trait or traits, and the target takes a \u20131 circumstance penalty to its saves and AC against your impulses. If the target normally has a resistance that would apply to damage from one of your impulses, ignore that resistance; if it normally would be immune to that damage type, it instead has resistance equal to its level to damage from the impulse. You can't target a creature with Extract Element if elemental matter you extracted from it is already in your kinetic aura. These effects last for 5 minutes or until your kinetic aura ends, whichever comes first.", + "Failure": "As success, but the creature takes full damage.", + "Critical Failure": "As failure, but the creature takes double damage." + } + } + ], + "footer": [ + { + "name": "Level (+2)", + "entries": [ + "The damage increases by {@damage 1d4}." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Base Kinesis", + "source": "RoE", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "page": 16, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "It's trivial for you to create some of your element or alter a portion of it that already exists. Choose one of your kinetic elements to affect. This impulse has a range of 30 feet, and the Bulk of the target must be negligible or light. The GM decides what Bulk the element is. You can't affect an element that's magical, secured in place (like a stone mortared in a wall), or attended by a creature unwilling to let you.", + "Choose one of the following options, though the GM might allow you to make similar small alterations. Base Kinesis can't deal damage or cause conditions unless otherwise noted.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + { + "name": "Generate", + "type": "item", + "entries": [ + "You bring an ordinary, non-magical piece of the chosen element from its elemental plane. The element can be used for any of its normal uses. For example, air can be breathed by an air-breathing creature, and fire casts light and can ignite flammable substances." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Move", + "type": "item", + "entries": [ + "Move an existing piece of the element up to 20 feet in any direction. If you bring it into your space, you can catch it in an open hand. You can Sustain the impulse to keep moving the element." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Suppress", + "type": "item", + "entries": [ + "You destroy an existing piece of element, such as snuffing out a flame or evaporating water from a cup. This affects only natural forms of the element, not durable, crafted goods like a stone statue, metal lock, or wooden door." + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "footer": [ + { + "name": "Level (+4)", + "entries": [ + "The range increases by 15 feet, and the maximum Bulk increases by 1 (allowing Bulk 1 at 5th level)." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elemental Blast", + "source": "RoE", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "varies", + "entry": "{@as 1} or {@as 2}" + }, + "page": 15, + "traits": [ + "attack", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "With a wave of your hand, you collect elemental matter from your aura and swing or hurl it. Choose one of your kinetic elements and a damage type listed for that element, then make a melee or ranged impulse attack against the AC of one creature. Add your Strength modifier to the damage roll for a melee Elemental Blast. If you make a 2-action Elemental Blast, you gain a status bonus to the damage roll equal to your Constitution modifier.", + "The element determines the damage die, damage type, and range (for a ranged blast). A damage type other than a physical damage type adds its trait to the blast.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + { + "name": "Air", + "type": "item", + "entries": [ + "{@damage 1d6} electricity or slashing, 60 feet" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Earth", + "type": "item", + "entries": [ + "{@damage 1d8} bludgeoning or piercing, 30 feet" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Fire", + "type": "item", + "entries": [ + "{@damage 1d6} fire, range 60 feet" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Metal", + "type": "item", + "entries": [ + "{@damage 1d8} piercing or slashing, 30 feet" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Water", + "type": "item", + "entries": [ + "{@damage 1d8} bludgeoning or cold, 30 feet" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Wood", + "type": "item", + "entries": [ + "{@damage 1d8} bludgeoning or vitality, 30 feet" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": "The target takes double damage.", + "Success": "The target takes full damage." + } + } + ], + "footer": [ + { + "name": "Level (+4)", + "entries": [ + "The damage increases by one die." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Channel Elements", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 15, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "aura", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "requirements": "Your kinetic gate isn't active.", + "entries": [ + "You tap into your kinetic gate to make elements flow around you. Your kinetic aura activates, and as a part of this action, you can use a 1-action {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} or a 1-action stance impulse. Your kinetic aura is a 10-foot emanation where pieces of your kinetic element (or all your kinetic elements, if you can channel more than one) flow around you. The kinetic aura can't damage anything or affect the environment around you unless another ability allows it to. Channel Elements has the traits of all your kinetic elements.", + "Your kinetic aura automatically deactivates if you're knocked out, you use an impulse with the overflow trait, or you Dismiss the aura. Though you can't use new impulses while your kinetic aura is deactivated, ones you already used remain, and you can still Sustain any that can be sustained. Stance impulses are linked to your kinetic aura and end when the aura deactivates." + ] + }, { "name": "Grow", "source": "TV", diff --git a/data/afflictions.json b/data/afflictions.json index d0e40f5e15..afce7a54d0 100644 --- a/data/afflictions.json +++ b/data/afflictions.json @@ -1,5 +1,46 @@ { "disease": [ + { + "name": "Blightburn Sickness", + "source": "TV", + "page": 45, + "type": "Disease", + "level": "Level Varies", + "entries": [ + "Caused by exposure to blightburn crystal, blightburn sickness burns and dissolves the afflicted creature from within. The target can't recover from the disease's {@condition drained} or {@condition sickened} condition except by magic. It's typically a 15th-level affliction (DC 32 Fortitude), but exposure to other forms of blightburn can change it.", + { + "type": "affliction", + "onset": "{@dice 1d4} days", + "stages": [ + { + "stage": 1, + "entry": "{@condition drained 1}", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 2, + "entry": "{@condition drained 1} and {@condition sickened 1}", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 3, + "entry": "{@condition drained 2} and {@condition sickened 2}", + "duration": "1 week" + }, + { + "stage": 4, + "entry": "{@condition drained 3} and {@condition sickened 3}", + "duration": "1 month" + }, + { + "stage": 5, + "entry": "increase {@condition drained} condition by 1", + "duration": "1 year" + } + ] + } + ] + }, { "name": "Dysentery", "source": "AoA2", @@ -728,6 +769,45 @@ } ] }, + { + "name": "Blackfrost", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 76, + "type": "Curse", + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "cold", + "curse", + "disease", + "necromancy", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "This affliction can't be reduced below stage 1, nor the damage from it healed, until successfully treated with {@spell remove curse} or a similar effect; the affliction can then be removed as a normal disease. A creature that dies from cold damage while cursed with blackfrost rises as a {@creature blackfrost dead|GW3} after 24 hours.", + { + "type": "affliction", + "savingThrow": "Fortitude", + "DC": 27, + "stages": [ + { + "stage": 1, + "entry": "{@damage 4d6} cold damage", + "duration": "1 minute" + }, + { + "stage": 2, + "entry": "weakness to cold 5 and {@condition drained 1}", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 3, + "entry": "weakness to cold 10 and {@condition drained 2}", + "duration": "1 day" + } + ] + } + ] + }, { "name": "Soulforged Corruption", "source": "SoM", @@ -852,6 +932,61 @@ } ], "curse": [ + { + "name": "Obnubilate Curse", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 79, + "type": "Curse", + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "curse", + "enchantment", + "incapacitation", + "magical", + "mental", + "shadow" + ], + "entries": [ + "Only elves can be afflicted with this magical curse; other creatures are immune. An elf who touches the Shadewither Key must save against the curse. Victims quickly fall {@condition unconscious}; then, over several days, they slowly blacken and shrivel like rotting fruit until they die. The corpse of an elf killed by the obnubilate curse is dry and charcoal-like; it collapses into ash at the slightest touch.", + { + "type": "affliction", + "DC": 27, + "savingThrow": "Fortitude", + "onset": "1 minute", + "stages": [ + { + "stage": 1, + "entry": "{@condition unconscious} and {@damage 3d6} mental damage", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 2, + "entry": "{@condition unconscious} and {@damage 6d6} mental damage", + "duration": "2 days" + }, + { + "stage": 3, + "entry": "{@condition unconscious} and {@damage 6d6} mental damage", + "duration": "2 days" + }, + { + "stage": 4, + "entry": "{@condition unconscious} and {@damage 6d6} mental damage, permanent loss of most recent year of memory", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 5, + "entry": "{@condition unconscious} and {@damage 6d6} mental damage, permanent loss of all memory", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 6, + "entry": "death" + } + ] + } + ] + }, { "name": "Curse of Biting Swarms", "source": "LOIL", diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa0.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa0.json index 63a8238026..ca89a962d5 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa0.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa0.json @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Dragon Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Intimidating Glare} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Dragon" @@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Kintargo Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Terrain Stalker} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Kintargo" @@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Religion} skill and the {@skill Lore||Dahak Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Student of the Canon} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Dahak" @@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Architecture Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Courtly Graces} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "strength", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Architecture" @@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Breachill Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Breachill" @@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and one of the following {@skill Lore} skills thematically associated with the members of the ancestry you grew up with: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, or Halfling. You gain the {@feat Hobnobber} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Dwarf", @@ -165,12 +165,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the Darklands, Desert, or {@skill Lore||Jungle Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Terrain Expertise} skill feat (underground if you have {@skill Lore||Darklands Lore}, desert if you have {@skill Lore||Desert Lore}, or forest if you have {@skill Lore||Jungle Lore})." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Jungle", @@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Thievery} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Pickpocket} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Thievery" + "thievery" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Deception} skill and the {@skill Lore||Politics Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Lie to Me} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Politics" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa4.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa4.json index 258ea34ece..7b470e9195 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa4.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa4.json @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ "You gain the {@feat Skill Training} skill feat, and you're trained in the {@skill Lore||Droskar Lore} skill." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Droskar|LOGM" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa6.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa6.json index 1a416b8bf2..e2c7c374ae 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa6.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoa6.json @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Arcana} skill and the {@skill Lore||Portal Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Quick Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Portal" @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Legal Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Multilingual} skill feat or the {@feat Assurance} skill feat for {@skill Society}." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Legal" @@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Genealogy Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Group Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Genealogy" @@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Dragon Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Titan Wrestler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Dragon" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoe0.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoe0.json index ef3ddccbb6..ea924e0115 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoe0.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoe0.json @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Thievery} skill and your choice of {@skill Lore||Legal Lore} or {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore}. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to {@skill Deception}, {@skill Diplomacy}, and {@skill Intimidation} checks to interact with Token Guards and convicted criminals such as prison inmates. You gain the {@feat Pickpocket} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Thievery" + "thievery" ], "lore": [ "Legal", @@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ "You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to {@skill Deception}, {@skill Diplomacy}, and {@skill Intimidation} checks to interact with Graycloaks, priests, and clerics. You gain the {@feat Quick Identification} feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Specific religion", @@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill, as well as either {@skill Lore||Labor Lore} or {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore}. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to {@skill Deception}, {@skill Diplomacy}, and {@skill Intimidation} checks to interact with Muckruckers, mercenaries, and adventurers. You gain the {@feat Experienced Tracker} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Labor", @@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Quick Jump} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Sailing", @@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ "You're trained in your choice of the {@skill Arcana} or {@skill Occultism} skill, as well as {@skill Lore||Legal Lore}. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to {@skill Deception}, {@skill Diplomacy}, and {@skill Intimidation} checks to interact with Learned Guards and with academics such as librarians and scholars. You gain the {@feat Recognize Spell} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana", - "Occultism" + "arcana", + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Legal" @@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and {@skill Lore||Legal Lore}. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to {@skill Deception}, {@skill Diplomacy}, and {@skill Intimidation} checks to interact with members of Absalom's political establishment. You gain the {@feat Hobnobber} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Legal" @@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Performance} skill, a {@skill Lore} skill of your choice, and you gain a bonus language. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to {@skill Deception}, {@skill Diplomacy}, and {@skill Intimidation} checks to interact with Post Guards. You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "feats": [ "Dubious Knowledge" @@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} skill and your choice of {@skill Lore||Hunting Lore} or {@skill Lore||Stabling Lore}. You start out with a {@creature riding horse}, as well as a suit of {@quickref shoddy||1|shoddy items} {@item half plate} armor, a {@quickref shoddy||1|shoddy items} {@item longsword}, and a {@quickref shoddy||1|shoddy items} {@item lance}." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature" + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Hunting", @@ -241,12 +241,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society}, plus either {@skill Lore||Gladiatorial Lore} or {@skill Lore||Genealogy Lore}. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to {@skill Deception}, {@skill Diplomacy}, and {@skill Intimidation} checks to interact with members of the Sleepless Suns and residents of the Foreign Quarter. You gain the {@feat Multilingual} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Gladiatorial", @@ -270,12 +270,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Deception} skill, {@skill Lore||Art Lore}, and {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore}. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidation checks to interact with Lotus Guards and high-ranking criminals like guild masters, gang leaders, and mob bosses. You gain the {@feat Charming Liar} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Art", diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoe4.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoe4.json index 7bccce796f..b05ac6a88f 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoe4.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-aoe4.json @@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ "You're trained in your choice of the {@skill Occultism}, {@skill Performance}, or {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Harrow Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance", - "Occultism", - "Society" + "performance", + "occultism", + "society" ], "lore": [ "Harrow" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-apg.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-apg.json index 1f1194135c..491768f94f 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-apg.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-apg.json @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ "You gain three free ability boosts. You choose two, and the GM chooses the third based on their first inklings of your character's possible history." ], "boosts": [ - "Free", - "Free", - "Free" + "free", + "free", + "free" ] }, { @@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill related to the terrain you worked in (such as {@skill Lore||Desert Lore} or {@skill Lore||Plains Lore}). You gain the {@feat Group Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Desert", @@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Medicine} skill and the {@skill Lore||Surgery Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Risky Surgery|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Surgery" @@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ "You are trained in a {@skill Lore} skill associated with the deity who blessed you (such as {@skill Lore||Shelyn Lore}) if you know their identity, or else in a {@skill Lore} skill of the GM's choice if you don't. Either you can cast {@spell guidance} as a divine innate spell at will, or you gain a similar blessing determined by the GM." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Shelyn", @@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Accounting Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Eye for Numbers|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Accounting" @@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore||Cooking Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Seasoned|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Cooking" @@ -150,12 +150,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore} skill for the city in which you were raised. You gain the {@feat Glean Contents|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "City" @@ -174,12 +174,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Occultism} skill and the {@skill Lore} skill related to your deity or cult. You gain the {@feat Schooled in Secrets|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Deity or Cult" @@ -221,12 +221,12 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Curse" @@ -248,13 +248,13 @@ "You are trained in {@skill Nature} and {@skill Survival}. You gain {@ability low-light vision} (or {@ability darkvision} if you already had {@ability low-light vision}), imprecise {@ability scent} with a range of 30 feet, and the {@feat Forager} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Constitution" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "constitution" ], "skills": [ - "Nature", - "Survival" + "nature", + "survival" ], "feats": [ "Forager" @@ -298,12 +298,12 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature" + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Fey" @@ -325,12 +325,12 @@ "You are trained in {@skill Occultism} and an additional skill in which the haunting entity is well-versed, determined by the GM. Any time you attempt a skill check for the entity's skill, the GM can offer you a +1 circumstance bonus to the check, as though the entity were {@action Aid||Aiding} you. If you accept but fail the check, you are {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 4} on a critical failure). The initial {@condition frightened} value can't be reduced by effects that would reduce or prevent the condition (such as a fighter's bravery)." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ] }, { @@ -343,12 +343,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Deception} skill and the {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Lengthy Diversion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Warfare" @@ -368,12 +368,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Express Rider|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature" + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Plains" @@ -392,12 +392,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Religion} skill and the {@skill Lore} skill for your patron deity. You gain the {@feat Pilgrim's Token|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Deity" @@ -417,12 +417,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill related to the settlement you came from. You gain the {@feat Streetwise} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "feats": [ "Streetwise" @@ -441,9 +441,9 @@ "You gain the {@feat Diehard} feat and the {@feat Additional Lore} feat for {@skill Lore||Boneyard Lore}." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Boneyard" @@ -463,12 +463,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Occultism} skill and the {@skill Lore||Herbalism Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Root Magic|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Herbalism" @@ -490,12 +490,12 @@ "You are trained in {@skill Society}. You gain the {@feat Courtly Graces} skill feat and can influence commoners in your family's territory, as well as nobility anywhere. If you later gain the {@feat Connections} skill feat, you automatically have common and noble connections within any community in your royal family's territory and have noble connections in large communities outside your territory." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "feats": [ "Courtly Graces" @@ -511,12 +511,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore} skill for the settlement you grew up scavenging in. You gain the {@feat Forager} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Settlement" @@ -536,12 +536,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Read Lips} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Labor" @@ -560,12 +560,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and your choice of the {@skill Lore||Heraldry Lore} or {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Armor Assist|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Heraldry", @@ -585,12 +585,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore} skill for the settlement that employed you. You gain the {@feat Quick Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Settlement" @@ -606,13 +606,13 @@ "You're trained in your choice of the {@skill Performance} or {@skill Society} skills, along with the {@skill Lore||Academia Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Professional} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society", - "Performance" + "society", + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -628,12 +628,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Performance} skill and the {@skill Lore||Genealogy Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Fascinating Performance} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Genealogy" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-av0.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-av0.json index abcb27c510..bf9ea5b3b1 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-av0.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-av0.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Arcana} skill and the {@skill Lore||Library Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Arcane Sense} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Library" @@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Medicine} skill and the {@skill Lore||Fleshwarp Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat with {@skill Medicine}." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Fleshwarp" @@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Athletics} and the {@skill Lore||Swamp Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Titan Wrestler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Swamp" @@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and the {@skill Lore||Otari Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Hobnobber} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Otari" @@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Acrobatics} and the {@skill Lore||Roseguard Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Cat Fall} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Acrobatics" + "acrobatics" ], "lore": [ "Roseguard" @@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Occultism} skill and the {@skill Lore||Astrology Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Astrology" @@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Survival} and the {@skill Lore||Wisp Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Terrain Expertise} skill feat with both swamp terrain and subterranean bodies of water." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Wisp" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-botd.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-botd.json index 0e50d159bf..c928fbde57 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-botd.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-botd.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Medicine} skill and the {@skill Lore||Herbalism Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Inoculation|APG} skill feat (Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide 207)." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Herbalism" @@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Smuggler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and the {@skill Lore} skill for your home settlement. You gain the {@feat No Cause for Alarm|APG} skill feat (Advanced Player's Guide 208)." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy", - "Lore" + "diplomacy", + "lore" ], "feats": [ "No Cause for Alarm|APG" @@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Arcana} skill and the {@skill Lore||Necromancy Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Quick Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Necromancy" @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and either {@skill Lore||Legal Lore} or the {@skill Lore} skill for your home settlement. You gain the {@feat Quick Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation", - "Lore" + "intimidation", + "lore" ], "lore": [ "Legal" @@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Alchemical Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Funeral" @@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ "You can use Intelligence as your spellcasting ability for this innate spell." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "strength", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Undead" @@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "constitution", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Undead" @@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Spirit" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-crb.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-crb.json index 1db1b184aa..47f3e8705a 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-crb.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-crb.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Religion} skill and the {@skill Lore||Scribing Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Student of the Canon} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Scribing" @@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Acrobatics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Circus Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Steady Balance} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Acrobatics" + "acrobatics" ], "lore": [ "Circus" @@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill related to one terrain inhabited by animals you like (such as {@skill Lore||Plains Lore} or {@skill Lore||Swamp Lore}). You gain the {@feat Train Animal} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature" + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Plains", @@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "strength", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Guild" @@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Art Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Art" @@ -133,12 +133,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and the {@skill Lore||Alcohol Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Hobnobber} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Alcohol" @@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Group Impression} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Legal" @@ -183,12 +183,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Experienced Tracker} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Legal" @@ -207,12 +207,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Deception} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Charming Liar} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -231,12 +231,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Smuggler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Streetwise} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -279,12 +279,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill related to one city you've visited often. You gain the {@feat Multilingual} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "feats": [ "Multilingual" @@ -300,12 +300,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Performance} skill and the {@skill Lore||Theater Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Fascinating Performance} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Theater" @@ -324,12 +324,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Farming Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat with {@skill Athletics}." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Farming" @@ -349,12 +349,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Medicine} skill and the {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Battle Medicine} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Warfare" @@ -374,12 +374,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Occultism} skill and the {@skill Lore||Fortune-Telling Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Oddity Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Fortune-Telling" @@ -398,12 +398,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Deception} skill and the {@skill Lore||Games Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Lie to Me} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Games" @@ -423,12 +423,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Performance} skill and the {@skill Lore||Gladiatorial Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Impressive Performance} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Gladiatorial" @@ -448,12 +448,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Legal Lore} or {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Quick Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Legal", @@ -474,13 +474,13 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} skill and the {@skill Lore||Herbalism Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Natural Medicine} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature", - "Medicine" + "nature", + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Herbalism" @@ -500,13 +500,13 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} or {@skill Occultism} skill, plus a {@skill Lore} skill related to the terrain you lived in as a hermit (such as {@skill Lore||Cave Lore} or {@skill Lore||Desert Lore}). You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature", - "Occultism" + "nature", + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Cave", @@ -526,12 +526,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore||Tanning Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Survey Wildlife} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Tanning" @@ -551,12 +551,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Hefty Hauler} skill feat in {@skill Athletics}." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Labor" @@ -575,13 +575,13 @@ "You're trained in your choice of the {@skill Acrobatics} or {@skill Athletics} skill. You gain a skill feat: {@feat Cat Fall} if you chose {@skill Acrobatics} or {@feat Quick Jump} if you chose {@skill Athletics}. You're also trained in the {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Acrobatics", - "Athletics" + "acrobatics", + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Warfare" @@ -597,12 +597,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and the {@skill Lore||Mercantile Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Bargain Hunter} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Mercantile" @@ -621,12 +621,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore||Mining Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Terrain Expertise} skill feat with underground terrain." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Mining" @@ -645,12 +645,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and your choice of the {@skill Lore||Genealogy Lore} or {@skill Lore||Heraldry Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Courtly Graces} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Genealogy", @@ -670,12 +670,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill related to one terrain you traveled in (such as {@skill Lore||Desert Lore} or {@skill Lore||Swamp Lore}). You gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat with {@skill Survival}." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Desert", @@ -696,12 +696,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Smuggler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -721,12 +721,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Underwater Marauder} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Sailing" @@ -746,15 +746,15 @@ "You're trained in your choice of the {@skill Arcana}, {@skill Nature}, {@skill Occultism}, or {@skill Religion} skill, and gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat in your chosen skill. You're also trained in the {@skill Lore||Academia Lore} skill." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature", - "Occultism", - "Religion", - "Arcana" + "nature", + "occultism", + "religion", + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -773,12 +773,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill related to one terrain you scouted in (such as {@skill Lore||Forest Lore} or {@skill Lore||Cavern Lore}). You gain the {@feat Forager} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Forest", @@ -798,12 +798,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Thievery} and a {@skill Lore} skill for the city you lived in as a street urchin (such as {@skill Lore||Absalom Lore} or {@skill Lore||Magnimar Lore}). You gain the {@feat Pickpocket} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Thievery" + "thievery" ], "lore": [ "Absalom", @@ -824,12 +824,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -848,12 +848,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Intimidating Glare} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Warfare" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-da.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-da.json index 13427e4b32..357bcc7296 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-da.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-da.json @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Diplomacy} and {@skill Lore||Dreamlands Lore}. You gain the ability to communicate with your twin in your dreams. You and your twin gain the effects of {@spell dream message} every night, only between the two of you; this isn't a spell, but a natural effect. Unless your twin is another PC, your GM roleplays your twin or summarizes your interaction during these dreams." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Dreamlands" @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ "You become trained in two {@skill Lore} skills, which you and your GM choose from {@skill Lore} skills associated with your past life. At 3rd level, 7th level, and 15th level, you receive skill increases, which you can apply only to these {@skill Lore} skills. In certain situations analogous to your past life, fragments of memories resurface, potentially helping or distracting you. The GM can offer you a +1 circumstance bonus on skill checks with either of these {@skill Lore} skills or on other skill checks that echo your past life. If you accept but fail the check, you're {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1} for 1 minute by the mental distraction of your past-life memories, or {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} for 1 minute on a critical failure." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Lore" + "lore" ], "miscTags": [ "ability" @@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Thievery} skill and {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore}. You gain the {@feat Concealing Legerdemain|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Thievery" + "thievery" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ec0.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ec0.json index f62f324911..33111bcbda 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ec0.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ec0.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Acrobatics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Rope Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Cat Fall} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Acrobatics" + "acrobatics" ], "lore": [ "Rope" @@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ "You're trained in your choice of the {@skill Athletics} or {@skill Nature} skills. You gain a skill feat: Titan Wrestler if you chose {@skill Athletics}, or Train Animal if you chose {@skill Nature}. You are also trained in a {@skill Lore} skill related to a particular kind of common animal (such as {@skill Lore||Equine Lore}, {@skill Lore||Feline Lore}, or {@skill Lore||Pachyderm Lore})." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics", - "Nature" + "athletics", + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Equine", @@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Crowd Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Group Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Crowd" @@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ "You're trained in your choice of the {@skill Deception} or {@skill Thievery} skills. You gain a skill feat: {@feat Lengthy Diversion} if you chose {@skill Deception}, or {@feat Subtle Theft} if you chose {@skill Thievery}. You are also trained in the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Thievery", - "Deception" + "thievery", + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Mercantile Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Read Lips} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Mercantile" @@ -133,12 +133,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Performance} skill and the {@skill Lore||Circus Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Professional} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Circus" @@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Performance} skill and the {@skill Lore||Clown Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Virtuosic Performer|CRB|Virtuosic Performer (comedy)} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Clown" @@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Arcane Sense} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Scam" @@ -207,12 +207,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Circus Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Combat Climber} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Circus" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ec3.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ec3.json index 9955fd5054..3ce432b4e1 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ec3.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ec3.json @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Ravening's Desperation|EC3} skill feat (below), and you're trained in the {@skill Survival} and {@skill Lore||Zevgavizeb Lore} skills." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Zevgavizeb" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-frp0.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-frp0.json index 14c024e90f..f7ab48aec3 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-frp0.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-frp0.json @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Religion} and the {@skill Lore||Goka Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat with {@skill Religion}." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "charisma", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Goka" @@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Performance} and the {@skill Lore||Gladiatorial Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Impressive Performance} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Gladiatorial" @@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Society} and the {@skill Lore||Goka Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Streetwise} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "constitution", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Goka" @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Lore||Axis Lore}, {@skill Lore||Gladiatorial Lore}, and {@skill Lore||Goka Lore} skills. You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Axis", @@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Acrobatics} and the {@skill Lore||Gladiatorial Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Cat Fall} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Strength", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "strength", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Acrobatics" + "acrobatics" ], "lore": [ "Gladiatorial" @@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Deception} and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Lengthy Diversion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "charisma", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-g&g.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-g&g.json index 5bbf88f652..2d6863ce05 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-g&g.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-g&g.json @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Thievery} and {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore}. You gain the {@feat Subtle Theft} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Thievery" + "thievery" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Society} and {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore}. You gain the {@feat Streetwise} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Guild Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Group Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Guild" @@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Medicine} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Risky Surgery|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Hefty Hauler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Strength", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "strength", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Warfare" @@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Deception} and {@skill Lore||Legal Lore}. You gain the {@feat Lie to Me} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Legal" @@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Gladiatorial Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Professional} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Gladiatorial" @@ -183,12 +183,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Eye for Numbers|apg} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Cryptography Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Glean Contents|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Cryptography" @@ -229,12 +229,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore||Hunting Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Tracker} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Hunting" @@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ "You gain three free ability boosts. You choose two, and the GM chooses one based on the attributes of the character you were built to duplicate." ], "boosts": [ - "Free", - "Free", - "Free" + "free", + "free", + "free" ] }, { @@ -271,12 +271,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore} skill for the deity you worship. You gain the {@feat Quick Repair} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Deity" @@ -295,12 +295,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Acrobatics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Piloting Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat with {@skill Lore||Piloting Lore}." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Acrobatics" + "acrobatics" ], "lore": [ "Piloting", @@ -319,12 +319,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore||Farming Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Forager} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Farming" @@ -344,12 +344,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Performance} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Fascinating Performance} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -371,12 +371,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Diplomacy} and {@skill Lore||Mercantile Lore}. You gain the {@feat Group Impression} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Mercantile" @@ -397,12 +397,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Quick Repair} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -420,12 +420,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Terrain Stalker} skill feat, choosing a terrain appropriate for where you make your kills." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -444,12 +444,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Thievery} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Pickpocket} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Thievery" + "thievery" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -468,12 +468,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and your choice of either the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} or {@skill Lore||Mining Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Crafter's Appraisal|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Engineering", @@ -493,12 +493,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the {@skill Lore} skill of the terrain in which you scavenge. You gain the {@feat Hefty Hauler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Terrain" @@ -516,12 +516,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Quick Repair} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "strength", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -548,12 +548,12 @@ "If you accept but fail the check, the entity clenches up and you are {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} ({@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 2} on a critical failure)." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ] }, { @@ -566,12 +566,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Medicine} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Risky Surgery|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -593,12 +593,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Religion}. Once per adventure, you can ask the voice you believe to be a deity for orders and get some kind of instruction\u2014you never get any kind of explanation, simply a command to go somewhere or do something. Following those commands isn't always safe, but it's usually interesting." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "miscTags": [ "ability" @@ -617,12 +617,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Labor Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Armor Assist|APG} skill feat (Advanced Player's Guide 203)." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Labor" @@ -641,12 +641,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Scribing Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Multilingual} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Scribing" @@ -668,12 +668,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Religion} and {@skill Lore||Boneyard Lore}. You're still alive, not {@trait undead}, but you have the {@ability negative healing|b2} ability, which means you're harmed by positive damage and healed by {@trait negative} effects as if you were {@trait undead}." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Boneyard" @@ -689,12 +689,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Thievery} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Concealing Legerdemain|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Thievery" + "thievery" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -713,12 +713,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Performance} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill of your choice. You gain the {@feat Virtuosic Performer} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "charisma", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "feats": [ "Virtuosic Performer" @@ -738,12 +738,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill. Every day you must perform 10 minutes of maintenance and wind up your clockwork parts, or you risk failure of the components, with consequences depending on what you replaced (determined by you and the GM). Your clockwork components allow you to react to danger with alacrity. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "strength", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "miscTags": [ "situationalBenefit" @@ -763,12 +763,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Hunting Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Group Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Hunting" @@ -787,12 +787,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Scouting Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Terrain Stalker} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Scouting" @@ -814,12 +814,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Performance}. You gain the {@feat Impressive Performance} skill feat. You can gain the {@feat Connections} skill feat later without being expert in {@skill Society} or having {@feat Courtly Graces}\u2014this represents less traditional social connections and more the way that your legend has spread, and you've learned to leverage your legend, with people wanting to meet you and see you for themselves." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "feats": [ "Impressive Performance" @@ -838,12 +838,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Medicine} skill. You gain the {@feat Battle Medicine} skill feat, and a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against spells. Healing spells, healing magic items, and {@trait magical} effects with the {@trait healing} trait have no effect on you." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "feats": [ "Battle Medicine" @@ -860,17 +860,15 @@ "entries": [ "You delight in making little trinkets for children of all ages, and seeing their faces light up thanks to one of your creations brings joy to your heart. Perhaps you sell your wares from a particular shop or from the back of a wagon as you travel from town to town.", "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.", - "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Mercantile Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat, choosing artistry, blacksmithing, glassmaking, leatherworking, tailoring, or woodworking as your specialty.", - "While most backgrounds are available to any character, some backgrounds are so unusual that just having them makes a character rare and extraordinary.", - "These rare backgrounds can give a player a significantly different roleplaying experience by setting their character up with a history or legacy beyond the norm. For example, when a character with the discarded duplicate background is the duplicate of a world-shaking or plot-essential NPC, the character is situated in a special position within the narrative. Your character's background is an intrinsic part of where they come from and not something they earn during the game. Rare backgrounds should be chosen only after a discussion between the GM and other players as to whether one would apply for a particular character in your group's game." + "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Mercantile Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat, choosing artistry, blacksmithing, glassmaking, leatherworking, tailoring, or woodworking as your specialty." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Mercantile" @@ -889,12 +887,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Medicine} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill specializing in one local type of undead. You gain the {@feat Forensic Acumen|APG} skill feat (Advanced Player's Guide 206)." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ] }, { @@ -907,12 +905,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Religion} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill associated with the deity you preach for (such as {@skill Lore||Pharasmin Lore}). You gain the {@feat Pilgrim's Token|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Pharasmin" @@ -931,12 +929,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill, and {@skill Lore||Mana Wastes Lore} (or another similar {@skill Lore} skill associated with the wastes where you grew up). You gain the {@feat Forager} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Mana Wastes" @@ -958,12 +956,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill. Once per day, you can fervently wish for something you could work towards achieving as a single action which has the {@trait concentrate} trait. If you do, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the first skill check you attempt before the end of your turn to fulfill that wish." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "miscTags": [ "ability" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-gw0.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-gw0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96c243c391 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-gw0.json @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +{ + "background": [ + { + "name": "Dreams of Vengeance", + "source": "GW0", + "page": 6, + "traits": [ + "rare" + ], + "entries": [ + "You've known strife your whole life, whether on the battlefield, in the arena, or simply living your day-to-day life. When you're not thinking about your next brawl, you're turning over memories of traitorous rivals and troublesome betrayers who've wronged you in the past.", + "The sight of your enemies {@condition broken} and maimed, then, greatly appealed to you when you glimpsed through a mysterious glowing archway during the Missing Moment. But when you stepped through the gate, you found yourself back where you started, with no indications of your exacted revenge anywhere in sight. You nearly burned down the countryside in frustrated rage, only realizing afterward the magnitude of the fiery new power you wielded. Fiery rays of energy you could shoot from your eyes\u2014these, no doubt, would come in handy. Your deviant abilities are of the dragon classification. You gain the {@feat Blasting Beams|DA} deviant feat with the fire type. As a quirk, your pupils are shaped like curved arches. When you use a deviant ability, the centers of your pupils shine with light, like the glowing gateways of the Missing Moment.", + "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Strength, and one is a free ability boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Gladiator Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Titan Wrestler} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" + ], + "skills": [ + "athletics" + ], + "lore": [ + "Gladiator" + ], + "feats": [ + "Blasting Beams|DA", + "Titan Wrestler" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Lost Loved One", + "source": "GW0", + "page": 6, + "traits": [ + "rare" + ], + "entries": [ + "You see your life as naturally divided into two chapters: in one, the love-limned, halcyon days of yesteryear, in the other, the day you lost the person most important to you, plus every aching moment thereafter. When you saw a vision of your lost loved one in a glowing portal on the night of the Missing Moment, you knew it was too good to be true. But you couldn't help yourself, either, so you walked through the door, one grasping hand outstretched in anticipation. You don't know what happened on the other side of the arch, but your hand seems to. Like a ghostly fragment of your missing loved one, you can summon an ethereal hand to reach out from your body. Though it's a pale imitation of the warmth you once felt in your dearly departed's presence, you do find this new hand somehow comforting, in a way. Your deviant abilities are of the wraith classification. You gain the {@feat Ghostly Grasp|DA} deviant feat. As a quirk, whenever you use a deviant ability, a low, rattling moan emanates from some unseen maw in your vicinity.", + "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Wisdom or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Genealogy Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Multilingual} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" + ], + "skills": [ + "society" + ], + "lore": [ + "Genealogy" + ], + "feats": [ + "Ghostly Grasp|DA", + "Multilingual" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Sense of Belonging", + "source": "GW0", + "page": 7, + "traits": [ + "rare" + ], + "entries": [ + "Home is all you've ever wanted. But home, whatever that means to you, has always been a step out of reach. On the night of the Missing Moment, you saw loving figures with outstretched arms, beckoning you toward a warm hearth just inside a glowing archway. On the other side of the portal, though, you found only missing memories and lost time, your feet back at the very spot where you started. Perhaps your heart was {@condition broken} that night, or perhaps you met your mission to find a suitable community with renewed zeal. Either way, you haven't felt quite \"whole\" since your gatewalker experience. Your new ability to momentarily disappear onto another plane of existence only reinforces this feeling of emptiness.", + "Your deviant abilities are of the wraith classification. You gain the {@feat Eerie Flicker|DA} deviant feat. As a quirk, whenever you use a deviant ability, plants around you spontaneously bloom and then wilt, as if rapidly aging.", + "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore||Scouting Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Forager} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" + ], + "skills": [ + "survival" + ], + "lore": [ + "Scouting" + ], + "feats": [ + "Eerie Flicker|DA", + "Forager" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Total Power", + "source": "GW0", + "page": 7, + "traits": [ + "rare" + ], + "entries": [ + "Whether you desire simple security after a life of uncertainty or you're actually just a control freak, power over your own fate is the thing you've always wanted.", + "On the night of the Missing Moment, you glimpsed such power amid the light of a glowing archway, and you stepped through, eager to claim control over your destiny.", + "What happened next, you don't remember\u2014you came to at the same place you'd started, though clearly a lot of time had passed. Ever since that night, your body has felt heavier than before. You soon discovered that you could will your very bones into extending from your flesh like thorns from a rose's stem. Though you didn't choose the title gatewalker for yourself, you're sure you can use your strange new power to exercise control over your life.", + "Your deviant abilities are of the troll classification. You gain the {@feat Bone Spikes|DA} deviant feat. As a quirk, whenever you use a deviant ability, the very fibers of your muscles flex and expand to impossible proportions. Your actual strength remains the same during these times, but few can deny your fearsome appearance.", + "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Legal Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Intimidating Glare} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" + ], + "skills": [ + "intimidation" + ], + "lore": [ + "Legal" + ], + "feats": [ + "Bone Spikes|DA", + "Intimidating Glare" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Wanderlust", + "source": "GW0", + "page": 8, + "traits": [ + "rare" + ], + "entries": [ + "You've traveled the world for years in search of excitement and adventure. On the night of the Missing Moment, all the many exciting occasions you've experienced paled in comparison to the vision of fantastic lands and incredible people you saw on the other side of the glowing gate.", + "You stepped through in the hopes of finally reaching the thrilling highs you so desperately seek, but as soon as you'd gone there you were again, standing in front of a lightless gateway with a months-long gap in your memories. Frustrated at having come so close to achieving your dreams, you swung at a nearby tree, smashing it to splinters with surprising strength you never knew you had.", + "This strange new brawn wasn't what you asked for\u2014but it might help you pursue the excitement you crave.", + "Your deviant abilities are of the troll classification. You gain the {@feat Titan Swing|DA} deviant feat. As a quirk, whenever you use a deviant ability, your feet elongate and your leg bones crack as your lower limbs transform into those of a rabbit, wolf, or other spry, long-heeled animal.", + "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} skill and the {@skill Lore||Stabling Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Express Rider|APG} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" + ], + "skills": [ + "nature" + ], + "lore": [ + "Stabling" + ], + "feats": [ + "Titan Swing|DA", + "Express Rider|APG" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Wishes for Riches", + "source": "GW0", + "page": 8, + "traits": [ + "rare" + ], + "entries": [ + "On the night of the Missing Moment, you saw visions of fabulous riches in the gate before you. Honestly, how someone could see anything but piles of jewels and gold is utterly baffling to you. Having pined for material wealth for as long as you could remember, you practically sprang into the portal in hopes of securing your fortune. The next moment, however, you were standing right where you'd just been, though indeterminate time had passed.", + "The night's cold hardly bothered you; in fact, you soon discovered that you could absorb the very chill in the air, in the process changing the appearance of everything around you into a sheen of finest silver. You're no richer than before you walked through the gate, unfortunately, but perhaps you could use this new power somehow to pursue your avarice anew.", + "Your deviant abilities are of the dragon classification. You gain the {@feat Consume Energy|DA} deviant feat with the cold type. As a quirk, your deviant abilities manifest in a silver hue, and when you use a deviant ability you absorb the color silver from your surroundings. The absorbed color returns to your surroundings within an hour.", + "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Charisma or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Thievery} skill and the {@skill Lore||Games Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Subtle Theft} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" + ], + "skills": [ + "thievery" + ], + "lore": [ + "Games" + ], + "feats": [ + "Consume Energy|DA", + "Subtle Theft" + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-logm.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-logm.json index 47fdfc9c17..681650b164 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-logm.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-logm.json @@ -10,26 +10,26 @@ "You're trained in your deity's associated skill, and you gain Assurance with that skill. You gain a {@skill Lore} skill with a subcategory associated with your deity ({@skill Lore||Abadar Lore}, for instance)." ], "boosts": [ - "Divine Ability", - "Free" + "divine ability", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Acrobatics", - "Arcana", - "Athletics", - "Crafting", - "Deception", - "Diplomacy", - "Intimidation", - "Medicine", - "Nature", - "Occultism", - "Performance", - "Religion", - "Society", - "Stealth", - "Survival", - "Thievery" + "acrobatics", + "arcana", + "athletics", + "crafting", + "deception", + "diplomacy", + "intimidation", + "medicine", + "nature", + "occultism", + "performance", + "religion", + "society", + "stealth", + "survival", + "thievery" ], "lore": [ "Any" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lokl.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lokl.json index 744ae38990..02b3e21f6d 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lokl.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lokl.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Medicine} skill and the {@skill Lore||Undead Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Battle Medicine} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Undead" @@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Courtly Graces} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "strength", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Warfare" @@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ "You're trained in one of your choice of the {@skill Medicine}, {@skill Society}, or {@skill Survival} skills, as well as the {@skill Lore||Labor Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Additional Lore} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine", - "Society", - "Survival" + "medicine", + "society", + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Labor" @@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Crimson Reclaimers Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Group Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Crimson Reclaimers" @@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Occultism} skill and the {@skill Lore||Crimson Reclaimers Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Oddity Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Crimson Reclaimers" @@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and the {@skill Lore||Shining Sentinels Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat No Cause for Alarm|APG} skill feat (Advanced Player's Guide 208)." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Shining Sentinels" @@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill, and you gain the {@feat Canny Acumen} feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Warfare" @@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Lore||Undead Lore} skill. You can cast {@spell disrupt undead} as a divine innate cantrip. As normal, the cantrip heightens to half your level rounded up." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Undead" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lopsg.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lopsg.json index fa72b0803c..55a8271ea5 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lopsg.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lopsg.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Architecture Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Additional Lore} skill feat related to an ancient culture or the history of a culture you've studied (such as {@skill Lore||Azlanti Lore} or {@skill Lore||Osirian History Lore})." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Architecture", @@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill related to one city you've visited often. You gain the {@feat Group Impression} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy", - "Society" + "diplomacy", + "society" ], "feats": [ "Group Impression" @@ -56,15 +56,16 @@ "Conventional magic can only hold your attention for so long.", "Instead, you've devoted yourself to understanding truly esoteric spells, which invariably draws you to explore the world and all its eldritch traditions.", "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.", - "You're trained in either the {@skill Arcana} skill or Occult skill, as well as the {@skill Lore||Library Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Recognize Spell} skill feat." + "You're trained in either the {@skill Arcana} skill or {@skill Occultism} skill, as well as the {@skill Lore||Library Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Recognize Spell} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana", + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Library" @@ -84,12 +85,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Terrain Expertise} skill feat with one terrain you've explored (such as forest or underground)." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Cartography" @@ -108,12 +109,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Scribing Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Multilingual} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Scribing" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lotg.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lotg.json index a508f50dce..18f7cca492 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lotg.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lotg.json @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Lore||Astrology Lore}. You can cast {@spell augury} as a divine innate spell once per week, and the spell's effects can see up to 1 hour in the future rather than 30 minutes." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Astrology" @@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Star" @@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ "entries": [ "You were born at the exact moment of a solar or lunar eclipse. At the eclipse's junction, or not long after, a catastrophe fell upon the area of your birth\u2014perhaps it affected only the people around you, a city, or even spanned the entire region. Whatever the scope, those present at your arrival came to believe the eclipse was the omen of ill fortune, and you were its harbinger. You grew up distinctly aware others viewed you as a child of misfortune and, to a certain extent, they were right.", "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Charisma or Constitution, and one is a free ability boost.", - "Decide with the GM what catastrophic event coincided with your birth; you're trained in a {@skill Lore} skill related to that event. You can cast {@spell ill omen} as an occult innate spell once per day. After you {@action Cast a Spell||Cast this Spell}, but before you regain the ability to cast it the following day, the GM can force you to reroll a successful saving throw, attack roll, or skill check as misfortune finds its way back to you. This is a {@trait misfortune} effect. If this effect causes you to fail the associated saving throw, attack roll, or skill check, you can cast {@spell ill omen} again a second time that day." + "Decide with the GM what catastrophic event coincided with your birth; you're trained in a {@skill Lore} skill related to that event. You can cast {@spell ill omen|LOGM} as an occult innate spell once per day. After you {@action Cast a Spell||Cast this Spell}, but before you regain the ability to cast it the following day, the GM can force you to reroll a successful saving throw, attack roll, or skill check as misfortune finds its way back to you. This is a {@trait misfortune} effect. If this effect causes you to fail the associated saving throw, attack roll, or skill check, you can cast {@spell ill omen|LOGM} again a second time that day." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "charisma", + "constitution", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Any" @@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Survival}. Whenever you can clearly identify the stars, if you roll a success on a check to {@action Sense Direction} or otherwise orienteer, you get a critical success instead; if you roll a critical failure at such a check, you get a failure instead." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "miscTags": [ "situationalBenefit" @@ -231,13 +231,13 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Astrology" @@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Astrology" @@ -318,12 +318,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Performance}. You gain the {@feat Fascinating Performance} skill feat. If you use this feat outdoors in direct sunlight, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the skill check." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "charisma", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "feats": [ "Fascinating Performance" @@ -345,12 +345,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Nature} and {@skill Lore||Ocean Lore}. During the night when you can see the moon, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to {@skill Survival} checks to discern weather patterns and predict upcoming weather conditions\u2014this bonus increases to +2 if you're in the vicinity of the ocean." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "charisma", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature" + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Ocean" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lowg.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lowg.json index 5f29e4aefb..757ee78778 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lowg.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-lowg.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Alchemical Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Group Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Sailing" @@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Politics Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Courtly Graces} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Politics" @@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} skill and the {@skill Lore||Animal Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Train Animal} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature" + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Animal" @@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Group Impression} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Abyss" @@ -133,12 +133,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Intimidating Glare} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Orc" @@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Smuggler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Experienced Smuggler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Underwater Marauder} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Ocean" @@ -232,12 +232,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Lie to Me} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Mzali" @@ -256,12 +256,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Kintargo Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Streetwise} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Kintargo" @@ -280,12 +280,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Acrobatics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Absalom Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Steady Balance} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Acrobatics" + "acrobatics" ], "lore": [ "Absalom" @@ -304,12 +304,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and the {@skill Lore||Westcrown Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Group Impression} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Westcrown" @@ -328,12 +328,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Occultism} skill and the {@skill Lore||Curse Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Oddity Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Curse" @@ -349,12 +349,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore||Desert Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Tracker} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Desert" @@ -374,12 +374,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Underwater Marauder} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "constitution", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Ocean" @@ -398,12 +398,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Deception} skill and the {@skill Lore||Revolution Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Charming Liar} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "charisma", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Revolution" @@ -423,12 +423,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Streetwise} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Absalom" @@ -448,12 +448,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Student of the Canon} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Undead" @@ -472,12 +472,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore||Goblin Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat with {@skill Survival}." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Goblin" @@ -496,12 +496,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and the {@skill Lore||Government Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Group Impression} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "charisma", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Government" @@ -521,12 +521,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Dragon Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Skill Training} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Dragon" @@ -545,12 +545,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill related to the terrain type associated with your home region (such as {@skill Lore||Hills Lore} or {@skill Lore||Mountains Lore}). You gain the {@feat Survey Wildlife} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Hills", @@ -571,12 +571,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Deception} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Charming Liar} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -595,12 +595,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and the {@skill Lore||Kalistrade Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Bargain Hunter} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Kalistrade" @@ -619,12 +619,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Politics Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Multilingual} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "charisma", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Politics" @@ -643,12 +643,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Medicine} skill and the {@skill Lore||Undead Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Battle Medicine} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Undead" @@ -665,12 +665,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat with {@skill Athletics}." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "strength", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Forest" @@ -689,13 +689,13 @@ "You're trained in your choice of either the {@skill Arcana} or {@skill Nature} skill, as well as the {@skill Lore||Academia Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Recognize Spell} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature", - "Arcana" + "nature", + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -711,12 +711,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} skill and the {@skill Lore||Animal Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Train Animal} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature" + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Animal" @@ -732,16 +732,15 @@ "entries": [ "Exposure to the corrupting influence of the Mana Wastes' strange energies has warped your inner essence, resulting in unpredictable interactions with magic items and more than a little know-how about surviving under bizarre and adverse natural conditions.", "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.", - "You're trained in the {@skill Arcana} skill and the {@skill Lore||Wilderness Lore} skill.", - "You gain the {@feat Trick Magic Item} skill feat." + "You're trained in the {@skill Arcana} skill and the {@skill Lore||Wilderness Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Trick Magic Item} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Wilderness" @@ -757,16 +756,15 @@ "entries": [ "At least one of your parents is a member of the notorious Red Mantis assassins, merciless killers for hire who rarely fail to claim their marks. Whether on purpose or by simple exposure, you were trained from a young age in the art of stalking and killing people.", "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.", - "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Assassin Lore} skill.", - "You gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat with {@skill Stealth}." + "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Assassin Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Assurance} skill feat with {@skill Stealth}." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Assassin" @@ -785,12 +783,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} skill and the {@skill Lore||Animal Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Train Animal} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature" + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Animal" @@ -806,16 +804,15 @@ "entries": [ "Even in a city renowned for its alchemy, you were able to rise above the competition.", "Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.", - "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Alchemical Lore} skill.", - "You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat with alchemy." + "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Alchemical Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat with alchemy." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Alchemical" @@ -834,12 +831,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Mercenary Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Professional} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Mercenary" @@ -855,12 +852,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Arcana} skill and a {@skill Lore} skill related to one plane of your choice (other than the Material Plane). You gain the {@feat Arcane Sense} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "feats": [ "Arcane Sense" @@ -876,12 +873,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Forest Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Terrain Stalker|CRB|Terrain Stalker (underbrush)} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Forest" @@ -900,12 +897,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Ooze Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Ooze" @@ -924,12 +921,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Mercantile Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Multilingual} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Mercantile" @@ -949,12 +946,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Occultism} skill and the {@skill Lore||Ancient Osirion Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Oddity Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Osirion" @@ -974,12 +971,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Pathfinder Society Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Additional Lore} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Pathfinder Society" @@ -998,12 +995,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Acrobatics} skill as well as the {@skill Lore||Warfare Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Cat Fall} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Acrobatics" + "acrobatics" ], "lore": [ "Warfare" @@ -1024,12 +1021,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Sailing Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Professional} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Sailing" @@ -1049,12 +1046,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Quick Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Mercantile" @@ -1074,12 +1071,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Charming Liar} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "charisma", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Undead" @@ -1098,12 +1095,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Razmir Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Group Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Razmir" @@ -1120,12 +1117,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Recognize Spell} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Spirit" @@ -1145,12 +1142,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Group Impression} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Politics" @@ -1170,12 +1167,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Battle Medicine} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Abyssal" @@ -1194,12 +1191,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the {@skill Lore||Sarkorian History Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Forager} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "History" @@ -1218,12 +1215,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Arcana} skill and the {@skill Lore||Azlant Lore} skills. You gain the {@feat Quick Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Azlant" @@ -1243,12 +1240,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Battle Medicine} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Medicine" + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Anatomy" @@ -1267,12 +1264,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Sailing Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Quick Repair} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Sailing" @@ -1291,12 +1288,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Shadow Plane Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Quick Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Plane" @@ -1315,12 +1312,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the {@skill Lore||Quah Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Combat Climber} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Quah" @@ -1339,12 +1336,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Shory Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Shory" @@ -1364,12 +1361,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Forager} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Swamp" @@ -1389,12 +1386,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Forager} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "strength", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival" + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Weather" @@ -1413,12 +1410,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and the {@skill Lore||Politics Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Hobnobber} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "charisma", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Politics" @@ -1438,12 +1435,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "constitution", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Thassilon" @@ -1462,12 +1459,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Religion} skill and the {@skill Lore||Hell Lore} skill You gain the {@feat Student of the Canon} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Hell" @@ -1486,12 +1483,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Intimidation} skill and the {@skill Lore||Politics Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Quick Coercion} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Politics" @@ -1511,12 +1508,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Experienced Professional} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Business" @@ -1536,12 +1533,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Intimidating Glare} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Intimidation" + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Sailing" @@ -1561,12 +1558,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Underwater Marauder} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Ocean" @@ -1585,12 +1582,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Academia Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Skill Training} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -1609,12 +1606,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Performance} skill and the {@skill Lore||Circus Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Fascinating Performance} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Circus" @@ -1634,12 +1631,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Hobnobber} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Politics" @@ -1659,12 +1656,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Religion} skill and the {@skill Lore||Undead Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Student of the Canon} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Undead" @@ -1684,13 +1681,13 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} skill as well as the {@skill Lore||Forest Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Natural Medicine} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature", - "Medicine" + "nature", + "medicine" ], "lore": [ "Forest" @@ -1709,12 +1706,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Arcana} skill and the {@skill Lore||Weather Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Arcane Sense} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Weather" @@ -1733,12 +1730,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Occultism} skill and the {@skill Lore||Curse Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Oddity Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Curse" @@ -1757,12 +1754,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Alchemical Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Alchemical Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Alchemical" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ooa0.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ooa0.json index a9bca96a7d..b93d4fc3ce 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ooa0.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-ooa0.json @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Religion} skill and the {@deity Brigh|LOGM} {@skill Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Quick Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion", - "Lore" + "religion", + "lore" ], "feats": [ "Quick Identification" @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Constitution", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "constitution", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Engineering" @@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the {@skill Lore||Academia Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Alchemical Crafting} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Stealth} skill and the {@skill Lore||Firearm Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Experienced Smuggler} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Stealth" + "stealth" ], "lore": [ "Firearm" @@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Deception} skill and the {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Lie to Me} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Deception" + "deception" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Society} skill and the {@skill Lore||Alkenstar Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Read Lips} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Society" + "society" ], "lore": [ "Alkenstar" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-roe.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-roe.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d9bd51f82 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-roe.json @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +{ + "background": [ + { + "name": "Alloysmith", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "entries": [ + "Blacksmithing might be an ancient profession, but you are its cutting edge. You've studied the properties of different metals, experimented with them by combining them, exposing them to different elements and processes, and have even delved into the metaphysical nature of metal in your quest to master it. You might have taken up adventuring to acquire more funding and materials or to test your designs. Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Strength or Intelligence, and one is a free attribute boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Crafting} skill and the Plane of {@skill Lore||Metal Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat with the blacksmithing specialty." + ], + "boosts": [ + "strength", + "intelligence" + ], + "skills": [ + "crafting" + ], + "lore": [ + "Metal" + ], + "feats": [ + "Specialty Crafting" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Crystal Healer", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "entries": [ + "Mineral formations can be beautiful things, sparkling and arrayed in geometric configurations. To you, they are also potent natural healing aids. You may have taken up adventuring to prove yourself by healing the ailing or to find new crystals with unique properties to add to your growing collection.", + "Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Wisdom or Charisma and one is a free attribute boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Nature} skill and the Plane of {@skill Lore||Earth Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Natural Medicine} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "wisdom", + "charisma" + ], + "skills": [ + "nature" + ], + "lore": [ + "Earth" + ], + "feats": [ + "Natural Medicine" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Deep-Sea Diver", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "entries": [ + "The sapphire depths of the seas and the mysteries they hold beneath their surface have always piqued your interest. Your obsession with the ocean depths cannot be contained to one world alone, and you've read tomes and journals about the source of all water, everywhere, hoping to one day understand the watery secrets of the great unknown.", + "Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Strength or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the Plane of {@skill Lore||Water Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Underwater Marauder} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "strength", + "wisdom" + ], + "skills": [ + "athletics" + ], + "lore": [ + "Water" + ], + "feats": [ + "Underwater Marauder" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Dendrologist", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "entries": [ + "Trees grow in every biome, and your awe at their ability to conquer terrain has inspired deeper study into their workings.", + "There are trees everywhere, and your study of them will inevitably take you ever further afield in search of new varieties, perhaps even to the Plane of Wood itself.", + "Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Survival} skill and the Plane of {@skill Lore||Wood Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Terrain Expertise} skill feat for forests." + ], + "boosts": [ + "intelligence", + "wisdom" + ], + "skills": [ + "survival" + ], + "lore": [ + "Wood" + ], + "feats": [ + "Terrain Expertise" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Fire Warden", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "entries": [ + "Whether you fought against fires in the wilderness or in crowded city streets, you've had your fair share of dealing with uncontrolled flames. Battling thick smoke and toxic fumes, you've {@condition broken} down obstacles to save trapped people from a fiery grave, and you've studied the nature and source of fire itself to try and better learn how to fight it. Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Strength or Constitution, and one is a free attribute boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and the Plane of {@skill Lore||Fire Lore} skill. You gain the Breath Control feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "strength", + "constitution" + ], + "skills": [ + "athletics" + ], + "lore": [ + "Fire" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Sky Rider", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "entries": [ + "The freedom of a bird in flight is something to envy, and envy it you did, but not for long. You've borrowed mechanical gliders or sought out the benefits of magically aided gliding and flight, doing anything for an opportunity to look down on the world with only the wind to keep you aloft. The expense of these experiences may have been a notable factor in why you undertook the adventuring lifestyle or perhaps you are seeking new methods of flight to master. Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Acrobatics} skill and the Plane of {@skill Lore||Air Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Cat Fall} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "dexterity", + "wisdom" + ], + "skills": [ + "acrobatics" + ], + "lore": [ + "Air" + ], + "feats": [ + "Cat Fall" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Concordance Researcher", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "traits": [ + "uncommon" + ], + "entries": [ + "Tasked by the Concordance of Elements (page 7) to research a variety of enigmatic planar phenomena, you've acquired very specific knowledge about the planes and the interactions between them. While being a researcher is usually a peaceful profession, the Concordance might require you to go out into the field and research unstable planar situations. Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.", + "You're trained in four of the following: Plane of {@skill Lore||Air Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Earth Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Fire Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Metal Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Water Lore}, or Plane of {@skill Lore||Wood Lore}." + ], + "boosts": [ + "intelligence", + "wisdom" + ], + "lore": [ + "Air", + "Earth", + "Fire", + "Metal", + "Water", + "Wood" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Concordance Scout", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "traits": [ + "uncommon" + ], + "entries": [ + "You were hired by the Concordance of Elements to seek out rumors of planar breaches or other evidence of planar imbalances. After reporting back to the Concordance, they'd send agents more well equipped to deal with the situation. Still, this job has led you into more trouble than your employers suspect, and you've learned how to get your information quickly and get out relatively unscathed.", + "Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Diplomacy} skill and one of the following lore skills: Plane of {@skill Lore||Air Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Earth Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Fire Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Metal Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Water Lore}, or Plane of {@skill Lore||Wood Lore}. You gain the {@feat Hobnobber} skill feat." + ], + "boosts": [ + "constitution", + "charisma" + ], + "skills": [ + "diplomacy" + ], + "lore": [ + "Air", + "Earth", + "Fire", + "Metal", + "Water", + "Wood" + ], + "feats": [ + "Hobnobber" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elementally Infused", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "traits": [ + "rare" + ], + "entries": [ + "You were exposed to a strong burst of elemental essence originating directly from an elemental plane, most likely caused by a planar breach. Your body absorbed the elemental essence with no ill effects, and now it coalesces within you. With time, you've learned to project elemental power in a manner safe to you but still deadly to others.", + "Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.", + "Choose one elemental plane: Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, or Wood. You are trained in the corresponding {@skill Lore} skill: Plane of {@skill Lore||Air Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Earth Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Fire Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Metal Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Water Lore}, or Plane of {@skill Lore||Wood Lore}. You also gain a cantrip according to your chosen plane: air gale blast SoM; Earth: scatter scree SoM; Fire: ignition; Metal: needle darts (page 144); Water spout SoM, or wood root reading (page 197). You can cast this spell as a primal innate spell at will." + ], + "boosts": [ + "constitution", + "charisma" + ], + "skills": [ + "lore" + ], + "lore": [ + "Air", + "Earth", + "Fire", + "Metal", + "Water", + "Wood" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Planar Migrant", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 44, + "traits": [ + "rare" + ], + "entries": [ + "Your birthplace was on one of the elemental planes, but you traveled to the Universe for some reason. Maybe you left on good terms, or maybe you were driven out and hope to one day return. Maybe you were even exiled, and any mention of it brings pain and resentment. In any case, nowhere has quite felt like home since, and you've roamed the land, carrying your life's possessions on your back wherever you go. You adventure possibly in search of a place to belong or a way to return to your plane of origin and settle unfinished business.", + "Choose two attribute boosts. One must be Dexterity or Constitution, and one is a free attribute boost.", + "You're trained in the {@skill Athletics} skill and one of the following lore skills: Plane of {@skill Lore||Air Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Earth Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Fire Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Metal Lore}, Plane of {@skill Lore||Water Lore}, or Plane of {@skill Lore||Wood Lore}. You gain the Hefty Hauler and {@feat Prescient Planner|APG} skill feats." + ], + "boosts": [ + "dexterity", + "constitution" + ], + "skills": [ + "athletics" + ], + "lore": [ + "Air", + "Earth", + "Fire", + "Metal", + "Water", + "Wood" + ], + "feats": [ + "Prescient Planner|APG" + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-som.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-som.json index 1ee9fea780..3ba5a5899e 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-som.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-som.json @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Arcana} and {@skill Lore||Academia Lore}. You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ "On a failure, the magic doesn't affect you (though it still has its normal effects on anyone else). On a success, the magic affects you and there is no need to attempt further flat checks for the same {@trait magical} effect, even if it affects you again later." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ] }, { @@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Occultism} and {@skill Lore||Astrology Lore}. You gain the {@feat Oddity Identification} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Astrology" @@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "charisma", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Fortune-Telling" @@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ "You're trained in your choice of {@skill Arcana}, {@skill Nature}, {@skill Occultism}, or {@skill Religion}, and a {@skill Lore} skill for the creature associated with your contacted eidolon (such as {@skill Lore||Angel Lore} or {@skill Lore||Dragon Lore}). You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion", - "Arcana", - "Nature", - "Occultism" + "religion", + "arcana", + "nature", + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Angel", @@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ "Your innate {@trait magical} trait is {@trait primal}. Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative, positive, or sonic. You are trained in a {@skill Lore} skill associated with the chosen energy (such as {@skill Lore||Fire Lore}) and you gain resistance to that energy type equal to half your level (minimum 1)." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Free" + "constitution", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Fire" @@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ "You gain the {@feat Deceptive Worship|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Fortune-Telling" @@ -222,11 +222,11 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Charisma", - "Free" + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy" + "diplomacy" ], "lore": [ "Genie" @@ -258,10 +258,10 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution" + "constitution" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -280,12 +280,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Crafting} and {@skill Lore||Mercantile Lore}. You gain the {@feat Crafter's Appraisal|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Crafting" + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Mercantile" @@ -304,12 +304,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Arcana} and {@skill Lore||Underworld Lore}. You gain the {@feat Trick Magic Item} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Dexterity", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "dexterity", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana" + "arcana" ], "lore": [ "Underworld" @@ -328,12 +328,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Performance} and {@skill Lore||Music Lore}. You gain the {@feat Virtuosic Performer} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance" + "performance" ], "lore": [ "Music" @@ -356,13 +356,13 @@ "Your innate {@trait magical} trait is {@trait arcane} or {@trait occult}. You're trained in either {@skill Arcana} or {@skill Occultism}, depending on your innate {@trait magical} trait, and the {@skill Lore||Academia Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Recognize Spell} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Arcana", - "Occultism" + "arcana", + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -378,12 +378,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Occultism} skill and the {@skill Lore||Academia Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Schooled in Secrets|APG} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism" + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -402,12 +402,12 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Nature} and {@skill Lore||Plant Lore}. You gain the {@feat Natural Medicine} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature" + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Plant" @@ -429,11 +429,11 @@ "You're trained in {@skill Religion} and {@skill Lore||Undead Lore}. You gain the effects of the {@spell spirit sense|APG} spell at all times." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom" + "constitution", + "wisdom" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Undead" @@ -456,13 +456,13 @@ "{@b Special} You can choose to lose the ability to breathe air when you take this background, making you only able to breathe underwater. If you do, you gain a second ability boost, which is a free ability boost." ], "boosts": [ - "Strength", - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "strength", + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Athletics" + "athletics" ], "lore": [ "Ocean" @@ -478,12 +478,12 @@ "You're trained in the {@skill Religion} skill and the {@skill Lore} skill for your patron deity. You gain the {@feat Dubious Knowledge} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion" + "religion" ], "lore": [ "Deity" @@ -502,15 +502,15 @@ "You're trained in your choice of {@skill Arcana}, {@skill Nature}, {@skill Occultism}, or {@skill Religion}, as well as {@skill Lore||Academia Lore}. You gain the {@feat Recognize Spell} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Religion", - "Arcana", - "Nature", - "Occultism" + "religion", + "arcana", + "nature", + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Academia" @@ -533,13 +533,13 @@ "You're trained in your choice of {@skill Nature} or {@skill Occultism} and the {@skill Lore||Magical Terrain Lore} skill. You gain the {@feat Terrain Expertise} skill feat." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "constitution", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Nature", - "Occultism" + "nature", + "occultism" ], "lore": [ "Magical Terrain" @@ -578,9 +578,9 @@ } ], "boosts": [ - "Dexterity", - "Intelligence", - "Free" + "dexterity", + "intelligence", + "free" ], "lore": [ "Any" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-sot0.json b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-sot0.json index 3a3feac958..9e523d4297 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-sot0.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/backgrounds-sot0.json @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ "Your recommended primary branch is the Rain-Scribes." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Occultism", - "Nature" + "occultism", + "nature" ], "lore": [ "Insect" @@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ "Your recommended primary branch is the Cascade Bearers." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Wisdom", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "wisdom", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Survival", - "Crafting" + "survival", + "crafting" ], "lore": [ "Ayuwari", @@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ "Your recommended primary branch is the Uzunjati." ], "boosts": [ - "Intelligence", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "intelligence", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy", - "Society" + "diplomacy", + "society" ], "lore": [ "Magaambya" @@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ "Your recommended primary branch is the Emerald Boughs." ], "boosts": [ - "Wisdom", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "wisdom", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Performance", - "Survival" + "performance", + "survival" ], "lore": [ "Nantambu" @@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ "Your recommended primary branch is the Tempest-Sun Mages." ], "boosts": [ - "Constitution", - "Charisma", - "Free" + "constitution", + "charisma", + "free" ], "skills": [ - "Diplomacy", - "Intimidation" + "diplomacy", + "intimidation" ], "lore": [ "Academia" diff --git a/data/backgrounds/index.json b/data/backgrounds/index.json index 1f0ba18a2f..e99af37229 100644 --- a/data/backgrounds/index.json +++ b/data/backgrounds/index.json @@ -20,5 +20,6 @@ "DA": "backgrounds-da.json", "OoA0": "backgrounds-ooa0.json", "LOKL": "backgrounds-lokl.json", - "LOTG": "backgrounds-lotg.json" + "LOTG": "backgrounds-lotg.json", + "RoE": "backgrounds-roe.json" } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-afof.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-afof.json index 075dcc1e55..2e79c1077b 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-afof.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-afof.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Darius sprays hot wax from his improvised wax sprayer in a 15-foot cone. All creatures in the area must attempt a DC 20 Reflex save. Scented candle homunculi in the area take no damage, instead healing {@dice 2d6} damage. After using the hot wax cannon, Darius can't use it again until he takes two {@action Interact} actions while adjacent to the cauldron of bubbling wax to reload the sprayer.", + "Darius sprays hot wax from his improvised wax sprayer in a 15-foot cone. All creatures in the area must attempt a {@dc 20} Reflex save. Scented candle homunculi in the area take no damage, instead healing {@dice 2d6} damage. After using the hot wax cannon, Darius can't use it again until he takes two {@action Interact} actions while adjacent to the cauldron of bubbling wax to reload the sprayer.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. The scented candle homunculus's fragrance of lavender is overwhelmingly intense. Any creature other than the homunculus's master who enters the aura must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude save.", + "5 feet. The scented candle homunculus's fragrance of lavender is overwhelmingly intense. Any creature other than the homunculus's master who enters the aura must attempt a {@dc 15} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 18, {@damage 1d6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} poison, {@action Escape} DC 18, Rupture 6" + "{@dc 18}, {@damage 1d6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} poison, {@action Escape} {@dc 18}, Rupture 6" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d6+4} bludgeoning, DC 18" + "{@damage 1d6+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 18}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa1.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa1.json index 712598d3a4..844e92106c 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa1.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa1.json @@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The emperor bird flaps its mesmerizing wings. Each creature within 15 feet that can see the emperor bird must attempt a DC 19 Will save.", + "The emperor bird flaps its mesmerizing wings. Each creature within 15 feet that can see the emperor bird must attempt a {@dc 19} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The grauladon hisses and unleashes a nauseating cloud of halitosis in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude saving throw or be {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} ({@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure). The grauladon can't use Noxious Breath or Reactive Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The grauladon hisses and unleashes a nauseating cloud of halitosis in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude saving throw or be {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} ({@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure). The grauladon can't use Noxious Breath or Reactive Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Noxious Breath" } @@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "If the hellcrown hits with a nail {@action Strike}, the target must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save. On a failure, the nail is embedded in the creature, making it {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} for 1 minute and giving it 1 {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} ({@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 2} and {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} on a critical failure). Each additional embedded nail increases the {@condition enfeebled} value by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 4}) and the bleed damage by 1. A creature can remove a nail with an {@action Interact} action to reduce the enfeeblement and amount of bleed damage. Pulling out the last nail removes both conditions." + "If the hellcrown hits with a nail {@action Strike}, the target must attempt a {@dc 16} Fortitude save. On a failure, the nail is embedded in the creature, making it {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} for 1 minute and giving it 1 {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} ({@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 2} and {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} on a critical failure). Each additional embedded nail increases the {@condition enfeebled} value by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 4}) and the bleed damage by 1. A creature can remove a nail with an {@action Interact} action to reduce the enfeeblement and amount of bleed damage. Pulling out the last nail removes both conditions." ], "name": "Bleeding Nail" }, @@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "All creatures that can see the hellcrown and are suffering from its bleeding nail must attempt a DC 16 Will saving throw. A creature that fails is {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1}, and on a critical failure becomes {@condition fleeing} for as long as it's {@condition frightened}. Any creature that attempts a save is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes." + "All creatures that can see the hellcrown and are suffering from its bleeding nail must attempt a {@dc 16} Will saving throw. A creature that fails is {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1}, and on a critical failure becomes {@condition fleeing} for as long as it's {@condition frightened}. Any creature that attempts a save is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes." ], "name": "Terrifying Stare" } @@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The skeletal Hellknight hits a foe with a {@action Strike}.", "entries": [ - "The skeletal Hellknight causes the creature struck to endure the pain of an Order of the Nail's reckoning\u2014a rite of mortification Hellknights of that order use to focus their minds. The creature struck feels as if nails are being driven into their body, and must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} from the pain. On a critical failure, the pain manifests as actual puncture wounds, dealing an additional {@dice 2d6} points of piercing damage to the victim." + "The skeletal Hellknight causes the creature struck to endure the pain of an Order of the Nail's reckoning\u2014a rite of mortification Hellknights of that order use to focus their minds. The creature struck feels as if nails are being driven into their body, and must succeed at a {@dc 17} Will save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} from the pain. On a critical failure, the pain manifests as actual puncture wounds, dealing an additional {@dice 2d6} points of piercing damage to the victim." ], "name": "Invoke Reckoning" } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa2.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa2.json index 24d0ed18af..8931e1fa0e 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa2.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa2.json @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ "acid" ], "entries": [ - "Belmazog spews a gout of acid that deals {@damage 10d6} acid damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 28 basic Reflex save)", + "Belmazog spews a gout of acid that deals {@damage 10d6} acid damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save)", "Belmazog can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "Belmazog unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non-boggard within 30 feet becomes {@condition frightened 1} unless they succeed at a DC 28 Will save; those who critically succeed are temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "Belmazog unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non-boggard within 30 feet becomes {@condition frightened 1} unless they succeed at a {@dc 28} Will save; those who critically succeed are temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Terrifying Croak" }, @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d6+6} bludgeoning, DC 26" + "{@damage 1d6+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The priest breathes fire that deals {@damage 7d6} fire damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 23 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The priest breathes fire that deals {@damage 7d6} fire damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 23} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The priest is standing on the ground.", "entries": [ - "The priest slams his fists into the ground, causing fire to erupt from the earth. Each non-worshipper of {@deity Dahak|LOGM} standing on the ground in a 15-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 25 Reflex save or fall {@condition prone} and take {@damage 1d6} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 2d6} fire damage." + "The priest slams his fists into the ground, causing fire to erupt from the earth. Each non-worshipper of {@deity Dahak|LOGM} standing on the ground in a 15-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 25} Reflex save or fall {@condition prone} and take {@damage 1d6} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 2d6} fire damage." ], "name": "Volcanic Eruption" } @@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature struck by Gerhard's punch must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure)." + "A creature struck by Gerhard's punch must succeed at a {@dc 23} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Manly Left Hook" }, @@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Gerhard fires an explosive shot from his blunderbuss that deals {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage plus {@damage 2d10} fire damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 26 basic Reflex).", - "When firing the blunderbuss, Gerhard must succeed at a DC 20 {@skill Crafting} or {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} check or the weapon explodes, damaging him for the same amount as the creatures in the cone and destroying itself. If someone other than Gerhard uses the weapon, they must critically succeed at the check. A successful DC 22 {@skill Crafting} check is enough to confirm the weapon's unstable nature if someone examines it beforehand.", + "Gerhard fires an explosive shot from his blunderbuss that deals {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage plus {@damage 2d10} fire damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 26} basic Reflex).", + "When firing the blunderbuss, Gerhard must succeed at a {@dc 20} {@skill Crafting} or {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} check or the weapon explodes, damaging him for the same amount as the creatures in the cone and destroying itself. If someone other than Gerhard uses the weapon, they must critically succeed at the check. A successful {@dc 22} {@skill Crafting} check is enough to confirm the weapon's unstable nature if someone examines it beforehand.", "Reloading the blunderbuss takes 3 {@action Interact} actions: adding 1 dose of gunpowder, adding 1 grapeshot canister, and packing the contents." ], "name": "Shoddy Blunderbuss" @@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ ], "cost": "1 batch of infused reagents.", "entries": [ - "Hezle quickly cobbles together an explosive bomb and lobs it up to 30 feet. All creatures in a 5-foot burst take {@damage 5d6} fire damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save)." + "Hezle quickly cobbles together an explosive bomb and lobs it up to 30 feet. All creatures in a 5-foot burst take {@damage 5d6} fire damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Kobold Explosives" }, @@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@ "cost": "1 batch of infused reagents.", "entries": [ "Hezle throws a mix of special powders centered on a corner of her space, creating a plume of smoke filling a 5-foot burst until the end of her turn that causes her to be {@condition hidden}. She then immediately {@action Sneak||Sneaks}, but must end her movement in a space that's not adjacent to any enemies.", - "All creatures other than Hezle in the smoke cloud must attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save.", + "All creatures other than Hezle in the smoke cloud must attempt a {@dc 26} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature that {@action Strike||Strikes} a living sap with a melee weapon must succeed at a DC 24 Reflex save or be disarmed of that weapon. If the creature critically fails, the weapon ends up in the living sap's space. A creature that hits a living sap with an unarmed attack must succeed at a DC 24 Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} by the living sap until the end of its next turn." + "A creature that {@action Strike||Strikes} a living sap with a melee weapon must succeed at a {@dc 24} Reflex save or be disarmed of that weapon. If the creature critically fails, the weapon ends up in the living sap's space. A creature that hits a living sap with an unarmed attack must succeed at a {@dc 24} Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} by the living sap until the end of its next turn." ], "name": "Adhesive Body" } @@ -2023,7 +2023,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 22, {@damage 2d6} acid, {@action Escape} DC 24, Rupture 10." + "{@dc 22}, {@damage 2d6} acid, {@action Escape} {@dc 24}, Rupture 10." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by a living sap's pseudopod {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 24 Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} until the end of the living sap's next turn." + "A creature hit by a living sap's pseudopod {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 24} Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} until the end of the living sap's next turn." ], "name": "Entangling Residue" } @@ -2525,7 +2525,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "Racharak breathes flames that deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 26 basic Reflex save)", + "Racharak breathes flames that deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save)", "She can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa3.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa3.json index 309baa47a1..8eec8d62e2 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa3.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa3.json @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by Jaggaki's hand {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save. The creature becomes {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round on a failure. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition paralyzed} permanently, falls {@condition prone}, and seems dead. A DC 25 {@skill Medicine} check reveals the victim is alive." + "A creature damaged by Jaggaki's hand {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save. The creature becomes {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round on a failure. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition paralyzed} permanently, falls {@condition prone}, and seems dead. A {@dc 25} {@skill Medicine} check reveals the victim is alive." ] }, { @@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The blood boar lets forth a hair-raising squeal. Each creature within 30 feet must succeed at a DC 23 Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} ({@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a critical failure). If the blood boar uses Terrifying Squeal on the same turn after using Chase Down, the Will save DC is instead 25." + "The blood boar lets forth a hair-raising squeal. Each creature within 30 feet must succeed at a {@dc 23} Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} ({@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a critical failure). If the blood boar uses Terrifying Squeal on the same turn after using Chase Down, the Will save DC is instead 25." ], "name": "Terrifying Squeal" } @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (plus, on a critical failure, {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} as long as it's {@condition sickened}). While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (plus, on a critical failure, {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} as long as it's {@condition sickened}). While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Any living creature hit by a ghastly bear's attack must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." + "Any living creature hit by a ghastly bear's attack must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." ], "name": "Paralysis" } @@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The demon enslaves the soul of a living creature within 60 feet.", - "The target can attempt to resist this enslavement with a DC 29 Will save. A slaver demon can have only one living soul enslaved with this ability at a time, and no more than one slaver demon can enslave the same soul.", + "The target can attempt to resist this enslavement with a {@dc 29} Will save. A slaver demon can have only one living soul enslaved with this ability at a time, and no more than one slaver demon can enslave the same soul.", "If a slaver demon kills a creature whose soul it has enslaved, the demon regains 20 HP and the soul is consigned to an eternity of toil in the Abyss, adding to the slaver demon's tally of souls and allowing the demon to enslave another.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -2677,7 +2677,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must succeed at a DC 38 Will save or become {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1}." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must succeed at a {@dc 38} Will save or become {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1}." ], "name": "Unnerving Gaze" } @@ -2724,7 +2724,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The precentor touches a creature within 10 feet, causing it to constantly scream in agony.", - "The target must attempt a DC 38 Will save. While the target is {@condition stupefied} by this effect, its continual screams cause it to automatically fail {@skill Stealth} checks.", + "The target must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save. While the target is {@condition stupefied} by this effect, its continual screams cause it to automatically fail {@skill Stealth} checks.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3054,7 +3054,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Once per day, Rusty Mae can cause a cage built of cold iron fingernails to spring out of nothingness at a range of up to 30 feet, attempting an {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Grapple} against the target's Fortitude DC; if the target has a weakness to cold iron, the annis hag gains a +2 circumstance bonus to this check. Unlike a normal {@action Grapple}, Rusty Mae doesn't need to be within reach and can move as she pleases, and a successful attempt lasts until the creature escapes (DC 29), causing the cage to crumble into rust. Any creature can attempt to destroy the cage by attacking it. It has an AC of 25, Hardness 14, and 56 Hit Points." + "Once per day, Rusty Mae can cause a cage built of cold iron fingernails to spring out of nothingness at a range of up to 30 feet, attempting an {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Grapple} against the target's Fortitude DC; if the target has a weakness to cold iron, the annis hag gains a +2 circumstance bonus to this check. Unlike a normal {@action Grapple}, Rusty Mae doesn't need to be within reach and can move as she pleases, and a successful attempt lasts until the creature escapes ({@dc 29}), causing the cage to crumble into rust. Any creature can attempt to destroy the cage by attacking it. It has an AC of 25, Hardness 14, and 56 Hit Points." ], "name": "Bonds of Iron" }, @@ -4056,7 +4056,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Vaklish's eyes flash green as he projects a telepathic wave in a 30-foot emanation. All creatures in the area are assailed by a vision of evil decadence from one of Vaklish's past lives. Each non-evil creature in the area must succeed at a DC 32 Will save or become {@condition sickened 1} (and {@condition stunned 1} on a critical failure). The visions last {@dice 1d4} rounds, and while they do, Vaklish and all evil creatures in the area gain a +1 status bonus to all checks. Vaklish can use this ability again only once the previous visions end." + "Vaklish's eyes flash green as he projects a telepathic wave in a 30-foot emanation. All creatures in the area are assailed by a vision of evil decadence from one of Vaklish's past lives. Each non-evil creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 32} Will save or become {@condition sickened 1} (and {@condition stunned 1} on a critical failure). The visions last {@dice 1d4} rounds, and while they do, Vaklish and all evil creatures in the area gain a +1 status bonus to all checks. Vaklish can use this ability again only once the previous visions end." ], "name": "Disturbing Vision" } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa4.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa4.json index d9e64b90b2..fd71c62c2b 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa4.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa4.json @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "A creature that touches the accursed forge-spurned (including {@action Grapple||grappling} it or hitting it with an {@trait unarmed} attack) takes {@damage 4d6} fire damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save)." + "A creature that touches the accursed forge-spurned (including {@action Grapple||grappling} it or hitting it with an {@trait unarmed} attack) takes {@damage 4d6} fire damage ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Searing Heat" } @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The accursed forge-spurned breathes a cloud of stinging soot, ash, and glowing embers. This can affect either a 30-foot cone or a 20-foot burst centered on the accursed forge-spurned and persists for {@dice 1d4} rounds. Creatures that move into or start their turn in the area take {@damage 12d6} fire damage (DC 36 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Creatures within the cloud are {@condition concealed}, though not from the accursed forge-spurned. The accursed forge-spurned can't use Forge Breath again until it has used Inflate Bellows." + "The accursed forge-spurned breathes a cloud of stinging soot, ash, and glowing embers. This can affect either a 30-foot cone or a 20-foot burst centered on the accursed forge-spurned and persists for {@dice 1d4} rounds. Creatures that move into or start their turn in the area take {@damage 12d6} fire damage ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Creatures within the cloud are {@condition concealed}, though not from the accursed forge-spurned. The accursed forge-spurned can't use Forge Breath again until it has used Inflate Bellows." ], "name": "Forge Breath" }, @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "If a creature is slain by an attack from the {@i soul chain} and the accursed forge-spurned is able to retain the creature's corpse, it can bind the creature's soul into the {@i soul chain} (as {@spell bind soul}) with a day of work at a forge and a DC 20 {@skill Crafting} check. An individual whose soul is bound in this way can't be resurrected unless the {@i soul chain} is destroyed (Hardness 10, 40 HP, BT 20)." + "If a creature is slain by an attack from the {@i soul chain} and the accursed forge-spurned is able to retain the creature's corpse, it can bind the creature's soul into the {@i soul chain} (as {@spell bind soul}) with a day of work at a forge and a {@dc 20} {@skill Crafting} check. An individual whose soul is bound in this way can't be resurrected unless the {@i soul chain} is destroyed (Hardness 10, 40 HP, BT 20)." ], "name": "Soul Chain" }, @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the accursed forge-spurned critically hits a target with its {@i soul chain}, the chain leeches away a portion of the target's soul. The target must attempt a DC 36 Fortitude save.", + "When the accursed forge-spurned critically hits a target with its {@i soul chain}, the chain leeches away a portion of the target's soul. The target must attempt a {@dc 36} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A creature that enters or starts its turn within the aura must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or become {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}." + "60 feet. A creature that enters or starts its turn within the aura must succeed at a {@dc 28} Will save or become {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}." ], "name": "Subsonic Hum" } @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The crystal has a creature engulfed.", "entries": [ - "The engulfed creature must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until it is no longer engulfed. If the creature is already {@condition slowed}, it becomes {@condition petrified} as it is turned into crystal and expelled by the carnivorous crystal onto the ground. In {@dice 1d4} hours, the {@condition petrified} victim shatters and a new carnivorous crystal emerges from the remains." + "The engulfed creature must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until it is no longer engulfed. If the creature is already {@condition slowed}, it becomes {@condition petrified} as it is turned into crystal and expelled by the carnivorous crystal onto the ground. In {@dice 1d4} hours, the {@condition petrified} victim shatters and a new carnivorous crystal emerges from the remains." ], "name": "Crystallize" }, @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 28, {@damage 2d6} slashing, {@action Escape} DC 28, Rupture 25 (bludgeoning only)." + "{@dc 28}, {@damage 2d6} slashing, {@action Escape} {@dc 28}, Rupture 25 (bludgeoning only)." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, {@damage 3d6} fire damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save)" + "10 feet, {@damage 3d6} fire damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save)" ], "name": "Volcanic Heat" }, @@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "Whenever the dalos takes damage from a melee {@action Strike}, magma splashes from its open wound and sticks to nearby creatures.", - "Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must attempt a DC 31 Reflex save. On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} as the superheated rock sticks to them and cools. The DC to end this {@condition persistent damage} decreases by 5 each turn after the first as the magma cools." + "Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 31} Reflex save. On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} as the superheated rock sticks to them and cools. The DC to end this {@condition persistent damage} decreases by 5 each turn after the first as the magma cools." ], "name": "Magma Splash" } @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dalos causes a volcanic explosion to erupt from its head, lobbing a mass of molten rock up to 100 feet. This lava bomb deals {@damage 6d8} fire damage and {@damage 6d8} bludgeoning damage to each creature in a 20-foot radius of its impact point, with a DC 33 basic Reflex save. The dalos can't use Lava Bomb again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dalos causes a volcanic explosion to erupt from its head, lobbing a mass of molten rock up to 100 feet. This lava bomb deals {@damage 6d8} fire damage and {@damage 6d8} bludgeoning damage to each creature in a 20-foot radius of its impact point, with a {@dc 33} basic Reflex save. The dalos can't use Lava Bomb again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Lava Bomb" }, @@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 29" + "60 feet, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The dragonscarred dead focuses its boundless frustration in a gaze targeting one creature it can see within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a DC 30 Will save.", + "The dragonscarred dead focuses its boundless frustration in a gaze targeting one creature it can see within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a {@dc 30} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn there must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed||slowed 1} as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn there must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed||slowed 1} as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ] }, { @@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living creature hit by Falrok's attack must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}.", + "Any living creature hit by Falrok's attack must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}.", "It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." ], "name": "Paralysis" @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "A creature that touches a forge-spurned (including by {@action Grapple||grappling} it or hitting it with an {@trait unarmed} attack) takes {@damage 2d6} fire damage with a DC 21 basic Reflex save." + "A creature that touches a forge-spurned (including by {@action Grapple||grappling} it or hitting it with an {@trait unarmed} attack) takes {@damage 2d6} fire damage with a {@dc 21} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Searing Heat" } @@ -1680,7 +1680,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The forge-spurned breathes a cloud of stinging soot, ash, and glowing embers. This can affect either a 30-foot cone or a 20-foot burst centered on the forge-spurned and persists for {@dice 1d4} rounds. Each creature that moves into or starts their turn in the area takes {@damage 6d6} fire damage, with a DC 21 basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Creatures within the cloud are {@condition concealed}, though not from the forge-spurned. The forge-spurned can't use Forge Breath again until it has used Inflate Bellows." + "The forge-spurned breathes a cloud of stinging soot, ash, and glowing embers. This can affect either a 30-foot cone or a 20-foot burst centered on the forge-spurned and persists for {@dice 1d4} rounds. Each creature that moves into or starts their turn in the area takes {@damage 6d6} fire damage, with a {@dc 21} basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Creatures within the cloud are {@condition concealed}, though not from the forge-spurned. The forge-spurned can't use Forge Breath again until it has used Inflate Bellows." ], "name": "Forge Breath" }, @@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "If a creature is slain by an attack from the {@i soul chain} and the forge-spurned is able to retain the creature's corpse, it can bind the creature's soul into the {@i soul chain} (as {@spell bind soul}) with a day of work at a forge and a successful DC 20 {@skill Crafting} check. An individual whose soul is bound in this way can't be resurrected unless the {@i soul chain} is destroyed (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10)." + "If a creature is slain by an attack from the {@i soul chain} and the forge-spurned is able to retain the creature's corpse, it can bind the creature's soul into the {@i soul chain} (as {@spell bind soul}) with a day of work at a forge and a successful {@dc 20} {@skill Crafting} check. An individual whose soul is bound in this way can't be resurrected unless the {@i soul chain} is destroyed (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10)." ], "name": "Soul Chain" } @@ -2033,7 +2033,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "Ilssrah attempts a melee {@action Strike} with {@i Fleshroaster}. If she hits, she also draws her light hammer, makes a melee {@action Strike} with it against the same target, and immediately returns it to her belt. She then resumes her grip on {@i Fleshroaster}. Both {@action Strike||Strikes} count toward Ilssrah's multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until both {@action Strike||Strikes} have been made.", - "If the hammer {@action Strike} hits, it deals damage as normal and the target must attempt a DC 35 Fortitude save.", + "If the hammer {@action Strike} hits, it deals damage as normal and the target must attempt a {@dc 35} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 33" + "60 feet, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2751,7 +2751,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The golem {@action Stride||Strides} up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement.", - "A creature can bar the way by succeeding at a DC 36 Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise, it takes damage equal to that dealt by the golem's fist {@action Strike}." + "A creature can bar the way by succeeding at a {@dc 36} Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise, it takes damage equal to that dealt by the golem's fist {@action Strike}." ], "name": "Inexorable March" }, @@ -2765,7 +2765,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The golem hits a {@condition slowed} creature.", "entries": [ - "The creature must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} (or {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} on a critical failure) as the golem's lazurite leeches vital energies and causes wounds to rot." + "The creature must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} (or {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} on a critical failure) as the golem's lazurite leeches vital energies and causes wounds to rot." ], "name": "Necrotic Affliction" }, @@ -2782,7 +2782,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent necrotic damage} and be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 minute as their flesh and bones temporarily atrophy. The golem can't use Necrotic Pulse again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 32} Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent necrotic damage} and be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 minute as their flesh and bones temporarily atrophy. The golem can't use Necrotic Pulse again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Necrotic Pulse" } @@ -2995,7 +2995,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The poltergeist must be {@condition invisible}.", "entries": [ - "The poltergeist becomes visible, appearing as a skeletal, ghostlike humanoid. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 33 Will save, becoming {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a failure. On a critical failure, it's also {@condition fleeing} for as long as it's {@condition frightened}. On a success, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. At the start of its next turn, the poltergeist becomes {@condition invisible} again." + "The poltergeist becomes visible, appearing as a skeletal, ghostlike humanoid. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 33} Will save, becoming {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a failure. On a critical failure, it's also {@condition fleeing} for as long as it's {@condition frightened}. On a success, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. At the start of its next turn, the poltergeist becomes {@condition invisible} again." ], "name": "Frighten" }, @@ -3141,7 +3141,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The soulbound ruin reacts violently to stop the creature's movement, shooting spikes, throwing bricks, or otherwise impeding the target. The target must succeed at a DC 35 Reflex save or fall {@condition prone}." + "The soulbound ruin reacts violently to stop the creature's movement, shooting spikes, throwing bricks, or otherwise impeding the target. The target must succeed at a {@dc 35} Reflex save or fall {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Impede" } @@ -3153,7 +3153,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The ruin collapses up to three 10-footby- 10-foot sections of its ceiling. The ruin takes 10 damage per section it collapses, and it can't collapse the same section until it has been repaired. Each creature in one of these areas takes {@damage 8d10} bludgeoning damage with a DC 35 basic Reflex save. On a failed save, the creature is also {@condition restrained} under the rubble until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 33)" + "The ruin collapses up to three 10-footby- 10-foot sections of its ceiling. The ruin takes 10 damage per section it collapses, and it can't collapse the same section until it has been repaired. Each creature in one of these areas takes {@damage 8d10} bludgeoning damage with a {@dc 35} basic Reflex save. On a failed save, the creature is also {@condition restrained} under the rubble until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 33})" ], "name": "Collapse Ceiling" }, @@ -3454,7 +3454,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "Talamira releases an anguish-filled cry of despair. All creatures within 30 feet must attempt a DC 33 Will save to resist. Talamira can't use Resonant Wail for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "Talamira releases an anguish-filled cry of despair. All creatures within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 33} Will save to resist. Talamira can't use Resonant Wail for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3477,7 +3477,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "Talamira fills the air with whirling crystals, dealing {@damage 7d6} slashing damage to all creatures in a 30-foot emanation (DC 33 basic Reflex save)." + "Talamira fills the air with whirling crystals, dealing {@damage 7d6} slashing damage to all creatures in a 30-foot emanation ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Telekinetic Crystalline Assault" } @@ -3909,7 +3909,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 34" + "90 feet, {@dc 34}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3940,7 +3940,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Veshumirix breathes a blast of magma that deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage and {@damage 4d12} bludgeoning damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 42 basic Reflex save). He can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Veshumirix breathes a blast of magma that deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage and {@damage 4d12} bludgeoning damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save). He can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa5.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa5.json index 0b1ddc0425..7f03bbe1e8 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa5.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa5.json @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by the aluum enforcer's fist {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition paralyzed} for {@dice 1d4} minutes and falls {@condition prone}." + "A creature damaged by the aluum enforcer's fist {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition paralyzed} for {@dice 1d4} minutes and falls {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Paralyzing Force" }, @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The aluum enforcer emits a keening wail in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 9d6} sonic damage (DC 27 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}, or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure. The aluum can't use Soul Shriek again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The aluum enforcer emits a keening wail in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 9d6} sonic damage ({@dc 27} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}, or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure. The aluum can't use Soul Shriek again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Soul Shriek" } @@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the ichor's pseudopod is {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} for 1 day unless it succeeds at a DC 35 Will save." + "A creature hit by the ichor's pseudopod is {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} for 1 day unless it succeeds at a {@dc 35} Will save." ], "name": "Mental Erosion" }, @@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The immortal ichor draws blood from the pores of living creatures around it. Any living creature within 30 feet that has blood takes {@dice 4d6} damage (DC 33 basic Fortitude save). The immortal ichor regains HP equal to the total damage dealt. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} (or {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} on a critical failure)." + "The immortal ichor draws blood from the pores of living creatures around it. Any living creature within 30 feet that has blood takes {@dice 4d6} damage ({@dc 33} basic Fortitude save). The immortal ichor regains HP equal to the total damage dealt. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} (or {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Resanguinate" } @@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Ishti touches a creature, who must succeed at a DC 40 Will save or become {@condition stupefied 1} (or {@condition stupefied 2} on a critical failure). If the target fails additional saves against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (or 2 if it critically fails; to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." + "Ishti touches a creature, who must succeed at a {@dc 40} Will save or become {@condition stupefied 1} (or {@condition stupefied 2} on a critical failure). If the target fails additional saves against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (or 2 if it critically fails; to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." ], "name": "Matriarch's Caress" }, @@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ }, "requirements": "Bshez is standing in an area with loose sand or soil", "entries": [ - "Bshez flings sand into an adjacent creature's eyes. If the target fails a DC 38 Reflex save, they are {@condition dazzled} until the beginning of Bshez's next turn. If they critically fail, they are {@condition blinded} until the beginning of Bshez's next turn. If they succeed, they are unaffected. Regardless of their save, they're temporarily immune until the battle ends." + "Bshez flings sand into an adjacent creature's eyes. If the target fails a {@dc 38} Reflex save, they are {@condition dazzled} until the beginning of Bshez's next turn. If they critically fail, they are {@condition blinded} until the beginning of Bshez's next turn. If they succeed, they are unaffected. Regardless of their save, they're temporarily immune until the battle ends." ], "name": "Fling Sand in the Eyes" }, @@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The spiritbound aluum has bound a soul using its {@spell bind soul} innate spell", "entries": [ - "The spiritbound aluum transforms the captured soul's essence into raw magical energy, channeling the spirit into a beam that deals {@damage 20d6} force damage in a 30-foot line (DC 38 basic Reflex save). The remaining fragments of the captured soul are released to the Great Beyond. The spiritbound aluum can't use Obliteration Beam again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The spiritbound aluum transforms the captured soul's essence into raw magical energy, channeling the spirit into a beam that deals {@damage 20d6} force damage in a 30-foot line ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save). The remaining fragments of the captured soul are released to the Great Beyond. The spiritbound aluum can't use Obliteration Beam again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Obliteration Beam" }, @@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by the spiritbound aluum's fist {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition paralyzed} for {@dice 1d4} minutes and falls {@condition prone}." + "A creature damaged by the spiritbound aluum's fist {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 35} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition paralyzed} for {@dice 1d4} minutes and falls {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Paralyzing Force" }, @@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The spiritbound aluum emits a keening wail in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 16d6} sonic damage (DC 27 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}, or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure. The aluum can't use Soul Shriek again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The spiritbound aluum emits a keening wail in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 16d6} sonic damage ({@dc 27} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}, or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure. The aluum can't use Soul Shriek again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Soul Shriek" } @@ -2000,7 +2000,7 @@ "special": "once per day per gem" }, "entries": [ - "Ten blight quartz gemstones on the demilich's skull can trap the souls of the living. The {@action Activate an Item||Activated} gem casts {@spell bind soul}. This {@spell bind soul} can target and affect a {@condition dying} creature instead of a corpse. The {@condition dying} creature can attempt a DC 43 Fortitude save; if it succeeds, it doesn't die and its soul is not trapped but it's enervated 2 (or is unaffected entirely on a critical success). When the soul of a creature gets trapped, the creature's body swiftly turns to dust.", + "Ten blight quartz gemstones on the demilich's skull can trap the souls of the living. The {@action Activate an Item||Activated} gem casts {@spell bind soul}. This {@spell bind soul} can target and affect a {@condition dying} creature instead of a corpse. The {@condition dying} creature can attempt a {@dc 43} Fortitude save; if it succeeds, it doesn't die and its soul is not trapped but it's enervated 2 (or is unaffected entirely on a critical success). When the soul of a creature gets trapped, the creature's body swiftly turns to dust.", "The gemstones work like the black sapphires used in {@spell bind soul}, except that they can hold creatures of up to 17th level and have a value of 200 gp apiece. The demilich can Devour a Soul it has trapped." ], "name": "Trap Soul" @@ -2207,7 +2207,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature within Uri's reach fails an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check", "entries": [ - "Uri makes an unarmed {@action Strike} against the triggering creature. If the attack hits, the target must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 3} until the end of its next turn ({@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 4} on a critical failure)." + "Uri makes an unarmed {@action Strike} against the triggering creature. If the attack hits, the target must succeed at a {@dc 41} Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 3} until the end of its next turn ({@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 4} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Punish Imperfection" }, @@ -2382,7 +2382,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 36" + "60 feet, {@dc 36}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "When a Xotanispawn dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 15d8} fire damage to creatures in a 30-foot emanation (DC 39 basic Reflex save)." + "When a Xotanispawn dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 15d8} fire damage to creatures in a 30-foot emanation ({@dc 39} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Explosion" }, @@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A creature adjacent to the Xotanispawn touches it or hits it with a physical attack", "entries": [ - "The triggering creature takes {@damage 5d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} (DC 37 Reflex save to negate)." + "The triggering creature takes {@damage 5d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} ({@dc 37} Reflex save to negate)." ], "name": "Internal Furnace" } @@ -2433,7 +2433,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The Xotanispawn sprays a 60-foot cone of magma that deals {@damage 10d10} fire damage and {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} to all creatures in the area (DC 39 basic Reflex save). The Xotanispawn can't use its Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The Xotanispawn sprays a 60-foot cone of magma that deals {@damage 10d10} fire damage and {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} to all creatures in the area ({@dc 39} basic Reflex save). The Xotanispawn can't use its Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa6.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa6.json index 4234023dac..6780fd36cd 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa6.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoa6.json @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ "teleportation" ], "entries": [ - "The aiudara wraith's touch displaces creatures and flings them through space. The creature must attempt a DC 40 Fortitude save.", + "The aiudara wraith's touch displaces creatures and flings them through space. The creature must attempt a {@dc 40} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When an aiudara wraith damages a living creature with its spectral hand {@action Strike}, the aiudara wraith gains 18 temporary Hit Points and the target must succeed at a DC 40 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} and {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1} as long as it is {@condition drained}. Further damage dealt by the aiudara wraith's spectral hand {@action Strike||Strikes} increases the value of the {@condition drained} and {@condition stupefied} conditions by 1 each on a failed save, to a maximum of 10 for both." + "When an aiudara wraith damages a living creature with its spectral hand {@action Strike}, the aiudara wraith gains 18 temporary Hit Points and the target must succeed at a {@dc 40} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} and {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1} as long as it is {@condition drained}. Further damage dealt by the aiudara wraith's spectral hand {@action Strike||Strikes} increases the value of the {@condition drained} and {@condition stupefied} conditions by 1 each on a failed save, to a maximum of 10 for both." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ "divine" ], "entries": [ - "The animated dragonstorm directs a 30-foot cone of dragonstorm energy. This deals {@damage 3d8} acid, {@damage 3d8} cold, {@damage 3d8} electricity, {@damage 3d8} fire, and {@damage 3d8} poison damage to creatures in the cone (DC 40 basic Reflex save). The animated dragonstorm can't use Channel Dragonstorm again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The animated dragonstorm directs a 30-foot cone of dragonstorm energy. This deals {@damage 3d8} acid, {@damage 3d8} cold, {@damage 3d8} electricity, {@damage 3d8} fire, and {@damage 3d8} poison damage to creatures in the cone ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). The animated dragonstorm can't use Channel Dragonstorm again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Channel Dragonstorm" }, @@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "DC 44" + "{@dc 44}" ], "name": "Frightful Moan", "generic": { @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "{@damage 12d6} bludgeoning, DC 44" + "{@damage 12d6} bludgeoning, {@dc 44}" ], "name": "Telekinetic Assault", "generic": { @@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 42" + "90 feet, {@dc 42}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The dragonshard guardian takes cold, fire, electricity, or sonic damage from a non\u2013dragonshard guardian source", "entries": [ - "The dragonshard guardian's body absorbs the energy entirely, preventing the damage from harming the construct. Its body reverberates and transforms the absorbed energy before projecting it outward in a 60-foot burst. Each creature within the burst takes an amount of fire damage equal to the amount of energy damage absorbed by the triggering attack, including any damage resisted by the guardian's resistances and additional damage from its weakness (DC 45 basic Reflex save). This fire damage doesn't harm objects or constructs." + "The dragonshard guardian's body absorbs the energy entirely, preventing the damage from harming the construct. Its body reverberates and transforms the absorbed energy before projecting it outward in a 60-foot burst. Each creature within the burst takes an amount of fire damage equal to the amount of energy damage absorbed by the triggering attack, including any damage resisted by the guardian's resistances and additional damage from its weakness ({@dc 45} basic Reflex save). This fire damage doesn't harm objects or constructs." ], "name": "Reverberating Revenge" } @@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "A blast of flame deals {@damage 15d10} fire damage to all creatures in a 60-foot cone (DC 45 basic Reflex save). This fire damage does not harm objects or constructs." + "A blast of flame deals {@damage 15d10} fire damage to all creatures in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 45} basic Reflex save). This fire damage does not harm objects or constructs." ] }, { @@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A cloud of gold-flecked gas forces each creature in a 60-foot cone to attempt a DC 45 Fortitude save; the effect lasts 1 minute.", + "A cloud of gold-flecked gas forces each creature in a 60-foot cone to attempt a {@dc 45} Fortitude save; the effect lasts 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 4d8+10} bludgeoning, DC 41" + "{@damage 4d8+10} bludgeoning, {@dc 41}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -2024,7 +2024,7 @@ ], "trigger": "Ingnovim damages a creature with a syringe {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The creature injected with unstable mutagen must attempt a DC 41 Fortitude save to resist the injection.", + "The creature injected with unstable mutagen must attempt a {@dc 41} Fortitude save to resist the injection.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2147,7 +2147,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "When one of Ingnovim's assistants dies, it bursts open in a foul-sounding and smelling explosion of toxic viscera and poisonous vapors.", - "All creatures within a 20-foot burst must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save to resist this blast of poison.", + "All creatures within a 20-foot burst must attempt a {@dc 38} Fortitude save to resist this blast of poison.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2536,7 +2536,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, {@damage 6d6} fire damage (DC 42 basic Reflex save)" + "10 feet, {@damage 6d6} fire damage ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save)" ], "name": "Dragon Heat" }, @@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 42" + "90 feet, {@dc 42}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2595,7 +2595,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "{@deity Dahak|LOGM}'s manifestation breathes a blast of dragonstorm energy that deals {@damage 5d6} acid, {@damage 5d6} cold, {@damage 5d6} electricity, {@damage 5d6} fire, and {@damage 5d6} poison damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 46 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "{@deity Dahak|LOGM}'s manifestation breathes a blast of dragonstorm energy that deals {@damage 5d6} acid, {@damage 5d6} cold, {@damage 5d6} electricity, {@damage 5d6} fire, and {@damage 5d6} poison damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 46} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -3000,7 +3000,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, {@dice 10d6} damage split evenly between acid, cold electricity, fire, and poison (DC 45 basic Reflex save)" + "10 feet, {@dice 10d6} damage split evenly between acid, cold electricity, fire, and poison ({@dc 45} basic Reflex save)" ], "name": "Dragonstorm Aura" }, @@ -3012,7 +3012,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet, DC 45" + "120 feet, {@dc 45}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3094,7 +3094,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The manifestation of {@deity Dahak|LOGM} breathes a blast of dragonstorm energy that deals {@damage 5d6} acid, {@damage 5d6} cold, {@damage 5d6} electricity, {@damage 5d6} fire, and {@damage 5d6} poison damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 48 basic Reflex save). It can't use Dragonstorm Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The manifestation of {@deity Dahak|LOGM} breathes a blast of dragonstorm energy that deals {@damage 5d6} acid, {@damage 5d6} cold, {@damage 5d6} electricity, {@damage 5d6} fire, and {@damage 5d6} poison damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 48} basic Reflex save). It can't use Dragonstorm Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Dragonstorm Breath" }, @@ -3108,7 +3108,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The manifestation of {@deity Dahak|LOGM} breathes a blast of energy that deals {@dice 12d12} damage in a 90-foot line (DC 44 basic Reflex save). The type of damage this Breath Weapon deals can be acid, cold, electricity, fire, or poison, as chosen by the manifestation when it attacks. The manifestation can't use its focused Breath Weapon again for 2 rounds, and the next time it uses its Breath Weapon, it must deal a different type of damage than the previous usage." + "The manifestation of {@deity Dahak|LOGM} breathes a blast of energy that deals {@dice 12d12} damage in a 90-foot line ({@dc 44} basic Reflex save). The type of damage this Breath Weapon deals can be acid, cold, electricity, fire, or poison, as chosen by the manifestation when it attacks. The manifestation can't use its focused Breath Weapon again for 2 rounds, and the next time it uses its Breath Weapon, it must deal a different type of damage than the previous usage." ], "name": "Focused Breath Weapon" } @@ -3508,7 +3508,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 43" + "90 feet, {@dc 43}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3577,7 +3577,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of flame in a 80-foot cone that deals {@damage 24d6} fire damage (DC 46 basic Reflex save)." + "The dragon breathes a blast of flame in a 80-foot cone that deals {@damage 24d6} fire damage ({@dc 46} basic Reflex save)." ] }, { @@ -3588,7 +3588,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of weakening gas. Each creature within a 80-foot cone must succeed at a DC 46 Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 4} for 1 minute (or {@condition enfeebled 5} on a critical failure)." + "The dragon breathes a blast of weakening gas. Each creature within a 80-foot cone must succeed at a {@dc 46} Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 4} for 1 minute (or {@condition enfeebled 5} on a critical failure)." ] } ] @@ -3634,7 +3634,7 @@ { "entries": [ "When Mengkare uses Breath Weapon, he can expel an explosive orb of flame instead of a cone. When he does, he fires the orb at the corner of a square within 60 feet.", - "The orb immediately detonates and deals {@damage 24d6} fire damage (DC 48 basic Reflex save) to all creatures within a 30-foot burst.", + "The orb immediately detonates and deals {@damage 24d6} fire damage ({@dc 48} basic Reflex save) to all creatures within a 30-foot burst.", "Creatures that critically fail their save catch on fire and take {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}." ], "name": "Explosive Breath" @@ -4536,7 +4536,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "300 feet, DC 39" + "300 feet, {@dc 39}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -4608,7 +4608,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Tarrasque flings spines in a 120-foot cone, dealing {@damage 3d10+20} piercing damage to each creature in the area (DC 53 basic Reflex save)", + "Tarrasque flings spines in a 120-foot cone, dealing {@damage 3d10+20} piercing damage to each creature in the area ({@dc 53} basic Reflex save)", "Tarrasque can't use Spine Volley again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Spine Volley" @@ -4635,7 +4635,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, claw, DC 49. When Tarrasque Tramples, it can {@action Stride} up to triple its Speed." + "Huge or smaller, claw, {@dc 49}. When Tarrasque Tramples, it can {@action Stride} up to triple its Speed." ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -4841,7 +4841,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A creature targets the vazgorlu with a {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The vazgorlu chooses a different creature within 60 feet and attempts to swap places with that creature using {@spell dimension door} in the instant before the {@action Strike}. The target must attempt a DC 39 Will save.", + "The vazgorlu chooses a different creature within 60 feet and attempts to swap places with that creature using {@spell dimension door} in the instant before the {@action Strike}. The target must attempt a {@dc 39} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -4858,7 +4858,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by a vazgorlu's web {@action Strike} is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 42). As long as it remains {@condition immobilized} by the web, the web attempts to counteract any effect that would move the webbed creature to another plane, with a counteract level of 10 and using the vazgorlu's {@skill Arcana} skill to attempt the counteract check." + "A creature hit by a vazgorlu's web {@action Strike} is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 42}). As long as it remains {@condition immobilized} by the web, the web attempts to counteract any effect that would move the webbed creature to another plane, with a counteract level of 10 and using the vazgorlu's {@skill Arcana} skill to attempt the counteract check." ], "name": "Dimensional Tether" }, @@ -5015,7 +5015,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "300 feet, DC 39" + "300 feet, {@dc 39}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -5058,7 +5058,7 @@ ], "trigger": "Xotani is damaged", "entries": [ - "Xotani's wound erupts with magma in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 6d8} fire damage and {@damage 6d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} (DC 42 basic Reflex save)." + "Xotani's wound erupts with magma in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 6d8} fire damage and {@damage 6d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Firebleed" } @@ -5085,7 +5085,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "Xotani breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 18d6} fire damage plus {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} to all creatures in a 70-foot cone (DC 42 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Xotani breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 18d6} fire damage plus {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} to all creatures in a 70-foot cone ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -5111,7 +5111,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, claw, DC 42. When Xotani Tramples, it can {@action Stride} up to triple its Speed." + "Huge or smaller, claw, {@dc 42}. When Xotani Tramples, it can {@action Stride} up to triple its Speed." ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe1.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe1.json index 38615e29eb..24e7dabb33 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe1.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe1.json @@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ "concentrate" ], "entries": [ - "The binumir unleashes a distressing cry that fills others with wrenching sadness. Creatures within 30 feet must attempt a DC 17 Will save.", + "The binumir unleashes a distressing cry that fills others with wrenching sadness. Creatures within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 17} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the cobbleswarm's space takes {@damage 2d4} bludgeoning damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save)." + "Each enemy in the cobbleswarm's space takes {@damage 2d4} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Pummeling Assault" } @@ -1973,7 +1973,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the aura must attempt a DC 14 Fortitude save, or DC 17 if the pickled punk is attached to the creature. On a failed save, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, it's also {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} for 1 minute." + "5 feet. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the aura must attempt a {@dc 14} Fortitude save, or {@dc 17} if the pickled punk is attached to the creature. On a failed save, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, it's also {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} for 1 minute." ], "name": "Suffocating Fumes" } @@ -2249,7 +2249,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d4+4} bludgeoning, DC 16" + "{@damage 1d4+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 16}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -2422,7 +2422,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The siege shard emits a disorienting psychic blast. All creatures within a 15 feet take {@damage 4d6} mental damage (DC 20 basic Will save)." + "The siege shard emits a disorienting psychic blast. All creatures within a 15 feet take {@damage 4d6} mental damage ({@dc 20} basic Will save)." ], "name": "Overwhelming Anguish" }, @@ -2694,7 +2694,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The vargouille shrieks, its scream so terrible that all non-vargouilles within 60 feet must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or be {@condition paralyzed} for 3 rounds. The effect ends early for a creature if the vargouille moves out of sight, moves farther than 60 feet from the creature, or attacks the creature with its fangs. After attempting its save, a creature is immune to that particular vargouille's Shriek for 24 hours." + "The vargouille shrieks, its scream so terrible that all non-vargouilles within 60 feet must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or be {@condition paralyzed} for 3 rounds. The effect ends early for a creature if the vargouille moves out of sight, moves farther than 60 feet from the creature, or attacks the creature with its fangs. After attempting its save, a creature is immune to that particular vargouille's Shriek for 24 hours." ], "name": "Shriek" }, @@ -2861,7 +2861,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The zrukbat assumes the shape of any Small object or ornamentation, although the zrukbat's mimicked objects usually have unrealistic or suspicious quirks. This doesn't change the zrukbat's size but can alter their coloration and visual appearance. They have an automatic result of 23 on {@skill Deception} checks and DCs to pass as the mimicked object.", - "Go for the Eyes {@as 2} The zrukbat flies up to its Speed and makes a claw {@action Strike} at the end of its move. If the claw attack hits, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw or be {@condition blinded} for 1 round (or {@condition blinded} for 1 minute on a critical failure). If the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the target's save result is one degree of success worse." + "Go for the Eyes {@as 2} The zrukbat flies up to its Speed and makes a claw {@action Strike} at the end of its move. If the claw attack hits, the target must succeed on a {@dc 15} Fortitude saving throw or be {@condition blinded} for 1 round (or {@condition blinded} for 1 minute on a critical failure). If the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the target's save result is one degree of success worse." ], "name": "Dubious Shifting" } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe2.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe2.json index 92458184cb..033ff72341 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe2.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe2.json @@ -1,5 +1,182 @@ { "creature": [ + { + "name": "Tyrroicese", + "source": "AoE2", + "page": 40, + "description": "Eldritch horror from the Dark Tapestry", + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "ne", + "large", + "construct", + "ooze" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 16 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "motion sense ", + "range": 60 + }, + { + "name": "no vision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "athletics": { + "std": 23 + }, + "dark tapestry lore": { + "std": 15 + }, + "religion": { + "std": 18 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 7, + "dex": 2, + "con": 5, + "int": -3, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 4 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 27 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 21 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 14 + }, + "will": { + "std": 19 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 320 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "acid", + "critical hits", + "piercing", + "precision", + "slashing", + "unconscious", + "visual" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "good", + "amount": 10 + } + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "evil", + "amount": 10 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 15 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "acid", + "magical", + "reach <15 feet>", + "versatile

" + ], + "name": "pseudopod", + "attack": 23, + "damage": "{@damage 2d10+13} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} acid" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "top": [ + { + "name": "Motion", + "entries": [ + "Sense Tyrroicese can sense nearby motion through vibration and air movement." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Pseudopod Burst", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "Tyrroicese makes up to three pseudopod strikes, each against a different creature.", + "Tyrroicese's multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after all these attacks are made." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rallying Call", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "When Tyrroicese subsumed Corporal Quordein, it gained a perverted form of the commander's ability to rally allies. The first time Tyrroicese uses this ability, it summons an ochre jelly (Bestiary 255), which leaks out of the ceiling of area D13 and drops to the floor to join the fight, siding with Tyrroicese. Thereafter, when Tyrroicese uses this ability, any oozes within 60 feet become {@condition quickened} for 1 round (the oozes can use their extra action only to {@action Stride}) and, if they're not allied with the agents, the oozes ally themselves with Tyrroicese." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Stretching Step", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "free" + }, + "traits": [ + "move" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "round" + }, + "entries": [ + "Tyrroicese forcefully extends a sticky pseudopod, plants it on a wall within 45 feet, and retracts the muscle.", + "Tyrroicese springs over to a space adjacent to the wall, moving through the intervening squares as normal but ignoring any difficult or greater difficult terrain." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Subsume", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "incapacitation" + ], + "entries": [ + "Tyrroicese lifts an adjacent {@condition dying} creature with its pseudopods and subsumes that creature into its own oozy flesh. The subsumed creature's {@condition dying} value does not increase, though it can't decrease either. Tyrroicese regains 30 HP and also gains the ability to use one or two of the subsumed creature's special abilities or feats, subject to the GM's discretion. A creature adjacent to Tyrroicese can extract a subsumed creature by spending 2 actions to attempt a DC 29 {@skill Athletics} check.", + "On a success, the subsumed creature is pulled from Tyrroicese and falls into the nearest available space." + ] + } + ] + } + }, { "name": "Bone Skipper Swarm", "source": "AoE2", @@ -58,7 +235,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d6} piercing damage (DC 24 basic Reflex save) plus exposure to marrow rot." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d6} piercing damage ({@dc 24} basic Reflex save) plus exposure to marrow rot." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" }, @@ -593,7 +770,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The dreadsong dancer whirls their howling songblades and cloaks themself in illusion magic.", - "Each non-fiend creature in a 30-foot emanation from the dreadsong dancer must attempt a DC 29 Will save.", + "Each non-fiend creature in a 30-foot emanation from the dreadsong dancer must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -776,7 +953,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The excorion spews necrotic blood all over a foe it has {@condition grabbed}.", - "The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}." + "The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}." ], "name": "Vomit Blood" } @@ -1122,7 +1299,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 25" + "30 feet, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1311,7 +1488,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "As bone skipper swarm, but DC 25." + "As bone skipper swarm, but {@dc 25}." ], "name": "Marrow Rot", "entries_as_xyz": [ @@ -1748,7 +1925,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, DC 24.", + "10 feet, {@dc 24}.", "As zombie ability (Bestiary 340)." ], "name": "Rotting Aura" @@ -1770,10 +1947,10 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "As ofalth, but DC 22." + "As ofalth, but {@dc 22}." ], "name": "Wretched Weeps", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wretched Weeps As ofalth, but DC 22.' in Ofalth Zombie, p.47" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wretched Weeps As ofalth, but {@dc 22}.' in Ofalth Zombie, p.47" } ] }, @@ -2266,7 +2443,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The Skinsaw seamer is currently grappling a creature", "entries": [ - "The seamer stitches a piece of cloth to the creature's arm, face, or leg, potentially hindering it. The creature must attempt a DC 26 Reflex saving throw; if the seamer has already successfully used their Flay ability against the creature within the past minute, the creature's save result is one degree of success worse.", + "The seamer stitches a piece of cloth to the creature's arm, face, or leg, potentially hindering it. The creature must attempt a {@dc 26} Reflex saving throw; if the seamer has already successfully used their Flay ability against the creature within the past minute, the creature's save result is one degree of success worse.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2537,7 +2714,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The tenome has a creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}", "entries": [ - "The tenome makes a jaws {@action Strike} against the {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} creature. If the {@action Strike} hits, the creature must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} (or the value of the creature's {@condition drained} condition increases by 1 if it already has a {@condition drained} value, to a maximum of {@condition drained|CRB|drained 4}). The tenome regains {@dice 1d8} Hit Points each time it uses Bone Drink." + "The tenome makes a jaws {@action Strike} against the {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} creature. If the {@action Strike} hits, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} (or the value of the creature's {@condition drained} condition increases by 1 if it already has a {@condition drained} value, to a maximum of {@condition drained|CRB|drained 4}). The tenome regains {@dice 1d8} Hit Points each time it uses Bone Drink." ], "name": "Bone Drink" }, @@ -2560,7 +2737,7 @@ "or" ], "entries": [ - "{@as 2} (emotion, enchantment, fear, incapacitation, mental, occult, visual) A tenome can gaze at a creature within 30 feet by presenting one of its eyes. The target must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1}. If the tenome uses 2 actions and presents both of its eyes, the target is also {@condition paralyzed} if it fails the save. A creature that successfully saves is temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "{@as 2} (emotion, enchantment, fear, incapacitation, mental, occult, visual) A tenome can gaze at a creature within 30 feet by presenting one of its eyes. The target must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1}. If the tenome uses 2 actions and presents both of its eyes, the target is also {@condition paralyzed} if it fails the save. A creature that successfully saves is temporarily immune for 24 hours." ], "name": "Terrifying Gaze" } @@ -2717,7 +2894,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The teraphant has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "The teraphant slams the creature onto one of its horns. The target must attempt a DC 27 Reflex save or suffer {@damage 3d6+9} piercing damage and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} ({@damage 6d6+18} piercing damage on a critical failure)." + "The teraphant slams the creature onto one of its horns. The target must attempt a {@dc 27} Reflex save or suffer {@damage 3d6+9} piercing damage and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} ({@damage 6d6+18} piercing damage on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Impale" }, @@ -2727,7 +2904,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The teraphant lets out a loud trumpet that deals {@damage 8d8} mental damage (DC 27 basic Will save) in a 30-foot cone. A creature that fails its save is also pushed 15 feet (30 feet on a critical failure). If a pushed creatures strikes a solid barrier, it takes {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning damage and stops. The teraphant can't use." + "The teraphant lets out a loud trumpet that deals {@damage 8d8} mental damage ({@dc 27} basic Will save) in a 30-foot cone. A creature that fails its save is also pushed 15 feet (30 feet on a critical failure). If a pushed creatures strikes a solid barrier, it takes {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning damage and stops. The teraphant can't use." ], "name": "Psychokinetic Trumpet" }, @@ -2743,7 +2920,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 27" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 27}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -2872,7 +3049,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 23, {@damage 2d8+9} acid, {@action Escape} DC 23, Rupture 14 (19 when using Metallify)" + "{@dc 23}, {@damage 2d8+9} acid, {@action Escape} {@dc 23}, Rupture 14 (19 when using Metallify)" ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe3.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe3.json index b1260174af..ef1d12f207 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe3.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe3.json @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "See Ghoul Abilities; DC 26." + "See Ghoul Abilities; {@dc 26}." ], "name": "Paralysis" } @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ "items": [ "+1 chain mail", "moderate elixir of life", - "heavy crossbow (with 4 spellstrike arrows [type III, blindness; DC 24])", + "heavy crossbow (with 4 spellstrike arrows [type III, blindness; {@dc 24}])", "greater juggernaut mutagen", "ring of lies", "+1 striking shovel (same stats as a scythe, but with the versatile B trait)", @@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ }, "requirements": "Berleth has just used his shovel to {@action Trip} a creature", "entries": [ - "Berleth brutally brings his shovel down on the {@condition prone} foe, making a shovel {@action Strike}. On a hit, the {@action Strike} deals damage as normal, plus the target must make a DC 30 Fortitude save.", + "Berleth brutally brings his shovel down on the {@condition prone} foe, making a shovel {@action Strike}. On a hit, the {@action Strike} deals damage as normal, plus the target must make a {@dc 30} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The eberark utters crude insults and growls threateningly. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 27 Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", + "The eberark utters crude insults and growls threateningly. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 27} Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the eberark's spit becomes coated in a slippery, flammable oil. The creature must succeed at a DC 27 Reflex save or become {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 2} for as long as they are coated in incendiary spit. Creatures affected by incendiary spit that take fire damage catch fire, taking {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. Once this {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} ends, the spit has burned away.", + "A creature hit by the eberark's spit becomes coated in a slippery, flammable oil. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 27} Reflex save or become {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 2} for as long as they are coated in incendiary spit. Creatures affected by incendiary spit that take fire damage catch fire, taking {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. Once this {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} ends, the spit has burned away.", "The spit also wears off naturally after one hour or can be washed off with soap, water, and one minute of work." ], "name": "Incendiary Spit" @@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The eberark {@action Stride||Strides} twice, leaving a trail of magical fire behind it as it moves. Squares the eberark moves through catch fire, creating a 5-foot-tall wall of flame that burns for 1 round. The wall of flame conceals creatures and objects on the other side of it. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the wall of flame takes {@damage 6d6} fire damage (DC 27 basic Reflex save)." + "The eberark {@action Stride||Strides} twice, leaving a trail of magical fire behind it as it moves. Squares the eberark moves through catch fire, creating a 5-foot-tall wall of flame that burns for 1 round. The wall of flame conceals creatures and objects on the other side of it. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the wall of flame takes {@damage 6d6} fire damage ({@dc 27} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Trail of Flame" } @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Franca uncorks and flings a dose of poison at a bleeding foe. She retrieves a poison from her inventory, then splashes it at a creature within 10 feet that is currently taking {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}. The creature must succeed at a DC 32 Reflex save or be exposed to the poison." + "Franca uncorks and flings a dose of poison at a bleeding foe. She retrieves a poison from her inventory, then splashes it at a creature within 10 feet that is currently taking {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 32} Reflex save or be exposed to the poison." ], "name": "Splash Poison" } @@ -1855,7 +1855,7 @@ ], "trigger": "Maurrisa can make an {@action Attack of Opportunity}", "entries": [ - "Maurrisa chops her opponent on the back of the head or neck, possibly concussing them. The target must attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes damage as if hit by Maurrisa's fist {@action Strike}, and is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} instead." + "Maurrisa chops her opponent on the back of the head or neck, possibly concussing them. The target must attempt a {@dc 26} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes damage as if hit by Maurrisa's fist {@action Strike}, and is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} instead." ], "name": "Rabbit Punch" } @@ -2298,7 +2298,7 @@ ], "requirements": "Scathka is wielding a dagger", "entries": [ - "Scathka draws a shadowy glyph on the dagger's blade and flings it at a nearby foe. Scathka makes a ranged {@action Strike} with the dagger with the range increment increased to 30 feet. If the {@action Strike} hits, it deals {@damage 8d6} cold damage (double damage on a critical success) and the target must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until the end of its next turn (or {@dice 1d4} rounds on a critical failure). The dagger loses its shadowy magic as soon as the attack is resolved." + "Scathka draws a shadowy glyph on the dagger's blade and flings it at a nearby foe. Scathka makes a ranged {@action Strike} with the dagger with the range increment increased to 30 feet. If the {@action Strike} hits, it deals {@damage 8d6} cold damage (double damage on a critical success) and the target must succeed at a {@dc 32} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until the end of its next turn (or {@dice 1d4} rounds on a critical failure). The dagger loses its shadowy magic as soon as the attack is resolved." ], "name": "Throw Shadow Blade" } @@ -2858,7 +2858,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The chemist has at least one bomb in their possession", "entries": [ - "The chemist adds a hasty mix of noxious substances to the bomb and makes a ranged {@action Strike} with it. If it hits and deals damage, the target must attempt a DC 27 Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} for {@dice 1d6} rounds; if the result of the save is a critical failure, this increases to {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 3}. For the next 24 hours, the affected target takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty (\u20133 on a critical failure) to additional Fortitude saving throws against the same chemist's Crude Bombs." + "The chemist adds a hasty mix of noxious substances to the bomb and makes a ranged {@action Strike} with it. If it hits and deals damage, the target must attempt a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} for {@dice 1d6} rounds; if the result of the save is a critical failure, this increases to {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 3}. For the next 24 hours, the affected target takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty (\u20133 on a critical failure) to additional Fortitude saving throws against the same chemist's Crude Bombs." ], "name": "Dirty Bomb" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe4.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe4.json index d9d3287336..9c043344d1 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe4.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe4.json @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ "For the clockwork assassin to act, it must be wound with a unique key by another creature. This takes 1 minute. Once wound, it remains operational for 24 hours, after which time it becomes unaware of its surroundings and can't act until it's wound again.", "The assassin can enter standby mode as a 3-action activity.", "Its operational time doesn't decrease in standby, but it can sense its surroundings (with a \u20132 penalty to {@skill Perception}). It can't act, with one exception: when it perceives a creature, it can exit standby as a reaction (rolling initiative if appropriate)", - "A creature can attempt a DC 31 {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device} to wind the assassin down. For each success, the assassin loses 1 hour of operational time. This can be done even if the assassin is in standby mode." + "A creature can attempt a {@dc 31} {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device} to wind the assassin down. For each success, the assassin loses 1 hour of operational time. This can be done even if the assassin is in standby mode." ], "name": "Wind-Up" } @@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Similar to other will-o'-wisps, a gloaming will-o'-wisp is naturally {@condition invisible}, but glows with a faint colored light. They cast dim light in the aura, which makes them visible. In addition, any non-aberration creature that ends their turn in the aura and can see the gloaming will-o'-wisp is distracted by the gloaming will-o'-wisp's glow and must attempt a DC 31 Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1} for 1 round and takes {@damage 3d6} mental damage." + "30 feet. Similar to other will-o'-wisps, a gloaming will-o'-wisp is naturally {@condition invisible}, but glows with a faint colored light. They cast dim light in the aura, which makes them visible. In addition, any non-aberration creature that ends their turn in the aura and can see the gloaming will-o'-wisp is distracted by the gloaming will-o'-wisp's glow and must attempt a {@dc 31} Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1} for 1 round and takes {@damage 3d6} mental damage." ], "name": "Hypnotic Glow" }, @@ -2447,7 +2447,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Cost 1 batch of infused reagents; The poisoner dribbles a few experimental chemicals over a melee weapon. Until the start of their next turn, {@action Strike||Strikes} with the weapon deal an additional {@damage 2d8} poison damage, and targets hit by {@action Strike||Strikes} with the weapon must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} or {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} (the poisoner's choice) for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Cost 1 batch of infused reagents; The poisoner dribbles a few experimental chemicals over a melee weapon. Until the start of their next turn, {@action Strike||Strikes} with the weapon deal an additional {@damage 2d8} poison damage, and targets hit by {@action Strike||Strikes} with the weapon must succeed at a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} or {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} (the poisoner's choice) for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Impromptu Toxin" }, @@ -3497,7 +3497,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the Stabbing Beast's venom stream must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or become {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "A creature hit by the Stabbing Beast's venom stream must succeed at a {@dc 33} Fortitude save or become {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Blinding Stream" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe5.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe5.json index 3056920f8c..c492b7cda9 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe5.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe5.json @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The guard makes a club {@action Strike}. On a hit, if the target is {@condition flat-footed}, the target must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 2}." + "The guard makes a club {@action Strike}. On a hit, if the target is {@condition flat-footed}, the target must succeed at a {@dc 33} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 2}." ], "name": "Clobber" }, @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A living creature within 30 feet is reduced to 0 Hit Points", "entries": [ - "Calennia targets the creature with a {@spell death knell} spell (DC 34). If the target dies, all of Calennia's enemies within 60 feet are targeted by a {@spell fear} spell (DC 34). A creature that succeeds at either save is temporarily immune to this ability for 24 hours." + "Calennia targets the creature with a {@spell death knell} spell ({@dc 34}). If the target dies, all of Calennia's enemies within 60 feet are targeted by a {@spell fear} spell ({@dc 34}). A creature that succeeds at either save is temporarily immune to this ability for 24 hours." ], "name": "Terrible Justice" } @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ "entries": [ "For the clockwork assassin to act, it must be wound by another creature using a unique key. This takes 1 minute. Once wound, it remains operational for 24 hours, after which time it becomes unaware of its surroundings and can't act until it's wound again.", "The assassin can enter standby mode as a 3-action activity. Its operational time doesn't decrease in standby, but it can sense its surroundings (with a \u20132 penalty to {@skill Perception}). It can't act, with one exception: When it perceives a creature, it can exit standby as a reaction (rolling initiative if appropriate)", - "A creature can attempt a DC 31 {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device} to wind the clockwork down. For each success, the clockwork loses 1 hour of operational time.", + "A creature can attempt a {@dc 31} {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device} to wind the clockwork down. For each success, the clockwork loses 1 hour of operational time.", "This can be done even if the clockwork is in standby mode." ], "name": "Wind-Up" @@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The master assassin used Study Target during the previous round and must have a garrote bolt", "entries": [ - "The master assassin makes a crossbow {@action Strike} against the target she previously studied. If she rolls a success on her attack roll, she gets a critical success instead. The target must attempt a DC 36 Fortitude save.", + "The master assassin makes a crossbow {@action Strike} against the target she previously studied. If she rolls a success on her attack roll, she gets a critical success instead. The target must attempt a {@dc 36} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1364,10 +1364,10 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As sea hag, but DC 37." + "As sea hag, but {@dc 37}." ], "name": "Dread Gaze", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Dread Gaze As sea hag, but DC 37.' in Graem And Grinlowe, p.40" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Dread Gaze As sea hag, but {@dc 37}.' in Graem And Grinlowe, p.40" }, { "activity": { @@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ ], "requirements": "A creature within 60 feet of Graem or Grinlowe is in contact with the waters of Stormholt", "entries": [ - "The hag casts {@spell maze} (DC 37) on the creature, magically pulling the creature beneath the water (regardless of its actual depth) into an extradimensional underwater maze of shipwrecks. Between the two of them, Graem and Grinlowe can have only one creature trapped in the maze, but either hag can use the {@action Sustain a Spell} action to sustain the effect." + "The hag casts {@spell maze} ({@dc 37}) on the creature, magically pulling the creature beneath the water (regardless of its actual depth) into an extradimensional underwater maze of shipwrecks. Between the two of them, Graem and Grinlowe can have only one creature trapped in the maze, but either hag can use the {@action Sustain a Spell} action to sustain the effect." ], "name": "Pull Under" } @@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Ixusoth reaches out with her mind and attempts to steal memories from a creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a DC 40 Will saving throw or become {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} and have some of its memories stolen. When Ixusoth steals memories, she learns some of the creature's memories (chosen by the GM). These memories are then lost to that creature." + "Ixusoth reaches out with her mind and attempts to steal memories from a creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a {@dc 40} Will saving throw or become {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} and have some of its memories stolen. When Ixusoth steals memories, she learns some of the creature's memories (chosen by the GM). These memories are then lost to that creature." ], "name": "Steal Memories" }, @@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by Ixusoth's fist {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 36 Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune until the start of its next turn.", + "A creature hit by Ixusoth's fist {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune until the start of its next turn.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2558,7 +2558,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "Tentacles of water rise up and attempt to {@action Grapple} all enemies within 15 feet of the minchgorm. The minchgorm attempts an {@skill Athletics} check against the Fortitude DC of each creature in the area. On a success, the creature is {@condition grabbed} ({@action Escape} DC 40). On a critical success, or a success against a creature that is already {@condition grabbed}, the target begins to {@quickref drown||3|drowning and suffocating}." + "Tentacles of water rise up and attempt to {@action Grapple} all enemies within 15 feet of the minchgorm. The minchgorm attempts an {@skill Athletics} check against the Fortitude DC of each creature in the area. On a success, the creature is {@condition grabbed} ({@action Escape} {@dc 40}). On a critical success, or a success against a creature that is already {@condition grabbed}, the target begins to {@quickref drown||3|drowning and suffocating}." ], "name": "Riptide" }, @@ -3199,7 +3199,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by Mother Venom's spit attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} DC 38)." + "A creature hit by Mother Venom's spit attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} {@dc 38})." ], "name": "Spit" } @@ -3861,7 +3861,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it is overwhelmed by the sorrow that suffuses the obrousian's being. The creature must succeed at a DC 33 Will save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it is overwhelmed by the sorrow that suffuses the obrousian's being. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 33} Will save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." ], "name": "Waves of Sorrow" } @@ -4066,7 +4066,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Reginald's lungs are equipped with ink canisters, allowing him to spew a 60-foot line of ink that deals {@damage 9d6} poison damage (DC 39 basic Reflex save; on a failure, the creature is also subjected to Reginald's poison ink)." + "Reginald's lungs are equipped with ink canisters, allowing him to spew a 60-foot line of ink that deals {@damage 9d6} poison damage ({@dc 39} basic Reflex save; on a failure, the creature is also subjected to Reginald's poison ink)." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -4081,8 +4081,8 @@ "note": "Reginald is equipped with clockwork organs to power his body", "requirements": "Reginald has 175 Hit Points or fewer", "entries": [ - "Reginald gains 200 temporary Hit Points, a +15-foot status bonus to Speed, and a +2 status bonus to melee attack rolls. His body begins to overheat, spewing steam that deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage at the beginning of his turn to all creatures within 30 feet (DC 40 basic Reflex save)", - "After 2 rounds, Reginald explodes, dealing {@damage 19d6} fire damage to all creatures within 60 feet (DC 40 basic Reflex save)", + "Reginald gains 200 temporary Hit Points, a +15-foot status bonus to Speed, and a +2 status bonus to melee attack rolls. His body begins to overheat, spewing steam that deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage at the beginning of his turn to all creatures within 30 feet ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save)", + "After 2 rounds, Reginald explodes, dealing {@damage 19d6} fire damage to all creatures within 60 feet ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save)", "Reginald dies. For the purposes of his Secret of Rebirth ability, the last creature to damage Reginald counts as killing him." ], "name": "Overdrive Engine" @@ -4280,9 +4280,9 @@ ], "effects": [ "{@condition deafened}", - "blinding blast (DC 28)" + "blinding blast ({@dc 28})" ], - "damage": "{@damage 3d4} sonic plus 3 sonic splash, {@condition deafened}, and blinding blast (DC 28)", + "damage": "{@damage 3d4} sonic plus 3 sonic splash, {@condition deafened}, and blinding blast ({@dc 28})", "types": [ "sonic" ] @@ -4919,7 +4919,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 35, no damage, {@action Escape} DC 35, Rupture 28." + "{@dc 35}, no damage, {@action Escape} {@dc 35}, Rupture 28." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -5085,10 +5085,10 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "As ghoul, but DC 27 and the victim rises as a zeal-damned ghoul." + "As ghoul, but {@dc 27} and the victim rises as a zeal-damned ghoul." ], "name": "Ghoul Fever", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Ghoul Fever As ghoul, but DC 27 and the victim rises as a zeal-damned ghoul.' in Zeal-damned Ghoul, p.9" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Ghoul Fever As ghoul, but {@dc 27} and the victim rises as a zeal-damned ghoul.' in Zeal-damned Ghoul, p.9" }, { "traits": [ @@ -5097,10 +5097,10 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "As ghoul, but DC 27." + "As ghoul, but {@dc 27}." ], "name": "Paralysis", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Paralysis As ghoul, but DC 27.' in Zeal-damned Ghoul, p.9" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Paralysis As ghoul, but {@dc 27}.' in Zeal-damned Ghoul, p.9" }, { "activity": { @@ -5328,7 +5328,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "DC 33; geas." + "{@dc 33}; geas." ], "name": "Occult Ritual" } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe6.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe6.json index 55fcfdebc9..a2c784dff1 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe6.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-aoe6.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When an astradaemon hits with its claw, jaws, or tail, it drains the target's spiritual and vital essences. The target takes {@damage 2d10} negative damage and the astradaemon regains an equal number of Hit Points. The target must succeed at a DC 37 Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}. If the target was already {@condition drained} or {@condition doomed}, it instead increases both conditions' values by 1, to a maximum of 4." + "When an astradaemon hits with its claw, jaws, or tail, it drains the target's spiritual and vital essences. The target takes {@damage 2d10} negative damage and the astradaemon regains an equal number of Hit Points. The target must succeed at a {@dc 37} Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}. If the target was already {@condition drained} or {@condition doomed}, it instead increases both conditions' values by 1, to a maximum of 4." ], "name": "Essence Drain" }, @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The astradaemon has killed a Large or smaller creature with Overtake", "entries": [ - "Soul within the past 24 hours and that creature is within the daemon's reach; The astradaemon takes over and wears the body of their victim. This automatically creates a disguise to allow the astradaemon to {@action Impersonate} the target creature. The body has a number of Hit Points equal to 3 times the level of the creature. Any damage targeting the astradaemon damages the body first. Once the body is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it's destroyed and forces the astradaemon out, back to the daemon's normal form. If the astradaemon takes any good damage while wearing the body, the damage is dealt to the astradaemon directly and it must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check or be forced out of the body. Additionally, disjunction and dispel magic can force the astradaemon out of the body with a successful counteract check against DC 41. While wearing the disguise, the astradaemon's attacks use the reach of the body it inhabits, and its size changes to match that of the creature whose soul it consumed. Additionally, the astradaemon is {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 2} and {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 4} while wearing the disguise. (These penalties haven't been incorporated into this stat block.)" + "Soul within the past 24 hours and that creature is within the daemon's reach; The astradaemon takes over and wears the body of their victim. This automatically creates a disguise to allow the astradaemon to {@action Impersonate} the target creature. The body has a number of Hit Points equal to 3 times the level of the creature. Any damage targeting the astradaemon damages the body first. Once the body is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it's destroyed and forces the astradaemon out, back to the daemon's normal form. If the astradaemon takes any good damage while wearing the body, the damage is dealt to the astradaemon directly and it must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check or be forced out of the body. Additionally, disjunction and dispel magic can force the astradaemon out of the body with a successful counteract check against {@dc 41}. While wearing the disguise, the astradaemon's attacks use the reach of the body it inhabits, and its size changes to match that of the creature whose soul it consumed. Additionally, the astradaemon is {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 2} and {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 4} while wearing the disguise. (These penalties haven't been incorporated into this stat block.)" ], "name": "Mortal Shell" }, @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The astradaemon hasn't used an action with the {@trait attack} trait yet this turn", "entries": [ - "The astradaemon draws out and consumes the soul of a living creature it has {@condition grabbed}. The creature must succeed at a DC 39 Fortitude save or instantly die. If it dies, the astradaemon gains 10 temporary Hit Points. A creature that survives is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "The astradaemon draws out and consumes the soul of a living creature it has {@condition grabbed}. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 39} Fortitude save or instantly die. If it dies, the astradaemon gains 10 temporary Hit Points. A creature that survives is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Overtake Soul" } @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The agradaemon regains 15 Hit Points, and a pledged fanatic of the agradaemon's choice that it can see loses 15 Hit Points (no effects apply that would decrease this Hit Point loss). A pledged creature that dies in this way explodes and deals {@damage 9d10} fire damage in a 20-foot emanation (DC 41 basic Reflex save)." + "The agradaemon regains 15 Hit Points, and a pledged fanatic of the agradaemon's choice that it can see loses 15 Hit Points (no effects apply that would decrease this Hit Point loss). A pledged creature that dies in this way explodes and deals {@damage 9d10} fire damage in a 20-foot emanation ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Proven Devotion" }, @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The alchemical horror spews a torrent of alchemical fluids in a 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 20d6} acid damage to creatures in the area (DC 43 basic Reflex save). The alchemical horror can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The alchemical horror spews a torrent of alchemical fluids in a 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 20d6} acid damage to creatures in the area ({@dc 43} basic Reflex save). The alchemical horror can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Alchemical Torrent" }, @@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "60 feet.", - "When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 45 Fortitude save. If the creature fails, it is {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} and {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} ({@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} and {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure). Avsheros can deactivate or activate this aura using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait. No matter the result of the save, a creature can't be affected by Avsheros's hateful gaze again for 1 minute." + "When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 45} Fortitude save. If the creature fails, it is {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} and {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} ({@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} and {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure). Avsheros can deactivate or activate this aura using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait. No matter the result of the save, a creature can't be affected by Avsheros's hateful gaze again for 1 minute." ], "name": "Hateful Gaze" } @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "Avsheros lets out an agonized wail that invokes grief and a feeling of betrayal in those who hear it.", - "All creatures within 120 feet must succeed at a DC 47 Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2}.", + "All creatures within 120 feet must succeed at a {@dc 47} Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2}.", "A creature {@condition frightened} in this way can't willingly accept aid of any kind from an ally until the {@condition frightened} condition is removed.", "On a successful save, the creature is immune to Avsheros's Wail of the Betrayed for 24 hours." ], @@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "1 mile. Creatures who start their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 48 Will save or become unable to understand any communication (including telepathy), distinguish social rank or authority, or differentiate the relative value of objects or services.", + "1 mile. Creatures who start their turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 48} Will save or become unable to understand any communication (including telepathy), distinguish social rank or authority, or differentiate the relative value of objects or services.", "This persists for as long as the creature is in the aura.", "Creatures who succeed at the save are temporarily immune for 1 hour (24 hours on a critical success). Proteans are immune to the unrelativity field. The baatamidar can suppress this aura or activate it again as a free action." ], @@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The baatamidar's tentacles leech away thought. A creature that starts its turn {@condition grabbed} by the baatamidar must attempt a DC 41 Will save.", + "The baatamidar's tentacles leech away thought. A creature that starts its turn {@condition grabbed} by the baatamidar must attempt a {@dc 41} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1851,7 +1851,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The camarach vomits a spray of coruscating light. This has the effect of a DC 42 prismatic spray, except that each creature is affected by one violet beam and one other beam (roll {@dice 1d6} instead of {@dice 1d8} to determine which other beam). The camarach can't Disgorge a Portal again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The camarach vomits a spray of coruscating light. This has the effect of a {@dc 42} prismatic spray, except that each creature is affected by one violet beam and one other beam (roll {@dice 1d6} instead of {@dice 1d8} to determine which other beam). The camarach can't Disgorge a Portal again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Disgorge Portal" }, @@ -1866,7 +1866,7 @@ "teleportation" ], "entries": [ - "The camarach shunts one creature within its body through an inner portal to send it away. The target must attempt a DC 38 Will save.", + "The camarach shunts one creature within its body through an inner portal to send it away. The target must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2066,7 +2066,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Chaos Gulgamodh unleashes a salvo of explosive blasts in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the area take {@damage 10d10+20} fire damage (basic DC 43 Reflex save). On a failed save, a creature is subjected to a warpwave effect (page 81). On a critically failed save, a creature is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}. Chaos Gulgamodh can't use." + "Chaos Gulgamodh unleashes a salvo of explosive blasts in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the area take {@damage 10d10+20} fire damage (basic {@dc 43} Reflex save). On a failed save, a creature is subjected to a warpwave effect (page 81). On a critically failed save, a creature is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}. Chaos Gulgamodh can't use." ], "name": "Cannon Fusillade" }, @@ -2082,7 +2082,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 43" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 43}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -2429,7 +2429,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the aura must attempt a DC 44 Fortitude save. On a failed save, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, it's also {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} for 1 minute. In addition, creatures within the aura attempting a flat check to remove {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage} must roll twice and take the lower result." + "10 feet. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the aura must attempt a {@dc 44} Fortitude save. On a failed save, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, it's also {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} for 1 minute. In addition, creatures within the aura attempting a flat check to remove {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage} must roll twice and take the lower result." ], "name": "Toxic Fumes" } @@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The Daemonic Infector exhales a 30-foot line of concentrated fumes. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 12d10} poison damage (DC 44 basic Fortitude save; on a critical failure the creature is also {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}). The Infector can't Breathe Death again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The Daemonic Infector exhales a 30-foot line of concentrated fumes. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 12d10} poison damage ({@dc 44} basic Fortitude save; on a critical failure the creature is also {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}). The Infector can't Breathe Death again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breathe Death" }, @@ -2956,7 +2956,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature taking {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} within 30 feet of the Daemonic Skinner {@action Cast a Spell||Casts a Spell} with a verbal component or speaks", "entries": [ - "The Skinner wills the triggering creature's blood to gush from their mouth and constrict their throat. The target's spell is disrupted. The target must succeed at a DC 47 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}." + "The Skinner wills the triggering creature's blood to gush from their mouth and constrict their throat. The target's spell is disrupted. The target must succeed at a {@dc 47} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}." ], "name": "Spell Choke" } @@ -3133,7 +3133,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The excorion paragon projects a mist of burning blood in a 10-foot cone.", - "Creatures in the area take {@damage 10d8} acid damage and {@damage 5d8} bludgeoning damage (basic DC 37 Reflex save). On a failed save, an affected creature is also {@condition blinded} for 1 round (or 2 rounds on a critical failure). The excorion can't using Blinding Bile again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Creatures in the area take {@damage 10d8} acid damage and {@damage 5d8} bludgeoning damage (basic {@dc 37} Reflex save). On a failed save, an affected creature is also {@condition blinded} for 1 round (or 2 rounds on a critical failure). The excorion can't using Blinding Bile again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Blinding Bile" }, @@ -3154,7 +3154,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The excorion spews necrotic blood all over a foe it has {@condition grabbed}. The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a DC 39 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}." + "The excorion spews necrotic blood all over a foe it has {@condition grabbed}. The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a {@dc 39} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}." ], "name": "Vomit Blood" } @@ -3498,7 +3498,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "When a ghaele fixes their gaze upon a non-good creature, the creature is subjected to the effects of {@spell divine decree} (DC 38 Will save). If it survives, the creature is temporarily immune to Ghaele's Gaze for 1 minute." + "When a ghaele fixes their gaze upon a non-good creature, the creature is subjected to the effects of {@spell divine decree} ({@dc 38} Will save). If it survives, the creature is temporarily immune to Ghaele's Gaze for 1 minute." ], "name": "Ghaele's Gaze" }, @@ -3674,13 +3674,13 @@ ], "entries": [ "The graveknight unleashes a 30-foot cone of energy.", - "Creatures in the area take {@damage 10d12} fire damage (DC 37 basic Reflex save). The graveknight can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Creatures in the area take {@damage 10d12} fire damage ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save). The graveknight can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Devastating Blast" }, { "entries": [ - "This curse affects anyone who wears a graveknight's armor for at least 1 hour; Saving Throw DC 43 Will save; Onset 1 hour; Stage 1 {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1} and can't remove the armor (1 day); Stage 2 {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 2}, hampered 10, and can't remove the armor (1 day); Stage 3 dies and transforms into the armor's graveknight." + "This curse affects anyone who wears a graveknight's armor for at least 1 hour; Saving Throw {@dc 43} Will save; Onset 1 hour; Stage 1 {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1} and can't remove the armor (1 day); Stage 2 {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 2}, hampered 10, and can't remove the armor (1 day); Stage 3 dies and transforms into the armor's graveknight." ], "name": "Graveknight's Curse" }, @@ -3980,7 +3980,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A susurrus of distracting whispers and dilations in reality surround a hegessik. When a non-protean ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 33 Will save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition confused} for 1 round." + "30 feet. A susurrus of distracting whispers and dilations in reality surround a hegessik. When a non-protean ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 33} Will save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition confused} for 1 round." ], "name": "Maddening Whispers" }, @@ -4023,7 +4023,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+14} bludgeoning, DC 36" + "{@damage 2d8+14} bludgeoning, {@dc 36}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -4040,7 +4040,7 @@ "enchantment" ], "entries": [ - "The hegessik briefly opens its third eye. Non-protean creatures in a 30-foot cone must succeed at a DC 38 Will save or become {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} for 1 round ({@condition stupefied||stupefied 3} on a critical failure)." + "The hegessik briefly opens its third eye. Non-protean creatures in a 30-foot cone must succeed at a {@dc 38} Will save or become {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} for 1 round ({@condition stupefied||stupefied 3} on a critical failure)." ] }, { @@ -4065,7 +4065,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "Any creature struck and damaged by a hegessik's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (see sidebar)." + "Any creature struck and damaged by a hegessik's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 36} Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (see sidebar)." ] } ] @@ -4402,10 +4402,10 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As keketar, but DC 45." + "30 feet. As keketar, but {@dc 45}." ], "name": "Spatial Riptide", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Spatial Riptide As keketar, but DC 45.' in Hestriviniaas, p.15" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Spatial Riptide As keketar, but {@dc 45}.' in Hestriviniaas, p.15" }, { "activity": { @@ -4445,7 +4445,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d12+21} bludgeoning, DC 44" + "{@damage 2d12+21} bludgeoning, {@dc 44}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -4471,7 +4471,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "A creature struck by Hestriviniaas's jaws or claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 45 Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (page 81)." + "A creature struck by Hestriviniaas's jaws or claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 45} Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (page 81)." ], "name": "Warpwave Strike" } @@ -4710,7 +4710,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The hundun releases its staff-like attractor, which hovers in place. The hundun can use an action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, to move the attractor up to 60 feet, to a maximum of 300 feet from the hundun. It can also use an action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, to recall the attractor, which flies to the hundun and immediately deactivates.", - "Creatures within 40 feet of the attractor must attempt a DC 40 Will save if they're within the area when the attractor is activated or as soon as they enter the area while it's active. Once a creature has attempted the save, it uses the same result for the rest of that activation of the attractor.", + "Creatures within 40 feet of the attractor must attempt a {@dc 40} Will save if they're within the area when the attractor is activated or as soon as they enter the area while it's active. Once a creature has attempted the save, it uses the same result for the rest of that activation of the attractor.", "Any restrictions on a creature's movement apply only if it voluntarily moves away from the attractor. For example, if the attractor moves closer to a creature, the creature doesn't then need to move away.", "Chaotic creatures are immune to the effects of the attractor.", "The attractor can't be harmed by physical attacks but is destroyed by disintegrate, disjunction, a rod of cancellation (Advancer Player's Guide 262), a sphere of annihilation (Gamemastery Guide 113), and other similarly powerful effects. The attractor has an AC of 40 and a counteract DC of 37. A hundun can rebuild a destroyed attractor after {@dice 1d8} hours of uninterrupted meditation. If the hundun is slain, its attractor disappears.", @@ -5542,7 +5542,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+17} bludgeoning, DC 44" + "{@damage 2d8+17} bludgeoning, {@dc 44}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -5555,7 +5555,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "Any creature struck and damaged by an izfiitar's jaws or claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude save or be subject to a particularly powerful warpwave (page 81). Roll twice and apply both affects, rerolling any duplicates." + "Any creature struck and damaged by an izfiitar's jaws or claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 42} Fortitude save or be subject to a particularly powerful warpwave (page 81). Roll twice and apply both affects, rerolling any duplicates." ], "name": "Greater Warpwave Strike" }, @@ -5753,7 +5753,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The living mural expels a 15-foot cone of paint. Creatures in the area must succeed at a DC 41 Reflex save or be {@condition blinded} for 1 round. The living mural can't use Paint the Masses again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The living mural expels a 15-foot cone of paint. Creatures in the area must succeed at a {@dc 41} Reflex save or be {@condition blinded} for 1 round. The living mural can't use Paint the Masses again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Paint the Masses" } @@ -6642,7 +6642,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+16} bludgeoning, DC 38" + "{@damage 2d10+16} bludgeoning, {@dc 38}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -6659,7 +6659,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "An imentesh inflicts a warpwave on a creature within 100 feet (page 81; DC 38 Fortitude save to resist)." + "An imentesh inflicts a warpwave on a creature within 100 feet (page 81; {@dc 38} Fortitude save to resist)." ], "name": "Inflict Warpwave" }, @@ -6678,7 +6678,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "Any creature struck and damaged by an imentesh's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (page 81)." + "Any creature struck and damaged by an imentesh's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 38} Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (page 81)." ], "name": "Warpwave Strike" } @@ -6858,7 +6858,7 @@ "magical" ], "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the penqual's space takes {@damage 4d12} slashing damage (DC 36 basic Reflex save)." + "Each enemy in the penqual's space takes {@damage 4d12} slashing damage ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Frantic Grasp" }, @@ -7305,7 +7305,7 @@ "top": [ { "entries": [ - "A slithering rift is so clear that it's difficult to spot. A successful DC 48 {@skill Perception} check is required to notice a stationary slithering rift, and a creature must be Searching to attempt this check. A creature that walks into the rift's space might fall into any pit currently in effect due to Dimensional Pit." + "A slithering rift is so clear that it's difficult to spot. A successful {@dc 48} {@skill Perception} check is required to notice a stationary slithering rift, and a creature must be Searching to attempt this check. A creature that walks into the rift's space might fall into any pit currently in effect due to Dimensional Pit." ], "name": "Transparent" } @@ -7339,8 +7339,8 @@ "extradimensional" ], "entries": [ - "The slithering rift opens an extradimensional, 20-foot-deep pit that covers its own space and all adjacent squares unless they are walls or similarly blocking terrain. Any other creature occupying spaces in the pit must succeed at a DC 40 Reflex save or fall into the pit, taking damage from the fall (typically 10 bludgeoning damage). Any creature {@condition grabbed} by the ooze is released from the Grab and falls in, even if it was outside the pit squares.", - "While the pit is open, the slithering rift is {@condition immobilized} and can't be forced to move. It can make pseudopod {@action Strike||Strikes} originating from the walls of the pit. A creature that starts its turn at the bottom of the pit takes {@damage 5d6} acid damage. Creatures can climb the walls with a DC 40 {@skill Athletics} check. When the slithering rift dies, the pit closes and creatures inside are ejected, as Out you Go." + "The slithering rift opens an extradimensional, 20-foot-deep pit that covers its own space and all adjacent squares unless they are walls or similarly blocking terrain. Any other creature occupying spaces in the pit must succeed at a {@dc 40} Reflex save or fall into the pit, taking damage from the fall (typically 10 bludgeoning damage). Any creature {@condition grabbed} by the ooze is released from the Grab and falls in, even if it was outside the pit squares.", + "While the pit is open, the slithering rift is {@condition immobilized} and can't be forced to move. It can make pseudopod {@action Strike||Strikes} originating from the walls of the pit. A creature that starts its turn at the bottom of the pit takes {@damage 5d6} acid damage. Creatures can climb the walls with a {@dc 40} {@skill Athletics} check. When the slithering rift dies, the pit closes and creatures inside are ejected, as Out you Go." ], "name": "Dimensional Pit" }, @@ -7350,7 +7350,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The slithering rift closes all pit spaces it created using Dimensional Pit, ejecting all its occupants onto the ground into random free spaces where the opening of the pit was. Each occupant takes {@damage 9d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 40 basic Reflex save)." + "The slithering rift closes all pit spaces it created using Dimensional Pit, ejecting all its occupants onto the ground into random free spaces where the opening of the pit was. Each occupant takes {@damage 9d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Out You Go" } @@ -7535,7 +7535,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Creatures in the aura can't reduce the value of the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that enters the aura or begins its turn in it must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or be {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} (plus {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} as long as it is {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute. Creatures made of water (such as water elementals) and plant creatures use an outcome one degree of success worse than the result of their save." + "30 feet. Creatures in the aura can't reduce the value of the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that enters the aura or begins its turn in it must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or be {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} (plus {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} as long as it is {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute. Creatures made of water (such as water elementals) and plant creatures use an outcome one degree of success worse than the result of their save." ], "name": "Miasma of Pollution" } @@ -7589,7 +7589,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The sordesdaemon exhales a spray of sewage that deals {@damage 8d6} acid damage and {@damage 8d6} poison damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 40 basic Fortitude save).", + "The sordesdaemon exhales a spray of sewage that deals {@damage 8d6} acid damage and {@damage 8d6} poison damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 40} basic Fortitude save).", "It can't use Retch of Foulness again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Retch of Foulness" @@ -7838,7 +7838,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. Any creature that ends its turn in the aura while in possession of any crystals, gemstones, or other precious stones must attempt a DC 39 Fortitude save.", + "60 feet. Any creature that ends its turn in the aura while in possession of any crystals, gemstones, or other precious stones must attempt a {@dc 39} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -7870,7 +7870,7 @@ }, "requirements": "Ulressia hit a foe earlier this turn with a weapon {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "Ulressia makes a weapon {@action Strike} against the foe. On a success, the foe must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or become {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}. On a critical failure, the foe is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 2} instead." + "Ulressia makes a weapon {@action Strike} against the foe. On a success, the foe must succeed at a {@dc 41} Fortitude save or become {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}. On a critical failure, the foe is {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 2} instead." ], "name": "Stunning Strike" }, @@ -7884,7 +7884,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "Ulressia channels her warped powers over crystals through her blade and into a creature's body, partially crystallizing its blood. Ulressia makes a melee dagger {@action Strike}. On a hit, the creature takes damage as normal and must also roll a DC 41 Fortitude save.", + "Ulressia channels her warped powers over crystals through her blade and into a creature's body, partially crystallizing its blood. Ulressia makes a melee dagger {@action Strike}. On a hit, the creature takes damage as normal and must also roll a {@dc 41} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -8191,7 +8191,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a burst of lightning in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 20d6} electricity damage (DC 42 basic Reflex save)." + "The dragon breathes a burst of lightning in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 20d6} electricity damage ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Storm" }, @@ -8202,7 +8202,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a time storm. Each creature within a 50-foot cone must attempt a DC 42 Fortitude save.", + "The dragon breathes a time storm. Each creature within a 50-foot cone must attempt a {@dc 42} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-av1.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-av1.json index a8708b9c2c..f7bd6b5161 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-av1.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-av1.json @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "As Canker cultist (page 41), but DC 22." + "As Canker cultist (page 41), but {@dc 22}." ], "name": "Ghoul Fever" }, @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "As Canker cultist (page 42), but DC 22." + "As Canker cultist (page 42), but {@dc 22}." ], "name": "Paralysis" }, @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living, non-elf creature hit by a ghoul's attack must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each save." + "Any living, non-elf creature hit by a ghoul's attack must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each save." ], "name": "Paralysis" }, @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When the bloodsiphon dies, its body explodes in a cloudy red burst of necrotic dried blood in a 20-foot area. Creatures in range must attempt a DC 21 Reflex save.", + "When the bloodsiphon dies, its body explodes in a cloudy red burst of necrotic dried blood in a 20-foot area. Creatures in range must attempt a {@dc 21} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living, non-elf creature hit by a Canker cultist's attack must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}.", + "Any living, non-elf creature hit by a Canker cultist's attack must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}.", "It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each save." ], "name": "Paralysis" @@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "To put Chandriu to rest permanently, a hero must convince her to stop pining over Volluk with a successful DC 21 {@skill Diplomacy} check.", + "To put Chandriu to rest permanently, a hero must convince her to stop pining over Volluk with a successful {@dc 21} {@skill Diplomacy} check.", "Regardless of the result of this check, Chandriu flies into a rage and attacks, but if the {@skill Diplomacy} check is successful, she is {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 10 rounds while she fights. If defeated while she is {@condition slowed}, she is put to rest." ], "name": "Rejuvenation", @@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "Chandriu wails in despair at her loss and betrayal, forcing each living creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 24 Will save. On a failure, a creature becomes {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} ({@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} on a critical failure) for 1 round as they are overcome with sadness over their own missed opportunities. On a success, a creature is temporarily immune to Chandriu's Despairing Cry for 1 minute." + "Chandriu wails in despair at her loss and betrayal, forcing each living creature within 30 feet to attempt a {@dc 24} Will save. On a failure, a creature becomes {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} ({@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} on a critical failure) for 1 round as they are overcome with sadness over their own missed opportunities. On a success, a creature is temporarily immune to Chandriu's Despairing Cry for 1 minute." ], "name": "Despairing Cry" } @@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ ], "prerequisites": "The corpselight is in a corpse", "entries": [ - "The corpselight emits a sickly blue beam of light from its mouth and eyes in a 20-foot cone. All living creatures in this area must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude saving throw. If at least 1 creature fails its save, the corpselight regains {@dice 2d6} Hit Points, gaining any that exceed its maximum as temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute. The corpselight can't use Death Light again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The corpselight emits a sickly blue beam of light from its mouth and eyes in a 20-foot cone. All living creatures in this area must attempt a {@dc 18} Fortitude saving throw. If at least 1 creature fails its save, the corpselight regains {@dice 2d6} Hit Points, gaining any that exceed its maximum as temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute. The corpselight can't use Death Light again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The flickerwisp churns and flits in the air around an adjacent creature's head, and its length flashes and sparkles in a bewildering array of distracting pulsations. The creature must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round (2 rounds on a critical failure). On a critical success, the creature is temporarily immune to Flicker for 24 hours." + "The flickerwisp churns and flits in the air around an adjacent creature's head, and its length flashes and sparkles in a bewildering array of distracting pulsations. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 18} Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round (2 rounds on a critical failure). On a critical success, the creature is temporarily immune to Flicker for 24 hours." ], "name": "Flicker" } @@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Jarelle exhales a 15-foot cone of toxic mist that deals {@damage 5d6} poison damage (DC 22 basic Fortitude save; on a critical failure, the target is also {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} for 24 hours). She then can't use Poisoned Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Jarelle exhales a 15-foot cone of toxic mist that deals {@damage 5d6} poison damage ({@dc 22} basic Fortitude save; on a critical failure, the target is also {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} for 24 hours). She then can't use Poisoned Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Poisoned Breath" } @@ -2717,7 +2717,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "As Canker cultist (page 41), but DC 22." + "As Canker cultist (page 41), but {@dc 22}." ], "name": "Ghoul Fever" }, @@ -2728,7 +2728,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "As Canker cultist (page 42), but DC 22." + "As Canker cultist (page 42), but {@dc 22}." ], "name": "Paralysis" }, @@ -3061,7 +3061,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Saving Throw Fortitude DC 21" + "Saving Throw Fortitude {@dc 21}" ], "name": "Scalathrax Venom" }, @@ -3081,7 +3081,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The scalathrax disgorges a gout of toxic oil from its mouth in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in the area must attempt a DC 21 Reflex save. The scalathrax can't use Toxic Oil Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The scalathrax disgorges a gout of toxic oil from its mouth in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in the area must attempt a {@dc 21} Reflex save. The scalathrax can't use Toxic Oil Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3274,7 +3274,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the voidglutton's ectoplasmic web trap is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it succeeds at a DC 26 check to {@action Escape}." + "A creature hit by the voidglutton's ectoplasmic web trap is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it succeeds at a {@dc 26} check to {@action Escape}." ], "name": "Ectoplasmic Web Trap" }, @@ -3292,7 +3292,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When the voidglutton damages a creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} ({@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a critical failure)." + "When the voidglutton damages a creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} ({@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Fearful Strike" }, @@ -3524,7 +3524,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "If Volluk can see an accurate depiction of his former appearance as a living drow at the start of his turn, he must attempt a DC 28 Will save or become filled with self-loathing and become {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 round." + "If Volluk can see an accurate depiction of his former appearance as a living drow at the start of his turn, he must attempt a {@dc 28} Will save or become filled with self-loathing and become {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 round." ], "name": "Hateful Memories" } @@ -3536,7 +3536,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Volluk {@action Stride||Strides}, ending his movement sharing a space with a creature, and deals {@damage 3d8} piercing damage to the creature. The creature can attempt a DC 23 basic Reflex save." + "Volluk {@action Stride||Strides}, ending his movement sharing a space with a creature, and deals {@damage 3d8} piercing damage to the creature. The creature can attempt a {@dc 23} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Squirming Embrace" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-av2.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-av2.json index f631b0330f..219c80e9f6 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-av2.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-av2.json @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ "flourish" ], "entries": [ - "Carman quickly draws a thrown weapon and makes a ranged {@action Strike} with it. His target must succeed at a DC 22 {@skill Perception} check or be caught {@condition flat-footed} by the attack." + "Carman quickly draws a thrown weapon and makes a ranged {@action Strike} with it. His target must succeed at a {@dc 22} {@skill Perception} check or be caught {@condition flat-footed} by the attack." ], "name": "Sudden Throw" }, @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} while in Chafkhem's despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but recover instantly once they leave it. When a creature first enters the area, it must succeed at a DC 24 Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} while in Chafkhem's despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but recover instantly once they leave it. When a creature first enters the area, it must succeed at a {@dc 24} Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours." ], "name": "Despair" }, @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A creature Chafkhem can see makes a melee {@action Strike} against Chafkhem", "entries": [ - "Chafkhem traces a magical glyph in the air that glows and fades. The triggering creature must attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save.", + "Chafkhem traces a magical glyph in the air that glows and fades. The triggering creature must attempt a {@dc 25} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. A creature that enters the aura must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save.", + "20 feet. A creature that enters the aura must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save.", "On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}; on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for as long as it is {@condition sickened}. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Powerful Stench" @@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The gibtanius Leaps and can end this {@action Leap} occupying the same space as other creatures. It deals {@damage 5d6} bludgeoning damage to each creature in the space it Leaps to (DC 26 basic Reflex save), then Shoves each of those creatures. If it fails to {@action Shove} any creature out of its space, it bounces to the closest available space of its choosing that does not contain any creatures. Bouncing Crush counts as one attack when determining the gibtanius's multiple attack penalty." + "The gibtanius Leaps and can end this {@action Leap} occupying the same space as other creatures. It deals {@damage 5d6} bludgeoning damage to each creature in the space it Leaps to ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save), then Shoves each of those creatures. If it fails to {@action Shove} any creature out of its space, it bounces to the closest available space of its choosing that does not contain any creatures. Bouncing Crush counts as one attack when determining the gibtanius's multiple attack penalty." ], "name": "Bouncing Crush" }, @@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The gibtanius vomits a stream of acid that deals {@damage 9d6} acid damage to all creatures in a 60-foot line (DC 26 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The gibtanius vomits a stream of acid that deals {@damage 9d6} acid damage to all creatures in a 60-foot line ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage and {@damage 1d6} acid damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites also takes {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage}." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage and {@damage 1d6} acid damage ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites also takes {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage}." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" } @@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition.", + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 20} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition.", "A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" @@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 23 Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round; on a success, that creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. Jafaki can suppress or activate this aura as a single action with the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "20 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 23} Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round; on a success, that creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. Jafaki can suppress or activate this aura as a single action with the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Mindfog Aura" }, @@ -1480,7 +1480,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature fails its save against Jafaki's mindfog aura", "entries": [ - "Jafaki determines who the {@condition confused} creature attacks for that round, instead of the target being randomly determined by the GM. If the chosen target is the {@condition confused} creature's ally, the creature can immediately attempt a DC 21 Will save; on a success, its target is determined randomly as normal, and on a critical success the target is no longer {@condition confused}." + "Jafaki determines who the {@condition confused} creature attacks for that round, instead of the target being randomly determined by the GM. If the chosen target is the {@condition confused} creature's ally, the creature can immediately attempt a {@dc 21} Will save; on a success, its target is determined randomly as normal, and on a critical success the target is no longer {@condition confused}." ], "name": "Command Confusion" } @@ -1930,7 +1930,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When a mulventok dies, its mirrored flesh ruptures and explodes in a 20-foot radius. Creatures caught in the blast are covered with viscera and take {@damage 8d6} negative damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save)." + "When a mulventok dies, its mirrored flesh ruptures and explodes in a 20-foot radius. Creatures caught in the blast are covered with viscera and take {@damage 8d6} negative damage ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Explosive Decay" }, @@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "When Nox dies, their body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame that deals {@damage 5d6} fire damage to creatures in a 20-foot burst (DC 21 basic Reflex save)", + "When Nox dies, their body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame that deals {@damage 5d6} fire damage to creatures in a 20-foot burst ({@dc 21} basic Reflex save)", "Nox's gear and treasure are unaffected by the flames and are left in a pile where they died." ], "name": "Death Flame" @@ -2752,7 +2752,7 @@ "concentrate" ], "entries": [ - "As spellvoid (page 62), but DC 28." + "As spellvoid (page 62), but {@dc 28}." ], "name": "Feed on Magic" }, @@ -2985,11 +2985,11 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. As seugathi servant, but DC 25." + "20 feet. As seugathi servant, but {@dc 25}." ], "name": "Mindfog Aura", "entries_as_xyz": [ - "20 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round; on a success, that creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. A seugathi can suppress or activate this aura as a single action with the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "20 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round; on a success, that creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. A seugathi can suppress or activate this aura as a single action with the {@trait concentrate} trait." ] }, { @@ -2998,12 +2998,12 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "As seugathi servant, but DC 25." + "As seugathi servant, but {@dc 25}." ], "name": "Command Confusion", "trigger": "A creature fails its save against the seugathi's mindfog aura", "entries_as_xyz": [ - "The seugathi determines who the {@condition confused} creature attacks for that round, instead of the target being randomly determined by the GM. If the chosen target is the {@condition confused} creature's ally, the creature can immediately attempt a DC 21 Will save; on a success, its target is determined randomly as normal for confusion, and on a critical success the target is no longer {@condition confused}." + "The seugathi determines who the {@condition confused} creature attacks for that round, instead of the target being randomly determined by the GM. If the chosen target is the {@condition confused} creature's ally, the creature can immediately attempt a {@dc 21} Will save; on a success, its target is determined randomly as normal for confusion, and on a critical success the target is no longer {@condition confused}." ] } ], @@ -3032,7 +3032,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "As seugathi servant, but DC 25." + "As seugathi servant, but {@dc 25}." ], "name": "Seugathi Venom", "entries_as_xyz": [ @@ -3071,7 +3071,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The seugathi bends reality in their choice of a 10-foot emanation or a 60-foot line, altering the terrain of the area. The terrain becomes a different type of terrain (such as aquatic, arctic, or desert) and becomes normal or {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}, as the seugathi chooses. Structures, general geographic features, and creatures in the area aren't transformed, but creatures in the area take {@damage 5d6} chaotic damage (DC 28 basic Fortitude save) as reality tries to bend them along with the terrain. Though changes to the area are permanent, the natural environment might eventually revert the land back to its original state (aquatic areas drain, arctic areas thaw, and so on)." + "The seugathi bends reality in their choice of a 10-foot emanation or a 60-foot line, altering the terrain of the area. The terrain becomes a different type of terrain (such as aquatic, arctic, or desert) and becomes normal or {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}, as the seugathi chooses. Structures, general geographic features, and creatures in the area aren't transformed, but creatures in the area take {@damage 5d6} chaotic damage ({@dc 28} basic Fortitude save) as reality tries to bend them along with the terrain. Though changes to the area are permanent, the natural environment might eventually revert the land back to its original state (aquatic areas drain, arctic areas thaw, and so on)." ], "name": "Warp Reality" } @@ -3259,7 +3259,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round; on a success, that creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. A seugathi can suppress or activate this aura as a single action with the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "20 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round; on a success, that creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. A seugathi can suppress or activate this aura as a single action with the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Mindfog Aura" }, @@ -3270,7 +3270,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature fails its save against the seugathi's mindfog aura", "entries": [ - "The seugathi determines who the {@condition confused} creature attacks for that round, instead of the target being randomly determined by the GM. If the chosen target is the {@condition confused} creature's ally, the creature can immediately attempt a DC 21 Will save; on a success, its target is determined randomly as normal for confusion, and on a critical success the target is no longer {@condition confused}." + "The seugathi determines who the {@condition confused} creature attacks for that round, instead of the target being randomly determined by the GM. If the chosen target is the {@condition confused} creature's ally, the creature can immediately attempt a {@dc 21} Will save; on a success, its target is determined randomly as normal for confusion, and on a critical success the target is no longer {@condition confused}." ], "name": "Command Confusion" } @@ -3453,7 +3453,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When the shanrigol behemoth dies, its flesh rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 5-foot emanation around the body. This gas deals {@damage 9d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh curdles and rots as well (DC 27 basic Fortitude save)." + "When the shanrigol behemoth dies, its flesh rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 5-foot emanation around the body. This gas deals {@damage 9d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh curdles and rots as well ({@dc 27} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay" } @@ -3465,12 +3465,12 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As shanrigol heap, but {@damage 1d10+11} bludgeoning and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed}, DC 25." + "As shanrigol heap, but {@damage 1d10+11} bludgeoning and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed}, {@dc 25}." ], "name": "Sapping Squeeze", "requirements": "The shanrigol has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries_as_xyz": [ - "The shanrigol squeezes the life essence from its target, dealing {@damage 1d6+5} bludgeoning and {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} (DC 18 basic Fortitude save). The shanrigol regains temporary Hit Points equal to half the amount of bludgeoning damage a single target takes; these temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute." + "The shanrigol squeezes the life essence from its target, dealing {@damage 1d6+5} bludgeoning and {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} ({@dc 18} basic Fortitude save). The shanrigol regains temporary Hit Points equal to half the amount of bludgeoning damage a single target takes; these temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute." ] }, { @@ -3492,7 +3492,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the shanrigol behemoth's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it can {@action Escape} (DC 25)." + "A creature hit by the shanrigol behemoth's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it can {@action Escape} ({@dc 25})." ], "name": "Web Trap" } @@ -3626,7 +3626,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The shanrigol has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "The shanrigol squeezes the life essence from its target, dealing {@damage 1d6+5} bludgeoning and {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} (DC 18 basic Fortitude save). The shanrigol regains temporary Hit Points equal to half the amount of bludgeoning damage a single target takes; these temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute." + "The shanrigol squeezes the life essence from its target, dealing {@damage 1d6+5} bludgeoning and {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} ({@dc 18} basic Fortitude save). The shanrigol regains temporary Hit Points equal to half the amount of bludgeoning damage a single target takes; these temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute." ], "name": "Sapping Squeeze" }, @@ -3927,8 +3927,8 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Urevian's {@action Strike||Strikes} also deal {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} that resists attempts to heal them. The flat check to stop the bleeding starts at DC 20. The DC is reduced to 15 only if the bleeding creature or an ally successfully assists with the recovery.", - "The DC to {@action Administer First Aid} to a creature with an infernal wound is increased by 5. A spellcaster or item attempting to use healing magic on a creature suffering from an infernal wound must succeed at a DC 28 counteract check or the magic fails to heal the creature." + "Urevian's {@action Strike||Strikes} also deal {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} that resists attempts to heal them. The flat check to stop the bleeding starts at {@dc 20}. The DC is reduced to 15 only if the bleeding creature or an ally successfully assists with the recovery.", + "The DC to {@action Administer First Aid} to a creature with an infernal wound is increased by 5. A spellcaster or item attempting to use healing magic on a creature suffering from an infernal wound must succeed at a {@dc 28} counteract check or the magic fails to heal the creature." ], "name": "Infernal Wound" }, @@ -4119,7 +4119,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When Vischari dies, her {@condition invisible} flesh rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 5-foot emanation around her body. This gas deals {@damage 7d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh curdles and rots (DC 24 basic Fortitude save)." + "When Vischari dies, her {@condition invisible} flesh rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 5-foot emanation around her body. This gas deals {@damage 7d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh curdles and rots ({@dc 24} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay" }, @@ -4145,7 +4145,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "Vischari makes a fist {@action Strike} that shuts down her target's motor control.", - "The target must make a DC 25 Fortitude save. If the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, treat the target's save result as one degree worse. The target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.", + "The target must make a {@dc 25} Fortitude save. If the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, treat the target's save result as one degree worse. The target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -4165,7 +4165,7 @@ }, "requirements": "Vischari damaged a creature with a jaws {@action Strike} on her last action", "entries": [ - "Vischari maintains contact, turning the creature's flesh translucent around the site of the injury. Vischari chooses one of two options, each of which requires the target to attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save. If her jaws {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the creature suffers both effects, using the same save result for both.", + "Vischari maintains contact, turning the creature's flesh translucent around the site of the injury. Vischari chooses one of two options, each of which requires the target to attempt a {@dc 25} Fortitude save. If her jaws {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the creature suffers both effects, using the same save result for both.", { "type": "list", "items": [ diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-av3.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-av3.json index 978f600c0e..3511278f70 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-av3.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-av3.json @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Belcorra stares at a creature she can see within 30 feet. The target takes {@damage 9d6} mental damage (DC 33 basic Will save). A creature that fails its save is also {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1} for 1 minute." + "Belcorra stares at a creature she can see within 30 feet. The target takes {@damage 9d6} mental damage ({@dc 33} basic Will save). A creature that fails its save is also {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1} for 1 minute." ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "When a bright walker is reduced to 0 Hit Points, they flash out in a burst of light, obtaining the blazing end they were denied at death. This blaze deals {@damage 10d6} fire damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save) to creatures within 20 feet. Creatures who fail this save are also {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute ({@condition blinded} for 1 minute on a critical failure)." + "When a bright walker is reduced to 0 Hit Points, they flash out in a burst of light, obtaining the blazing end they were denied at death. This blaze deals {@damage 10d6} fire damage ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save) to creatures within 20 feet. Creatures who fail this save are also {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute ({@condition blinded} for 1 minute on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Bright Release" }, @@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. The bright walker sheds bright light. Any creature that starts its turn in the aura must attempt at a DC 24 Fortitude save.", + "30 feet. The bright walker sheds bright light. Any creature that starts its turn in the aura must attempt at a {@dc 24} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Aura is suppressed; The bright walker reignites their Light Aura with a burst of brightness that deals {@damage 5d6} fire damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save) to creatures within a 20-foot burst. Creatures who are {@condition dazzled} or with light blindness find this flare particularly painful; such a creature's save result is one degree of success worse than the result it rolled." + "Aura is suppressed; The bright walker reignites their Light Aura with a burst of brightness that deals {@damage 5d6} fire damage ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save) to creatures within a 20-foot burst. Creatures who are {@condition dazzled} or with light blindness find this flare particularly painful; such a creature's save result is one degree of success worse than the result it rolled." ], "name": "Light" }, @@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "When the caligni defender dies, their body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 6d10} fire damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). Their gear and treasure are unaffected by the flames and are left in a pile where they died." + "When the caligni defender dies, their body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 6d10} fire damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). Their gear and treasure are unaffected by the flames and are left in a pile where they died." ], "name": "Death Flame" }, @@ -1342,7 +1342,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When the dragon's blood puffball dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 7d8} poison damage to each creature in a 20-foot emanation (DC 26 basic Fortitude save)." + "When the dragon's blood puffball dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 7d8} poison damage to each creature in a 20-foot emanation ({@dc 26} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Spore Explosion" } @@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 27" + "60 feet, {@dc 27}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. A dread wisp, though naturally {@condition invisible}, glows with a grayish illumination, casting dim light in the aura and making them visible. Living creatures that end their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 25 Will saving throw or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} (or {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a critical failure)", + "20 feet. A dread wisp, though naturally {@condition invisible}, glows with a grayish illumination, casting dim light in the aura and making them visible. Living creatures that end their turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 25} Will saving throw or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} (or {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a critical failure)", "Those that critically succeed are temporarily immune for 10 minutes." ], "name": "Dread Flickering" @@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The dread wisp feeds on the creature's despair. The dread wisp regains {@dice 2d8} Hit Points and deals {@damage 3d8} negative damage to the creature (DC 25 basic Fortitude save), and if the dread wisp has Gone Dark, their Dread Flickering reignites." + "The dread wisp feeds on the creature's despair. The dread wisp regains {@dice 2d8} Hit Points and deals {@damage 3d8} negative damage to the creature ({@dc 25} basic Fortitude save), and if the dread wisp has Gone Dark, their Dread Flickering reignites." ], "name": "Feed on Despair" }, @@ -2357,7 +2357,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A target damaged by the warden's melee {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until the end of the warden's next turn." + "A target damaged by the warden's melee {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 21} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until the end of the warden's next turn." ], "name": "Hampering Slash" }, @@ -2557,7 +2557,7 @@ "darkness" ], "entries": [ - "When Dulac dies, her body is destroyed in a burst of chilling shadows. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 8d8} cold damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). Dulac's gear and treasure are unaffected by the shadows and are left in a pile where she died." + "When Dulac dies, her body is destroyed in a burst of chilling shadows. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 8d8} cold damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). Dulac's gear and treasure are unaffected by the shadows and are left in a pile where she died." ], "name": "Death Shadows" }, @@ -2782,7 +2782,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that begins its turn within the area feels as if its lungs were filling with water and must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or be unable to speak or breathe. The creature can still hold its breath and can attempt a new save at the end of its turn. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "30 feet. A creature that begins its turn within the area feels as if its lungs were filling with water and must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or be unable to speak or breathe. The creature can still hold its breath and can attempt a new save at the end of its turn. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 24 hours." ], "name": "Breath of the Bog" }, @@ -3115,7 +3115,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "When Galudu dies, her body explodes into brilliant motes of magical energy. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 12d6} force damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). Galudu's gear is unaffected by the explosion and is left in a pile where she died." + "When Galudu dies, her body explodes into brilliant motes of magical energy. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 12d6} force damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). Galudu's gear is unaffected by the explosion and is left in a pile where she died." ], "name": "Death Motes" }, @@ -3327,7 +3327,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When Khurfel dies, his {@condition invisible} flesh quickly rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 10-foot emanation around his body. The gas deals {@damage 10d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh too curdles and rots (DC 28 basic Fortitude save)." + "When Khurfel dies, his {@condition invisible} flesh quickly rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 10-foot emanation around his body. The gas deals {@damage 10d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh too curdles and rots ({@dc 28} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay" }, @@ -3372,7 +3372,7 @@ }, "requirements": "Khurfel damaged a creature with a jaws {@action Strike} on his last action", "entries": [ - "Khurfel maintains contact, turning the creature's flesh translucent around the injury. Khurfel chooses one of two options, each of which requires a DC 28 Fortitude save. If the jaws {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the creature suffers both effects, using the same save result for both.", + "Khurfel maintains contact, turning the creature's flesh translucent around the injury. Khurfel chooses one of two options, each of which requires a {@dc 28} Fortitude save. If the jaws {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the creature suffers both effects, using the same save result for both.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -3681,7 +3681,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. Each creature that begins its turn within the aura and can hear the ominous whispers must succeed at a DC 30 Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2}. On a success, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "20 feet. Each creature that begins its turn within the aura and can hear the ominous whispers must succeed at a {@dc 30} Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2}. On a success, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Sibilant Whispers" } @@ -3707,7 +3707,7 @@ "teleportation" ], "entries": [ - "When Lady's Whisper hits and damages a creature with its claw {@action Strike}, it can choose to teleport that creature to any open space within 15 feet, even if Lady's Whisper can't see the destination. The target can attempt a DC 30 Will saving throw to resist this effect." + "When Lady's Whisper hits and damages a creature with its claw {@action Strike}, it can choose to teleport that creature to any open space within 15 feet, even if Lady's Whisper can't see the destination. The target can attempt a {@dc 30} Will saving throw to resist this effect." ], "name": "Unwilling Teleportation" } @@ -3911,7 +3911,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "When Padli dies, his body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 6d10} fire damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save)", + "When Padli dies, his body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 6d10} fire damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save)", "His gear is unaffected by the flames and is left in a pile where he died." ], "name": "Death Flame" @@ -4298,12 +4298,12 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "As dragon's blood puffball, but DC 28 and {@damage 8d8} poison damage.", + "As dragon's blood puffball, but {@dc 28} and {@damage 8d8} poison damage.", "Creatures that fail the save are exposed to skull rot." ], "name": "Spore Explosion", "entries_as_xyz": [ - "When the dragon's blood puffball dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 7d8} poison damage to each creature in a 20-foot emanation (DC 26 basic Fortitude save)." + "When the dragon's blood puffball dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 7d8} poison damage to each creature in a 20-foot emanation ({@dc 26} basic Fortitude save)." ] } ], @@ -4317,7 +4317,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The puffball releases a 30-foot cone of spores that deals {@damage 4d8} poison damage (DC 28 basic Fortitude save) to creatures in the cone. Creatures that fail this save are also exposed to skull rot." + "The puffball releases a 30-foot cone of spores that deals {@damage 4d8} poison damage ({@dc 28} basic Fortitude save) to creatures in the cone. Creatures that fail this save are also exposed to skull rot." ], "name": "Spore Cloud" }, @@ -4327,7 +4327,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the puffball's tendril must succeed a DC 28 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. The {@condition paralyzed} creature can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns." + "A creature hit by the puffball's tendril must succeed a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. The {@condition paralyzed} creature can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns." ], "name": "Paralysis" }, @@ -4820,7 +4820,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but DC 24 and {@damage 8d6} negative damage." + "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but {@dc 24} and {@damage 8d6} negative damage." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay" } @@ -4851,7 +4851,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but DC 26 and the urdefhan regains 10 Hit Points when they Drink Blood if the target fails its saving throw (20 Hit Points on a critical failure)." + "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but {@dc 26} and the urdefhan regains 10 Hit Points when they Drink Blood if the target fails its saving throw (20 Hit Points on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Wicked Bite" } @@ -5037,7 +5037,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but DC 23 and {@damage 6d6} negative damage." + "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but {@dc 23} and {@damage 6d6} negative damage." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay" } @@ -5064,7 +5064,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272) but DC 24." + "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272) but {@dc 24}." ], "name": "Wicked Bite" } @@ -5232,7 +5232,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but DC 24 and {@damage 7d6} negative damage." + "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but {@dc 24} and {@damage 7d6} negative damage." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay" } @@ -5244,7 +5244,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+7} slashing, DC 25" + "{@damage 1d8+7} slashing, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -5263,7 +5263,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but DC 25 and the urdefhan regains 10 Hit Points when they Drink Blood if the target fails its saving throw (20 Hit Points on a critical failure)." + "As urdefhan warrior (Bestiary 2 272), but {@dc 25} and the urdefhan regains 10 Hit Points when they Drink Blood if the target fails its saving throw (20 Hit Points on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Wicked Bite" } @@ -5400,7 +5400,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+12} bludgeoning, DC 28 ({@condition grabbed} by claws only)" + "{@damage 1d8+12} bludgeoning, {@dc 28} ({@condition grabbed} by claws only)" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -5412,7 +5412,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Saving Throw DC 28 Fortitude" + "Saving Throw {@dc 28} Fortitude" ], "name": "Draining Venom" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-b1.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-b1.json index 6387e60819..78424d9d6b 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-b1.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-b1.json @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The adamantine golem {@action Stride||Strides} up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can try to bar the way by attempting a DC 45 Fortitude save.", + "The adamantine golem {@action Stride||Strides} up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can try to bar the way by attempting a {@dc 45} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The golem vents a 30-foot cone of superheated steam from its internal forge. This deals {@damage 15d6} fire damage to all creatures in the cone (DC 40 basic Reflex). The golem can't use Vent again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "The golem vents a 30-foot cone of superheated steam from its internal forge. This deals {@damage 15d6} fire damage to all creatures in the cone ({@dc 40} basic Reflex). The golem can't use Vent again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ], "name": "Vent" } @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 28" + "90 feet, {@dc 28}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a spray of acid that deals {@damage 12d6} acid damage in an 80-foot line (DC 30 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a spray of acid that deals {@damage 12d6} acid damage in an 80-foot line ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The dragon permanently befouls 10 cubic feet of liquid within 90 feet. The liquid becomes undrinkable and unable to support water-breathing life. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a DC 28 Will save to protect liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." + "The dragon permanently befouls 10 cubic feet of liquid within 90 feet. The liquid becomes undrinkable and unable to support water-breathing life. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a {@dc 28} Will save to protect liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." ], "name": "Corrupt Water" }, @@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 32" + "90 feet, {@dc 32}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes lightning that deals {@damage 9d12} electricity damage in a 100-foot line (DC 33 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes lightning that deals {@damage 9d12} electricity damage in a 100-foot line ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "When casting create water, the dragon can attempt to destroy liquid instead of creating it, turning an equal amount of liquid into sand. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a DC 32 Will save to protect all liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." + "When casting create water, the dragon can attempt to destroy liquid instead of creating it, turning an equal amount of liquid into sand. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a {@dc 32} Will save to protect all liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." ], "name": "Desert Thirst" }, @@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 28" + "90 feet, {@dc 28}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The brass dragon breathes fire in an 80-foot line that deals {@damage 12d6} fire damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The brass dragon breathes fire in an 80-foot line that deals {@damage 12d6} fire damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "number": 3 }, "entries": [ - "The dragon calls upon the desert wind. This has the same effect as gust of wind (DC 30 Fortitude) but in a 60-foot cone. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn (or for 1 minute on a critical failure)." + "The dragon calls upon the desert wind. This has the same effect as gust of wind ({@dc 30} Fortitude) but in a 60-foot cone. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn (or for 1 minute on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Desert Wind" }, @@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 31" + "90 feet, {@dc 31}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1350,8 +1350,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Lightning} (arcane, electricity, evocation); The dragon breathes lightning in a 80-foot line that deals {@damage 8d12} electricity damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save).", - "{@bold Repulsion Gas} (abjuration, arcane, incapacitation, mental); The dragon breathes a 80-foot line of repulsive gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 33 Will save or become {@condition fleeing} from the dragon for 1 round (or 2 rounds on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Lightning} (arcane, electricity, evocation); The dragon breathes lightning in a 80-foot line that deals {@damage 8d12} electricity damage ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save).", + "{@bold Repulsion Gas} (abjuration, arcane, incapacitation, mental); The dragon breathes a 80-foot line of repulsive gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 33} Will save or become {@condition fleeing} from the dragon for 1 round (or 2 rounds on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -1568,7 +1568,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 29" + "90 feet, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1598,8 +1598,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Acid} (acid, arcane, evocation); The dragon breathes acid in a 80-foot line that deals {@damage 13d6} acid damage (DC 32 basic Fortitude save).", - "{@bold Slowing Gas} (arcane, transmutation); The dragon breathes a 80-foot line of slowing gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Acid} (acid, arcane, evocation); The dragon breathes acid in a 80-foot line that deals {@damage 13d6} acid damage ({@dc 32} basic Fortitude save).", + "{@bold Slowing Gas} (arcane, transmutation); The dragon breathes a 80-foot line of slowing gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 32} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 33" + "90 feet, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1884,7 +1884,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of flame in a 40-foot cone that deals {@damage 15d6} fire damage (DC 37 basic Reflex save)." + "The dragon breathes a blast of flame in a 40-foot cone that deals {@damage 15d6} fire damage ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save)." ] }, { @@ -1895,7 +1895,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of weakening gas. Each creature within a 40-foot cone must succeed at a DC 37 Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 2} for 1 minute (or {@condition enfeebled 3} on a critical failure)." + "The dragon breathes a blast of weakening gas. Each creature within a 40-foot cone must succeed at a {@dc 37} Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 2} for 1 minute (or {@condition enfeebled 3} on a critical failure)." ] } ] @@ -2130,7 +2130,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 31" + "90 feet, {@dc 31}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2161,7 +2161,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals {@damage 13d6} poison damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 31 basic Fortitude save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals {@damage 13d6} poison damage in a 50-foot cone ({@dc 31} basic Fortitude save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -2398,7 +2398,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet, {@damage 3d6} fire damage (DC 30 basic Reflex)" + "5 feet, {@damage 3d6} fire damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex)" ], "name": "Dragon Heat" }, @@ -2410,7 +2410,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 33" + "90 feet, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2443,7 +2443,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 15d6} fire damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 36 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 15d6} fire damage in a 50-foot cone ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -2655,7 +2655,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 33" + "90 feet, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2685,8 +2685,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Frost} (arcane, cold, evocation); The dragon breathes a cloud of frost in a 40-foot cone that deals {@damage 15d6} cold damage (DC 35 basic Reflex save).", - "{@bold Paralyzing Gas} (arcane, enchantment, incapacitation); The dragon breathes a blast of paralyzing gas. Each creature within a 40-foot cone must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 2} for 1 round (or {@condition paralyzed} for 2 round on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Frost} (arcane, cold, evocation); The dragon breathes a cloud of frost in a 40-foot cone that deals {@damage 15d6} cold damage ({@dc 35} basic Reflex save).", + "{@bold Paralyzing Gas} (arcane, enchantment, incapacitation); The dragon breathes a blast of paralyzing gas. Each creature within a 40-foot cone must succeed at a {@dc 35} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 2} for 1 round (or {@condition paralyzed} for 2 round on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -2903,7 +2903,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet, {@damage 2d6} cold damage (DC 27 basic Reflex)" + "5 feet, {@damage 2d6} cold damage ({@dc 27} basic Reflex)" ], "name": "Dragon Chill" }, @@ -2915,7 +2915,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 27" + "90 feet, {@dc 27}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2950,7 +2950,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a cloud of frost that deals {@damage 11d6} cold damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 29 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a cloud of frost that deals {@damage 11d6} cold damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -2976,7 +2976,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The dragon slams into the ground. It can do this if it's on the ground or Flying within 10 feet of the ground. Each creature on the ground within 10 feet must succeed at a DC 29 Reflex save or fall {@condition prone} and take {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning damage. The dragon can then {@action Step}." + "The dragon slams into the ground. It can do this if it's on the ground or Flying within 10 feet of the ground. Each creature on the ground within 10 feet must succeed at a {@dc 29} Reflex save or fall {@condition prone} and take {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning damage. The dragon can then {@action Step}." ], "name": "Ground Slam" }, @@ -2997,7 +2997,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon reshapes a cube of ice or snow it touches, up to 10 feet across. Any creature standing atop the ice must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or {@skill Acrobatics} check. On a failure, the creature falls {@condition prone} atop the ice; on a critical failure, it falls off the ice entirely and is also {@condition prone}." + "The dragon reshapes a cube of ice or snow it touches, up to 10 feet across. Any creature standing atop the ice must succeed at a {@dc 15} Reflex save or {@skill Acrobatics} check. On a failure, the creature falls {@condition prone} atop the ice; on a critical failure, it falls off the ice entirely and is also {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Shape Ice" } @@ -3142,7 +3142,7 @@ "arcane" ], "entries": [ - "The air mephit breathes sand and grit in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} slashing damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The air mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The air mephit breathes sand and grit in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} slashing damage to each creature within the area ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). The air mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -3254,13 +3254,13 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "An alchemical golem's body contains six alchemical chambers filled with different substances. When an alchemical golem ability calls upon a randomly determined {@trait alchemical} effect, roll {@dice 1d6} and consult the following (if you roll the result of a chamber that was shattered, there is no {@trait alchemical} effect): 1 acid damage; 2 cold damage; 3 electricity damage; 4 fire damage; 5 poison damage; 6 sickness: DC 26 Fortitude save or {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)" + "An alchemical golem's body contains six alchemical chambers filled with different substances. When an alchemical golem ability calls upon a randomly determined {@trait alchemical} effect, roll {@dice 1d6} and consult the following (if you roll the result of a chamber that was shattered, there is no {@trait alchemical} effect): 1 acid damage; 2 cold damage; 3 electricity damage; 4 fire damage; 5 poison damage; 6 sickness: {@dc 26} Fortitude save or {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)" ], "name": "Alchemical Chambers" }, { "entries": [ - "When an alchemical golem takes physical damage from a critical hit or is affected by a {@spell shatter} spell, one glass chamber within its body shatters, spewing alchemical liquid in a 5-foot emanation. Roll on the alchemical chambers list (see above) to determine which one shatters\u2014on a roll of 1\u20135, creatures in the area take {@dice 10d6} damage of the appropriate type (DC 28 basic Reflex). On a roll of 6, creatures must instead save against the sickness effect." + "When an alchemical golem takes physical damage from a critical hit or is affected by a {@spell shatter} spell, one glass chamber within its body shatters, spewing alchemical liquid in a 5-foot emanation. Roll on the alchemical chambers list (see above) to determine which one shatters\u2014on a roll of 1\u20135, creatures in the area take {@dice 10d6} damage of the appropriate type ({@dc 28} basic Reflex). On a roll of 6, creatures must instead save against the sickness effect." ], "name": "Alchemical Rupture" }, @@ -3493,7 +3493,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. While underwater, an aboleth exudes a cloud of transparent slime. An air-breathing creature adjacent to an aboleth must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save each round or lose the ability to breathe air but gain the ability to breathe water for 3 hours." + "5 feet. While underwater, an aboleth exudes a cloud of transparent slime. An air-breathing creature adjacent to an aboleth must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save each round or lose the ability to breathe air but gain the ability to breathe water for 3 hours." ], "name": "Mucus Cloud" } @@ -3706,7 +3706,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 35" + "90 feet, {@dc 35}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3737,7 +3737,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a spray of acid that deals {@damage 17d6} acid damage in a 100-foot line (DC 39 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a spray of acid that deals {@damage 17d6} acid damage in a 100-foot line ({@dc 39} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -3752,7 +3752,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon permanently befouls 10 cubic feet of liquid within 90 feet. The liquid becomes undrinkable and unable to support water-breathing life. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a DC 35 Will save to protect liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." + "The dragon permanently befouls 10 cubic feet of liquid within 90 feet. The liquid becomes undrinkable and unable to support water-breathing life. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a {@dc 35} Will save to protect liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." ], "name": "Corrupt Water", "frequency": { @@ -4016,7 +4016,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 39" + "90 feet, {@dc 39}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes lightning that deals {@damage 12d12} electricity damage in a 120-foot line (DC 40 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The dragon breathes lightning that deals {@damage 12d12} electricity damage in a 120-foot line ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", "Each time the dragon uses Breath Weapon, a 20-foot-radius storm cloud appears 80 feet above a point of the dragon's choosing along the Breath Weapon's path. Clouds last for 10 minutes and allow the dragon to use Storm Breath." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" @@ -4054,7 +4054,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "When casting create water, the dragon can attempt to destroy liquid instead of creating it, turning an equal amount of liquid into sand. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a DC 37 Will save to protect all liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." + "When casting create water, the dragon can attempt to destroy liquid instead of creating it, turning an equal amount of liquid into sand. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a {@dc 37} Will save to protect all liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." ], "name": "Desert Thirst" }, @@ -4097,7 +4097,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The dragon calls down a lightning bolt from a storm cloud created by its Breath Weapon. This creates a vertical line of lightning to the ground that deals {@damage 6d12} electricity damage to all enemies in its path (DC 40 basic Reflex save)." + "The dragon calls down a lightning bolt from a storm cloud created by its Breath Weapon. This creates a vertical line of lightning to the ground that deals {@damage 6d12} electricity damage to all enemies in its path ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Storm Breath" } @@ -4268,7 +4268,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 35" + "90 feet, {@dc 35}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -4298,8 +4298,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Flame} (arcane, evocation, fire) The dragon breathes fire in a 100-foot line that deals {@damage 16d6} fire damage (DC 39 basic Reflex save).", - "{@bold Sleep Gas} (arcane, enchantment, incapacitation, sleep); The dragon breathes an 80-foot cone of sleep gas. Each creature within the cone must succeed at a DC 39 Fortitude save or fall {@condition unconscious} for {@dice 1d6} rounds, or 1 minute on a critical failure." + "{@bold Flame} (arcane, evocation, fire) The dragon breathes fire in a 100-foot line that deals {@damage 16d6} fire damage ({@dc 39} basic Reflex save).", + "{@bold Sleep Gas} (arcane, enchantment, incapacitation, sleep); The dragon breathes an 80-foot cone of sleep gas. Each creature within the cone must succeed at a {@dc 39} Fortitude save or fall {@condition unconscious} for {@dice 1d6} rounds, or 1 minute on a critical failure." ] } ], @@ -4317,7 +4317,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon calls upon the desert wind. This has the same effect as gust of wind (DC 37 Fortitude) but in a 60-foot cone. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn (or for 1 minute on a critical failure)." + "The dragon calls upon the desert wind. This has the same effect as gust of wind ({@dc 37} Fortitude) but in a 60-foot cone. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn (or for 1 minute on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Desert Wind", "frequency": { @@ -4550,7 +4550,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 38" + "90 feet, {@dc 38}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -4590,7 +4590,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A creature in the dragon's vortex uses a {@action Swim} action.", "entries": [ - "The dragon creates a current of water, forcing the triggering creature to attempt a DC 40 {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Swim}. If the creature fails, it's pulled 30 feet toward the dragon and the triggering action is lost. If it succeeds, it can {@action Swim} normally (using the result of that roll if it doesn't have a {@action Swim} speed)." + "The dragon creates a current of water, forcing the triggering creature to attempt a {@dc 40} {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Swim}. If the creature fails, it's pulled 30 feet toward the dragon and the triggering action is lost. If it succeeds, it can {@action Swim} normally (using the result of that roll if it doesn't have a {@action Swim} speed)." ], "name": "Vortex Pull" } @@ -4606,8 +4606,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Lightning} (arcane, electricity, evocation); The dragon breathes lightning in a 100-foot line that deals {@damage 12d12} electricity damage (DC 40 basic Reflex save).", - "{@bold Repulsion Gas} (abjuration, arcane, incapacitation, mental); The dragon breathes a 100-foot line of repulsive gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 40 Will save or become {@condition fleeing} from the dragon for 1 round (or 2 rounds on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Lightning} (arcane, electricity, evocation); The dragon breathes lightning in a 100-foot line that deals {@damage 12d12} electricity damage ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save).", + "{@bold Repulsion Gas} (abjuration, arcane, incapacitation, mental); The dragon breathes a 100-foot line of repulsive gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 40} Will save or become {@condition fleeing} from the dragon for 1 round (or 2 rounds on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -4834,7 +4834,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 35" + "90 feet, {@dc 35}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -4848,7 +4848,7 @@ "enchantment" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. Each creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 37 Will saving throw or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure). The copper dragon can turn this aura on or off with a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, and can choose not to affect allies within the aura." + "10 feet. Each creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 37} Will saving throw or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure). The copper dragon can turn this aura on or off with a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, and can choose not to affect allies within the aura." ], "name": "Slow Aura" }, @@ -4875,8 +4875,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Acid} (acid, arcane, evocation); The dragon breathes acid in a 100-foot line that deals {@damage 18d6} acid damage (DC 38 basic Fortitude save).", - "{@bold Slowing Gas} (arcane, transmutation); The dragon breathes a 100-foot line of slowing gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Acid} (acid, arcane, evocation); The dragon breathes acid in a 100-foot line that deals {@damage 18d6} acid damage ({@dc 38} basic Fortitude save).", + "{@bold Slowing Gas} (arcane, transmutation); The dragon breathes a 100-foot line of slowing gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 38} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -4920,7 +4920,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The copper dragon tells a fantastic joke. Each creature in a 100-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 39 Will save or suffer the effects of a 9th-level {@spell hideous laughter} spell for 1 minute." + "The copper dragon tells a fantastic joke. Each creature in a 100-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 39} Will save or suffer the effects of a 9th-level {@spell hideous laughter} spell for 1 minute." ], "name": "Mass Laughter" } @@ -5133,7 +5133,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 39" + "90 feet, {@dc 39}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -5191,7 +5191,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of flame in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 20d6} fire damage (DC 44 basic Reflex save)." + "The dragon breathes a blast of flame in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 20d6} fire damage ({@dc 44} basic Reflex save)." ] }, { @@ -5202,7 +5202,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of weakening gas. Each creature within a 50-foot cone must succeed at a DC 44 Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 3} for 1 minute (or {@condition enfeebled 4} on a critical failure)." + "The dragon breathes a blast of weakening gas. Each creature within a 50-foot cone must succeed at a {@dc 44} Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 3} for 1 minute (or {@condition enfeebled 4} on a critical failure)." ] } ] @@ -5459,7 +5459,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 37" + "90 feet, {@dc 37}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -5472,7 +5472,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. After the dragon uses its Breath Weapon, a cloud of poison gas continues to emanate from its body for 1 round. Any creature that ends its turn in the miasma takes {@damage 4d6} poison damage (DC 37 basic Fortitude save). Any creature in the miasma is {@condition concealed} and treats other creatures as {@condition concealed}. The dragon can see through this concealment." + "20 feet. After the dragon uses its Breath Weapon, a cloud of poison gas continues to emanate from its body for 1 round. Any creature that ends its turn in the miasma takes {@damage 4d6} poison damage ({@dc 37} basic Fortitude save). Any creature in the miasma is {@condition concealed} and treats other creatures as {@condition concealed}. The dragon can see through this concealment." ], "name": "Miasma" }, @@ -5500,7 +5500,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals {@damage 18d6} poison damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 37 basic Fortitude save). The Breath Weapon also creates a miasma. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals {@damage 18d6} poison damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 37} basic Fortitude save). The Breath Weapon also creates a miasma. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -5742,7 +5742,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, {@damage 4d6} fire damage (DC 39 basic Reflex)" + "10 feet, {@damage 4d6} fire damage ({@dc 39} basic Reflex)" ], "name": "Dragon Heat" }, @@ -5754,7 +5754,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 40" + "90 feet, {@dc 40}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -5802,7 +5802,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 20d6} fire damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 42 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 20d6} fire damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -6032,7 +6032,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 40" + "90 feet, {@dc 40}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -6086,8 +6086,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Frost} (arcane, cold, evocation); The dragon breathes a cloud of frost in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 20d6} cold damage (DC 42 basic Reflex save).", - "{@bold Paralyzing Gas} (arcane, enchantment, incapacitation); The dragon breathes a blast of paralyzing gas. Each creature within a 50-foot cone must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude save or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round (or 3 rounds on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Frost} (arcane, cold, evocation); The dragon breathes a cloud of frost in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 20d6} cold damage ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save).", + "{@bold Paralyzing Gas} (arcane, enchantment, incapacitation); The dragon breathes a blast of paralyzing gas. Each creature within a 50-foot cone must succeed at a {@dc 42} Fortitude save or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round (or 3 rounds on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -6327,7 +6327,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, {@damage 3d6} cold damage (DC 34 basic Reflex)" + "10 feet, {@damage 3d6} cold damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex)" ], "name": "Dragon Chill" }, @@ -6339,7 +6339,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 34" + "90 feet, {@dc 34}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -6374,7 +6374,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a cloud of frost that deals {@damage 16d6} cold damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 36 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a cloud of frost that deals {@damage 16d6} cold damage in a 50-foot cone ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -6400,7 +6400,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The dragon slams into the ground. It can do this if it's on the ground or Flying within 10 feet of the ground. Each creature on the ground within 10 feet must succeed at a DC 37 Reflex save or fall {@condition prone} and take {@damage 5d6} bludgeoning damage. The dragon can then {@action Step}." + "The dragon slams into the ground. It can do this if it's on the ground or Flying within 10 feet of the ground. Each creature on the ground within 10 feet must succeed at a {@dc 37} Reflex save or fall {@condition prone} and take {@damage 5d6} bludgeoning damage. The dragon can then {@action Step}." ], "name": "Ground Slam" }, @@ -6421,7 +6421,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon reshapes a cube of ice or snow it touches, up to 10 feet across. Any creature standing atop the ice must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or {@skill Acrobatics} check. On a failure, the creature falls {@condition prone} atop the ice; on a critical failure, it falls off the ice entirely and is also {@condition prone}." + "The dragon reshapes a cube of ice or snow it touches, up to 10 feet across. Any creature standing atop the ice must succeed at a {@dc 15} Reflex save or {@skill Acrobatics} check. On a failure, the creature falls {@condition prone} atop the ice; on a critical failure, it falls off the ice entirely and is also {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Shape Ice" } @@ -6663,7 +6663,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by an animated broom's bristles must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or spend its next action coughing. Even if hit by multiple dust attacks, the creature has to spend only 1 action coughing to clear the dust out. A creature that doesn't breathe is immune to this effect." + "A creature hit by an animated broom's bristles must succeed at a {@dc 15} Fortitude save or spend its next action coughing. Even if hit by multiple dust attacks, the creature has to spend only 1 action coughing to clear the dust out. A creature that doesn't breathe is immune to this effect." ], "name": "Dust" } @@ -6922,7 +6922,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The ankhrav spews acid in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 3d6} acid damage and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage} (DC 20 basic Reflex save)." + "The ankhrav spews acid in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 3d6} acid damage and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage} ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Spray Acid" } @@ -7025,7 +7025,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature struck by the ankylosaurus's tail must attempt a DC 24 Fortitude save. On a failure, it's {@condition slowed 1} until the end of its next turn; on a critical failure, it's {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn." + "A creature struck by the ankylosaurus's tail must attempt a {@dc 24} Fortitude save. On a failure, it's {@condition slowed 1} until the end of its next turn; on a critical failure, it's {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn." ], "name": "Punishing Tail" }, @@ -7035,7 +7035,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, foot, DC 24" + "Medium or smaller, foot, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -7169,7 +7169,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Once per day, an annis hag can cause a cage built of cold iron fingernails to spring out of nothingness at a range of up to 30 feet, attempting an {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Grapple} against the target's Fortitude DC; if the target has a weakness to cold iron, the annis hag gains a +2 circumstance bonus to this check. Unlike a normal {@action Grapple}, the annis hag doesn't need to be within reach and can move as she pleases, and a successful attempt lasts until the creature escapes (DC 24), causing the cage to crumble into rust. Any creature can attempt to destroy the cage by attacking it. It has an AC of 19, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points." + "Once per day, an annis hag can cause a cage built of cold iron fingernails to spring out of nothingness at a range of up to 30 feet, attempting an {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Grapple} against the target's Fortitude DC; if the target has a weakness to cold iron, the annis hag gains a +2 circumstance bonus to this check. Unlike a normal {@action Grapple}, the annis hag doesn't need to be within reach and can move as she pleases, and a successful attempt lasts until the creature escapes ({@dc 24}), causing the cage to crumble into rust. Any creature can attempt to destroy the cage by attacking it. It has an AC of 19, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points." ], "name": "Bonds of Iron" }, @@ -7371,7 +7371,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The arbiter releases an electrical burst from its body that deals {@damage 3d6} electricity damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save). Following such a burst, the arbiter becomes {@condition stunned} for 24 hours." + "The arbiter releases an electrical burst from its body that deals {@damage 3d6} electricity damage ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). Following such a burst, the arbiter becomes {@condition stunned} for 24 hours." ], "name": "Electrical Burst" } @@ -7992,7 +7992,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The astradaemon hasn't used an action with the {@trait attack} trait yet this turn.", "entries": [ - "The astradaemon draws out and consumes the soul of a living creature it has {@condition grabbed}. The creature must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or instantly die. If it dies, the astradaemon gains 10 temporary Hit Points and a +2 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 minute, or for 1 day if the victim was 15th level or higher. A victim slain in this way can be returned to life normally. A creature that survives is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "The astradaemon draws out and consumes the soul of a living creature it has {@condition grabbed}. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 35} Fortitude save or instantly die. If it dies, the astradaemon gains 10 temporary Hit Points and a +2 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 minute, or for 1 day if the victim was 15th level or higher. A victim slain in this way can be returned to life normally. A creature that survives is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Devour Soul" }, @@ -8003,7 +8003,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When an astradaemon hits with its claw, jaws, or tail, it drains the target's spiritual and vital essences. The target takes {@damage 2d10} negative energy damage and the astradaemon regains an equal number of Hit Points. The target must succeed at a DC 37 Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed 1} and {@condition drained 1}. If the target was already {@condition drained} or {@condition doomed}, it instead increases both conditions' value by 1, to a maximum of 4." + "When an astradaemon hits with its claw, jaws, or tail, it drains the target's spiritual and vital essences. The target takes {@damage 2d10} negative energy damage and the astradaemon regains an equal number of Hit Points. The target must succeed at a {@dc 37} Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed 1} and {@condition drained 1}. If the target was already {@condition drained} or {@condition doomed}, it instead increases both conditions' value by 1, to a maximum of 4." ], "name": "Essence Drain" } @@ -8232,7 +8232,7 @@ "divine" ], "entries": [ - "An astral deva with a message to deliver is continually protected by the effect of sanctuary (DC 32). If the deva breaks the sanctuary, the effect returns if the deva ceases hostility for 10 minutes." + "An astral deva with a message to deliver is continually protected by the effect of sanctuary ({@dc 32}). If the deva breaks the sanctuary, the effect returns if the deva ceases hostility for 10 minutes." ], "name": "Messenger's Amnesty" } @@ -8255,7 +8255,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The astral deva hit a foe earlier this turn with a weapon {@action Strike}.", "entries": [ - "The astral deva makes a weapon {@action Strike} against the foe. On a success, the foe must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become {@condition stunned 1}. On a critical failure, the foe is {@condition stunned 2} instead." + "The astral deva makes a weapon {@action Strike} against the foe. On a success, the foe must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or become {@condition stunned 1}. On a critical failure, the foe is {@condition stunned 2} instead." ], "name": "Stunning Strike" } @@ -9004,7 +9004,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. Creatures in the balisse's aura are subject to zone of truth (DC 23). Additionally, if these creatures choose to honestly express their own conflicted feelings, the aura makes it easier for them to put words to those feelings." + "20 feet. Creatures in the balisse's aura are subject to zone of truth ({@dc 23}). Additionally, if these creatures choose to honestly express their own conflicted feelings, the aura makes it easier for them to put words to those feelings." ], "name": "Confessor's Aura" } @@ -9025,7 +9025,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The balisse marks an evil creature within its confessor's aura as irredeemable. It can only do so after a failed attempt to convince the creature to repent. The touched creature takes a \u20131 status penalty to AC and saves, reduces its resistances by 2, and gains weakness 2 to good damage. The duration depends on the target's DC 26 Will save.", + "The balisse marks an evil creature within its confessor's aura as irredeemable. It can only do so after a failed attempt to convince the creature to repent. The touched creature takes a \u20131 status penalty to AC and saves, reduces its resistances by 2, and gains weakness 2 to good damage. The duration depends on the target's {@dc 26} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -9187,7 +9187,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8} bludgeoning, DC 17" + "{@damage 1d8} bludgeoning, {@dc 17}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -9450,7 +9450,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "When a balor dies, their body explodes in a 100-foot aura of intense demonic flame. All creatures and objects in range take {@damage 16d10} fire damage (DC 45 basic Reflex save). Because the flame is infused with Abyssal energy, creatures in the area apply only half their usual fire resistance. Creatures with immunity to fire use an outcome one degree of success better than what they rolled, instead of gaining the usual benefit of immunity. The bodies of creatures reduced to 0 Hit Points by a balor's death throes are completely incinerated into fine ash." + "When a balor dies, their body explodes in a 100-foot aura of intense demonic flame. All creatures and objects in range take {@damage 16d10} fire damage ({@dc 45} basic Reflex save). Because the flame is infused with Abyssal energy, creatures in the area apply only half their usual fire resistance. Creatures with immunity to fire use an outcome one degree of success better than what they rolled, instead of gaining the usual benefit of immunity. The bodies of creatures reduced to 0 Hit Points by a balor's death throes are completely incinerated into fine ash." ], "name": "Death Throes" } @@ -9653,7 +9653,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A foe critically hits the banshee, or the banshee critically fails their save against a foe's damaging effect.", "entries": [ - "The banshee lashes back at their tormentor, dealing {@damage 4d10+14} mental damage (DC 38 basic Will save) and applying the effects of terrifying touch based on the results of the same Will save." + "The banshee lashes back at their tormentor, dealing {@damage 4d10+14} mental damage ({@dc 38} basic Will save) and applying the effects of terrifying touch based on the results of the same Will save." ], "name": "Vengeful Spite" } @@ -9673,7 +9673,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by the banshee's touch that isn't already {@condition frightened} must attempt a DC 38 Will save (DC 43 if the attack was a critical hit). If the creature fails its save, it's {@condition frightened 2}; on a critical failure, the creature also cowers with fear and is {@condition stunned 4}. If the creature is protected against fear by a spell or magic item, the banshee's touch first attempts to counteract the protection effect, with the effect of a 9th-level {@spell dispel magic} spell." + "A creature damaged by the banshee's touch that isn't already {@condition frightened} must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save ({@dc 43} if the attack was a critical hit). If the creature fails its save, it's {@condition frightened 2}; on a critical failure, the creature also cowers with fear and is {@condition stunned 4}. If the creature is protected against fear by a spell or magic item, the banshee's touch first attempts to counteract the protection effect, with the effect of a 9th-level {@spell dispel magic} spell." ], "name": "Terrifying Touch" }, @@ -9690,7 +9690,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The banshee unleashes a soul-chilling {@spell wail of the banshee} (DC 38). This Wail overcomes silence and similar effects of 5th level or lower. The banshee can instead use Wail as a three-action activity to overcome such effects of up to 8th level.", + "The banshee unleashes a soul-chilling {@spell wail of the banshee} ({@dc 38}). This Wail overcomes silence and similar effects of 5th level or lower. The banshee can instead use Wail as a three-action activity to overcome such effects of up to 8th level.", "The banshee's Wail resonates for 1 round, and any creature that comes within the area during that time must attempt a save against the effect. A creature can't be affected more than once by the same Wail. The banshee can't Wail again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Wail" @@ -9872,7 +9872,7 @@ "attack" ], "entries": [ - "A baomal can inhale tremendous amounts of water, drawing everything in the sea nearby closer. All creatures and objects in the water within 60 feet of the baomal (including ships) are pulled toward it. Creatures must succeed at a DC 42 {@skill Athletics} check or be pulled up to 20 feet toward the baomal (40 feet on a critical failure). For ships, use the captain's {@skill Lore||Sailing Lore} in place of {@skill Athletics}. Unattended objects are automatically pulled." + "A baomal can inhale tremendous amounts of water, drawing everything in the sea nearby closer. All creatures and objects in the water within 60 feet of the baomal (including ships) are pulled toward it. Creatures must succeed at a {@dc 42} {@skill Athletics} check or be pulled up to 20 feet toward the baomal (40 feet on a critical failure). For ships, use the captain's {@skill Lore||Sailing Lore} in place of {@skill Athletics}. Unattended objects are automatically pulled." ], "name": "Breath of the Sea" }, @@ -9885,7 +9885,7 @@ "move" ], "entries": [ - "The baomal Swims or {@action Stride||Strides} alongside a creature or the hull of a vessel, dealing damage with the strong spikes on its shell. Each creature or ship the baomal is adjacent to at any point during its movement takes {@damage 6d6+10} slashing and piercing damage (DC 42 basic Reflex save). Against vessels, Shell Rake ignores the first 5 Hardness and creates an explosion of splinters that deals {@dice 3d6+5} damage to every creature within 10 feet of the deck's edge (DC 42 basic Reflex save)." + "The baomal Swims or {@action Stride||Strides} alongside a creature or the hull of a vessel, dealing damage with the strong spikes on its shell. Each creature or ship the baomal is adjacent to at any point during its movement takes {@damage 6d6+10} slashing and piercing damage ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save). Against vessels, Shell Rake ignores the first 5 Hardness and creates an explosion of splinters that deals {@dice 3d6+5} damage to every creature within 10 feet of the deck's edge ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Shell Rake" }, @@ -10113,8 +10113,8 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A bearded devil's glaive {@action Strike} also deals {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} that resists attempts to heal it. The flat check to stop the bleeding starts at DC 20. The DC is reduced to 15 only if the bleeding creature or an ally successfully assists with the recovery.", - "The DC to {@action Administer First Aid} to a creature with an infernal wound is increased by 5. A spellcaster or item attempting to use healing magic on a creature suffering from an infernal wound must succeed at a DC 21 counteract check or the magic fails to heal the creature." + "A bearded devil's glaive {@action Strike} also deals {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} that resists attempts to heal it. The flat check to stop the bleeding starts at {@dc 20}. The DC is reduced to 15 only if the bleeding creature or an ally successfully assists with the recovery.", + "The DC to {@action Administer First Aid} to a creature with an infernal wound is increased by 5. A spellcaster or item attempting to use healing magic on a creature suffering from an infernal wound must succeed at a {@dc 21} counteract check or the magic fails to heal the creature." ], "name": "Infernal Wound" }, @@ -10471,7 +10471,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A creature within 30 feet that the basilisk can see starts its turn.", "entries": [ - "The target must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. If it fails, it's {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute as its body slowly stiffens." + "The target must attempt a {@dc 20} Fortitude save. If it fails, it's {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute as its body slowly stiffens." ], "name": "Petrifying Glance" } @@ -10490,7 +10490,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The basilisk stares at a creature it can see within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. If it fails and has not already been {@condition slowed} by Petrifying Glance or this ability, it becomes {@condition slowed 1}. If the creature was already {@condition slowed} by this ability or Petrifying Glance, a failed save causes the creature to be {@condition petrified} permanently.", + "The basilisk stares at a creature it can see within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save. If it fails and has not already been {@condition slowed} by Petrifying Glance or this ability, it becomes {@condition slowed 1}. If the creature was already {@condition slowed} by this ability or Petrifying Glance, a failed save causes the creature to be {@condition petrified} permanently.", "A creature {@condition petrified} in this manner that is coated (not just splashed) with fresh basilisk blood (taken from a basilisk that has been dead no longer than 1 hour) is instantly restored to flesh. A single basilisk contains enough blood to coat {@dice 1d3} Medium creatures in this manner." ], "name": "Petrifying Gaze" @@ -10603,7 +10603,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature that hits the pudding with a metal or wooden weapon must succeed at a DC 22 Reflex save or the weapon takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage (after dealing damage to the black pudding as normal). Thrown weapons and ammunition take this damage automatically with no save." + "A creature that hits the pudding with a metal or wooden weapon must succeed at a {@dc 22} Reflex save or the weapon takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage (after dealing damage to the black pudding as normal). Thrown weapons and ammunition take this damage automatically with no save." ], "name": "Corrosive Mass" }, @@ -10621,7 +10621,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+7} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} acid, DC 26" + "{@damage 1d8+7} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} acid, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -10997,7 +10997,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The boggard scout unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non-boggard within 30 feet becomes {@condition frightened 1} unless they succeed at a DC 17 Will save; those who critically succeed are temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "The boggard scout unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non-boggard within 30 feet becomes {@condition frightened 1} unless they succeed at a {@dc 17} Will save; those who critically succeed are temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Terrifying Croak" }, @@ -11182,7 +11182,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The swampseer utters a powerful croak that deals {@damage 4d6} sonic damage to any non-boggard within a 15-foot emanation (DC 19 basic Fortitude save); any creature with the {@condition frightened} condition takes additional sonic damage equal to twice the value of their {@condition frightened} condition. The boggard can't use Destructive Croak again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The swampseer utters a powerful croak that deals {@damage 4d6} sonic damage to any non-boggard within a 15-foot emanation ({@dc 19} basic Fortitude save); any creature with the {@condition frightened} condition takes additional sonic damage equal to twice the value of their {@condition frightened} condition. The boggard can't use Destructive Croak again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Destructive Croak" }, @@ -11219,7 +11219,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "As boggard scout, except DC 19." + "As boggard scout, except {@dc 19}." ], "name": "Terrifying Croak" }, @@ -11377,7 +11377,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "As boggard scout, except DC 18." + "As boggard scout, except {@dc 18}." ], "name": "Terrifying Croak" }, @@ -11599,7 +11599,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "If a brain collector takes 30 damage from a critical hit or takes 25 mental damage, it must succeed at a DC 26 save (Fortitude for critical damage or Will for mental damage) or one of its brain blisters is destroyed." + "If a brain collector takes 30 damage from a critical hit or takes 25 mental damage, it must succeed at a {@dc 26} save (Fortitude for critical damage or Will for mental damage) or one of its brain blisters is destroyed." ], "name": "Brain Loss" } @@ -11883,7 +11883,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 29" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -12451,7 +12451,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The bunyip lets out a loud and horrifying roar.", - "Other creatures within 100 feet must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure, {@condition frightened 1} on a success, or unaffected on a critical success)", + "Other creatures within 100 feet must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure, {@condition frightened 1} on a success, or unaffected on a critical success)", "No matter the result, the creature is temporarily immune to the effect for 1 minute." ], "name": "Roar" @@ -12690,7 +12690,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Once per day, a cacodaemon can ingest the soul of a sentient creature within 30 feet that died within the last minute. When it does, the cacodaemon grows a fist-sized soul gem (Hardness 2, HP 8) in its gut and can regurgitate it at any time as an {@action Interact} action. Destroying the gem frees the soul within but does not return the deceased creature to life. The caster of a spell to return a creature to life whose soul is trapped within a soul gem must succeed at a DC 30 {@skill Religion} check. On a success, the soul gem shatters and the creature is returned to life as normal for the spell.", + "Once per day, a cacodaemon can ingest the soul of a sentient creature within 30 feet that died within the last minute. When it does, the cacodaemon grows a fist-sized soul gem (Hardness 2, HP 8) in its gut and can regurgitate it at any time as an {@action Interact} action. Destroying the gem frees the soul within but does not return the deceased creature to life. The caster of a spell to return a creature to life whose soul is trapped within a soul gem must succeed at a {@dc 30} {@skill Religion} check. On a success, the soul gem shatters and the creature is returned to life as normal for the spell.", "By using an {@action Interact} action, a fiend can ingest a soul gem it is holding, condemning the soul to the fiend's home plane. The fiend gains fast healing 5 for 1 minute." ], "name": "Soul Lock" @@ -12847,7 +12847,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "When the caligni creeper dies, their body combusts in a flash of bright light. All creatures in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or be {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d6} rounds. Creatures with light blindness who successfully save are still {@condition blinded} for 1 round. The creeper's gear and treasure are left in a pile where they died. As this isn't a {@trait magical} effect, the light has no effect within magical darkness." + "When the caligni creeper dies, their body combusts in a flash of bright light. All creatures in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 17} Fortitude save or be {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d6} rounds. Creatures with light blindness who successfully save are still {@condition blinded} for 1 round. The creeper's gear and treasure are left in a pile where they died. As this isn't a {@trait magical} effect, the light has no effect within magical darkness." ], "name": "Death Flash" } @@ -13029,7 +13029,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "When the dancer dies, their body combusts in a flare of white light. All creatures in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "When the dancer dies, their body combusts in a flare of white light. All creatures in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 17} Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", "Calignis that fail this save are also {@condition frightened 1}. The dancer's gear and treasure are left in a pile where they died. As this isn't a {@trait magical} effect, the light has no effect within magical darkness." ], "name": "Death Flare" @@ -13048,7 +13048,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The caligni dancer touches a foe and curses it. If the target fails a DC 18 Will save, it gains {@condition clumsy 1} and {@condition stupefied 1}. The target is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. These conditions persist until the curse is removed. The victim can attempt a new DC 18 Will save once per hour to end the curse." + "The caligni dancer touches a foe and curses it. If the target fails a {@dc 18} Will save, it gains {@condition clumsy 1} and {@condition stupefied 1}. The target is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. These conditions persist until the curse is removed. The victim can attempt a new {@dc 18} Will save once per hour to end the curse." ], "name": "Dancer's Curse" }, @@ -13202,7 +13202,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "When the stalker dies, their body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 5d6} fire damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save)", + "When the stalker dies, their body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take {@damage 5d6} fire damage ({@dc 21} basic Reflex save)", "The stalker's gear and treasure are unaffected by the flames and are left in a pile where they died." ], "name": "Death Flame" @@ -13432,7 +13432,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The cassisian releases beams of heat or cold from its eyes, dealing {@damage 2d6} cold or fire damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save) to all creatures in a 15-foot line. It can't use Eye Beams again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The cassisian releases beams of heat or cold from its eyes, dealing {@damage 2d6} cold or fire damage ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save) to all creatures in a 15-foot line. It can't use Eye Beams again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Eye Beams" }, @@ -13763,7 +13763,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The cauthooj gives a strange, ululating cry that causes nearby creatures to lash out violently and without control. Each creature within a 120-foot emanation that can hear the cauthooj must attempt a DC 32 Will save to resist the effect.", + "The cauthooj gives a strange, ululating cry that causes nearby creatures to lash out violently and without control. Each creature within a 120-foot emanation that can hear the cauthooj must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save to resist the effect.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -14044,7 +14044,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 18" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 18}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -14154,7 +14154,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d8} piercing damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save) plus centipede swarm venom." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d8} piercing damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save) plus centipede swarm venom." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" } @@ -14358,7 +14358,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The ceustodaemon breathes flames in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the cone take {@damage 7d6} fire damage (DC 24 basic Reflex save). The ceustodaemon and each creature that fails the save catch fire, taking {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The breath weapon can't be used again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ceustodaemon breathes flames in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the cone take {@damage 7d6} fire damage ({@dc 24} basic Reflex save). The ceustodaemon and each creature that fails the save catch fire, taking {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The breath weapon can't be used again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -14707,7 +14707,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The chimera breathes a cone or line that deals {@dice 9d6} damage to all creatures in the area (DC 26 basic save of a type indicated below). The color of the chimera's dragon head determines the area of the Breath Weapon, the type of damage it deals, and the type of save to avoid it. The chimera can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The chimera breathes a cone or line that deals {@dice 9d6} damage to all creatures in the area ({@dc 26} basic save of a type indicated below). The color of the chimera's dragon head determines the area of the Breath Weapon, the type of damage it deals, and the type of save to avoid it. The chimera can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -15108,7 +15108,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+9} bludgeoning, DC 25 ({@condition grabbed} by claws only)" + "{@damage 1d8+9} bludgeoning, {@dc 25} ({@condition grabbed} by claws only)" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -15267,7 +15267,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. A creature that enters the aura or begins its turn there must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}. Everything within the aura, including the cinder rat, is {@condition concealed} by smoke." + "5 feet. A creature that enters the aura or begins its turn there must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}. Everything within the aura, including the cinder rat, is {@condition concealed} by smoke." ], "name": "Fetid Fumes" } @@ -15433,7 +15433,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the clay golem's fist must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or be cursed until healed to its maximum HP. The cursed creature can't regain HP except via magic, and anyone casting a spell to heal the creature must succeed at a DC 29 counteract check or the healing has no effect. The golem's counteract level is equal to its creature level." + "A creature hit by the clay golem's fist must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save or be cursed until healed to its maximum HP. The cursed creature can't regain HP except via magic, and anyone casting a spell to heal the creature must succeed at a {@dc 29} counteract check or the healing has no effect. The golem's counteract level is equal to its creature level." ], "name": "Cursed Wound" } @@ -15595,7 +15595,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The cloaker lets out an infrasonic moan that has one of the effects below. A creature that succeeds at a DC 22 Will save is unaffected. Any creature that attempts this save becomes temporarily immune for 1 hour. Because the moan is infrasonic, most humanoids don't detect the source of their plight if they aren't already aware of the cloaker.", + "The cloaker lets out an infrasonic moan that has one of the effects below. A creature that succeeds at a {@dc 22} Will save is unaffected. Any creature that attempts this save becomes temporarily immune for 1 hour. Because the moan is infrasonic, most humanoids don't detect the source of their plight if they aren't already aware of the cloaker.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -15814,7 +15814,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The cloud giant {@action Strike||Strikes} a creature with its ranseur, surrounded in a roar of rushing air. On a hit, the target takes an additional {@damage 4d8} bludgeoning damage and is {@condition deafened} for 1 minute. Whether or not the {@action Strike} hits, each non-cloud giant within a 20-foot emanation, including the target of the {@action Strike}, is buffeted by roaring winds and must attempt a DC 30 Fortitude saving throw.", + "The cloud giant {@action Strike||Strikes} a creature with its ranseur, surrounded in a roar of rushing air. On a hit, the target takes an additional {@damage 4d8} bludgeoning damage and is {@condition deafened} for 1 minute. Whether or not the {@action Strike} hits, each non-cloud giant within a 20-foot emanation, including the target of the {@action Strike}, is buffeted by roaring winds and must attempt a {@dc 30} Fortitude saving throw.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -15914,8 +15914,8 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "A peck from a cockatrice hardens the flesh of the creature struck. The target must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed 1} (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure). Further failed saves against calcification increase the {@condition slowed} condition. Once a creature's actions are reduced to 0 by calcification, that creature becomes {@condition petrified}.", - "Every 24 hours after it was {@condition petrified}, the victim can attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save to recover. On a success, it becomes flesh again, but is {@condition slowed 1} for the next 24 hours. On a critical success, the creature recovers and isn't {@condition slowed}. On a failure, the creature remains {@condition petrified}, but can try again in 24 hours. On a critical failure, the petrification is permanent, and the creature can't attempt any more saves." + "A peck from a cockatrice hardens the flesh of the creature struck. The target must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed 1} (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure). Further failed saves against calcification increase the {@condition slowed} condition. Once a creature's actions are reduced to 0 by calcification, that creature becomes {@condition petrified}.", + "Every 24 hours after it was {@condition petrified}, the victim can attempt a {@dc 20} Fortitude save to recover. On a success, it becomes flesh again, but is {@condition slowed 1} for the next 24 hours. On a critical success, the creature recovers and isn't {@condition slowed}. On a failure, the creature remains {@condition petrified}, but can try again in 24 hours. On a critical failure, the petrification is permanent, and the creature can't attempt any more saves." ], "name": "Calcification" } @@ -16084,7 +16084,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays a crag linnorm, it must succeed at a DC 35 Will save or permanently gain weakness to fire 15." + "When a creature slays a crag linnorm, it must succeed at a {@dc 35} Will save or permanently gain weakness to fire 15." ], "name": "Curse of Fire" }, @@ -16114,7 +16114,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The crag linnorm breathes out a stream of magma in a 120-foot line that deals {@damage 12d6} fire damage to creatures within the area (DC 34 basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its save also takes {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The crag linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The magma remains until the start of the linnorm's next turn. If the linnorm was on the ground, the magma remains as a burning line on the ground directly under the line of the Breath Weapon, and if the linnorm was airborne, the magma rains downward in a sheet 60 feet high. Any creature that moves across or through the magma takes {@damage 6d6} fire damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save). At the start of the linnorm's next turn, the magma cools to a thin layer of brittle stone on the ground, or the magma rain finishes falling and turns to harmless pebbles. The cooled magma quickly degrades to powder and sand over the course of several hours." + "The crag linnorm breathes out a stream of magma in a 120-foot line that deals {@damage 12d6} fire damage to creatures within the area ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its save also takes {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The crag linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The magma remains until the start of the linnorm's next turn. If the linnorm was on the ground, the magma remains as a burning line on the ground directly under the line of the Breath Weapon, and if the linnorm was airborne, the magma rains downward in a sheet 60 feet high. Any creature that moves across or through the magma takes {@damage 6d6} fire damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). At the start of the linnorm's next turn, the magma cools to a thin layer of brittle stone on the ground, or the magma rain finishes falling and turns to harmless pebbles. The cooled magma quickly degrades to powder and sand over the course of several hours." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -16124,7 +16124,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d6+14} bludgeoning, DC 34" + "{@damage 2d6+14} bludgeoning, {@dc 34}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -16336,7 +16336,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The crimson worm breathes a blast of flame in a 60-foot cone that deals {@damage 18d6} fire damage to all creatures in the area (DC 41 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The crimson worm breathes a blast of flame in a 60-foot cone that deals {@damage 18d6} fire damage to all creatures in the area ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -16808,7 +16808,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The daeodon {@action Stride||Strides} twice and then makes a tusk {@action Strike}. As long as it moved at least 20 feet, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its attack roll.", - "A medium or smaller creature struck by this attack must succeed at a DC 19 Reflex save or be knocked {@condition prone} by the force of the blow." + "A medium or smaller creature struck by this attack must succeed at a {@dc 19} Reflex save or be knocked {@condition prone} by the force of the blow." ], "name": "Daeodon Charge" } @@ -17394,7 +17394,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The deadly mantis flings a {@condition grabbed} creature into the air, up to 30 feet overhead and up to 30 feet away from the mantis (the creature takes damage from the fall as normal). If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage. The creature being landed on can attempt a DC 31 basic Reflex save." + "The deadly mantis flings a {@condition grabbed} creature into the air, up to 30 feet overhead and up to 30 feet away from the mantis (the creature takes damage from the fall as normal). If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage. The creature being landed on can attempt a {@dc 31} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Fling" }, @@ -18395,7 +18395,7 @@ "special": "once per day per gem" }, "entries": [ - "Ten blight quartz gemstones on the demilich's skull can trap the souls of the living. The {@action Activate an Item||Activated} gem casts {@spell bind soul}. This {@spell bind soul} can target and affect a {@condition dying} creature instead of a corpse. The {@condition dying} creature can attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save; if it succeeds, it doesn't die and its soul is not trapped but it's enervated 2 (or is unaffected entirely on a critical success). When the soul of a creature gets trapped, the creature's body swiftly turns to dust.", + "Ten blight quartz gemstones on the demilich's skull can trap the souls of the living. The {@action Activate an Item||Activated} gem casts {@spell bind soul}. This {@spell bind soul} can target and affect a {@condition dying} creature instead of a corpse. The {@condition dying} creature can attempt a {@dc 38} Fortitude save; if it succeeds, it doesn't die and its soul is not trapped but it's enervated 2 (or is unaffected entirely on a critical success). When the soul of a creature gets trapped, the creature's body swiftly turns to dust.", "The gemstones work like the black sapphires used in {@spell bind soul}, except that they can hold creatures of up to 17th level and have a value of 200 gp apiece. The demilich can Devour a Soul it has trapped." ], "name": "Trap Soul" @@ -18675,7 +18675,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The magister focuses their gaze on a creature they can see within 30 feet. The target is {@condition dazzled} for 1 round and must succeed at a DC 24 Will saving throw or be {@condition confused} for 1 round." + "The magister focuses their gaze on a creature they can see within 30 feet. The target is {@condition dazzled} for 1 round and must succeed at a {@dc 24} Will saving throw or be {@condition confused} for 1 round." ], "name": "Cytillesh Stare" } @@ -19201,7 +19201,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The desert drake spits a ball of electrically charged sand to a range of 60 feet that explodes into a cloud with a 15-foot-radius burst. Creatures in the area take {@damage 9d6} electricity damage (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The cloud remains for {@dice 1d4} rounds, granting concealment to everything within. The desert drake can't use Sandstorm Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "The desert drake spits a ball of electrically charged sand to a range of 60 feet that explodes into a cloud with a 15-foot-radius burst. Creatures in the area take {@damage 9d6} electricity damage ({@dc 27} basic Reflex save). The cloud remains for {@dice 1d4} rounds, granting concealment to everything within. The desert drake can't use Sandstorm Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ], "name": "Sandstorm Breath" }, @@ -19349,7 +19349,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature entering the emanation must attempt a DC 27 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure is also {@condition slowed 1}. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at the save is temporarily immune to this effect for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature entering the emanation must attempt a {@dc 27} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure is also {@condition slowed 1}. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at the save is temporarily immune to this effect for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -19708,7 +19708,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 20" + "{@dc 20}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -19733,7 +19733,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The dire wolf has a creature {@condition grabbed} with its jaws.", "entries": [ - "The dire wolf fiercely shakes the {@condition grabbed} creature with its teeth, dealing {@dice 1d10+2} damage (DC 20 basic Fortitude save)." + "The dire wolf fiercely shakes the {@condition grabbed} creature with its teeth, dealing {@dice 1d10+2} damage ({@dc 20} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Worry" } @@ -19982,7 +19982,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The djinni all creatures in its whirlwind pushes back 20 feet, or forces all creatures in the aura to move 20 feet clockwise or counterclockwise. Each creature must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save. On a success, it avoids being moved, and on a critical failure it falls {@condition prone} in addition to being moved. Creatures with the {@trait air} trait are immune." + "The djinni all creatures in its whirlwind pushes back 20 feet, or forces all creatures in the aura to move 20 feet clockwise or counterclockwise. Each creature must attempt a {@dc 21} Fortitude save. On a success, it avoids being moved, and on a critical failure it falls {@condition prone} in addition to being moved. Creatures with the {@trait air} trait are immune." ], "name": "Hurricane Blast" } @@ -20250,7 +20250,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon turtle breathes a massive blast of steam that deals {@damage 10d6} fire damage to creatures within a 50-foot cone (DC 27 basic Reflex save). This steam blast affects creatures within the water, as well as outside. The dragon turtle can't use its Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds or until it takes a critical hit (whichever comes first)." + "The dragon turtle breathes a massive blast of steam that deals {@damage 10d6} fire damage to creatures within a 50-foot cone ({@dc 27} basic Reflex save). This steam blast affects creatures within the water, as well as outside. The dragon turtle can't use its Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds or until it takes a critical hit (whichever comes first)." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -20404,7 +20404,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The tendrils that cover the drakauthix's body reach out and infest adjacent creatures, dealing {@damage 4d6} poison damage and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}. A creature can attempt a basic DC 27 Reflex save to reduce this damage, but one {@condition grabbed} by the drakauthix takes a \u20134 circumstance penalty to this save." + "The tendrils that cover the drakauthix's body reach out and infest adjacent creatures, dealing {@damage 4d6} poison damage and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}. A creature can attempt a basic {@dc 27} Reflex save to reduce this damage, but one {@condition grabbed} by the drakauthix takes a \u20134 circumstance penalty to this save." ], "name": "Spore Tendrils" }, @@ -20702,7 +20702,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by a drider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} DC 21)." + "A creature hit by a drider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} {@dc 21})." ], "name": "Web Trap" } @@ -21572,7 +21572,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "A dryad is mystically bonded to a single great tree and must remain within 300 feet of it. If she moves beyond that range, she becomes {@condition sickened 1} and is unable to recover. She must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save every hour or increase the {@condition sickened} value by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition sickened 4}). After 24 hours, she becomes {@condition drained 1}, with this value increasing by 1 every additional 24 hours. A dryad can perform a 24-hour ritual to bond herself to a new tree." + "A dryad is mystically bonded to a single great tree and must remain within 300 feet of it. If she moves beyond that range, she becomes {@condition sickened 1} and is unable to recover. She must attempt a {@dc 18} Fortitude save every hour or increase the {@condition sickened} value by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition sickened 4}). After 24 hours, she becomes {@condition drained 1}, with this value increasing by 1 every additional 24 hours. A dryad can perform a 24-hour ritual to bond herself to a new tree." ], "name": "Tree Dependent" } @@ -21952,7 +21952,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "DC 30. On a failed save, the target is {@condition immobilized} in awe for 1 minute." + "{@dc 30}. On a failed save, the target is {@condition immobilized} in awe for 1 minute." ], "name": "Nymph's Beauty" } @@ -22364,7 +22364,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "This shot deals no damage, but on a hit, the target must succeed at a DC 16 Reflex save or be knocked {@condition prone} and {@condition immobilized} until it is freed with a successful DC 15 check to {@action Escape}. This check can be attempted either by the target or a creature adjacent to the target." + "This shot deals no damage, but on a hit, the target must succeed at a {@dc 16} Reflex save or be knocked {@condition prone} and {@condition immobilized} until it is freed with a successful {@dc 15} check to {@action Escape}. This check can be attempted either by the target or a creature adjacent to the target." ], "name": "Bola Bolt" } @@ -22708,7 +22708,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 23" + "30 feet, {@dc 23}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -23177,7 +23177,7 @@ "earth" ], "entries": [ - "The earth mephit breathes rocks in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The earth mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The earth mephit breathes rocks in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage to each creature within the area ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). The earth mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -23401,7 +23401,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The efreeti changes a creature's size. This works as a 4th-level {@spell enlarge} or {@spell shrink} spell but can target an unwilling creature (DC 29 Fortitude save negates)." + "The efreeti changes a creature's size. This works as a 4th-level {@spell enlarge} or {@spell shrink} spell but can target an unwilling creature ({@dc 29} Fortitude save negates)." ], "name": "Change Size" }, @@ -23671,7 +23671,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "A creature critically hit by the electric eel's tail must attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save.", + "A creature critically hit by the electric eel's tail must attempt a {@dc 17} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -23844,7 +23844,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, fist, DC 30" + "Large or smaller, fist, {@dc 30}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -23997,7 +23997,7 @@ "air" ], "entries": [ - "The elemental breathes a 30-foot cone of air. Creatures in the cone must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or be knocked away from the elemental. A creature knocked into a solid object stops moving and takes {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage. The elemental hurricane can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The elemental breathes a 30-foot cone of air. Creatures in the cone must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save or be knocked away from the elemental. A creature knocked into a solid object stops moving and takes {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage. The elemental hurricane can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -24146,7 +24146,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "When the elemental inferno dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 7d6} fire damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation (DC 30 basic Reflex save)." + "When the elemental inferno dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 7d6} fire damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Explosion" }, @@ -24156,7 +24156,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, {@damage 7d6} fire, DC 28 basic Reflex." + "10 feet, {@damage 7d6} fire, {@dc 28} basic Reflex." ], "name": "Intense Heat" } @@ -24177,7 +24177,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The elemental inferno jumps horizontally and vertically with a maximum height and distance each equal to its Speed. Its intense heat is suppressed until the end of the jump. At any point during the jump, flames explode from the elemental in a 30-foot emanation, dealing {@damage 12d6} fire damage to each creature within the area (DC 30 basic Reflex save). The elemental inferno can't Inferno {@action Leap} again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The elemental inferno jumps horizontally and vertically with a maximum height and distance each equal to its Speed. Its intense heat is suppressed until the end of the jump. At any point during the jump, flames explode from the elemental in a 30-foot emanation, dealing {@damage 12d6} fire damage to each creature within the area ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). The elemental inferno can't Inferno {@action Leap} again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Inferno Leap" }, @@ -24338,7 +24338,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The elemental tsunami quickly expands its space to fill the area of its vortex. Creatures within the vortex's emanation take {@damage 5d12+6} bludgeoning damage (DC 31 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails this save is Pushed 20 feet. The elemental tsunami then retracts to its former space. The elemental tsunami can't Surge again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The elemental tsunami quickly expands its space to fill the area of its vortex. Creatures within the vortex's emanation take {@damage 5d12+6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 31} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails this save is Pushed 20 feet. The elemental tsunami then retracts to its former space. The elemental tsunami can't Surge again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Surge" } @@ -24479,7 +24479,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 24" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -24714,7 +24714,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "An erinys carries a coil of rope woven of their hair (use the statistics for rope) that animates in their hands. When a creature is hit by the erinys's rope, a segment of the rope tears loose and wraps itself around the creature, imposing a 10\u2013foot circumstance penalty to Speed. The piece that tears off is 10 feet long for a Medium or smaller creature, and doubles in length for each size larger than Medium. When a creature {@action Escape||Escapes} the effect (DC 26), the detached segment of rope withers away into useless black sludge." + "An erinys carries a coil of rope woven of their hair (use the statistics for rope) that animates in their hands. When a creature is hit by the erinys's rope, a segment of the rope tears loose and wraps itself around the creature, imposing a 10\u2013foot circumstance penalty to Speed. The piece that tears off is 10 feet long for a Medium or smaller creature, and doubles in length for each size larger than Medium. When a creature {@action Escape||Escapes} the effect ({@dc 26}), the detached segment of rope withers away into useless black sludge." ], "name": "Rope Snare" } @@ -24870,7 +24870,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the ether spider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} DC 22)." + "A creature hit by the ether spider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} {@dc 22})." ], "name": "Ethereal Web Trap" }, @@ -24884,7 +24884,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The ether spider flings a gout of stored webs in a 30-foot cone. These webs can pass between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. Each creature in the area is {@condition immobilized}, as ethereal web trap, unless it succeeds at a DC 22 Reflex save." + "The ether spider flings a gout of stored webs in a 30-foot cone. These webs can pass between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. Each creature in the area is {@condition immobilized}, as ethereal web trap, unless it succeeds at a {@dc 22} Reflex save." ], "name": "Web Burst" } @@ -25376,7 +25376,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes euphoric gas in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied 2} and {@condition slowed 1} for {@dice 1d4} rounds; on a critical failure, the duration is 1 minute. The faerie dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes euphoric gas in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied 2} and {@condition slowed 1} for {@dice 1d4} rounds; on a critical failure, the duration is 1 minute. The faerie dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -25701,7 +25701,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The fire mephit breathes flames in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d4} fire and {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The fire mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The fire mephit breathes flames in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d4} fire and {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} to each creature within the area ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). The fire mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -25833,7 +25833,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "When the firewyrm dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 6d6} fire damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation (DC 28 basic Reflex save)." + "When the firewyrm dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 6d6} fire damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Explosion" }, @@ -25843,7 +25843,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, {@damage 4d6} fire, DC 25 basic Reflex." + "10 feet, {@damage 4d6} fire, {@dc 25} basic Reflex." ], "name": "Intense Heat" } @@ -25860,7 +25860,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The firewyrm breathes a 30-foot cone of fire dealing {@damage 7d6} fire and {@damage 2d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} to every creature within the cone (DC 28 basic Reflex save). The firewyrm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The firewyrm breathes a 30-foot cone of fire dealing {@damage 7d6} fire and {@damage 2d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} to every creature within the cone ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). The firewyrm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -26032,7 +26032,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The flame drake expels a ball of flame to a range of 180 feet that explodes in a 20-foot burst. Creatures in the burst take {@damage 6d6} fire damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save). The flame drake can't use Fireball Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "The flame drake expels a ball of flame to a range of 180 feet that explodes in a 20-foot burst. Creatures in the burst take {@damage 6d6} fire damage ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). The flame drake can't use Fireball Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ], "name": "Fireball Breath" }, @@ -26163,7 +26163,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "The flash beetle creates a brilliant flash of light. All creatures in its luminescent aura must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute. The flash beetle's glow then goes out, disabling its aura for 24 hours, during which time it cannot use Light Flash." + "The flash beetle creates a brilliant flash of light. All creatures in its luminescent aura must succeed at a {@dc 17} Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute. The flash beetle's glow then goes out, disabling its aura for 24 hours, during which time it cannot use Light Flash." ], "name": "Light Flash" } @@ -26476,7 +26476,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The frost drake spits a ball of liquid up to 60 feet that explodes into a 20-foot-burst cloud of freezing mist. Those in the burst take {@damage 8d6} cold damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save). The mist cakes all surfaces in the area with a sheet of slippery ice that turns the area into {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for {@dice 2d4} rounds. It can't use Freezing Mist Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "The frost drake spits a ball of liquid up to 60 feet that explodes into a 20-foot-burst cloud of freezing mist. Those in the burst take {@damage 8d6} cold damage ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save). The mist cakes all surfaces in the area with a sheet of slippery ice that turns the area into {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for {@dice 2d4} rounds. It can't use Freezing Mist Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ], "name": "Freezing Mist Breath" }, @@ -26663,7 +26663,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The frost giant breathes out a 15-foot cone of freezing moisture that quickly condenses into ice, dealing {@damage 4d6} cold damage. Each creature in the cone must attempt a DC 28 basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition immobilized} and takes {@damage 2d6} cold damage at the end of each of its turns until it gets free ({@action Escape} DC 28). The giant can't use Chill Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The frost giant breathes out a 15-foot cone of freezing moisture that quickly condenses into ice, dealing {@damage 4d6} cold damage. Each creature in the cone must attempt a {@dc 28} basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is also {@condition immobilized} and takes {@damage 2d6} cold damage at the end of each of its turns until it gets free ({@action Escape} {@dc 28}). The giant can't use Chill Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Chill Breath" }, @@ -26865,7 +26865,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A fungus leshy can unleash a cloud of spores that irritates the eyes and throats of non-fungi creatures in a 15-foot emanation. Each creature must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or take 1 {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}. A creature has its vision reduced as long as the {@condition persistent damage} continues and can see only within 20 feet (or 10 feet, on a critical failure)." + "A fungus leshy can unleash a cloud of spores that irritates the eyes and throats of non-fungi creatures in a 15-foot emanation. Each creature must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or take 1 {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}. A creature has its vision reduced as long as the {@condition persistent damage} continues and can see only within 20 feet (or 10 feet, on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Spore Cloud" }, @@ -27075,7 +27075,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The gancanagh embraces or kisses a willing creature, infusing that creature with their invigorating passion. The creature gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and 10 temporary Hit Points for 10 minutes. After that time, the target becomes {@condition fatigued} for 10 minutes unless they succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save." + "The gancanagh embraces or kisses a willing creature, infusing that creature with their invigorating passion. The creature gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and 10 temporary Hit Points for 10 minutes. After that time, the target becomes {@condition fatigued} for 10 minutes unless they succeed at a {@dc 21} Fortitude save." ], "name": "Invigorating Passion" } @@ -27321,7 +27321,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A gelatinous cube is so clear that it's difficult to spot. A successful DC 23 {@skill Perception} check is required to notice a stationary cube, and a creature must be {@action Search||Searching} to attempt this check. A creature that walks into the cube is automatically Engulfed (this usually causes the GM to call for initiative)." + "A gelatinous cube is so clear that it's difficult to spot. A successful {@dc 23} {@skill Perception} check is required to notice a stationary cube, and a creature must be {@action Search||Searching} to attempt this check. A creature that walks into the cube is automatically Engulfed (this usually causes the GM to call for initiative)." ], "name": "Transparent" } @@ -27333,7 +27333,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 19, {@damage 2d6} acid, {@action Escape} DC 19, Rupture 7. A creature Engulfed by the gelatinous cube must also attempt a saving throw against paralysis." + "{@dc 19}, {@damage 2d6} acid, {@action Escape} {@dc 19}, Rupture 7. A creature Engulfed by the gelatinous cube must also attempt a saving throw against paralysis." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -27345,7 +27345,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "A creature Engulfed by the cube or hit by its attack is {@condition paralyzed} unless it succeeds at a DC 20 Fortitude save. A victim can attempt a new save to recover at the end of each of its turns." + "A creature Engulfed by the cube or hit by its attack is {@condition paralyzed} unless it succeeds at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save. A victim can attempt a new save to recover at the end of each of its turns." ], "name": "Paralysis" }, @@ -27591,7 +27591,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, DC 31" + "10 feet, {@dc 31}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -27946,7 +27946,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "When a ghaele fixes its gaze upon a non-good creature, the creature suffers the effects of divine decree (DC 33 Will save). If it survives, the creature is temporarily immune to Ghaele's Gaze for 1 minute." + "When a ghaele fixes its gaze upon a non-good creature, the creature suffers the effects of divine decree ({@dc 33} Will save). If it survives, the creature is temporarily immune to Ghaele's Gaze for 1 minute." ], "name": "Ghaele's Gaze" }, @@ -28102,7 +28102,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against {@trait disease} and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against {@trait disease} and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -28166,7 +28166,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living creature hit by a ghast's attack must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." + "Any living creature hit by a ghast's attack must succeed at a {@dc 15} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." ], "name": "Paralysis" }, @@ -28329,7 +28329,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "DC 21" + "{@dc 21}" ], "name": "Frightful Moan", "generic": { @@ -28573,7 +28573,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "DC 29" + "{@dc 29}" ], "name": "Frightful Moan", "generic": { @@ -28590,7 +28590,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "{@damage 6d6} bludgeoning, DC 29" + "{@damage 6d6} bludgeoning, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Telekinetic Assault", "generic": { @@ -28794,7 +28794,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living, non-elf creature hit by a ghoul's attack must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." + "Any living, non-elf creature hit by a ghoul's attack must succeed at a {@dc 15} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." ], "name": "Paralysis" }, @@ -28940,7 +28940,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d10+7} bludgeoning, DC 26" + "{@damage 1d10+7} bludgeoning, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -29753,7 +29753,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The giant frilled lizard {@action Stride||Strides}. If it ends that {@action Stride} adjacent to at least one other creature, it suddenly displays its colorful neck frills and issues a frightening hiss. Each adjacent creature must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} (or {@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure). The creature is then temporarily immune to Intimidating Display for 1 minute." + "The giant frilled lizard {@action Stride||Strides}. If it ends that {@action Stride} adjacent to at least one other creature, it suddenly displays its colorful neck frills and issues a frightening hiss. Each adjacent creature must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} (or {@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure). The creature is then temporarily immune to Intimidating Display for 1 minute." ], "name": "Intimidating Display" } @@ -30660,7 +30660,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d6+4} bludgeoning, DC 20" + "{@damage 1d6+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 20}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -30785,7 +30785,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, foot, DC 21" + "Medium or smaller, foot, {@dc 21}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -30895,7 +30895,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The tarantula flicks its legs, flinging spiky hairs in a 15-foot cone. This deals {@damage 4d6} piercing damage with a DC 25 basic Reflex save." + "The tarantula flicks its legs, flinging spiky hairs in a 15-foot cone. This deals {@damage 4d6} piercing damage with a {@dc 25} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Hair Barrage" }, @@ -31328,7 +31328,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Each creature that begins its turn within 60 feet of a gibbering mouther must attempt a DC 19 Will save. On a failure, they are {@condition confused} for 1 round. On a success, they are temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "Each creature that begins its turn within 60 feet of a gibbering mouther must attempt a {@dc 19} Will save. On a failure, they are {@condition confused} for 1 round. On a success, they are temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Gibbering" }, @@ -31353,7 +31353,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature that takes damage from a gibbering mouther's spittle must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 round (or {@condition blinded} for 1 round on a critical failure)." + "A creature that takes damage from a gibbering mouther's spittle must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 round (or {@condition blinded} for 1 round on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Burn Eyes" }, @@ -31363,7 +31363,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 22, {@damage 3d8} piercing, {@action Escape} DC 22, Rupture 8." + "{@dc 22}, {@damage 3d8} piercing, {@action Escape} {@dc 22}, Rupture 8." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -31554,7 +31554,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature critically fails a melee attack to hit the gimmerling or moves into a space within the gimmerling's treacherous aura.", "entries": [ - "The triggering creature must attempt a DC 32 Reflex save.", + "The triggering creature must attempt a {@dc 32} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -31850,7 +31850,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "50 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 37 Will save or be affected by {@spell calm emotions}. Creatures that successfully save are unaffected, but must attempt another save each turn they start in the aura." + "50 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura must attempt a {@dc 37} Will save or be affected by {@spell calm emotions}. Creatures that successfully save are unaffected, but must attempt another save each turn they start in the aura." ] }, { @@ -32024,7 +32024,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "{@damage 6d12} cold, DC 29" + "{@damage 6d12} cold, {@dc 29}" ] }, { @@ -32956,7 +32956,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 17" + "{@dc 17}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -33631,7 +33631,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d6+12} bludgeoning, DC 32" + "{@damage 3d6+12} bludgeoning, {@dc 32}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -33933,7 +33933,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The gorilla beats its chest in a terrifying display. Creatures within 30 feet must attempt a DC 20 Will save. While a creature is {@condition frightened} by this ability, it is {@condition flat-footed} to the gorilla.", + "The gorilla beats its chest in a terrifying display. Creatures within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save. While a creature is {@condition frightened} by this ability, it is {@condition flat-footed} to the gorilla.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -34113,7 +34113,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When the gourd leshy damages a creature with a fist or seed {@action Strike}, vines lash out from the leshy (or seed) and wrap around the target's limbs. The target must attempt a DC 17 Reflex save. On a failure, the target takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to its Speed for 1 round; on a critical failure, the target is {@condition immobilized} for 1 round and the penalty to Speed lasts for 1 minute." + "When the gourd leshy damages a creature with a fist or seed {@action Strike}, vines lash out from the leshy (or seed) and wrap around the target's limbs. The target must attempt a {@dc 17} Reflex save. On a failure, the target takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to its Speed for 1 round; on a critical failure, the target is {@condition immobilized} for 1 round and the penalty to Speed lasts for 1 minute." ], "name": "Ensnare" } @@ -34635,7 +34635,7 @@ "type": "list", "items": [ "{@bold Fangs} (poison) The barghest grows elongated fangs that seep poison. Its jaws deal {@damage 1d6} additional poison damage and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}.", - "{@bold Toxic Breath} {@as 2} (divine, evocation, poison) The barghest breathes a cloud of toxic gas that deals {@damage 8d6} poison damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 25 basic Fortitude save). It can't use Toxic Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "{@bold Toxic Breath} {@as 2} (divine, evocation, poison) The barghest breathes a cloud of toxic gas that deals {@damage 8d6} poison damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 25} basic Fortitude save). It can't use Toxic Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", "{@bold Vestigial Arm Strike} {@as F} {@b Frequency} once per round; {@b Trigger} The barghest completes a {@action Strike}. {@b Effect} The barghest makes a claw {@action Strike} with a shriveled third arm hanging from its torso. This attack doesn't count for the barghest's multiple attack penalty, nor does that penalty apply on the attack.", "{@bold Wings} The barghest has malformed wings extending from its back. It gains a fly Speed of 25 feet." ] @@ -34806,7 +34806,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. The nightmare continually exhales black smoke that creates concealment in an aura around it. Nightmares and their riders can see through this smoke. A creature that begins its turn in the area becomes {@condition sickened 2} (DC 28 Fortitude negates) and is then temporarily immune sickness from the smoke for 1 minute. The nightmare, its rider, any creature currently holding its breath (or that does not need to breathe), and any creature immune to poison are immune to the aura's {@condition sickened} effect but not the concealment." + "20 feet. The nightmare continually exhales black smoke that creates concealment in an aura around it. Nightmares and their riders can see through this smoke. A creature that begins its turn in the area becomes {@condition sickened 2} ({@dc 28} Fortitude negates) and is then temporarily immune sickness from the smoke for 1 minute. The nightmare, its rider, any creature currently holding its breath (or that does not need to breathe), and any creature immune to poison are immune to the aura's {@condition sickened} effect but not the concealment." ], "name": "Smoke" } @@ -34821,7 +34821,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The nightmare {@action Stride||Strides} or Flies up to triple its Speed. Its hooves burst with intense flame, dealing {@damage 6d6} fire damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save) once to each creature other than the nightmare's rider that the nightmare moves adjacent to during its gallop." + "The nightmare {@action Stride||Strides} or Flies up to triple its Speed. Its hooves burst with intense flame, dealing {@damage 6d6} fire damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save) once to each creature other than the nightmare's rider that the nightmare moves adjacent to during its gallop." ], "name": "Flaming Gallop" }, @@ -34831,7 +34831,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, hoof, DC 30" + "Large or smaller, hoof, {@dc 30}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -35215,7 +35215,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by a hag's claw must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be {@condition enfeebled 1} for 1 day. On a critical failure, or if it gets hit again and fails its save a second time, it's {@condition enfeebled 2} for 1 day." + "A creature damaged by a hag's claw must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or be {@condition enfeebled 1} for 1 day. On a critical failure, or if it gets hit again and fails its save a second time, it's {@condition enfeebled 2} for 1 day." ], "name": "Enfeebling Humors" }, @@ -35535,7 +35535,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "A grig can rub its legs together to create a catchy fiddling tune that compels others within 30 feet to dance about, with varying effects depending on a DC 18 Will save. A listener is temporarily immune for 10 minutes on a success, but otherwise, if the grig continues to Fiddle each round, the creature receives no additional saves.", + "A grig can rub its legs together to create a catchy fiddling tune that compels others within 30 feet to dance about, with varying effects depending on a {@dc 18} Will save. A listener is temporarily immune for 10 minutes on a success, but otherwise, if the grig continues to Fiddle each round, the creature receives no additional saves.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -35685,7 +35685,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "Striking a creature with its jaws, the grikkitog can extend its barbed teeth, immobilizing the target unless it succeeds at a DC 34 Reflex save. While {@condition immobilized}, the victim takes {@damage 3d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and the grikkitog feeds upon its flesh. The creature is {@condition immobilized} until the grikkitog ends the effect as a free action or the target succeeds at a DC 38 check to {@action Escape}. The grikkitog can immobilize any number of creatures with these maws." + "Striking a creature with its jaws, the grikkitog can extend its barbed teeth, immobilizing the target unless it succeeds at a {@dc 34} Reflex save. While {@condition immobilized}, the victim takes {@damage 3d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and the grikkitog feeds upon its flesh. The creature is {@condition immobilized} until the grikkitog ends the effect as a free action or the target succeeds at a {@dc 38} check to {@action Escape}. The grikkitog can immobilize any number of creatures with these maws." ], "name": "Barbed Maw Upon" }, @@ -35924,13 +35924,13 @@ "death" ], "entries": [ - "A creature critically hit by any of the grim reaper's attacks or that critically fails against any of its spells must succeed at a DC 47 Fortitude save or die." + "A creature critically hit by any of the grim reaper's attacks or that critically fails against any of its spells must succeed at a {@dc 47} Fortitude save or die." ], "name": "Death Strike" }, { "entries": [ - "When the grim reaper hits and deals damage with its scythe, it regains 20 Hit Points, and the target must succeed at a DC 43 Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed 1}. If the target is already {@condition doomed}, the {@condition doomed} value increases by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition doomed 3})." + "When the grim reaper hits and deals damage with its scythe, it regains 20 Hit Points, and the target must succeed at a {@dc 43} Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed 1}. If the target is already {@condition doomed}, the {@condition doomed} value increases by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition doomed 3})." ], "name": "Energy Drain" }, @@ -36186,7 +36186,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "When the grothlut is reduced to 0 Hit Points, its digestive organs rupture, unleashing alchemical acid and poison upon all creatures in a 30-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or take {@damage 2d6} acid damage and become {@condition sickened 1} (double damage and {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "When the grothlut is reduced to 0 Hit Points, its digestive organs rupture, unleashing alchemical acid and poison upon all creatures in a 30-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 19} Fortitude save or take {@damage 2d6} acid damage and become {@condition sickened 1} (double damage and {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Disgusting Demise" }, @@ -36199,7 +36199,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. Each non-grothlut creature that enters or starts its turn within the area must succeed at a DC 17 Will saving throw or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The creature then becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute. The grothlut can activate or deactivate the aura by using a single free action that has the {@trait concentrate} trait. A grothlut usually does not begin moaning until it senses the presence of a non-grothlut creature, and it usually stops once it doesn't sense any more such creatures." + "60 feet. Each non-grothlut creature that enters or starts its turn within the area must succeed at a {@dc 17} Will saving throw or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The creature then becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute. The grothlut can activate or deactivate the aura by using a single free action that has the {@trait concentrate} trait. A grothlut usually does not begin moaning until it senses the presence of a non-grothlut creature, and it usually stops once it doesn't sense any more such creatures." ], "name": "Piteous Moan" } @@ -36838,7 +36838,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet. The guthallath erodes away the physical integrity of all around it. Creatures and objects in the emanation other than the guthallath have their hardness and resistances reduced by 10. At the start of its turn, a creature in the erosion aura's area takes {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage (basic Fortitude DC 39)." + "120 feet. The guthallath erodes away the physical integrity of all around it. Creatures and objects in the emanation other than the guthallath have their hardness and resistances reduced by 10. At the start of its turn, a creature in the erosion aura's area takes {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage (basic Fortitude {@dc 39})." ], "name": "Erosion Aura" }, @@ -36856,7 +36856,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "A guthallath releases two beams of destruction from its eyes. Each beam is a 120-foot line. Everything in either line takes the effect of a hit from a 10th-level {@spell disintegrate} spell (DC 41 Fortitude). There is no additional effect on creatures in any area where the beams overlap. The guthallath can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "A guthallath releases two beams of destruction from its eyes. Each beam is a 120-foot line. Everything in either line takes the effect of a hit from a 10th-level {@spell disintegrate} spell ({@dc 41} Fortitude). There is no additional effect on creatures in any area where the beams overlap. The guthallath can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Annihilation Beams" }, @@ -36867,7 +36867,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The guthallath has a creature {@condition grabbed}.", "entries": [ - "The guthallath throws the creature into the air, 100 feet high and 50 feet away. If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage. The creature being landed on can attempt a DC 41 basic Reflex save." + "The guthallath throws the creature into the air, 100 feet high and 50 feet away. If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage. The creature being landed on can attempt a {@dc 41} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Deadly Throw" }, @@ -36883,7 +36883,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 45" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 45}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -37043,7 +37043,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The harpy cries out an eerie, compelling melody. Each non-harpy creature within a 300-foot aura must attempt a DC 21 Will save to avoid becoming captivated by the harpy's song. The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the harpy uses this ability again on subsequent rounds, it extends the duration by 1 round for all affected creatures. Once a creature succeeds at any save against Captivating Song, that creature is temporarily immune to Captivating Songs for 24 hours.", + "The harpy cries out an eerie, compelling melody. Each non-harpy creature within a 300-foot aura must attempt a {@dc 21} Will save to avoid becoming captivated by the harpy's song. The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the harpy uses this ability again on subsequent rounds, it extends the duration by 1 round for all affected creatures. Once a creature succeeds at any save against Captivating Song, that creature is temporarily immune to Captivating Songs for 24 hours.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -37165,7 +37165,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The hell hound breathes flames that deal {@damage 4d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone (DC 19 basic Reflex save). The hell hound can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. If the hell hound would take fire damage or be targeted by a {@trait fire} effect, its Breath Weapon recharges." + "The hell hound breathes flames that deal {@damage 4d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone ({@dc 19} basic Reflex save). The hell hound can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. If the hell hound would take fire damage or be targeted by a {@trait fire} effect, its Breath Weapon recharges." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -37483,7 +37483,7 @@ "acid" ], "entries": [ - "The hive mother spews acid in a 60-foot cone, dealing {@damage 8d6} acid damage and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage} (DC 26 basic Reflex save). It can't spew acid again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The hive mother spews acid in a 60-foot cone, dealing {@damage 8d6} acid damage and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage} ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). It can't spew acid again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Spray Acid" } @@ -38199,7 +38199,7 @@ "enchantment" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Enemies that start their turn in the area or enter it must attempt a DC 19 Will save. On a failure, they take a \u20131 status penalty to attack rolls, spell rolls, and damage rolls against any other target while in the aura for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. On a critical failure, they can't use {@condition hostile} actions against any other target while in the area for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to further menacing guardian auras for 24 hours." + "30 feet. Enemies that start their turn in the area or enter it must attempt a {@dc 19} Will save. On a failure, they take a \u20131 status penalty to attack rolls, spell rolls, and damage rolls against any other target while in the aura for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. On a critical failure, they can't use {@condition hostile} actions against any other target while in the area for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to further menacing guardian auras for 24 hours." ], "name": "Menacing Guardian" }, @@ -38410,7 +38410,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the hunting spider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 17)." + "A creature hit by the hunting spider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 17})." ], "name": "Web Trap" } @@ -38502,7 +38502,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature that is critically hit by a hyaenodon must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition wounded 1} as the creature's bones or cartilage are crushed by the beast's jaws." + "A creature that is critically hit by a hyaenodon must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition wounded 1} as the creature's bones or cartilage are crushed by the beast's jaws." ], "name": "Bonecrunching Bite" }, @@ -38625,7 +38625,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "The hydra has regeneration equal to 3 × the number of heads it has. If a hydra's body is missing any heads and the remaining stumps have not been cauterized, the hydra attempts a DC 25 Fortitude save after it regains Hit Points from regeneration. On a success, one uncauterized stump regrows two heads; on a critical success, two uncauterized stumps regrow into two heads each. The hydra can never grow more than double the number of heads it ordinarily has. The hydra's regeneration only fully deactivates if all its heads are severed and all stumps are cauterized, at which point it dies." + "The hydra has regeneration equal to 3 × the number of heads it has. If a hydra's body is missing any heads and the remaining stumps have not been cauterized, the hydra attempts a {@dc 25} Fortitude save after it regains Hit Points from regeneration. On a success, one uncauterized stump regrows two heads; on a critical success, two uncauterized stumps regrow into two heads each. The hydra can never grow more than double the number of heads it ordinarily has. The hydra's regeneration only fully deactivates if all its heads are severed and all stumps are cauterized, at which point it dies." ], "name": "Hydra Regeneration" }, @@ -38946,7 +38946,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays an ice linnorm, it must succeed at a DC 40 Will save or permanently gain weakness to cold 15." + "When a creature slays an ice linnorm, it must succeed at a {@dc 40} Will save or permanently gain weakness to cold 15." ], "name": "Curse of Frost" }, @@ -38976,7 +38976,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The ice linnorm spews out a blast of freezing, viscous ooze in a 60-foot cone that deals {@damage 15d6} cold damage to creatures within the area (DC 38 basic Reflex save). The freezing ooze clings to those struck and hardens into thick sheets of ice. A creature that fails the saving throw is {@condition immobilized} by the ice until it succeeds at a check to {@action Escape} or it or an ally Forces Open the ice (DC 34 for either case). At the start of its turn, a creature still {@condition immobilized} by the ice takes {@damage 4d6} cold damage. Another creature can free a frozen target by dealing a total of 20 fire damage to the frozen target. Left unattended, the ice crumbles away in 1 minute on its own. Creatures with the {@trait fire} trait can't be frozen in place by this breath weapon. Flying creatures fall if frozen, and swimming creatures that are frozen rise toward the surface of the water at a speed of 60 feet per round. An ice linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ice linnorm spews out a blast of freezing, viscous ooze in a 60-foot cone that deals {@damage 15d6} cold damage to creatures within the area ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save). The freezing ooze clings to those struck and hardens into thick sheets of ice. A creature that fails the saving throw is {@condition immobilized} by the ice until it succeeds at a check to {@action Escape} or it or an ally Forces Open the ice ({@dc 34} for either case). At the start of its turn, a creature still {@condition immobilized} by the ice takes {@damage 4d6} cold damage. Another creature can free a frozen target by dealing a total of 20 fire damage to the frozen target. Left unattended, the ice crumbles away in 1 minute on its own. Creatures with the {@trait fire} trait can't be frozen in place by this breath weapon. Flying creatures fall if frozen, and swimming creatures that are frozen rise toward the surface of the water at a speed of 60 feet per round. An ice linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -38986,7 +38986,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d6+18} bludgeoning, DC 38" + "{@damage 2d6+18} bludgeoning, {@dc 38}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -39547,7 +39547,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The iron golem {@action Stride||Strides} up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can attempt to bar the way by succeeding at a DC 37 Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise, it is damaged as if hit by the golem's fist." + "The iron golem {@action Stride||Strides} up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can attempt to bar the way by succeeding at a {@dc 37} Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise, it is damaged as if hit by the golem's fist." ], "name": "Inexorable March" }, @@ -39813,7 +39813,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The janni changes a creature's size. This works as a 4th-level {@spell enlarge} or {@spell shrink} spell but can target an unwilling creature (DC 21 Fortitude save negates)." + "The janni changes a creature's size. This works as a 4th-level {@spell enlarge} or {@spell shrink} spell but can target an unwilling creature ({@dc 21} Fortitude save negates)." ], "name": "Change Size" } @@ -40151,7 +40151,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A jungle drake can spit a sticky glob of its venom to a range of 50 feet that explodes in a 10-foot burst. Those in the burst must succeed at a DC 24 Reflex save or be exposed to jungle drake venom. The jungle drake can't use Spit Venom again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "A jungle drake can spit a sticky glob of its venom to a range of 50 feet that explodes in a 10-foot burst. Those in the burst must succeed at a {@dc 24} Reflex save or be exposed to jungle drake venom. The jungle drake can't use Spit Venom again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ] }, { @@ -40469,7 +40469,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature using a teleportation ability within the aura or arriving in it via teleportation must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or wink out of existence for {@dice 1d4} rounds before completing the teleport. The creature can't act, sense anything, or be targeted. On a successful save, the creature completes the teleport normally but is {@condition stunned 1}. Keketars are immune to this effect." + "30 feet. A creature using a teleportation ability within the aura or arriving in it via teleportation must succeed at a {@dc 38} Fortitude save or wink out of existence for {@dice 1d4} rounds before completing the teleport. The creature can't act, sense anything, or be targeted. On a successful save, the creature completes the teleport normally but is {@condition stunned 1}. Keketars are immune to this effect." ], "name": "Spatial Riptide" }, @@ -40510,7 +40510,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d10+15} bludgeoning, DC 42" + "{@damage 1d10+15} bludgeoning, {@dc 42}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -40536,7 +40536,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "A creature struck by a keketar's jaws or claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (page 266)." + "A creature struck by a keketar's jaws or claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 36} Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (page 266)." ], "name": "Warpwave Strike" } @@ -41414,7 +41414,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+17} bludgeoning, DC 40. On a failed save, a creature that is holding its breath loses {@dice 1d4} rounds worth of air." + "{@damage 2d10+17} bludgeoning, {@dc 40}. On a failed save, a creature that is holding its breath loses {@dice 1d4} rounds worth of air." ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -41651,7 +41651,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The krooth damaged a creature with its jaws on its most recent action this turn.", "entries": [ - "The krooth snaps off one of its teeth in the creature it hit. The creature takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and is {@condition drained 1}. Neither can be healed while the tooth remains. Removing the tooth safely requires a successful DC 26 check to {@action Administer First Aid}. Instead of ending bleeding or stabilizing, this removes the {@condition drained} condition, but it doesn't automatically end the bleed damage." + "The krooth snaps off one of its teeth in the creature it hit. The creature takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and is {@condition drained 1}. Neither can be healed while the tooth remains. Removing the tooth safely requires a successful {@dc 26} check to {@action Administer First Aid}. Instead of ending bleeding or stabilizing, this removes the {@condition drained} condition, but it doesn't automatically end the bleed damage." ], "name": "Poison Tooth" } @@ -41869,7 +41869,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The lamia touches a creature, who must succeed at a DC 23 Will save or become {@condition stupefied 1}. If the target fails additional saves against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." + "The lamia touches a creature, who must succeed at a {@dc 23} Will save or become {@condition stupefied 1}. If the target fails additional saves against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." ], "name": "Lamia's Caress" } @@ -42160,7 +42160,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The lamia touches a creature, who must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or become {@condition stupefied 1} (or {@condition stupefied 2} on a critical failure). If the target fails additional saves against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (or 2 if it critically fails; to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." + "The lamia touches a creature, who must succeed at a {@dc 28} Will save or become {@condition stupefied 1} (or {@condition stupefied 2} on a critical failure). If the target fails additional saves against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (or 2 if it critically fails; to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." ], "name": "Matriarch's Caress" } @@ -42527,7 +42527,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When a leaf leshy hits with its seedpod {@action Strike}, the target must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save.", + "When a leaf leshy hits with its seedpod {@action Strike}, the target must attempt a {@dc 16} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -42738,7 +42738,7 @@ "enchantment" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Enemies that start their turn in the area or enter it must attempt a DC 23 Will save. On a failure, they take a \u20131 status penalty to attack rolls, spell rolls, and damage rolls against any other target while in the aura for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. On a critical failure, they can't use {@condition hostile} actions against any other target while in the area for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to further menacing guardian auras for 24 hours." + "30 feet. Enemies that start their turn in the area or enter it must attempt a {@dc 23} Will save. On a failure, they take a \u20131 status penalty to attack rolls, spell rolls, and damage rolls against any other target while in the aura for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. On a critical failure, they can't use {@condition hostile} actions against any other target while in the area for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to further menacing guardian auras for 24 hours." ], "name": "Menacing Guardian" }, @@ -43479,7 +43479,7 @@ "divine" ], "entries": [ - "The leukodaemon exhales a cloud of corpse-bloated, biting black flies in a 20-foot cone. Creatures within the cone take {@damage 4d8} piercing damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save)", + "The leukodaemon exhales a cloud of corpse-bloated, biting black flies in a 20-foot cone. Creatures within the cone take {@damage 4d8} piercing damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save)", "A creature that fails the save becomes {@condition sickened 1} (or {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" @@ -43801,7 +43801,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 29" + "60 feet, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -43839,7 +43839,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "DC 32" + "{@dc 32}" ], "name": "Paralyzing Touch" }, @@ -44774,7 +44774,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "When the living wildfire dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 3d6} fire damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation (DC 19 basic Reflex save)." + "When the living wildfire dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 3d6} fire damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation ({@dc 19} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Explosion" } @@ -45484,7 +45484,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "The lyrakien unleashes a blast of holy starlight in a 5-foot burst centered on itself. Creatures in the area take {@damage 1d6} chaotic damage and {@damage 1d6} good damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The lyrakien can't use Starlight Blast or its starlight ray ranged attack for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The lyrakien unleashes a blast of holy starlight in a 5-foot burst centered on itself. Creatures in the area take {@damage 1d6} chaotic damage and {@damage 1d6} good damage ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). The lyrakien can't use Starlight Blast or its starlight ray ranged attack for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Starlight Blast" } @@ -45624,7 +45624,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 28" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 28}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -45760,7 +45760,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The manticore flings up to two spikes from its tail, targeting either two different creatures or a single creature. If the manticore targets two different creatures, these creatures must be within 20 feet of one another, and the manticore makes a separate {@action Strike} against each; this counts as only one {@action Strike} for the manticore's multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn't increase until after both attacks. If the manticore fires both spikes at the same creature, it makes a single {@action Strike}. If the attack hits, it deals the damage of a single spike, but the target is pinned in place, rendering it {@condition immobilized}. A creature that succeeds at a DC 23 {@skill Athletics} check (attempted as a single action) can pull the spike free.", + "The manticore flings up to two spikes from its tail, targeting either two different creatures or a single creature. If the manticore targets two different creatures, these creatures must be within 20 feet of one another, and the manticore makes a separate {@action Strike} against each; this counts as only one {@action Strike} for the manticore's multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn't increase until after both attacks. If the manticore fires both spikes at the same creature, it makes a single {@action Strike}. If the attack hits, it deals the damage of a single spike, but the target is pinned in place, rendering it {@condition immobilized}. A creature that succeeds at a {@dc 23} {@skill Athletics} check (attempted as a single action) can pull the spike free.", "A manticore can hurl no more than 12 spikes in 24 hours." ], "name": "Spike Volley" @@ -46037,7 +46037,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The marid releases a jet of water in a 60-foot line, dealing {@damage 9d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is also pushed 10 feet (20 feet on a critical failure). The marid can't use Rush of Water again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The marid releases a jet of water in a 60-foot line, dealing {@damage 9d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is also pushed 10 feet (20 feet on a critical failure). The marid can't use Rush of Water again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Rush of Water" }, @@ -46321,7 +46321,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d12+13} bludgeoning, DC 39" + "{@damage 2d12+13} bludgeoning, {@dc 39}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -46489,7 +46489,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save. If the creature fails, it becomes {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute. The medusa can deactivate or activate this aura by using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 25} Fortitude save. If the creature fails, it becomes {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute. The medusa can deactivate or activate this aura by using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Petrifying Gaze" }, @@ -46818,7 +46818,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The megaprimatus beats its chest in a terrifying display. Creatures within 50 feet must attempt a DC 27 Will save. While a creature is {@condition frightened} by this ability, it is {@condition flat-footed} to the megaprimatus and to gorillas.", + "The megaprimatus beats its chest in a terrifying display. Creatures within 50 feet must attempt a {@dc 27} Will save. While a creature is {@condition frightened} by this ability, it is {@condition flat-footed} to the megaprimatus and to gorillas.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -47107,7 +47107,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The target is fully submerged in water, within 30 feet of the merfolk wavecaller, and holding its breath.", "entries": [ - "The merfolk wavecaller commands the tides to crush their foe's throat, rooting the target in place and forcing it to choke up precious air. The target must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or become {@condition immobilized} for 1 round and immediately lose {@dice 1d4} actions' worth of air (or twice that on a critical failure)." + "The merfolk wavecaller commands the tides to crush their foe's throat, rooting the target in place and forcing it to choke up precious air. The target must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or become {@condition immobilized} for 1 round and immediately lose {@dice 1d4} actions' worth of air (or twice that on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Hydraulic Asphyxiation" } @@ -47199,7 +47199,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "The mimic is coated in an adhesive slime. Any creature that hits the mimic, is hit by the mimic, or otherwise touches the mimic must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} ({@action Escape} DC 23). A weapon that hits the mimic is stuck to the mimic and can be removed with a successful DC 23 {@skill Athletics} check (made as a single action). A mimic can have any number of objects or creatures stuck to it at a time. The mimic can release a stuck creature or object by using a single action, and the adhesive dissolves 1 minute after the mimic dies, releasing all stuck objects and creatures." + "The mimic is coated in an adhesive slime. Any creature that hits the mimic, is hit by the mimic, or otherwise touches the mimic must succeed at a {@dc 23} Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} ({@action Escape} {@dc 23}). A weapon that hits the mimic is stuck to the mimic and can be removed with a successful {@dc 23} {@skill Athletics} check (made as a single action). A mimic can have any number of objects or creatures stuck to it at a time. The mimic can release a stuck creature or object by using a single action, and the adhesive dissolves 1 minute after the mimic dies, releasing all stuck objects and creatures." ], "name": "Adhesive" }, @@ -48073,7 +48073,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A living creature that enters the area or ends its turn within it is corrupted by spores. It must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude save or be {@condition clumsy 1}, {@condition enfeebled 1}, and {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round. Fungi and plants are immune." + "60 feet. A living creature that enters the area or ends its turn within it is corrupted by spores. It must succeed at a {@dc 42} Fortitude save or be {@condition clumsy 1}, {@condition enfeebled 1}, and {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round. Fungi and plants are immune." ], "name": "Spores" }, @@ -48096,7 +48096,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The mu spore releases a cloud of burrowing spores in a 400-foot cone. The spores deal {@damage 22d6} piercing damage to all creatures, objects, and wooden structures in the area, but not to plants or fungi (DC 46 basic Reflex save). The mu spore can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The mu spore releases a cloud of burrowing spores in a 400-foot cone. The spores deal {@damage 22d6} piercing damage to all creatures, objects, and wooden structures in the area, but not to plants or fungi ({@dc 46} basic Reflex save). The mu spore can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Cough Spores" }, @@ -48106,7 +48106,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The mu spore pulls all creatures and objects in a 400-foot cone 400 feet toward its mouth. A successful DC 43 Fortitude save halves the distance, or avoids the pull on a critical success. The mu spore automatically attempts to Swallow Whole each creature adjacent to it at the end of the inhalation." + "The mu spore pulls all creatures and objects in a 400-foot cone 400 feet toward its mouth. A successful {@dc 43} Fortitude save halves the distance, or avoids the pull on a critical success. The mu spore automatically attempts to Swallow Whole each creature adjacent to it at the end of the inhalation." ], "name": "Enormous Inhalation" }, @@ -48127,7 +48127,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "15 bludgeoning, DC 45" + "15 bludgeoning, {@dc 45}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -48355,7 +48355,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The mukradi breathes a blast of energy from one of its three heads; each creature in the area must attempt a DC 36 basic Reflex save. The mukradi can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The mukradi breathes a blast of energy from one of its three heads; each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 36} basic Reflex save. The mukradi can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -48373,7 +48373,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The mukradi makes two {@action Strike||Strikes} with different maws against the same target. If both hit, the target takes an extra {@damage 2d12+13} slashing damage, with a DC 36 basic Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the creature is torn to pieces and dies. The mukradi's multiple attack penalty increases only after all the attacks are made." + "The mukradi makes two {@action Strike||Strikes} with different maws against the same target. If both hit, the target takes an extra {@damage 2d12+13} slashing damage, with a {@dc 36} basic Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the creature is torn to pieces and dies. The mukradi's multiple attack penalty increases only after all the attacks are made." ], "name": "Pull Apart" }, @@ -48393,7 +48393,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, leg, DC 36" + "Huge or smaller, leg, {@dc 36}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -48521,7 +48521,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened 1} while in a mummy guardian's despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but recover instantly once they leave the area. When a creature first enters the area, it must succeed at a DC 22 Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened 1} while in a mummy guardian's despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but recover instantly once they leave the area. When a creature first enters the area, it must succeed at a {@dc 22} Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours." ], "name": "Despair" } @@ -48794,7 +48794,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The mummy pharaoh exhales a 60-foot cone of superheated sand that deals {@damage 5d6} fire and {@damage 5d6} slashing damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). The mummy pharaoh can't use Sandstorm Wrath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The mummy pharaoh exhales a 60-foot cone of superheated sand that deals {@damage 5d6} fire and {@damage 5d6} slashing damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). The mummy pharaoh can't use Sandstorm Wrath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Sandstorm Wrath" } @@ -49236,7 +49236,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. DC 23. On a failed save, the target is {@condition stunned 1} for this turn and whenever it begins its turn within 30 feet of the naiad queen for the next 24 hours, even if it can't see her on subsequent turns." + "30 feet. {@dc 23}. On a failed save, the target is {@condition stunned 1} for this turn and whenever it begins its turn within 30 feet of the naiad queen for the next 24 hours, even if it can't see her on subsequent turns." ], "name": "Nymph's Beauty" } @@ -49591,7 +49591,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the naunet's tentacle {@action Strike} is {@condition stupefied 2} for {@dice 1d4} rounds (DC 24 Will negates). If the creature was already {@condition stupefied} in this way, the duration extends by 1 round instead. A chaotic creature is only {@condition stupefied 1} instead." + "A creature hit by the naunet's tentacle {@action Strike} is {@condition stupefied 2} for {@dice 1d4} rounds ({@dc 24} Will negates). If the creature was already {@condition stupefied} in this way, the duration extends by 1 round instead. A chaotic creature is only {@condition stupefied 1} instead." ], "name": "Confounding Slam" }, @@ -49601,7 +49601,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+8} bludgeoning, DC 26" + "{@damage 1d8+8} bludgeoning, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -49753,7 +49753,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The warhound breathes flames that deal {@damage 10d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone (DC 28 basic Reflex save.) The warhound can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. If the Nessian warhound would take fire damage or be targeted by a {@trait fire} effect, its Breath Weapon recharges." + "The warhound breathes flames that deal {@damage 10d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save.) The warhound can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. If the Nessian warhound would take fire damage or be targeted by a {@trait fire} effect, its Breath Weapon recharges." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -50209,7 +50209,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "15 feet. The nightmare continually exhales black smoke that creates concealment in an aura around it. Nightmares and their riders can see through this smoke. A creature that begins its turn in the area becomes {@condition sickened 2} (DC 23 Fortitude negates) and is then temporarily immune sickness from the smoke for 1 minute. The nightmare, its rider, any creature currently holding its breath (or that does not need to breathe), and any creature immune to poison are immune to the aura's {@condition sickened} effect but not the concealment." + "15 feet. The nightmare continually exhales black smoke that creates concealment in an aura around it. Nightmares and their riders can see through this smoke. A creature that begins its turn in the area becomes {@condition sickened 2} ({@dc 23} Fortitude negates) and is then temporarily immune sickness from the smoke for 1 minute. The nightmare, its rider, any creature currently holding its breath (or that does not need to breathe), and any creature immune to poison are immune to the aura's {@condition sickened} effect but not the concealment." ], "name": "Smoke" } @@ -50224,7 +50224,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The nightmare {@action Stride||Strides} or Flies up to triple its Speed. Its hooves burst with intense flame, dealing {@damage 3d6} fire damage (DC 24 basic Reflex save) once to each creature other than the nightmare's rider that the nightmare moves adjacent to during its gallop." + "The nightmare {@action Stride||Strides} or Flies up to triple its Speed. Its hooves burst with intense flame, dealing {@damage 3d6} fire damage ({@dc 24} basic Reflex save) once to each creature other than the nightmare's rider that the nightmare moves adjacent to during its gallop." ], "name": "Flaming Gallop" } @@ -50428,7 +50428,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The nilith has a creature {@condition grabbed}.", "entries": [ - "The nilith reaches into the mind of the {@condition grabbed} creature and implants disjointed images of the victim's worst fears and nightmares. The {@condition grabbed} creature takes {@damage 6d6} mental damage (DC 31 basic Will save). On a critical failure, the target is also affected as though by feeblemind, and it must attempt a second Will save against that effect." + "The nilith reaches into the mind of the {@condition grabbed} creature and implants disjointed images of the victim's worst fears and nightmares. The {@condition grabbed} creature takes {@damage 6d6} mental damage ({@dc 31} basic Will save). On a critical failure, the target is also affected as though by feeblemind, and it must attempt a second Will save against that effect." ], "name": "Mind Crush" } @@ -50624,7 +50624,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The nosoi croons an entrancing song. Each living or undead creature within a 60-foot emanation must attempt a DC 18 Will save. The effect lasts for 1 round, but a nosoi can use this ability again on subsequent rounds to extend the duration by 1 round for all affected creatures. A creature that succeeds at any save is temporarily immune for 24 hours. Despite being a {@trait mental} effect, this ability affects mindless undead. Psychopomps are immune to this ability.", + "The nosoi croons an entrancing song. Each living or undead creature within a 60-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 18} Will save. The effect lasts for 1 round, but a nosoi can use this ability again on subsequent rounds to extend the duration by 1 round for all affected creatures. A creature that succeeds at any save is temporarily immune for 24 hours. Despite being a {@trait mental} effect, this ability affects mindless undead. Psychopomps are immune to this ability.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -50758,7 +50758,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+3} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d4} acid, DC 23" + "{@damage 1d8+3} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d4} acid, {@dc 23}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -50889,7 +50889,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature entering the aura must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} until the end of its turn (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it is {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, an affected creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature entering the aura must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} until the end of its turn (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it is {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, an affected creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Putrid Stench" }, @@ -51877,7 +51877,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "40 feet. A creature entering the aura must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for the same duration on a critical failure). On a success, the creature is temporarily immune to the {@condition sickened} and {@condition slowed} effects of this stench for 1 hour. Regardless of the save, while within the aura, creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against diseases. An otyugh's stench is due to the offal and refuse that it wallows in, so cleaning the creature thoroughly (with create water and sufficient scrubbing, for example) deactivates the aura, while a sufficiently plugged nose allows an individual to avoid exposure to the stench." + "40 feet. A creature entering the aura must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or be {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for the same duration on a critical failure). On a success, the creature is temporarily immune to the {@condition sickened} and {@condition slowed} effects of this stench for 1 hour. Regardless of the save, while within the aura, creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against diseases. An otyugh's stench is due to the offal and refuse that it wallows in, so cleaning the creature thoroughly (with create water and sufficient scrubbing, for example) deactivates the aura, while a sufficiently plugged nose allows an individual to avoid exposure to the stench." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -51889,7 +51889,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d6+6} bludgeoning, DC 22" + "{@damage 1d6+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 22}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -52051,7 +52051,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The owlbear unleashes a loud screech that terrifies its prey. Each creature in an 80-foot emanation must attempt a DC 20 Will save. Regardless of the result, creatures are temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "The owlbear unleashes a loud screech that terrifies its prey. Each creature in an 80-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save. Regardless of the result, creatures are temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -52071,7 +52071,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The owlbear has a creature {@condition grabbed} with its talons.", "entries": [ - "The owlbear attempts to disembowel the creature with a beak {@action Strike}. If the {@action Strike} hits, the target must attempt a DC 22 Will save.", + "The owlbear attempts to disembowel the creature with a beak {@action Strike}. If the {@action Strike} hits, the target must attempt a {@dc 22} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -52203,7 +52203,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 19" + "{@dc 19}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -52499,8 +52499,8 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A contract devil's glaive {@action Strike} also deals {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} that resists attempts to heal it. The flat check to stop the bleeding starts at DC 20. The DC is reduced to 15 only if the bleeding creature or an ally successfully assists with the recovery.", - "The DC to {@action Administer First Aid} to a creature with an infernal wound is increased by 5. A spellcaster or item attempting to use healing magic on a creature suffering from an infernal wound must succeed at a DC 29 counteract check or the magic fails to heal the creature." + "A contract devil's glaive {@action Strike} also deals {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} that resists attempts to heal it. The flat check to stop the bleeding starts at {@dc 20}. The DC is reduced to 15 only if the bleeding creature or an ally successfully assists with the recovery.", + "The DC to {@action Administer First Aid} to a creature with an infernal wound is increased by 5. A spellcaster or item attempting to use healing magic on a creature suffering from an infernal wound must succeed at a {@dc 29} counteract check or the magic fails to heal the creature." ], "name": "Infernal Wound" } @@ -52763,7 +52763,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. {@damage 4d6} fire, DC 37 basic Reflex save. While this aura is active, any adjacent creature that hits the phoenix with a melee attack or otherwise touches it takes {@damage 2d6} fire damage. The phoenix can activate or deactivate the aura with a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "20 feet. {@damage 4d6} fire, {@dc 37} basic Reflex save. While this aura is active, any adjacent creature that hits the phoenix with a melee attack or otherwise touches it takes {@damage 2d6} fire damage. The phoenix can activate or deactivate the aura with a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Shroud of Flame" } @@ -52780,7 +52780,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The phoenix blazes with superheated flame and Flies up to its Speed. It deals {@damage 6d6} fire damage to each creature within 20 feet of each square it moves through (DC 37 basic Reflex save)." + "The phoenix blazes with superheated flame and Flies up to its Speed. It deals {@damage 6d6} fire damage to each creature within 20 feet of each square it moves through ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Flaming Strafe" } @@ -53076,7 +53076,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet, DC 42" + "20 feet, {@dc 42}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -53104,7 +53104,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+17} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d6} evil, DC 43" + "{@damage 2d10+17} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d6} evil, {@dc 43}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -53396,7 +53396,7 @@ "manipulate" ], "entries": [ - "The pixie sprinkles pixie dust onto one of its arrows. If the pixie hits a creature with that arrow before the pixie's next turn, the arrow inflicts one of the following special effects instead of dealing damage. Each effect depends on the target's DC 21 Will save. On a critical hit, the target treats its save result as one degree worse.", + "The pixie sprinkles pixie dust onto one of its arrows. If the pixie hits a creature with that arrow before the pixie's next turn, the arrow inflicts one of the following special effects instead of dealing damage. Each effect depends on the target's {@dc 21} Will save. On a critical hit, the target treats its save result as one degree worse.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -53839,7 +53839,7 @@ "magical" ], "entries": [ - "Three times per day, a pleroma can manifest a 2-foot-diameter sphere of white energy that hovers above its left hand. By using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, the pleroma can cause the sphere to fly 10 feet. The sphere can move in any direction, ignoring {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}, but it can't move farther than 300 feet away from the pleroma. Wherever the sphere travels, it leaves behind a 5-foot-wide path of new matter, creating either new terrain (the pleroma's choice of normal, difficult, or {@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain}) or a 5-foot-square solid barrier of a single natural substance (such as clay, wood, or stone). The sphere can enter the space of a creature; when it does, the creature must succeed at a DC 43 Fortitude save or be absorbed into the sphere. On a successful save, the creature is pushed to a space of the GM's choice away from the sphere. Those who fail take {@damage 20d6} positive damage (even if they are living) and are pushed away as a success. Those who critically fail, or are reduced to 0 HP by the damage from a failure, become one with the new material and can be restored only via a 10th-level spell. A pleroma can have only one Sphere of Creation in existence at a time, and the sphere automatically vanishes in a flash of blinding light after {@dice 1d4} minutes. All creatures within 30 feet of the sphere of creation when it vanishes must succeed at a DC 43 Fortitude save or be permanently {@condition blinded}." + "Three times per day, a pleroma can manifest a 2-foot-diameter sphere of white energy that hovers above its left hand. By using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, the pleroma can cause the sphere to fly 10 feet. The sphere can move in any direction, ignoring {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}, but it can't move farther than 300 feet away from the pleroma. Wherever the sphere travels, it leaves behind a 5-foot-wide path of new matter, creating either new terrain (the pleroma's choice of normal, difficult, or {@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain}) or a 5-foot-square solid barrier of a single natural substance (such as clay, wood, or stone). The sphere can enter the space of a creature; when it does, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 43} Fortitude save or be absorbed into the sphere. On a successful save, the creature is pushed to a space of the GM's choice away from the sphere. Those who fail take {@damage 20d6} positive damage (even if they are living) and are pushed away as a success. Those who critically fail, or are reduced to 0 HP by the damage from a failure, become one with the new material and can be restored only via a 10th-level spell. A pleroma can have only one Sphere of Creation in existence at a time, and the sphere automatically vanishes in a flash of blinding light after {@dice 1d4} minutes. All creatures within 30 feet of the sphere of creation when it vanishes must succeed at a {@dc 43} Fortitude save or be permanently {@condition blinded}." ], "name": "Sphere of Creation" }, @@ -54052,7 +54052,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The poltergeist must be {@condition invisible}.", "entries": [ - "The poltergeist becomes visible, appearing as a skeletal, ghostlike humanoid. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 21 Will save, becoming {@condition frightened 2} on a failure. On a critical failure, it's also {@condition fleeing} for as long as it's {@condition frightened}. On a success, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. At the start of its next turn, the poltergeist becomes {@condition invisible} again." + "The poltergeist becomes visible, appearing as a skeletal, ghostlike humanoid. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 21} Will save, becoming {@condition frightened 2} on a failure. On a critical failure, it's also {@condition fleeing} for as long as it's {@condition frightened}. On a success, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. At the start of its next turn, the poltergeist becomes {@condition invisible} again." ], "name": "Frighten" }, @@ -54485,7 +54485,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. Creatures other than animals, gremlins, and gnolls in the aura become extremely unlucky (DC 16 Will save; creature must roll this Will save twice and take the worse result). On a successful save, the creature is temporarily immune to pugwampi unluck auras for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature must roll twice and take the worse result on all checks as long as it is within the aura." + "20 feet. Creatures other than animals, gremlins, and gnolls in the aura become extremely unlucky ({@dc 16} Will save; creature must roll this Will save twice and take the worse result). On a successful save, the creature is temporarily immune to pugwampi unluck auras for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature must roll twice and take the worse result on all checks as long as it is within the aura." ], "name": "Unluck Aura" } @@ -55125,7 +55125,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d12+6} bludgeoning, DC 25" + "{@damage 1d12+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -55316,7 +55316,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The quelaunt feeds on the emotional unrest of a single creature within 30 feet that's under a harmful {@trait emotion} effect. The target must succeed at a DC 37 Will save or take {@damage 4d10} mental damage and be {@condition stunned} for 1 round. If the target fails its saving throw, the quelaunt regains the same number of Hit Points and Feed on Emotion does not cost the quelaunt an action, allowing it to use another action this turn." + "The quelaunt feeds on the emotional unrest of a single creature within 30 feet that's under a harmful {@trait emotion} effect. The target must succeed at a {@dc 37} Will save or take {@damage 4d10} mental damage and be {@condition stunned} for 1 round. If the target fails its saving throw, the quelaunt regains the same number of Hit Points and Feed on Emotion does not cost the quelaunt an action, allowing it to use another action this turn." ], "name": "Feed on Emotion" }, @@ -55756,7 +55756,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The raja rakshasa's eyes flash green as it projects a telepathic wave in a 30-foot emanation. All creatures in the area are assailed by a vision of evil decadence from one of the rakshasa's past lives. Each non-evil creature in the area must succeed at a DC 29 Will save or become {@condition sickened 1} (and {@condition stunned 1} on a critical failure). The visions last {@dice 1d4} rounds, and while they do, the raja rakshasa and all evil creatures in the area gain a +1 status bonus to all checks. The raja rakshasa can use this ability again only once the previous visions end." + "The raja rakshasa's eyes flash green as it projects a telepathic wave in a 30-foot emanation. All creatures in the area are assailed by a vision of evil decadence from one of the rakshasa's past lives. Each non-evil creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 29} Will save or become {@condition sickened 1} (and {@condition stunned 1} on a critical failure). The visions last {@dice 1d4} rounds, and while they do, the raja rakshasa and all evil creatures in the area gain a +1 status bonus to all checks. The raja rakshasa can use this ability again only once the previous visions end." ], "name": "Disturbing Vision" } @@ -55858,7 +55858,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d6} piercing damage and must attempt a DC 17 basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is exposed to filth fever." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d6} piercing damage and must attempt a {@dc 17} basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is exposed to filth fever." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" }, @@ -56207,7 +56207,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "If a redcap sees a creature brandish a religious symbol of a good deity (which requires an interact action by that creature) or use one to cast a divine spell, the redcap must attempt a DC 19 Will save. It then becomes temporarily immune to all brandished religious symbols for 10 minutes.", + "If a redcap sees a creature brandish a religious symbol of a good deity (which requires an interact action by that creature) or use one to cast a divine spell, the redcap must attempt a {@dc 19} Will save. It then becomes temporarily immune to all brandished religious symbols for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -56376,7 +56376,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d6} bludgeoning, DC 17" + "{@damage 1d6} bludgeoning, {@dc 17}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -56537,7 +56537,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The remorhaz unleashes a gout of flame that deals {@damage 8d6} fire damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 26 basic Reflex save). It can't use." + "The remorhaz unleashes a gout of flame that deals {@damage 8d6} fire damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). It can't use." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -56659,7 +56659,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 17" + "{@dc 17}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -56760,7 +56760,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 16" + "{@dc 16}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -56865,7 +56865,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 15" + "{@dc 15}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -57017,7 +57017,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The river drake spits a ball of caustic mucus up to a range of 50 feet that explodes in a 10-foot burst. Creatures within the burst take {@damage 4d6} acid damage (DC 19 basic Reflex save). Those that fail this save also take {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage} and take a \u20135-foot status penalty to their Speed. This Speed reduction ends with the {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage}. The river drake can't use Caustic Mucus again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "The river drake spits a ball of caustic mucus up to a range of 50 feet that explodes in a 10-foot burst. Creatures within the burst take {@damage 4d6} acid damage ({@dc 19} basic Reflex save). Those that fail this save also take {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage} and take a \u20135-foot status penalty to their Speed. This Speed reduction ends with the {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage}. The river drake can't use Caustic Mucus again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ], "name": "Caustic Mucus" }, @@ -57634,7 +57634,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The rune giant uses an arcane ability or casts an arcane spell.", "entries": [ - "The runes on the giant's body flash as they produce magical energy. Each creature within a 10-foot emanation must attempt a DC 35 Fortitude save.", + "The runes on the giant's body flash as they produce magical energy. Each creature within a 10-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 35} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -57658,12 +57658,12 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The rune giant invokes one of the runes on its body, causing the rune to spray forth a 30-foot cone of sparks that deals {@damage 6d12} electricity damage to all creatures in the cone (DC 37 basic Reflex save)", + "The rune giant invokes one of the runes on its body, causing the rune to spray forth a 30-foot cone of sparks that deals {@damage 6d12} electricity damage to all creatures in the cone ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save)", "A glowing copy of the invoked rune appears on a single weapon the giant holds, granting the weapon one effect listed below of the giant's choice. The giant can't use Invoke Rune again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The effect on the weapon lasts for 1 minute. If the giant places a new rune on a weapon, any previously placed rune immediately vanishes, ending its effect.", { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Rune of Destruction} The weapon gains the {@trait deadly} trait with three weapon damage dice of the same die size as for the base weapon, and a creature hit with the weapon is {@condition drained 1} unless it succeeds at a DC 35 Fortitude save.", + "{@bold Rune of Destruction} The weapon gains the {@trait deadly} trait with three weapon damage dice of the same die size as for the base weapon, and a creature hit with the weapon is {@condition drained 1} unless it succeeds at a {@dc 35} Fortitude save.", "{@bold Rune of Flames} The weapon deals an additional {@damage 3d6} fire damage on all attacks.", "{@bold Rune of Smiting} When the weapon hits, the giant can Push the target back 10 feet, or 20 feet on a critical hit." ] @@ -57991,7 +57991,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The salamander stokes its internal flames. Until the start of its next turn, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC, and when an adjacent creature touches it or hits it with a physical attack, that creature takes {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} unless it succeeds at a DC 25 Reflex save." + "The salamander stokes its internal flames. Until the start of its next turn, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC, and when an adjacent creature touches it or hits it with a physical attack, that creature takes {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} unless it succeeds at a {@dc 25} Reflex save." ], "name": "Armor of Flames" }, @@ -58001,7 +58001,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+4} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} fire, DC 25" + "{@damage 1d8+4} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} fire, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -58333,7 +58333,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save) and is exposed to scorpion venom." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage ({@dc 21} basic Reflex save) and is exposed to scorpion venom." ], "name": "Swarming Stings" } @@ -58976,7 +58976,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The hag gazes upon a creature, afflicting it with intense distress and a gnawing sense of impending doom, with a result depending on its Will save (DC 20). The target does not need to be able to see the sea hag.", + "The hag gazes upon a creature, afflicting it with intense distress and a gnawing sense of impending doom, with a result depending on its Will save ({@dc 20}). The target does not need to be able to see the sea hag.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -59191,7 +59191,7 @@ "move" ], "entries": [ - "The sea serpent extends the spines along its back and Swims or {@action Stride||Strides}. Each creature the serpent is adjacent to at any point during its movement takes {@damage 4d6+8} slashing damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save)." + "The sea serpent extends the spines along its back and Swims or {@action Stride||Strides}. Each creature the serpent is adjacent to at any point during its movement takes {@damage 4d6+8} slashing damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Spine Rake" }, @@ -59317,7 +59317,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The sewer ooze unleashes a wave of filth, covering all creatures within a 20-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or take {@damage 1d4} acid damage and take a \u201310-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a critical failure, the creature also falls {@condition prone}). A creature can spend an {@action Interact} action to clean someone off, decreasing the Speed penalty by 5 feet with each action." + "The sewer ooze unleashes a wave of filth, covering all creatures within a 20-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 17} Reflex save or take {@damage 1d4} acid damage and take a \u201310-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a critical failure, the creature also falls {@condition prone}). A creature can spend an {@action Interact} action to clean someone off, decreasing the Speed penalty by 5 feet with each action." ], "name": "Filth Wave" } @@ -59681,7 +59681,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "When the shaitan Pushes a creature into a stone barrier, the target must succeed at a DC 22 Reflex save or become merged with the barrier (as meld with stone). The victim can attempt to {@action Escape} (DC 28)." + "When the shaitan Pushes a creature into a stone barrier, the target must succeed at a {@dc 22} Reflex save or become merged with the barrier (as meld with stone). The victim can attempt to {@action Escape} ({@dc 28})." ], "name": "Shove into Stone" } @@ -59786,7 +59786,7 @@ "top": [ { "entries": [ - "When it's not in danger, the shambler spends 1 minute settling into a pile that looks like a lump of loose vegetation. While it is in this form, creatures must actively {@action Seek} and succeed at a DC 22 {@skill Perception} check (DC 28 in forests or swamps) to detect the shambler's true nature." + "When it's not in danger, the shambler spends 1 minute settling into a pile that looks like a lump of loose vegetation. While it is in this form, creatures must actively {@action Seek} and succeed at a {@dc 22} {@skill Perception} check ({@dc 28} in forests or swamps) to detect the shambler's true nature." ], "name": "Mound" } @@ -60054,7 +60054,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A non-evil creature that ends its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 35 Fortitude save. If it fails, it's {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round, and if it critically fails, it is instead {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." + "30 feet. A non-evil creature that ends its turn in the aura must attempt a {@dc 35} Fortitude save. If it fails, it's {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round, and if it critically fails, it is instead {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." ], "name": "Paralyzing Gaze" }, @@ -60083,7 +60083,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "If the shemhazian's jaws {@action Strike} damages a creature, the target is {@condition enfeebled 3}. The target can attempt a DC 37 Fortitude save to reduce this to {@condition enfeebled 1} (or be unaffected on a critical success)." + "If the shemhazian's jaws {@action Strike} damages a creature, the target is {@condition enfeebled 3}. The target can attempt a {@dc 37} Fortitude save to reduce this to {@condition enfeebled 1} (or be unaffected on a critical success)." ], "name": "Enfeebling Bite" }, @@ -60100,7 +60100,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The shemhazian focuses their gaze on a non-evil creature they can see within 30 feet. If that creature isn't already {@condition slowed} by the shemhazian's paralyzing gaze, it must attempt a save against the shemhazian's paralyzing gaze. If that creature is {@condition slowed}, it must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. A shemhazian can't use this ability against the same creature more than once per round." + "The shemhazian focuses their gaze on a non-evil creature they can see within 30 feet. If that creature isn't already {@condition slowed} by the shemhazian's paralyzing gaze, it must attempt a save against the shemhazian's paralyzing gaze. If that creature is {@condition slowed}, it must succeed at a {@dc 35} Fortitude save or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. A shemhazian can't use this ability against the same creature more than once per round." ], "name": "Focused Gaze" }, @@ -60313,7 +60313,7 @@ "enchantment" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Enemies that start their turn in the area or enter it must attempt a DC 27 Will save. On a failure, they take a \u20131 status penalty to attack rolls, spell rolls, and damage rolls against any other target while in the aura for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. On a critical failure, they can't use {@condition hostile} actions against any other target while in the area for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to further menacing guardian auras for 24 hours." + "30 feet. Enemies that start their turn in the area or enter it must attempt a {@dc 27} Will save. On a failure, they take a \u20131 status penalty to attack rolls, spell rolls, and damage rolls against any other target while in the aura for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. On a critical failure, they can't use {@condition hostile} actions against any other target while in the area for 24 hours or until they damage the archon, whichever comes first. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to further menacing guardian auras for 24 hours." ], "name": "Menacing Guardian" }, @@ -60555,7 +60555,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. The shining child sheds bright light. Any creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a Fortitude DC 29 save. If it fails, it is {@condition blinded} for 1 minute, and if it critically fails, it's permanently {@condition blinded}. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to this effect for 24 hours." + "60 feet. The shining child sheds bright light. Any creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a Fortitude {@dc 29} save. If it fails, it is {@condition blinded} for 1 minute, and if it critically fails, it's permanently {@condition blinded}. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to this effect for 24 hours." ], "name": "Blinding Aura" }, @@ -60687,7 +60687,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A shoggoth constantly voices syllables and mutterings that mortals were not meant to hear. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 38 Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round ({@dice 2d4} rounds on a critical failure). A creature that successfully saves is temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "60 feet. A shoggoth constantly voices syllables and mutterings that mortals were not meant to hear. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 38} Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round ({@dice 2d4} rounds on a critical failure). A creature that successfully saves is temporarily immune for 24 hours." ], "name": "Maddening Cacophony" } @@ -60718,7 +60718,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 40, {@damage 6d6} acid, {@action Escape} DC 40, Rupture 40." + "{@dc 40}, {@damage 6d6} acid, {@action Escape} {@dc 40}, Rupture 40." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -61035,7 +61035,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the jaws of a sinspawn must attempt a DC 18 Will save as it is assailed by sinful thoughts.", + "A creature hit by the jaws of a sinspawn must attempt a {@dc 18} Will save as it is assailed by sinful thoughts.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -62018,7 +62018,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A cloud of bone shards surrounds the skulltaker. When a creature moves into the emanation or begins its turn there, shard storm attempts to counteract any death ward effect on the creature (+30 counteract modifier) and then deals {@damage 4d6} slashing damage and {@damage 4d6} negative damage to the creature, with a DC 40 basic Reflex save." + "10 feet. A cloud of bone shards surrounds the skulltaker. When a creature moves into the emanation or begins its turn there, shard storm attempts to counteract any death ward effect on the creature (+30 counteract modifier) and then deals {@damage 4d6} slashing damage and {@damage 4d6} negative damage to the creature, with a {@dc 40} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Shard Storm" } @@ -62030,7 +62030,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Whenever a creature dies within 60 feet of a skulltaker, the skulltaker draws a portion of the creature's bones into its shard storm. The creature must succeed at a DC 40 Will save or rise as a {@creature skeletal champion} in {@dice 1d4} rounds. These skeletal champions are {@condition controlled} by the skulltaker." + "Whenever a creature dies within 60 feet of a skulltaker, the skulltaker draws a portion of the creature's bones into its shard storm. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 40} Will save or rise as a {@creature skeletal champion} in {@dice 1d4} rounds. These skeletal champions are {@condition controlled} by the skulltaker." ], "name": "Bonetaker" }, @@ -62040,7 +62040,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When a skulltaker hits with a melee {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a DC 40 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2} and {@condition doomed 1}." + "When a skulltaker hits with a melee {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a {@dc 40} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2} and {@condition doomed 1}." ], "name": "Energy Drain" }, @@ -63087,7 +63087,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Once per week, a Sphinx can create a magical symbol as though casting a heightened {@spell glyph of warding} spell. The sphinx usually shapes the glyph to take the form of a written riddle, and sets the password to the answer. A creature that gives the wrong answer or tries to pass without answering must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or suffer one of the following spell effects, chosen by the sphinx when creating the symbol: synaptic pulse (5th), charm (4th), fear (3rd), phantom pain (3rd), sleep (3rd). The sphinx learns the identity of any creature that answers the riddle and tends to be {@condition friendly} to them." + "Once per week, a Sphinx can create a magical symbol as though casting a heightened {@spell glyph of warding} spell. The sphinx usually shapes the glyph to take the form of a written riddle, and sets the password to the answer. A creature that gives the wrong answer or tries to pass without answering must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or suffer one of the following spell effects, chosen by the sphinx when creating the symbol: synaptic pulse (5th), charm (4th), fear (3rd), phantom pain (3rd), sleep (3rd). The sphinx learns the identity of any creature that answers the riddle and tends to be {@condition friendly} to them." ], "name": "Warding Glyph" } @@ -63177,7 +63177,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the spider swarm's space takes {@damage 1d4} piercing damage with a DC 14 basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is exposed to spider swarm venom." + "Each enemy in the spider swarm's space takes {@damage 1d4} piercing damage with a {@dc 14} basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is exposed to spider swarm venom." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" }, @@ -63477,7 +63477,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 25" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -63756,7 +63756,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The stone golem hits a {@condition slowed} creature.", "entries": [ - "The creature must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." + "The creature must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." ], "name": "Impose Paralysis" }, @@ -63766,7 +63766,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The stone golem {@action Stride||Strides} up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can attempt to bar the way by succeeding at a DC 34 Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise it is damaged as if hit by the golem's fist." + "The stone golem {@action Stride||Strides} up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can attempt to bar the way by succeeding at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise it is damaged as if hit by the golem's fist." ], "name": "Inexorable March" }, @@ -63781,7 +63781,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute. The golem can't use Slowing Pulse again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute. The golem can't use Slowing Pulse again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Slowing Pulse" } @@ -64589,7 +64589,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The succubus engages a creature they have {@condition grabbed} in an embrace or other act of passion to drain its vital essence. The kiss makes the creature {@condition drained 1} or increases its {@condition drained} condition by 1, to a maximum of 4. The creature takes {@damage 3d6} negative damage and the succubus regains Hit Points equal to the damage dealt. The target must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or be affected by a suggestion to submit to more actions of passion rather than trying to {@action Escape}." + "The succubus engages a creature they have {@condition grabbed} in an embrace or other act of passion to drain its vital essence. The kiss makes the creature {@condition drained 1} or increases its {@condition drained} condition by 1, to a maximum of 4. The creature takes {@damage 3d6} negative damage and the succubus regains Hit Points equal to the damage dealt. The target must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or be affected by a suggestion to submit to more actions of passion rather than trying to {@action Escape}." ], "name": "Passionate Kiss" }, @@ -64796,7 +64796,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays a tarn linnorm, it must succeed at a DC 46 Will save or it can no longer recover Hit Points via any means, such as healing spells, the {@skill Medicine} skill, or natural healing from rest." + "When a creature slays a tarn linnorm, it must succeed at a {@dc 46} Will save or it can no longer recover Hit Points via any means, such as healing spells, the {@skill Medicine} skill, or natural healing from rest." ], "name": "Curse of Death" }, @@ -64827,7 +64827,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The tarn linnorm can expel either a 120-foot line or a 60-foot cone of acid dealing {@damage 20d6} acid damage to creatures within the area (DC 44 basic Reflex save). The acid creates toxic fumes. At the beginning of the linnorm's next turn, those who failed the breath weapon's Reflex save must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude save or gain {@condition sickened 4} from the poisonous fumes. A tarn linnorm can't use Breath Weapon or Overwhelming Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The tarn linnorm can expel either a 120-foot line or a 60-foot cone of acid dealing {@damage 20d6} acid damage to creatures within the area ({@dc 44} basic Reflex save). The acid creates toxic fumes. At the beginning of the linnorm's next turn, those who failed the breath weapon's Reflex save must succeed at a {@dc 42} Fortitude save or gain {@condition sickened 4} from the poisonous fumes. A tarn linnorm can't use Breath Weapon or Overwhelming Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -64837,7 +64837,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d6+18} bludgeoning, DC 44" + "{@damage 3d6+18} bludgeoning, {@dc 44}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -65249,7 +65249,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by a terotricus's spores must succeed at a DC 40 Reflex save or take a \u201310-foot status penalty to all its Speeds for 1 minute. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition immobilized} until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 40)." + "A creature hit by a terotricus's spores must succeed at a {@dc 40} Reflex save or take a \u201310-foot status penalty to all its Speeds for 1 minute. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition immobilized} until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 40})." ], "name": "Sticky Spores" } @@ -65968,7 +65968,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays a tor linnorm, it must succeed at a DC 48 Will save or permanently gain weakness to fire 20 and {@condition slowed 1} from the agonizing pain it now endures at all times. As long as a character continues to suffer this curse, its {@condition slowed} condition can never be reduced below {@condition slowed 1}." + "When a creature slays a tor linnorm, it must succeed at a {@dc 48} Will save or permanently gain weakness to fire 20 and {@condition slowed 1} from the agonizing pain it now endures at all times. As long as a character continues to suffer this curse, its {@condition slowed} condition can never be reduced below {@condition slowed 1}." ], "name": "Curse of Boiling Blood" }, @@ -66004,7 +66004,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The tor linnorm expels a 60-foot cone of flame and ash dealing {@damage 20d6} fire damage to creatures within the area (DC 46 basic Reflex save). At the start of the tor linnorm's next turn, the area affected by the breath weapon is covered in thick, scorching smoke that burns both the lungs and eyes, dealing an additional {@damage 10d6} fire damage to all creatures in the area (DC 46 basic Reflex save). A creature that spends an entire round in the smoke with open eyes must succeed at a DC 44 Fortitude save or is {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. The smoke dissipates after 1 minute; in strong winds, the smoke dissipates in 5 rounds, and in more powerful winds, it may clear even more quickly. The tor linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The tor linnorm expels a 60-foot cone of flame and ash dealing {@damage 20d6} fire damage to creatures within the area ({@dc 46} basic Reflex save). At the start of the tor linnorm's next turn, the area affected by the breath weapon is covered in thick, scorching smoke that burns both the lungs and eyes, dealing an additional {@damage 10d6} fire damage to all creatures in the area ({@dc 46} basic Reflex save). A creature that spends an entire round in the smoke with open eyes must succeed at a {@dc 44} Fortitude save or is {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. The smoke dissipates after 1 minute; in strong winds, the smoke dissipates in 5 rounds, and in more powerful winds, it may clear even more quickly. The tor linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -66014,7 +66014,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d6+21} bludgeoning, DC 46" + "{@damage 3d6+21} bludgeoning, {@dc 46}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -66333,7 +66333,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet. Plants near Treerazer twist, deform, and transform into thorny or fungoid parodies of their natural shapes. A living creature in this area must succeed at a DC 47 Fortitude save each round or become partially transformed into plantlike matter. Those who fail this saving throw are treated as if they were plants for the purposes of any effect that particularly harms or inconveniences plant creatures more than other creatures, but do not gain any benefits of being plant creatures. This effect lasts as long as the creature remains within the area of corruption and for 1 minute thereafter." + "120 feet. Plants near Treerazer twist, deform, and transform into thorny or fungoid parodies of their natural shapes. A living creature in this area must succeed at a {@dc 47} Fortitude save each round or become partially transformed into plantlike matter. Those who fail this saving throw are treated as if they were plants for the purposes of any effect that particularly harms or inconveniences plant creatures more than other creatures, but do not gain any benefits of being plant creatures. This effect lasts as long as the creature remains within the area of corruption and for 1 minute thereafter." ], "name": "Aura of Corruption" }, @@ -66360,7 +66360,7 @@ "plant" ], "entries": [ - "Treerazer exudes a pulse of sickly green light in a 30-foot-radius emanation. All plants in the area (including creatures under the effect of his aura of corruption) blacken and wither. Non-creature plants immediately wither and die. Plant creatures take {@damage 20d8} negative damage with a DC 49 basic Fortitude save. A creature that fails its save is {@condition doomed 1} for 1 minute and {@condition sickened 3}. Treerazer can choose to exclude any number of plants in the area from this effect, and generally does so to preserve twisted and corrupted plants or fungi, or plant creatures that are allied to his cause. Treerazer can't use Defoliation for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Treerazer exudes a pulse of sickly green light in a 30-foot-radius emanation. All plants in the area (including creatures under the effect of his aura of corruption) blacken and wither. Non-creature plants immediately wither and die. Plant creatures take {@damage 20d8} negative damage with a {@dc 49} basic Fortitude save. A creature that fails its save is {@condition doomed 1} for 1 minute and {@condition sickened 3}. Treerazer can choose to exclude any number of plants in the area from this effect, and generally does so to preserve twisted and corrupted plants or fungi, or plant creatures that are allied to his cause. Treerazer can't use Defoliation for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Defoliation" }, @@ -66551,7 +66551,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 26" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -66857,7 +66857,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The troll king unleashes a bestial roar. Each non-troll creature within 100 feet must attempt a DC 29 Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", + "The troll king unleashes a bestial roar. Each non-troll creature within 100 feet must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -66996,7 +66996,7 @@ }, "requirements": "A creature is {@condition Grabbed} in the tyrannosaurus's jaws.", "entries": [ - "The tyrannosaurus flings the creature into the air up to 10 feet up from its mouth and 20 feet away. The creature falls 25 feet (assuming the tyrannosaurus flings it as high as it can) and takes falling damage accordingly. If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage. The creature being landed on can attempt a DC 23 basic Reflex save." + "The tyrannosaurus flings the creature into the air up to 10 feet up from its mouth and 20 feet away. The creature falls 25 feet (assuming the tyrannosaurus flings it as high as it can) and takes falling damage accordingly. If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage. The creature being landed on can attempt a {@dc 23} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Fling" }, @@ -67033,7 +67033,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 29" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -67390,7 +67390,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The uthul unleashes a powerful bolt of lightning and a stunning thunderclap. The bolt deals {@damage 6d12} electricity damage to all creatures in a 30-foot line, with a DC 34 basic Reflex save, and every creature in a 20-foot emanation must attempt a DC 34 Fortitude save. The uthul can't use Lightning Crash again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The uthul unleashes a powerful bolt of lightning and a stunning thunderclap. The bolt deals {@damage 6d12} electricity damage to all creatures in a 30-foot line, with a {@dc 34} basic Reflex save, and every creature in a 20-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 34} Fortitude save. The uthul can't use Lightning Crash again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -67418,7 +67418,7 @@ "concentrate" ], "entries": [ - "The uthul transforms itself into a swirling vortex of storm and fury 10 feet wide and up to 40 feet tall. It stays in this form for 3 rounds or until it Dismisses the effect. While in this form, the uthul gains resistance 10 to physical damage and can move through other creatures. Its aura remains active, but it can't make debris {@action Strike||Strikes} nor use Lightning Crash. Instead, any creature the uthul moves through takes {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 2d12} electricity damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round. A Large or smaller creature must also succeed at a DC 32 Reflex save or be picked up and held suspended within the vortex. Suspended creatures move with the uthul. A creature can attempt to escape by spending an action to attempt a DC 32 Reflex save (or a DC 32 {@skill Acrobatics} check to maneuver in flight if it has a fly Speed). Upon escaping, or when the uthul transforms back into its storm cloud form, a suspended creature is hurled {@dice 1d4} × 10 feet in a random direction, then falls unless it can fly or otherwise remain aloft. After returning to its normal form, the uthul must wait 1 minute before it can use Whirlwind Form again." + "The uthul transforms itself into a swirling vortex of storm and fury 10 feet wide and up to 40 feet tall. It stays in this form for 3 rounds or until it Dismisses the effect. While in this form, the uthul gains resistance 10 to physical damage and can move through other creatures. Its aura remains active, but it can't make debris {@action Strike||Strikes} nor use Lightning Crash. Instead, any creature the uthul moves through takes {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 2d12} electricity damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round. A Large or smaller creature must also succeed at a {@dc 32} Reflex save or be picked up and held suspended within the vortex. Suspended creatures move with the uthul. A creature can attempt to escape by spending an action to attempt a {@dc 32} Reflex save (or a {@dc 32} {@skill Acrobatics} check to maneuver in flight if it has a fly Speed). Upon escaping, or when the uthul transforms back into its storm cloud form, a suspended creature is hurled {@dice 1d4} × 10 feet in a random direction, then falls unless it can fly or otherwise remain aloft. After returning to its normal form, the uthul must wait 1 minute before it can use Whirlwind Form again." ], "name": "Whirlwind Form" } @@ -67517,7 +67517,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the bat swarm's space takes {@damage 1d4} piercing damage (DC 16 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save also take 1 {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." + "Each enemy in the bat swarm's space takes {@damage 1d4} piercing damage ({@dc 16} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save also take 1 {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." ], "name": "Blood Feast" } @@ -67726,7 +67726,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "DC 22" + "{@dc 22}" ], "name": "Dominate" }, @@ -68052,7 +68052,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "DC 26" + "{@dc 26}" ], "name": "Dominate" }, @@ -68544,7 +68544,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. While underwater, a vidileth exudes a cloud of transparent slime. An air-breathing creature adjacent to a vidileth must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save each round or lose the ability to breathe air but gain the ability to breathe water for 24 hours." + "30 feet. While underwater, a vidileth exudes a cloud of transparent slime. An air-breathing creature adjacent to a vidileth must succeed at a {@dc 36} Fortitude save each round or lose the ability to breathe air but gain the ability to breathe water for 24 hours." ], "name": "Mucus Cloud" } @@ -68575,7 +68575,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When a veiled master makes a fangs {@action Strike} against a creature, it can consume some of that creature's memories. The target must succeed at a DC 37 Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition stupefied 1}. A veiled master regains 5 Hit Points each time it successfully consumes memories. When a veiled master consumes memories, it learns some of the creature's memories (subject to the GM's discretion)." + "When a veiled master makes a fangs {@action Strike} against a creature, it can consume some of that creature's memories. The target must succeed at a {@dc 37} Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition stupefied 1}. A veiled master regains 5 Hit Points each time it successfully consumes memories. When a veiled master consumes memories, it learns some of the creature's memories (subject to the GM's discretion)." ], "name": "Consume Memories" }, @@ -68635,7 +68635,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature touched by the veiled master's tentacles, whether those tentacles deal damage or not, must attempt a DC 34 Will save, becoming {@condition slowed 1} on a failure or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure. Each time the affected creature ends its turn, its {@condition slowed} value decreases by 1." + "A creature touched by the veiled master's tentacles, whether those tentacles deal damage or not, must attempt a {@dc 34} Will save, becoming {@condition slowed 1} on a failure or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure. Each time the affected creature ends its turn, its {@condition slowed} value decreases by 1." ], "name": "Thoughtlance" } @@ -69126,7 +69126,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the voidworm's tail {@action Strike} is {@condition stupefied 1} for 1 round ({@condition stupefied 2} on a critical hit). A successful DC 16 Will save negates this effect and grants temporary immunity to confounding lash for 1 minute." + "A creature hit by the voidworm's tail {@action Strike} is {@condition stupefied 1} for 1 round ({@condition stupefied 2} on a critical hit). A successful {@dc 16} Will save negates this effect and grants temporary immunity to confounding lash for 1 minute." ], "name": "Confounding Lash" } @@ -69356,7 +69356,7 @@ "move" ], "entries": [ - "The vrock dances in flight and chants to create a ruinous explosion of electricity. If more vrocks within 30 feet want to join the dance, the vrock can delay the dance to wait for more vrocks; in that case, the effect occurs after the last vrock uses Dance of Ruin or one of the vrocks chooses to complete that round of the dance. Each non-demon creature in a 20-foot emanation from any of the dancing vrocks takes {@damage 2d12} electricity damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). For each additional vrock that joins the dance, the damage increases by {@damage 1d12} and the save DC increases by 1 (to a maximum of four vrocks dealing {@dice 5d12} damage with a DC 31 save). The vrocks can continue dancing by using Dance of Ruin each round, for up to 3 rounds in total. The emanation's size increases by 20 feet each round, and the damage increases by {@damage 1d12} per vrock each round." + "The vrock dances in flight and chants to create a ruinous explosion of electricity. If more vrocks within 30 feet want to join the dance, the vrock can delay the dance to wait for more vrocks; in that case, the effect occurs after the last vrock uses Dance of Ruin or one of the vrocks chooses to complete that round of the dance. Each non-demon creature in a 20-foot emanation from any of the dancing vrocks takes {@damage 2d12} electricity damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). For each additional vrock that joins the dance, the damage increases by {@damage 1d12} and the save DC increases by 1 (to a maximum of four vrocks dealing {@dice 5d12} damage with a {@dc 31} save). The vrocks can continue dancing by using Dance of Ruin each round, for up to 3 rounds in total. The emanation's size increases by 20 feet each round, and the damage increases by {@damage 1d12} per vrock each round." ], "name": "Dance of Ruin" }, @@ -69370,7 +69370,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The vrock emits a cloud of spores from their body, dealing {@damage 2d8} poison damage to all adjacent creatures. Each creature damaged this way must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or take {@damage 2d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent piercing damage} as the spores penetrate its skin and grow into thick, green vines. The vines cease growing after 10 rounds, and they wither away in {@dice 1d4} days if not shaved off before then. The vines can be destroyed if the creature is affected by a good spell or if holy water is applied to the vines (with an {@action Interact} action). Once the vrock uses Spore Cloud, the ability can't be used for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "The vrock emits a cloud of spores from their body, dealing {@damage 2d8} poison damage to all adjacent creatures. Each creature damaged this way must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or take {@damage 2d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent piercing damage} as the spores penetrate its skin and grow into thick, green vines. The vines cease growing after 10 rounds, and they wither away in {@dice 1d4} days if not shaved off before then. The vines can be destroyed if the creature is affected by a good spell or if holy water is applied to the vines (with an {@action Interact} action). Once the vrock uses Spore Cloud, the ability can't be used for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ], "name": "Spore Cloud" }, @@ -69390,7 +69390,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The vrock emits a shrill screech. Each non-demon creature within a 30-foot burst must attempt a DC 28 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition stunned 2}, and on a critical failure, it's {@condition stunned 3}." + "The vrock emits a shrill screech. Each non-demon creature within a 30-foot burst must attempt a {@dc 28} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition stunned 2}, and on a critical failure, it's {@condition stunned 3}." ], "name": "Stunning Screech" } @@ -69499,7 +69499,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 17" + "{@dc 17}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -69603,7 +69603,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 16" + "{@dc 16}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -69900,7 +69900,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet, DC 35" + "100 feet, {@dc 35}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -69941,13 +69941,13 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When a warsworn hits with a corpse wave {@action Strike} or damages a creature with Trample, the target must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2} and {@condition doomed 1}. On a critical success, the target becomes temporarily immune to the warsworn's energy drain for 24 hours." + "When a warsworn hits with a corpse wave {@action Strike} or damages a creature with Trample, the target must succeed at a {@dc 35} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2} and {@condition doomed 1}. On a critical success, the target becomes temporarily immune to the warsworn's energy drain for 24 hours." ], "name": "Energy Drain" }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by a warsworn's scrap ball {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 37 Reflex save. On a failure, the target falls {@condition prone}; if the target was airborne, it falls up to 120 feet, taking damage from the fall and landing {@condition prone} if the descent brings it to the ground. On a critical failure, the target is also held under a pile of scrap (DC 37 to {@action Escape})." + "A creature hit by a warsworn's scrap ball {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 37} Reflex save. On a failure, the target falls {@condition prone}; if the target was airborne, it falls up to 120 feet, taking damage from the fall and landing {@condition prone} if the descent brings it to the ground. On a critical failure, the target is also held under a pile of scrap ({@dc 37} to {@action Escape})." ], "name": "Plummet" }, @@ -69957,7 +69957,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, corpse wave, DC 37" + "Huge or smaller, corpse wave, {@dc 37}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -70043,7 +70043,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save) and is exposed to wasp venom. A successful save negates the poison exposure." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage ({@dc 21} basic Reflex save) and is exposed to wasp venom. A successful save negates the poison exposure." ], "name": "Swarming Stings" }, @@ -70188,7 +70188,7 @@ "arcane" ], "entries": [ - "The water mephit breathes acid in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} acid damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The water mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The water mephit breathes acid in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} acid damage to each creature within the area ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). The water mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -70383,7 +70383,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the web lurker's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it succeeds at DC 20 {@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Escape}." + "A creature hit by the web lurker's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it succeeds at {@dc 20} {@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Escape}." ], "name": "Web Trap" } @@ -70519,7 +70519,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@dice 2d12+10}, DC 37" + "{@dice 2d12+10}, {@dc 37}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -70532,7 +70532,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 37, {@damage 4d8} bludgeoning, {@action Escape} DC 35, Rupture 36." + "{@dc 37}, {@damage 4d8} bludgeoning, {@action Escape} {@dc 35}, Rupture 36." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -70757,7 +70757,7 @@ "number": 3 }, "entries": [ - "The wendigo unleashes a forlorn howl that can be heard up to 1 mile away. Any creature that hears the howl must succeed at a DC 38 Will save or be {@condition frightened 1}. Any creature that critically fails and is within 120 feet of the wendigo is instead {@condition frightened 3}, and is also {@condition fleeing} for {@dice 1d4} rounds (or until it's no longer {@condition frightened}, whichever comes first). A creature {@condition frightened} by a wendigo's howl still naturally recovers from its fright but can't reduce it below {@condition frightened 1} in this way until 1 hour has passed or magic is used. Whether it succeeds or fails its save, a creature is then temporarily immune to that wendigo's Howl for 24 hours." + "The wendigo unleashes a forlorn howl that can be heard up to 1 mile away. Any creature that hears the howl must succeed at a {@dc 38} Will save or be {@condition frightened 1}. Any creature that critically fails and is within 120 feet of the wendigo is instead {@condition frightened 3}, and is also {@condition fleeing} for {@dice 1d4} rounds (or until it's no longer {@condition frightened}, whichever comes first). A creature {@condition frightened} by a wendigo's howl still naturally recovers from its fright but can't reduce it below {@condition frightened 1} in this way until 1 hour has passed or magic is used. Whether it succeeds or fails its save, a creature is then temporarily immune to that wendigo's Howl for 24 hours." ], "name": "Howl" }, @@ -70774,7 +70774,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The wendigo casts wind walk while it has {@condition Grabbed} a foe.", "entries": [ - "The wendigo attempts to turn the {@condition grabbed} creature into wind and carry it along as part of the action. If the target succeeds at a DC 38 Will save, it prevents itself from being transformed; in this case, the wendigo still transforms, automatically releasing the victim. A creature forced to Ride the Wind along with the wendigo is exposed to wendigo torment. The target can attempt a new Will save each round to return to normal, though it immediately becomes corporeal and begins falling if it succeeds." + "The wendigo attempts to turn the {@condition grabbed} creature into wind and carry it along as part of the action. If the target succeeds at a {@dc 38} Will save, it prevents itself from being transformed; in this case, the wendigo still transforms, automatically releasing the victim. A creature forced to Ride the Wind along with the wendigo is exposed to wendigo torment. The target can attempt a new Will save each round to return to normal, though it immediately becomes corporeal and begins falling if it succeeds." ], "name": "Ride the Wind" }, @@ -71628,7 +71628,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the wight damages a living creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the wight gains 3 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wraith increases the amount of drain by 1 on a failed save to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When the wight damages a living creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the wight gains 3 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 17} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wraith increases the amount of drain by 1 on a failed save to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -71904,7 +71904,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 21" + "{@dc 21}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -71935,7 +71935,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The winter wolf breathes a cloud of frost in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 5d8} cold damage (DC 23 basic Reflex save). The winter wolf can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The winter wolf breathes a cloud of frost in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 5d8} cold damage ({@dc 23} basic Reflex save). The winter wolf can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -72192,7 +72192,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the wraith damages a living creature with its spectral hand {@action Strike}, the wraith gains 5 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wraith increases the amount of drain by 1 on a failed save to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When the wraith damages a living creature with its spectral hand {@action Strike}, the wraith gains 5 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 23} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wraith increases the amount of drain by 1 on a failed save to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -72714,7 +72714,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 19} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -72726,7 +72726,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The target must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 1} (or {@condition enfeebled 2} on a critical hit) for 1 round.", + "The target must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 1} (or {@condition enfeebled 2} on a critical hit) for 1 round.", "Lone exiles of yeti clans have little use for treasure and leave the gear of their slain victims behind where it is quickly covered by snowfall. Clan-based yetis, on the other hand, create beautifully carved stonework, some of which they shape into protective talismans of rare beauty." ], "name": "Weakening Strike" @@ -72865,7 +72865,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 16} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" }, @@ -73033,7 +73033,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 16} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -73167,7 +73167,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The yeti hits a creature in the first round of combat and the yeti was {@condition hidden} from that creature at the start of combat.", "entries": [ - "Each enemy within 30 feet that witnesses the attack (including the target of the attack) must attempt a DC 23 Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition frightened 2}; on a critical failure, it's {@condition frightened 4}." + "Each enemy within 30 feet that witnesses the attack (including the target of the attack) must attempt a {@dc 23} Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition frightened 2}; on a critical failure, it's {@condition frightened 4}." ], "name": "Grisly Arrival" }, @@ -73343,7 +73343,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 23" + "90 feet, {@dc 23}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -73374,7 +73374,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a spray of acid that deals {@damage 8d6} acid damage in a 60-foot line (DC 25 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a spray of acid that deals {@damage 8d6} acid damage in a 60-foot line ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -73590,7 +73590,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 26" + "90 feet, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -73621,7 +73621,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes lightning that deals {@damage 5d12} electricity damage in an 80-foot line (DC 28 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes lightning that deals {@damage 5d12} electricity damage in an 80-foot line ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -73631,7 +73631,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "When casting create water, the dragon can attempt to destroy liquid instead of creating it, turning an equal amount of liquid into sand. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a DC 26 Will save to protect all liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." + "When casting create water, the dragon can attempt to destroy liquid instead of creating it, turning an equal amount of liquid into sand. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they're of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a {@dc 26} Will save to protect all liquids in its possession). This doesn't affect the liquids in a creature's body." ], "name": "Desert Thirst" }, @@ -73819,7 +73819,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 23" + "90 feet, {@dc 23}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -73850,7 +73850,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The brass dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot line that deals {@damage 8d6} fire damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The brass dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot line that deals {@damage 8d6} fire damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -74043,7 +74043,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 26" + "90 feet, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -74075,8 +74075,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Lightning} (arcane, electricity, evocation); The dragon breathes lightning in a 60-foot line that deals {@damage 6d12} electricity damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save).", - "{@bold Repulsion Gas} (abjuration, arcane, incapacitation, mental); The dragon breathes a 60-foot line of repulsive gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or become {@condition fleeing} from the dragon for 1 round (or 2 rounds on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Lightning} (arcane, electricity, evocation); The dragon breathes lightning in a 60-foot line that deals {@damage 6d12} electricity damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save).", + "{@bold Repulsion Gas} (abjuration, arcane, incapacitation, mental); The dragon breathes a 60-foot line of repulsive gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 28} Will save or become {@condition fleeing} from the dragon for 1 round (or 2 rounds on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -74277,7 +74277,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 23" + "90 feet, {@dc 23}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -74307,8 +74307,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Acid} (acid, arcane, evocation); The dragon breathes acid in a 60-foot line that deals {@damage 8d6} acid damage (DC 26 basic Fortitude save).", - "{@bold Slowing Gas} (arcane, transmutation); The dragon breathes a 60-foot line of slowing gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Acid} (acid, arcane, evocation); The dragon breathes acid in a 60-foot line that deals {@damage 8d6} acid damage ({@dc 26} basic Fortitude save).", + "{@bold Slowing Gas} (arcane, transmutation); The dragon breathes a 60-foot line of slowing gas. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -74528,7 +74528,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 27" + "90 feet, {@dc 27}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -74569,7 +74569,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of flame in a 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 11d6} fire damage (DC 31 basic Reflex save)." + "The dragon breathes a blast of flame in a 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 11d6} fire damage ({@dc 31} basic Reflex save)." ] }, { @@ -74580,7 +74580,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of weakening gas. Each creature within a 30-foot cone must succeed at a DC 31 Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 1} for 1 minute (or {@condition enfeebled 2} on a critical failure)." + "The dragon breathes a blast of weakening gas. Each creature within a 30-foot cone must succeed at a {@dc 31} Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 1} for 1 minute (or {@condition enfeebled 2} on a critical failure)." ] } ] @@ -74806,7 +74806,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 24" + "90 feet, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -74837,7 +74837,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals {@damage 9d6} poison damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 25 basic Fortitude save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals {@damage 9d6} poison damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 25} basic Fortitude save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -75051,7 +75051,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 27" + "90 feet, {@dc 27}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -75084,7 +75084,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 11d6} fire damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 30 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 11d6} fire damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -75288,7 +75288,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 28" + "90 feet, {@dc 28}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -75318,8 +75318,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Frost} (arcane, cold, evocation); The dragon breathes a cloud of frost in a 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 10d6} cold damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save).", - "{@bold Paralyzing Gas} (arcane, enchantment, incapacitation); The dragon breathes a blast of paralyzing gas. Each creature within a 30-foot cone must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Frost} (arcane, cold, evocation); The dragon breathes a cloud of frost in a 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 10d6} cold damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save).", + "{@bold Paralyzing Gas} (arcane, enchantment, incapacitation); The dragon breathes a blast of paralyzing gas. Each creature within a 30-foot cone must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -75504,7 +75504,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 20" + "90 feet, {@dc 20}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -75539,7 +75539,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a cloud of frost that deals {@damage 7d6} cold damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 24 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a cloud of frost that deals {@damage 7d6} cold damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 24} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -75571,7 +75571,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The dragon slams into the ground. It can do this if it's on the ground or Flying within 10 feet of the ground. Each creature on the ground within 10 feet must succeed at a DC 24 Reflex save or fall {@condition prone} and take {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage. The dragon can then {@action Step}." + "The dragon slams into the ground. It can do this if it's on the ground or Flying within 10 feet of the ground. Each creature on the ground within 10 feet must succeed at a {@dc 24} Reflex save or fall {@condition prone} and take {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage. The dragon can then {@action Step}." ], "name": "Ground Slam" }, @@ -75586,7 +75586,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon reshapes a cube of ice or snow it touches, up to 10 feet across. Any creature standing atop the ice must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or {@skill Acrobatics} check. On a failure, the creature falls {@condition prone} atop the ice; on a critical failure, it falls off the ice entirely and is also {@condition prone}." + "The dragon reshapes a cube of ice or snow it touches, up to 10 feet across. Any creature standing atop the ice must succeed at a {@dc 15} Reflex save or {@skill Acrobatics} check. On a failure, the creature falls {@condition prone} atop the ice; on a critical failure, it falls off the ice entirely and is also {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Shape Ice" } @@ -75794,7 +75794,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 35, {@damage 4d12} bludgeoning damage and dimensional anchor, {@action Escape} DC 32, Rupture 28." + "{@dc 35}, {@damage 4d12} bludgeoning damage and dimensional anchor, {@action Escape} {@dc 32}, Rupture 28." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -75827,7 +75827,7 @@ "earth" ], "entries": [ - "The zaramuun sprays a blast of sand that deals {@damage 11d10} slashing damage to all creatures in a 60-foot line (Reflex DC 38). It can't Sandblast again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The zaramuun sprays a blast of sand that deals {@damage 11d10} slashing damage to all creatures in a 60-foot line (Reflex {@dc 38}). It can't Sandblast again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-b2.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-b2.json index b4941634e5..164546579c 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-b2.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-b2.json @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 30" + "90 feet, {@dc 30}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "The dragon spits a glob of caustic salt water at the creature. The creature takes {@damage 5d6} acid damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). On a failure, the concentrate action is disrupted." + "The dragon spits a glob of caustic salt water at the creature. The creature takes {@damage 5d6} acid damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). On a failure, the concentrate action is disrupted." ], "name": "Brine Spit", "trigger": "A creature the brine dragon observes within 30 feet uses a concentrate action" @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a spray of acidic salt water that deals {@damage 13d6} acid damage in a 100-foot line (DC 32 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a spray of acidic salt water that deals {@damage 13d6} acid damage in a 100-foot line ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 32" + "90 feet, {@dc 32}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a thundercloud that deals {@damage 15d6} electricity damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 35 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a thundercloud that deals {@damage 15d6} electricity damage in a 50-foot cone ({@dc 35} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 30" + "90 feet, {@dc 30}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a flurry of piercing crystals that deal {@damage 12d6} piercing damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 30 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a flurry of piercing crystals that deal {@damage 12d6} piercing damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The dragon embeds transformative crystals in the creature's flesh. The creature must attempt a DC 30 Fortitude save.", + "The dragon embeds transformative crystals in the creature's flesh. The creature must attempt a {@dc 30} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 30" + "90 feet, {@dc 30}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of magma that deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage and {@damage 4d12} bludgeoning damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 33 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a blast of magma that deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage and {@damage 4d12} bludgeoning damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 34" + "90 feet, {@dc 34}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1472,11 +1472,11 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Negative} (necromancy, negative, primal) The dragon breathes a blast of darkness in a 40-foot cone that deals {@damage 16d6} negative damage (DC 36 basic Reflex save). Undead creatures take {@damage 19d6} force damage instead of the negative damage.", + "{@bold Negative} (necromancy, negative, primal) The dragon breathes a blast of darkness in a 40-foot cone that deals {@damage 16d6} negative damage ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save). Undead creatures take {@damage 19d6} force damage instead of the negative damage.", { "type": "item", "entries": [ - "{@bold Shadows} (necromancy, primal, shadow) The dragon breathes a blast of shadows in a 40-foot cone. Each creature within the cone must attempt a DC 36 Fortitude save.", + "{@bold Shadows} (necromancy, primal, shadow) The dragon breathes a blast of shadows in a 40-foot cone. Each creature within the cone must attempt a {@dc 36} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ { "type": "item", "entries": [ - "{@bold Shadows} (necromancy, primal, shadow) The dragon breathes a blast of shadows in a 40-foot cone. Each creature within the cone must attempt a DC 36 Fortitude save.", + "{@bold Shadows} (necromancy, primal, shadow) The dragon breathes a blast of shadows in a 40-foot cone. Each creature within the cone must attempt a {@dc 36} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2102,7 +2102,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+3} bludgeoning, DC 20" + "{@damage 1d8+3} bludgeoning, {@dc 20}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -2117,7 +2117,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the akizendri's bite {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 20 Will save.", + "A creature hit by the akizendri's bite {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The amoeba swarm slithers over each creature in its space, dealing {@damage 1d6} acid damage (DC 14 basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails is {@condition sickened 1}." + "The amoeba swarm slithers over each creature in its space, dealing {@damage 1d6} acid damage ({@dc 14} basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails is {@condition sickened 1}." ], "name": "Swarming Slither" }, @@ -2370,7 +2370,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 25" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -2383,7 +2383,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The anancus sweeps its long tusks back and forth, dealing {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone, who must make a DC 27 basic Reflex save." + "The anancus sweeps its long tusks back and forth, dealing {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone, who must make a {@dc 27} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Tusk Sweep" } @@ -2590,7 +2590,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 36" + "90 feet, {@dc 36}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2603,7 +2603,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "The dragon spits a glob of caustic salt water at the creature. The creature takes {@damage 7d6} acid damage (DC 36 basic Reflex save). On a failure, the concentrate action is disrupted." + "The dragon spits a glob of caustic salt water at the creature. The creature takes {@damage 7d6} acid damage ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save). On a failure, the concentrate action is disrupted." ], "name": "Brine Spit", "trigger": "A creature the brine dragon observes within 30 feet uses a concentrate action" @@ -2621,7 +2621,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a spray of acidic salt water that deals {@damage 18d6} acid damage in a 120-foot line (DC 38 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a spray of acidic salt water that deals {@damage 18d6} acid damage in a 120-foot line ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -2670,7 +2670,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The brine dragon's body is encrusted with salty, acidic crystals.", - "When a target takes damage from one of the dragon's melee {@action Strike||Strikes}, it must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude Save or be {@condition stunned 1} ({@condition stunned 3} on a critical failure). The target then becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "When a target takes damage from one of the dragon's melee {@action Strike||Strikes}, it must succeed at a {@dc 38} Fortitude Save or be {@condition stunned 1} ({@condition stunned 3} on a critical failure). The target then becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Painful Strikes" } @@ -2902,7 +2902,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 40" + "90 feet, {@dc 40}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2934,7 +2934,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a thundercloud that deals {@damage 20d6} electricity damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 41 basic Reflex save). This cloud remains in the area for {@dice 1d4} rounds, with the effects of obscuring mist. A creature that ends its turn inside of the cloud takes {@damage 10d6} electricity damage (DC 41 basic Reflex save). The cloud dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a thundercloud that deals {@damage 20d6} electricity damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save). This cloud remains in the area for {@dice 1d4} rounds, with the effects of obscuring mist. A creature that ends its turn inside of the cloud takes {@damage 10d6} electricity damage ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save). The cloud dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -2977,7 +2977,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "An ancient cloud dragon's jaws {@action Strike} creates a deafening clap of thunder when it damages a foe. A creature that takes damage from the dragon's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or be {@condition deafened} for 1 minute (or permanently on a critical failure)." + "An ancient cloud dragon's jaws {@action Strike} creates a deafening clap of thunder when it damages a foe. A creature that takes damage from the dragon's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 41} Fortitude save or be {@condition deafened} for 1 minute (or permanently on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Thundering Bite" } @@ -3186,7 +3186,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 37" + "90 feet, {@dc 37}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3202,7 +3202,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A swirling vortex of reflected color and light shimmers around the crystal dragon. Creatures in this aura's emanation are {@condition dazzled}. Each creature that ends its turn in the emanation must succeed at a DC 34 Will saving throw or be {@condition stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned 3} on a critical failure). Once a creature succeeds at this save, it is temporarily immune to the stunning effect for 1 minute. The crystal dragon can turn this aura on or off using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, and it can choose not to affect allies." + "30 feet. A swirling vortex of reflected color and light shimmers around the crystal dragon. Creatures in this aura's emanation are {@condition dazzled}. Each creature that ends its turn in the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 34} Will saving throw or be {@condition stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned 3} on a critical failure). Once a creature succeeds at this save, it is temporarily immune to the stunning effect for 1 minute. The crystal dragon can turn this aura on or off using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, and it can choose not to affect allies." ], "name": "Scintillating Aura", "generic": { @@ -3244,7 +3244,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a flurry of piercing crystals that deals {@damage 17d6} piercing damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 38 basic Reflex save)", + "The dragon breathes a flurry of piercing crystals that deals {@damage 17d6} piercing damage in a 50-foot cone ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save)", "They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" @@ -3264,7 +3264,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The dragon embeds transformative crystals in the creature's flesh. The creature must attempt a DC 37 Fortitude save.", + "The dragon embeds transformative crystals in the creature's flesh. The creature must attempt a {@dc 37} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3509,7 +3509,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 37" + "90 feet, {@dc 37}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3540,7 +3540,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of magma that deals {@damage 10d6} fire damage and {@damage 5d12} bludgeoning damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 40 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a blast of magma that deals {@damage 10d6} fire damage and {@damage 5d12} bludgeoning damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -3572,8 +3572,8 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Once per day, the dragon can spit a molten boulder at a target within 120 feet. This deals {@damage 12d6} fire damage and {@damage 5d12} bludgeoning damage, with a DC 42 basic Reflex save. If the creature fails its save, it's encased in magma that instantly cools and has Hardness 10, HP 40, and BT 20.", - "The encased creature can't breathe and is {@condition restrained} ({@action Escape} DC 42)." + "Once per day, the dragon can spit a molten boulder at a target within 120 feet. This deals {@damage 12d6} fire damage and {@damage 5d12} bludgeoning damage, with a {@dc 42} basic Reflex save. If the creature fails its save, it's encased in magma that instantly cools and has Hardness 10, HP 40, and BT 20.", + "The encased creature can't breathe and is {@condition restrained} ({@action Escape} {@dc 42})." ], "name": "Magma Tomb" }, @@ -3820,7 +3820,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 40" + "90 feet, {@dc 40}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3852,11 +3852,11 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Negative} (necromancy, negative, primal) The dragon breathes a blast of darkness in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 21d6} negative damage (DC 42 basic Reflex save). Undead creatures take {@damage 25d6} force damage instead of the negative damage.", + "{@bold Negative} (necromancy, negative, primal) The dragon breathes a blast of darkness in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 21d6} negative damage ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save). Undead creatures take {@damage 25d6} force damage instead of the negative damage.", { "type": "item", "entries": [ - "{@bold Shadows} (necromancy, primal, shadow) The dragon breathes a blast of shadows in a 50-foot cone. Each creature within the cone must attempt a DC 42 Fortitude save.", + "{@bold Shadows} (necromancy, primal, shadow) The dragon breathes a blast of shadows in a 50-foot cone. Each creature within the cone must attempt a {@dc 42} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3895,7 +3895,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the dragon deals negative damage to a living creature with its jaws {@action Strike}, the umbral dragon gains 20 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 2}. Further damage dealt by the dragon's jaws {@action Strike} increases the {@condition enfeebled} condition value by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition enfeebled 4}." + "When the dragon deals negative damage to a living creature with its jaws {@action Strike}, the umbral dragon gains 20 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 41} Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled 2}. Further damage dealt by the dragon's jaws {@action Strike} increases the {@condition enfeebled} condition value by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition enfeebled 4}." ], "name": "Drain Vigor" }, @@ -4278,7 +4278,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "For each action spent to use this ability, the ankou creates one shadowy duplicate of themself anywhere within 60 feet of themself. Shadow doubles have the same statistics as an ankou, but they have the summoned trait, have 84 Hit Points, can't use Shadow Doubles or innate spells, and have an attack bonus of +25 for their {@action Strike||Strikes}. A shadow double that attempts a saving throw against a {@trait light} effect can't get a result better than failure. Each double remains for 1 round, until it's reduced to 0 Hit Points, or until it moves further than 120 feet from the ankou, whichever comes first. Each round thereafter, the ankou can spend a single action that has the {@trait concentrate} trait to extend the duration of surviving duplicates by 1 round, to a maximum duration of 1 minute. The ankou can see through the eyes of all of the shadow doubles at once. A character who Seeks can identify an ankou as real or a shadow double with a successful DC 39 {@skill Perception} check." + "For each action spent to use this ability, the ankou creates one shadowy duplicate of themself anywhere within 60 feet of themself. Shadow doubles have the same statistics as an ankou, but they have the summoned trait, have 84 Hit Points, can't use Shadow Doubles or innate spells, and have an attack bonus of +25 for their {@action Strike||Strikes}. A shadow double that attempts a saving throw against a {@trait light} effect can't get a result better than failure. Each double remains for 1 round, until it's reduced to 0 Hit Points, or until it moves further than 120 feet from the ankou, whichever comes first. Each round thereafter, the ankou can spend a single action that has the {@trait concentrate} trait to extend the duration of surviving duplicates by 1 round, to a maximum duration of 1 minute. The ankou can see through the eyes of all of the shadow doubles at once. A character who Seeks can identify an ankou as real or a shadow double with a successful {@dc 39} {@skill Perception} check." ], "name": "Shadow Doubles" }, @@ -4438,7 +4438,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 40" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 40}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -4456,7 +4456,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The aolaz releases a tremendous blast of sonic energy from its trunk in a 150-foot line, dealing {@damage 12d10} sonic damage. The frequency of this sound is such that it is completely imperceptible to humanoids, but the damage it wreaks is all too evident. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 40 Fortitude save. The aolaz can't use Ultrasonic Blast again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The aolaz releases a tremendous blast of sonic energy from its trunk in a 150-foot line, dealing {@damage 12d10} sonic damage. The frequency of this sound is such that it is completely imperceptible to humanoids, but the damage it wreaks is all too evident. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 40} Fortitude save. The aolaz can't use Ultrasonic Blast again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -4572,7 +4572,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d6} piercing damage (DC 21 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites becomes {@condition clumsy 1} for 1 round. If the creature attempts a concentrate or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check or the action is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d6} piercing damage ({@dc 21} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites becomes {@condition clumsy 1} for 1 round. If the creature attempts a concentrate or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check or the action is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" } @@ -4703,7 +4703,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The assassin vine detects a creature within 20 feet via {@ability tremorsense}", "entries": [ - "The assassin vine causes vegetation within a 20-foot emanation to writhe for 1 round, turning this area into {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}. When a creature starts its turn in this area, it must attempt a DC 20 Reflex save. On a failure, it takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the area, and on a critical failure it is also {@condition immobilized} for 1 round. A creature can attempt to {@action Escape} to remove these effects.", + "The assassin vine causes vegetation within a 20-foot emanation to writhe for 1 round, turning this area into {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}. When a creature starts its turn in this area, it must attempt a {@dc 20} Reflex save. On a failure, it takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the area, and on a critical failure it is also {@condition immobilized} for 1 round. A creature can attempt to {@action Escape} to remove these effects.", "Assassin vines are immune to Grasping Foliage." ], "name": "Grasping Foliage" @@ -4716,7 +4716,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+4} bludgeoning, DC 20" + "{@damage 1d8+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 20}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -5041,7 +5041,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. An attic whisperer enshrouds itself in a tapestry of stolen voices. Each living creature that enters or starts their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 19 Will save or the unnerving, bitter sobs render them distraught and they become {@condition stupefied 1} for as long as they remain within the aura. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 1 hour. The attic whisperer can activate or deactivate the aura with a single free action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "10 feet. An attic whisperer enshrouds itself in a tapestry of stolen voices. Each living creature that enters or starts their turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 19} Will save or the unnerving, bitter sobs render them distraught and they become {@condition stupefied 1} for as long as they remain within the aura. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 1 hour. The attic whisperer can activate or deactivate the aura with a single free action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Aura of Sobs" }, @@ -5066,7 +5066,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The attic whisperer siphons the breath from living creatures, sapping their strength. A living creature hit by a jaws {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save.", + "The attic whisperer siphons the breath from living creatures, sapping their strength. A living creature hit by a jaws {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 21} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -5086,7 +5086,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When an attic whisperer hits a living creature with a bony hand {@action Strike}, it tries to pull the victim's voice into its aura. The victim must attempt a DC 21 Will save.", + "When an attic whisperer hits a living creature with a bony hand {@action Strike}, it tries to pull the victim's voice into its aura. The victim must attempt a {@dc 21} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -5277,7 +5277,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The augnagar's writhing limbs and flesh seethe and squirm in a disorienting and unsettling manner. Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 34 Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Confusing Displays for 1 minute.", + "The augnagar's writhing limbs and flesh seethe and squirm in a disorienting and unsettling manner. Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 34} Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Confusing Displays for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -5300,7 +5300,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Frequency once per day; The augnagar inhales sharply, drawing life force out of creatures in a 50-foot cone. Creatures in the area take {@damage 14d6} negative damage (DC 34 basic Fortitude save, and the creature is {@condition fatigued} on a failure). The augnagar becomes {@condition quickened} for 1 round on its next turn, and it can use the extra action only to {@action Stride} or {@action Strike}." + "Frequency once per day; The augnagar inhales sharply, drawing life force out of creatures in a 50-foot cone. Creatures in the area take {@damage 14d6} negative damage ({@dc 34} basic Fortitude save, and the creature is {@condition fatigued} on a failure). The augnagar becomes {@condition quickened} for 1 round on its next turn, and it can use the extra action only to {@action Stride} or {@action Strike}." ], "name": "Inhale Vitality" }, @@ -5526,7 +5526,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it feels the sharp barbs of the augur's blades on its skin. The creature must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure)." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it feels the sharp barbs of the augur's blades on its skin. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 17} Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Feel the Blades" } @@ -5556,7 +5556,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The augur Flies or {@action Stride||Strides}, whirling as they move. The augur deals the damage of their blade {@action Strike} to each creature whose space they enter (DC 16 basic Reflex save). Each creature is affected only once, even if the augur moves through its space multiple times." + "The augur Flies or {@action Stride||Strides}, whirling as they move. The augur deals the damage of their blade {@action Strike} to each creature whose space they enter ({@dc 16} basic Reflex save). Each creature is affected only once, even if the augur moves through its space multiple times." ], "name": "Whirling Slice" } @@ -5970,7 +5970,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d12+4} bludgeoning, DC 22" + "{@damage 1d12+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 22}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -5989,7 +5989,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "As {@ability Change Shape}, but an azuretzi can assume the specific form of a Medium or smaller creature it {@action Seek||Seeks} with a successful DC 25." + "As {@ability Change Shape}, but an azuretzi can assume the specific form of a Medium or smaller creature it {@action Seek||Seeks} with a successful {@dc 25}." ], "name": "Mimic Form" }, @@ -6227,7 +6227,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature within the babau's reach successfully hits the babau with a {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The babau excretes a gout of acidic, bloodlike slime against the attacker and its weapon. The attacker must attempt a DC 24 Reflex save.", + "The babau excretes a gout of acidic, bloodlike slime against the attacker and its weapon. The attacker must attempt a {@dc 24} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -6503,7 +6503,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The baobhan sith sways rhythmically and {@action Stride||Strides} up to their Speed.", - "Each creature within 30 feet of the baobhan sith at the end of their movement must attempt a DC 25 Will save.", + "Each creature within 30 feet of the baobhan sith at the end of their movement must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -6542,7 +6542,7 @@ }, "requirements": "A bleeding creature is within the baobhan sith's reach", "entries": [ - "The baobhan sith tries to Drink the Blood from the bleeding creature's wounds. The baobhan sith attempts an {@skill Athletics} check against the victim's Fortitude DC. On a success, the victim becomes {@condition drained 1} and the baobhan sith regains 10 HP, gaining any Hit Points in excess of their maximum Hit Points as temporary Hit Points. Drinking Blood from a victim that's already {@condition drained} doesn't restore any Hit Points to the baobhan sith but increases the victim's {@condition drained} value by 1. A victim's {@condition drained} condition decreases by 1 per week. A blood transfusion, which requires 10 minutes, a successful DC 20 {@skill Medicine} check, and sufficient blood or a blood donor, reduces the {@condition drained} value by 1." + "The baobhan sith tries to Drink the Blood from the bleeding creature's wounds. The baobhan sith attempts an {@skill Athletics} check against the victim's Fortitude DC. On a success, the victim becomes {@condition drained 1} and the baobhan sith regains 10 HP, gaining any Hit Points in excess of their maximum Hit Points as temporary Hit Points. Drinking Blood from a victim that's already {@condition drained} doesn't restore any Hit Points to the baobhan sith but increases the victim's {@condition drained} value by 1. A victim's {@condition drained} condition decreases by 1 per week. A blood transfusion, which requires 10 minutes, a successful {@dc 20} {@skill Medicine} check, and sufficient blood or a blood donor, reduces the {@condition drained} value by 1." ], "name": "Drink Blood" } @@ -6685,7 +6685,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The basidirond releases a cloud of {@condition invisible} spores in a 20-foot emanation.", - "Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or experience powerful hallucinations as long as it remains in the cloud, plus an additional {@dice 1d4} rounds after leaving the area. A creature must attempt a new save each round it remains within the area. The cloud persists for 5 rounds unless dispersed before then by a strong wind. Each hallucinating creature rolls {@dice 1d6} each round to determine what it hallucinates that round.", + "Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or experience powerful hallucinations as long as it remains in the cloud, plus an additional {@dice 1d4} rounds after leaving the area. A creature must attempt a new save each round it remains within the area. The cloud persists for 5 rounds unless dispersed before then by a strong wind. Each hallucinating creature rolls {@dice 1d6} each round to determine what it hallucinates that round.", "1 The target is sinking in quicksand. It falls {@condition prone} and spends 1 action on its next turn flailing its limbs as if attempting to swim.", "2 The target is attacked by a swarm of spiders. It spends 2 actions on its next turn attacking the floor with a melee weapon (drawing a weapon if needed). It is {@condition flat-footed} against all attacks.", "3 An item the target is holding turns into a viper. The target Releases the item and spends its next turn {@condition fleeing} from it.", @@ -6947,7 +6947,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "The bastion archon releases a blinding beam of holy light in a 500-foot line that deals {@damage 20d6} good damage to non-archons in the area, with a DC 38 Reflex save. The bastion archon can't use Holy Beam again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The bastion archon releases a blinding beam of holy light in a 500-foot line that deals {@damage 20d6} good damage to non-archons in the area, with a {@dc 38} Reflex save. The bastion archon can't use Holy Beam again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -7168,7 +7168,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the bebilith's web {@action Strike} is {@condition restrained} and tethered to the bebilith, preventing it from moving further away from the bebilith. The {@condition restrained} creature is also under the effects of a {@spell dimensional anchor} spell (DC 29) with a duration that lasts as long as the creature remains tethered. The bebilith can have only one creature tethered at a time. The DC to {@action Escape} or {@action Force Open} the tether is 29. The tether can be severed with a {@action Strike} (AC 20, Hardness 2, HP 20); this ends the dimensional anchor effect but does not free the {@condition restrained} creature." + "A creature hit by the bebilith's web {@action Strike} is {@condition restrained} and tethered to the bebilith, preventing it from moving further away from the bebilith. The {@condition restrained} creature is also under the effects of a {@spell dimensional anchor} spell ({@dc 29}) with a duration that lasts as long as the creature remains tethered. The bebilith can have only one creature tethered at a time. The DC to {@action Escape} or {@action Force Open} the tether is 29. The tether can be severed with a {@action Strike} (AC 20, Hardness 2, HP 20); this ends the dimensional anchor effect but does not free the {@condition restrained} creature." ], "name": "Dimensional Tether" }, @@ -7315,7 +7315,7 @@ "attack" ], "entries": [ - "As hippopotamus (DC 30 for a Huge vessel)." + "As hippopotamus ({@dc 30} for a Huge vessel)." ], "name": "Capsize" }, @@ -7354,7 +7354,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 29" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -7490,7 +7490,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The behir breathes lightning that deals {@damage 9d6} electricity damage in an 60-foot line (DC 27 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The behir breathes lightning that deals {@damage 9d6} electricity damage in an 60-foot line ({@dc 27} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -7512,7 +7512,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d6+7} bludgeoning, DC 27" + "{@damage 2d6+7} bludgeoning, {@dc 27}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -7682,7 +7682,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The belker occupies the same space as a Medium or smaller creature", "entries": [ - "The belker attempts to flow into the creature's lungs; the creature must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature partially inhales the belker and is {@condition immobilized} by the pain of the smoke rasping in its throat and lungs. The creature can attempt to exhale the belker by spending an action coughing and succeeding at a DC 23 Fortitude save. Most of the belker remains outside the creature, so the belker can still act normally. If the belker moves out of the creature's space or uses Noxious Fumes again, the creature automatically exhales it." + "The belker attempts to flow into the creature's lungs; the creature must attempt a {@dc 23} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature partially inhales the belker and is {@condition immobilized} by the pain of the smoke rasping in its throat and lungs. The creature can attempt to exhale the belker by spending an action coughing and succeeding at a {@dc 23} Fortitude save. Most of the belker remains outside the creature, so the belker can still act normally. If the belker moves out of the creature's space or uses Noxious Fumes again, the creature automatically exhales it." ], "name": "Noxious Fumes" }, @@ -7936,7 +7936,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d12+12} bludgeoning, DC 36" + "{@damage 2d12+12} bludgeoning, {@dc 36}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -8056,7 +8056,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "Bright light shines from the blindheim's eyes in a 30-foot emanation (also creating dim light to 60 feet). Each creature in the bright light when the blindheim uses this action, or who enters it while the light continues, must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save. It is then temporarily immune for 1 hour. This light remains until the blindheim dims its eyes by using this action again.", + "Bright light shines from the blindheim's eyes in a 30-foot emanation (also creating dim light to 60 feet). Each creature in the bright light when the blindheim uses this action, or who enters it while the light continues, must attempt a {@dc 18} Fortitude save. It is then temporarily immune for 1 hour. This light remains until the blindheim dims its eyes by using this action again.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -8312,7 +8312,7 @@ }, "trigger": "An enemy hits the blizzardborn with an attack that deals physical damage", "entries": [ - "A portion of the blizzardborn's body shatters into an explosion of razor sharp ice crystals and blinding snow that deals {@damage 2d6} piercing damage to opponents in a 5-foot emanation (DC 24 basic Reflex save). Anyone who fails is also {@condition blinded} for 1 round (or 3 rounds on a critical failure)." + "A portion of the blizzardborn's body shatters into an explosion of razor sharp ice crystals and blinding snow that deals {@damage 2d6} piercing damage to opponents in a 5-foot emanation ({@dc 24} basic Reflex save). Anyone who fails is also {@condition blinded} for 1 round (or 3 rounds on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Shattering Ice" } @@ -8528,7 +8528,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "A blodeuwedd exudes a 30-foot aura of pollen and irritating allergens. A non-plant living creature that begins its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 2}. A creature that succeeds at its save is then temporarily immune to the allergen aura for 24 hours. A blodeuwedd can suppress this aura or activate it again as a free action." + "A blodeuwedd exudes a 30-foot aura of pollen and irritating allergens. A non-plant living creature that begins its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 2}. A creature that succeeds at its save is then temporarily immune to the allergen aura for 24 hours. A blodeuwedd can suppress this aura or activate it again as a free action." ], "name": "Allergen Aura" }, @@ -8841,7 +8841,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A living creature within 30 feet that the bodak can perceive with its lifesense starts its turn", "entries": [ - "The target must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. If it fails, the bodak regains 5 Hit Points and the target becomes {@condition drained 1}." + "The target must attempt a {@dc 23} Fortitude save. If it fails, the bodak regains 5 Hit Points and the target becomes {@condition drained 1}." ], "name": "Draining Glance" } @@ -8869,7 +8869,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The bodak stares at a living creature within 30 feet that it can sense with its lifesense. That creature must attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save. If the target becomes {@condition drained}, the bodak gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to 5 times the value of the {@condition drained} condition the target gained. Multiple exposures to this ability can increase a creature's {@condition drained} condition to a maximum of 4. If the bodak is destroyed, any {@condition doomed} condition a creature has gained from Death Gaze are removed.", + "The bodak stares at a living creature within 30 feet that it can sense with its lifesense. That creature must attempt a {@dc 26} Fortitude save. If the target becomes {@condition drained}, the bodak gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to 5 times the value of the {@condition drained} condition the target gained. Multiple exposures to this ability can increase a creature's {@condition drained} condition to a maximum of 4. If the bodak is destroyed, any {@condition doomed} condition a creature has gained from Death Gaze are removed.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -9000,7 +9000,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "30 feet.", - "A creature that begins its turn within the area feels as if its lungs were filling with water and must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or be unable to speak or breathe. The creature can still hold its breath and can attempt a new saving throw at the end of its turn. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune to breath of the bog for 24 hours." + "A creature that begins its turn within the area feels as if its lungs were filling with water and must succeed at a {@dc 19} Fortitude save or be unable to speak or breathe. The creature can still hold its breath and can attempt a new saving throw at the end of its turn. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune to breath of the bog for 24 hours." ], "name": "Breath of the Bog" }, @@ -9623,7 +9623,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The bottlenose dolphin Swims twice and then makes a snout {@action Strike}. As long as it moved at least 20 feet, it gains a +1 circumstance bonus to its attack roll. A Large or smaller creature hit by this attack must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round." + "The bottlenose dolphin Swims twice and then makes a snout {@action Strike}. As long as it moved at least 20 feet, it gains a +1 circumstance bonus to its attack roll. A Large or smaller creature hit by this attack must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round." ], "name": "Ramming Speed" } @@ -9826,7 +9826,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The bralani generates a 20-foot line of scouring wind that deals {@damage 7d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 24 basic Reflex save)", + "The bralani generates a 20-foot line of scouring wind that deals {@damage 7d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 24} basic Reflex save)", "It can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Whirlwind Blast" @@ -10123,7 +10123,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Bluff, it targets a single creature within 30 feet; that creature must attempt a DC 17 Will save. The target is temporarily immune to Baffling Bluff for 1 minute.", + "Bluff, it targets a single creature within 30 feet; that creature must attempt a {@dc 17} Will save. The target is temporarily immune to Baffling Bluff for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -10311,7 +10311,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that ends its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 34 Will save. If it fails, it's {@condition confused} for 1 round (or {@dice 1d4} rounds on a critical failure)." + "30 feet. A creature that ends its turn in the aura must attempt a {@dc 34} Will save. If it fails, it's {@condition confused} for 1 round (or {@dice 1d4} rounds on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Confusing Gaze" }, @@ -10345,7 +10345,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The bythos make two fist {@action Strike||Strikes} against a single target. If both {@action Strike||Strikes} hit, the target attempts a DC 37 Fortitude save. Creatures that don't get weaker with age or don't age are immune (GM's discretion). If a creature becomes {@condition clumsy 4}, {@condition drained 4}, and {@condition enfeebled 4} due to Aging {@action Strike||Strikes}, it dies of old age.", + "The bythos make two fist {@action Strike||Strikes} against a single target. If both {@action Strike||Strikes} hit, the target attempts a {@dc 37} Fortitude save. Creatures that don't get weaker with age or don't age are immune (GM's discretion). If a creature becomes {@condition clumsy 4}, {@condition drained 4}, and {@condition enfeebled 4} due to Aging {@action Strike||Strikes}, it dies of old age.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -10392,7 +10392,7 @@ "teleportation" ], "entries": [ - "The bythos touches a creature or object to displace it from time. The target attempts a DC 37 Fortitude save.", + "The bythos touches a creature or object to displace it from time. The target attempts a {@dc 37} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -10577,7 +10577,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays a cairn linnorm, it must succeed at a DC 44 Will save or become permanently {@condition enfeebled 2}.", + "When a creature slays a cairn linnorm, it must succeed at a {@dc 44} Will save or become permanently {@condition enfeebled 2}.", "In addition, the victim ages at an accelerated rate, aging 1 year every day, eventually causing it to die of old age if the curse is left untended." ], "name": "Curse of the Crooked Cane" @@ -10618,8 +10618,8 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The cairn linnorm expels a 60-foot cone of negative energy\u2013infused acid, dealing {@damage 19d6} acid damage to creatures in the area (DC 40 basic Reflex save)", - "The acid also saps the life out of affected creatures. At the beginning of the linnorm's next turn, each creature that failed the Reflex save must succeed at a DC 40 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} ({@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). The cairn linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The cairn linnorm expels a 60-foot cone of negative energy\u2013infused acid, dealing {@damage 19d6} acid damage to creatures in the area ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save)", + "The acid also saps the life out of affected creatures. At the beginning of the linnorm's next turn, each creature that failed the Reflex save must succeed at a {@dc 40} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} ({@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). The cairn linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -10800,7 +10800,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the cairn wight damages a living creature with a melee {@action Strike}, using an unarmed attack or its bound weapon, the cairn wight gains 5 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the cairn wraith increases the {@condition drained} condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When the cairn wight damages a living creature with a melee {@action Strike}, using an unarmed attack or its bound weapon, the cairn wight gains 5 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the cairn wraith increases the {@condition drained} condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -10818,7 +10818,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The cairn wight chants a low, haunting melody. Living creatures within 50 feet must attempt a DC 21 Will save. The cairn wight can't chant a new Funereal Dirge for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The cairn wight chants a low, haunting melody. Living creatures within 50 feet must attempt a {@dc 21} Will save. The cairn wight can't chant a new Funereal Dirge for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -10967,7 +10967,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The calathgar expels thorny, frozen seeds in a 15-foot cone, dealing {@damage 1d6} piercing and {@damage 4d6} cold damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). In mild cold or colder environments (Core Rulebook 518), these seeds cling to living creatures they strike, dealing {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage}. The calathgar can't use Seed Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The calathgar expels thorny, frozen seeds in a 15-foot cone, dealing {@damage 1d6} piercing and {@damage 4d6} cold damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). In mild cold or colder environments (Core Rulebook 518), these seeds cling to living creatures they strike, dealing {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage}. The calathgar can't use Seed Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Seed Spray" } @@ -11145,7 +11145,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "When the caligni slayer dies, their body implodes violently into nothingness, dealing {@damage 3d10} sonic damage to creatures in a 10-foot burst. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. The slayer's gear and treasure are unaffected by the implosion and are left in a pile where they died.", + "When the caligni slayer dies, their body implodes violently into nothingness, dealing {@damage 3d10} sonic damage to creatures in a 10-foot burst. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 20} Fortitude save. The slayer's gear and treasure are unaffected by the implosion and are left in a pile where they died.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -11374,7 +11374,7 @@ "number": 3 }, "entries": [ - "The carbuncle concentrates on a creature it can see and tries to manipulate that creature. The target must attempt a DC 18 Will save. The target then becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours.", + "The carbuncle concentrates on a creature it can see and tries to manipulate that creature. The target must attempt a {@dc 18} Will save. The target then becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -11511,7 +11511,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A carnivorous blob's acid damages only flesh\u2014not bone, stone, wood, or other materials\u2014 but is nonetheless devastating. Whenever a creature takes damage from this acid, it must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} ({@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). On each subsequent failure, the {@condition drained} condition value increases by 1 (or by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "A carnivorous blob's acid damages only flesh\u2014not bone, stone, wood, or other materials\u2014 but is nonetheless devastating. Whenever a creature takes damage from this acid, it must succeed at a {@dc 33} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} ({@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). On each subsequent failure, the {@condition drained} condition value increases by 1 (or by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Carnivorous Blob Acid" }, @@ -11521,7 +11521,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d12} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d6} acid, DC 33" + "{@damage 2d12} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d6} acid, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -11534,7 +11534,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 33, {@damage 4d10} acid, {@action Escape} DC 33, Rupture 20." + "{@dc 33}, {@damage 4d10} acid, {@action Escape} {@dc 33}, Rupture 20." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -11672,13 +11672,13 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "40 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "40 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 19} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" }, { "entries": [ - "Casting a {@spell gentle repose} spell on a carrion golem causes it to grow stiff. The golem attempts a DC 19 Fortitude save. It's unaffected on a critical success, {@condition slowed 1} for {@dice 1d4} rounds on a success, and on a failure is {@condition immobilized} and {@condition slowed} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Casting a {@spell gentle repose} spell on a carrion golem causes it to grow stiff. The golem attempts a {@dc 19} Fortitude save. It's unaffected on a critical success, {@condition slowed 1} for {@dice 1d4} rounds on a success, and on a failure is {@condition immobilized} and {@condition slowed} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Vulnerable to Gentle Repose" } @@ -11864,7 +11864,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as itʼs {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as itʼs {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -11893,7 +11893,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The catoblepas breathes a 60-foot cone of horrid fumes, dealing {@damage 13d6} poison damage (DC 32 basic Fortitude save). The area of this cone is reduced to 30 feet underwater. Targets that fail their saving throw also become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The catoblepas can't use its Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The catoblepas breathes a 60-foot cone of horrid fumes, dealing {@damage 13d6} poison damage ({@dc 32} basic Fortitude save). The area of this cone is reduced to 30 feet underwater. Targets that fail their saving throw also become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The catoblepas can't use its Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -11903,7 +11903,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 32" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 32}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -12093,7 +12093,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that begins its turn within the area must attempt a DC 18 Will save.", + "30 feet. A creature that begins its turn within the area must attempt a {@dc 18} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -12120,7 +12120,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The catrina telepathically compels a creature within 30 feet to approach and allow the catrina to kiss them, in preparation for using Kiss of Death. The target must attempt a DC 22 Will save.", + "The catrina telepathically compels a creature within 30 feet to approach and allow the catrina to kiss them, in preparation for using Kiss of Death. The target must attempt a {@dc 22} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -12777,7 +12777,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A lawful or good creature that begins its turn in this aura's emanation must attempt a DC 29 Will save or become {@condition sickened 1} (lawful good creatures instead become {@condition sickened 2})", + "30 feet. A lawful or good creature that begins its turn in this aura's emanation must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save or become {@condition sickened 1} (lawful good creatures instead become {@condition sickened 2})", "Boiled by Light A chernobue takes {@dice 2d10} points of fire damage each time it starts its turn in an area of bright light." ], "name": "Aura of Order's Ruin" @@ -12789,7 +12789,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature within 30 feet suffers the effects from stage 2 of rupturing venom", "entries": [ - "The chernobue calls out telepathically to the semi-alive toxin, causing it to burst out of the target's body and slither through the air to drain back into one of the chernobue's mouths. The poisoned creature takes {@damage 7d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 32 basic Fortitude save) as the venom exits its body, but is thereafter cured of rupturing venom, and the chernobue regains an equal number of Hit Points." + "The chernobue calls out telepathically to the semi-alive toxin, causing it to burst out of the target's body and slither through the air to drain back into one of the chernobue's mouths. The poisoned creature takes {@damage 7d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 32} basic Fortitude save) as the venom exits its body, but is thereafter cured of rupturing venom, and the chernobue regains an equal number of Hit Points." ], "name": "Recall Venom" } @@ -12811,7 +12811,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The chernobue's eye pulses and its lid peels back to reveal mind-bending awfulness. Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 32 Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Paralyzing Displays for 1 minute.", + "The chernobue's eye pulses and its lid peels back to reveal mind-bending awfulness. Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Paralyzing Displays for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -12979,7 +12979,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d6+3} bludgeoning, DC 19" + "{@damage 1d6+3} bludgeoning, {@dc 19}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -13193,7 +13193,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d8} piercing damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save)." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d8} piercing damage ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" }, @@ -13799,7 +13799,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, DC 34" + "10 feet, {@dc 34}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -13825,7 +13825,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The cornugon's last action was a success with a {@i spiked chain} {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The devil pulls the creature 5 feet closer and grabs it with the spiked chain ({@action Escape} DC 42). The creature is automatically freed if the devil makes another {@i spiked chain} attack or moves away." + "The devil pulls the creature 5 feet closer and grabs it with the spiked chain ({@action Escape} {@dc 42}). The creature is automatically freed if the devil makes another {@i spiked chain} attack or moves away." ], "name": "Chain of Malebolge" }, @@ -13836,7 +13836,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "A cornugon's tail {@action Strike} deals {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}.", - "The DC of the flat check to stop the bleeding starts at 20 and is reduced to 15 only if someone successfully assists. The DC to {@action Administer First Aid} to a creature with an infernal wound increases by 10. A spellcaster or item using healing magic on an infernally {@condition wounded} creature must succeed at a DC 34 counteract check or the magic fails to heal the creature." + "The DC of the flat check to stop the bleeding starts at 20 and is reduced to 15 only if someone successfully assists. The DC to {@action Administer First Aid} to a creature with an infernal wound increases by 10. A spellcaster or item using healing magic on an infernally {@condition wounded} creature must succeed at a {@dc 34} counteract check or the magic fails to heal the creature." ], "name": "Infernal Wound" }, @@ -13845,7 +13845,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "If the cornugon critically hits with its {@i spiked chain} {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned} for 1 round ({@dice 1d4} rounds on a critical failure)." + "If the cornugon critically hits with its {@i spiked chain} {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned} for 1 round ({@dice 1d4} rounds on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Stunning Chain" } @@ -14135,7 +14135,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature struck by the culdewen's fish hook is skewered, taking {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} as long as the hook remains stuck in it. The fish hook can be removed only if a creature spends an {@action Interact} action and succeeds at a DC 25 {@skill Athletics} check to pull it free." + "A creature struck by the culdewen's fish hook is skewered, taking {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} as long as the hook remains stuck in it. The fish hook can be removed only if a creature spends an {@action Interact} action and succeeds at a {@dc 25} {@skill Athletics} check to pull it free." ], "name": "Hooked" }, @@ -14175,7 +14175,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The culdewen unleashes a string of invectives. Each creature that hears them must attempt a DC 25 Will save, with the effects of mariner's curse and is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. Even on a failed save, the curse ends automatically after 1 day." + "The culdewen unleashes a string of invectives. Each creature that hears them must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save, with the effects of mariner's curse and is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. Even on a failed save, the curse ends automatically after 1 day." ], "name": "Swear" } @@ -14341,7 +14341,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The cythnigot presents its awful appearance fully, and creatures in a 10-foot emanation must attempt a DC 17 Will save. Once a creature attempts this save, it's temporarily immune to further Sickening Displays for 1 minute.", + "The cythnigot presents its awful appearance fully, and creatures in a 10-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 17} Will save. Once a creature attempts this save, it's temporarily immune to further Sickening Displays for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -14531,7 +14531,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The d'ziriak causes its body to flare with intense colorful light. Non-d'ziriaks in a 20-foot emanation must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. After using this ability, the d'ziriak loses its glow for 24 hours; during this time it can't use." + "The d'ziriak causes its body to flare with intense colorful light. Non-d'ziriaks in a 20-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 20} Fortitude save. After using this ability, the d'ziriak loses its glow for 24 hours; during this time it can't use." ], "name": "Dazzling Burst" }, @@ -14792,7 +14792,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature that takes damage from a denizen's bite must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or become {@condition clumsy 1}. Each time a target fails an additional save against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition clumsy 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." + "A creature that takes damage from a denizen's bite must succeed at a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or become {@condition clumsy 1}. Each time a target fails an additional save against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition clumsy 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." ], "name": "Debilitating Bite" }, @@ -15000,7 +15000,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "A non-evil target must succeed at a DC 32 Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round, or 1 minute on a critical failure. It is temporarily immune for 10 minutes." + "A non-evil target must succeed at a {@dc 32} Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round, or 1 minute on a critical failure. It is temporarily immune for 10 minutes." ], "name": "Derghodaemon's Stare" }, @@ -15033,7 +15033,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The derghodaemon spews a large swarm, making a swarm spit {@action Strike} against up to two adjacent targets within range. Whether or not the targets are hit, each must attempt a DC 31 Reflex save (at a \u20132 circumstance penalty if it was actually hit by the swarm spit). {@condition persistent damage} caused by the swarming infestation ends as soon as the creature takes any amount of damage from an area effect. The derghodaemon can't use this ability for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The derghodaemon spews a large swarm, making a swarm spit {@action Strike} against up to two adjacent targets within range. Whether or not the targets are hit, each must attempt a {@dc 31} Reflex save (at a \u20132 circumstance penalty if it was actually hit by the swarm spit). {@condition persistent damage} caused by the swarming infestation ends as soon as the creature takes any amount of damage from an area effect. The derghodaemon can't use this ability for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -15172,7 +15172,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The destrachan emits a harsh sonic cry that deals {@damage 9d6} sonic damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save) in either a 60-foot cone or a 30-foot burst. It can't use Destructive Harmonics again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The destrachan emits a harsh sonic cry that deals {@damage 9d6} sonic damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save) in either a 60-foot cone or a 30-foot burst. It can't use Destructive Harmonics again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Destructive Harmonics" }, @@ -15188,7 +15188,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The destrachan emits a sonic cry in either a 60-foot cone or a 30-foot burst. This discordant ululation resonates along the nerves and bones of living creatures in the area, manifesting as waves of incapacitating pain washing over the victims. Each living creature in the area must attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save. The destrachan can't use Painful Harmonics again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The destrachan emits a sonic cry in either a 60-foot cone or a 30-foot burst. This discordant ululation resonates along the nerves and bones of living creatures in the area, manifesting as waves of incapacitating pain washing over the victims. Each living creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 26} Fortitude save. The destrachan can't use Painful Harmonics again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -15212,7 +15212,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The destrachan focuses its harmonics against a single item within 60 feet that is made of crystal, metal, stone, or wood. The target object takes {@damage 7d8} sonic damage. If the item is attended, its bearer can attempt a DC 26 basic Reflex save for the item. The destrachan can't use Shattering Harmonics again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The destrachan focuses its harmonics against a single item within 60 feet that is made of crystal, metal, stone, or wood. The target object takes {@damage 7d8} sonic damage. If the item is attended, its bearer can attempt a {@dc 26} basic Reflex save for the item. The destrachan can't use Shattering Harmonics again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Shattering Harmonics" } @@ -15414,7 +15414,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The devourer touches a creature within reach, dealing {@damage 8d6} negative damage (DC 31 basic Fortitude save). If a creature is slain by this attack, its soul becomes trapped within the devourer. While its soul is trapped, a creature can't be resurrected except by powerful magic such as a {@spell wish} spell. Destroying the devourer or successfully counteracting Devour Soul (see Spell Deflection above) releases the soul. The devourer can hold only one soul at a time. A soul has 5 soul charges per level of the originating creature (see Soul Spells below). The devourer can expend these charges to cast spells. If the soul is freed and the creature returns to life, the creature is {@condition drained 1} for every 5 soul charges expended. If reduced to 0 soul charges, the soul is consumed and can be restored to life only by powerful magic such as {@spell wish}." + "The devourer touches a creature within reach, dealing {@damage 8d6} negative damage ({@dc 31} basic Fortitude save). If a creature is slain by this attack, its soul becomes trapped within the devourer. While its soul is trapped, a creature can't be resurrected except by powerful magic such as a {@spell wish} spell. Destroying the devourer or successfully counteracting Devour Soul (see Spell Deflection above) releases the soul. The devourer can hold only one soul at a time. A soul has 5 soul charges per level of the originating creature (see Soul Spells below). The devourer can expend these charges to cast spells. If the soul is freed and the creature returns to life, the creature is {@condition drained 1} for every 5 soul charges expended. If reduced to 0 soul charges, the soul is consumed and can be restored to life only by powerful magic such as {@spell wish}." ], "name": "Devour Soul" }, @@ -15424,7 +15424,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the devourer damages a living creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the devourer gains 10 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the devourer increases the condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When the devourer damages a living creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the devourer gains 10 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 24} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the devourer increases the condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -15562,7 +15562,7 @@ "top": [ { "entries": [ - "A dig-widget's face consists of a set of infiltrator thieves' tools. They can be salvaged from a destroyed dig-widget with a successful DC 20 {@skill Crafting} check. On a failed check, the tools are destroyed." + "A dig-widget's face consists of a set of infiltrator thieves' tools. They can be salvaged from a destroyed dig-widget with a successful {@dc 20} {@skill Crafting} check. On a failed check, the tools are destroyed." ], "name": "Infiltration Tools" } @@ -15721,7 +15721,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "A doprillu's unique wooden mask is the source of its power. A doprillu deprived of its mask loses its regeneration and its immunity to {@condition enfeebled} and {@condition slowed}, and it immediately becomes {@condition enfeebled 1}. The {@condition enfeebled} value increases by 1 at the start of each of the doprillu's turns, to a maximum of {@condition enfeebled 4}. If the mask is put back on, the doprillu immediately regains its abilities and loses the {@condition enfeebled} condition. A creature can pull off the mask with a successful DC 34 {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Force Open}." + "A doprillu's unique wooden mask is the source of its power. A doprillu deprived of its mask loses its regeneration and its immunity to {@condition enfeebled} and {@condition slowed}, and it immediately becomes {@condition enfeebled 1}. The {@condition enfeebled} value increases by 1 at the start of each of the doprillu's turns, to a maximum of {@condition enfeebled 4}. If the mask is put back on, the doprillu immediately regains its abilities and loses the {@condition enfeebled} condition. A creature can pull off the mask with a successful {@dc 34} {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Force Open}." ], "name": "Mask of Power" }, @@ -15903,7 +15903,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A creature within 30 feet that the dracolisk can see starts its turn", "entries": [ - "The target must attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute as its body stiffens." + "The target must attempt a {@dc 26} Fortitude save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute as its body stiffens." ], "name": "Petrifying Glance" } @@ -15919,7 +15919,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dracolisk breathes a gout of energy based on its draconic heritage, as noted below. This breath weapon deals {@dice 6d10} damage of the appropriate type, with a DC 28 basic save of a type indicated in parenthesis below. The dracolisk can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dracolisk breathes a gout of energy based on its draconic heritage, as noted below. This breath weapon deals {@dice 6d10} damage of the appropriate type, with a {@dc 28} basic save of a type indicated in parenthesis below. The dracolisk can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -15981,7 +15981,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The dracolisk stares at a creature it can see within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a DC 28 Fortitude save. If it fails and has not already been {@condition slowed} by Petrifying Glance or this ability, it becomes {@condition slowed 1}. If the creature already was {@condition slowed} by this ability or Petrifying Glance, a failed save causes the creature to be {@condition petrified} permanently.", + "The dracolisk stares at a creature it can see within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a {@dc 28} Fortitude save. If it fails and has not already been {@condition slowed} by Petrifying Glance or this ability, it becomes {@condition slowed 1}. If the creature already was {@condition slowed} by this ability or Petrifying Glance, a failed save causes the creature to be {@condition petrified} permanently.", "A creature {@condition petrified} in this manner can be instantly restored to flesh by being coated (not just splashed) with fresh dracolisk or basilisk blood no more than 1 hour old. A single dracolisk contains enough blood to coat {@dice 1d4+2} Medium creatures in this manner." ], "name": "Petrifying Gaze" @@ -16145,7 +16145,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The drainberry bush has at least one living creature {@condition grabbed} with one of its vines", "entries": [ - "The bush's hollow thorns siphon blood from creatures it has {@condition grabbed}. Each creature must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or take {@dice 2d8+10} damage and become {@condition drained 1} (double damage and {@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). For every creature damaged this way, a cluster of blood berries (see above) immediately grows along the bush's branches." + "The bush's hollow thorns siphon blood from creatures it has {@condition grabbed}. Each creature must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save or take {@dice 2d8+10} damage and become {@condition drained 1} (double damage and {@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). For every creature damaged this way, a cluster of blood berries (see above) immediately grows along the bush's branches." ], "name": "Drain Blood" }, @@ -16291,7 +16291,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "A draugr's attacks spatter their targets with rancid flesh and rotting seaweed.", - "A creature damaged by a draugr's {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "A creature damaged by a draugr's {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 15} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Grotesque Gift" }, @@ -16427,7 +16427,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature entering the aura must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. It recovers after it has been out of the aura for 1 minute. This {@condition drained} condition value is cumulative with the {@condition drained} value caused by drain life, but not with multiple draining presence auras. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to draining presence for 24 hours." + "10 feet. A creature entering the aura must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. It recovers after it has been out of the aura for 1 minute. This {@condition drained} condition value is cumulative with the {@condition drained} value caused by drain life, but not with multiple draining presence auras. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to draining presence for 24 hours." ], "name": "Draining Presence" }, @@ -16455,7 +16455,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The dread wraith extends its hand toward another wraith creature within 100 feet. The target wraith dissolves and streaks toward the dread wraith in a straight line, dealing {@damage 6d10} negative damage to each creature along the line (DC 28 basic Fortitude save). The dread wraith absorbs the essence of the target wraith, becoming {@condition quickened} and gaining a +10-foot status bonus to its fly Speed for a number of rounds equal to the level of the absorbed wraith. It can use its extra action only to {@action Fly} or {@action Strike}. An unwilling target can attempt a DC 28 Will save to resist being absorbed." + "The dread wraith extends its hand toward another wraith creature within 100 feet. The target wraith dissolves and streaks toward the dread wraith in a straight line, dealing {@damage 6d10} negative damage to each creature along the line ({@dc 28} basic Fortitude save). The dread wraith absorbs the essence of the target wraith, becoming {@condition quickened} and gaining a +10-foot status bonus to its fly Speed for a number of rounds equal to the level of the absorbed wraith. It can use its extra action only to {@action Fly} or {@action Strike}. An unwilling target can attempt a {@dc 28} Will save to resist being absorbed." ], "name": "Absorb Wraith" }, @@ -16465,7 +16465,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the dread wraith damages a living creature with its spectral hand {@action Strike}, the wraith gains 10 temporary Hit Points and the target must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wraith increases the {@condition drained} condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When the dread wraith damages a living creature with its spectral hand {@action Strike}, the wraith gains 10 temporary Hit Points and the target must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wraith increases the {@condition drained} condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -16627,7 +16627,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the dream spider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 16)." + "A creature hit by the dream spider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 16})." ], "name": "Web Trap" } @@ -16740,7 +16740,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "Each turn, the first time the duneshaker solifugid is adjacent to a Large or smaller creature during a move action it's using, that creature must succeed at a DC 39 Reflex save or fall {@condition prone}." + "Each turn, the first time the duneshaker solifugid is adjacent to a Large or smaller creature during a move action it's using, that creature must succeed at a {@dc 39} Reflex save or fall {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Earth Shaker" }, @@ -16776,7 +16776,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The duneshaker solifugid spews toxic barbs at all creatures in a 30-foot cone. Each creature within the area takes {@damage 10d6} poison damage (DC 39 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its saving throw is {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d6} rounds (or permanently on a critical failure). The duneshaker solifugid can't use Venom Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The duneshaker solifugid spews toxic barbs at all creatures in a 30-foot cone. Each creature within the area takes {@damage 10d6} poison damage ({@dc 39} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its saving throw is {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d6} rounds (or permanently on a critical failure). The duneshaker solifugid can't use Venom Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Venom Spray" } @@ -16905,7 +16905,7 @@ "earth" ], "entries": [ - "The dust mephit breathes a cloud of dust in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} slashing damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The dust mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dust mephit breathes a cloud of dust in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} slashing damage to each creature within the area ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). The dust mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -17119,7 +17119,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Magical feedback deals {@damage 4d6} force damage to the triggering spellcaster (DC 22 basic Reflex save)." + "Magical feedback deals {@damage 4d6} force damage to the triggering spellcaster ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Evocation" }, @@ -17310,7 +17310,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 20" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 20}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -17721,7 +17721,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The emperor cobra flares its hood. Each non\u2013emperor cobra creature within a 20-foot emanation must attempt a DC 22 Will save.", + "The emperor cobra flares its hood. Each non\u2013emperor cobra creature within a 20-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 22} Will save.", "The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -17969,7 +17969,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it feels compelled to offer pieces of its own flesh to the eremite. The creature must succeed at a DC 40 Will save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it feels compelled to offer pieces of its own flesh to the eremite. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 40} Will save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." ], "name": "Paralytic Perfection" } @@ -17991,7 +17991,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "An eremite's knowledge of pressure points and pain centers is unsurpassed. A creature hit by an eremite's melee {@action Strike||Strikes} must succeed at a DC 40 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned 2} ({@condition stunned 4} on a critical failure). A creature that critically succeeds is temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "An eremite's knowledge of pressure points and pain centers is unsurpassed. A creature hit by an eremite's melee {@action Strike||Strikes} must succeed at a {@dc 40} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned 2} ({@condition stunned 4} on a critical failure). A creature that critically succeeds is temporarily immune for 24 hours." ], "name": "Exquisite Pain" }, @@ -18222,7 +18222,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Requirement A creature is {@condition grabbed} by the esobok's jaws; The esobok releases the target from the Grab but wrenches its spirit free as it does so. The creature must attempt a DC 20 Will save. Creatures without souls (such as most constructs) and creatures whose bodies and souls are one (such as most celestials, fiends, and monitors) that roll a failure or critical failure on the save get a success instead.", + "Requirement A creature is {@condition grabbed} by the esobok's jaws; The esobok releases the target from the Grab but wrenches its spirit free as it does so. The creature must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save. Creatures without souls (such as most constructs) and creatures whose bodies and souls are one (such as most celestials, fiends, and monitors) that roll a failure or critical failure on the save get a success instead.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -18375,7 +18375,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it sees the face of a departed loved one in place of the evangelist's face. The creature must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure)." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it sees the face of a departed loved one in place of the evangelist's face. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Unnerving Gaze" }, @@ -18421,7 +18421,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When the evangelist critically hits with a chain {@action Strike}, the target is impaled and anchored in place, becoming {@condition grabbed} by the chain. The creature is unable to recover from {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} until it gets free (DC 25 {@action Escape})." + "When the evangelist critically hits with a chain {@action Strike}, the target is impaled and anchored in place, becoming {@condition grabbed} by the chain. The creature is unable to recover from {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} until it gets free ({@dc 25} {@action Escape})." ], "name": "Impaling Chain" } @@ -18549,7 +18549,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d6} piercing damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save) and is exposed to pyrexic malaria. Creatures that fail the saving throw also take {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d6} piercing damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save) and is exposed to pyrexic malaria. Creatures that fail the saving throw also take {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" } @@ -18866,9 +18866,9 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Fiery Beam} (evocation, fire, primal) The filth fire expels a 30-foot line of flame that deals {@damage 3d6} fire damage with a DC 21 basic Reflex save.", - "{@bold Shrapnel Blast} (evocation, primal) The filth fire shoots jagged rubbish out in a 5-foot emanation that deals {@damage 2d12} piercing damage with a DC 21 basic Reflex save.", - "{@bold Toxic Fumes} (evocation, poison, primal) The filth fire belches a 15-foot cone of toxic smoke that deals {@damage 2d6} poison damage (DC 21 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails is also {@condition sickened 1} (or {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "{@bold Fiery Beam} (evocation, fire, primal) The filth fire expels a 30-foot line of flame that deals {@damage 3d6} fire damage with a {@dc 21} basic Reflex save.", + "{@bold Shrapnel Blast} (evocation, primal) The filth fire shoots jagged rubbish out in a 5-foot emanation that deals {@damage 2d12} piercing damage with a {@dc 21} basic Reflex save.", + "{@bold Toxic Fumes} (evocation, poison, primal) The filth fire belches a 15-foot cone of toxic smoke that deals {@damage 2d6} poison damage ({@dc 21} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails is also {@condition sickened 1} (or {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -18959,7 +18959,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d8} poison damage (DC 24 basic Reflex save) and is exposed to fire jelly venom." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d8} poison damage ({@dc 24} basic Reflex save) and is exposed to fire jelly venom." ], "name": "Burning Swarm" }, @@ -19268,7 +19268,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The fire yai transforms into a cloud of smoke and then Flies up to its fly speed. This movement does not trigger reactions, and the fire yai can move through spaces occupied by other creatures. The fire yai returns to its physical form after this move, and must end the movement in a space in which it can fit. All creatures in spaces through which the fire yai moves with Smoke Form must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 3}. The fire yai cannot use Smoke Form for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The fire yai transforms into a cloud of smoke and then Flies up to its fly speed. This movement does not trigger reactions, and the fire yai can move through spaces occupied by other creatures. The fire yai returns to its physical form after this move, and must end the movement in a space in which it can fit. All creatures in spaces through which the fire yai moves with Smoke Form must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 3}. The fire yai cannot use Smoke Form for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Smoke Form" } @@ -19433,7 +19433,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays a fjord linnorm, it must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or become unable to ever breathe underwater (either via a natural ability or a spell such as water breathing). In addition, the victim can hold its breath only half as long as normal, and whenever it holds its breath it becomes {@condition sickened 2}." + "When a creature slays a fjord linnorm, it must succeed at a {@dc 41} Will save or become unable to ever breathe underwater (either via a natural ability or a spell such as water breathing). In addition, the victim can hold its breath only half as long as normal, and whenever it holds its breath it becomes {@condition sickened 2}." ], "name": "Curse of Stolen Breath" }, @@ -19463,8 +19463,8 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The fjord linnorm expels a 120-foot line of icy bile, dealing {@damage 17d6} cold damage to creatures within the area (DC 37 basic Reflex save)", - "Any creature that fails its save is covered by the ice, which freezes and fuses with the creature's skin, giving it a \u201310-foot penalty to Speed. A creature can {@action Escape} or {@action Force Open} the ice (DC 34) to free itself; otherwise, the ice remains for 1 minute. The fjord linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The fjord linnorm expels a 120-foot line of icy bile, dealing {@damage 17d6} cold damage to creatures within the area ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save)", + "Any creature that fails its save is covered by the ice, which freezes and fuses with the creature's skin, giving it a \u201310-foot penalty to Speed. A creature can {@action Escape} or {@action Force Open} the ice ({@dc 34}) to free itself; otherwise, the ice remains for 1 minute. The fjord linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -19866,7 +19866,7 @@ "top": [ { "entries": [ - "A froghemoth's alien eyes allow it to perceive creatures within 30 feet, even if they are {@condition invisible} or ethereal. It can still be fooled by successful {@skill Stealth} checks to {@action Hide}, but it has {@skill Perception} DC 38 in such cases. It also sees through and is unaffected by illusions with the {@trait visual} trait if they are within 30 feet." + "A froghemoth's alien eyes allow it to perceive creatures within 30 feet, even if they are {@condition invisible} or ethereal. It can still be fooled by successful {@skill Stealth} checks to {@action Hide}, but it has {@skill Perception} {@dc 38} in such cases. It also sees through and is unaffected by illusions with the {@trait visual} trait if they are within 30 feet." ], "name": "Otherworldly Vision" } @@ -19912,7 +19912,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@dice 3d6+12}, DC 33" + "{@dice 3d6+12}, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -20215,7 +20215,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "When a frost worm dies, it explodes in a 100-foot burst of searing cold blood. All creatures and objects in range take {@damage 10d8} cold damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save)." + "When a frost worm dies, it explodes in a 100-foot burst of searing cold blood. All creatures and objects in range take {@damage 10d8} cold damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Death Throes" }, @@ -20227,7 +20227,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the emanation takes {@damage 3d6} cold damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save)." + "5 feet. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the emanation takes {@damage 3d6} cold damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Worm Chill" }, @@ -20241,7 +20241,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The frost worm takes piercing or slashing damage", "entries": [ - "The frost worm's freezing blood sprays out on a random creature within 10 feet of the frost worm. That creature takes {@damage 7d6} cold damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save)." + "The frost worm's freezing blood sprays out on a random creature within 10 feet of the frost worm. That creature takes {@damage 7d6} cold damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Freezing Blood" } @@ -20258,7 +20258,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The frost worm exhales a blast of frost, dealing {@damage 13d6} cold damage to creatures in a 50-foot cone (DC 32 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The frost worm exhales a blast of frost, dealing {@damage 13d6} cold damage to creatures in a 50-foot cone ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -20275,7 +20275,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The frost worm emits a hypnotic trill. Each non\u2013frost worm creature within 100 feet must attempt a DC 32 Will save. The effects of Worm Trill last for 1 round, but if the frost worm uses this ability again on subsequent rounds, it extends this duration by 1 round for any creature already affected.", + "The frost worm emits a hypnotic trill. Each non\u2013frost worm creature within 100 feet must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save. The effects of Worm Trill last for 1 round, but if the frost worm uses this ability again on subsequent rounds, it extends this duration by 1 round for any creature already affected.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -20433,7 +20433,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -20599,7 +20599,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d4} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d4} acid, DC 17" + "{@damage 1d4} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d4} acid, {@dc 17}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -20613,7 +20613,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The giant amoeba begins its turn with a target its size or smaller {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "The giant amoeba maintains the Grab and extends pseudopods to surround the creature and pull it inside the amoeba's body. This thereafter has the same effect as if the amoeba had Engulfed the creature (DC 17, {@damage 1d6} acid, {@action Escape} DC 17, Rupture 3)." + "The giant amoeba maintains the Grab and extends pseudopods to surround the creature and pull it inside the amoeba's body. This thereafter has the same effect as if the amoeba had Engulfed the creature ({@dc 17}, {@damage 1d6} acid, {@action Escape} {@dc 17}, Rupture 3)." ], "name": "Envelop" }, @@ -21174,7 +21174,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d6+4} bludgeoning, DC 18" + "{@damage 1d6+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 18}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -21287,7 +21287,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The giant crawling hand takes piercing or slashing damage", "entries": [ - "A random creature adjacent to the giant crawling hand is sprayed with vile pus that deals {@damage 4d6} negative damage. The affected creature must attempt a DC 21 Reflex save.", + "A random creature adjacent to the giant crawling hand is sprayed with vile pus that deals {@damage 4d6} negative damage. The affected creature must attempt a {@dc 21} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -21875,7 +21875,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 28" + "{@dc 28}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -22205,7 +22205,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The giant maggot takes damage", "entries": [ - "The giant maggot regurgitates its rancid, foul meal. All creatures in a 5-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (or {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The giant maggot can't use Regurgitation again until it spends at least an hour feeding on a corpse." + "The giant maggot regurgitates its rancid, foul meal. All creatures in a 5-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (or {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The giant maggot can't use Regurgitation again until it spends at least an hour feeding on a corpse." ], "name": "Regurgitation" } @@ -22218,7 +22218,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The giant maggot has {@condition Grabbed} a creature", "entries": [ - "The giant maggot deals {@damage 1d8+2} slashing damage to the {@condition grabbed} creature as it chews the creature's flesh (DC 19 basic Reflex save)." + "The giant maggot deals {@damage 1d8+2} slashing damage to the {@condition grabbed} creature as it chews the creature's flesh ({@dc 19} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Gnaw Flesh" } @@ -22493,7 +22493,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 27" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 27}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -22605,7 +22605,7 @@ "move" ], "entries": [ - "The turtle tries to capsize an adjacent aquatic vessel of its size or smaller. The turtle must succeed at a DC 35 {@skill Athletics} check (reduced by 5 for each size smaller the vessel is than the turtle) or the pilot's {@skill Lore||Sailing Lore} DC, whichever is higher." + "The turtle tries to capsize an adjacent aquatic vessel of its size or smaller. The turtle must succeed at a {@dc 35} {@skill Athletics} check (reduced by 5 for each size smaller the vessel is than the turtle) or the pilot's {@skill Lore||Sailing Lore} DC, whichever is higher." ], "name": "Capsize" }, @@ -22868,7 +22868,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d10+10} bludgeoning, DC 25" + "{@damage 1d10+10} bludgeoning, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -23423,7 +23423,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The wolverine has a creature {@condition grabbed} from its jaws {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The wolverine chews violently on the creature, dealing {@damage 2d6} piercing damage (DC 21 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save also takes {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." + "The wolverine chews violently on the creature, dealing {@damage 2d6} piercing damage ({@dc 21} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save also takes {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." ], "name": "Gnaw" }, @@ -23598,7 +23598,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The glass golem creates waves of scintillating luminosity that cast bright light in a 60-foot emanation (and dim light for the next 60 feet). The light lasts until the start of the glass golem's next turn, after which the glass golem can't use Dazzling Brilliance for {@dice 1d4} rounds. A creature within the bright light or that enters the bright light must attempt a DC 23 Will save.", + "The glass golem creates waves of scintillating luminosity that cast bright light in a 60-foot emanation (and dim light for the next 60 feet). The light lasts until the start of the glass golem's next turn, after which the glass golem can't use Dazzling Brilliance for {@dice 1d4} rounds. A creature within the bright light or that enters the bright light must attempt a {@dc 23} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -23733,7 +23733,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The gorgon breathes a 60-foot cone of green gas. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save. The gorgon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The gorgon breathes a 60-foot cone of green gas. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 25} Fortitude save. The gorgon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -23762,7 +23762,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 26" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -24007,7 +24007,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A gosreg concentrates its field of discordant mental energy and projects it into the mind of an enemy within 60 feet. The target takes {@damage 6d6} mental damage (DC 30 basic Will save). On a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition confused} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "A gosreg concentrates its field of discordant mental energy and projects it into the mind of an enemy within 60 feet. The target takes {@damage 6d6} mental damage ({@dc 30} basic Will save). On a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition confused} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Mind Bolt" } @@ -24126,8 +24126,8 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "A blow from a granite glyptodont's tail hardens the flesh of the creature struck. The target must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition slowed 1} (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure). Further failed saves against calcification increase the value of the {@condition slowed} condition. Once a creature's actions are reduced to 0 by calcification, that creature becomes {@condition petrified}. If the creature isn't {@condition petrified}, the {@condition slowed} conditions end once 1 minute passes without the creature failing a save against calcification.", - "Every 24 hours after it was {@condition petrified}, the creature can attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save to recover. On a success, it becomes flesh again, but is {@condition slowed 1} for the next 24 hours. On a critical success, the creature recovers and isn't {@condition slowed}.", + "A blow from a granite glyptodont's tail hardens the flesh of the creature struck. The target must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition slowed 1} (or {@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure). Further failed saves against calcification increase the value of the {@condition slowed} condition. Once a creature's actions are reduced to 0 by calcification, that creature becomes {@condition petrified}. If the creature isn't {@condition petrified}, the {@condition slowed} conditions end once 1 minute passes without the creature failing a save against calcification.", + "Every 24 hours after it was {@condition petrified}, the creature can attempt a {@dc 26} Fortitude save to recover. On a success, it becomes flesh again, but is {@condition slowed 1} for the next 24 hours. On a critical success, the creature recovers and isn't {@condition slowed}.", "On a failure, the creature remains {@condition petrified}, but can try again in 24 hours.", "On a critical failure, the petrification is permanent, and the creature can't attempt any more saves." ], @@ -24270,7 +24270,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} acid, DC 21" + "{@damage 1d6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} acid, {@dc 21}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -24435,7 +24435,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 38" + "60 feet, {@dc 38}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -25134,7 +25134,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "When a grodair dies, its body explodes in a blast of pressurized water that deals {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures within a 15-foot emanation (DC 22 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is pushed 5 feet (or 10 feet on a critical failure)." + "When a grodair dies, its body explodes in a blast of pressurized water that deals {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures within a 15-foot emanation ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is pushed 5 feet (or 10 feet on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Death Flood" } @@ -25515,7 +25515,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 21" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 21}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -25730,7 +25730,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The hamatula hits a creature with a barb {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The creature struck must succeed at a DC 27 Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} (or {@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure). Regardless of the result of its saving throw, the creature is then temporarily immune to Frightful {@action Strike} for 24 hours." + "The creature struck must succeed at a {@dc 27} Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} (or {@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure). Regardless of the result of its saving throw, the creature is then temporarily immune to Frightful {@action Strike} for 24 hours." ], "name": "Frightful Strike" }, @@ -25740,7 +25740,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The hamatula makes a barb {@action Strike}, then {@action Stride||Strides} up to half its Speed without triggering reactions. If the {@action Strike} hits, the hamatula impales the target with one of its barbs and snaps the barb free as it moves away from the target. This deals an additional {@damage 2d8} piercing damage to the target and pins it to an adjacent surface, rendering it {@condition immobilized} ({@action Escape} DC 29)." + "The hamatula makes a barb {@action Strike}, then {@action Stride||Strides} up to half its Speed without triggering reactions. If the {@action Strike} hits, the hamatula impales the target with one of its barbs and snaps the barb free as it moves away from the target. This deals an additional {@damage 2d8} piercing damage to the target and pins it to an adjacent surface, rendering it {@condition immobilized} ({@action Escape} {@dc 29})." ], "name": "Impaling Barb" }, @@ -25930,7 +25930,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The hellcat produces a low growl to disorient and frighten foes. The hellcat can cause this vocalization to originate from somewhere else within 30 feet. Non-fiends in a 15-foot burst must attempt a DC 25 Will save. The hellcat can't issue another Menacing Growl for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The hellcat produces a low growl to disorient and frighten foes. The hellcat can cause this vocalization to originate from somewhere else within 30 feet. Non-fiends in a 15-foot burst must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save. The hellcat can't issue another Menacing Growl for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -26134,7 +26134,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as itʼs {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as itʼs {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -26150,7 +26150,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The hezrou is grappling a creature", "entries": [ - "Toxic fluids spurt from burst boils and weeping wens on the hezrou's body. A creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} by the hezrou takes {@damage 2d12+6} poison damage (DC 30 basic Fortitude save)." + "Toxic fluids spurt from burst boils and weeping wens on the hezrou's body. A creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} by the hezrou takes {@damage 2d12+6} poison damage ({@dc 30} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Poisonous Pustules" } @@ -26255,7 +26255,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 17" + "{@dc 17}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -26388,7 +26388,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 17" + "{@dc 17}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -26544,7 +26544,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, foot, DC 23" + "Medium or smaller, foot, {@dc 23}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -27066,7 +27066,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "Whenever a creature targets the hound with a {@trait mental} effect, that creature takes {@damage 4d6} mental damage (DC 25 basic Will save). On a critical failure, it also becomes {@condition confused} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Whenever a creature targets the hound with a {@trait mental} effect, that creature takes {@damage 4d6} mental damage ({@dc 25} basic Will save). On a critical failure, it also becomes {@condition confused} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Otherworldly Mind" }, @@ -27078,7 +27078,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. The hound of Tindalos's eyes glow balefully, causing painful but bloodless wounds to rip open in the body of a creature that meets its awful gaze. When a creature ends its turn in the aura's emanation, it takes {@damage 4d6} slashing damage (DC 25 basic Fortitude save). A creature that critically succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "30 feet. The hound of Tindalos's eyes glow balefully, causing painful but bloodless wounds to rip open in the body of a creature that meets its awful gaze. When a creature ends its turn in the aura's emanation, it takes {@damage 4d6} slashing damage ({@dc 25} basic Fortitude save). A creature that critically succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 24 hours." ], "name": "Ripping Gaze" }, @@ -27224,7 +27224,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "When an ice golem is destroyed, its body explodes in a blast of frigid air and razor-sharp ice, dealing {@damage 2d6} slashing damage and {@damage 2d6} cold damage to creatures in a 20-foot emanation, with a DC 19 basic Reflex save." + "When an ice golem is destroyed, its body explodes in a blast of frigid air and razor-sharp ice, dealing {@damage 2d6} slashing damage and {@damage 2d6} cold damage to creatures in a 20-foot emanation, with a {@dc 19} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Icy Demise" }, @@ -27247,7 +27247,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The ice golem exhales a blast of freezing mist that deals {@damage 6d6} cold damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 22 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ice golem exhales a blast of freezing mist that deals {@damage 6d6} cold damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -27397,7 +27397,7 @@ "cold" ], "entries": [ - "The ice mephit breathes shards of ice in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 1d6} cold damage and {@damage 1d6} piercing damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The ice mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ice mephit breathes shards of ice in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 1d6} cold damage and {@damage 1d6} piercing damage to each creature within the area ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). The ice mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -27658,7 +27658,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "On a critical hit with a fist {@action Strike} or a hit with an ice missile {@action Strike}, the target creature must attempt a DC 33 Fortitude save.", + "On a critical hit with a fist {@action Strike} or a hit with an ice missile {@action Strike}, the target creature must attempt a {@dc 33} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -27806,7 +27806,7 @@ "cold" ], "entries": [ - "When the icewyrm dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 8d6} cold damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation (DC 27 basic Reflex save)." + "When the icewyrm dies, it explodes, dealing {@damage 8d6} cold damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation ({@dc 27} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Explosion" } @@ -27823,7 +27823,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The icewyrm breathes a 60-foot line of freezing shards of razor-sharp ice, dealing {@damage 3d12} cold damage and {@damage 3d12} piercing damage to every creature in the line (DC 29 basic Reflex save). The icewyrm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The icewyrm breathes a 60-foot line of freezing shards of razor-sharp ice, dealing {@damage 3d12} cold damage and {@damage 3d12} piercing damage to every creature in the line ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). The icewyrm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -28493,7 +28493,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d10+11} bludgeoning, DC 29" + "{@damage 1d10+11} bludgeoning, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -28510,7 +28510,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "An imentesh inflicts a warpwave on a creature within 100 feet (page 204; (DC 29 Fortitude save to resist)." + "An imentesh inflicts a warpwave on a creature within 100 feet (page 204; ({@dc 29} Fortitude save to resist)." ], "name": "Inflict Warpwave" }, @@ -28529,7 +28529,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "Any creature struck and damaged by an imentesh's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (page 204)." + "Any creature struck and damaged by an imentesh's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save or be subject to a warpwave (page 204)." ], "name": "Warpwave Strike" } @@ -28947,7 +28947,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it sees pieces of its own body amid the interlocutor's form. The creature must succeed at a DC 29 Will save or become {@condition stunned 1}." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it sees pieces of its own body amid the interlocutor's form. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 29} Will save or become {@condition stunned 1}." ], "name": "Glimpse of Stolen Flesh" }, @@ -29366,7 +29366,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The irlgaunt violently regurgitates a melonsized clot of brittle stone supernaturally infused with digestive enzymes. The stone and acid explode on impact within a range of 30 feet, dealing {@damage 7d6} piercing damage and {@damage 7d6} acid damage to creatures in a 20-foot burst (DC 33 basic Reflex save). The irlgaunt can't Regurgitate Gastroliths for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The irlgaunt violently regurgitates a melonsized clot of brittle stone supernaturally infused with digestive enzymes. The stone and acid explode on impact within a range of 30 feet, dealing {@damage 7d6} piercing damage and {@damage 7d6} acid damage to creatures in a 20-foot burst ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). The irlgaunt can't Regurgitate Gastroliths for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Regurgitate Gastrolith" }, @@ -29516,7 +29516,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A non-evil creature hit by an irnakurse's tentacle is overwhelmed with corrupted images of a ruined life and must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or be {@condition stunned 2} (or {@condition stunned 4} on a critical failure). After attempting this save, a creature is temporarily immune to Mind Lash for 24 hours." + "A non-evil creature hit by an irnakurse's tentacle is overwhelmed with corrupted images of a ruined life and must succeed at a {@dc 28} Will save or be {@condition stunned 2} (or {@condition stunned 4} on a critical failure). After attempting this save, a creature is temporarily immune to Mind Lash for 24 hours." ], "name": "Mind Lash" }, @@ -29551,7 +29551,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The irnakurse unleashes an alien shriek of nightmarish horror and pain. All non-evil creatures within a 10-foot emanation must attempt a DC 28 Will save. The irnakurse can." + "The irnakurse unleashes an alien shriek of nightmarish horror and pain. All non-evil creatures within a 10-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 28} Will save. The irnakurse can." ], "name": "Soul Scream" }, @@ -29756,7 +29756,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The isqulug expels larvae from the hivemind in its head in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in this area take {@damage 6d10} piercing damage as the swarm feeds on their flesh (DC 30 basic Reflex save). Any creature that takes damage is exposed to isqulugia.", + "The isqulug expels larvae from the hivemind in its head in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in this area take {@damage 6d10} piercing damage as the swarm feeds on their flesh ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). Any creature that takes damage is exposed to isqulugia.", "The isqulug becomes {@condition stupefied 1} for {@dice 1d4} rounds, during which it can't Expel Infestation." ], "name": "Expel Infestation" @@ -30012,7 +30012,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet, DC 43" + "100 feet, {@dc 43}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -30048,8 +30048,8 @@ { "type": "list", "items": [ - "{@bold Confusion} (aura, emotion, enchantment, mental, primal) 60 feet. Each creature in the emanation must succeed at a DC 46 Will save or become confused for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", - "{@bold Sonic Beam} (evocation, primal, sonic) The jabberwock focuses its Burbling into a 60 foot line of sonic energy that deals {@damage 24d6} sonic damage to creatures in the area (DC 46 basic Reflex save)." + "{@bold Confusion} (aura, emotion, enchantment, mental, primal) 60 feet. Each creature in the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 46} Will save or become confused for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "{@bold Sonic Beam} (evocation, primal, sonic) The jabberwock focuses its Burbling into a 60 foot line of sonic energy that deals {@damage 24d6} sonic damage to creatures in the area ({@dc 46} basic Reflex save)." ] } ], @@ -30074,7 +30074,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The jabberwock Flies or makes a wing {@action Strike};", "entries": [ - "The jabberwock's wings whiffle, creating severe winds within a 30-foot emanation. These winds move outward from the jabberwock, and they persist until the start of the jabberwock's next turn. During this time, flight of any kind in the emanation requires a successful DC 43 {@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Maneuver in Flight}, and creatures flying toward the jabberwock are moving through greater difficult terrain. Creatures on the ground in the emanation must succeed at a DC 43 {@skill Athletics} check to approach the jabberwock." + "The jabberwock's wings whiffle, creating severe winds within a 30-foot emanation. These winds move outward from the jabberwock, and they persist until the start of the jabberwock's next turn. During this time, flight of any kind in the emanation requires a successful {@dc 43} {@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Maneuver in Flight}, and creatures flying toward the jabberwock are moving through greater difficult terrain. Creatures on the ground in the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 43} {@skill Athletics} check to approach the jabberwock." ], "traits": [ "aura" @@ -30267,7 +30267,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The jotund troll emits a cacophonous roar from all their heads with a mystical power that distorts the listener's mind. Each non-troll creature within 100 feet must attempt a DC 34 Will save. The jotund troll can't use Cacophonous Roar for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The jotund troll emits a cacophonous roar from all their heads with a mystical power that distorts the listener's mind. Each non-troll creature within 100 feet must attempt a {@dc 34} Will save. The jotund troll can't use Cacophonous Roar for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -30550,7 +30550,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The jyoti breathes a blast of searing flame infused with positive energy in a 40-foot cone that deals {@damage 8d6} fire damage plus {@damage 4d6} positive damage to creatures in the area (DC 28 basic Reflex save)", + "The jyoti breathes a blast of searing flame infused with positive energy in a 40-foot cone that deals {@damage 8d6} fire damage plus {@damage 4d6} positive damage to creatures in the area ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save)", "The jyoti can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" @@ -30684,7 +30684,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The kelpie instills an overwhelming attraction to itself within the mind of a single creature within 60 feet. The target perceives the kelpie as a desirable person (if the kelpie is in humanoid form) or a valuable steed (if the kelpie is in equine form) and must attempt a DC 23 Will saving throw.", + "The kelpie instills an overwhelming attraction to itself within the mind of a single creature within 60 feet. The target perceives the kelpie as a desirable person (if the kelpie is in humanoid form) or a valuable steed (if the kelpie is in equine form) and must attempt a {@dc 23} Will saving throw.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -30878,7 +30878,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "5 feet.", - "The korred's long, animated hair reaches out and interferes with creatures in the area. The korred can select which targets are affected by their animated hair. An affected creature that ends its turn in the emanation must succeed at a DC 18 Reflex save or become {@condition clumsy 1} ({@condition clumsy 2} on a critical failure) as long as it remains in the aura." + "The korred's long, animated hair reaches out and interferes with creatures in the area. The korred can select which targets are affected by their animated hair. An affected creature that ends its turn in the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 18} Reflex save or become {@condition clumsy 1} ({@condition clumsy 2} on a critical failure) as long as it remains in the aura." ], "name": "Animated Hair" } @@ -30895,13 +30895,13 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The korred causes a long, tangled length of their hair to detach from their body and snake out to coil around an adjacent creature. The creature must attempt a DC 21 Reflex save. The korred cannot use Hair Snare again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The korred causes a long, tangled length of their hair to detach from their body and snake out to coil around an adjacent creature. The creature must attempt a {@dc 21} Reflex save. The korred cannot use Hair Snare again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Success": "The creature is unaffected.", - "Failure": "The hair wraps around the creature. The creature takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to all of its Speeds until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 21) or until the korred uses Hair Snare again (at which point the previous snare drops to the ground, no longer animated).", - "Critical Failure": "The creature is {@condition immobilized} until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 21) or the korred uses Hair Snare again." + "Failure": "The hair wraps around the creature. The creature takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to all of its Speeds until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 21}) or until the korred uses Hair Snare again (at which point the previous snare drops to the ground, no longer animated).", + "Critical Failure": "The creature is {@condition immobilized} until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 21}) or the korred uses Hair Snare again." } } ], @@ -30920,7 +30920,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "Frequency three times per day; The korred unleashes an otherworldly laugh. Each non-fey creature within a 30-foot burst must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition stunned 1} on a critical failure)." + "Frequency three times per day; The korred unleashes an otherworldly laugh. Each non-fey creature within a 30-foot burst must attempt a {@dc 21} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round (or {@condition stunned 1} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Otherworldly Laugh" }, @@ -31221,7 +31221,7 @@ "manipulate" ], "entries": [ - "Frequency three times per day; The Leng spider spins a web within 20 feet of itself to create a grasping snare, stunning snare, or warning snare. The Leng spider's web provides all the raw materials it needs. All save and {@action Escape} DCs associated with web traps use the Leng spider's {@skill Crafting} DC for traps (DC 36). A web trap decays after 24 hours." + "Frequency three times per day; The Leng spider spins a web within 20 feet of itself to create a grasping snare, stunning snare, or warning snare. The Leng spider's web provides all the raw materials it needs. All save and {@action Escape} DCs associated with web traps use the Leng spider's {@skill Crafting} DC for traps ({@dc 36}). A web trap decays after 24 hours." ], "name": "Lay Web Trap" }, @@ -31663,14 +31663,14 @@ ], "entries": [ "The volcano on the lerritan's back erupts and sends lava bombs raining down in a 30-foot emanation, dealing {@damage 12d12} fire damage.", - "Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 46 Reflex saving throw. The lava globules quickly cool into heavy stones, transforming the area into {@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} for non-lerritans. The lerritan can't use Volcanic Eruption for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 46} Reflex saving throw. The lava globules quickly cool into heavy stones, transforming the area into {@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} for non-lerritans. The lerritan can't use Volcanic Eruption for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": "The creature is unaffected.", "Success": "The creature takes half damage and is {@condition encumbered} for 1 round.", - "Failure": "The creature takes full damage and is {@condition immobilized} ({@action Escape} DC 46).", - "Critical Failure": "The creature takes double damage and is encased in a rocky crust with lava on the inside. The creature is {@condition restrained} ({@action Escape} DC 46), can't breathe, takes {@damage 3d12} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}, and can't recover from this {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} until freed." + "Failure": "The creature takes full damage and is {@condition immobilized} ({@action Escape} {@dc 46}).", + "Critical Failure": "The creature takes double damage and is encased in a rocky crust with lava on the inside. The creature is {@condition restrained} ({@action Escape} {@dc 46}), can't breathe, takes {@damage 3d12} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}, and can't recover from this {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} until freed." } } ], @@ -31825,7 +31825,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet; The leucrotta utters a plaintive cry to draw its prey closer. Each creature within the emanation that was deceived by Sound Mimicry must succeed at a DC 19 Will save or become {@condition fascinated} and compelled to move toward the sound of the leucrotta's voice on their turn. {@condition Fascinated} creatures are also {@condition flat-footed}. If the attacks, the {@condition fascinated} condition ends only for the creature that is attacked.", + "60 feet; The leucrotta utters a plaintive cry to draw its prey closer. Each creature within the emanation that was deceived by Sound Mimicry must succeed at a {@dc 19} Will save or become {@condition fascinated} and compelled to move toward the sound of the leucrotta's voice on their turn. {@condition Fascinated} creatures are also {@condition flat-footed}. If the attacks, the {@condition fascinated} condition ends only for the creature that is attacked.", "If the leucrotta speaks a creature's name while using its Luring Cry, that creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to their saving throw to resist the ability. On a successful save, a creature is temporarily immune to Luring Cry for 24 hours." ], "requirements": "The leucrotta's last action was Sound Mimicry", @@ -32073,7 +32073,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Any time a leydroth counteracts a spell or item, the spell's caster or the creature holding the item takes {@damage 8d6} mental damage (DC 38 basic Will save)." + "Any time a leydroth counteracts a spell or item, the spell's caster or the creature holding the item takes {@damage 8d6} mental damage ({@dc 38} basic Will save)." ], "name": "Spell Feedback" } @@ -32322,7 +32322,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The living thunderclap emits a bolt of lightning that crashes with deafening thunder. The living thunderclap makes a lightning bolt {@action Strike} that deals {@damage 1d12} electricity damage. If it hits, the target and any creatures within a 15-foot emanation around the target take {@damage 2d6} sonic damage and must attempt a DC 18 basic Fortitude save. Any creature that fails its save is also {@condition deafened} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The living thunderclap emits a bolt of lightning that crashes with deafening thunder. The living thunderclap makes a lightning bolt {@action Strike} that deals {@damage 1d12} electricity damage. If it hits, the target and any creatures within a 15-foot emanation around the target take {@damage 2d6} sonic damage and must attempt a {@dc 18} basic Fortitude save. Any creature that fails its save is also {@condition deafened} for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Thunderbolt" } @@ -32532,7 +32532,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The lunar naga twists the coils of their serpentine body, causing the starlike motes on their scales to shift and move as they glow brighter, creating a mesmerizing swirl of light and darkness. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition fascinated} until the end of the naga's next turn (on a critical failure, {@condition fascinated} creatures drop whatever items they are carrying as well). The lunar naga can {@action Sustain a Spell} on Hypnosis. If the naga moves, affected creatures are compelled to remain within 30 feet of the naga and must spend each of its actions moving closer to the naga as expediently as possible on its next turn. If a creature is unable to end its turn within 30 feet of the naga, the effect ends for that creature." + "The lunar naga twists the coils of their serpentine body, causing the starlike motes on their scales to shift and move as they glow brighter, creating a mesmerizing swirl of light and darkness. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition fascinated} until the end of the naga's next turn (on a critical failure, {@condition fascinated} creatures drop whatever items they are carrying as well). The lunar naga can {@action Sustain a Spell} on Hypnosis. If the naga moves, affected creatures are compelled to remain within 30 feet of the naga and must spend each of its actions moving closer to the naga as expediently as possible on its next turn. If a creature is unable to end its turn within 30 feet of the naga, the effect ends for that creature." ], "name": "Hypnosis" }, @@ -32744,7 +32744,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "A creature that takes damage from a lurker in light's mote of light must attempt a DC 22 Will save.", + "A creature that takes damage from a lurker in light's mote of light must attempt a {@dc 22} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -33141,7 +33141,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "Frequency once per day; The mandragora emits an unsettling shriek.", - "Each non-mandragora creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 25 Will save.", + "Each non-mandragora creature within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -33457,7 +33457,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "30 feet.", - "A creature that enters or begins its turn in this aura's emanation must attempt a DC 33 Will save. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "A creature that enters or begins its turn in this aura's emanation must attempt a {@dc 33} Will save. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -33927,7 +33927,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "Each time the marut makes a fist {@action Strike}, it chooses either lightning or thunder. If it chooses lightning, the attack deals an additional {@damage 2d12} electricity damage and the target must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or be {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. If it chooses thunder, the attack deals an additional {@damage 3d8} sonic damage and the target must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or be {@condition deafened} for 1 minute." + "Each time the marut makes a fist {@action Strike}, it chooses either lightning or thunder. If it chooses lightning, the attack deals an additional {@damage 2d12} electricity damage and the target must succeed at a {@dc 33} Fortitude save or be {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. If it chooses thunder, the attack deals an additional {@damage 3d8} sonic damage and the target must succeed at a {@dc 36} Fortitude save or be {@condition deafened} for 1 minute." ], "name": "Fists of Thunder and Lightning" } @@ -34075,7 +34075,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 27" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 27}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -34379,7 +34379,7 @@ "divine" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. A meladaemon emanates an aura of intense hunger. Each round a creature begins its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 27 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 1d6} negative damage ({@dice 2d6} on a critical failure) and becomes {@condition fatigued}. This fatigue ends as soon as the creature eats any food." + "20 feet. A meladaemon emanates an aura of intense hunger. Each round a creature begins its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 27} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 1d6} negative damage ({@dice 2d6} on a critical failure) and becomes {@condition fatigued}. This fatigue ends as soon as the creature eats any food." ], "name": "Consumptive Aura" }, @@ -34439,7 +34439,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the meladaemon hits with a claw {@action Strike} or a creature begins its turn {@condition grabbed} by the meladaemon, the creature must attempt a DC 30 Fortitude save.", + "When the meladaemon hits with a claw {@action Strike} or a creature begins its turn {@condition grabbed} by the meladaemon, the creature must attempt a {@dc 30} Fortitude save.", "On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 1d6} negative damage and becomes {@condition fatigued}. This fatigue ends when the creature drinks." ], "name": "Withering Touch" @@ -34605,7 +34605,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The melody on the wind sings in a sonorous chorus. Any creature in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 30 Will save to resist becoming {@condition fascinated} by the melody on the wind. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", + "The melody on the wind sings in a sonorous chorus. Any creature in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 30} Will save to resist becoming {@condition fascinated} by the melody on the wind. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -34765,7 +34765,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+4} bludgeoning, DC 21" + "{@damage 1d8+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 21}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -34784,7 +34784,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The mist stalker makes its mist cloud congeal, causing the aura to be {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} until the start of the mist stalker's next turn.", - "In addition, the mist stalker can make the mist even thicker around a single Medium or smaller creature within the cloud. The creature must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex save or become {@condition immobilized} until it {@action Escape||Escapes} or it is no longer in the mist cloud's emanation." + "In addition, the mist stalker can make the mist even thicker around a single Medium or smaller creature within the cloud. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 20} Reflex save or become {@condition immobilized} until it {@action Escape||Escapes} or it is no longer in the mist cloud's emanation." ], "name": "Solidify Mist" } @@ -34910,7 +34910,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A living creature hit by a mohrg's tongue {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. The creature can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each attempt." + "A living creature hit by a mohrg's tongue {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. The creature can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each attempt." ], "name": "Paralysis" } @@ -35158,7 +35158,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "The monadic deva speaks a word to cause a creature's soul to recoil at its sins or an undead creature to recoil at its lack of a soul. One non-good living or undead target within 40 feet takes {@damage 5d10} good damage and must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save.", + "The monadic deva speaks a word to cause a creature's soul to recoil at its sins or an undead creature to recoil at its lack of a soul. One non-good living or undead target within 40 feet takes {@damage 5d10} good damage and must attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save.", "Regardless of the outcome, the target is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -35306,7 +35306,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "50 feet. The moonflower releases a pulse of bright light. Each non-moonflower creature in the emanation must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. The moonflower can't use Light Pulse again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "50 feet. The moonflower releases a pulse of bright light. Each non-moonflower creature in the emanation must attempt a {@dc 23} Fortitude save. The moonflower can't use Light Pulse again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -35872,7 +35872,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+2} bludgeoning, DC 18" + "{@damage 1d8+2} bludgeoning, {@dc 18}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -35915,7 +35915,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The mudwretch spews a 20-foot line of pressurized mud that deals {@damage 2d10} bludgeoning damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, a creature also takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. The mudwretch can't Spew Mud again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The mudwretch spews a 20-foot line of pressurized mud that deals {@damage 2d10} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, a creature also takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. The mudwretch can't Spew Mud again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Spew Mud" } @@ -36100,7 +36100,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a non-demon ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition drained 1}." + "30 feet. When a non-demon ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 23} Fortitude save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition drained 1}." ], "name": "Death-Stealing Gaze" }, @@ -36391,7 +36391,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Beams of unholy light shoot from the nalfeshnee toward four items within 60 feet. If someone is holding or wearing a targeted item, they can keep it from being affected with a successful DC 34 Reflex save. For 1 minute, the affected items glow in nauseating colors. Any non-demon is {@condition sickened 2} and {@condition slowed 1} as long as it holds, wears, or touches a glowing item. Recovering from the sickness requires a successful DC 29 Will save instead of a Fortitude save. Ending the sickness this way ends the {@condition slowed} condition and makes the creature temporarily immune to Light of Avarice for 24 hours. If the creature removes or drops the item, both conditions end immediately but the creature doesn't become immune to Light of Avarice." + "Beams of unholy light shoot from the nalfeshnee toward four items within 60 feet. If someone is holding or wearing a targeted item, they can keep it from being affected with a successful {@dc 34} Reflex save. For 1 minute, the affected items glow in nauseating colors. Any non-demon is {@condition sickened 2} and {@condition slowed 1} as long as it holds, wears, or touches a glowing item. Recovering from the sickness requires a successful {@dc 29} Will save instead of a Fortitude save. Ending the sickness this way ends the {@condition slowed} condition and makes the creature temporarily immune to Light of Avarice for 24 hours. If the creature removes or drops the item, both conditions end immediately but the creature doesn't become immune to Light of Avarice." ], "name": "Light of Avarice" } @@ -36506,7 +36506,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The necrophidius sways, its serpentine form undulating and clattering in a hypnotic rhythm. Each creature that witnesses the dance must attempt a DC 18 Will save.", + "The necrophidius sways, its serpentine form undulating and clattering in a hypnotic rhythm. Each creature that witnesses the dance must attempt a {@dc 18} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -36526,7 +36526,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A living creature bitten by a necrophidius must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 for each save attempted. A creature that succeeds at this save is temporarily immune to necrophidic paralysis for 24 hours." + "A living creature bitten by a necrophidius must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 for each save attempted. A creature that succeeds at this save is temporarily immune to necrophidic paralysis for 24 hours." ], "name": "Necrophidic Paralysis" } @@ -36796,7 +36796,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The neothelid breathes a spray of acid that deals {@damage 16d6} acid damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 38 basic Reflex save). The neothelid can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The neothelid breathes a spray of acid that deals {@damage 16d6} acid damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save). The neothelid can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -37011,7 +37011,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The nereid touches a creature and causes water from its own body to flow into the creature's lungs. If the creature cannot breathe water, it must attempt a DC 29 Fortitude save.", + "The nereid touches a creature and causes water from its own body to flow into the creature's lungs. If the creature cannot breathe water, it must attempt a {@dc 29} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -37420,7 +37420,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When a norn deals negative damage with a {@action Strike}, she regains 10 Hit Points. The target must succeed at a DC 39 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} ({@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). Further negative damage dealt by the norn increases the {@condition drained} condition value by 1 on a failed save (or by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When a norn deals negative damage with a {@action Strike}, she regains 10 Hit Points. The target must succeed at a {@dc 39} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} ({@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). Further negative damage dealt by the norn increases the {@condition drained} condition value by 1 on a failed save (or by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Sever Fate" }, @@ -37455,7 +37455,7 @@ "number": 3 }, "entries": [ - "The norn produces a golden thread linked to the fate of a creature within 100 feet of her, then snips it short with her shears. The target takes 100 negative damage (DC 42 basic Fortitude save). If the target is reduced to 0 Hit Points from this damage, the thread is completely severed and the creature dies immediately. A creature slain by Snip Thread can't be restored to life except by miracle, wish, or similarly powerful magic; or by divine intervention. Regardless of the outcome of their saving throw, a creature targeted by Snip Thread then becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours. The norn can't use Snip Thread again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The norn produces a golden thread linked to the fate of a creature within 100 feet of her, then snips it short with her shears. The target takes 100 negative damage ({@dc 42} basic Fortitude save). If the target is reduced to 0 Hit Points from this damage, the thread is completely severed and the creature dies immediately. A creature slain by Snip Thread can't be restored to life except by miracle, wish, or similarly powerful magic; or by divine intervention. Regardless of the outcome of their saving throw, a creature targeted by Snip Thread then becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours. The norn can't use Snip Thread again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Snip Thread" } @@ -37630,7 +37630,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 25" + "30 feet, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -37667,7 +37667,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The nuckelavee breathes a 30-foot cone of foulness, dealing {@damage 8d6} negative damage (DC 28 basic Fortitude save) to living creatures in the area.", + "The nuckelavee breathes a 30-foot cone of foulness, dealing {@damage 8d6} negative damage ({@dc 28} basic Fortitude save) to living creatures in the area.", "A creature that fails also takes {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}.", "The nuckelavee can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], @@ -37706,7 +37706,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 28" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 28}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -38026,7 +38026,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The nyogoth takes piercing or slashing damage", "entries": [ - "The nyogoth sprays its acidic blood on adjacent creatures, dealing {@damage 6d6} acid damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save)." + "The nyogoth sprays its acidic blood on adjacent creatures, dealing {@damage 6d6} acid damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Caustic Blood" } @@ -38039,7 +38039,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The nyogoth has {@condition grabbed} a creature", "entries": [ - "The nyogoth slavers and chews at the {@condition grabbed} creature, dealing {@damage 2d6+7} slashing and {@damage 1d6} acid damage (DC 29 basic Fortitude save)." + "The nyogoth slavers and chews at the {@condition grabbed} creature, dealing {@damage 2d6+7} slashing and {@damage 1d6} acid damage ({@dc 29} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Feeding Frenzy" }, @@ -38060,7 +38060,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The nyogoth untangles its tentacles and prolapses its many mouths, turning itself inside out in a truly nauseating display.", - "Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 29 Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Nauseating Displays for 1 minute.", + "Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Nauseating Displays for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -38235,7 +38235,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the ogre spider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 22)." + "A creature hit by the ogre spider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 22})." ], "name": "Web Trap" } @@ -38453,7 +38453,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The daemon expels a shrieking black cloud of smoke from its mouth in a 120-foot line or a 60-foot cone", - "(or both a line and a cone in the same direction if it spends 3 actions). Living creatures in the area take {@damage 24d6} negative damage (DC 45 basic Reflex save)", + "(or both a line and a cone in the same direction if it spends 3 actions). Living creatures in the area take {@damage 24d6} negative damage ({@dc 45} basic Reflex save)", "The olethrodaemon can't use Apocalypse Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Apocalypse Breath" @@ -38840,7 +38840,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The ooze mephit spits toxic slime in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} poison damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The ooze mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ooze mephit spits toxic slime in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} poison damage to each creature within the area ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). The ooze mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } @@ -39315,7 +39315,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it hears the wounds on the ostiarius's body whisper obscene truths. The creature must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition sickened 1}." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it hears the wounds on the ostiarius's body whisper obscene truths. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition sickened 1}." ], "name": "Whispering Wounds" } @@ -39650,7 +39650,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The osyluth sweeps their tail in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the cone must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex save or be knocked {@condition prone}." + "The osyluth sweeps their tail in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the cone must succeed at a {@dc 26} Reflex save or be knocked {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Tail Sweep" } @@ -39942,7 +39942,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The peluda breathes a torrent of flames that deals {@damage 7d10} fire damage in a 60-foot line (DC 29 basic Reflex save). They can't use their Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The peluda breathes a torrent of flames that deals {@damage 7d10} fire damage in a 60-foot line ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). They can't use their Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -39979,7 +39979,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The peluda bristles their quills and shakes, sending dozens of spear-like barbs in every direction. All creatures within 30 feet take {@damage 11d6} piercing damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save) and are exposed to peluda venom if they take any damage. The peluda can't use Quill Barrage again for 1 minute." + "The peluda bristles their quills and shakes, sending dozens of spear-like barbs in every direction. All creatures within 30 feet take {@damage 11d6} piercing damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save) and are exposed to peluda venom if they take any damage. The peluda can't use Quill Barrage again for 1 minute." ], "name": "Quill Barrage" } @@ -40100,7 +40100,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The peryton rips out the heart of an adjacent corpse with their jaws.", - "The creature must have died in the last minute. As the peryton rips the heart free and swallows it whole, they regain {@dice 2d6} HP, and any non-peryton that witnesses this event must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} (or {@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure)." + "The creature must have died in the last minute. As the peryton rips the heart free and swallows it whole, they regain {@dice 2d6} HP, and any non-peryton that witnesses this event must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} (or {@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Heart Ripper" }, @@ -40116,7 +40116,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The target must be casting a shadow", "entries": [ - "The peryton Flies, going no higher than 20 feet over the target creature. The target creature must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or the peryton's shadow changes to match that cast by the target creature. With their shadow so transformed, the peryton gains a +2 status bonus to attack and damage rolls against that creature. In addition, each time the peryton successfully {@action Strike||Strikes} that creature, the creature must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become {@condition frightened 1}, or increase its {@condition frightened} condition by 1 if it's already {@condition frightened}. This is an {@trait emotion} and {@trait fear} effect. The shadow remains transformed for 1 hour or until the peryton Mimics a Shadow again, whichever comes first." + "The peryton Flies, going no higher than 20 feet over the target creature. The target creature must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or the peryton's shadow changes to match that cast by the target creature. With their shadow so transformed, the peryton gains a +2 status bonus to attack and damage rolls against that creature. In addition, each time the peryton successfully {@action Strike||Strikes} that creature, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become {@condition frightened 1}, or increase its {@condition frightened} condition by 1 if it's already {@condition frightened}. This is an {@trait emotion} and {@trait fear} effect. The shadow remains transformed for 1 hour or until the peryton Mimics a Shadow again, whichever comes first." ], "name": "Mimic Shadow" } @@ -40865,7 +40865,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+6} bludgeoning, DC 30" + "{@damage 2d10+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 30}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -41574,7 +41574,7 @@ "trigger": "The purrodaemon is hit with a weapon that deals piercing damage", "requirements": "The purrodaemon has fewer than 10 weapons sheathed in their body", "entries": [ - "The purrodaemon seizes the triggering weapon. The weapon's wielder must attempt a DC 40 Reflex save. On a failure, the weapon is disarmed and falls to an adjacent square. On a critical failure, the weapon is sheathed in the purrodaemon's body as though the daemon had used Steep Weapon. an ability. Cacodaemons (Pathfinder Bestiary 70) are the most common also be created by spells like bind soul. If a daemon crushes a soul gem." + "The purrodaemon seizes the triggering weapon. The weapon's wielder must attempt a {@dc 40} Reflex save. On a failure, the weapon is disarmed and falls to an adjacent square. On a critical failure, the weapon is sheathed in the purrodaemon's body as though the daemon had used Steep Weapon. an ability. Cacodaemons (Pathfinder Bestiary 70) are the most common also be created by spells like bind soul. If a daemon crushes a soul gem." ], "name": "Twist the Blade" } @@ -41770,7 +41770,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+7} bludgeoning, DC 29" + "{@damage 2d10+7} bludgeoning, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -41818,7 +41818,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The quetz couatl spreads its multicolored wings and radiant plumage. Each enemy within 30 feet must attempt a DC 29 Will save.", + "The quetz couatl spreads its multicolored wings and radiant plumage. Each enemy within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -42185,7 +42185,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The quoppopak's ventral tube is in water", "entries": [ - "The quoppopak uses Tentacle Stab against a creature within reach; if either of these {@action Strike||Strikes} hits, the creature must attempt a DC 30 Reflex save. On a failed save, the quoppopak shoots water through its tentacles into the creature, dealing {@damage 2d6+5} bludgeoning damage and making the creature {@condition sickened 1} as its internal organs fill with water (double damage and {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "The quoppopak uses Tentacle Stab against a creature within reach; if either of these {@action Strike||Strikes} hits, the creature must attempt a {@dc 30} Reflex save. On a failed save, the quoppopak shoots water through its tentacles into the creature, dealing {@damage 2d6+5} bludgeoning damage and making the creature {@condition sickened 1} as its internal organs fill with water (double damage and {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Flooding Thrust" }, @@ -42365,7 +42365,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A creature that uses a teleportation ability within the aura's emanation or enters it via a teleportation ability must succeed a DC 38 Will save or become {@condition sickened 1} and have its destination changed to a point of the radiant warden's choosing within the emanation. On a successful save, the creature arrives as intended but is still {@condition sickened 1}." + "60 feet. A creature that uses a teleportation ability within the aura's emanation or enters it via a teleportation ability must succeed a {@dc 38} Will save or become {@condition sickened 1} and have its destination changed to a point of the radiant warden's choosing within the emanation. On a successful save, the creature arrives as intended but is still {@condition sickened 1}." ], "name": "Gatekeeper Aura" } @@ -42395,13 +42395,13 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The radiant warden releases a 50-foot cone of bright energy that deals {@damage 10d12} force damage (DC 38 basic Reflex save). The radiant warden can't use Radiant Blast for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The radiant warden releases a 50-foot cone of bright energy that deals {@damage 10d12} force damage ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save). The radiant warden can't use Radiant Blast for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Radiant Blast" }, { "entries": [ - "When a creature is hit by the radiant warden's hammer {@action Strike}, a flash of radiant energy attempts to anchor the creature in place. The creature must attempt a DC 38 Will save; on a failure, the creature can't use any {@trait teleportation} effects for 1 minute.", + "When a creature is hit by the radiant warden's hammer {@action Strike}, a flash of radiant energy attempts to anchor the creature in place. The creature must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save; on a failure, the creature can't use any {@trait teleportation} effects for 1 minute.", "On a critical failure, the creature is also permanently {@condition blinded}." ], "name": "Radiant Blow" @@ -42585,7 +42585,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "There are few things as dangerously persistent in the natural world as an angry unkindness of ravens. A raven swarm can hound its prey through most barriers. Simple latches, unsecured chimney flues, loosely shuttered windows, and similar obstacles rarely keep an unkindness away. A raven swarm attempts a {@skill Thievery} check to bypass many of these simple obstructions, typically against DC 20." + "There are few things as dangerously persistent in the natural world as an angry unkindness of ravens. A raven swarm can hound its prey through most barriers. Simple latches, unsecured chimney flues, loosely shuttered windows, and similar obstacles rarely keep an unkindness away. A raven swarm attempts a {@skill Thievery} check to bypass many of these simple obstructions, typically against {@dc 20}." ], "name": "Enraged Cunning" }, @@ -42595,7 +42595,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The ravens' angry pecking deals {@damage 1d8} piercing damage to each enemy in the swarm's space (DC 20 basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails its save is {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds as the ravens focus their attacks on the target's vulnerable face." + "The ravens' angry pecking deals {@damage 1d8} piercing damage to each enemy in the swarm's space ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails its save is {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds as the ravens focus their attacks on the target's vulnerable face." ], "name": "Swarming Beaks" } @@ -42816,7 +42816,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 42" + "90 feet, {@dc 42}" ], "name": "Cowering Fear" }, @@ -42828,7 +42828,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, {@damage 4d6} fire damage (DC 41 basic Reflex save)" + "10 feet, {@damage 4d6} fire damage ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save)" ], "name": "Dragon Heat" }, @@ -42895,7 +42895,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A living creature within 30 feet of the ravener dies", "entries": [ - "The ravener tears the creature's soul from its body with their maw and gulps it down. The dying creature must attempt a DC 44 Fortitude save.", + "The ravener tears the creature's soul from its body with their maw and gulps it down. The dying creature must attempt a {@dc 44} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -42934,7 +42934,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The ravener breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 20d6} fire damage plus {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent negative damage} (DC 44 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is also {@condition drained 1} (or {@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). If a creature is {@condition drained} by the ravener's Ravenous Breath Weapon, the ravener's soul ward gains 5 HP. The ravener can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ravener breathes a blast of flame that deals {@damage 20d6} fire damage plus {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent negative damage} ({@dc 44} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is also {@condition drained 1} (or {@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). If a creature is {@condition drained} by the ravener's Ravenous Breath Weapon, the ravener's soul ward gains 5 HP. The ravener can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Ravenous Breath Weapon" }, @@ -43075,7 +43075,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 31" + "90 feet, {@dc 31}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -43089,7 +43089,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The ravener husk takes any amount of bludgeoning damage", "entries": [ - "The ravener's brittle bones shatter, spraying bone shards everywhere. Every creature within a 10-foot emanation of the ravener husk takes {@damage 7d6} piercing damage (DC 31 basic Reflex save)." + "The ravener's brittle bones shatter, spraying bone shards everywhere. Every creature within a 10-foot emanation of the ravener husk takes {@damage 7d6} piercing damage ({@dc 31} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Boneshatter" } @@ -43106,7 +43106,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "The ravener husk breathes a torrent of negative energy that deals {@damage 16d6} negative damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 34 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ravener husk breathes a torrent of negative energy that deals {@damage 16d6} negative damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -43422,7 +43422,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "If a revenant sees their own reflection or any object that was important to them in life, they must attempt a DC 25 Will save.", + "If a revenant sees their own reflection or any object that was important to them in life, they must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -43461,7 +43461,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The revenant wails horribly. Each creature within a 60-foot burst must attempt a DC 23 Will save. Regardless of the outcome of their saving throw, affected creatures are then immune to Baleful Shriek for 1 hour. The revenant's murderer never improves their degree of success due to this ability's {@trait incapacitation} trait. The revenant can't use Baleful Shriek again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The revenant wails horribly. Each creature within a 60-foot burst must attempt a {@dc 23} Will save. Regardless of the outcome of their saving throw, affected creatures are then immune to Baleful Shriek for 1 hour. The revenant's murderer never improves their degree of success due to this ability's {@trait incapacitation} trait. The revenant can't use Baleful Shriek again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -43480,7 +43480,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d6+5} bludgeoning, DC 24" + "{@damage 2d6+5} bludgeoning, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -43596,7 +43596,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The rhinoceros {@action Stride||Strides} twice, then makes a horn {@action Strike}. As long as the rhinoceros moved at least 20 feet, the {@action Strike}'s damage increases to {@dice 3d8+6}. A Medium or smaller creature struck by this attack must succeed at a DC 21 Reflex save or be automatically Shoved back 5 feet and knocked {@condition prone} by the force of the blow." + "The rhinoceros {@action Stride||Strides} twice, then makes a horn {@action Strike}. As long as the rhinoceros moved at least 20 feet, the {@action Strike}'s damage increases to {@dice 3d8+6}. A Medium or smaller creature struck by this attack must succeed at a {@dc 21} Reflex save or be automatically Shoved back 5 feet and knocked {@condition prone} by the force of the blow." ], "name": "Rhinoceros Charge" }, @@ -43606,7 +43606,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, foot, DC 18" + "Medium or smaller, foot, {@dc 18}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -43789,7 +43789,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The rusalka cries out a compelling invitation. Each non-fey creature within a 300-foot emanation must attempt a DC 27 Will save. The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the rusalka uses Beckoning Call again on subsequent rounds, the duration extends by 1 round for all affected creatures. Once a creature succeeds at any save against Beckoning Call, that creature is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", + "The rusalka cries out a compelling invitation. Each non-fey creature within a 300-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 27} Will save. The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the rusalka uses Beckoning Call again on subsequent rounds, the duration extends by 1 round for all affected creatures. Once a creature succeeds at any save against Beckoning Call, that creature is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -43807,7 +43807,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+10} bludgeoning, DC 32" + "{@damage 2d8+10} bludgeoning, {@dc 32}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -43842,7 +43842,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The rusalka touches a creature within 5 feet using their hand, stirring up memories of regret and shame. The target must attempt a DC 35 Will save.", + "The rusalka touches a creature within 5 feet using their hand, stirring up memories of regret and shame. The target must attempt a {@dc 35} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -44016,7 +44016,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it sees a vision of the sacristan groveling in pitiable servitude. The creature must succeed at a DC 27 Will save or become {@condition stunned 1}." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it sees a vision of the sacristan groveling in pitiable servitude. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 27} Will save or become {@condition stunned 1}." ], "name": "Staggering Servitude" }, @@ -44069,7 +44069,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The sacristan opens their mouth to unloose the wailing howls and mind-twisting darkness of the Shadow Plane. This creates a 30-foot emanation of darkness and wailing sounds around the sacristan. Creatures with {@ability darkvision} can't see through this darkness. The sacristan can Sustain Shadow Scream for up to 1 minute. Non-velstrac creatures in the area when the ability is used, as well as those who enter or start their turn in the area, must attempt a DC 28 Will save.", + "The sacristan opens their mouth to unloose the wailing howls and mind-twisting darkness of the Shadow Plane. This creates a 30-foot emanation of darkness and wailing sounds around the sacristan. Creatures with {@ability darkvision} can't see through this darkness. The sacristan can Sustain Shadow Scream for up to 1 minute. Non-velstrac creatures in the area when the ability is used, as well as those who enter or start their turn in the area, must attempt a {@dc 28} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -44405,7 +44405,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The Sandpoint Devil breathes a 30-foot cone of flame that deals {@damage 6d10} fire damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 26 Reflex save. The." + "The Sandpoint Devil breathes a 30-foot cone of flame that deals {@damage 6d10} fire damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 26} Reflex save. The." ], "name": "Accursed Breath" }, @@ -44438,7 +44438,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The Sandpoint Devil unleashes a bloodcurdling howl that can be heard for miles. Each creature within a 100-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 3} and {@condition fleeing} as long as it remains {@condition frightened} on a critical failure). Creatures that attempt this Will save are then immune to Devil's Howl for 24 hours." + "The Sandpoint Devil unleashes a bloodcurdling howl that can be heard for miles. Each creature within a 100-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 3} and {@condition fleeing} as long as it remains {@condition frightened} on a critical failure). Creatures that attempt this Will save are then immune to Devil's Howl for 24 hours." ], "name": "Devil's Howl" }, @@ -44448,7 +44448,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 23" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 23}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -44661,7 +44661,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "When the sard dies, its body explodes in a 30-foot emanation.", - "All creatures in the area take {@damage 10d6} electricity damage and {@damage 10d6} piercing damage (DC 43 basic Reflex save). Any creature that takes piercing damage is also exposed to sard venom." + "All creatures in the area take {@damage 10d6} electricity damage and {@damage 10d6} piercing damage ({@dc 43} basic Reflex save). Any creature that takes piercing damage is also exposed to sard venom." ], "name": "Splintering Death" } @@ -44679,7 +44679,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The sard is about to damage a creature that has electricity resistance", "entries": [ - "An instant before the target takes the electricity damage from the triggering event, the sard's electrical sparks glow red. The target must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or lose any electricity resistance it has until this curse is lifted." + "An instant before the target takes the electricity damage from the triggering event, the sard's electrical sparks glow red. The target must succeed at a {@dc 41} Will save or lose any electricity resistance it has until this curse is lifted." ], "name": "Lightning-Struck Curse" }, @@ -44728,7 +44728,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, root, DC 39" + "Huge or smaller, root, {@dc 39}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -44931,7 +44931,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature that enters the heavy aura must attempt a DC 23 Will save. It is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", + "10 feet. A creature that enters the heavy aura must attempt a {@dc 23} Will save. It is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -44967,7 +44967,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "The sarglagon conjures murky water to fill the lungs of a creature that can't breathe water within 30 feet. The target must attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save.", + "The sarglagon conjures murky water to fill the lungs of a creature that can't breathe water within 30 feet. The target must attempt a {@dc 26} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -45111,7 +45111,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "40 feet. The scarecrow's eyes flicker with an unnerving glow. A creature can't reduce its {@condition frightened} condition below 1 as long as it is in the aura's emanation.", - "When a creature enters or starts its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 18 Will save. Birds and other avian creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to this save.", + "When a creature enters or starts its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 18} Will save. Birds and other avian creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to this save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -45367,7 +45367,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature attempts a melee attack against a sceaduinar or an", "entries": [ - "{@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Tumble Through} the sceaduinar's space; The sceaduinar flexes its wings to emit a brief pulse of negative energy that deals {@damage 4d6} negative damage to the triggering creature (DC 22 basic Reflex save)." + "{@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Tumble Through} the sceaduinar's space; The sceaduinar flexes its wings to emit a brief pulse of negative energy that deals {@damage 4d6} negative damage to the triggering creature ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Wing Flash" } @@ -45379,7 +45379,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When the sceaduinar damages a living creature with its jaws {@action Strike}, the sceaduinar gains 5 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt to the creature by the sceaduinar increases the {@condition drained} value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When the sceaduinar damages a living creature with its jaws {@action Strike}, the sceaduinar gains 5 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt to the creature by the sceaduinar increases the {@condition drained} value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -45698,13 +45698,13 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The sea drake spews a ball of electricity that strikes a primary target within 100 feet, dealing {@damage 7d6} electricity damage (DC 24 basic Reflex save). The lightning then arcs to up to three secondary targets within 30 feet of the primary target, striking the closest available targets first. The secondary bolts each strike one secondary target and deal the same rolled damage value as the primary bolt (DC 22 basic Reflex save). The sea drake can't use Ball Lightning Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "The sea drake spews a ball of electricity that strikes a primary target within 100 feet, dealing {@damage 7d6} electricity damage ({@dc 24} basic Reflex save). The lightning then arcs to up to three secondary targets within 30 feet of the primary target, striking the closest available targets first. The secondary bolts each strike one secondary target and deal the same rolled damage value as the primary bolt ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). The sea drake can't use Ball Lightning Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ], "name": "Ball Lightning Breath" }, { "entries": [ - "A sea drake's saliva carries a large quantity of salt, making its bite wounds even more painful. When a creature takes damage from a sea drake's jaws {@action Strike}, the creature must attempt a DC 24 Fortitude save; the creature is then temporarily immune to briny wound for 1 minute.", + "A sea drake's saliva carries a large quantity of salt, making its bite wounds even more painful. When a creature takes damage from a sea drake's jaws {@action Strike}, the creature must attempt a {@dc 24} Fortitude save; the creature is then temporarily immune to briny wound for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -46055,7 +46055,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "A shadow drake spits a ball of black liquid that explodes into a cloud of frigid black shadow. This attack has a range of 40 feet and explodes in a 5-foot-radius burst.", - "Creatures within the burst take {@damage 3d6} cold damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save). The explosion of shadow also snuffs out mundane light sources the size of a torch, lantern, or smaller, and attempts to counteract magical light with a +10 counteract modifier. The shadow drake can't use Shadow Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "Creatures within the burst take {@damage 3d6} cold damage ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save). The explosion of shadow also snuffs out mundane light sources the size of a torch, lantern, or smaller, and attempts to counteract magical light with a +10 counteract modifier. The shadow drake can't use Shadow Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ], "name": "Shadow Breath" }, @@ -46241,7 +46241,7 @@ "shadow" ], "entries": [ - "When a shadow giant hits with a melee {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} and take a \u20131 status penalty to {@skill Perception} checks involving sight as long as they remain {@condition drained}. On a critical failure, this condition doesn't heal naturally and can be removed only with magic." + "When a shadow giant hits with a melee {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} and take a \u20131 status penalty to {@skill Perception} checks involving sight as long as they remain {@condition drained}. On a critical failure, this condition doesn't heal naturally and can be removed only with magic." ], "name": "Pall of Shadow" }, @@ -46439,7 +46439,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays a shoal linnorm, it must succeed at a DC 38 Will save or become cursed. As long as the curse of drowning persists, the character must spend 3 actions when drinking any liquid.", + "When a creature slays a shoal linnorm, it must succeed at a {@dc 38} Will save or become cursed. As long as the curse of drowning persists, the character must spend 3 actions when drinking any liquid.", "Attempting to drink liquid faster causes the victim to begin drowning, immediately running out of air and falling {@condition unconscious}." ], "name": "Curse of Drowning" @@ -46471,7 +46471,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The shoal linnorm exhales scalding steam that deals {@damage 12d8} fire damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 36 basic Reflex save). The steam lingers until the end of the linnorm's next turn; anyone who enters the area or begins their turn in the area takes {@damage 6d8} fire damage (DC 36 Reflex save negates)", + "The shoal linnorm exhales scalding steam that deals {@damage 12d8} fire damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save). The steam lingers until the end of the linnorm's next turn; anyone who enters the area or begins their turn in the area takes {@damage 6d8} fire damage ({@dc 36} Reflex save negates)", "During this time, the steam is so thick that it impedes movement as well as sight, turning the area into {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}. All creatures in the steam become {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the steam become {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. The shoal linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" @@ -46643,7 +46643,7 @@ "electricity" ], "entries": [ - "The shocker lizard releases a blast of lightning from its body. Creatures within a 10-foot emanation take {@damage 3d6} electricity damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save). The shocker lizard can't use Discharge for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The shocker lizard releases a blast of lightning from its body. Creatures within a 10-foot emanation take {@damage 3d6} electricity damage ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save). The shocker lizard can't use Discharge for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Discharge" }, @@ -46658,14 +46658,14 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The shocker lizard hunkers down and begins to spark with electricity, which it releases in a 10-foot emanation that deals {@damage 3d8} electricity damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save). The shocker lizard can't use." + "The shocker lizard hunkers down and begins to spark with electricity, which it releases in a 10-foot emanation that deals {@damage 3d8} electricity damage ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save). The shocker lizard can't use." ], "name": "Shocking Burst" }, { "entries": [ "Burst again for 1 minute.", - "Up to four shocker lizards can combine their Shocking Bursts. In this case, the lizards can delay the release of their electricity until any other shocker lizard within 30 feet completes its Shocking Burst. The combined Shocking Bursts create an emanation with the combined area from all participating shocker lizards. For each additional shocker lizard that joins the burst, the damage increases by {@damage 3d8} and the save DC increases by 1 (to a maximum of four lizards dealing {@dice 12d8} damage with a DC 21 save)." + "Up to four shocker lizards can combine their Shocking Bursts. In this case, the lizards can delay the release of their electricity until any other shocker lizard within 30 feet completes its Shocking Burst. The combined Shocking Bursts create an emanation with the combined area from all participating shocker lizards. For each additional shocker lizard that joins the burst, the damage increases by {@damage 3d8} and the save DC increases by 1 (to a maximum of four lizards dealing {@dice 12d8} damage with a {@dc 21} save)." ], "name": "Shocking" } @@ -46846,7 +46846,7 @@ "open" ], "entries": [ - "The shoggti caresses a creature with a tentacle and supernaturally erodes the creature's capability for thought as it does so. The target must succeed at a DC 25 Will save or become {@condition stupefied 2}, with an unlimited duration. The target can attempt the save to remove the {@condition stupefied} condition again once per day when it makes its daily preparations." + "The shoggti caresses a creature with a tentacle and supernaturally erodes the creature's capability for thought as it does so. The target must succeed at a {@dc 25} Will save or become {@condition stupefied 2}, with an unlimited duration. The target can attempt the save to remove the {@condition stupefied} condition again once per day when it makes its daily preparations." ], "name": "Braincloud" }, @@ -46856,7 +46856,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d10+8} bludgeoning, DC 25" + "{@damage 1d10+8} bludgeoning, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -46878,7 +46878,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The shoggti writhes its tentacles and shifts its coloration to put on an unnaturally fascinating hypnotic display. Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 25 Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Fascinating Displays for 1 minute.", + "The shoggti writhes its tentacles and shifts its coloration to put on an unnaturally fascinating hypnotic display. Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Fascinating Displays for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -47017,7 +47017,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The skaveling unleashes a horrifying screech that chills the very bones of those close enough to feel it.", - "The screech can be heard for miles, but each creature in a 20-foot emanation must also attempt a DC 22 Will save. The skaveling can't use Bone-Chilling Screech again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The screech can be heard for miles, but each creature in a 20-foot emanation must also attempt a {@dc 22} Will save. The skaveling can't use Bone-Chilling Screech again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -47084,7 +47084,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any creature hit by the skaveling's {@action Strike||Strikes} must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save.", + "Any creature hit by the skaveling's {@action Strike||Strikes} must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -47761,7 +47761,7 @@ "divine" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. Allies in the solar's aura gain a +2 status bonus to AC against evil creatures and a +2 status bonus to saves against effects from evil creatures. The bonus increases to +4 against control by evil creatures and attacks by evil summoned creatures. When the solar or an ally is hit by an attack from a creature in the aura, that foe must succeed at a DC 43 Will save or be {@condition blinded} for 1 minute (this is an {@trait incapacitation} effect). It's then temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "20 feet. Allies in the solar's aura gain a +2 status bonus to AC against evil creatures and a +2 status bonus to saves against effects from evil creatures. The bonus increases to +4 against control by evil creatures and attacks by evil summoned creatures. When the solar or an ally is hit by an attack from a creature in the aura, that foe must succeed at a {@dc 43} Will save or be {@condition blinded} for 1 minute (this is an {@trait incapacitation} effect). It's then temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Aura of Protection" } @@ -47955,7 +47955,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The soul eater is adjacent to a {@condition dying} creature", "entries": [ - "The soul eater attempts to devour the {@condition dying} creature's soul. The creature must attempt a DC 25 Will save. A creature that dies as a result of Drain Soul can't be restored to life except by a spell or ritual of 8th level or higher. If the soul eater that used Drain Soul on a creature is slain within 100 feet of that creature's corpse and the creature has been dead no longer than 1 minute, the creature's soul returns to its body and is restored to life, leaving the creature {@condition unconscious} and {@condition dying 1} but no longer {@condition doomed}.", + "The soul eater attempts to devour the {@condition dying} creature's soul. The creature must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save. A creature that dies as a result of Drain Soul can't be restored to life except by a spell or ritual of 8th level or higher. If the soul eater that used Drain Soul on a creature is slain within 100 feet of that creature's corpse and the creature has been dead no longer than 1 minute, the creature's soul returns to its body and is restored to life, leaving the creature {@condition unconscious} and {@condition dying 1} but no longer {@condition doomed}.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -47975,7 +47975,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When a soul eater hits a creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied 1} ({@condition stupefied 2} on a critical failure). Further damage dealt by the soul eater increases the {@condition stupefied} value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}. This condition value decreases by 1 each time the creature gets a full night's rest. As long as the creature is {@condition stupefied} by a soul eater, rest does not decrease any {@condition doomed} value that creature might have." + "When a soul eater hits a creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 23} Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied 1} ({@condition stupefied 2} on a critical failure). Further damage dealt by the soul eater increases the {@condition stupefied} value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}. This condition value decreases by 1 each time the creature gets a full night's rest. As long as the creature is {@condition stupefied} by a soul eater, rest does not decrease any {@condition doomed} value that creature might have." ], "name": "Mind-Numbing Touch" } @@ -48310,7 +48310,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 22" + "30 feet, {@dc 22}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -48341,7 +48341,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "When the specter damages a living creature with its vile touch {@action Strike}, the specter gains 5 temporary Hit Points and the target creature must attempt a DC 25 Will save to avoid becoming corrupted.", + "When the specter damages a living creature with its vile touch {@action Strike}, the specter gains 5 temporary Hit Points and the target creature must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save to avoid becoming corrupted.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -48490,7 +48490,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The spinosaurus has a creature {@condition grabbed} in its jaws", "entries": [ - "The spinosaurus reaches up and slashes with its claws at the creature it has {@condition grabbed}, dealing {@damage 4d8} slashing damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save) and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." + "The spinosaurus reaches up and slashes with its claws at the creature it has {@condition grabbed}, dealing {@damage 4d8} slashing damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save) and {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." ], "name": "Rip and Tear" }, @@ -48504,7 +48504,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The spinosaurus is swimming on the surface of water", "entries": [ - "With a powerful lunge to the side, the spinosaurus uses its sail to slap the surface of the water, creating a crushing wave of water that deals {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the water in the area must attempt a DC 30 Reflex save.", + "With a powerful lunge to the side, the spinosaurus uses its sail to slap the surface of the water, creating a crushing wave of water that deals {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the water in the area must attempt a {@dc 30} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -48623,7 +48623,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "A spiral centurion's top-like design makes it susceptible to effects that would cause it to fall {@condition prone}. The DC of any attempt to knock the spiral centurion {@condition prone} is reduced by 5. If the spiral centurion attempts a check or saving throw to resist being knocked {@condition prone}, it takes a \u20135 status penalty. A spiral centurion that has been knocked {@condition prone} can't use any actions other than to attempt to {@action Stand}, but it must succeed at a DC 30 {@skill Acrobatics} check to do so." + "A spiral centurion's top-like design makes it susceptible to effects that would cause it to fall {@condition prone}. The DC of any attempt to knock the spiral centurion {@condition prone} is reduced by 5. If the spiral centurion attempts a check or saving throw to resist being knocked {@condition prone}, it takes a \u20135 status penalty. A spiral centurion that has been knocked {@condition prone} can't use any actions other than to attempt to {@action Stand}, but it must succeed at a {@dc 30} {@skill Acrobatics} check to do so." ], "name": "Top-Heavy" } @@ -48635,7 +48635,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The spiral centurion hurls one of its blades with an angled spin to ensure a swooping flight path. The blade deals {@damage 6d6} slashing damage to each creature in a 40-foot line (DC 30 basic Reflex save). At the start of the spiral centurion's next turn, the blade swoops around and returns along the same flight path, again dealing {@damage 6d6} slashing damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save) to each creature along the same line." + "The spiral centurion hurls one of its blades with an angled spin to ensure a swooping flight path. The blade deals {@damage 6d6} slashing damage to each creature in a 40-foot line ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). At the start of the spiral centurion's next turn, the blade swoops around and returns along the same flight path, again dealing {@damage 6d6} slashing damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save) to each creature along the same line." ], "name": "Hurl Blade" }, @@ -48656,7 +48656,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, blade, DC 30" + "Medium or smaller, blade, {@dc 30}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -49018,7 +49018,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature in the sportlebore swarm's area speaks, uses a verbal component, or opens its mouth", "entries": [ - "A portion of the sportlebore swarm attempts to surge down the throat of the triggering creature, which must attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save.", + "A portion of the sportlebore swarm attempts to surge down the throat of the triggering creature, which must attempt a {@dc 25} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -49039,7 +49039,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each creature in the sportlebore swarm's area takes {@damage 4d6} piercing damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save)." + "Each creature in the sportlebore swarm's area takes {@damage 4d6} piercing damage ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" } @@ -49681,7 +49681,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "Whenever the star archon takes slashing damage, bright light pours from their wounds. Non-archons within 10 feet must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save. On a failure, a creature is {@condition dazzled} for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds instead. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 round." + "Whenever the star archon takes slashing damage, bright light pours from their wounds. Non-archons within 10 feet must attempt a {@dc 38} Fortitude save. On a failure, a creature is {@condition dazzled} for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds instead. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 round." ], "name": "Blinding Soul" }, @@ -49694,7 +49694,7 @@ "good" ], "entries": [ - "When killed, the star archon explodes in a blinding flash of holy energy that deals {@damage 12d6} fire damage and {@damage 12d6} good damage to anything in a 100-foot emanation, with a DC 40 basic Reflex save. A non-archon creature that sees the explosion and critically fails its save is permanently {@condition blinded} as well. The slain star archon reincarnates {@dice 1d4} rounds later as a shield archon (Bestiary 29)." + "When killed, the star archon explodes in a blinding flash of holy energy that deals {@damage 12d6} fire damage and {@damage 12d6} good damage to anything in a 100-foot emanation, with a {@dc 40} basic Reflex save. A non-archon creature that sees the explosion and critically fails its save is permanently {@condition blinded} as well. The slain star archon reincarnates {@dice 1d4} rounds later as a shield archon (Bestiary 29)." ], "name": "Explosive Rebirth" }, @@ -49880,7 +49880,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "Frequency once per day; The steam mephit calls down a rain boiling water that surrounds them in a 10-foot emanation.", - "Creatures in the area take {@damage 2d8} fire damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save), and small unattended flames (such as {@item torch||torches}) are extinguished." + "Creatures in the area take {@damage 2d8} fire damage ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save), and small unattended flames (such as {@item torch||torches}) are extinguished." ], "name": "Boiling Rain" }, @@ -49894,7 +49894,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The steam mephit spits a cloud of steam in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} fire damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The steam mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The steam mephit spits a cloud of steam in a 15-foot cone that deals {@damage 2d6} fire damage to each creature within the area ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save). The steam mephit can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -50153,7 +50153,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The striding fire {@action Stride||Strides} up to double its Speed in a straight line. Its movement during this {@action Stride} doesn't trigger reactions. Any creature the striding fire was adjacent to at any point during this {@action Stride} must attempt a DC 24 basic Reflex save. If it critically fails, it is knocked {@condition prone} by a wave of heated air. The striding fire can't use Burning Rush for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The striding fire {@action Stride||Strides} up to double its Speed in a straight line. Its movement during this {@action Stride} doesn't trigger reactions. Any creature the striding fire was adjacent to at any point during this {@action Stride} must attempt a {@dc 24} basic Reflex save. If it critically fails, it is knocked {@condition prone} by a wave of heated air. The striding fire can't use Burning Rush for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Burning Rush" } @@ -50348,7 +50348,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The stygira holds aloft a gem and gazes into the mind of a creature within 30 feet, infusing the creature's thoughts with visions of the creature's own dead body slowly petrifying.", - "The creature must succeed at a DC 25 Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure)." + "The creature must succeed at a {@dc 25} Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Gem Gaze" }, @@ -50359,7 +50359,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "Wounds dealt by the stygira's claws leave the flesh bleached of color and turn the blood that runs from them dark gray. Each time a creature is damaged by the stygira's claw {@action Strike}, it must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or become permanently {@condition slowed 1} ({@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure) as its flesh stiffens like stone. If a creature is reduced to 0 Hit Points from the stygira's claw {@action Strike} and fails the saving throw against stone curse, it is {@condition petrified}. A creature that spends 8 hours in direct sunlight can attempt a new saving throw to remove the effects of stone curse, even if it has been {@condition petrified}." + "Wounds dealt by the stygira's claws leave the flesh bleached of color and turn the blood that runs from them dark gray. Each time a creature is damaged by the stygira's claw {@action Strike}, it must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save or become permanently {@condition slowed 1} ({@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure) as its flesh stiffens like stone. If a creature is reduced to 0 Hit Points from the stygira's claw {@action Strike} and fails the saving throw against stone curse, it is {@condition petrified}. A creature that spends 8 hours in direct sunlight can attempt a new saving throw to remove the effects of stone curse, even if it has been {@condition petrified}." ], "name": "Stone Curse" } @@ -50683,7 +50683,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The sunflower leshy begins its turn in an area of bright light", "entries": [ - "The sunflower leshy reflects the sun or another source of bright light from their face. Each creature that ends its turn in a 20-foot emanation must attempt a DC 16 Will save.", + "The sunflower leshy reflects the sun or another source of bright light from their face. Each creature that ends its turn in a 20-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 16} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -50736,7 +50736,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The sunflower leshy launches a deluge of seeds from their head in a 15-foot cone, dealing {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures within the area (DC 16 basic Reflex save). It gains a +2 status bonus to this damage against {@condition dazzled} creatures. The sunflower leshy can't use Seed Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The sunflower leshy launches a deluge of seeds from their head in a 15-foot cone, dealing {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures within the area ({@dc 16} basic Reflex save). It gains a +2 status bonus to this damage against {@condition dazzled} creatures. The sunflower leshy can't use Seed Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Seed Spray" } @@ -51250,7 +51250,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays a taiga linnorm, it must succeed at a DC 46 Will save or permanently gain weakness 20 to electricity." + "When a creature slays a taiga linnorm, it must succeed at a {@dc 46} Will save or permanently gain weakness 20 to electricity." ], "name": "Curse of Endless Storms" }, @@ -51296,7 +51296,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The taiga linnorm breathes a 60-foot cone of electrified vapor, dealing {@damage 20d6} electricity damage to creatures in the area (DC 41 basic Reflex save). The electrified mist persists for {@dice 1d4} rounds, dealing {@damage 6d6} electricity damage (DC 41 basic Reflex save) to each creature that ends its turn in the mist. The taiga linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The taiga linnorm breathes a 60-foot cone of electrified vapor, dealing {@damage 20d6} electricity damage to creatures in the area ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save). The electrified mist persists for {@dice 1d4} rounds, dealing {@damage 6d6} electricity damage ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save) to each creature that ends its turn in the mist. The taiga linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -51452,7 +51452,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The tatzlwyrm belches a puff of poisonous vapor into the face of an adjacent creature, which must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude save; the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to this save if it's {@condition grabbed} or {@condition flat-footed}. The tatzlwyrm can't use Poison Gasp again for 2 rounds.", + "The tatzlwyrm belches a puff of poisonous vapor into the face of an adjacent creature, which must attempt a {@dc 15} Fortitude save; the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to this save if it's {@condition grabbed} or {@condition flat-footed}. The tatzlwyrm can't use Poison Gasp again for 2 rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -51887,7 +51887,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 30 Will save. If the creature fails, it becomes {@condition frightened 2}. The creature is then temporarily immune to terrifying gaze (but not Focus Gaze) for 24 hours." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 30} Will save. If the creature fails, it becomes {@condition frightened 2}. The creature is then temporarily immune to terrifying gaze (but not Focus Gaze) for 24 hours." ], "name": "Terrifying Gaze" } @@ -51899,7 +51899,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When a thanadaemon damages a living creature with a melee {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the thanadaemon increases the {@condition drained} condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When a thanadaemon damages a living creature with a melee {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 33} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the thanadaemon increases the {@condition drained} condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Draining Strike" }, @@ -51915,7 +51915,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The thanadaemon glares at a single creature they can see within 30 feet. The target must immediately attempt a DC 33 Will save against the thanadaemon's terrifying gaze. If the target was already {@condition frightened}, a failed save causes it to become {@condition fleeing} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. After attempting its save, the creature is temporarily immune to this ability until the start of the thanadaemon's next turn." + "The thanadaemon glares at a single creature they can see within 30 feet. The target must immediately attempt a {@dc 33} Will save against the thanadaemon's terrifying gaze. If the target was already {@condition frightened}, a failed save causes it to become {@condition fleeing} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. After attempting its save, the creature is temporarily immune to this ability until the start of the thanadaemon's next turn." ], "name": "Focus Gaze" }, @@ -52108,7 +52108,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by the theletos's tentacle must succeed at a DC 22 Will save or become {@condition stupefied 1}. As long as the creature is {@condition stupefied}, it can no longer benefit from {@trait fortune} effects. If the target fails additional saves against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." + "A creature damaged by the theletos's tentacle must succeed at a {@dc 22} Will save or become {@condition stupefied 1}. As long as the creature is {@condition stupefied}, it can no longer benefit from {@trait fortune} effects. If the target fails additional saves against this ability, the condition value increases by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}). This condition value decreases by 1 every 24 hours." ], "name": "Fate Drain" }, @@ -52125,7 +52125,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The theletos releases a 60-foot cone of energy from its center.", - "Creatures in the cone become overwhelmed with the knowledge of various fates that destiny has in store for them and lack of clear pathways to these potential futures. They must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or be {@condition slowed 1} indefinitely. An affected creature can choose to roll twice when it attempts an attack, saving throw, or skill check and take the lower result.", + "Creatures in the cone become overwhelmed with the knowledge of various fates that destiny has in store for them and lack of clear pathways to these potential futures. They must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or be {@condition slowed 1} indefinitely. An affected creature can choose to roll twice when it attempts an attack, saving throw, or skill check and take the lower result.", "Regardless of the outcome, that creature is no longer {@condition slowed} after that roll. The theletos can't use Wrath of Fate again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Wrath of Fate" @@ -52486,7 +52486,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d6+17} bludgeoning and {@damage 1d6} acid, DC 40" + "{@damage 2d6+17} bludgeoning and {@damage 1d6} acid, {@dc 40}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -52521,7 +52521,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The thulgant rises up on its twitching limbs and presents its numerous tentacles and stingers in a horrifying display of awfulness.", - "Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 40 Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Stunning Displays for 1 minute.", + "Creatures in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 40} Will save, after which they are temporarily immune to further Stunning Displays for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -52714,7 +52714,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet. The thunderbird is surrounded by a cyclone of wind and driving rain. This area is {@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} for flying creatures, who must successfully {@action Maneuver in Flight} (DC 27) or be blown 30 feet away from the thunderbird. Creatures on the ground must succeed at a DC 27 Reflex save to perform any move action and are knocked {@condition prone} on a critical failure. The driving rain in the storm aura imposes a \u20132 circumstance penalty on {@skill Perception} checks and extinguishes smaller flames. A thunderbird can deactivate or activate the storm aura as a free action with the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "100 feet. The thunderbird is surrounded by a cyclone of wind and driving rain. This area is {@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} for flying creatures, who must successfully {@action Maneuver in Flight} ({@dc 27}) or be blown 30 feet away from the thunderbird. Creatures on the ground must succeed at a {@dc 27} Reflex save to perform any move action and are knocked {@condition prone} on a critical failure. The driving rain in the storm aura imposes a \u20132 circumstance penalty on {@skill Perception} checks and extinguishes smaller flames. A thunderbird can deactivate or activate the storm aura as a free action with the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Storm Aura" }, @@ -52725,7 +52725,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature enters the thunderbird's reach or uses a move action within their reach", "entries": [ - "A lightning bolt dancing on the thunderbird's body leaps onto the creature, dealing {@damage 8d6} electricity damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save)." + "A lightning bolt dancing on the thunderbird's body leaps onto the creature, dealing {@damage 8d6} electricity damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Reactive Shock" } @@ -52742,7 +52742,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The thunderbird spreads their wings and blasts their foe with thunderous bolts of lightning.", - "Each creature in a 30-foot emanation takes {@damage 6d6} electricity damage and {@damage 6d6} sonic damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). The thunderbird can't use Lightning Blast for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Each creature in a 30-foot emanation takes {@damage 6d6} electricity damage and {@damage 6d6} sonic damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). The thunderbird can't use Lightning Blast for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Lightning Blast" }, @@ -52754,7 +52754,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature that takes damage from a thunderbird's thunderbolt {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or be knocked {@condition prone} and {@condition deafened} for 1 round." + "A creature that takes damage from a thunderbird's thunderbolt {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or be knocked {@condition prone} and {@condition deafened} for 1 round." ], "name": "Thunderstrike" } @@ -52852,7 +52852,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d6} piercing damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save) plus Cling and exposure to tick fever." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d6} piercing damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save) plus Cling and exposure to tick fever." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" }, @@ -52861,7 +52861,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "As giant tick but DC 27." + "As giant tick but {@dc 27}." ], "name": "Tick Fever" } @@ -53021,7 +53021,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 28" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 28}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -53154,7 +53154,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The totenmaske hit the same enemy with two claw {@action Strike||Strikes} this turn and is still adjacent to it", "entries": [ - "The totenmaske drains flesh from the creature's body. The creature becomes {@condition sickened 2} and {@condition drained 1} unless it succeeds at a DC 25 Fortitude save ({@condition sickened 2} and {@condition drained 2} on a critical failure)." + "The totenmaske drains flesh from the creature's body. The creature becomes {@condition sickened 2} and {@condition drained 1} unless it succeeds at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save ({@condition sickened 2} and {@condition drained 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Drink Flesh" }, @@ -53686,7 +53686,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The trumpet archon blows mightily on their horn, creating a tone of such beauty and grandeur those who hear it are {@condition paralyzed} in awe. Non-archons within 100 feet must attempt a DC 34 Fortitude save.", + "The trumpet archon blows mightily on their horn, creating a tone of such beauty and grandeur those who hear it are {@condition paralyzed} in awe. Non-archons within 100 feet must attempt a {@dc 34} Fortitude save.", "They are temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -53840,7 +53840,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The twigjack sprays a barrage of splinters and brambles from its body in a 15-foot cone, dealing {@damage 4d6} piercing damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). It can't use Splinter Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The twigjack sprays a barrage of splinters and brambles from its body in a 15-foot cone, dealing {@damage 4d6} piercing damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). It can't use Splinter Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Splinter Spray" } @@ -54138,13 +54138,13 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The umonlee breathes a cone of extremely cold air that damages its prey and can freeze them to the ground. Its breath deals {@damage 12d8} cold damage to creatures in the 50-foot cone (DC 38 Reflex save). The umonlee can't use Freezing Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The umonlee breathes a cone of extremely cold air that damages its prey and can freeze them to the ground. Its breath deals {@damage 12d8} cold damage to creatures in the 50-foot cone ({@dc 38} Reflex save). The umonlee can't use Freezing Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": "The creature is unaffected.", "Success": "The creature takes half damage and is {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round.", - "Failure": "The creature takes full damage and is {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round. If the creature is standing on the ground, it's {@condition immobilized} as thick ice forms around it, and it can't recover from being {@condition slowed}. The creature remains {@condition immobilized} and {@condition slowed 1} until it manages to {@action Escape} (DC 36) or deal 30 damage to the ice, which has weakness 10 to fire.", + "Failure": "The creature takes full damage and is {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round. If the creature is standing on the ground, it's {@condition immobilized} as thick ice forms around it, and it can't recover from being {@condition slowed}. The creature remains {@condition immobilized} and {@condition slowed 1} until it manages to {@action Escape} ({@dc 36}) or deal 30 damage to the ice, which has weakness 10 to fire.", "Critical Failure": "As failure, except the creature takes double damage and the ice holding it in place requires 60 damage to break." } } @@ -54157,7 +54157,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+8} bludgeoning, DC 36" + "{@damage 2d10+8} bludgeoning, {@dc 36}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -54464,7 +54464,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When an urdefhan dies, its {@condition invisible} flesh quickly rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 5-foot emanation around the body. This gas deals {@damage 5d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh curdles and rots as well (DC 21 basic Fortitude save)." + "When an urdefhan dies, its {@condition invisible} flesh quickly rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 5-foot emanation around the body. This gas deals {@damage 5d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh curdles and rots as well ({@dc 21} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay" } @@ -54614,7 +54614,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When an urdefhan dies, its {@condition invisible} flesh quickly rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 5-foot emanation around the body. This gas deals {@damage 3d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh curdles and rots as well (DC 17 basic Fortitude save)." + "When an urdefhan dies, its {@condition invisible} flesh quickly rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 5-foot emanation around the body. This gas deals {@damage 3d6} negative damage to creatures in this area as their flesh curdles and rots as well ({@dc 17} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay" }, @@ -54647,7 +54647,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The urdefhan damaged a creature with a jaws {@action Strike} on its last action", "entries": [ - "The urdefhan maintains contact, turning the creature's flesh translucent around the site of the injury. The urdefhan chooses one of two options, each of which requires a DC 20 Fortitude save. If the jaws {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the creature suffers both effects, using the same save result for both.", + "The urdefhan maintains contact, turning the creature's flesh translucent around the site of the injury. The urdefhan chooses one of two options, each of which requires a {@dc 20} Fortitude save. If the jaws {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the creature suffers both effects, using the same save result for both.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -54775,7 +54775,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The vampire squid ejects a cloud of bioluminescent mucus in a 15-foot cone. Non-squid creatures within the cloud must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}. The glowing mucus remains in the area for 1 minute, and any creature that ends its turn in the area must succeed at a DC 13 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}." + "The vampire squid ejects a cloud of bioluminescent mucus in a 15-foot cone. Non-squid creatures within the cloud must attempt a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}. The glowing mucus remains in the area for 1 minute, and any creature that ends its turn in the area must succeed at a {@dc 13} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}." ], "name": "Glowing Mucus" } @@ -54897,7 +54897,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "When a vampiric mist damages a creature with a misty tendril {@action Strike}, the creature must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. If the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the outcome of the creature's save is one degree worse than the result of the saving throw.", + "When a vampiric mist damages a creature with a misty tendril {@action Strike}, the creature must attempt a {@dc 20} Fortitude save. If the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the outcome of the creature's save is one degree worse than the result of the saving throw.", "Any temporary Hit Points the vampiric mist gains from Blood Siphon fade after 1 hour.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -55104,7 +55104,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet, DC 22" + "20 feet, {@dc 22}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -55155,7 +55155,7 @@ "number": 3 }, "entries": [ - "The vanth bestows a curse on a creature by touching it with its scythe. The creature must attempt a DC 25 Will save.", + "The vanth bestows a curse on a creature by touching it with its scythe. The creature must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -55367,7 +55367,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A vaspercham's shell distorts nearby magic. Any creature in the aura who {@action Cast a Spell||Casts a Spell} must attempt a DC 37 Will save.", + "30 feet. A vaspercham's shell distorts nearby magic. Any creature in the aura who {@action Cast a Spell||Casts a Spell} must attempt a {@dc 37} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -55389,7 +55389,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the vaspercham's {@action Strike||Strikes} or Mindwarping Tide must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is overwhelmed with phantasmal visions, becoming {@condition confused} for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure)." + "A creature hit by the vaspercham's {@action Strike||Strikes} or Mindwarping Tide must attempt a {@dc 38} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is overwhelmed with phantasmal visions, becoming {@condition confused} for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Hallucinatory Brine" }, @@ -55797,7 +55797,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature that hits a verdurous ooze with a metal weapon or unarmed attack must attempt a DC 21 Reflex save. On a failure, the weapon or creature takes {@damage 2d4} acid damage (after dealing damage to the ooze as normal). Thrown weapons take this damage automatically with no save." + "A creature that hits a verdurous ooze with a metal weapon or unarmed attack must attempt a {@dc 21} Reflex save. On a failure, the weapon or creature takes {@damage 2d4} acid damage (after dealing damage to the ooze as normal). Thrown weapons take this damage automatically with no save." ], "name": "Corrosive Surface" }, @@ -55808,7 +55808,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. The verdurous ooze constantly emits supernatural vapors that cause nearby plants to grow rapidly and writhe and grasp at anything and everything within the emanation. This area becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for non\u2013verdurous ooze creatures. When a creature starts its turn in this aura, it must succeed at a DC 21 Reflex save or take a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the emanation." + "20 feet. The verdurous ooze constantly emits supernatural vapors that cause nearby plants to grow rapidly and writhe and grasp at anything and everything within the emanation. This area becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for non\u2013verdurous ooze creatures. When a creature starts its turn in this aura, it must succeed at a {@dc 21} Reflex save or take a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the emanation." ], "name": "Enliven Foliage" }, @@ -55826,7 +55826,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} acid, DC 24" + "{@damage 2d6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} acid, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -55845,7 +55845,7 @@ "sleep" ], "entries": [ - "The verdurous ooze adjusts its aura of supernatural vapors to affect living creatures within a 20-foot emanation, forcing them to attempt a DC 24 Will save.", + "The verdurous ooze adjusts its aura of supernatural vapors to affect living creatures within a 20-foot emanation, forcing them to attempt a {@dc 24} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -56220,7 +56220,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The viper vine releases a 60-foot emanation of {@condition invisible} pollen that stays in the air for 5 rounds unless dispersed by a moderate or stronger wind. Each creature that enters or starts its turn in the area must attempt a DC 33 Will save or be captivated. The viper vine can't use Captivating Pollen for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The viper vine releases a 60-foot emanation of {@condition invisible} pollen that stays in the air for 5 rounds unless dispersed by a moderate or stronger wind. Each creature that enters or starts its turn in the area must attempt a {@dc 33} Will save or be captivated. The viper vine can't use Captivating Pollen for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -56239,7 +56239,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d8+8} bludgeoning, DC 33" + "{@damage 3d8+8} bludgeoning, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -56575,7 +56575,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a non-demon ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition drained 1}." + "30 feet. When a non-demon ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 38} Fortitude save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition drained 1}." ], "name": "Death-Stealing Gaze" } @@ -56628,7 +56628,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The sting of a vrolikai is mind-warping. A creature struck must attempt a DC 44 Will save.", + "The sting of a vrolikai is mind-warping. A creature struck must attempt a {@dc 44} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -56826,7 +56826,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "DC 33" + "{@dc 33}" ], "name": "Pestilential Aura" }, @@ -56846,7 +56846,7 @@ "possession" ], "entries": [ - "DC 33" + "{@dc 33}" ], "name": "Feral Possession" } @@ -56888,7 +56888,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "DC 33" + "{@dc 33}" ], "name": "Dominate Animal" }, @@ -56940,7 +56940,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The vrykolakas ancient is adjacent to an {@condition unconscious} creature", "entries": [ - "The vrykolakas ancient steals the creature's breath. The {@condition unconscious} creature begins suffocating, can't be awakened for 1 round, and must attempt a DC 33 Fortitude save. If a creature is targeted with this ability in consecutive rounds, the save DC decreases by 2 each round after the first.", + "The vrykolakas ancient steals the creature's breath. The {@condition unconscious} creature begins suffocating, can't be awakened for 1 round, and must attempt a {@dc 33} Fortitude save. If a creature is targeted with this ability in consecutive rounds, the save DC decreases by 2 each round after the first.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -57085,7 +57085,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "DC 29" + "{@dc 29}" ], "name": "Pestilential Aura" }, @@ -57105,7 +57105,7 @@ "possession" ], "entries": [ - "DC 29" + "{@dc 29}" ], "name": "Feral Possession" } @@ -57246,7 +57246,7 @@ "possession" ], "entries": [ - "DC 24" + "{@dc 24}" ], "name": "Feral Possession" } @@ -57687,7 +57687,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature within 100 feet casts a fire spell", "entries": [ - "The water yai flourishes their kimono and attempts a {@skill Performance} check to counteract the spell before it comes into effect. If the yai counters the spell, the triggering creature takes {@damage 9d6} electricity damage from electrified water that sprays from the kimono (DC 35 basic Reflex save)." + "The water yai flourishes their kimono and attempts a {@skill Performance} check to counteract the spell before it comes into effect. If the yai counters the spell, the triggering creature takes {@damage 9d6} electricity damage from electrified water that sprays from the kimono ({@dc 35} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Shocking Douse" } @@ -57945,7 +57945,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude." + "Saving Throw {@dc 18} Fortitude." ], "name": "Curse of the Wereboar" }, @@ -58129,7 +58129,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Saving Throw DC 21 Fortitude." + "Saving Throw {@dc 21} Fortitude." ], "name": "Curse of the Weretiger" }, @@ -58386,7 +58386,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Any creature that takes negative damage from a witchfire's {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 26 Will save.", + "Any creature that takes negative damage from a witchfire's {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 26} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -58411,7 +58411,7 @@ ], "requirements": "A creature within 30 feet of the witchfire burns with witchflame", "entries": [ - "The witchfire's eyes and mouth glow brightly, and the witchflame on the target creature momentarily burns much hotter, dealing {@damage 5d6} fire damage and {@damage 5d6} negative damage to that creature (DC 28 basic Fortitude save). The witchfire can't use Witchflame Kindling for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The witchfire's eyes and mouth glow brightly, and the witchflame on the target creature momentarily burns much hotter, dealing {@damage 5d6} fire damage and {@damage 5d6} negative damage to that creature ({@dc 28} basic Fortitude save). The witchfire can't use Witchflame Kindling for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Witchflame Kindling" } @@ -59327,7 +59327,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As rhinoceros, except {@dice 3d12+6} damage and DC 24" + "As rhinoceros, except {@dice 3d12+6} damage and {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Rhinoceros Charge" }, @@ -59337,7 +59337,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, foot, DC 21" + "Medium or smaller, foot, {@dc 21}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -59608,7 +59608,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 5d8} piercing, DC 32" + "{@damage 5d8} piercing, {@dc 32}" ], "name": "Squirming Embrace" }, @@ -59859,7 +59859,7 @@ "traits": [ "disease" ], - "note": "The {@condition sickened} condition from xill eggs doesn't improve on its own until the disease is cured or runs its course. It can be cured with a 10-minute operation that requires a successful DC 26 {@skill Medicine} check and deals {@damage 4d6} slashing damage to the host", + "note": "The {@condition sickened} condition from xill eggs doesn't improve on its own until the disease is cured or runs its course. It can be cured with a 10-minute operation that requires a successful {@dc 26} {@skill Medicine} check and deals {@damage 4d6} slashing damage to the host", "DC": 24, "savingThrow": "Fortitude", "maxDuration": "24 hours", @@ -59893,7 +59893,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the xill's bite {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 24 Fortitude save.", + "A creature hit by the xill's bite {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 24} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -60153,7 +60153,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 39" + "60 feet, {@dc 39}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -60179,7 +60179,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The yamaraj breathes a blast of beetles in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 14d8} slashing damage and {@damage 4d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent slashing damage} to creatures in the area (DC 42 Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The yamaraj breathes a blast of beetles in a 50-foot cone that deals {@damage 14d8} slashing damage and {@damage 4d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent slashing damage} to creatures in the area ({@dc 42} Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -60340,7 +60340,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. Grasping tendrils extend out from the brute. When the brute ends its movement next to a creature, or a creature ends its turn next to the brute, that creature must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or be {@condition grabbed} by the tendrils." + "5 feet. Grasping tendrils extend out from the brute. When the brute ends its movement next to a creature, or a creature ends its turn next to the brute, that creature must succeed at a {@dc 15} Reflex save or be {@condition grabbed} by the tendrils." ], "name": "Entangling Tendrils" } @@ -60359,7 +60359,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When the brute strikes a creature, that creature is exposed to yellow musk creeper pollen, as Spray Pollen (DC 15). The creature is {@condition fascinated} by the yellow musk creeper that spawned the brute, not by the brute itself." + "When the brute strikes a creature, that creature is exposed to yellow musk creeper pollen, as Spray Pollen ({@dc 15}). The creature is {@condition fascinated} by the yellow musk creeper that spawned the brute, not by the brute itself." ], "name": "Pollen Touch" } @@ -60459,7 +60459,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The creeper bores dozens of tendrils into the brain of a Small, Medium, or Large humanoid creature that's {@condition unconscious}, willing, or {@condition fascinated} by Spray Pollen, and within reach of the creeper's tendrils. The creature must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied 1} ({@condition stupefied 2} on a critical failure). Subsequent failed saves against Bore into Brain increase the {@condition stupefied} value. If the creature reaches {@condition stupefied 5}, it is turned into a yellow musk thrall (see below). Boring into a creature's brain doesn't end fascination caused by Spray Pollen." + "The creeper bores dozens of tendrils into the brain of a Small, Medium, or Large humanoid creature that's {@condition unconscious}, willing, or {@condition fascinated} by Spray Pollen, and within reach of the creeper's tendrils. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied 1} ({@condition stupefied 2} on a critical failure). Subsequent failed saves against Bore into Brain increase the {@condition stupefied} value. If the creature reaches {@condition stupefied 5}, it is turned into a yellow musk thrall (see below). Boring into a creature's brain doesn't end fascination caused by Spray Pollen." ], "name": "Bore into Brain" }, @@ -60473,7 +60473,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The yellow musk creeper blasts yellow pollen in either a 30-foot line or a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the emanation must attempt a DC 20 Will save. Once a creature succeeds at any save against." + "The yellow musk creeper blasts yellow pollen in either a 30-foot line or a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the emanation must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save. Once a creature succeeds at any save against." ], "name": "Spray Pollen" }, @@ -60584,7 +60584,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. Grasping tendrils extend out from the thrall. When the thrall ends its movement next to a creature, or a creature ends its turn next to the thrall, that creature must succeed at a DC 14 Reflex save or be {@condition grabbed} by the tendrils." + "5 feet. Grasping tendrils extend out from the thrall. When the thrall ends its movement next to a creature, or a creature ends its turn next to the thrall, that creature must succeed at a {@dc 14} Reflex save or be {@condition grabbed} by the tendrils." ], "name": "Entangling Tendrils" } @@ -60603,7 +60603,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When the thrall strikes a creature, that creature is exposed to yellow musk creeper pollen, as Spray Pollen (DC 14). The creature is {@condition fascinated} by the yellow musk creeper that spawned the thrall, not by the thrall itself." + "When the thrall strikes a creature, that creature is exposed to yellow musk creeper pollen, as Spray Pollen ({@dc 14}). The creature is {@condition fascinated} by the yellow musk creeper that spawned the thrall, not by the thrall itself." ], "name": "Pollen Touch" } @@ -60748,13 +60748,13 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The yeth hound emits an unearthly howl audible up to 300 feet away. Any nonfiend creature that hears the howl must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or become {@condition frightened 1}. Any creature that critically fails and is within 60 feet of the yeth hound is instead {@condition frightened 3} and {@condition fleeing} for {@dice 1d4} rounds (or until it recovers from its {@condition frightened} condition). Whether it succeeds or fails the saving throw, the creature is then temporarily immune to Bay for 24 hours." + "The yeth hound emits an unearthly howl audible up to 300 feet away. Any nonfiend creature that hears the howl must succeed at a {@dc 20} Will save or become {@condition frightened 1}. Any creature that critically fails and is within 60 feet of the yeth hound is instead {@condition frightened 3} and {@condition fleeing} for {@dice 1d4} rounds (or until it recovers from its {@condition frightened} condition). Whether it succeeds or fails the saving throw, the creature is then temporarily immune to Bay for 24 hours." ], "name": "Bay" }, { "entries": [ - "A good creature bitten by a yeth hound must attempt a DC 20 Will save. On a critical success, the creature is temporarily immune to sinister bite for 1 minute. A creature that fails becomes {@condition frightened 1}, or increases the value of its {@condition frightened} condition by 1 if already {@condition frightened}." + "A good creature bitten by a yeth hound must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save. On a critical success, the creature is temporarily immune to sinister bite for 1 minute. A creature that fails becomes {@condition frightened 1}, or increases the value of its {@condition frightened} condition by 1 if already {@condition frightened}." ], "name": "Sinister Bite" } @@ -60941,7 +60941,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 24" + "90 feet, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -60955,7 +60955,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature the brine dragon observes within 30 feet uses a concentrate action", "entries": [ - "The dragon spits a glob of caustic salt water at the creature. The creature takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). On a failure, the concentrate action is disrupted." + "The dragon spits a glob of caustic salt water at the creature. The creature takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). On a failure, the concentrate action is disrupted." ], "name": "Brine Spit" } @@ -60972,7 +60972,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a spray of acidic salt water that deals {@damage 9d6} acid damage in an 80-foot line (DC 26 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a spray of acidic salt water that deals {@damage 9d6} acid damage in an 80-foot line ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -61194,7 +61194,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 26" + "90 feet, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -61226,7 +61226,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a thundercloud that deals {@damage 11d6} electricity damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 29 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a thundercloud that deals {@damage 11d6} electricity damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -61494,7 +61494,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 25" + "90 feet, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -61524,7 +61524,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a flurry of piercing crystals that deal {@damage 8d6} piercing damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 25 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a flurry of piercing crystals that deal {@damage 8d6} piercing damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -61739,7 +61739,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 24" + "90 feet, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -61770,7 +61770,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of magma that deals {@damage 5d6} fire damage and {@damage 3d12} bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 28 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a blast of magma that deals {@damage 5d6} fire damage and {@damage 3d12} bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -61994,7 +61994,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 26" + "90 feet, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -62027,7 +62027,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of darkness that deals {@damage 12d6} negative energy damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 30 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. Undead creatures take {@damage 14d6} force damage instead of the negative damage." + "The dragon breathes a blast of darkness that deals {@damage 12d6} negative energy damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. Undead creatures take {@damage 14d6} force damage instead of the negative damage." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -62683,7 +62683,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The zomok blasts forth a 60-foot cone of earth and gravel, dealing {@damage 17d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save); {@condition prone} creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to this saving throw. Creatures touching the ground that fail their saves take a 10-foot circumstance penalty to their Speeds and are {@condition restrained} ({@action Escape} DC 34) on a critical failure. The zomok can't use Entombing Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The zomok blasts forth a 60-foot cone of earth and gravel, dealing {@damage 17d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save); {@condition prone} creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to this saving throw. Creatures touching the ground that fail their saves take a 10-foot circumstance penalty to their Speeds and are {@condition restrained} ({@action Escape} {@dc 34}) on a critical failure. The zomok can't use Entombing Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", "The bodies of creatures slain by Entombing Breath instantly decompose and are destroyed\u2014they can be restored to life only by a 7th-level or higher spell or ritual that restores life. The creature's equipment is unharmed but buried under 5 feet of earth." ], "name": "Entombing Breath" @@ -62731,7 +62731,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, tail, DC 32" + "Huge or smaller, tail, {@dc 32}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -62766,6 +62766,12 @@ "paralyzed", "sleep", "stunned" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "amount": 15, + "name": "fire" + } ] } }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-b3.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-b3.json index 803bdd96b2..c45a463d9f 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-b3.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-b3.json @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A divine spell is cast within 30 feet of the abandoned zealot", "entries": [ - "The abandoned zealot howls an elegy of regret, forcing the spellcaster to attempt a DC 22 Will save, or DC 24 if the caster is a member of the zealot's former faith. On a failure, the elegy disrupts the spell." + "The abandoned zealot howls an elegy of regret, forcing the spellcaster to attempt a {@dc 22} Will save, or {@dc 24} if the caster is a member of the zealot's former faith. On a failure, the elegy disrupts the spell." ], "name": "Elegy of the Faithless" } @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "When hit by an abandoned zealot's hand of despair, a creature capable of divine spellcasting or with divinely granted abilities must succeed at a DC 24 Will save or be unable to use those spells or abilities until the end of its next turn." + "When hit by an abandoned zealot's hand of despair, a creature capable of divine spellcasting or with divinely granted abilities must succeed at a {@dc 24} Will save or be unable to use those spells or abilities until the end of its next turn." ], "name": "Rend Faith" } @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the abrikandilu hits a creature with a jaws {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become physically mutilated. The creature then takes a \u20131 status penalty to Charisma-based checks. This penalty is cumulative up to \u20133 and remains even if the wounds are healed. The penalty is reduced by 1 every 24 hours until it reaches 0." + "When the abrikandilu hits a creature with a jaws {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 21} Fortitude save or become physically mutilated. The creature then takes a \u20131 status penalty to Charisma-based checks. This penalty is cumulative up to \u20133 and remains even if the wounds are healed. The penalty is reduced by 1 every 24 hours until it reaches 0." ], "name": "Mutilating Bite" }, @@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "An adlet's mist turns biting cold and coalesces into a thick rime of frost that deals {@damage 6d6} cold damage to creatures inside the adlet's wolfstorm aura (DC 26 basic Fortitude), and the aura is deactivated until the start of the adlet's next turn." + "An adlet's mist turns biting cold and coalesces into a thick rime of frost that deals {@damage 6d6} cold damage to creatures inside the adlet's wolfstorm aura ({@dc 26} basic Fortitude), and the aura is deactivated until the start of the adlet's next turn." ], "name": "Wolfrime" } @@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 32. Animals, fungi, and plants take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to the save." + "90 feet, {@dc 32}. Animals, fungi, and plants take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to the save." ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon unleashes a swarm of insects that deals {@damage 14d6} piercing damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 34 basic Reflex save) before dispersing. A creature that critically fails is {@condition stunned 2} from the insects' venom; this is a {@trait poison} effect. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon unleashes a swarm of insects that deals {@damage 14d6} piercing damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save) before dispersing. A creature that critically fails is {@condition stunned 2} from the insects' venom; this is a {@trait poison} effect. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The dragon draws moisture from the living creatures surrounding them, using the energy to heal their own wounds. Each living creature in a 30-foot emanation takes {@damage 7d10} negative damage (DC 34 basic Fortitude save). Creatures made entirely of water and plant creatures use the outcome one degree of success worse than they rolled. The dragon regains Hit Points equal to half of the highest damage a single creature takes from this effect. In addition, all non-creature plant life in the area withers and dies, eliminating non-magical undergrowth and any resulting {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}, cover, and concealment. Water is also consumed in the same way, typically lowering any standing body of water fully within the area by 1 foot." + "The dragon draws moisture from the living creatures surrounding them, using the energy to heal their own wounds. Each living creature in a 30-foot emanation takes {@damage 7d10} negative damage ({@dc 34} basic Fortitude save). Creatures made entirely of water and plant creatures use the outcome one degree of success worse than they rolled. The dragon regains Hit Points equal to half of the highest damage a single creature takes from this effect. In addition, all non-creature plant life in the area withers and dies, eliminating non-magical undergrowth and any resulting {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}, cover, and concealment. Water is also consumed in the same way, typically lowering any standing body of water fully within the area by 1 foot." ], "name": "Draining Blight" }, @@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d8+10} bludgeoning, DC 34 (page 305)" + "{@damage 3d8+10} bludgeoning, {@dc 34} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 30 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 30} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon shoots a ball of water that deals {@damage 13d6} bludgeoning damage in a 25-foot burst within 50 feet (DC 32 basic Reflex save). All non-magical fire in the radius is extinguished. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon shoots a ball of water that deals {@damage 13d6} bludgeoning damage in a 25-foot burst within 50 feet ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). All non-magical fire in the radius is extinguished. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d8+6} bludgeoning, DC 30 (page 305)" + "{@damage 3d8+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 30} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "A living creature that takes damage from the sea dragon's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} as a surge of excess water floods its body." + "A living creature that takes damage from the sea dragon's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 32} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} as a surge of excess water floods its body." ], "name": "Hyponatremia" } @@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 31 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 31} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1760,7 +1760,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon shoots a ball of electricity that deals {@damage 7d12} electricity damage in a 25-foot burst within 50 feet (DC 33 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. See divine lightning below." + "The dragon shoots a ball of electricity that deals {@damage 7d12} electricity damage in a 25-foot burst within 50 feet ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. See divine lightning below." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d8+8} bludgeoning, DC 33 (page 305)" + "{@damage 3d8+8} bludgeoning, {@dc 33} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 34 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 34} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic energy, dealing {@damage 16d6} mental damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 36 basic Will save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic energy, dealing {@damage 16d6} mental damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 36} basic Will save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -2073,7 +2073,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The dragon's golden armor glows with a protective golden light. The dragon gains a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 15 to energy damage. Each enemy in a 20-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled}. All these effects last until the end of the dragon's next turn." + "The dragon's golden armor glows with a protective golden light. The dragon gains a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 15 to energy damage. Each enemy in a 20-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 36} Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled}. All these effects last until the end of the dragon's next turn." ], "name": "Gleaming Armor", "traits": [ @@ -2092,7 +2092,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d10+8} bludgeoning, DC 36 (page 305)" + "{@damage 3d10+8} bludgeoning, {@dc 36} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -2324,7 +2324,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 28 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 28} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2339,7 +2339,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. Each creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition fatigued} while it remains in the aura." + "10 feet. Each creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition fatigued} while it remains in the aura." ], "name": "Sweltering Heat" } @@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of fire that explodes in a 25-foot burst within 50 feet, dealing {@damage 10d6} fire damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also take {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a blast of fire that explodes in a 25-foot burst within 50 feet, dealing {@damage 10d6} fire damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also take {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -2388,7 +2388,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+10} bludgeoning, DC 30 (page 305)" + "{@damage 2d8+10} bludgeoning, {@dc 30} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -2557,7 +2557,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "DC 21; {@ritual div pact|b3}" + "{@dc 21}; {@ritual div pact|b3}" ], "name": "Divine Ritual" }, @@ -2577,7 +2577,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The aghash fixes their gaze on one creature they can see within 20 feet. The creature must attempt a DC 21 Will save.", + "The aghash fixes their gaze on one creature they can see within 20 feet. The creature must attempt a {@dc 21} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2605,7 +2605,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The aghash creates a temporary sandstorm in a 30 foot emanation that lasts for 1 minute. Creatures within the emanation take a \u20134 circumstance penalty to {@skill Perception} checks and must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save. On a failure, they're forced to hold their breath or else they start suffocating. A creature within the sandstorm at the end of its turn takes {@damage 1d6} slashing damage. Divs are immune to all effects of an aghash's sandstorm." + "The aghash creates a temporary sandstorm in a 30 foot emanation that lasts for 1 minute. Creatures within the emanation take a \u20134 circumstance penalty to {@skill Perception} checks and must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save. On a failure, they're forced to hold their breath or else they start suffocating. A creature within the sandstorm at the end of its turn takes {@damage 1d6} slashing damage. Divs are immune to all effects of an aghash's sandstorm." ], "name": "Sandstorm" } @@ -2885,7 +2885,7 @@ "conjuration" ], "entries": [ - "40 feet. A creature that begins its turn within the area feels its body begin to stretch and must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or become destabilized. A destabilized creature emits a 10-foot destabilizing field aura and becomes {@condition sickened 1}. The destabilization ends when the creature is no longer {@condition sickened}. A creature that succeeds at its saving throw against the aura is temporarily immune to all destabilizing fields for 1 minute." + "40 feet. A creature that begins its turn within the area feels its body begin to stretch and must succeed at a {@dc 33} Fortitude save or become destabilized. A destabilized creature emits a 10-foot destabilizing field aura and becomes {@condition sickened 1}. The destabilization ends when the creature is no longer {@condition sickened}. A creature that succeeds at its saving throw against the aura is temporarily immune to all destabilizing fields for 1 minute." ], "name": "Destabilizing Field" }, @@ -2929,7 +2929,7 @@ "teleportation" ], "entries": [ - "The amalgamite chooses up to two destabilized creatures they can see within 50 feet and swaps their positions, or moves a single such creature to an unoccupied space they can see within range. If the amalgamite chooses two creatures, they can choose their self as one of these creatures, but both targets must be the same size. An unwilling creature can attempt a DC 33 Will save. If either target succeeds at this saving throw, both are unaffected." + "The amalgamite chooses up to two destabilized creatures they can see within 50 feet and swaps their positions, or moves a single such creature to an unoccupied space they can see within range. If the amalgamite chooses two creatures, they can choose their self as one of these creatures, but both targets must be the same size. An unwilling creature can attempt a {@dc 33} Will save. If either target succeeds at this saving throw, both are unaffected." ], "name": "Transpose" } @@ -3314,7 +3314,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 39. Animals, fungi, and plants take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to the save." + "90 feet, {@dc 39}. Animals, fungi, and plants take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to the save." ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon unleashes a swarm of insects that deals {@damage 20d6} piercing damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 41 basic Reflex save) before dispersing. A creature that critically fails is {@condition stunned 2} from the insects' venom; this is a {@trait poison} effect. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon unleashes a swarm of insects that deals {@damage 20d6} piercing damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save) before dispersing. A creature that critically fails is {@condition stunned 2} from the insects' venom; this is a {@trait poison} effect. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -3379,7 +3379,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The dragon draws moisture from the living creatures surrounding them, using the energy to heal their own wounds. Each living creature in a 30-foot emanation takes {@damage 9d10} negative damage (DC 41 basic Fortitude save). Creatures made entirely of water and plant creatures use the outcome one degree of success worse than they rolled. The dragon regains Hit Points equal to half of the highest damage a single creature takes from this effect. In addition, all non-creature plant life in the area withers and dies, eliminating non-magical undergrowth and any resulting {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}, cover, and concealment. Water is also consumed in the same way, typically lowering any standing body of water fully within the area by 1 foot." + "The dragon draws moisture from the living creatures surrounding them, using the energy to heal their own wounds. Each living creature in a 30-foot emanation takes {@damage 9d10} negative damage ({@dc 41} basic Fortitude save). Creatures made entirely of water and plant creatures use the outcome one degree of success worse than they rolled. The dragon regains Hit Points equal to half of the highest damage a single creature takes from this effect. In addition, all non-creature plant life in the area withers and dies, eliminating non-magical undergrowth and any resulting {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}, cover, and concealment. Water is also consumed in the same way, typically lowering any standing body of water fully within the area by 1 foot." ], "name": "Draining Blight", "traits": [ @@ -3405,7 +3405,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 4d8+10} bludgeoning, DC 41 (page 305)" + "{@damage 4d8+10} bludgeoning, {@dc 41} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -3419,7 +3419,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature made of flesh is reduced to 0 Hit Points by the dragon's jaws {@action Strike}, that creature must attempt a DC 41 Fortitude save. If it fails, it dies, and its flesh, made of earth in a metaphysical sense, turns to wood.", + "When a creature made of flesh is reduced to 0 Hit Points by the dragon's jaws {@action Strike}, that creature must attempt a {@dc 41} Fortitude save. If it fails, it dies, and its flesh, made of earth in a metaphysical sense, turns to wood.", "The wood is living and might grow into a tree over time, but it can't be used as a body or piece of a body for raise dead or other magic that would return the creature to life." ], "name": "Lignifying Bite" @@ -3641,7 +3641,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 36 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 36} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3687,7 +3687,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon shoots a ball of water that deals {@damage 18d6} bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot burst within 60 feet (DC 38 basic Reflex save). All non-magical fire in the radius is extinguished. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon shoots a ball of water that deals {@damage 18d6} bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot burst within 60 feet ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save). All non-magical fire in the radius is extinguished. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -3713,7 +3713,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d10+8} bludgeoning, DC 38 (page 305)" + "{@damage 3d10+8} bludgeoning, {@dc 38} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "A living creature that takes damage from the sea dragon's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 2} as a surge of excess water floods its body." + "A living creature that takes damage from the sea dragon's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 38} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 2} as a surge of excess water floods its body." ], "name": "Hyponatremia" }, @@ -3747,7 +3747,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The dragon slams their body down, sending a towering wave outward. This wave deals {@damage 10d12} bludgeoning damage in a 90-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 38 Reflex save. Structures and unattended objects in the area take the full amount of damage with no saving throw.", + "The dragon slams their body down, sending a towering wave outward. This wave deals {@damage 10d12} bludgeoning damage in a 90-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 38} Reflex save. Structures and unattended objects in the area take the full amount of damage with no saving throw.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3960,7 +3960,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 38 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 38} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3980,7 +3980,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon shoots a ball of electricity that deals {@damage 9d12} electricity damage and {@damage 2d12} sonic damage in a 30-foot burst within 60 feet (DC 40 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. See divine lightning below." + "The dragon shoots a ball of electricity that deals {@damage 9d12} electricity damage and {@damage 2d12} sonic damage in a 30-foot burst within 60 feet ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. See divine lightning below." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -4015,7 +4015,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d10+11} bludgeoning, DC 40 (page 305)" + "{@damage 3d10+11} bludgeoning, {@dc 40} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -4040,7 +4040,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon rapidly coils, then unleashes crackling lightning that deals {@damage 5d12} electricity damage in a 60-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 40 Fortitude save; regardless of the outcome, the creature then becomes temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", + "The dragon rapidly coils, then unleashes crackling lightning that deals {@damage 5d12} electricity damage in a 60-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 40} Fortitude save; regardless of the outcome, the creature then becomes temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -4261,7 +4261,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 41 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 41} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -4307,7 +4307,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic energy, dealing {@damage 21d6} mental damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 43 basic Will save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic energy, dealing {@damage 21d6} mental damage in a 50-foot cone ({@dc 43} basic Will save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -4333,7 +4333,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The dragon's golden armor glows with a protective golden light. The dragon gains a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 20 to energy damage. Each enemy in a 20-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 43 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled}. All these effects last until the end of the dragon's next turn." + "The dragon's golden armor glows with a protective golden light. The dragon gains a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 20 to energy damage. Each enemy in a 20-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 43} Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled}. All these effects last until the end of the dragon's next turn." ], "name": "Gleaming Armor", "traits": [ @@ -4352,7 +4352,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 4d8+11} bludgeoning, DC 43 (page 305)" + "{@damage 4d8+11} bludgeoning, {@dc 43} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -4587,7 +4587,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 35 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 35} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -4602,7 +4602,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. Each creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition fatigued} while it remains in the aura." + "10 feet. Each creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 35} Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition fatigued} while it remains in the aura." ], "name": "Sweltering Heat" } @@ -4625,7 +4625,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of fire that explodes in a 30-foot burst within 60 feet, dealing {@damage 14d6} fire damage (DC 39 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also take {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a blast of fire that explodes in a 30-foot burst within 60 feet, dealing {@damage 14d6} fire damage ({@dc 39} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also take {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -4651,7 +4651,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d10+9} bludgeoning, DC 37 (page 305)" + "{@damage 3d10+9} bludgeoning, {@dc 37} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -4670,7 +4670,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The dragon plunges their body into the ground, Burrows up to their Speed, and then scorches the land within a 60-foot emanation.", - "Creatures underground or on the surface in the area take {@damage 8d6} fire damage (DC 37 basic Fortitude save), and those who critically fail become {@condition enfeebled 1} for 1 minute.", + "Creatures underground or on the surface in the area take {@damage 8d6} fire damage ({@dc 37} basic Fortitude save), and those who critically fail become {@condition enfeebled 1} for 1 minute.", "Animate dreams (Bestiary 2 18)" ], "name": "Scorch Earth" @@ -5222,7 +5222,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living creature hit by an angheuvore's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save to end the condition at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each save." + "Any living creature hit by an angheuvore's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 15} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save to end the condition at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each save." ], "name": "Paralysis" } @@ -5357,7 +5357,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d12+11} bludgeoning, DC 36" + "{@damage 3d12+11} bludgeoning, {@dc 36}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -5373,7 +5373,7 @@ "attack" ], "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 36" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 36}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -5499,7 +5499,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The animated furnace opens its door and fans its flames in a 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 5d6} fire damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save)." + "The animated furnace opens its door and fans its flames in a 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 5d6} fire damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Fan the Flames" }, @@ -5625,7 +5625,7 @@ "magical" ], "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the animated silverware swarm's space takes {@damage 1d6} piercing or slashing damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save)." + "Each enemy in the animated silverware swarm's space takes {@damage 1d6} piercing or slashing damage ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Slice and Dice" }, @@ -5638,14 +5638,14 @@ "magical" ], "entries": [ - "The animated silverware swarm attempts to pin a single creature. The target must attempt a DC 17 Reflex save.", + "The animated silverware swarm attempts to pin a single creature. The target must attempt a {@dc 17} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": "The target is unaffected.", "Success": "Silverware pins portions of the target's clothing and gear. The target takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds as long as it remains in the swarm's space.", "Failure": "As success, and the target also can't {@action Step} until it leaves the swarm's space.", - "Critical Failure": "The target is thoroughly pinned by the silverware, becoming {@condition immobilized} until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 17) or uses 2 {@action Interact} actions to remove all of the silverware pinning them down." + "Critical Failure": "The target is thoroughly pinned by the silverware, becoming {@condition immobilized} until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 17}) or uses 2 {@action Interact} actions to remove all of the silverware pinning them down." } } ], @@ -5797,7 +5797,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The animated trebuchet has a creature {@condition grabbed} in its arm", "entries": [ - "The animated trebuchet attempts an {@skill Athletics} check against the {@condition grabbed} creature's Fortitude DC. On a success, it fires the creature up to 40 feet in height and up to 120 feet away. The creature takes {@damage 4d12} bludgeoning damage plus the appropriate falling damage. If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save). On a successful Launch, the animated trebuchet must {@action Interact} to reposition its arm into the proper position before it can Launch again." + "The animated trebuchet attempts an {@skill Athletics} check against the {@condition grabbed} creature's Fortitude DC. On a success, it fires the creature up to 40 feet in height and up to 120 feet away. The creature takes {@damage 4d12} bludgeoning damage plus the appropriate falling damage. If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). On a successful Launch, the animated trebuchet must {@action Interact} to reposition its arm into the proper position before it can Launch again." ], "name": "Launch" }, @@ -5810,7 +5810,7 @@ "attack" ], "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, arm, DC 33" + "Large or smaller, arm, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -6012,7 +6012,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The sharpshooter makes witty, but disparaging comments about the fighting style of a target within 30 feet, expressing sympathy over every missed blow and providing sarcastic advice on how to improve. The target must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or take a \u20131 circumstance penalty to attack rolls (\u20132 on a critical failure) for 1 minute or until it makes a successful {@action Strike} against the sharpshooter. A creature who critically succeeds or who {@action Strike||Strikes} the sharpshooter after failing is immune to that sharpshooter's Hurtful Critique for 1 hour." + "The sharpshooter makes witty, but disparaging comments about the fighting style of a target within 30 feet, expressing sympathy over every missed blow and providing sarcastic advice on how to improve. The target must succeed at a {@dc 18} Will save or take a \u20131 circumstance penalty to attack rolls (\u20132 on a critical failure) for 1 minute or until it makes a successful {@action Strike} against the sharpshooter. A creature who critically succeeds or who {@action Strike||Strikes} the sharpshooter after failing is immune to that sharpshooter's Hurtful Critique for 1 hour." ], "name": "Hurtful Critique" } @@ -6170,7 +6170,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "If an arboreal archive dies unexpectedly before passing on their knowledge in a succession ritual, the amassed lore within their roots and boughs explodes out in a shock wave that deals {@damage 8d10} mental damage to creatures within 30 feet (DC 32 basic Will save) before dissipating; those who fail also fall {@condition prone}." + "If an arboreal archive dies unexpectedly before passing on their knowledge in a succession ritual, the amassed lore within their roots and boughs explodes out in a shock wave that deals {@damage 8d10} mental damage to creatures within 30 feet ({@dc 32} basic Will save) before dissipating; those who fail also fall {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Abeyance Rift" } @@ -6189,7 +6189,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The arboreal archive tries to overwhelm foes with a surge of information it has absorbed over its long life. This surge deals {@damage 5d6} mental damage to each enemy within 40 feet, who must attempt a DC 32 Will save.", + "The arboreal archive tries to overwhelm foes with a surge of information it has absorbed over its long life. This surge deals {@damage 5d6} mental damage to each enemy within 40 feet, who must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -6374,7 +6374,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The arboreal reaper grows still and focuses intently on a single foe within 50 feet, draining moisture from the target's body. This deals {@damage 10d6} negative damage (DC 25 basic Fortitude save). The arboreal reaper can't Leech Moisture again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The arboreal reaper grows still and focuses intently on a single foe within 50 feet, draining moisture from the target's body. This deals {@damage 10d6} negative damage ({@dc 25} basic Fortitude save). The arboreal reaper can't Leech Moisture again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Leech Moisture" } @@ -6879,7 +6879,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "10 feet.", - "An azer's skin radiates heat like forge fire. A creature that starts their turn in the area must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become {@condition fatigued} while they remain in the area. Creatures immune to environmental heat effects or with any fire resistance are immune." + "An azer's skin radiates heat like forge fire. A creature that starts their turn in the area must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or become {@condition fatigued} while they remain in the area. Creatures immune to environmental heat effects or with any fire resistance are immune." ], "name": "Heat of the Forge" } @@ -6907,7 +6907,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The azer shrouds their light hammer in flames and hurls it forward, dealing {@damage 2d6} fire damage to each creature in a 20-foot line (DC 16 basic Reflex save)." + "The azer shrouds their light hammer in flames and hurls it forward, dealing {@damage 2d6} fire damage to each creature in a 20-foot line ({@dc 16} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Scorch" } @@ -7057,7 +7057,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "Exposure to the bauble beast's magical stomach fluids enchants the mind. A creature critically hit by the beast's jaws or bile {@action Strike} is subject to a {@spell charitable urge|apg} spell (DC 23)." + "Exposure to the bauble beast's magical stomach fluids enchants the mind. A creature critically hit by the beast's jaws or bile {@action Strike} is subject to a {@spell charitable urge|apg} spell ({@dc 23})." ], "name": "Philanthropic Bile" }, @@ -7069,7 +7069,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The jeweler beast creates imitation jewelry within its own digestive system. This takes about 4 hours. Determining the jewelry is fake works like detecting a forgery (Core Rulebook 251), using either {@skill Perception} or {@skill Crafting} instead of Perception or {@skill Society}, with a DC of 25.", - "The process of creating fake jewelry also places an enchantment inside the item. Anyone who dons the imitation jewelry is targeted with a DC 24 {@spell suggestion} spell with a duration of 1 hour on a failure or 24 hours on a critical failure.", + "The process of creating fake jewelry also places an enchantment inside the item. Anyone who dons the imitation jewelry is targeted with a {@dc 24} {@spell suggestion} spell with a duration of 1 hour on a failure or 24 hours on a critical failure.", "A creature that fails learns the location where the fake jewelry was created and is compelled to collect their valuable belongings and bring them to that location. Removing the imitation jewelry ends the spell immediately, but the wearer can't take it off voluntarily." ], "name": "Forge Jewelry" @@ -7193,7 +7193,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet, DC 25" + "120 feet, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -7212,14 +7212,14 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A baykok creates an {@condition invisible} arrow of bone as it draws its bow. A {@condition frightened} creature hit by the arrow is stricken with loneliness and despair and must attempt a DC 26 Will save; if the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the target uses the outcome one degree of success worse than the result of its save.", + "A baykok creates an {@condition invisible} arrow of bone as it draws its bow. A {@condition frightened} creature hit by the arrow is stricken with loneliness and despair and must attempt a {@dc 26} Will save; if the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the target uses the outcome one degree of success worse than the result of its save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": "The creature is unaffected.", "Success": "The creature is {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round.", "Failure": "The creature's {@condition frightened} value increases by 1 (to a maximum of 4), and it is {@condition slowed 1} until its {@condition frightened} condition ends.", - "Critical Failure": "As failure, but the creature is {@condition paralyzed} until its {@condition frightened} condition ends. At the start of each of its turns, it can end the {@condition paralyzed} condition early with a successful DC 26 Will save." + "Critical Failure": "As failure, but the creature is {@condition paralyzed} until its {@condition frightened} condition ends. At the start of each of its turns, it can end the {@condition paralyzed} condition early with a successful {@dc 26} Will save." } } ], @@ -7237,7 +7237,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The baykok is adjacent to a {@condition paralyzed}, {@condition restrained}, or {@condition unconscious} living humanoid", "entries": [ - "The baykok touches the target and devours part of its life force. The target must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or be afflicted with the baykok's wasting curse. If the target fails and wasn't already affected by the wasting curse, the baykok gains 20 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour." + "The baykok touches the target and devours part of its life force. The target must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or be afflicted with the baykok's wasting curse. If the target fails and wasn't already affected by the wasting curse, the baykok gains 20 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour." ], "name": "Devour Life" }, @@ -7248,7 +7248,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The baykok steals life from its victim and leaves listless dread in its place. If a target fails its save against Devour Life, it becomes {@condition drained 1}. Each time the target gets a full night's rest, it must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or its {@condition drained} value increases rather than decreasing. The curse ends if the creature recovers from the {@condition drained} condition, but if the creature would reach {@condition drained 5} from this effect, it dies." + "The baykok steals life from its victim and leaves listless dread in its place. If a target fails its save against Devour Life, it becomes {@condition drained 1}. Each time the target gets a full night's rest, it must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or its {@condition drained} value increases rather than decreasing. The curse ends if the creature recovers from the {@condition drained} condition, but if the creature would reach {@condition drained 5} from this effect, it dies." ], "name": "Wasting Curse" } @@ -7400,7 +7400,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. The betobeto-san's footsteps seem to draw ever closer, yet the source remains difficult to pinpoint. Each creature that starts its turn within 60 feet of the betobeto-san must attempt a DC 29 Will save.", + "60 feet. The betobeto-san's footsteps seem to draw ever closer, yet the source remains difficult to pinpoint. Each creature that starts its turn within 60 feet of the betobeto-san must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -7580,7 +7580,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The bison kicks up dust and shakes the ground as it charges. The stampeding bison {@action Stride||Strides} up to twice its Speed in a straight line, dealing {@damage 4d6+6} bludgeoning damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save) to any Medium or smaller creature in its path.", + "The bison kicks up dust and shakes the ground as it charges. The stampeding bison {@action Stride||Strides} up to twice its Speed in a straight line, dealing {@damage 4d6+6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 21} basic Reflex save) to any Medium or smaller creature in its path.", "Multiple bison can participate in Rolling Thunder by spending this ability's actions and waiting to charge until the herd is ready. Before the beginning of their next turn, they can then charge as a reaction triggered by an adjacent bison beginning its Rolling Thunder charge.", "All bison in the combined charge must charge in parallel lines, so the areas can't overlap. The combined charge deals an additional {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures in the area, and a creature that fails the Reflex saving throw is also knocked {@condition prone}." ], @@ -7772,8 +7772,8 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The blood hag removes her borrowed skin and transforms into a brilliant ball of fire. She becomes amorphous, gains the {@trait fire} trait and a fly Speed of 60 feet, becomes immune to fire, and emits light as a torch. She loses her melee {@action Strike||Strikes} and can't Drain Blood, but she deals {@damage 3d10} fire damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save) to each creature that touches her, as well as to each creature that succeeds at a melee {@action Strike} against her with an unarmed attack or from an adjacent space. If her skin is intact, she can return to her normal form by spending a single action that has the {@trait manipulate} trait while adjacent to the skin.", - "The hag can instead Assume Fiery Form as a single action, bursting through her skin in a blast of flames. Doing so destroys her borrowed skin and deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save) in a 20-foot emanation." + "The blood hag removes her borrowed skin and transforms into a brilliant ball of fire. She becomes amorphous, gains the {@trait fire} trait and a fly Speed of 60 feet, becomes immune to fire, and emits light as a torch. She loses her melee {@action Strike||Strikes} and can't Drain Blood, but she deals {@damage 3d10} fire damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save) to each creature that touches her, as well as to each creature that succeeds at a melee {@action Strike} against her with an unarmed attack or from an adjacent space. If her skin is intact, she can return to her normal form by spending a single action that has the {@trait manipulate} trait while adjacent to the skin.", + "The hag can instead Assume Fiery Form as a single action, bursting through her skin in a blast of flames. Doing so destroys her borrowed skin and deals {@damage 9d6} fire damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save) in a 20-foot emanation." ], "name": "Assume Fiery Form" }, @@ -7788,7 +7788,7 @@ ], "requirements": "A {@condition grabbed}, {@condition paralyzed}, {@condition restrained}, {@condition unconscious}, or willing creature is within the blood hag's reach", "entries": [ - "The hag sinks her fangs into the creature to drink its blood. This requires a successful {@skill Athletics} check against the victim's Fortitude DC if the victim is {@condition grabbed} and is automatic for any of the other conditions. The victim becomes {@condition drained 1}. The hag regains 15 Hit Points, gaining any excess HP as temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour. Drinking blood from a creature that's already {@condition drained} doesn't restore any Hit Points to the hag but increases the victim's {@condition drained} value by 1, killing the victim when it reaches {@condition drained 5}. A victim's {@condition drained} condition decreases by 1 per week. A blood transfusion, which requires a successful DC 20 {@skill Medicine} check and sufficient blood or a blood donor, reduces the {@condition drained} condition by 1 after 10 minutes." + "The hag sinks her fangs into the creature to drink its blood. This requires a successful {@skill Athletics} check against the victim's Fortitude DC if the victim is {@condition grabbed} and is automatic for any of the other conditions. The victim becomes {@condition drained 1}. The hag regains 15 Hit Points, gaining any excess HP as temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour. Drinking blood from a creature that's already {@condition drained} doesn't restore any Hit Points to the hag but increases the victim's {@condition drained} value by 1, killing the victim when it reaches {@condition drained 5}. A victim's {@condition drained} condition decreases by 1 per week. A blood transfusion, which requires a successful {@dc 20} {@skill Medicine} check and sufficient blood or a blood donor, reduces the {@condition drained} condition by 1 after 10 minutes." ], "name": "Drain Blood" } @@ -7936,7 +7936,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The blood painter is within reach of an enemy taking {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}", "entries": [ - "The blood painter touches the creature and applies blood to one of their four claws; the blood remains fresh for 1 minute. The target must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or become {@condition fascinated} with the blood painter." + "The blood painter touches the creature and applies blood to one of their four claws; the blood remains fresh for 1 minute. The target must succeed at a {@dc 28} Will save or become {@condition fascinated} with the blood painter." ], "name": "Dab" }, @@ -7953,7 +7953,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The blood painter has fresh blood applied to a claw using Dab", "entries": [ - "The blood painter expends the blood on one claw to paint a illusion with the effects of one of the following spells: {@spell illusory creature}, {@spell illusory disguise}, {@spell illusory object}, or {@spell mirror image}. The Paint action gains the traits of the spell it's reproducing, and the blood painter can {@action Sustain a Spell} on these effects. They use a spell attack modifier of +20 and DC 28 for these effects, which are heightened to 5th level. If they have fresh blood applied to two or more claws, the blood painter can expend the blood on all of them to instead produce the effects of cloak of colors or vibrant pattern. Any effects produced by this ability have a +2 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and AC against the creature whose blood was used to Paint and that creature takes a \u20132 status penalty to {@skill Perception} checks and saves against it." + "The blood painter expends the blood on one claw to paint a illusion with the effects of one of the following spells: {@spell illusory creature}, {@spell illusory disguise}, {@spell illusory object}, or {@spell mirror image}. The Paint action gains the traits of the spell it's reproducing, and the blood painter can {@action Sustain a Spell} on these effects. They use a spell attack modifier of +20 and {@dc 28} for these effects, which are heightened to 5th level. If they have fresh blood applied to two or more claws, the blood painter can expend the blood on all of them to instead produce the effects of cloak of colors or vibrant pattern. Any effects produced by this ability have a +2 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and AC against the creature whose blood was used to Paint and that creature takes a \u20132 status penalty to {@skill Perception} checks and saves against it." ], "name": "Paint" } @@ -8090,7 +8090,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The bone ship is compelled not by a single mind, but by the collective consciousness of dead sailors' souls. The ship is immune to {@trait mental} effects that target only a specific number of creatures. It's still subject to {@trait mental} effects that affect all creatures in an area. Any creature that tries to communicate with the ship via telepathy or read its thoughts hears the {@condition dying} screams and gasps of the crew, and is targeted with a 9th-level {@spell warp mind} spell (DC 41)", + "The bone ship is compelled not by a single mind, but by the collective consciousness of dead sailors' souls. The ship is immune to {@trait mental} effects that target only a specific number of creatures. It's still subject to {@trait mental} effects that affect all creatures in an area. Any creature that tries to communicate with the ship via telepathy or read its thoughts hears the {@condition dying} screams and gasps of the crew, and is targeted with a 9th-level {@spell warp mind} spell ({@dc 41})", "The ship animates skeletal crew members out of its own bones, arming them with rusty old cutlasses or other armaments so they can attack anyone who comes next to the ship. These entities have appearances matching those the bound souls had in life but aren't truly individuals; anything that targets them in fact targets the bone ship they're a part of.", "Hundreds of black soul gems decorate the ship's exterior, each holding one soul. These gems can hold souls of creatures whose level was 16th or lower, and they have no value. If the ship is destroyed, all these gems shatter, freeing the souls within.", "Trawl for Bones (downtime) The bone ship spends 1 day scavenging bones from the sea and restores itself to full Hit Points." @@ -8117,7 +8117,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. The churning water around the bone ship tinges red with seeping blood. A living creature that enters water in the aura sees visions of itself drowning in the blood and must attempt a DC 37 Will save.", + "30 feet. The churning water around the bone ship tinges red with seeping blood. A living creature that enters water in the aura sees visions of itself drowning in the blood and must attempt a {@dc 37} Will save.", "After attempting this saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 hour. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 4} on a critical failure) and {@condition stunned 1}, and it takes a \u20134 status penalty to {@skill Athletics} checks to {@action Swim}." ], "name": "Blood Wake" @@ -8140,7 +8140,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The bone ship makes a special bone cannon {@action Strike}, firing a chain made of bones. A creature hit by this {@action Strike} is {@condition grabbed} by the chain ({@action Escape} DC 41). The bone ship can use {@action Interact} actions to reel in a {@condition grabbed} creature 50 feet per action spent, and when the ship moves, it pulls the {@condition grabbed} creature along with it." + "The bone ship makes a special bone cannon {@action Strike}, firing a chain made of bones. A creature hit by this {@action Strike} is {@condition grabbed} by the chain ({@action Escape} {@dc 41}). The bone ship can use {@action Interact} actions to reel in a {@condition grabbed} creature 50 feet per action spent, and when the ship moves, it pulls the {@condition grabbed} creature along with it." ], "name": "Chain Shot" }, @@ -8153,7 +8153,7 @@ "divine" ], "entries": [ - "The crew let out an anguished cry in unison. This is a {@spell wail of the banshee} spell with 100-foot emanation (DC 39). In addition, any creature within 5 feet of the ship is {@condition grabbed} by the crew. The ship can't use Crew's Call again for {@dice 1d4+1} rounds." + "The crew let out an anguished cry in unison. This is a {@spell wail of the banshee} spell with 100-foot emanation ({@dc 39}). In addition, any creature within 5 feet of the ship is {@condition grabbed} by the crew. The ship can't use Crew's Call again for {@dice 1d4+1} rounds." ], "name": "Crew's Call" }, @@ -8163,7 +8163,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As Trample (Huge or smaller, hull, DC 43, page 306), but the bone ship Swims up to double its swim." + "As Trample (Huge or smaller, hull, {@dc 43}, page 306), but the bone ship Swims up to double its swim." ], "name": "Keelhaul" }, @@ -8294,7 +8294,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save become {@condition sickened 1} from the swarm's painful bites." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save become {@condition sickened 1} from the swarm's painful bites." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" } @@ -8494,7 +8494,7 @@ "{@b Immunity} to one damage type, magic school, or condition", "{@b Weakness} 10 to one damage type other than mental", "{@b Resistance} 10 to physical damage, with an exception for either cold iron or silver", - "{@b Frightful Presence} (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 100 feet, DC 28", + "{@b Frightful Presence} (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 100 feet, {@dc 28}", "{@b {@damage 1d6} Extra Damage} on {@action Strike||Strikes}, of a type one foe believes in", "{@b Additional Spells} {@spell phantom pain} and {@spell shadow blast} at 6th level" ] @@ -8694,7 +8694,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "Each time an adjacent creature deals slashing or piercing damage to the brimorak, the attacker is sprayed with the brimorak's boiling blood, which deals {@damage 2d4} fire damage (DC 19 basic Reflex save)." + "Each time an adjacent creature deals slashing or piercing damage to the brimorak, the attacker is sprayed with the brimorak's boiling blood, which deals {@damage 2d4} fire damage ({@dc 19} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Boiling Blood" } @@ -8711,7 +8711,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The brimorak spits their boiling blood in a 20-foot line that deals {@damage 6d6} fire damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save). The brimorak can't use their Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The ground within this area becomes slippery, with the effects of a {@spell grease} spell targeting an area until it's cleaned up or the brimorak is able to use their Breath Weapon again, whichever comes first." + "The brimorak spits their boiling blood in a 20-foot line that deals {@damage 6d6} fire damage ({@dc 21} basic Reflex save). The brimorak can't use their Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The ground within this area becomes slippery, with the effects of a {@spell grease} spell targeting an area until it's cleaned up or the brimorak is able to use their Breath Weapon again, whichever comes first." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -8737,7 +8737,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The brimorak emits a cloud of thick black smoke in a 10-foot burst that remains in place for {@dice 1d4} rounds. All creatures within the smoke become {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the smoke become {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the smoke it must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "The brimorak emits a cloud of thick black smoke in a 10-foot burst that remains in place for {@dice 1d4} rounds. All creatures within the smoke become {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the smoke become {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the smoke it must succeed at a {@dc 21} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Fume" } @@ -8883,7 +8883,7 @@ "number": 2 }, "entries": [ - "The plant grows or shrinks by one size, remaining that size for the next 5 minutes. If used on a plant creature, this effect has the effects of enlarge or shrink (buso's choice). Unwilling plant creatures can attempt a DC 18 Fortitude saving throw to resist this effect." + "The plant grows or shrinks by one size, remaining that size for the next 5 minutes. If used on a plant creature, this effect has the effects of enlarge or shrink (buso's choice). Unwilling plant creatures can attempt a {@dc 18} Fortitude saving throw to resist this effect." ], "name": "Resize Plant" } @@ -9063,7 +9063,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The cactus leshy shoots their spines in every direction. All creatures in a 10-foot emanation take {@damage 3d6} piercing damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save)." + "The cactus leshy shoots their spines in every direction. All creatures in a 10-foot emanation take {@damage 3d6} piercing damage ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Prickly Burst" } @@ -9225,7 +9225,7 @@ "darkness" ], "entries": [ - "When the caller dies, an explosion of shadow devours their body. Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save.", + "When the caller dies, an explosion of shadow devours their body. Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -9383,7 +9383,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When the vanguard dies, their body combusts in a blaze of fire and armor shrapnel. All creatures within a 10-foot emanation take {@damage 3d6} fire damage and {@damage 3d6} piercing damage (DC 19 basic Reflex save). The vanguard's armor is destroyed in the blaze, but their other gear is unaffected and left in a pile where they died." + "When the vanguard dies, their body combusts in a blaze of fire and armor shrapnel. All creatures within a 10-foot emanation take {@damage 3d6} fire damage and {@damage 3d6} piercing damage ({@dc 19} basic Reflex save). The vanguard's armor is destroyed in the blaze, but their other gear is unaffected and left in a pile where they died." ], "name": "Death Blaze" } @@ -9412,7 +9412,7 @@ "darkness" ], "entries": [ - "The vanguard makes a melee {@action Strike}, channeling shadowy essence into their weapon or unarmed attack to envelop the target. If the {@action Strike} hits, the target must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or become {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn." + "The vanguard makes a melee {@action Strike}, channeling shadowy essence into their weapon or unarmed attack to envelop the target. If the {@action Strike} hits, the target must succeed at a {@dc 19} Fortitude save or become {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn." ], "name": "Shadowed Blade" } @@ -9626,7 +9626,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The calikang breathes a blast of energy that deals {@damage 13d6} energy damage to creatures in a 60-foot line (DC 28 basic Reflex save). The calikang can choose the damage type each time: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Increase the die size to d8 if the calikang chooses electricity." + "The calikang breathes a blast of energy that deals {@damage 13d6} energy damage to creatures in a 60-foot line ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). The calikang can choose the damage type each time: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Increase the die size to d8 if the calikang chooses electricity." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -9747,7 +9747,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "To drive away enemies, the camel spits the partially digested contents of its stomach at a creature within 10 feet. On a hit, the target is {@condition dazzled} for 1 round and must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}. The camel can't use its camel spit {@action Strike} again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "To drive away enemies, the camel spits the partially digested contents of its stomach at a creature within 10 feet. On a hit, the target is {@condition dazzled} for 1 round and must succeed at a {@dc 17} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}. The camel can't use its camel spit {@action Strike} again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Camel Spit" }, @@ -9987,7 +9987,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The caulborn's last action was a successful hand {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The caulborn steals some of the psychic energy from the creature it hit. The target must attempt a DC 25 Will save; regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to Consume Thoughts for 1 minute.", + "The caulborn steals some of the psychic energy from the creature it hit. The target must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save; regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to Consume Thoughts for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -10006,7 +10006,7 @@ "scrying" ], "entries": [ - "Three or more caulborn adjacent to each other can collectively cast {@spell scrying} once per day (DC 25), with no limit to the duration so long as at least three caulborn remain adjacent and use no actions other than to {@action Sustain a Spell||Sustain the Spell}.", + "Three or more caulborn adjacent to each other can collectively cast {@spell scrying} once per day ({@dc 25}), with no limit to the duration so long as at least three caulborn remain adjacent and use no actions other than to {@action Sustain a Spell||Sustain the Spell}.", "The daily limit applies to all caulborn who participated, meaning none of them can participate in another scrying that day." ], "name": "Cooperative Scrying" @@ -10421,7 +10421,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "15 feet.", - "A ghostly blue flame within the chouchin-obake draws upon the life-force of the living to sustain themself. At the start of the chouchin-obake's turn, each creature in the aura takes {@damage 2d6} negative damage (DC 26 basic Fortitude save). The chouchinobake regains an amount of Hit Points equal to the amount of damage taken by the single creature that took the most damage." + "A ghostly blue flame within the chouchin-obake draws upon the life-force of the living to sustain themself. At the start of the chouchin-obake's turn, each creature in the aura takes {@damage 2d6} negative damage ({@dc 26} basic Fortitude save). The chouchinobake regains an amount of Hit Points equal to the amount of damage taken by the single creature that took the most damage." ], "name": "Lifewick Candle" }, @@ -10435,7 +10435,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Candle aura during a move action; The chouchin-obake attempts to bind the creature using their own shadow. The triggering creature must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex save or become {@condition immobilized} until its next turn." + "Candle aura during a move action; The chouchin-obake attempts to bind the creature using their own shadow. The triggering creature must succeed at a {@dc 26} Reflex save or become {@condition immobilized} until its next turn." ], "name": "Lifewick" } @@ -10447,7 +10447,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8} negative plus {@damage 1d6} fire, DC 26" + "{@damage 2d8} negative plus {@damage 1d6} fire, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -10837,7 +10837,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The city guards draw or reload their crossbows, then launch a ranged attack in the form of a volley. This volley is a 10-foot burst within 120 feet that deals {@damage 3d8} piercing damage (DC 19 basic Reflex save). When the city guards are reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." + "The city guards draw or reload their crossbows, then launch a ranged attack in the form of a volley. This volley is a 10-foot burst within 120 feet that deals {@damage 3d8} piercing damage ({@dc 19} basic Reflex save). When the city guards are reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." ], "name": "Fire Crossbows!" }, @@ -10862,7 +10862,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The city guards engage in a coordinated melee attack against each enemy within 10 feet, with a DC 19 basic Reflex save. The damage depends on the number of actions. {@as 1} {@damage 1d10} piercing or slashing damage {@as 2} {@damage 1d10+7} piercing or slashing damage {@as 3} {@damage 1d10+10} piercing or slashing damage." + "The city guards engage in a coordinated melee attack against each enemy within 10 feet, with a {@dc 19} basic Reflex save. The damage depends on the number of actions. {@as 1} {@damage 1d10} piercing or slashing damage {@as 2} {@damage 1d10+7} piercing or slashing damage {@as 3} {@damage 1d10+10} piercing or slashing damage." ], "name": "Lower Halberds!" }, @@ -10952,7 +10952,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When a clacking skull swarm is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it erupts in an explosion of foul energy and bone fragments in a 30-foot burst, dealing {@damage 2d12} piercing damage and {@damage 2d12} negative damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save)." + "When a clacking skull swarm is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it erupts in an explosion of foul energy and bone fragments in a 30-foot burst, dealing {@damage 2d12} piercing damage and {@damage 2d12} negative damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Boneshard Burst" }, @@ -10967,7 +10967,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A clacking skull swarm emits a cacophony of chattering. A creature entering or beginning its turn within the area must succeed at a DC 29 Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round. A creature that successfully saves is immune to that swarm's chattering teeth for 24 hours. The swarm can stop or resume this ability as a free action." + "60 feet. A clacking skull swarm emits a cacophony of chattering. A creature entering or beginning its turn within the area must succeed at a {@dc 29} Will save or become {@condition confused} for 1 round. A creature that successfully saves is immune to that swarm's chattering teeth for 24 hours. The swarm can stop or resume this ability as a free action." ], "name": "Chattering Teeth" } @@ -10986,7 +10986,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The clacking skull swarm emits a terrifying, painful scream that deals {@damage 10d6} sonic damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 29 basic Will save). A creature that fails this save is also {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). The swarm can't use Frightening Scream again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The clacking skull swarm emits a terrifying, painful scream that deals {@damage 10d6} sonic damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 29} basic Will save). A creature that fails this save is also {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). The swarm can't use Frightening Scream again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Shrieking Scream" }, @@ -10996,7 +10996,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 4d8} piercing damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save)." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 4d8} piercing damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Swarming Gnaw" } @@ -11185,7 +11185,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The clockwork dragon is reduced to 0 Hit Points", "entries": [ - "A clockwork dragon must use this reaction unless specifically programmed otherwise by its creator; ; The dragon screeches to a stop and emits a steady, loud ticking sound. At the beginning of what would have been its next turn, the dragon explodes, dealing {@damage 12d10} piercing damage in a 40-foot emanation (DC 37 basic Reflex save). An adjacent creature can cancel the self-destruct sequence by succeeding at a DC 37 {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}." + "A clockwork dragon must use this reaction unless specifically programmed otherwise by its creator; ; The dragon screeches to a stop and emits a steady, loud ticking sound. At the beginning of what would have been its next turn, the dragon explodes, dealing {@damage 12d10} piercing damage in a 40-foot emanation ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save). An adjacent creature can cancel the self-destruct sequence by succeeding at a {@dc 37} {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}." ], "name": "Self-Destruct" } @@ -11202,7 +11202,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The clockwork dragon breathes a spray of flaming oil that deals {@damage 16d6} fire damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 37 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail their saves are covered in burning oil and take {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The clockwork dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 2 rounds." + "The clockwork dragon breathes a spray of flaming oil that deals {@damage 16d6} fire damage in a 40-foot cone ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail their saves are covered in burning oil and take {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The clockwork dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 2 rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -11446,7 +11446,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "The clockwork mage uses a mechanical wand as a focus to channel magical energy. This wand is built into the clockwork mage's chest, with only the crystal at the end exposed. The mage can {@action Interact} to the remove the wand, or someone else can remove it with a DC 31 {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}. The clockwork mage becomes unable to cast any spells except cantrips while the wand is removed.", + "The clockwork mage uses a mechanical wand as a focus to channel magical energy. This wand is built into the clockwork mage's chest, with only the crystal at the end exposed. The mage can {@action Interact} to the remove the wand, or someone else can remove it with a {@dc 31} {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}. The clockwork mage becomes unable to cast any spells except cantrips while the wand is removed.", "When removed, the clockwork wand is a magic wand containing the last 2nd-level innate spell the clockwork mage cast (the GM determines the spell randomly if it has not cast any eligible spells). The spells are placed within the wand while the mage is created, and the creator can substitute other arcane spells of the appropriate level." ], "name": "Clockwork Wand" @@ -11752,8 +11752,8 @@ "The clockwork spy records all sounds within 25 feet onto a small gemstone worth 1 gp embedded in its body. The clockwork spy can record up to 1 hour of sound on a single gemstone.", "Once it begins recording, it can't cease recording early, nor can it record onto a gemstone that already contains a recording. Some clockwork spies contain multiple gemstones to allow for a series of recordings. Since clockwork spies are not intelligent, they must be given simple commands regarding when to start recording sounds. A clockwork spy can differentiate between different kinds of creatures but not between specific individuals.", "The spy can start or stop playback of recorded sound by spending a single action.", - "Removing a gemstone from or installing a gemstone into a clockwork spy requires a successful DC 14 {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}; on a failure, the gemstone is undamaged, but any recorded sounds are erased and the gemstone still can't be used to make another recording.", - "Wind-Up 24 hours, DC 14, standby." + "Removing a gemstone from or installing a gemstone into a clockwork spy requires a successful {@dc 14} {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}; on a failure, the gemstone is undamaged, but any recorded sounds are erased and the gemstone still can't be used to make another recording.", + "Wind-Up 24 hours, {@dc 14}, standby." ], "name": "Record Audio" } @@ -11766,7 +11766,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The clockwork spy is reduced to 0 Hit Points", "entries": [ - "A clockwork spy must use this reaction unless specifically programmed otherwise by its creator; ; The spy thrashes around and emits a tinny scream followed by a steady ticking sound. At the beginning of what would have been its next turn, the clockwork spy explodes, dealing {@damage 1d10} piercing damage in a 5-foot radius (DC 16 basic Reflex save). Its gemstone is destroyed, along with any information contained inside it. An adjacent creature can cancel the self-destruct sequence by succeeding at a DC 16 {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}." + "A clockwork spy must use this reaction unless specifically programmed otherwise by its creator; ; The spy thrashes around and emits a tinny scream followed by a steady ticking sound. At the beginning of what would have been its next turn, the clockwork spy explodes, dealing {@damage 1d10} piercing damage in a 5-foot radius ({@dc 16} basic Reflex save). Its gemstone is destroyed, along with any information contained inside it. An adjacent creature can cancel the self-destruct sequence by succeeding at a {@dc 16} {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}." ], "name": "Self-Destruct" } @@ -11900,7 +11900,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each foe in the cobbleswarm's space takes {@damage 2d4} bludgeoning damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save)." + "Each foe in the cobbleswarm's space takes {@damage 2d4} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Pummeling Assault" } @@ -12176,7 +12176,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The swarm deals {@damage 4d6} slashing damage plus {@damage 2d6} sonic damage to each enemy in the swarm's space (DC 33 basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, the enemy is also {@condition deafened} for 1 minute." + "The swarm deals {@damage 4d6} slashing damage plus {@damage 2d6} sonic damage to each enemy in the swarm's space ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, the enemy is also {@condition deafened} for 1 minute." ], "name": "Swarming Chimes" } @@ -12320,7 +12320,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "If a capuchin damages a creature with its jaws {@action Strike}, the creature gains both a blessing and a curse that last for {@dice 1d6} hours. While the blessing doubles the amount of time that the affected creature can hold its breath, the curse imposes a {@condition quickened} version of the capuchin's moisture dependency, taking {@dice 1d6} damage every 10 minutes they go without water. A cursed creature can fully immerse itself in water as a 3-action activity to attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save, ending both the blessing and the curse on a success." + "If a capuchin damages a creature with its jaws {@action Strike}, the creature gains both a blessing and a curse that last for {@dice 1d6} hours. While the blessing doubles the amount of time that the affected creature can hold its breath, the curse imposes a {@condition quickened} version of the capuchin's moisture dependency, taking {@dice 1d6} damage every 10 minutes they go without water. A cursed creature can fully immerse itself in water as a 3-action activity to attempt a {@dc 17} Fortitude save, ending both the blessing and the curse on a success." ], "name": "Capuchin's Curse" } @@ -12486,7 +12486,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "The spirit targets a creature it can see within 30 feet, dealing to it {@damage 4d6} negative damage (DC 20 basic Fortitude save). A creature with negative healing instead regains {@dice 4d6} HP and is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes." + "The spirit targets a creature it can see within 30 feet, dealing to it {@damage 4d6} negative damage ({@dc 20} basic Fortitude save). A creature with negative healing instead regains {@dice 4d6} HP and is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes." ], "name": "Death Gaze" }, @@ -13124,7 +13124,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 46 Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." + "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 46} Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." ], "name": "Impossible Stature" }, @@ -13153,7 +13153,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 46" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 46}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -13359,7 +13359,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature within 60 feet is targeted by a spell that would restore Hit Points or provide a status bonus (the deimavigga automatically recognizes such effects)", "entries": [ - "The deimavigga whispers disturbing lies, audible only to the target, to shake the target's faith in the spell's caster. The target must attempt a DC 43 Will save.", + "The deimavigga whispers disturbing lies, audible only to the target, to shake the target's faith in the spell's caster. The target must attempt a {@dc 43} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -13416,14 +13416,14 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The deimavigga whispers a terrifying multiversal truth to one adjacent creature, shaking its faith in reality and divinity. The target must attempt a DC 43 Will save. Celestials and fiends gain a +2 status bonus to this save.", + "The deimavigga whispers a terrifying multiversal truth to one adjacent creature, shaking its faith in reality and divinity. The target must attempt a {@dc 43} Will save. Celestials and fiends gain a +2 status bonus to this save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": "The target is unaffected and temporarily immune to Whisper Earworm for 24 hours.", "Success": "The target is unaffected.", "Failure": "The next time the target rests, it ruminates on the deimavigga's words instead of sleeping or otherwise resting and awakens {@condition fatigued}. The target also becomes {@condition drained 1} and {@condition stupefied 1} until it's no longer {@condition fatigued}.", - "Critical Failure": "As failure, but {@condition drained 2}. After this rest, the target must attempt another DC 43 Will save. On a failure, the target becomes {@condition stupefied 2} and takes a \u20134 status penalty to Will saves against effects from evil creatures. These effects last until the target unlearns the truth spoken by the deimavigga, requiring a {@spell modify memory} spell, other means of modifying their memory, or powerful magic such as {@spell wish}." + "Critical Failure": "As failure, but {@condition drained 2}. After this rest, the target must attempt another {@dc 43} Will save. On a failure, the target becomes {@condition stupefied 2} and takes a \u20134 status penalty to Will saves against effects from evil creatures. These effects last until the target unlearns the truth spoken by the deimavigga, requiring a {@spell modify memory} spell, other means of modifying their memory, or powerful magic such as {@spell wish}." } } ], @@ -13741,7 +13741,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "{@damage 5d6} negative, DC 19" + "{@damage 5d6} negative, {@dc 19}" ], "name": "Divine Destruction" }, @@ -14362,7 +14362,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "DC 46, 3 Focus Points; 10th dazzling flash (Core Rulebook 391), lay on hands (Core Rulebook 387), protector's sphere (Core Rulebook 395)" + "{@dc 46}, 3 Focus Points; 10th dazzling flash (Core Rulebook 391), lay on hands (Core Rulebook 387), protector's sphere (Core Rulebook 395)" ], "name": "Champion Focus Spell" }, @@ -14376,7 +14376,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The draconal breathes a blast of energy that deals {@damage 21d6} fire damage to creatures they choose to damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 44 basic Reflex save). They can make this effect nonlethal for selected creatures in the area or choose not to damage certain creatures at all. They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The draconal breathes a blast of energy that deals {@damage 21d6} fire damage to creatures they choose to damage in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 44} basic Reflex save). They can make this effect nonlethal for selected creatures in the area or choose not to damage certain creatures at all. They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -14586,7 +14586,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The dramofir swishes their robes in a mesmerizing display that brings the dreams in the robes to life before the viewer's very eyes. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 34 Will save or be filled with ennui.", + "The dramofir swishes their robes in a mesmerizing display that brings the dreams in the robes to life before the viewer's very eyes. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 34} Will save or be filled with ennui.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -14611,7 +14611,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The dramofir is adjacent to an {@condition unconscious} or sleeping creature", "entries": [ - "The dramofir licks the creature's forehead, places their hand in the same spot, and siphons the creature's dreams to incorporate into their robes. If the target is affected by any {@trait mental} effect altering their dreams, such as an animate dream's curse of endless nightmares or a {@spell nightmare} spell, the dramofir attempts to counteract that effect (counteract modifier +26). Otherwise, the dramofir plucks a benign dream from the creature, and the target must attempt a DC 36 Will save.", + "The dramofir licks the creature's forehead, places their hand in the same spot, and siphons the creature's dreams to incorporate into their robes. If the target is affected by any {@trait mental} effect altering their dreams, such as an animate dream's curse of endless nightmares or a {@spell nightmare} spell, the dramofir attempts to counteract that effect (counteract modifier +26). Otherwise, the dramofir plucks a benign dream from the creature, and the target must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -14805,7 +14805,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The draxie breathes pixie dust in a 15-foot cone, with a random effect determined each time they use their Breath Weapon. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or be affected. Roll {@dice 1d4} to determine the effect. The draxie can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The draxie breathes pixie dust in a 15-foot cone, with a random effect determined each time they use their Breath Weapon. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 17} Will save or be affected. Roll {@dice 1d4} to determine the effect. The draxie can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", "1 The target takes the effects of the {@spell charm} spell.", "2 The target loses its last 5 minutes of memory.", "3 The target takes the effects of a {@spell sleep} spell.", @@ -15002,6 +15002,16 @@ { "hp": 45 } + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "amount": 3, + "name": "cold iron" + }, + { + "amount": 3, + "name": "good" + } ] } }, @@ -15167,7 +15177,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The duende makes the objects look, feel, and smell like gold trinkets of a similar size. A creature that touches or Interacts with an affected object can attempt a DC 18 {@skill Perception} check to {@quickref disbelieve the illusion|CRB|2|disbelieving illusions|0}, and a successful DC 20 check with {@skill Crafting} or an appropriate {@skill Lore} skill (such as {@skill Lore||Mining Lore}) reveals their true nature. The effect ends if the objects are exposed to sunlight." + "The duende makes the objects look, feel, and smell like gold trinkets of a similar size. A creature that touches or Interacts with an affected object can attempt a {@dc 18} {@skill Perception} check to {@quickref disbelieve the illusion|CRB|2|disbelieving illusions|0}, and a successful {@dc 20} check with {@skill Crafting} or an appropriate {@skill Lore} skill (such as {@skill Lore||Mining Lore}) reveals their true nature. The effect ends if the objects are exposed to sunlight." ], "name": "Fool's Gold" } @@ -15504,7 +15514,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 33 (page 305)" + "30 feet, {@dc 33} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -15544,7 +15554,7 @@ "possession" ], "entries": [ - "The dybbuk attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as the {@spell possession} spell (DC 34) with an unlimited duration, except since the dybbuk doesn't have a physical body, they aren't {@condition unconscious}, and aren't {@condition paralyzed} when the effect ends, though they take {@damage 5d6} force damage if the body is knocked {@condition unconscious} or killed. If the dybbuk took control of the target with Malevolent Possession, when the dybbuk departs, the target has only incoherent memories of the interval it was possessed.", + "The dybbuk attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as the {@spell possession} spell ({@dc 34}) with an unlimited duration, except since the dybbuk doesn't have a physical body, they aren't {@condition unconscious}, and aren't {@condition paralyzed} when the effect ends, though they take {@damage 5d6} force damage if the body is knocked {@condition unconscious} or killed. If the dybbuk took control of the target with Malevolent Possession, when the dybbuk departs, the target has only incoherent memories of the interval it was possessed.", "If a creature dies while possessed by the dybbuk and its corpse remains intact, the dybbuk can immediately inhabit the corpse (see Inhabit Object) as a reaction, in which case the corpse becomes an animated object." ], "name": "Malevolent Possession", @@ -16139,7 +16149,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The sphinx recites a riddle and compels up to 10 creatures within 30 feet to answer (DC 37 Will save). The GM either runs the riddle out of character by timing the players' attempts, or picks an appropriate associated skill for the riddle, such as {@skill Religion} for a riddle involving divine mysteries. The sphinx gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against any creature that answers incorrectly even once. This bonus lasts for 1 day.", + "The sphinx recites a riddle and compels up to 10 creatures within 30 feet to answer ({@dc 37} Will save). The GM either runs the riddle out of character by timing the players' attempts, or picks an appropriate associated skill for the riddle, such as {@skill Religion} for a riddle involving divine mysteries. The sphinx gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against any creature that answers incorrectly even once. This bonus lasts for 1 day.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -16164,7 +16174,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Once per day, an elder sphinx can create a magical symbol as though casting a heightened glyph of warding. The sphinx usually shapes it to the form of a riddle and sets the password to the answer. A creature that doesn't speak the password must succeed at a DC 37 Will save or be affected by one of the following spells, chosen by the sphinx when creating the symbol: {@spell visions of danger} (7th), {@spell spirit blast} (6th), {@spell synaptic pulse} (5th), {@spell charm} (4th), {@spell fear} (3rd), {@spell phantom pain} (3rd), or {@spell sleep} (3rd). The sphinx learns the identity of any creature that answers the riddle and tends to be {@condition friendly} to them." + "Once per day, an elder sphinx can create a magical symbol as though casting a heightened glyph of warding. The sphinx usually shapes it to the form of a riddle and sets the password to the answer. A creature that doesn't speak the password must succeed at a {@dc 37} Will save or be affected by one of the following spells, chosen by the sphinx when creating the symbol: {@spell visions of danger} (7th), {@spell spirit blast} (6th), {@spell synaptic pulse} (5th), {@spell charm} (4th), {@spell fear} (3rd), {@spell phantom pain} (3rd), or {@spell sleep} (3rd). The sphinx learns the identity of any creature that answers the riddle and tends to be {@condition friendly} to them." ], "name": "Warding Glyph" } @@ -16336,7 +16346,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 46 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 46} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -16372,7 +16382,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The wyrmwraith unleashes a burst of negative energy that deals {@damage 24d6} negative damage to all creatures in a 90-foot cone (DC 46 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The wyrmwraith unleashes a burst of negative energy that deals {@damage 24d6} negative damage to all creatures in a 90-foot cone ({@dc 46} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon", "traits": [ @@ -16393,7 +16403,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The elder wyrmwraith inhales sharply, sucking in the souls of nearby creatures. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must attempt a DC 46 Will save. The elder wyrmwraith can't Consume Souls again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The elder wyrmwraith inhales sharply, sucking in the souls of nearby creatures. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must attempt a {@dc 46} Will save. The elder wyrmwraith can't Consume Souls again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -16419,7 +16429,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When a wyrmwraith deals damage to a living creature with a spectral jaws or spectral claw {@action Strike}, the wyrmwraith gains 24 temporary Hit Points, and the creature must succeed at a DC 46 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2}. Further damage dealt by the wyrmwraith's spectral jaws or spectral claws {@action Strike||Strikes} increases the value of the {@condition drained} condition by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When a wyrmwraith deals damage to a living creature with a spectral jaws or spectral claw {@action Strike}, the wyrmwraith gains 24 temporary Hit Points, and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 46} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2}. Further damage dealt by the wyrmwraith's spectral jaws or spectral claws {@action Strike||Strikes} increases the value of the {@condition drained} condition by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life", "traits": [ @@ -16708,7 +16718,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 44 Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." + "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 44} Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." ], "name": "Impossible Stature" } @@ -16847,7 +16857,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When killed, an empress bore worm violently expels the young it carries. These young erupt as a bore worm swarm in the empress bore worm's space. In addition, every creature within 20 feet takes {@damage 5d10} acid damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save) from the splatter of caustic viscera." + "When killed, an empress bore worm violently expels the young it carries. These young erupt as a bore worm swarm in the empress bore worm's space. In addition, every creature within 20 feet takes {@damage 5d10} acid damage ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save) from the splatter of caustic viscera." ], "name": "Viviparous Birth" } @@ -16865,13 +16875,13 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The empress bore worm {@action Stride||Strides}, leaving behind dribbles of acid in every square that it passes through. A creature that enters or begins its turn in such a square takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage (DC 22 basic Fortitude save). The acid becomes inert after 1 minute." + "The empress bore worm {@action Stride||Strides}, leaving behind dribbles of acid in every square that it passes through. A creature that enters or begins its turn in such a square takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage ({@dc 22} basic Fortitude save). The acid becomes inert after 1 minute." ], "name": "Corrosive Wake" }, { "entries": [ - "The bite of an empress bore worm causes excruciating pain. The target must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} from the pain ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "The bite of an empress bore worm causes excruciating pain. The target must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} from the pain ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Painful Bite" } @@ -17307,7 +17317,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Any creature that hits the etioling with an unarmed attack, tries to {@action Grapple} them, or otherwise touches them becomes partially coated in ectoplasm. The creature takes {@damage 1d6} negative damage and must succeed at a DC 27 Reflex save or become {@condition enfeebled 2} until the ectoplasm is removed. The ectoplasm can be removed with a total of 3 {@action Interact} actions by the creature or creatures adjacent to the creature. These actions don't need to be consecutive or made by the same creature." + "Any creature that hits the etioling with an unarmed attack, tries to {@action Grapple} them, or otherwise touches them becomes partially coated in ectoplasm. The creature takes {@damage 1d6} negative damage and must succeed at a {@dc 27} Reflex save or become {@condition enfeebled 2} until the ectoplasm is removed. The ectoplasm can be removed with a total of 3 {@action Interact} actions by the creature or creatures adjacent to the creature. These actions don't need to be consecutive or made by the same creature." ], "name": "Ectoplasmic Secretions" }, @@ -17333,7 +17343,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. The etioling drains nutrients from nearby plant and animal life. Each round a creature begins its turn in this aura, it takes {@damage 1d6} negative damage and must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. All non-magical plant life in this aura instantly withers, removing any cover and concealment provided by trees and undergrowth." + "20 feet. The etioling drains nutrients from nearby plant and animal life. Each round a creature begins its turn in this aura, it takes {@damage 1d6} negative damage and must succeed at a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. All non-magical plant life in this aura instantly withers, removing any cover and concealment provided by trees and undergrowth." ], "name": "Withering Aura" } @@ -17516,7 +17526,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A Medium or smaller creature attempts a melee {@action Strike} against the eunemvro and the attack roll is a critical failure", "entries": [ - "The eunemvro seizes the triggering creature, using the attacker's momentum to send them flailing overhead. The triggering creature must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or be forcibly moved to a space on the opposite side of the eunemvro, landing {@condition prone}." + "The eunemvro seizes the triggering creature, using the attacker's momentum to send them flailing overhead. The triggering creature must succeed at a {@dc 23} Reflex save or be forcibly moved to a space on the opposite side of the eunemvro, landing {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Retributive Suplex" } @@ -17541,7 +17551,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The eunemvro isn't {@condition fatigued}", "entries": [ - "The eunemvro channels from their soul a blast of searing positive energy, bathing their enemies in a wave of blinding light and cosmic power. The eunemvro creates either a 10-foot cone or a 30-foot line, dealing {@damage 6d8} positive damage (DC 22 basic Fortitude save). A creature that critically fails its save is {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. After using this ability, the eunemvro becomes {@condition fatigued}." + "The eunemvro channels from their soul a blast of searing positive energy, bathing their enemies in a wave of blinding light and cosmic power. The eunemvro creates either a 10-foot cone or a 30-foot line, dealing {@damage 6d8} positive damage ({@dc 22} basic Fortitude save). A creature that critically fails its save is {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. After using this ability, the eunemvro becomes {@condition fatigued}." ], "name": "Tide of Creation" } @@ -17977,7 +17987,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When a feral skull swarm is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it erupts in an explosion of foul energy and bone fragments in a 30-foot burst, dealing {@damage 3d12} piercing damage and {@damage 2d12} negative damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save)." + "When a feral skull swarm is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it erupts in an explosion of foul energy and bone fragments in a 30-foot burst, dealing {@damage 3d12} piercing damage and {@damage 2d12} negative damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Boneshard Burst" } @@ -17989,7 +17999,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning, {@damage 2d6} piercing, and {@damage 2d6} slashing damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its saving throw also takes {@damage 1d10} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning, {@damage 2d6} piercing, and {@damage 2d6} slashing damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its saving throw also takes {@damage 1d10} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." ], "name": "Feral Gnaw" }, @@ -18006,7 +18016,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The feral skull swarm emits a terrifying howl. Each creature within 60 feet must succeed at a DC 32 Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 3} and {@condition fleeing} for 1 round on a critical failure). Whether it succeeds or fails its save, a creature is temporarily immune to." + "The feral skull swarm emits a terrifying howl. Each creature within 60 feet must succeed at a {@dc 32} Will save or become {@condition frightened 2} ({@condition frightened 3} and {@condition fleeing} for 1 round on a critical failure). Whether it succeeds or fails its save, a creature is temporarily immune to." ], "name": "Frightening Howl" }, @@ -18168,7 +18178,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Whenever the festrog takes piercing or slashing damage, creatures adjacent to the festrog take {@damage 1d4} poison damage (DC 14 basic Reflex save)." + "Whenever the festrog takes piercing or slashing damage, creatures adjacent to the festrog take {@damage 1d4} poison damage ({@dc 14} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Diseased Pustules" } @@ -18458,7 +18468,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When destroyed, a flaming skull explodes in a blast of fire and bone that deals {@damage 1d6} piercing damage plus {@damage 1d6} fire damage to each adjacent creature (DC 18 basic Reflex save)." + "When destroyed, a flaming skull explodes in a blast of fire and bone that deals {@damage 1d6} piercing damage plus {@damage 1d6} fire damage to each adjacent creature ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Fiery Explosion" } @@ -18600,7 +18610,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The flumph sprays a 20-foot line of foul-smelling liquid.", - "Each creature caught in the spray must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The odor from the spray lingers for {@dice 1d4} hours on all creatures that failed their saves. The sprayed creatures can be detected by smell at a range of 100 feet, and any creatures adjacent to them take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against Spray Perfume or to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. The flumph can't use Spray Perfume again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Each creature caught in the spray must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The odor from the spray lingers for {@dice 1d4} hours on all creatures that failed their saves. The sprayed creatures can be detected by smell at a range of 100 feet, and any creatures adjacent to them take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against Spray Perfume or to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. The flumph can't use Spray Perfume again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Spray Perfume" } @@ -18754,7 +18764,7 @@ "misfortune" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. A creature entering the area must attempt a DC 23 Will save, rolling the save twice and using the worse result. On a successful save, the creature is temporarily immune to fortune eater unluck auras for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature must roll twice and use the worse result on all checks as long as it is within the aura." + "20 feet. A creature entering the area must attempt a {@dc 23} Will save, rolling the save twice and using the worse result. On a successful save, the creature is temporarily immune to fortune eater unluck auras for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature must roll twice and use the worse result on all checks as long as it is within the aura." ], "name": "Unluck Aura" }, @@ -18916,7 +18926,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The first time each round a creature takes damage from the fossil golem's jaws, the target must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save. If it fails and has not already been {@condition slowed} by this ability, it becomes {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute. If the creature was already {@condition slowed} by this ability, a failed save causes it to be {@condition petrified} permanently." + "The first time each round a creature takes damage from the fossil golem's jaws, the target must attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save. If it fails and has not already been {@condition slowed} by this ability, it becomes {@condition slowed 1} for 1 minute. If the creature was already {@condition slowed} by this ability, a failed save causes it to be {@condition petrified} permanently." ], "name": "Fossilization" }, @@ -19118,7 +19128,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The fuath surrounds the head of one air-breathing creature within 30 feet in a magical film of viscous water for 1 minute. The target must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or begin to choke and must hold their breath to avoid drowning (Core Rulebook 478). The film can be temporarily wiped away with a total of 3 {@action Interact} actions by the choking creature or creatures adjacent to it, allowing a new Reflex save with a +2 circumstance bonus to end the effect. (These actions don't need to be consecutive or made by the same creature.)" + "The fuath surrounds the head of one air-breathing creature within 30 feet in a magical film of viscous water for 1 minute. The target must succeed at a {@dc 17} Reflex save or begin to choke and must hold their breath to avoid drowning (Core Rulebook 478). The film can be temporarily wiped away with a total of 3 {@action Interact} actions by the choking creature or creatures adjacent to it, allowing a new Reflex save with a +2 circumstance bonus to end the effect. (These actions don't need to be consecutive or made by the same creature.)" ], "name": "Viscous Choke" } @@ -19250,7 +19260,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet, {@damage 1d12} electricity damage (DC 26 basic Reflex)" + "5 feet, {@damage 1d12} electricity damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex)" ], "name": "Electrical Field" } @@ -19263,7 +19273,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The galvo {@action Stride||Strides}, ending its movement sharing a space with another creature, and deals {@damage 3d6} piercing plus {@damage 2d12} electricity damage to the creature.", - "The creature must attempt a DC 28 basic Reflex save." + "The creature must attempt a {@dc 28} basic Reflex save." ], "name": "Squirming Embrace" }, @@ -19691,7 +19701,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The garuda flaps their wings with intense force. This has the same effect as gust of wind (DC 27) but in a 30-foot cone. In an area with loose debris (at the GM's discretion), the gusts from the garuda's wings create a cloud that obscures vision, making any creature in the area {@condition concealed}, and creatures outside the area are {@condition concealed} to those within the area." + "The garuda flaps their wings with intense force. This has the same effect as gust of wind ({@dc 27}) but in a 30-foot cone. In an area with loose debris (at the GM's discretion), the gusts from the garuda's wings create a cloud that obscures vision, making any creature in the area {@condition concealed}, and creatures outside the area are {@condition concealed} to those within the area." ], "name": "Wind Blast" } @@ -19809,7 +19819,7 @@ { "entries": [ "When the gathlain dies, their wings explode into a cloud of toxic mist.", - "Each creature within a 5-foot emanation takes {@damage 1d6} poison damage (DC 18 basic Fortitude save)." + "Each creature within a 5-foot emanation takes {@damage 1d6} poison damage ({@dc 18} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Final Jape" } @@ -19828,7 +19838,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The gathlain isn't using their wings to fly", "entries": [ - "The gathlain sprouts woody roots from the tips of their wings that bind an adjacent creature's limbs. The target must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or be {@condition grabbed} by the gathlain's wing-tip vines until the start of the gathlain's next turn." + "The gathlain sprouts woody roots from the tips of their wings that bind an adjacent creature's limbs. The target must succeed at a {@dc 17} Fortitude save or be {@condition grabbed} by the gathlain's wing-tip vines until the start of the gathlain's next turn." ], "name": "Rootbound" } @@ -20056,7 +20066,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature entering or starting its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 17 Will save. Creatures that don't eat are immune to Appetizing Aroma.", + "10 feet. A creature entering or starting its turn in the aura must attempt a {@dc 17} Will save. Creatures that don't eat are immune to Appetizing Aroma.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -20085,7 +20095,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A humanoid enemy damages the ghoran manipulator with a melee attack", "entries": [ - "The ghoran manipulator rearranges its facial petals and wails, mimicking humanoid anguish to engender sympathy. The triggering creature must attempt a DC 20 Will save.", + "The ghoran manipulator rearranges its facial petals and wails, mimicking humanoid anguish to engender sympathy. The triggering creature must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -20324,7 +20334,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+6} bludgeoning, DC 22" + "{@damage 1d8+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 22}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -20469,7 +20479,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The opossum is reduced below 15 HP", "entries": [ - "The opossum collapses. It is {@condition flat-footed} and can use actions that require only its mind, but any other action ends the ruse. A successful DC 18 {@skill Perception} check to {@action Seek} or {@skill Medicine} check to Recall Knowledge is required to determine that the animal is not, in fact, dead." + "The opossum collapses. It is {@condition flat-footed} and can use actions that require only its mind, but any other action ends the ruse. A successful {@dc 18} {@skill Perception} check to {@action Seek} or {@skill Medicine} check to Recall Knowledge is required to determine that the animal is not, in fact, dead." ], "name": "Feign Death" }, @@ -20610,7 +20620,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "The giant pangolin releases a disorienting and repulsive musk within a 5-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. The pangolin can't Emit Musk again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The giant pangolin releases a disorienting and repulsive musk within a 5-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 20} Fortitude save. The pangolin can't Emit Musk again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -20738,7 +20748,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by the porcupine's quills {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 18 Reflex save or some of the quills remain embedded in its body, dealing {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent piercing damage}." + "A creature damaged by the porcupine's quills {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 18} Reflex save or some of the quills remain embedded in its body, dealing {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent piercing damage}." ], "name": "Embed Quill" }, @@ -20965,7 +20975,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The giant skunk propels potent, acrid musk in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the line must attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save.", + "The giant skunk propels potent, acrid musk in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the line must attempt a {@dc 17} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -21102,7 +21112,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The giant vulture vomits up its last meal on a creature within 10 feet. The creature takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage with a DC 20 basic Fortitude save. On a failed save, the target is also {@condition sickened 1}." + "The giant vulture vomits up its last meal on a creature within 10 feet. The creature takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage with a {@dc 20} basic Fortitude save. On a failed save, the target is also {@condition sickened 1}." ], "name": "Projectile Vomit" } @@ -21358,7 +21368,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d8+6} bludgeoning, DC 24" + "{@damage 3d8+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -21534,7 +21544,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+6} bludgeoning, DC 24" + "{@damage 2d8+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -21743,7 +21753,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. The gliminal emits bright light in the area, and dim light out to 60 feet. When a creature enters or starts its turn in the area of bright light, it must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or become {@condition dazzled} until the end of its turn. If the mantle is counteracted or suppressed, the gliminal loses their resistance and can't use Bond in Light until the mantle returns." + "30 feet. The gliminal emits bright light in the area, and dim light out to 60 feet. When a creature enters or starts its turn in the area of bright light, it must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save or become {@condition dazzled} until the end of its turn. If the mantle is counteracted or suppressed, the gliminal loses their resistance and can't use Bond in Light until the mantle returns." ], "name": "Radiant Mantle" } @@ -21880,7 +21890,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the area must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure)", + "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the area must succeed at a {@dc 19} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure)", "While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all globsters' stenches for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" @@ -21893,7 +21903,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@dice 1d8+6}, DC 22" + "{@dice 1d8+6}, {@dc 22}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -21905,7 +21915,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A living creature struck by a globster's tendril must attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition sickened 1}. If the creature is already {@condition sickened}, the condition value increases by 1, to a maximum of {@condition sickened 4}. Once a creature succeeds at its saving throw, it is temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "A living creature struck by a globster's tendril must attempt a {@dc 19} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition sickened 1}. If the creature is already {@condition sickened}, the condition value increases by 1, to a maximum of {@condition sickened 4}. Once a creature succeeds at its saving throw, it is temporarily immune for 24 hours." ], "name": "Nauseating Slap" }, @@ -22174,7 +22184,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. Living creatures in the area other than plants slowly transform into non-creature plants. The green man can exclude creatures from this effect, but they must be aware of a creature's presence and location to do so. A non-plant creature in the area must attempt a DC 45 Fortitude save immediately before the start of its turn.", + "60 feet. Living creatures in the area other than plants slowly transform into non-creature plants. The green man can exclude creatures from this effect, but they must be aware of a creature's presence and location to do so. A non-plant creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 45} Fortitude save immediately before the start of its turn.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -22212,7 +22222,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "The green man's thorns embed themselves into any creature they damage, taking root into the ground. A target damaged by a thorn has its Speeds halved, and it can't {@action Step}, {@action Fly}, {@spell air walk}, or otherwise leave the ground until the thorn is removed. Removing a thorn requires 3 {@action Interact} actions, which don't have to be consecutive. If the creature performing the final action doesn't succeed at a DC 45 {@skill Medicine} check as part of that action, the target takes {@dice 10d6} damage upon the thorn's removal." + "The green man's thorns embed themselves into any creature they damage, taking root into the ground. A target damaged by a thorn has its Speeds halved, and it can't {@action Step}, {@action Fly}, {@spell air walk}, or otherwise leave the ground until the thorn is removed. Removing a thorn requires 3 {@action Interact} actions, which don't have to be consecutive. If the creature performing the final action doesn't succeed at a {@dc 45} {@skill Medicine} check as part of that action, the target takes {@dice 10d6} damage upon the thorn's removal." ], "name": "Embed" }, @@ -22409,7 +22419,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "Whenever a living creature touches or is touched by a grimple (including via a successful unarmed melee {@action Strike}), it must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex save or become infested by gremlin lice. While infested, the targeted creature is distracted by the itching sensation and is {@condition stupefied 1}, though it can use an {@action Interact} action to scratch at the itching lice to suppress the {@condition stupefied} condition from the lice for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The infestation ends after 24 hours or until the creature is submerged in water or exposed to a severe cold environment, whichever comes first." + "Whenever a living creature touches or is touched by a grimple (including via a successful unarmed melee {@action Strike}), it must succeed at a {@dc 13} Reflex save or become infested by gremlin lice. While infested, the targeted creature is distracted by the itching sensation and is {@condition stupefied 1}, though it can use an {@action Interact} action to scratch at the itching lice to suppress the {@condition stupefied} condition from the lice for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The infestation ends after 24 hours or until the creature is submerged in water or exposed to a severe cold environment, whichever comes first." ], "name": "Gremlin Lice" } @@ -22421,7 +22431,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The grimple spews a 30-foot line of vomit. Each creature in the line must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The grimple can't use Putrid Vomit again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The grimple spews a 30-foot line of vomit. Each creature in the line must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). The grimple can't use Putrid Vomit again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Putrid Vomit" } @@ -22707,7 +22717,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The grioth scout makes a {@action Strike} with a voidglass weapon. If the {@action Strike} hits, it deals an additional {@damage 2d6} mental damage, and the target must succeed at a DC 20 Will save (this has the {@trait incapacitation} trait) or become {@condition confused} for 1 round." + "The grioth scout makes a {@action Strike} with a voidglass weapon. If the {@action Strike} hits, it deals an additional {@damage 2d6} mental damage, and the target must succeed at a {@dc 20} Will save (this has the {@trait incapacitation} trait) or become {@condition confused} for 1 round." ], "name": "Shock Mind" }, @@ -22727,7 +22737,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The grioth cultist waves a hand in a complex pattern to invoke dark powers, dealing {@damage 3d8} mental damage. Each nongrioth creature within 20 feet must attempt a DC 20 Will save.", + "The grioth cultist waves a hand in a complex pattern to invoke dark powers, dealing {@damage 3d8} mental damage. Each nongrioth creature within 20 feet must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -22965,7 +22975,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The grioth scout makes a {@action Strike} with a voidglass weapon. If the {@action Strike} hits, it deals an additional {@damage 1d6} mental damage, and the target must succeed at a DC 17 Will save (this has the {@trait incapacitation} trait) or become {@condition confused} for 1 round." + "The grioth scout makes a {@action Strike} with a voidglass weapon. If the {@action Strike} hits, it deals an additional {@damage 1d6} mental damage, and the target must succeed at a {@dc 17} Will save (this has the {@trait incapacitation} trait) or become {@condition confused} for 1 round." ], "name": "Shock Mind" } @@ -23110,7 +23120,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The guecubu stomps, and the ground breaks and ripples in a 30-foot emanation, erupting in razor-sharp, crisscrossing spikes of rock that deal {@damage 3d8} piercing damage to creatures in the area (DC 26 basic Reflex save). The area becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} and hazardous terrain, with each square dealing 3 piercing damage to a creature that moves through it. A guecubu is immune to these effects. Ground under the effects of a consecrate ritual or a {@spell circle of protection} spell tuned against evil or chaos can't be affected by this ability." + "The guecubu stomps, and the ground breaks and ripples in a 30-foot emanation, erupting in razor-sharp, crisscrossing spikes of rock that deal {@damage 3d8} piercing damage to creatures in the area ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). The area becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} and hazardous terrain, with each square dealing 3 piercing damage to a creature that moves through it. A guecubu is immune to these effects. Ground under the effects of a consecrate ritual or a {@spell circle of protection} spell tuned against evil or chaos can't be affected by this ability." ], "name": "Break Ground" }, @@ -23127,7 +23137,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "When the guecubu successfully Shoves a creature into a stone barrier, the target must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex save or become merged with the barrier, with the effects of meld into stone until the target {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 26)." + "When the guecubu successfully Shoves a creature into a stone barrier, the target must succeed at a {@dc 26} Reflex save or become merged with the barrier, with the effects of meld into stone until the target {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 26})." ], "name": "Shove into Stone" }, @@ -23138,7 +23148,7 @@ "enchantment" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by a guecubu must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or become cursed with consummate bad luck. The creature becomes {@condition clumsy 2}. Each time that creature rolls initiative, on their next roll they must roll twice and use the worse result; this is a {@trait misfortune} effect." + "A creature damaged by a guecubu must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or become cursed with consummate bad luck. The creature becomes {@condition clumsy 2}. Each time that creature rolls initiative, on their next roll they must roll twice and use the worse result; this is a {@trait misfortune} effect." ], "name": "Wrathful Misfortune" } @@ -23313,7 +23323,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Any creature that hits the gurgist with an unarmed attack, tries to {@action Grapple} them, or otherwise touches the gurgist is covered with rotten flesh and putrid fluids. The creature must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "Any creature that hits the gurgist with an unarmed attack, tries to {@action Grapple} them, or otherwise touches the gurgist is covered with rotten flesh and putrid fluids. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Rotting Flesh" } @@ -23325,7 +23335,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The gurgist makes a melee {@action Strike}, aiming for their target's weak points and taking their time to line up a precise blow. If this {@action Strike} hits, the gurgist deals an additional {@damage 1d8} precision damage, and the target must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or become {@condition clumsy 2} for 1 minute." + "The gurgist makes a melee {@action Strike}, aiming for their target's weak points and taking their time to line up a precise blow. If this {@action Strike} hits, the gurgist deals an additional {@damage 1d8} precision damage, and the target must succeed at a {@dc 23} Fortitude save or become {@condition clumsy 2} for 1 minute." ], "name": "Calculated Blow" }, @@ -23497,7 +23507,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The hadrinnex purges the energy in its energy gland for an external discharge. It either blasts the energy to deal {@damage 7d6} energy damage to creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 26 basic Reflex save), or directs the energy to its weapon arms, making its weapon arm {@action Strike||Strikes} deal an extra {@damage 2d6} energy damage for 1 minute. Either one expends the damage type stored in the hadrinnex's energy gland, as described below.", + "The hadrinnex purges the energy in its energy gland for an external discharge. It either blasts the energy to deal {@damage 7d6} energy damage to creatures in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save), or directs the energy to its weapon arms, making its weapon arm {@action Strike||Strikes} deal an extra {@damage 2d6} energy damage for 1 minute. Either one expends the damage type stored in the hadrinnex's energy gland, as described below.", "After the energy is vented, the energy gland goes dormant. The hadrinnex loses its energy resistance and can't use energy ray until it uses Rapid Evolution to reconfigure its energy gland again. Directing energy to its weapon arms again removes any previous energy boost to its weapon arm." ], "name": "Vent Energy" @@ -23802,7 +23812,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The harmona makes a beak {@action Strike}, channeling disruptive sound waves into the blow. On a hit, the target must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become {@condition stunned 1} ({@condition stunned 2} on a critical failure). After this {@action Strike}, the harmona can {@action Fly} up to half their fly Speed." + "The harmona makes a beak {@action Strike}, channeling disruptive sound waves into the blow. On a hit, the target must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or become {@condition stunned 1} ({@condition stunned 2} on a critical failure). After this {@action Strike}, the harmona can {@action Fly} up to half their fly Speed." ], "name": "Concussive Blow" }, @@ -23816,7 +23826,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The harmona beats their wings rapidly towards the ground, creating a nearly inaudible rumble and sending a wave of shaking earth to overwhelm their enemies. Each creature in a 15-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 30 basic Fortitude save or take {@damage 6d6} sonic damage. A creature that fails its save is knocked {@condition prone} from the shaking ground." + "The harmona beats their wings rapidly towards the ground, creating a nearly inaudible rumble and sending a wave of shaking earth to overwhelm their enemies. Each creature in a 15-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 30} basic Fortitude save or take {@damage 6d6} sonic damage. A creature that fails its save is knocked {@condition prone} from the shaking ground." ], "name": "Subsonic Pulse" }, @@ -23832,7 +23842,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The harmona beats their wings skyward, creating a spiraling vibration.", - "Each creature in a 30-foot cone must attempt a DC 30 Reflex save as the high-frequency blast flings them up and away.", + "Each creature in a 30-foot cone must attempt a {@dc 30} Reflex save as the high-frequency blast flings them up and away.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -23979,7 +23989,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The harpy skeleton emits an unearthly, bone-chilling scream that deals {@damage 4d10} mental damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 26 basic Will save). A creature that fails its save is {@condition frightened 1} (or {@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). The harpy skeleton can't Shriek again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The harpy skeleton emits an unearthly, bone-chilling scream that deals {@damage 4d10} mental damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 26} basic Will save). A creature that fails its save is {@condition frightened 1} (or {@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). The harpy skeleton can't Shriek again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Shriek" } @@ -24215,7 +24225,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The hatred siktempora has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "The hatred siktempora tightens their garrote, dealing {@damage 5d10} bludgeoning damage to each creature they're Grabbing. Each creature {@condition grabbed} by the siktempora must attempt a DC 40 Fortitude save.", + "The hatred siktempora tightens their garrote, dealing {@damage 5d10} bludgeoning damage to each creature they're Grabbing. Each creature {@condition grabbed} by the siktempora must attempt a {@dc 40} Fortitude save.", { "type": "suceessDegree", "entries": { @@ -24413,7 +24423,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet. As Elysian titan, except DC 48." + "120 feet. As Elysian titan, except {@dc 48}." ], "name": "Impossible Stature" }, @@ -24474,7 +24484,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The titan has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "The titan thrusts the creature into a nightmare realm full of lightless hands and eyes. This has the effects of maze (DC 48), but the creature can use {@skill Occultism} to escape in addition to {@skill Perception} or Survival. The titan can't use Send Beyond for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The titan thrusts the creature into a nightmare realm full of lightless hands and eyes. This has the effects of maze ({@dc 48}), but the creature can use {@skill Occultism} to escape in addition to {@skill Perception} or Survival. The titan can't use Send Beyond for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Send Beyond" }, @@ -24753,7 +24763,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The Hellknights draw or reload their longbows, then launch a ranged attack in the form of a volley. This volley is a 10-foot burst within 100 feet that deals {@damage 4d8} piercing damage (DC 23 basic Reflex save). When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." + "The Hellknights draw or reload their longbows, then launch a ranged attack in the form of a volley. This volley is a 10-foot burst within 100 feet that deals {@damage 4d8} piercing damage ({@dc 23} basic Reflex save). When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." ], "name": "Arrow Volley" }, @@ -24770,7 +24780,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The brigade Forms Up, then {@action Stride||Strides} twice with a +10-foot circumstance bonus to its Speed. If it moves at least 10 feet, the brigade deals {@damage 3d8+13} piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save) to each enemy within 10 feet of the brigade at the end of its movement." + "The brigade Forms Up, then {@action Stride||Strides} twice with a +10-foot circumstance bonus to its Speed. If it moves at least 10 feet, the brigade deals {@damage 3d8+13} piercing damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save) to each enemy within 10 feet of the brigade at the end of its movement." ], "name": "Lance Charge" }, @@ -24787,7 +24797,7 @@ "entry": "{@as 1} to {@as 3}" }, "entries": [ - "The brigade engages in a coordinated melee attack against each enemy within 10 feet (DC 23 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", + "The brigade engages in a coordinated melee attack against each enemy within 10 feet ({@dc 23} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-no-bullets", @@ -24924,7 +24934,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 4d8} piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its saving throw is exposed to hellwasp venom." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 4d8} piercing damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its saving throw is exposed to hellwasp venom." ], "name": "Hellwasp Stings" }, @@ -24978,7 +24988,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The swarm emits a distracting, cacophonous buzzing. Each creature within 20 feet must attempt a DC 26 Will save.", + "The swarm emits a distracting, cacophonous buzzing. Each creature within 20 feet must attempt a {@dc 26} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -25128,7 +25138,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When the herexen is destroyed, it explodes in a wave of negative energy with the effects of a 3-action {@spell harm} spell (DC 20). The herexen is destroyed, so it doesn't gain any Hit Points from this use of harm, and it doesn't need to have any {@spell harm} spells remaining to use this ability." + "When the herexen is destroyed, it explodes in a wave of negative energy with the effects of a 3-action {@spell harm} spell ({@dc 20}). The herexen is destroyed, so it doesn't gain any Hit Points from this use of harm, and it doesn't need to have any {@spell harm} spells remaining to use this ability." ], "name": "Final Blasphemy" } @@ -25229,7 +25239,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save also take {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save also take {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." ], "name": "Swarming Snips" } @@ -25960,7 +25970,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 23" + "{@dc 23}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -26000,7 +26010,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The hieracosphinx emits a shrill, ear-piercing shriek.", - "Each non-sphinx in a 60-foot emanation must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. Any creature that attempts a save is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", + "Each non-sphinx in a 60-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save. Any creature that attempts a save is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -26154,7 +26164,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The house drake succeeds at a saving throw against a magical {@trait mental} effect", "entries": [ - "The house drake sends a blast of magical feedback at the effect's source, dealing {@damage 2d6} mental damage (DC 16 basic Will save) to that creature. On a failed save, the creature is also {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round." + "The house drake sends a blast of magical feedback at the effect's source, dealing {@damage 2d6} mental damage ({@dc 16} basic Will save) to that creature. On a failed save, the creature is also {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round." ], "name": "Ferocious Will" } @@ -26171,7 +26181,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The house drake breathes a 10-foot cone of silver mist. Each creature within the mist must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or become {@condition stupefied 2} for 1 round. The house drake can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The house drake breathes a 10-foot cone of silver mist. Each creature within the mist must succeed at a {@dc 16} Will save or become {@condition stupefied 2} for 1 round. The house drake can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -26521,7 +26531,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the hyakume's fist {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 36 Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune until start of its next turn.", + "A creature hit by the hyakume's fist {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune until start of its next turn.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -26546,7 +26556,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The hyakume reaches out with their mind and attempts to steal memories from a creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a DC 40 Will saving throw or become {@condition stupefied 2} and have some of its memories stolen. The hyakume learns some of the target's memories (chosen by the GM), which are then lost to the target." + "The hyakume reaches out with their mind and attempts to steal memories from a creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a {@dc 40} Will saving throw or become {@condition stupefied 2} and have some of its memories stolen. The hyakume learns some of the target's memories (chosen by the GM), which are then lost to the target." ], "name": "Steal Memories" } @@ -26942,7 +26952,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Damage {@damage 1d8} bludgeoning, DC 18" + "Damage {@damage 1d8} bludgeoning, {@dc 18}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -26955,7 +26965,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 18, {@damage 1d8+2} bludgeoning, {@action Escape} DC 18, Rupture 5 (page 305). The ittan-momen can Engulf only one creature. They can Engulf a creature of a larger size so long as the creature's head can feasibly be covered by the ittan-momen's body." + "{@dc 18}, {@damage 1d8+2} bludgeoning, {@action Escape} {@dc 18}, Rupture 5 (page 305). The ittan-momen can Engulf only one creature. They can Engulf a creature of a larger size so long as the creature's head can feasibly be covered by the ittan-momen's body." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -27165,7 +27175,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. The japalisura's faces constantly shift and morph, each visage more grotesque than the last. When a creature enters or starts its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 32 Will save.", + "30 feet. The japalisura's faces constantly shift and morph, each visage more grotesque than the last. When a creature enters or starts its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -27212,7 +27222,7 @@ { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { - "Critical Success": "For 1 minute, the target believes that one creature of the japalisura's choice is its mortal foe, spending all its actions to reach and attack that creature. At the end of each of its turns, the target can attempt a DC 32 Will save to end the effect early.", + "Critical Success": "For 1 minute, the target believes that one creature of the japalisura's choice is its mortal foe, spending all its actions to reach and attack that creature. At the end of each of its turns, the target can attempt a {@dc 32} Will save to end the effect early.", "Success": "As critical success except the effect ends at the end of the creature's first turn, without the need for a Will save.", "Failure": "The target sees through the japalisura's attempts at misdirection and is temporarily immune to False Foe for 1 day." } @@ -27580,7 +27590,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "The depression atop a kappa's head is filled with water. Spilling, evaporating, or otherwise removing all of the water from the top of a kappa's head reduces all their Speeds to 5 feet until the basin is again filled with water. A kappa who becomes {@condition prone} must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or spill their water, and a kappa who becomes {@condition unconscious} automatically spills their water.", + "The depression atop a kappa's head is filled with water. Spilling, evaporating, or otherwise removing all of the water from the top of a kappa's head reduces all their Speeds to 5 feet until the basin is again filled with water. A kappa who becomes {@condition prone} must succeed at a {@dc 15} Reflex save or spill their water, and a kappa who becomes {@condition unconscious} automatically spills their water.", "If a kappa is grappled, {@condition restrained}, or {@condition stunned}, another creature can attempt to spill the water from their bowl by spending a single action, which has the {@trait attack} and {@trait manipulate} traits, to attempt an {@skill Athletics} check against the kappa's Fortitude DC. On a success, the creature spills the kappa's water." ], "name": "Head Bowl" @@ -27709,7 +27719,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "If a kasa-obake successfully Demoralizes a creature and they were {@condition hidden} to the creature before the attempt to {@action Demoralize}, the creature must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or be {@condition stunned} for 1 round." + "If a kasa-obake successfully Demoralizes a creature and they were {@condition hidden} to the creature before the attempt to {@action Demoralize}, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or be {@condition stunned} for 1 round." ], "name": "Jump Scare" } @@ -27846,7 +27856,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "The khravgodon collapses. It is {@condition flat-footed} and can use actions that require only its mind, but any other action ends the ruse. A successful DC 18 {@skill Perception} check to {@action Seek} or {@skill Medicine} check to {@action Recall Knowledge} is required to determine that the animal is not, in fact, dead." + "The khravgodon collapses. It is {@condition flat-footed} and can use actions that require only its mind, but any other action ends the ruse. A successful {@dc 18} {@skill Perception} check to {@action Seek} or {@skill Medicine} check to {@action Recall Knowledge} is required to determine that the animal is not, in fact, dead." ], "name": "Feign Death", "trigger": "The opossum is reduced below 70 HP" @@ -27871,7 +27881,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The khravgodon has a creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}", "entries": [ - "The khravgodon bites the creature, dealing {@damage 2d12+9} piercing damage (DC 28 basic Fortitude save) that ignores the first 5 of the target's Hardness or resistance to physical damage. On a failed save, the target also takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to AC for 1 round." + "The khravgodon bites the creature, dealing {@damage 2d12+9} piercing damage ({@dc 28} basic Fortitude save) that ignores the first 5 of the target's Hardness or resistance to physical damage. On a failed save, the target also takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to AC for 1 round." ], "name": "Crush Chitin" }, @@ -28123,7 +28133,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The kimenhul contorts its faces and presents itself to its enemies in a terrifying and traumatic display that causes lingering fear. Each creature within 100 feet that can observe the kimenhul must make a DC 42 Will save. They are then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", + "The kimenhul contorts its faces and presents itself to its enemies in a terrifying and traumatic display that causes lingering fear. Each creature within 100 feet that can observe the kimenhul must make a {@dc 42} Will save. They are then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -28382,7 +28392,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "60 feet.", - "Creatures within a kirin's peaceful aura attempting to use a {@condition hostile} action must first attempt a DC 22 Will save; on a failure, the {@condition hostile} action is disrupted.", + "Creatures within a kirin's peaceful aura attempting to use a {@condition hostile} action must first attempt a {@dc 22} Will save; on a failure, the {@condition hostile} action is disrupted.", "If a creature in the aura successfully uses a {@condition hostile} action, it's temporarily immune to peaceful aura for 24 hours, and while it's temporarily immune, other creatures in the kirin's peaceful aura can perform {@condition hostile} actions toward it without needing to attempt a Will save.", "A kirin can select creatures within their aura that can use {@condition hostile} actions without needing to attempt a Will save." ], @@ -28412,7 +28422,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The kirin breathes fire in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 8d6} fire damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save). The kirin can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The kirin breathes fire in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 8d6} fire damage ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save). The kirin can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -28562,7 +28572,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d10+9} piercing, DC 26 ({@condition grabbed} by jaws only)" + "{@damage 1d10+9} piercing, {@dc 26} ({@condition grabbed} by jaws only)" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -28971,7 +28981,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 23 Will save.", + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 23} Will save.", "The kodama can activate or deactivate this aura by using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -29174,7 +29184,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "Using their voice imitation abilities, a kokogiak emits the horrific wails of its former victims.", - "Each creature within 120 feet takes {@damage 4d6} mental damage and must attempt a DC 32 Will save. A creature {@condition frightened} by this ability is {@condition flat-footed} to the kokogiak.", + "Each creature within 120 feet takes {@damage 4d6} mental damage and must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save. A creature {@condition frightened} by this ability is {@condition flat-footed} to the kokogiak.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -29376,7 +29386,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The kongamato Flies while emitting a terrifying screech.", - "Each creature the kongamato flies over must succeed at a DC 30 Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure)", + "Each creature the kongamato flies over must succeed at a {@dc 30} Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure)", "After attempting their saves, the creatures are temporarily immune for 1 hour. At the end of their movement, the kongamato can make a beak {@action Strike}." ], "name": "Wailing Dive" @@ -29800,7 +29810,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet, DC 42 (page 305)" + "120 feet, {@dc 42} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -29836,7 +29846,7 @@ "requirements": "Krampus has a Medium or smaller creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ "Krampus attempts to stuff the {@condition grabbed} creature into his basket, attempting an {@skill Athletics} check against the target's Reflex DC. If he succeeds, the creature is shoved into Krampus's basket and Krampus's spiked chain or claw is freed for future {@action Strike||Strikes}.", - "The captured creature is {@condition grabbed}, {@condition slowed 1}, and subjected to Krampus's regression ability (see below) at the start of each round it is captured. If the victim {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 48), it climbs out of the basket. A captured creature can attack the interior of the basket, but only with unarmed attacks or weapons of light Bulk or less, against an AC of 40. If the captured creature deals 40 slashing or piercing damage, the basket is {@condition broken} and all the creatures inside spill out. A creature that gets free by either Escaping or by someone breaking the basket is deposited in a square of their choosing adjacent to Krampus.", + "The captured creature is {@condition grabbed}, {@condition slowed 1}, and subjected to Krampus's regression ability (see below) at the start of each round it is captured. If the victim {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 48}), it climbs out of the basket. A captured creature can attack the interior of the basket, but only with unarmed attacks or weapons of light Bulk or less, against an AC of 40. If the captured creature deals 40 slashing or piercing damage, the basket is {@condition broken} and all the creatures inside spill out. A creature that gets free by either Escaping or by someone breaking the basket is deposited in a square of their choosing adjacent to Krampus.", "The basket is an extradimensional space, so the weight of the creatures within doesn't count against Krampus's Bulk limit. Up to four Small creatures or two Medium creatures can fit in the basket at one time. Krampus can {@action Repair} the basket as a 2-action activity that doesn't require tools. If the basket is lost or destroyed, Krampus can create a new one with 1 hour of work. The basket functions as a normal sack if used by anyone other than Krampus." ], "name": "Capture" @@ -29862,7 +29872,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "A creature that starts their turn Captured in Krampus's basket must attempt a DC 44 Fortitude save or be regressed back to their childhood. The target shrinks one size. In addition, all of the target's proficiencies of expert and better are reduced to trained, which might restrict the use of certain feats.", + "A creature that starts their turn Captured in Krampus's basket must attempt a {@dc 44} Fortitude save or be regressed back to their childhood. The target shrinks one size. In addition, all of the target's proficiencies of expert and better are reduced to trained, which might restrict the use of certain feats.", "The effect persists for 24 hours, after which the target regains their normal size and their proficiencies return to normal. A creature currently under the effects of regression can't be further affected by this ability.", "Snowstep Krampus ignores {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} and {@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} caused by snow and ice, and he leaves no tracks when moving through areas of snow or ice." ], @@ -30007,7 +30017,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The kuchisake-onna asks a single adjacent target, \"Am I pretty?\" The target must attempt a DC 35 Will save. If it fails, it is {@condition immobilized} for 1 round, and if it critically fails, it is {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round, though still able to respond to the question; this is a {@trait mental} effect. If the target responds \"No,\" the kuchisake-onna makes two silver scissors {@action Strike||Strikes} against the target. If the target responds \"Yes,\" the kuchisake-onna makes no {@action Strike||Strikes} this turn and must use Even Now? as their next action (waiting until the first action of their next turn, if necessary). If the target otherwise responds in a confusing or noncommittal manner, the kuchisake-onna becomes {@condition flat-footed} to all creatures for 1 round but can otherwise act normally." + "The kuchisake-onna asks a single adjacent target, \"Am I pretty?\" The target must attempt a {@dc 35} Will save. If it fails, it is {@condition immobilized} for 1 round, and if it critically fails, it is {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round, though still able to respond to the question; this is a {@trait mental} effect. If the target responds \"No,\" the kuchisake-onna makes two silver scissors {@action Strike||Strikes} against the target. If the target responds \"Yes,\" the kuchisake-onna makes no {@action Strike||Strikes} this turn and must use Even Now? as their next action (waiting until the first action of their next turn, if necessary). If the target otherwise responds in a confusing or noncommittal manner, the kuchisake-onna becomes {@condition flat-footed} to all creatures for 1 round but can otherwise act normally." ], "name": "Am I Pretty?" }, @@ -30018,7 +30028,7 @@ }, "requirements": "An adjacent creature previously targeted by Am I Pretty? answered \"Yes\"", "entries": [ - "The kuchisake-onna takes off their mask, revealing their slit face and asking, \"Even now?\" The target must attempt a DC 35 Will save. If it fails, it is {@condition immobilized} for 1 round, and if it critically fails, it is {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round, though still able to respond to the question; this is a {@trait mental} effect. Whether the target responds \"Yes\" or \"No,\" the kuchisake-onna makes two silver scissors {@action Strike||Strikes} against the target." + "The kuchisake-onna takes off their mask, revealing their slit face and asking, \"Even now?\" The target must attempt a {@dc 35} Will save. If it fails, it is {@condition immobilized} for 1 round, and if it critically fails, it is {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round, though still able to respond to the question; this is a {@trait mental} effect. Whether the target responds \"Yes\" or \"No,\" the kuchisake-onna makes two silver scissors {@action Strike||Strikes} against the target." ], "name": "Even Now?" }, @@ -30164,7 +30174,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When the kurobozu scores a critical hit with an unarmed attack, the target must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} until the end of its next turn." + "When the kurobozu scores a critical hit with an unarmed attack, the target must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed 1} until the end of its next turn." ], "name": "Brawling Critical" }, @@ -30174,7 +30184,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When the kurobozu damages a living creature with an unarmed {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied 1} for 1 minute. Further damage dealt by the kurobozu resets the duration to 1 minute and increases the {@condition stupefied} value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}." + "When the kurobozu damages a living creature with an unarmed {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a {@dc 24} Fortitude save or become {@condition stupefied 1} for 1 minute. Further damage dealt by the kurobozu resets the duration to 1 minute and increases the {@condition stupefied} value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition stupefied 4}." ], "name": "Sagebane" }, @@ -30190,7 +30200,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The kurobozu is adjacent to a living creature that is {@condition paralyzed}, {@condition slowed}, {@condition stunned}, or {@condition unconscious}", "entries": [ - "The kurobozu leans over and sucks the breath from the target, who must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. Regardless of the result, the creature is exposed to black apoxia and its breath reeks of carrion for 1 minute.", + "The kurobozu leans over and sucks the breath from the target, who must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save. Regardless of the result, the creature is exposed to black apoxia and its breath reeks of carrion for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -30213,7 +30223,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The kurobozu makes two unarmed {@action Strike||Strikes}. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses, and the target must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned 3} on a critical failure); this save has the {@trait incapacitation} trait." + "The kurobozu makes two unarmed {@action Strike||Strikes}. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses, and the target must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned 3} on a critical failure); this save has the {@trait incapacitation} trait." ], "name": "Stunning Flurry" } @@ -30605,7 +30615,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "A lampad is mystically bonded to a single cavern or other self-contained underground area and must remain within 300 feet of it. If they move beyond that range, they become {@condition sickened 1} and are unable to recover. They must attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save every hour or increase the {@condition sickened} value by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition sickened 4}). After 24 hours, they become {@condition drained 1}, with this value increasing by 1 every additional 24 hours. A lampad can perform a 24-hour ritual to bond to a new cavern." + "A lampad is mystically bonded to a single cavern or other self-contained underground area and must remain within 300 feet of it. If they move beyond that range, they become {@condition sickened 1} and are unable to recover. They must attempt a {@dc 19} Fortitude save every hour or increase the {@condition sickened} value by 1 (to a maximum of {@condition sickened 4}). After 24 hours, they become {@condition drained 1}, with this value increasing by 1 every additional 24 hours. A lampad can perform a 24-hour ritual to bond to a new cavern." ], "name": "Cavern Dependent" } @@ -30628,7 +30638,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The lampad begins a heart-wrenching fit of weeping, inspiring sympathetic sobbing in nearby creatures. Each non-lampad creature within 30 feet who hears the lampad's weeping must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or be unable to use reactions for 1 round and {@condition slowed 1} on its next turn as it sobs uncontrollably." + "The lampad begins a heart-wrenching fit of weeping, inspiring sympathetic sobbing in nearby creatures. Each non-lampad creature within 30 feet who hears the lampad's weeping must succeed at a {@dc 20} Will save or be unable to use reactions for 1 round and {@condition slowed 1} on its next turn as it sobs uncontrollably." ], "name": "Weep" } @@ -30986,7 +30996,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Creatures that start their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 33 Will save or be {@condition confused} by the lampad queen's unearthly beauty for 1 minute. While {@condition confused} by this effect, the creature's {@condition confused} actions never include harming the lampad queen." + "30 feet. Creatures that start their turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 33} Will save or be {@condition confused} by the lampad queen's unearthly beauty for 1 minute. While {@condition confused} by this effect, the creature's {@condition confused} actions never include harming the lampad queen." ], "name": "Nymph's Beauty" } @@ -31058,7 +31068,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Frequency once per round; The lampad queen begins a heart-wrenching fit of weeping, inspiring sympathetic sobbing in nearby creatures. Each non-lampad creature within 120 feet who hears the lampad's weeping must succeed at a DC 36 Will save with the effects of crushing despair." + "Frequency once per round; The lampad queen begins a heart-wrenching fit of weeping, inspiring sympathetic sobbing in nearby creatures. Each non-lampad creature within 120 feet who hears the lampad's weeping must succeed at a {@dc 36} Will save with the effects of crushing despair." ], "name": "Despairing Weep" } @@ -31437,7 +31447,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living creature hit by a Leng ghoul's attack must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}.", + "Any living creature hit by a Leng ghoul's attack must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}.", "It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." ], "name": "Paralysis" @@ -31608,7 +31618,7 @@ { "entries": [ "When a levaloch hits a creature with their barbed net, the net wraps around the target, which becomes {@condition clumsy 1} and takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds. If the {@action Strike} was a critical success, the target is also {@condition immobilized}.", - "When a creature {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 22), or if the {@action Strike} misses, the net crumbles into rust. Each time a creature attempts to {@action Escape}, it takes {@damage 1d6} slashing damage from the net's barbs, regardless of whether the attempt succeeds." + "When a creature {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 22}), or if the {@action Strike} misses, the net crumbles into rust. Each time a creature attempts to {@action Escape}, it takes {@damage 1d6} slashing damage from the net's barbs, regardless of whether the attempt succeeds." ], "name": "Barbed Net" }, @@ -31825,7 +31835,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the lifeleecher damages a living or undead creature with their jaws {@action Strike}, they drain the target's life essence. The lifeleecher gains 5 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute, and the target must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} if living, or {@condition stunned 1} if undead. If the target was already {@condition drained} or {@condition stunned}, the value of this condition instead increases by 1, to a maximum of 3." + "When the lifeleecher damages a living or undead creature with their jaws {@action Strike}, they drain the target's life essence. The lifeleecher gains 5 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute, and the target must succeed at a {@dc 24} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} if living, or {@condition stunned 1} if undead. If the target was already {@condition drained} or {@condition stunned}, the value of this condition instead increases by 1, to a maximum of 3." ], "name": "Leech Essence" } @@ -32216,7 +32226,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature that takes mental damage from the love siktempora's emotional bolt must succeed at a DC 37 Will save or become {@condition fascinated} by the siktempora until the end of the target's next turn. {@condition Hostile} actions don't end this {@condition fascinated} condition." + "A creature that takes mental damage from the love siktempora's emotional bolt must succeed at a {@dc 37} Will save or become {@condition fascinated} by the siktempora until the end of the target's next turn. {@condition Hostile} actions don't end this {@condition fascinated} condition." ], "name": "Heartsong" }, @@ -32439,7 +32449,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by a lovelorn's fangs {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 19 Will save as it grows morose and listless. If the creature would be affected by a {@spell calm emotions} spell, that spell attempts to counteract this curse instead of having its normal effect.", + "A creature hit by a lovelorn's fangs {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 19} Will save as it grows morose and listless. If the creature would be affected by a {@spell calm emotions} spell, that spell attempts to counteract this curse instead of having its normal effect.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -33404,7 +33414,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d12+2} piercing, DC 20" + "{@damage 1d12+2} piercing, {@dc 20}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -33518,7 +33528,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}. While inside the aura, affected creatures take a \u20131 circumstance penalty to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "20 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 19} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}. While inside the aura, affected creatures take a \u20131 circumstance penalty to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Musk" } @@ -33856,7 +33866,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the mezlan's ooze globule takes a \u201315-foot circumstance penalty to all Speeds for 1 minute. On a critical hit, a target standing on a solid surface also becomes {@condition immobilized}, while a target Flying via wings falls to the ground and becomes unable to Fly. A target can end all effects by Escaping (DC 32) or spending a total of 3 {@action Interact} actions to free itself." + "A creature hit by the mezlan's ooze globule takes a \u201315-foot circumstance penalty to all Speeds for 1 minute. On a critical hit, a target standing on a solid surface also becomes {@condition immobilized}, while a target Flying via wings falls to the ground and becomes unable to Fly. A target can end all effects by Escaping ({@dc 32}) or spending a total of 3 {@action Interact} actions to free itself." ], "name": "Viscous Trap" } @@ -34195,7 +34205,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The millindemalion quickly crafts a mind-altering hat in combat and tosses it onto a target with a flick of their wrist. The millindemalion chooses one of the effects below and makes a ranged attack roll with a +27 modifier and a range increment of 20 feet. On a hit, the target must succeed at a DC 33 Will saving throw or experience the listed effect for {@dice 1d4+1} rounds. If the millindemalion critically succeeds at the ranged {@action Strike}, the target takes a \u20134 circumstance penalty on the save. A target can only wear one millindemalion hat at a time; a new hat replaces any previous hat. The hat can't be removed before the condition ends, but when the condition ends (or on a successful save), the hat falls to pieces.", + "The millindemalion quickly crafts a mind-altering hat in combat and tosses it onto a target with a flick of their wrist. The millindemalion chooses one of the effects below and makes a ranged attack roll with a +27 modifier and a range increment of 20 feet. On a hit, the target must succeed at a {@dc 33} Will saving throw or experience the listed effect for {@dice 1d4+1} rounds. If the millindemalion critically succeeds at the ranged {@action Strike}, the target takes a \u20134 circumstance penalty on the save. A target can only wear one millindemalion hat at a time; a new hat replaces any previous hat. The hat can't be removed before the condition ends, but when the condition ends (or on a successful save), the hat falls to pieces.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -34405,7 +34415,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The misery siktempora's last action was a claw {@action Strike} that damaged the target", "entries": [ - "The misery siktempora fills the target's thoughts with abject despair. The target must attempt a DC 32 Will save. Regardless of outcome, the target is then immune to Inflict Misery for 1 minute.", + "The misery siktempora fills the target's thoughts with abject despair. The target must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save. Regardless of outcome, the target is then immune to Inflict Misery for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -34429,7 +34439,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The misery siktempora assails the mind of one creature within 100 feet with a wail of anguish and torment that deals {@damage 8d6} mental damage (DC 32 basic Will save). On a failed save, the target is also {@condition confused} for the first action of its next turn (or for 1 round on a critical failure)." + "The misery siktempora assails the mind of one creature within 100 feet with a wail of anguish and torment that deals {@damage 8d6} mental damage ({@dc 32} basic Will save). On a failed save, the target is also {@condition confused} for the first action of its next turn (or for 1 round on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Telepathic Wail" } @@ -34828,7 +34838,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+4} bludgeoning, DC 26" + "{@damage 2d10+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -35066,7 +35076,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Frequency once per 10 minutes; The mobogo unleashes a booming croak. All boggards and mobogos within 50 feet gain a +2 status bonus to damage rolls and saves against fear for 1 round. Other creatures in the area of effect must attempt a DC 27 Will save.", + "Frequency once per 10 minutes; The mobogo unleashes a booming croak. All boggards and mobogos within 50 feet gain a +2 status bonus to damage rolls and saves against fear for 1 round. Other creatures in the area of effect must attempt a {@dc 27} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -35248,7 +35258,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 28" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 28}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -35265,7 +35275,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The mokele-mbembe cracks its tail, creating a sonic boom in a 5-foot burst centered on a corner within reach of its tail {@action Strike}. Each creature in the burst's area must attempt a DC 28 Fortitude save. Mokele-mbembes are immune.", + "The mokele-mbembe cracks its tail, creating a sonic boom in a 5-foot burst centered on a corner within reach of its tail {@action Strike}. Each creature in the burst's area must attempt a {@dc 28} Fortitude save. Mokele-mbembes are immune.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -35430,7 +35440,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. The monkeys' awful racket of screeches and howls drowns out other sounds. Any creature performing an auditory action in the area must yell over the din, requiring a successful DC 15 Fortitude save or {@skill Performance} check to project loudly enough; on a failure, the action is lost." + "20 feet. The monkeys' awful racket of screeches and howls drowns out other sounds. Any creature performing an auditory action in the area must yell over the din, requiring a successful {@dc 15} Fortitude save or {@skill Performance} check to project loudly enough; on a failure, the action is lost." ], "name": "Cacophony" } @@ -35452,7 +35462,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each creature in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d8} piercing damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save)." + "Each creature in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d8} piercing damage ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" } @@ -35648,7 +35658,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "Frequency once per round; The moon hag howls a series of dreadful, apocalyptic predictions at a single creature within 30 feet, shattering its perceptions of reality. The target must succeed at a DC 29 Will save or become {@condition stupefied 2} ({@condition stupefied 3} on a critical failure); regardless of the outcome, the creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. A creature that can see the moon takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saving throws against Dreadful Prediction. The {@condition stupefied} condition from Dreadful Prediction persists until the curse is removed." + "Frequency once per round; The moon hag howls a series of dreadful, apocalyptic predictions at a single creature within 30 feet, shattering its perceptions of reality. The target must succeed at a {@dc 29} Will save or become {@condition stupefied 2} ({@condition stupefied 3} on a critical failure); regardless of the outcome, the creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. A creature that can see the moon takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saving throws against Dreadful Prediction. The {@condition stupefied} condition from Dreadful Prediction persists until the curse is removed." ], "name": "Dreadful Prediction" }, @@ -35785,7 +35795,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The moose {@action Stride||Strides} twice and then makes an antler {@action Strike}. A Medium or smaller creature damaged by this attack must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned 1}." + "The moose {@action Stride||Strides} twice and then makes an antler {@action Strike}. A Medium or smaller creature damaged by this attack must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned 1}." ], "name": "Thundering Charge" }, @@ -35795,7 +35805,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 20" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 20}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -35977,7 +35987,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 25 Will save. A creature that fails is {@condition frightened 1} (or {@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure) The mothman can deactivate or activate this aura with a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save. A creature that fails is {@condition frightened 1} (or {@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure) The mothman can deactivate or activate this aura with a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Portentous Gaze" } @@ -36530,7 +36540,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The myceloid targets one creature affected by purple pox within 60 feet. That creature must attempt a DC 22 Will save. It is then temporarily immune to spore domination for 10 minutes.", + "The myceloid targets one creature affected by purple pox within 60 feet. That creature must attempt a {@dc 22} Will save. It is then temporarily immune to spore domination for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -36829,7 +36839,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "30 feet. Wind whistles through the namorrodor's jutting bones with an eerie tone.", - "A creature entering or beginning its turn in the area must attempt a DC 19 Will save, becoming {@condition frightened 1} on a failure ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). A creature can't reduce its {@condition frightened} condition below 1 as long as it's in the aura." + "A creature entering or beginning its turn in the area must attempt a {@dc 19} Will save, becoming {@condition frightened 1} on a failure ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). A creature can't reduce its {@condition frightened} condition below 1 as long as it's in the aura." ], "name": "Whistling Bones" }, @@ -36978,7 +36988,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The narwhal Swims twice and makes a tusk {@action Strike}. If it moved at least 20 feet from its starting position, the narwhal deals an extra {@dice 1d10} damage on this {@action Strike}. A target damaged by Impaling Charge is {@condition grabbed} until the start of the narwhal's next turn unless it {@action Escape||Escapes} before then (DC 20). The narwhal can't {@action Grapple} to extend the duration of this grab." + "The narwhal Swims twice and makes a tusk {@action Strike}. If it moved at least 20 feet from its starting position, the narwhal deals an extra {@dice 1d10} damage on this {@action Strike}. A target damaged by Impaling Charge is {@condition grabbed} until the start of the narwhal's next turn unless it {@action Escape||Escapes} before then ({@dc 20}). The narwhal can't {@action Grapple} to extend the duration of this grab." ], "name": "Impaling Charge" } @@ -37149,7 +37159,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, {@damage 4d6} negative, DC 36 basic Fortitude." + "10 feet, {@damage 4d6} negative, {@dc 36} basic Fortitude." ], "name": "Bound Spirits" }, @@ -37175,7 +37185,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the nemhaith damages a living creature with its spirit tendril {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2}. Further damage dealt by the nemhaith increases the condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When the nemhaith damages a living creature with its spirit tendril {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 36} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2}. Further damage dealt by the nemhaith increases the condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -37185,7 +37195,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The nemhaith's bound spirits rage and smash everything in a 30-foot emanation. Creatures in this area take {@damage 4d6} sonic damage and {@damage 4d6} negative damage (DC 36 basic Fortitude save)." + "The nemhaith's bound spirits rage and smash everything in a 30-foot emanation. Creatures in this area take {@damage 4d6} sonic damage and {@damage 4d6} negative damage ({@dc 36} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Rage of Spirits" }, @@ -37368,7 +37378,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "The nightgaunt can use its tail to tickle a foe with horrible efficiency. A creature hit by its tail {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save; if the creature is {@condition grabbed} by the nightgaunt, it uses the outcome one degree of success worse than the result it rolled.", + "The nightgaunt can use its tail to tickle a foe with horrible efficiency. A creature hit by its tail {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 21} Fortitude save; if the creature is {@condition grabbed} by the nightgaunt, it uses the outcome one degree of success worse than the result it rolled.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -37510,7 +37520,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 31 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 31} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -37537,7 +37547,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "Heat scorches those who lay eyes on the nightmarchers. All creatures in a 60-foot cone take {@damage 15d6} fire damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save). {@condition Prone} creatures and the nightmarchers' kin are unaffected as long as they have not taken a {@condition hostile} action against the nightmarchers. The nightmarchers can't use Blazing Admonition for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Heat scorches those who lay eyes on the nightmarchers. All creatures in a 60-foot cone take {@damage 15d6} fire damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). {@condition Prone} creatures and the nightmarchers' kin are unaffected as long as they have not taken a {@condition hostile} action against the nightmarchers. The nightmarchers can't use Blazing Admonition for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Blazing Admonition" }, @@ -37557,8 +37567,8 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The nightmarchers fling a hail of spears and stones, dealing {@damage 5d6+9} bludgeoning or piercing damage to creatures in a 10-foot burst within 20 feet (DC 31 basic Reflex save). When the nightmarchers are reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this decreases to a 5-foot burst.", - "Striking Koa {@as 1} to {@as 3} Frequency once per round; The troop attacks with spears, clubs, and leiomano against enemies within 5 feet (DC 33 basic Reflex save) for their choice of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage depending on the number of actions.", + "The nightmarchers fling a hail of spears and stones, dealing {@damage 5d6+9} bludgeoning or piercing damage to creatures in a 10-foot burst within 20 feet ({@dc 31} basic Reflex save). When the nightmarchers are reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this decreases to a 5-foot burst.", + "Striking Koa {@as 1} to {@as 3} Frequency once per round; The troop attacks with spears, clubs, and leiomano against enemies within 5 feet ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save) for their choice of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage depending on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@damage 2d6+2} slashing damage {@as 2} {@damage 4d6+12} slashing damage {@as 3} {@damage 6d6+12} slashing damage." ], "name": "Missile Volley" @@ -37825,7 +37835,7 @@ "illusion" ], "entries": [ - "A nikaramsa is in fact a Medium creature, but appears as a Large creature due to the force of their personality. A creature interacting with the nikaramsa can attempt a DC 36 Will save to see the nikaramsa as they truly are.", + "A nikaramsa is in fact a Medium creature, but appears as a Large creature due to the force of their personality. A creature interacting with the nikaramsa can attempt a {@dc 36} Will save to see the nikaramsa as they truly are.", "If the creature succeeds, the reach of nikaramsa's attacks against that foe decrease to 5 feet (10 feet for their tongue). If all creatures in the nikaramsa's vicinity successfully {@quickref disbelieve this illusion|CRB|2|disbelieving illusions|0}, the nikaramsa becomes Medium and {@condition enfeebled 2} for as long as everyone sees their true form." ], "name": "Towering Stance" @@ -37859,7 +37869,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The nikaramsa focuses their gaze on one creature within 60 feet.", - "That target must attempt a DC 34 Will save. Regardless of the outcome of the saving throw, the target then becomes temporarily immune for 1 day.", + "That target must attempt a {@dc 34} Will save. Regardless of the outcome of the saving throw, the target then becomes temporarily immune for 1 day.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -38037,7 +38047,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "DC 29" + "{@dc 29}" ], "name": "Change Shape", "generic": { @@ -38069,7 +38079,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "DC 29" + "{@dc 29}" ], "name": "Dominate" }, @@ -38093,7 +38103,7 @@ "virulent" ], "entries": [ - "DC 29" + "{@dc 29}" ], "name": "Plague of Ancients" } @@ -38220,7 +38230,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 33" + "30 feet, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Air of Sickness" }, @@ -38241,7 +38251,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "DC 36" + "{@dc 36}" ], "name": "Change Shape" }, @@ -38270,7 +38280,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "DC 36" + "{@dc 36}" ], "name": "Dominate" }, @@ -38295,7 +38305,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "DC 33" + "{@dc 33}" ], "name": "Paralytic Fear" }, @@ -38305,7 +38315,7 @@ "virulent" ], "entries": [ - "DC 36" + "{@dc 36}" ], "name": "Plague of Ancients" } @@ -38825,7 +38835,7 @@ "top": [ { "entries": [ - "A nyktera whose hospitality is betrayed becomes enraged at the violation of a fundamental aspect of their fey nature. They must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or begin involuntarily attacking the traitor. At the end of each of their turns, if they choose, they can attempt another Will save to end the effect; otherwise, the effect lasts until the traitor is subdued or leaves the nyktera's presence. As long as their righteous fury lasts, the nyktera gains a +2 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for their fist {@action Strike||Strikes}." + "A nyktera whose hospitality is betrayed becomes enraged at the violation of a fundamental aspect of their fey nature. They must succeed at a {@dc 20} Will save or begin involuntarily attacking the traitor. At the end of each of their turns, if they choose, they can attempt another Will save to end the effect; otherwise, the effect lasts until the traitor is subdued or leaves the nyktera's presence. As long as their righteous fury lasts, the nyktera gains a +2 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for their fist {@action Strike||Strikes}." ], "name": "Wrath of Spurned Hospitality" } @@ -39163,12 +39173,12 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by an omox's slime ball must attempt a DC 32 Reflex save.", + "A creature hit by an omox's slime ball must attempt a {@dc 32} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Success": "The creature is unaffected.", - "Failure": "The creature takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute or until it {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 35).", + "Failure": "The creature takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute or until it {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 35}).", "Critical Failure": "As failure, but the target is also {@condition clumsy 1} for the same duration." } } @@ -39182,7 +39192,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The omox has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "The demon flows over the {@condition grabbed} creature, covering it in oozing acidic slime. The creature must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude save or else it becomes {@condition blinded} and must hold its breath or begin suffocating. These effects lasts as long as the omox has the creature {@condition grabbed}. {@skill Deception} and charm rather than burning hands." + "The demon flows over the {@condition grabbed} creature, covering it in oozing acidic slime. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 32} Fortitude save or else it becomes {@condition blinded} and must hold its breath or begin suffocating. These effects lasts as long as the omox has the creature {@condition grabbed}. {@skill Deception} and charm rather than burning hands." ], "name": "Smother" } @@ -39487,7 +39497,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet. The ouroboros is the embodiment of perfect of diamonds in a resurrect ritual infinity, and this concept pulls at the threads of mortal minds, desperately straining the limits of their comprehension. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 41 Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "100 feet. The ouroboros is the embodiment of perfect of diamonds in a resurrect ritual infinity, and this concept pulls at the threads of mortal minds, desperately straining the limits of their comprehension. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 41} Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -39521,7 +39531,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Tail ends, blood gushes from the wound in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 5d6} acid damage (DC 41 basic Reflex save). A creature that takes any damage is exposed to the ouroboros's regenerative blood (see below)", + "Tail ends, blood gushes from the wound in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 5d6} acid damage ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save). A creature that takes any damage is exposed to the ouroboros's regenerative blood (see below)", "Where the blood falls upon ground, it coagulates into magical snakes that bite at anyone who passes. This is hazardous terrain deals 17 piercing damage and 5 poison damage to any non-ouroboros creature that moves through the square or ends its turn there. A creature that avoids all the piercing damage doesn't take the poison damage.", "After 1 hour, a blood patch permanently becomes a living snake, typically an emperor cobra (Bestiary 2 245)." ], @@ -39560,7 +39570,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The ouroboros is eating its own tail (see Devour Tail)", "entries": [ - "As Trample, except the ouroboros can {@action Fly} up to double its Speed instead of {@action Stride||Striding}. Huge or smaller, body, DC 45." + "As Trample, except the ouroboros can {@action Fly} up to double its Speed instead of {@action Stride||Striding}. Huge or smaller, body, {@dc 45}." ], "name": "Flying Wheel" }, @@ -40003,7 +40013,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The owb inflicts a curse on one creature taking persistent cold damage from their burning cold Strike, stealing the victim's vibrancy. The creature must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature gains light blindness and its coloration turns to washed out shades of gray, along with all equipment it carries, wields, or wears. These effects have an unlimited duration. Regardless of the result of its save, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "The owb inflicts a curse on one creature taking persistent cold damage from their burning cold Strike, stealing the victim's vibrancy. The creature must attempt a {@dc 23} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature gains light blindness and its coloration turns to washed out shades of gray, along with all equipment it carries, wields, or wears. These effects have an unlimited duration. Regardless of the result of its save, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", "If the owb uses this ability on a caligni, the curse can't be removed short of {@spell wish} or similar powerful magic." ], "name": "Curse of Darkness" @@ -40236,7 +40246,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the prophet's burning cold {@action Strike} becomes {@condition immobilized} in a cluster of binding ice crystals ({@action Escape} DC 31)." + "A creature hit by the prophet's burning cold {@action Strike} becomes {@condition immobilized} in a cluster of binding ice crystals ({@action Escape} {@dc 31})." ], "name": "Clutching Cold" }, @@ -40252,7 +40262,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The owb inflicts a curse on one creature taking persistent cold damage from their burning cold Strike, stealing the victim's vibrancy. The creature must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature gains light blindness and its coloration turns to washed out shades of gray, along with all equipment it carries, wields, or wears. These effects have an unlimited duration. Regardless of the result of its save, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "The owb inflicts a curse on one creature taking persistent cold damage from their burning cold Strike, stealing the victim's vibrancy. The creature must attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature gains light blindness and its coloration turns to washed out shades of gray, along with all equipment it carries, wields, or wears. These effects have an unlimited duration. Regardless of the result of its save, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", "If the owb uses this ability on a caligni, the curse can't be removed short of {@spell wish} or similar powerful magic." ], "name": "Curse of Darkness" @@ -40440,7 +40450,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "DC 25; {@ritual div pact|b3}" + "{@dc 25}; {@ritual div pact|b3}" ], "name": "Divine Ritual" }, @@ -40507,7 +40517,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The pairaka torments a sleeping creature within 100 feet with visions of betrayals by loved ones and friends. The target must attempt a DC 25 Will save, with the effects of the {@spell nightmare} spell." + "The pairaka torments a sleeping creature within 100 feet with visions of betrayals by loved ones and friends. The target must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save, with the effects of the {@spell nightmare} spell." ], "name": "Tormenting Dreams" } @@ -41040,7 +41050,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The skelm gives an impassioned speech calling for his followers to act upon their convictions. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 24 Will save.", + "The skelm gives an impassioned speech calling for his followers to act upon their convictions. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 24} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -41166,7 +41176,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When the penanggalan takes slashing damage, their wound spews bile on adjacent creatures, dealing {@damage 2d10} poison damage (DC 19 basic Fortitude save). The penanggalan loses their spewing bile and penanggalan bile abilities until the end of their next turn." + "When the penanggalan takes slashing damage, their wound spews bile on adjacent creatures, dealing {@damage 2d10} poison damage ({@dc 19} basic Fortitude save). The penanggalan loses their spewing bile and penanggalan bile abilities until the end of their next turn." ], "name": "Spewing Bile" } @@ -41178,7 +41188,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d4+3} bludgeoning, DC 21" + "{@damage 2d4+3} bludgeoning, {@dc 21}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -41433,7 +41443,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet, {@damage 6d6} fire damage (DC 31 basic Reflex)" + "5 feet, {@damage 6d6} fire damage ({@dc 31} basic Reflex)" ], "name": "Shining Blaze" } @@ -41484,7 +41494,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The peri spreads their wings and spins, forming a whirlwind of flame that deals {@damage 15d6} fire damage in a 20-foot emanation (DC 34 basic Reflex save). They can't use Wildfire Storm again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The peri spreads their wings and spins, forming a whirlwind of flame that deals {@damage 15d6} fire damage in a 20-foot emanation ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). They can't use Wildfire Storm again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Wildfire Storm" } @@ -41906,7 +41916,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} piercing damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails the save also takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to their Reflex saves against Feeding Frenzy while this damage continues, as the piranhas' frenzy increases in intensity when they smell blood." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} piercing damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails the save also takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to their Reflex saves against Feeding Frenzy while this damage continues, as the piranhas' frenzy increases in intensity when they smell blood." ], "name": "Feeding Frenzy" } @@ -42458,7 +42468,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -42530,7 +42540,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by the popobawa's jaws is overcome with shame and self-hatred and must attempt a DC 36 Will save.", + "A creature damaged by the popobawa's jaws is overcome with shame and self-hatred and must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -42753,7 +42763,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "DC 26, 1 Focus Point; 4th lay on hands (Core Rulebook 387)" + "{@dc 26}, 1 Focus Point; 4th lay on hands (Core Rulebook 387)" ], "name": "Champion Focus Spell" }, @@ -42864,7 +42874,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "Anyone who hits a pufferfish with a melee unarmed attack or a non-reach melee weapon must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex save or be pierced by a spine, taking 1 piercing damage and being exposed to pufferfish venom." + "Anyone who hits a pufferfish with a melee unarmed attack or a non-reach melee weapon must succeed at a {@dc 13} Reflex save or be pierced by a spine, taking 1 piercing damage and being exposed to pufferfish venom." ], "name": "Toxic Body" } @@ -42876,7 +42886,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The pufferfish Swims up to its Speed and then inflates. Each creature within 5 feet of its space at the end of its movement must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex save or take 1 piercing damage and be exposed to pufferfish venom." + "The pufferfish Swims up to its Speed and then inflates. Each creature within 5 feet of its space at the end of its movement must succeed at a {@dc 13} Reflex save or take 1 piercing damage and be exposed to pufferfish venom." ], "name": "Inflating Rush" }, @@ -43389,13 +43399,13 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The quintessivore suspends the life processes of a {@condition dying} creature within 15 feet of it. The creature can't decrease or increase its HP or {@condition dying} value for 10 minutes. The creature can attempt a DC 29 Will save to avoid this effect. If the creature receives magical healing, it can attempt a new save, ending the effect and being healed normally on a success. The effect ends if the quintessivore uses Suspend Soul again." + "The quintessivore suspends the life processes of a {@condition dying} creature within 15 feet of it. The creature can't decrease or increase its HP or {@condition dying} value for 10 minutes. The creature can attempt a {@dc 29} Will save to avoid this effect. If the creature receives magical healing, it can attempt a new save, ending the effect and being healed normally on a success. The effect ends if the quintessivore uses Suspend Soul again." ], "name": "Suspend Soul" }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the quintessivore's blade-leg {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} ({@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). If the creature is already {@condition drained}, it's immune to this effect." + "A creature hit by the quintessivore's blade-leg {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1} ({@condition drained 2} on a critical failure). If the creature is already {@condition drained}, it's immune to this effect." ], "name": "Tattered Soul" } @@ -43765,7 +43775,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The members of the mob wildly swing their weapons\u2014primarily greataxes\u2014in a chaotic attack at each enemy adjacent to the troop (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions. {@as 1} {@damage 1d12+2} slashing damage {@as 2} {@damage 2d12+9} slashing damage {@as 3} {@damage 3d12+9} slashing damage." + "The members of the mob wildly swing their weapons\u2014primarily greataxes\u2014in a chaotic attack at each enemy adjacent to the troop ({@dc 27} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions. {@as 1} {@damage 1d12+2} slashing damage {@as 2} {@damage 2d12+9} slashing damage {@as 3} {@damage 3d12+9} slashing damage." ], "name": "Wild Swing" } @@ -43853,7 +43863,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The rat snake swarm takes damage from a melee {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "Snakes slither up and around the creature's weapon and limbs. The target must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or become {@condition frightened 1}." + "Snakes slither up and around the creature's weapon and limbs. The target must succeed at a {@dc 15} Will save or become {@condition frightened 1}." ], "name": "Mass Wriggle" } @@ -43865,7 +43875,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d8} piercing damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save)." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d8} piercing damage ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Swarming Strikes" } @@ -44151,7 +44161,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A rhu-chalik's tendrils secrete an enzyme that causes intense pain. A living creature hit by a tendril {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} from the pain." + "A rhu-chalik's tendrils secrete an enzyme that causes intense pain. A living creature hit by a tendril {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 24} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} from the pain." ], "name": "Excruciating Enzyme" }, @@ -44169,7 +44179,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The rhu-chalik has successfully affected the target with mind probe, mind reading, or Project Terror in the last minute", "entries": [ - "The rhu-chalik creates nightmarish visions in the target's mind. The target must attempt a DC 24 Will save.", + "The rhu-chalik creates nightmarish visions in the target's mind. The target must attempt a {@dc 24} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -44442,7 +44452,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 28, {@damage 2d8} force plus {@damage 4d4} fire, {@action Escape} DC 28, Rupture 20 (page 305)" + "{@dc 28}, {@damage 2d8} force plus {@damage 4d4} fire, {@action Escape} {@dc 28}, Rupture 20 (page 305)" ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -44919,7 +44929,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The sabosan has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "The sabosan drains blood from the creature. The creature must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. The sabosan gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to the number of Hit Points lost by the creature." + "The sabosan drains blood from the creature. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 23} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 1}. The sabosan gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to the number of Hit Points lost by the creature." ], "name": "Drain Blood" }, @@ -44933,7 +44943,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The sabosan emits a deafening cry in a 30-foot cone.", - "Non-sabosan creatures in this area must each succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or be {@condition deafened} for 1 minute." + "Non-sabosan creatures in this area must each succeed at a {@dc 23} Fortitude save or be {@condition deafened} for 1 minute." ], "name": "Fell Shriek" }, @@ -45659,7 +45669,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A seaweed leshy's water jet has enough salt in it to temporarily impair their target's vision. On a hit, the target must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute or until it spends 3 {@action Interact} actions wiping the salt out of its eyes. On a critical hit, a target that fails its Fortitude save is also {@condition blinded} for 1 round." + "A seaweed leshy's water jet has enough salt in it to temporarily impair their target's vision. On a hit, the target must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute or until it spends 3 {@action Interact} actions wiping the salt out of its eyes. On a critical hit, a target that fails its Fortitude save is also {@condition blinded} for 1 round." ], "name": "Sea Spray" } @@ -45843,7 +45853,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "20 feet. This aura emanates from any creature possessed by the seething spirit, and it's inactive while the spirit isn't possessing anyone. Any creature in the aura, including a creature possessed by the spirit, takes a \u20131 status penalty to AC, can't perform actions with the {@trait concentrate} trait except for the {@action Seek} action and actions with the {@trait rage} trait, and gains a +2 status bonus to melee damage rolls against the spirit's enemies.", - "A creature can attempt a DC 30 Will save when it enters the aura to avoid the effect.", + "A creature can attempt a {@dc 30} Will save when it enters the aura to avoid the effect.", "If the creature would need to attempt a save against the aura again within 24 hours, it automatically uses the same save result rather than attempting a new save." ], "name": "Pulse of Rage" @@ -45862,7 +45872,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The seething spirit attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as a {@spell possession} spell (DC 30), except since the spirit doesn't have a physical body, they're not {@condition unconscious} and {@condition paralyzed} when the effect ends. The spirit can't {@action Dismiss} the possession.", + "The seething spirit attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as a {@spell possession} spell ({@dc 30}), except since the spirit doesn't have a physical body, they're not {@condition unconscious} and {@condition paralyzed} when the effect ends. The spirit can't {@action Dismiss} the possession.", "The creature gains 12 temporary Hit Points that are lost when the possession ends. During the possession, the creature has the pulse of rage aura. Each time the possessed creature makes a melee {@action Strike}, the spirit can substitute their ephemeral claw attack modifier, damage amount, or both in place of the creature's own statistics." ], "name": "Furious Possession" @@ -46118,7 +46128,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "DC 34; {@ritual div pact|b3}, create undead (no secondary caster required)" + "{@dc 34}; {@ritual div pact|b3}, create undead (no secondary caster required)" ], "name": "Divine Ritual" }, @@ -46133,7 +46143,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The sepid calls forth a hail of stone, wood, metal, and similar debris in a 40-foot emanation, dealing {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 5d6} evil damage. Each creature in the area other than the sepid must attempt a basic DC 31 Reflex saving throw. The sepid can't use Rain of Debris again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The sepid calls forth a hail of stone, wood, metal, and similar debris in a 40-foot emanation, dealing {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 5d6} evil damage. Each creature in the area other than the sepid must attempt a basic {@dc 31} Reflex saving throw. The sepid can't use Rain of Debris again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Rain of Debris" } @@ -46772,7 +46782,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The shamblers lash out at any enemies in their squares or within 5 feet (DC 18 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions. {@as 1} {@damage 2d6+5} bludgeoning damage {@as 2} {@damage 2d6+9} bludgeoning damage." + "The shamblers lash out at any enemies in their squares or within 5 feet ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions. {@as 1} {@damage 2d6+5} bludgeoning damage {@as 2} {@damage 2d6+9} bludgeoning damage." ], "name": "Shambling Onslaught" }, @@ -47923,7 +47933,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "DC 16, 1 Focus Point; 1st lay on hands (Core Rulebook 387)" + "{@dc 16}, 1 Focus Point; 1st lay on hands (Core Rulebook 387)" ], "name": "Champion Focus Spell" }, @@ -48029,7 +48039,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The skeletons engage in a coordinated longspear attack against each enemy within 10 feet (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions. {@as 1} {@damage 2d8} piercing damage {@as 2} {@damage 3d8+8} piercing damage {@as 3} {@damage 4d8+8} piercing damage." + "The skeletons engage in a coordinated longspear attack against each enemy within 10 feet ({@dc 27} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions. {@as 1} {@damage 2d8} piercing damage {@as 2} {@damage 3d8+8} piercing damage {@as 3} {@damage 4d8+8} piercing damage." ], "name": "Lower Spears!" }, @@ -48039,7 +48049,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The troop's members throw a volley of javelins. Each creature in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet of the troop takes {@damage 2d6+10} piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." + "The troop's members throw a volley of javelins. Each creature in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet of the troop takes {@damage 2d6+10} piercing damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." ], "name": "Hurl Javelins!" }, @@ -48470,7 +48480,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The skunk propels a stream of acrid musk in a 10-foot line.", - "Each creature in the line must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save.", + "Each creature in the line must attempt a {@dc 16} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -48573,7 +48583,7 @@ "top": [ { "entries": [ - "A slithering pit is so clear it's difficult to spot. A successful DC 30 {@skill Perception} check is required to notice a stationary slithering pit, and a creature must be {@action Search||Searching} to attempt this check. A creature that walks into the pit's space might fall into any pit currently in effect due to Dimensional Pit." + "A slithering pit is so clear it's difficult to spot. A successful {@dc 30} {@skill Perception} check is required to notice a stationary slithering pit, and a creature must be {@action Search||Searching} to attempt this check. A creature that walks into the pit's space might fall into any pit currently in effect due to Dimensional Pit." ], "name": "Transparent" } @@ -48608,9 +48618,9 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The slithering pit opens an extradimensional, 20-foot-deep pit that covers its own space and all adjacent squares unless they're walls or similar blocking terrain. Any other creature occupying or entering pit spaces must succeed at a DC 22 Reflex save or fall into the pit, taking damage from the fall (typically 10 bludgeoning damage). Any creature {@condition grabbed} by the ooze falls in and is no longer {@condition grabbed}, even if it was outside the pit squares.", + "The slithering pit opens an extradimensional, 20-foot-deep pit that covers its own space and all adjacent squares unless they're walls or similar blocking terrain. Any other creature occupying or entering pit spaces must succeed at a {@dc 22} Reflex save or fall into the pit, taking damage from the fall (typically 10 bludgeoning damage). Any creature {@condition grabbed} by the ooze falls in and is no longer {@condition grabbed}, even if it was outside the pit squares.", "While a dimensional pit is open, the slithering pit is {@condition immobilized}, can't be forced to move, and can make pseudopod {@action Strike||Strikes} originating from the walls of the pit.", - "A creature that starts its turn at the bottom of the pit takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage. Climbing the walls of the pit requires a DC 22 {@skill Athletics} check. When the slithering pit dies, the dimensional pit closes and creatures inside are ejected, with the effects of Out You Go." + "A creature that starts its turn at the bottom of the pit takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage. Climbing the walls of the pit requires a {@dc 22} {@skill Athletics} check. When the slithering pit dies, the dimensional pit closes and creatures inside are ejected, with the effects of Out You Go." ], "name": "Dimensional Pit" }, @@ -48620,7 +48630,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The slithering pit closes all pit spaces it created using Dimensional Pit, ejecting all its occupants onto the ground into random free spaces where the pit opened. Each occupant takes {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save)." + "The slithering pit closes all pit spaces it created using Dimensional Pit, ejecting all its occupants onto the ground into random free spaces where the pit opened. Each occupant takes {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Out You Go" } @@ -48751,7 +48761,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When a sorcerous skull swarm is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it erupts in an explosion of foul energy and bone fragments in a 30-foot burst, dealing {@damage 3d12} piercing damage and {@damage 3d12} negative damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save)." + "When a sorcerous skull swarm is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it erupts in an explosion of foul energy and bone fragments in a 30-foot burst, dealing {@damage 3d12} piercing damage and {@damage 3d12} negative damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Boneshard Burst" }, @@ -48779,7 +48789,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The sorcerous skull swarm saps magic from nearby creatures. Any creature with the ability to cast spells (including innate spells) in the swarm's space takes {@damage 15d6} mental damage (DC 34 basic Will save); on a failure, the creature is also {@condition stupefied 2} ({@condition stupefied 3} on a critical failure)." + "The sorcerous skull swarm saps magic from nearby creatures. Any creature with the ability to cast spells (including innate spells) in the swarm's space takes {@damage 15d6} mental damage ({@dc 34} basic Will save); on a failure, the creature is also {@condition stupefied 2} ({@condition stupefied 3} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Siphon Magic" }, @@ -48789,7 +48799,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 5d8} piercing damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save)." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 5d8} piercing damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Swarming Gnaw" } @@ -49037,7 +49047,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The soul skelm makes a melee {@action Strike} trailing a wave of shadowy illusions. The skelm is {@condition flat-footed} until the start of his next turn. If the {@action Strike} is successful, the skelm increases the number of damage dice by one, and the target must attempt a DC 29 Will save. On a failure, the target becomes {@condition invisible}, inaudible, and otherwise imperceptible to its allies for 4 rounds, and it likewise can't see, hear, or otherwise perceive those allies. Regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to Isolating Lash for 24 hours." + "The soul skelm makes a melee {@action Strike} trailing a wave of shadowy illusions. The skelm is {@condition flat-footed} until the start of his next turn. If the {@action Strike} is successful, the skelm increases the number of damage dice by one, and the target must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save. On a failure, the target becomes {@condition invisible}, inaudible, and otherwise imperceptible to its allies for 4 rounds, and it likewise can't see, hear, or otherwise perceive those allies. Regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to Isolating Lash for 24 hours." ], "name": "Isolating Lash" } @@ -49319,7 +49329,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "15 feet.", - "The squirming swill reeks of food that is simultaneously burned and spoiled. A creature that enters or starts its turn in the emanation must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "The squirming swill reeks of food that is simultaneously burned and spoiled. A creature that enters or starts its turn in the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 17} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", "When a creature succeeds at a Fortitude save to recover from this sickness, it regurgitates a chunk of food that immediately slithers away to join the swill, restoring 3 Hit Points to the swill." ], "name": "Malodorous Smoke" @@ -49329,7 +49339,7 @@ { "entries": [ "The first time on its turn that the squirming swill hits a creature with its offal {@action Strike}, hot grease from its body splatters the ground in the target's space.", - "The target must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or {@skill Acrobatics} check, falling {@condition prone} on a failure." + "The target must succeed at a {@dc 17} Reflex save or {@skill Acrobatics} check, falling {@condition prone} on a failure." ], "name": "Slippery Grease" } @@ -49430,7 +49440,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the squirrel swarm's space takes {@damage 1d6} piercing damage (DC 15 basic Reflex save)." + "Each enemy in the squirrel swarm's space takes {@damage 1d6} piercing damage ({@dc 15} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Nibble" }, @@ -49440,7 +49450,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The squirrels clamber over the creatures in their space. Each such creature must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or become {@condition clumsy 1} as long as it remains in the swarm's space." + "The squirrels clamber over the creatures in their space. Each such creature must succeed at a {@dc 17} Reflex save or become {@condition clumsy 1} as long as it remains in the swarm's space." ], "name": "Scrabbling Swarm" } @@ -49796,7 +49806,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The lion makes a terrifying roar that deals {@damage 2d8} sonic damage (DC 23 basic Fortitude save) to each creature in a 20-foot cone. Creatures that fail this save become {@condition frightened 1}." + "The lion makes a terrifying roar that deals {@damage 2d8} sonic damage ({@dc 23} basic Fortitude save) to each creature in a 20-foot cone. Creatures that fail this save become {@condition frightened 1}." ], "name": "Ferocious Roar" }, @@ -50190,7 +50200,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A storm hag can perform a special control weather ritual, which requires no secondary casters, to change the weather within 5 miles of her location for {@dice 4d12} hours. The primary check is a DC 23 {@skill Occultism} check, and she can't get an outcome worse than a failure. The storm hag can create only hurricanes, thunderstorms, and tornadoes, but she can do so regardless of the current season. She can also quell natural weather events but never willingly does so." + "A storm hag can perform a special control weather ritual, which requires no secondary casters, to change the weather within 5 miles of her location for {@dice 4d12} hours. The primary check is a {@dc 23} {@skill Occultism} check, and she can't get an outcome worse than a failure. The storm hag can create only hurricanes, thunderstorms, and tornadoes, but she can do so regardless of the current season. She can also quell natural weather events but never willingly does so." ], "name": "Stormcalling" }, @@ -50392,7 +50402,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The skelm rants angrily, filling nearby creatures with shame, fear, and anger. Each creature within 30 feet must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). While {@condition frightened} by this rant, creatures take a \u20132 status penalty to Strength-based damage rolls against the skelm, but gain a +2 status bonus to those rolls against other creatures." + "The skelm rants angrily, filling nearby creatures with shame, fear, and anger. Each creature within 30 feet must succeed at a {@dc 20} Will save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). While {@condition frightened} by this rant, creatures take a \u20132 status penalty to Strength-based damage rolls against the skelm, but gain a +2 status bonus to those rolls against other creatures." ], "name": "Frightening Rant" }, @@ -50714,7 +50724,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The sturzstromer's most recent action was to cast {@spell earthquake}", "entries": [ - "The sturzstromer closes a fissure it made, choosing one creature that fell in. That creature must succeed at a DC 41 Reflex save or be buried as in an avalanche (Core Rulebook 518)." + "The sturzstromer closes a fissure it made, choosing one creature that fell in. That creature must succeed at a {@dc 41} Reflex save or be buried as in an avalanche (Core Rulebook 518)." ], "name": "Landslide" }, @@ -50724,7 +50734,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each foe in the sturzstromer's space takes {@damage 4d10} bludgeoning damage (DC 41 basic Reflex save)." + "Each foe in the sturzstromer's space takes {@damage 4d10} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Pummeling Assault" } @@ -50835,7 +50845,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When a sulfur zombie dies, its body explodes in a 30-foot burst of fire and debris that deals {@damage 2d10} bludgeoning and {@damage 2d10} fire damage to each creature in the area (DC 21 basic Reflex save)." + "When a sulfur zombie dies, its body explodes in a 30-foot burst of fire and debris that deals {@damage 2d10} bludgeoning and {@damage 2d10} fire damage to each creature in the area ({@dc 21} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Death Throes" } @@ -50846,7 +50856,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "A sulfur zombie burns with putrid inner fire. A creature hit by a sulfur zombie's fist {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition blinded} for 1 round, or for 1 minute on a critical failure." + "A sulfur zombie burns with putrid inner fire. A creature hit by a sulfur zombie's fist {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition blinded} for 1 round, or for 1 minute on a critical failure." ], "name": "Blinding Sulfur" } @@ -51057,7 +51067,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The sumbreiva kills a creature", "entries": [ - "The sumbreiva lets out a triumphant, bone-chilling howl. Every enemy in a 30-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 36 Will save or become {@condition frightened 3} (and {@condition fleeing} as long as it's {@condition frightened} on a critical failure)." + "The sumbreiva lets out a triumphant, bone-chilling howl. Every enemy in a 30-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 36} Will save or become {@condition frightened 3} (and {@condition fleeing} as long as it's {@condition frightened} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Hunter's Triumph" } @@ -51092,7 +51102,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The sumbreiva has a creature {@condition grabbed} with their shadow whip", "entries": [ - "The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2} ({@condition drained 3} on a critical failure). If the creature is already {@condition drained}, this increases its {@condition drained} value instead, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a {@dc 38} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2} ({@condition drained 3} on a critical failure). If the creature is already {@condition drained}, this increases its {@condition drained} value instead, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Whip Drain" } @@ -51227,7 +51237,7 @@ "top": [ { "entries": [ - "A swordkeeper's torso houses a single weapon of a level no higher than the swordkeeper. While the swordkeeper is operational, the chamber requires four successful DC 32 {@skill Thievery} checks to {@action Disable a Device} to open; on a critical failure, the backlash deals {@damage 6d6} force damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save) to the creature attempting the check. If the swordkeeper is {@condition immobilized}, {@condition grabbed}, {@condition prone}, or {@condition stunned}, both DCs are reduced by 2. If the weapon is removed, the swordkeeper's echoblades vanish." + "A swordkeeper's torso houses a single weapon of a level no higher than the swordkeeper. While the swordkeeper is operational, the chamber requires four successful {@dc 32} {@skill Thievery} checks to {@action Disable a Device} to open; on a critical failure, the backlash deals {@damage 6d6} force damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save) to the creature attempting the check. If the swordkeeper is {@condition immobilized}, {@condition grabbed}, {@condition prone}, or {@condition stunned}, both DCs are reduced by 2. If the weapon is removed, the swordkeeper's echoblades vanish." ], "name": "Central Weapon" } @@ -51277,7 +51287,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The swordkeeper has a central weapon", "entries": [ - "The swordkeeper projects a massive echoblade held in all four hands, dealing {@damage 9d8} force damage to all creatures in a 30-foot line (DC 30 basic Reflex save). It can't use Colossal Echo again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The swordkeeper projects a massive echoblade held in all four hands, dealing {@damage 9d8} force damage to all creatures in a 30-foot line ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). It can't use Colossal Echo again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Colossal Echo" }, @@ -51553,7 +51563,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The troop raises steel shields, with the effects of {@action Raise a Shield}.", - "{@action Strike} as One {@as 1} to {@as 3} Frequency once per round; The garrison makes a melee attack against each enemy within 5 feet (DC 30 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", + "{@action Strike} as One {@as 1} to {@as 3} Frequency once per round; The garrison makes a melee attack against each enemy within 5 feet ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@damage 2d8} slashing damage {@as 2} {@damage 3d8+10} slashing damage {@as 3} {@damage 4d8+13} slashing damage." ], "name": "Raise Shields" @@ -51955,7 +51965,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The terror shrike unleashes a haunting screech that causes prey to freeze in fear. Each creature in a 30-foot emanation other than terror birds must attempt a DC 19 Will save.", + "The terror shrike unleashes a haunting screech that causes prey to freeze in fear. Each creature in a 30-foot emanation other than terror birds must attempt a {@dc 19} Will save.", "Regardless of the result, creatures are then temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -52216,7 +52226,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 45 Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." + "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 45} Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." ], "name": "Impossible Stature" }, @@ -52245,7 +52255,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The titan damages a creature capable of using divine spells or abilities", "entries": [ - "The creature must attempt a DC 45 Will save.", + "The creature must attempt a {@dc 45} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -52268,7 +52278,7 @@ "transmutation; page 306" ], "entries": [ - "If a titan's rock {@action Strike} isn't a critical failure, the rock explodes, dealing {@dice 10d6} damage of a damage type of the titan's choice to all creatures in a 20-foot burst (DC 45 basic Reflex save)." + "If a titan's rock {@action Strike} isn't a critical failure, the rock explodes, dealing {@dice 10d6} damage of a damage type of the titan's choice to all creatures in a 20-foot burst ({@dc 45} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Throw Rock", "generic": { @@ -52291,7 +52301,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 45" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 45}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -52518,8 +52528,8 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature can provoke a waterlogged tiddalik (see Drink Abundance below) into laughing and releasing its stored water with a successful DC 25 check to {@action Perform} a joke or funny story. The tiddalik also disgorges its water automatically if it dies while waterlogged, or can voluntarily Deluge as a three-action activity that has the {@trait concentrate} trait.", - "The mass of stored water swamps a 10-foot emanation, dealing {@damage 8d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures in the area (DC 25 basic Reflex save) and making the area {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for 1 day. The tiddalik can't use its spit {@action Strike} or Expel Wave until it next Drinks in Abundance." + "A creature can provoke a waterlogged tiddalik (see Drink Abundance below) into laughing and releasing its stored water with a successful {@dc 25} check to {@action Perform} a joke or funny story. The tiddalik also disgorges its water automatically if it dies while waterlogged, or can voluntarily Deluge as a three-action activity that has the {@trait concentrate} trait.", + "The mass of stored water swamps a 10-foot emanation, dealing {@damage 8d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures in the area ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save) and making the area {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for 1 day. The tiddalik can't use its spit {@action Strike} or Expel Wave until it next Drinks in Abundance." ], "name": "Deluge" } @@ -52726,7 +52736,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The tidehawk is within 120 feet of a body of water at least as large as it is", "entries": [ - "The tidehawk draws water to itself, wrapping its feathers like a suit of armor. The tidehawk gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of its next turn. If the tidehawk takes damage from a melee {@action Strike} while under this effect, this water armor explodes outward, dealing {@damage 4d8} bludgeoning damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save) to the attacking creature and ending the circumstance bonus to AC." + "The tidehawk draws water to itself, wrapping its feathers like a suit of armor. The tidehawk gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of its next turn. If the tidehawk takes damage from a melee {@action Strike} while under this effect, this water armor explodes outward, dealing {@damage 4d8} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save) to the attacking creature and ending the circumstance bonus to AC." ], "name": "Oceanic Armor" }, @@ -52742,7 +52752,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The tidehawk is Flying", "entries": [ - "The tidehawk Flies up to its Speed, diving below the surface of deep water (such as a sea or ocean), causing a surging wave that deals {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save) to each creature within a 60-foot emanation of where the tidehawk entered the water. The area becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} until the start of the tidehawk's next turn while the water surges and runs off." + "The tidehawk Flies up to its Speed, diving below the surface of deep water (such as a sea or ocean), causing a surging wave that deals {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save) to each creature within a 60-foot emanation of where the tidehawk entered the water. The area becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} until the start of the tidehawk's next turn while the water surges and runs off." ], "name": "Typhoon Dive" } @@ -53107,7 +53117,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "50 feet, {@damage 2d6} poison damage (DC 34 basic Fortitude save). The poisonous smoke that bellows from a tolokand makes all creatures inside it {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the smoke are {@condition concealed} to creatures within it." + "50 feet, {@damage 2d6} poison damage ({@dc 34} basic Fortitude save). The poisonous smoke that bellows from a tolokand makes all creatures inside it {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the smoke are {@condition concealed} to creatures within it." ], "name": "Heartless Furnace" }, @@ -53119,7 +53129,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When a creature scores a critical hit against the tolokand with a piercing or slashing {@action Strike}, the tolokand's poisonous, oily blood sprays forth. Any creature within 5 feet of the tolokand takes {@damage 3d6} poison damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save)", + "When a creature scores a critical hit against the tolokand with a piercing or slashing {@action Strike}, the tolokand's poisonous, oily blood sprays forth. Any creature within 5 feet of the tolokand takes {@damage 3d6} poison damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save)", "Any non-creature plants the blood spills on die." ], "name": "Toxic Blood" @@ -53345,7 +53355,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "The tomb giant turns the spiritual tide on a creature that has just died, temporarily transforming it into a volatile vessel of negative energy. The tomb giant touches a creature that died in the past 24 hours, infusing its flesh and bone with negative energy. Once during the next hour, the tomb giant can spend a single action (from any distance) to release this negative energy from the corpse in an explosion that deals {@damage 10d8} negative energy in a 15-foot burst (DC 32 basic Fortitude save); if not released before the end of the hour, the energy dissipates harmlessly. The tomb giant can't use Font of Death while a previous corpse remains infused." + "The tomb giant turns the spiritual tide on a creature that has just died, temporarily transforming it into a volatile vessel of negative energy. The tomb giant touches a creature that died in the past 24 hours, infusing its flesh and bone with negative energy. Once during the next hour, the tomb giant can spend a single action (from any distance) to release this negative energy from the corpse in an explosion that deals {@damage 10d8} negative energy in a 15-foot burst ({@dc 32} basic Fortitude save); if not released before the end of the hour, the energy dissipates harmlessly. The tomb giant can't use Font of Death while a previous corpse remains infused." ], "name": "Font of Death" }, @@ -53488,7 +53498,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When killed, a tooth fairy bursts into sticky, foul-smelling white dust. Each creature with 5 feet must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "When killed, a tooth fairy bursts into sticky, foul-smelling white dust. Each creature with 5 feet must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Plaque Burst" } @@ -53585,7 +53595,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When killed, a tooth fairy swarm bursts into sticky, foul-smelling white dust. Each creature with 15 feet must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "When killed, a tooth fairy swarm bursts into sticky, foul-smelling white dust. Each creature with 15 feet must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Plaque Burst" } @@ -53597,7 +53607,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Tooth fairies pinch their victims' fingers, noses, ears, or similar protruding body parts. Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically fail this save are {@condition sickened 1} from the pain." + "Tooth fairies pinch their victims' fingers, noses, ears, or similar protruding body parts. Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically fail this save are {@condition sickened 1} from the pain." ], "name": "Pinch" }, @@ -53607,7 +53617,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The tooth fairies try to pry out one of their target's teeth. One enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). On a failed save, the target takes 2 {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and a \u20131 status penalty to Charisma-based skill checks, and they must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check to {@action Cast a Spell} with a verbal component or the spell is disrupted. The penalty and spellcasting condition last for 1 day, or until the stolen tooth is returned and the target regains at least 1 Hit Point." + "The tooth fairies try to pry out one of their target's teeth. One enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). On a failed save, the target takes 2 {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and a \u20131 status penalty to Charisma-based skill checks, and they must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check to {@action Cast a Spell} with a verbal component or the spell is disrupted. The penalty and spellcasting condition last for 1 day, or until the stolen tooth is returned and the target regains at least 1 Hit Point." ], "name": "Pry" } @@ -53856,7 +53866,7 @@ "divine" ], "entries": [ - "A toshigami's attacks bestow a curse that alters the very flow of time in those they attack. When a toshigami hits a creature with a melee {@action Strike}, the creature must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save as its perspective shifts rapidly between that of advanced age and an infantile state. Regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "A toshigami's attacks bestow a curse that alters the very flow of time in those they attack. When a toshigami hits a creature with a melee {@action Strike}, the creature must attempt a {@dc 38} Fortitude save as its perspective shifts rapidly between that of advanced age and an infantile state. Regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -53972,7 +53982,7 @@ "fear" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. The trailgaunt's constant mutters and groans of pain are deeply unsettling. Each creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "10 feet. The trailgaunt's constant mutters and groans of pain are deeply unsettling. Each creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition frightened 1} ({@condition frightened 2} on a critical failure). The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Pained Muttering" } @@ -53996,7 +54006,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A living creature hit by a trailgaunt's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or suffer intense pain in its legs and feet, taking a \u201310-foot status penalty to its Speeds, or a \u201320-foot status penalty on a critical failure." + "A living creature hit by a trailgaunt's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or suffer intense pain in its legs and feet, taking a \u201310-foot status penalty to its Speeds, or a \u201320-foot status penalty on a critical failure." ], "name": "Share Pain" }, @@ -54206,7 +54216,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The trilobites in the swarm latch onto creatures and gnaw at them. Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} slashing damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save)." + "The trilobites in the swarm latch onto creatures and gnaw at them. Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} slashing damage ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Clinging Bites" } @@ -54375,7 +54385,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "50 feet. A creature within the aura who uses or benefits from an effect with the {@trait fortune} trait must succeed at a DC 34 Will save or become {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round ({@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure)." + "50 feet. A creature within the aura who uses or benefits from an effect with the {@trait fortune} trait must succeed at a {@dc 34} Will save or become {@condition slowed 1} for 1 round ({@condition slowed 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Cheaters Never Prosper" }, @@ -54425,7 +54435,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The triumph siktempora flashes their disarming grin at one creature within 15 feet. The target takes {@damage 10d8} mental damage (DC 34 basic Will save). On a failure, the target's attacks against the triumph siktempora also become nonlethal until the end of the target's next turn." + "The triumph siktempora flashes their disarming grin at one creature within 15 feet. The target takes {@damage 10d8} mental damage ({@dc 34} basic Will save). On a failure, the target's attacks against the triumph siktempora also become nonlethal until the end of the target's next turn." ], "name": "Winning Smile" } @@ -54813,7 +54823,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The tyrannosaurus skeleton bends down, attempting to skewer one adjacent creature on one of its massive ribs. The creature takes {@damage 2d10+9} piercing damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). If the creature fails its save and is Medium or smaller, it's also impaled and stuck to the rib. It moves with the skeleton and takes {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} until it either {@action Escape||Escapes} or someone uses {@action Force Open} to break the rib (either is DC 28)." + "The tyrannosaurus skeleton bends down, attempting to skewer one adjacent creature on one of its massive ribs. The creature takes {@damage 2d10+9} piercing damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). If the creature fails its save and is Medium or smaller, it's also impaled and stuck to the rib. It moves with the skeleton and takes {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} until it either {@action Escape||Escapes} or someone uses {@action Force Open} to break the rib (either is {@dc 28})." ], "name": "Rib Skewer" }, @@ -54823,7 +54833,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 28" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 28}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -55084,7 +55094,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "When a tzitzimitl's claw {@action Strike} deals damages to a living creature, the tzitzimitl gains 20 temporary Hit Points, and the target must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2}.", + "When a tzitzimitl's claw {@action Strike} deals damages to a living creature, the tzitzimitl gains 20 temporary Hit Points, and the target must succeed at a {@dc 41} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2}.", "Further damage dealt by a tzitzimitl's claw {@action Strike} increases the value of the {@condition drained} condition by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" @@ -55099,7 +55109,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The tzitzimitl casts darkness and drains the heat and warmth from the {@spell darkness} spell's area, and each creature within the spell's area must attempt a DC 41 Fortitude save.", + "The tzitzimitl casts darkness and drains the heat and warmth from the {@spell darkness} spell's area, and each creature within the spell's area must attempt a {@dc 41} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -55569,7 +55579,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The valkyrie hurls her spear into the air, creating a massive storm in a 100-foot burst. Spears of lightning rain down upon enemies in the area, dealing {@damage 4d12} electricity damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save)." + "The valkyrie hurls her spear into the air, creating a massive storm in a 100-foot burst. Spears of lightning rain down upon enemies in the area, dealing {@damage 4d12} electricity damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Storm of Battle" } @@ -55965,7 +55975,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 35. As frightful presence (page 305), plus a creature {@condition frightened} by the aura becomes suspicious: it doesn't count any other creature as its ally and can't {@action Aid} or flank. On a critical failure, the creature also can't be a willing target for harmless or {@condition helpful} magic." + "30 feet, {@dc 35}. As frightful presence (page 305), plus a creature {@condition frightened} by the aura becomes suspicious: it doesn't count any other creature as its ally and can't {@action Aid} or flank. On a critical failure, the creature also can't be a willing target for harmless or {@condition helpful} magic." ], "name": "Aura of Disquietude" }, @@ -56016,7 +56026,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "If the vilderavn kills a humanoid target with a critical hit using their jaws {@action Strike}, they rip out and devour the target's heart and soul as part of the attack. While the target is dead, the vilderavn can Change Shape into the target's form, gaining a +4 status bonus to {@skill Deception} checks to impersonate the target. If magic would resurrect the creature, the caster must succeed at a DC 34 counteract check to extract the target's soul from the vilderavn; otherwise, the spell fails." + "If the vilderavn kills a humanoid target with a critical hit using their jaws {@action Strike}, they rip out and devour the target's heart and soul as part of the attack. While the target is dead, the vilderavn can Change Shape into the target's form, gaining a +4 status bonus to {@skill Deception} checks to impersonate the target. If magic would resurrect the creature, the caster must succeed at a {@dc 34} counteract check to extract the target's soul from the vilderavn; otherwise, the spell fails." ], "name": "Souleater" } @@ -56288,7 +56298,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save) plus viper swarm venom." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage ({@dc 21} basic Reflex save) plus viper swarm venom." ], "name": "Venomous Fangs" }, @@ -57137,7 +57147,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d4} piercing, DC 15" + "{@damage 1d4} piercing, {@dc 15}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -57353,7 +57363,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Saving Throw DC 15 Fortitude." + "Saving Throw {@dc 15} Fortitude." ], "name": "Curse of the Werebat" }, @@ -57566,7 +57576,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Saving Throw DC 15 Fortitude." + "Saving Throw {@dc 15} Fortitude." ], "name": "Curse of the Werecrocodile" }, @@ -57760,7 +57770,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The wihsaak beats its wings rapidly, creating a buzzing drone that numbs creatures' minds. Each creature within 100 feet must attempt a DC 23 Will save. They are then temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "The wihsaak beats its wings rapidly, creating a buzzing drone that numbs creatures' minds. Each creature within 100 feet must attempt a {@dc 23} Will save. They are then temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -58100,7 +58110,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The wizard sponge slithers over each creature in its space, dealing {@damage 2d10} acid damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails is {@condition sickened 1}." + "The wizard sponge slithers over each creature in its space, dealing {@damage 2d10} acid damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails is {@condition sickened 1}." ], "name": "Swarming Slither" }, @@ -58262,7 +58272,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Frequency once per hour; The wolliped regurgitates the contents of its stomach and spits them at the target, dealing {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 2d6} acid damage. The target attempts a DC 20 basic Reflex save, and on a failure also becomes {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "Frequency once per hour; The wolliped regurgitates the contents of its stomach and spits them at the target, dealing {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 2d6} acid damage. The target attempts a {@dc 20} basic Reflex save, and on a failure also becomes {@condition sickened 1} ({@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Regurgitated Wrath" }, @@ -58272,7 +58282,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 20" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 20}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -58483,7 +58493,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 33 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 33} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -58524,7 +58534,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "The wyrmwraith unleashes a burst of negative energy that deals {@damage 18d6} negative damage to all creatures in a 60-foot cone (DC 38 basic Reflex save)", + "The wyrmwraith unleashes a burst of negative energy that deals {@damage 18d6} negative damage to all creatures in a 60-foot cone ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save)", "They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" @@ -58556,7 +58566,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When a wyrmwraith deals damage to a living creature with a spectral jaws or spectral claw {@action Strike}, the wyrmwraith gains 18 temporary Hit Points, and the creature must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2}. Further damage dealt by the wyrmwraith's spectral jaws or spectral claws {@action Strike||Strikes} increases the value of the {@condition drained} condition by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." + "When a wyrmwraith deals damage to a living creature with a spectral jaws or spectral claw {@action Strike}, the wyrmwraith gains 18 temporary Hit Points, and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 38} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained 2}. Further damage dealt by the wyrmwraith's spectral jaws or spectral claws {@action Strike||Strikes} increases the value of the {@condition drained} condition by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -58954,7 +58964,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The ximtal attempts to isolate its enemy's companions, forcing an impression that each creature's friends and allies have vanished and they are all alone against an insurmountable threat. The ximtal chooses up to four creatures, each of whom must be adjacent to one other target. Each target must attempt a DC 38 Will save. On a failure, a target becomes out of phase with all allies. The affected creatures can't perceive their allies or interact with them in any way, and they can move into allies' spaces as if their allies simply weren't there. Allies similarly can't perceive or interact with the affected creatures with one exception: an ally can target an effected creature with remove curse to remove the effects. Every 24 hours, an affected creature can attempt a new saving throw to end this effect." + "The ximtal attempts to isolate its enemy's companions, forcing an impression that each creature's friends and allies have vanished and they are all alone against an insurmountable threat. The ximtal chooses up to four creatures, each of whom must be adjacent to one other target. Each target must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save. On a failure, a target becomes out of phase with all allies. The affected creatures can't perceive their allies or interact with them in any way, and they can move into allies' spaces as if their allies simply weren't there. Allies similarly can't perceive or interact with the affected creatures with one exception: an ally can target an effected creature with remove curse to remove the effects. Every 24 hours, an affected creature can attempt a new saving throw to end this effect." ], "name": "Isolate Foes" }, @@ -59259,7 +59269,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The xiuh couatl breaths a gout of flame and lightning in an 80-foot line that deals {@damage 5d8} electricity damage and {@damage 5d8} fire damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save). The xiuh couatl can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The xiuh couatl breaths a gout of flame and lightning in an 80-foot line that deals {@damage 5d8} electricity damage and {@damage 5d8} fire damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). The xiuh couatl can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -59269,7 +59279,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d10+10} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d8} electricity, DC 32 (page 305)" + "{@damage 1d10+10} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d8} electricity, {@dc 32} (page 305)" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -59714,7 +59724,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 27. Animals, fungi, and plants take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to the save." + "90 feet, {@dc 27}. Animals, fungi, and plants take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to the save." ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -59753,7 +59763,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon unleashes a swarm of insects that deals {@damage 10d6} piercing damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 29 basic Reflex save) before dispersing. A creature that critically fails is {@condition stunned 2} from the insects' venom; this is a {@trait poison} effect. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon unleashes a swarm of insects that deals {@damage 10d6} piercing damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save) before dispersing. A creature that critically fails is {@condition stunned 2} from the insects' venom; this is a {@trait poison} effect. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -59773,7 +59783,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+8} bludgeoning, DC 29" + "{@damage 2d8+8} bludgeoning, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -60015,7 +60025,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 24 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 24} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -60051,7 +60061,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon shoots a ball of water that deals {@damage 9d6} bludgeoning damage in a 20-foot burst within 40 feet (DC 26 basic Reflex save). All non-magical fire in the radius is extinguished. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon shoots a ball of water that deals {@damage 9d6} bludgeoning damage in a 20-foot burst within 40 feet ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). All non-magical fire in the radius is extinguished. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -60071,7 +60081,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+6} bludgeoning, DC 26" + "{@damage 2d8+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -60089,7 +60099,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "A living creature that takes damage from the sea dragon's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} as a surge of excess water floods its body." + "A living creature that takes damage from the sea dragon's jaws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1} as a surge of excess water floods its body." ], "name": "Hyponatremia" } @@ -60369,7 +60379,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 26 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 26} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -60389,7 +60399,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon shoots a ball of electricity that deals {@damage 5d12} electricity damage in a 20-foot burst within 40 feet (DC 28 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon shoots a ball of electricity that deals {@damage 5d12} electricity damage in a 20-foot burst within 40 feet ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -60409,7 +60419,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+7} bludgeoning, DC 24" + "{@damage 2d8+7} bludgeoning, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -60618,7 +60628,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 28" + "90 feet, {@dc 28}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -60649,7 +60659,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic energy, dealing {@damage 12d6} mental damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 30 basic Will save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic energy, dealing {@damage 12d6} mental damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 30} basic Will save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -60669,7 +60679,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+10} bludgeoning, DC 26" + "{@damage 2d8+10} bludgeoning, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -60697,7 +60707,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The dragon's golden armor glows with a protective golden light. The dragon gains a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 10 to energy damage. Each enemy in a 20-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled}. All these effects last until the end of the dragon's next turn." + "The dragon's golden armor glows with a protective golden light. The dragon gains a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 10 to energy damage. Each enemy in a 20-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled}. All these effects last until the end of the dragon's next turn." ], "name": "Gleaming Armor" } @@ -60901,7 +60911,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 23 (page 305)" + "90 feet, {@dc 23} (page 305)" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -60927,7 +60937,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a blast of fire that explodes in a 20-foot burst within 40 feet, dealing {@damage 7d6} fire damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also take {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a blast of fire that explodes in a 20-foot burst within 40 feet, dealing {@damage 7d6} fire damage ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also take {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -60947,7 +60957,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+4} bludgeoning, DC 25" + "{@damage 2d8+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 25}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -61066,7 +61076,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. Creatures other than yzobus or hobgoblins that enter or start their turn in the yzobu's aura must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}, or {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "10 feet. Creatures other than yzobus or hobgoblins that enter or start their turn in the yzobu's aura must succeed at a {@dc 14} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened 1}, or {@condition sickened 2} on a critical failure. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Pungent Aura" } @@ -61177,7 +61187,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The zetogeki has a creature {@condition grabbed} in its jaws", "entries": [ - "The zetogeki mangles the {@condition grabbed} creature and slams it about, dealing {@damage 3d8} bludgeoning damage (DC 26 basic Fortitude save)." + "The zetogeki mangles the {@condition grabbed} creature and slams it about, dealing {@damage 3d8} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 26} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Mangle" }, @@ -61324,7 +61334,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The zombie dragon breathes a wave of fetid viscera that deals {@damage 5d6} bludgeoning and {@damage 5d6} poison damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails is also {@condition sickened 2}. The zombie dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The zombie dragon breathes a wave of fetid viscera that deals {@damage 5d6} bludgeoning and {@damage 5d6} poison damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails is also {@condition sickened 2}. The zombie dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-bb.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-bb.json index a68e453004..938f1e3307 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-bb.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-bb.json @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature the basilisk can see within 30 feet starts its turn, the basilisk can use its reaction to glance at the creature. The creature must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. If it fails, it gains the {@condition slowed 1} condition for 1 minute as its body slowly stiffens." + "When a creature the basilisk can see within 30 feet starts its turn, the basilisk can use its reaction to glance at the creature. The creature must attempt a {@dc 20} Fortitude save. If it fails, it gains the {@condition slowed 1} condition for 1 minute as its body slowly stiffens." ] } ], @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The basilisk stares at a creature it can see within 30 feet. If the creature can see the basilisk, that creature must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. If it fails and hasn't already gained the {@condition slowed} condition from Petrifying Glance or this ability, it gains the {@condition slowed 1} condition. If the creature fails this save when it already has the {@condition slowed} condition from this ability or Petrifying Glance, the creature is permanently turned to stone.", + "The basilisk stares at a creature it can see within 30 feet. If the creature can see the basilisk, that creature must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save. If it fails and hasn't already gained the {@condition slowed} condition from Petrifying Glance or this ability, it gains the {@condition slowed 1} condition. If the creature fails this save when it already has the {@condition slowed} condition from this ability or Petrifying Glance, the creature is permanently turned to stone.", "A creature {@condition petrified} in this manner that is coated with fresh basilisk blood is instantly restored to flesh. A single basilisk contains enough blood to coat up to 2 creatures in this manner." ] } @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A target that takes damage from the centipede's mandibles {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d10} poison damage." + "A target that takes damage from the centipede's mandibles {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 14} Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d10} poison damage." ] } ] @@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ "manipulate" ], "entries": [ - "The doppelganger attempts to read the surface thoughts of one creature within 30 feet. The target resists if it succeeds at a DC 21 Will save." + "The doppelganger attempts to read the surface thoughts of one creature within 30 feet. The target resists if it succeeds at a {@dc 21} Will save." ] } ] @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals {@damage 5d6} poison damage in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 24 basic Reflex save. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals {@damage 5d6} poison damage in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 24} basic Reflex save. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ { "name": "Light Blindness", "entries": [ - "When first exposed to bright light, the drow can't see until the end of their next turn. All squares are difficult terrain for them, and they take a \u20134 status penalty to {@skill Perception}. If they try to attack a creature, the attack fails unless they succeed at a DC 11 flat check. Light doesn't blind them again for 1 hour." + "When first exposed to bright light, the drow can't see until the end of their next turn. All squares are difficult terrain for them, and they take a \u20134 status penalty to {@skill Perception}. If they try to attack a creature, the attack fails unless they succeed at a {@dc 11} flat check. Light doesn't blind them again for 1 hour." ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ { "name": "Light Blindness", "entries": [ - "When first exposed to bright light, the drow can't see until the end of their next turn. All squares are difficult terrain for them, and they take a \u20134 status penalty to {@skill Perception}. If they try to attack a creature, the attack fails unless they succeed at a DC 11 flat check. Light doesn't blind them again for 1 hour." + "When first exposed to bright light, the drow can't see until the end of their next turn. All squares are difficult terrain for them, and they take a \u20134 status penalty to {@skill Perception}. If they try to attack a creature, the attack fails unless they succeed at a {@dc 11} flat check. Light doesn't blind them again for 1 hour." ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ { "name": "Light Blindness", "entries": [ - "When first exposed to bright light, the drow can't see until the end of their next turn. All squares are difficult terrain for them, and they take a \u20134 status penalty to {@skill Perception}. If they try to attack a creature, the attack fails unless they succeed at a DC 11 flat check. Light doesn't blind them again for 1 hour." + "When first exposed to bright light, the drow can't see until the end of their next turn. All squares are difficult terrain for them, and they take a \u20134 status penalty to {@skill Perception}. If they try to attack a creature, the attack fails unless they succeed at a {@dc 11} flat check. Light doesn't blind them again for 1 hour." ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1750,7 +1750,7 @@ { "name": "Fetid Fumes", "entries": [ - "A cloud of smoke surrounds the cinder rat. All creatures within 5 feet, including the cinder rat, gain the {@condition concealed} condition from this smoke. A creature that comes within 5 feet of the cinder rat or begins its turn within 5 feet must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or take a \u20131 status penalty to all checks and DCs for 1 round." + "A cloud of smoke surrounds the cinder rat. All creatures within 5 feet, including the cinder rat, gain the {@condition concealed} condition from this smoke. A creature that comes within 5 feet of the cinder rat or begins its turn within 5 feet must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or take a \u20131 status penalty to all checks and DCs for 1 round." ] } ] @@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@ "concentrate" ], "entries": [ - "Until the next time they use an action, the gargoyle appears to be a statue. A creature must succeed at a DC 32 {@skill Perception} check to figure out that the statue is really a creature." + "Until the next time they use an action, the gargoyle appears to be a statue. A creature must succeed at a {@dc 32} {@skill Perception} check to figure out that the statue is really a creature." ] } ] @@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "Each living creature within 30 feet who hears the ghost must attempt a DC 21 Will save. On a failure, a creature gains the {@condition frightened 2} condition (or {@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure). On a success, a creature can't be affected by this ghost's Frightful Moan for 1 minute." + "Each living creature within 30 feet who hears the ghost must attempt a {@dc 21} Will save. On a failure, a creature gains the {@condition frightened 2} condition (or {@condition frightened 3} on a critical failure). On a success, a creature can't be affected by this ghost's Frightful Moan for 1 minute." ], "name": "Frightful Moan", "generic": { @@ -2375,7 +2375,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living creature (except an {@trait elf}) that takes damage from the ghoul's {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or gain the {@condition flat-footed} condition for 1 round and lose its next turn. If the creature is level 3 or higher, this happens only on a critical failure." + "Any living creature (except an {@trait elf}) that takes damage from the ghoul's {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 15} Fortitude save or gain the {@condition flat-footed} condition for 1 round and lose its next turn. If the creature is level 3 or higher, this happens only on a critical failure." ] }, { @@ -2879,7 +2879,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Creatures other than {@trait animal||animals}, {@trait gremlin||gremlins}, and {@trait gnoll||gnolls} within 20 feet become extremely unlucky. They must attempt a DC 16 Will save, rolling this Will save twice and using the worse result. On a successful save, the creature can't be affected by pugwampi unluck auras for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature must roll twice and use the worse result on all checks as long as it's within 20 feet of the pugwampi. Multiple pugwampis don't create any increased effect." + "Creatures other than {@trait animal||animals}, {@trait gremlin||gremlins}, and {@trait gnoll||gnolls} within 20 feet become extremely unlucky. They must attempt a {@dc 16} Will save, rolling this Will save twice and using the worse result. On a successful save, the creature can't be affected by pugwampi unluck auras for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature must roll twice and use the worse result on all checks as long as it's within 20 feet of the pugwampi. Multiple pugwampis don't create any increased effect." ] } ] @@ -3005,7 +3005,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The harpy cries out an eerie, compelling melody. Each non-harpy creature within 300 feet who can hear the song must attempt a DC 21 Will save. On a failure, the creature becomes captivated and must spend each of its actions to move closer to the harpy as expediently as possible, while avoiding obvious dangers. If a captivated creature is adjacent to the harpy, it stays still and doesn't act. If attacked by the harpy, the creature is freed from captivation at the end of the harpy's turn.", + "The harpy cries out an eerie, compelling melody. Each non-harpy creature within 300 feet who can hear the song must attempt a {@dc 21} Will save. On a failure, the creature becomes captivated and must spend each of its actions to move closer to the harpy as expediently as possible, while avoiding obvious dangers. If a captivated creature is adjacent to the harpy, it stays still and doesn't act. If attacked by the harpy, the creature is freed from captivation at the end of the harpy's turn.", "The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the harpy uses this ability again on subsequent rounds, it extends the duration by 1 round for all affected creatures. Once a creature succeeds at any save against Captivating Song, that creature is temporarily immune to Captivating Songs for 24 hours." ] } @@ -3115,7 +3115,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The hell hound breathes flames that deal {@damage 4d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone. Each affected creature must attempt a DC 19 basic Reflex save. The hell hound can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. If the hell hound would take fire damage or is the target of a {@trait fire} effect, its Breath Weapon recharges." + "The hell hound breathes flames that deal {@damage 4d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone. Each affected creature must attempt a {@dc 19} basic Reflex save. The hell hound can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. If the hell hound would take fire damage or is the target of a {@trait fire} effect, its Breath Weapon recharges." ] }, { @@ -3713,7 +3713,7 @@ { "name": "Spike Trap", "entries": [ - "Once this trap is deployed, anyone who steps on the square it's in takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage and must attempt a DC 17 basic Reflex saving throw." + "Once this trap is deployed, anyone who steps on the square it's in takes {@damage 2d8} piercing damage and must attempt a {@dc 17} basic Reflex saving throw." ] } ] @@ -3889,7 +3889,7 @@ { "name": "Adhesive", "entries": [ - "Any creature that touches the mimic (usually from a fist {@action Strike}, the mimic's pseudopod, or a {@action Grapple} or {@action Shove}) must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or gain the {@condition grabbed} condition. The DC to {@action Escape} is 23. A melee or thrown weapon that hits the mimic sticks to it. A character can spend an action to attempt a DC 23 Athletics check, removing the weapon on a success. The adhesive dissolves 1 minute after the mimic dies." + "Any creature that touches the mimic (usually from a fist {@action Strike}, the mimic's pseudopod, or a {@action Grapple} or {@action Shove}) must succeed at a {@dc 23} Reflex save or gain the {@condition grabbed} condition. The DC to {@action Escape} is 23. A melee or thrown weapon that hits the mimic sticks to it. A character can spend an action to attempt a {@dc 23} Athletics check, removing the weapon on a success. The adhesive dissolves 1 minute after the mimic dies." ] }, { @@ -3914,7 +3914,7 @@ "concentrate" ], "entries": [ - "The mimic assumes the shape of any Medium object. This alters its visual appearance but not its size. It takes a DC 28 {@skill Perception} check to tell the object is a creature." + "The mimic assumes the shape of any Medium object. This alters its visual appearance but not its size. It takes a {@dc 28} {@skill Perception} check to tell the object is a creature." ] } ] @@ -4116,7 +4116,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The sewer ooze unleashes a wave of filth, covering all creatures within 20 feet of itself. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or take {@damage 1d4} acid damage and a \u201310-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a critical failure, the creature also falls over and gains the {@condition prone} condition). A creature can {@action Interact} to clean someone off. This decreases the Speed penalty to \u20135 feet after 1 action, or to no penalty after 2 actions. After using Filth Wave, the ooze can't use it again for 1 minute." + "The sewer ooze unleashes a wave of filth, covering all creatures within 20 feet of itself. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 17} Reflex save or take {@damage 1d4} acid damage and a \u201310-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a critical failure, the creature also falls over and gains the {@condition prone} condition). A creature can {@action Interact} to clean someone off. This decreases the Speed penalty to \u20135 feet after 1 action, or to no penalty after 2 actions. After using Filth Wave, the ooze can't use it again for 1 minute." ] } ] @@ -4645,7 +4645,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "Each creature within 80 feet who can hear the owlbear's screech must attempt a DC 20 Will save. The creatures can't be affected by another screech for 1 minute. On a critical success, the creature is unaffected; on a success, the creature gains the {@condition frightened 1} condition; on a failure, the creature gains the {@condition frightened 2} condition; on a critical failure, the creature gains the {@condition frightened 3} condition and must spend its next turn running away from the owlbear." + "Each creature within 80 feet who can hear the owlbear's screech must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save. The creatures can't be affected by another screech for 1 minute. On a critical success, the creature is unaffected; on a success, the creature gains the {@condition frightened 1} condition; on a failure, the creature gains the {@condition frightened 2} condition; on a critical failure, the creature gains the {@condition frightened 3} condition and must spend its next turn running away from the owlbear." ] }, { @@ -5296,7 +5296,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A target damaged by the snake's fangs must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d12} poison damage." + "A target damaged by the snake's fangs must succeed at a {@dc 17} Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d12} poison damage." ] } ] @@ -5416,7 +5416,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A target damaged by the viper's fangs must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d10} poison damage." + "A target damaged by the viper's fangs must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d10} poison damage." ] } ] @@ -5539,13 +5539,13 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A target damaged by the spider's fangs must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d12} poison damage and gain the {@condition flat-footed} condition for 1 round." + "A target damaged by the spider's fangs must succeed at a {@dc 16} Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d12} poison damage and gain the {@condition flat-footed} condition for 1 round." ] }, { "name": "Web Trap", "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the giant spider's web Strike gets stuck to the nearest surface. It can't move until it successfully {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 17)." + "A creature hit by the giant spider's web Strike gets stuck to the nearest surface. It can't move until it successfully {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 17})." ] } ] @@ -5798,13 +5798,13 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A target damaged by the web lurker's fangs must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d12} poison damage and gain the {@condition flat-footed} condition for 1 round." + "A target damaged by the web lurker's fangs must succeed at a {@dc 19} Fortitude save or take {@damage 1d12} poison damage and gain the {@condition flat-footed} condition for 1 round." ] }, { "name": "Web Trap", "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the web lurker's web attack gets stuck to the nearest surface. It can't move until it successfully {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 20)." + "A creature hit by the web lurker's web attack gets stuck to the nearest surface. It can't move until it successfully {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 20})." ] } ] @@ -5913,7 +5913,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the wight deals damage to a living creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the wight regains 2 Hit Points and the target must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or take 2 damage that can't be healed. The wight can use drain life multiple times, but a single creature can't take more than 8 unhealable damage.", + "When the wight deals damage to a living creature with its claw {@action Strike}, the wight regains 2 Hit Points and the target must succeed at a {@dc 17} Fortitude save or take 2 damage that can't be healed. The wight can use drain life multiple times, but a single creature can't take more than 8 unhealable damage.", "Each full night of rest heals 2 of the unhealable damage, and a full day of bed rest increases the recovery to 4 of the unhealable damage." ] } @@ -6149,7 +6149,7 @@ { "name": "Stench", "entries": [ - "A creature that comes within 30 feet of the xulgath and can smell the xulgath must attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes a \u20131 status penalty to all checks and DCs until it uses an action to retch. A creature that succeeds at its save isn't affected by any xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." + "A creature that comes within 30 feet of the xulgath and can smell the xulgath must attempt a {@dc 19} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes a \u20131 status penalty to all checks and DCs until it uses an action to retch. A creature that succeeds at its save isn't affected by any xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ] } ], @@ -6280,7 +6280,7 @@ { "name": "Stench", "entries": [ - "A creature that comes within 30 feet of the xulgath and can smell the xulgath must attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes a \u20131 status penalty to all checks and DCs until it uses an action to retch. A creature that succeeds at its save isn't affected by any xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." + "A creature that comes within 30 feet of the xulgath and can smell the xulgath must attempt a {@dc 19} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes a \u20131 status penalty to all checks and DCs until it uses an action to retch. A creature that succeeds at its save isn't affected by any xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ] } ] diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-botd.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-botd.json index cc8e68cc65..0decb81056 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-botd.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-botd.json @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Krant intones blasphemous words to gain control over a zombie he can see within 100 feet. A zombie that is mindless and not under someone else's control falls under his control automatically; otherwise, the zombie or its controller can attempt a DC 22 Will save to avoid being {@condition controlled} (whichever has the higher modifier). The target zombie is temporarily immune for 24 hours if successful. The attempt fails if the zombie is the same level as Krant or higher. The zombie remains {@condition controlled} by Krant until either is destroyed. Krant can control up to 8 zombies at a time. If Krant would control a number of zombies over this limit, he chooses which to release." + "Krant intones blasphemous words to gain control over a zombie he can see within 100 feet. A zombie that is mindless and not under someone else's control falls under his control automatically; otherwise, the zombie or its controller can attempt a {@dc 22} Will save to avoid being {@condition controlled} (whichever has the higher modifier). The target zombie is temporarily immune for 24 hours if successful. The attempt fails if the zombie is the same level as Krant or higher. The zombie remains {@condition controlled} by Krant until either is destroyed. Krant can control up to 8 zombies at a time. If Krant would control a number of zombies over this limit, he chooses which to release." ] }, { @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d6+2} bludgeoning, DC 16" + "{@damage 1d6+2} bludgeoning, {@dc 16}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The shredskin is restraining a creature", "entries": [ - "The shredskin wraps itself around the {@condition restrained} creature like a shirt, seizing control. The shredskin rolls an {@skill Athletics} check against the creature's Fortitude DC. On a success, the creature becomes {@condition restrained} until it Escapes and the shredskin can control the creature as described in Control Body. At the start of each of its turns, the shredskin can attempt to Constrict the enshrouded creature as a free action. An enshrouded creature can attempt a DC 16 {@action Escape} check to break free (DC 18 if the shredskin critically succeeded its {@skill Athletics} check to Enshroud)." + "The shredskin wraps itself around the {@condition restrained} creature like a shirt, seizing control. The shredskin rolls an {@skill Athletics} check against the creature's Fortitude DC. On a success, the creature becomes {@condition restrained} until it Escapes and the shredskin can control the creature as described in Control Body. At the start of each of its turns, the shredskin can attempt to Constrict the enshrouded creature as a free action. An enshrouded creature can attempt a {@dc 16} {@action Escape} check to break free ({@dc 18} if the shredskin critically succeeded its {@skill Athletics} check to Enshroud)." ] } ] @@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "If a pale stranger sees their own reflection or any object important to them in life, they must attempt a DC 30 Will save.", + "If a pale stranger sees their own reflection or any object important to them in life, they must attempt a {@dc 30} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Shots from a pale stranger's firearms deal an additional {@damage 1d6} precision damage, or {@damage 2d6} precision damage against the one who murdered them. A creature who has never killed a living being doesn't take this precision damage. When a pale stranger critically succeeds at a ranged {@action Strike} with a pistol, the target must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." + "Shots from a pale stranger's firearms deal an additional {@damage 1d6} precision damage, or {@damage 2d6} precision damage against the one who murdered them. A creature who has never killed a living being doesn't take this precision damage. When a pale stranger critically succeeds at a ranged {@action Strike} with a pistol, the target must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ] }, { @@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "80 feet. The aura of a pale sovereign is beguiling and inviting, affecting creatures beginning their turns within it with an 8th-level {@spell charm} (DC 39 Will save). A creature that fails its Will save perceives the pale sovereign as they were in life, not their current undead form. A creature that succeeds at its save is then temporarily immune to that pale sovereign's aura for 24 hours." + "80 feet. The aura of a pale sovereign is beguiling and inviting, affecting creatures beginning their turns within it with an 8th-level {@spell charm} ({@dc 39} Will save). A creature that fails its Will save perceives the pale sovereign as they were in life, not their current undead form. A creature that succeeds at its save is then temporarily immune to that pale sovereign's aura for 24 hours." ] } ], @@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ "sleep" ], "entries": [ - "The pale sovereign touches an adjacent living creature to send it into an endless slumber. The target must attempt a DC 39 Will save.", + "The pale sovereign touches an adjacent living creature to send it into an endless slumber. The target must attempt a {@dc 39} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The pale sovereign siphons the life force from creatures around them. All living creatures in a 30-foot emanation take {@damage 6d8} negative damage (DC 39 basic Fortitude save). The pale sovereign regains HP equal to the highest damage a single creature took from this effect." + "The pale sovereign siphons the life force from creatures around them. All living creatures in a 30-foot emanation take {@damage 6d8} negative damage ({@dc 39} basic Fortitude save). The pale sovereign regains HP equal to the highest damage a single creature took from this effect." ] } ] @@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "The hungry ghost touches a creature in reach. If the target is a living creature, it takes damage from the ghost's ghostly touch with a DC 24 Fortitude save. If the ghost is in their living visage, they can disguise Feed on the Living as a benign touch and delay the effects for 1 minute while keeping the target unaware of the effect. A creature can be affected by only one delayed Feed on the Living at a time, and if the ghost loses their living visage during that minute, the Feed on the Living is lost.", + "The hungry ghost touches a creature in reach. If the target is a living creature, it takes damage from the ghost's ghostly touch with a {@dc 24} Fortitude save. If the ghost is in their living visage, they can disguise Feed on the Living as a benign touch and delay the effects for 1 minute while keeping the target unaware of the effect. A creature can be affected by only one delayed Feed on the Living at a time, and if the ghost loses their living visage during that minute, the Feed on the Living is lost.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The ghul is in its hyena shape", "entries": [ - "The ghul lets out an alluring chitter. Each creature in a 60-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 19 Will save or become {@condition fascinated}, {@condition flat-footed}, and compelled to move toward the ghul on the creature's turn. The effect lasts until the end of the ghul's next turn, but the ghul can {@action Sustain a Spell} on Luring Laugh. If the ghul attacks, the {@condition fascinated} condition ends for only the creature that's attacked. On a successful save, a creature is temporarily immune to Luring Laugh for 24 hours." + "The ghul lets out an alluring chitter. Each creature in a 60-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 19} Will save or become {@condition fascinated}, {@condition flat-footed}, and compelled to move toward the ghul on the creature's turn. The effect lasts until the end of the ghul's next turn, but the ghul can {@action Sustain a Spell} on Luring Laugh. If the ghul attacks, the {@condition fascinated} condition ends for only the creature that's attacked. On a successful save, a creature is temporarily immune to Luring Laugh for 24 hours." ] } ] @@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ "prediction" ], "entries": [ - "A creature struck by the fluxwraith's temporal fracturing ray receives a glimpse of a possible tragic event in its future. It must succeed at a DC 35 Will save or become {@condition slowed||slowed 1} and {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1} ({@condition slowed||slowed 2} and {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} on a critical failure). If the creature is already affected by terrible foresight, it increases its {@condition stupefied} value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition stupefied||stupefied 4}.", + "A creature struck by the fluxwraith's temporal fracturing ray receives a glimpse of a possible tragic event in its future. It must succeed at a {@dc 35} Will save or become {@condition slowed||slowed 1} and {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1} ({@condition slowed||slowed 2} and {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} on a critical failure). If the creature is already affected by terrible foresight, it increases its {@condition stupefied} value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition stupefied||stupefied 4}.", "Each time the creature gets a full night's rest, its condition values from terrible foresight decrease by 1." ] }, @@ -1472,7 +1472,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "A creature struck by the fluxwraith's time-shifting touch must succeed at a DC 35 Will saving throw or be thrust forward in time, vanishing from its space. The target automatically reappears in the same location after {@dice 1d4} rounds but can attempt an additional Will save at the end of each of its turns to end the duration. If its original space is occupied when it returns, the creature appears in the nearest unoccupied space.", + "A creature struck by the fluxwraith's time-shifting touch must succeed at a {@dc 35} Will saving throw or be thrust forward in time, vanishing from its space. The target automatically reappears in the same location after {@dice 1d4} rounds but can attempt an additional Will save at the end of each of its turns to end the duration. If its original space is occupied when it returns, the creature appears in the nearest unoccupied space.", "Since the creature is shunted forward in time, it doesn't experience any of the intervening time. Likewise, {@trait any} effects on the creature with a duration don't decrease their duration, resuming when the creature reappears. A creature that succeeds at any saving throw against time shift is temporarily immune for 1 hour." ] } @@ -1732,7 +1732,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The skull chooses one creature within 60 feet and antagonizes it mercilessly. The target must attempt a DC 22 Will save to resist the effect.", + "The skull chooses one creature within 60 feet and antagonizes it mercilessly. The target must attempt a {@dc 22} Will save to resist the effect.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1871,7 +1871,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The daqqanoenyent's face twists into an expression of unbridled rage. Each creature within 30 feet that can see the daqqanoenyent must attempt a DC 28 Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "The daqqanoenyent's face twists into an expression of unbridled rage. Each creature within 30 feet that can see the daqqanoenyent must attempt a {@dc 28} Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2774,7 +2774,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The child of {@deity Urgathoa} is adjacent to a creature that died within the last minute", "entries": [ - "The child of {@deity Urgathoa} animates the dead with a touch of their hand. The creature must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or arise as a {@creature zombie lord|BotD}. These zombies are {@condition controlled} by the child of {@deity Urgathoa}. A child of {@deity Urgathoa} can control no more than four zombie lords at a time. If a child of {@deity Urgathoa} has raised zombie lords before an encounter begins, they count toward the encounter's XP budget normally" + "The child of {@deity Urgathoa} animates the dead with a touch of their hand. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or arise as a {@creature zombie lord|BotD}. These zombies are {@condition controlled} by the child of {@deity Urgathoa}. A child of {@deity Urgathoa} can control no more than four zombie lords at a time. If a child of {@deity Urgathoa} has raised zombie lords before an encounter begins, they count toward the encounter's XP budget normally" ] } ] @@ -2897,7 +2897,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet, {@damage 2d6} fire, DC 17 basic Reflex." + "5 feet, {@damage 2d6} fire, {@dc 17} basic Reflex." ] }, { @@ -2920,7 +2920,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The combusted screams in agony, causing creatures in a 15-foot emanation to burst into flame, which deals {@damage 4d6} fire damage to each creature in the area (DC 17 basic Will save). A creature that critically fails its save is {@condition frightened||frightened 1}; this {@condition frightened} condition is an emotion, {@trait fear}, and {@trait mental} effect. The combusted can't use Blazing Howl for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The combusted screams in agony, causing creatures in a 15-foot emanation to burst into flame, which deals {@damage 4d6} fire damage to each creature in the area ({@dc 17} basic Will save). A creature that critically fails its save is {@condition frightened||frightened 1}; this {@condition frightened} condition is an emotion, {@trait fear}, and {@trait mental} effect. The combusted can't use Blazing Howl for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] } ] @@ -3044,7 +3044,7 @@ { "name": "Plant", "entries": [ - "When it isn't in danger, the corpseroot spends 1 minute rooting to the earth, becoming planted in place. While the corpseroot is planted and immobile, creatures must actively {@action Seek} and succeed at a DC 36 {@skill Perception} check (DC 40 in forests) to detect the corpseroot's true nature." + "When it isn't in danger, the corpseroot spends 1 minute rooting to the earth, becoming planted in place. While the corpseroot is planted and immobile, creatures must actively {@action Seek} and succeed at a {@dc 36} {@skill Perception} check ({@dc 40} in forests) to detect the corpseroot's true nature." ] } ], @@ -3064,8 +3064,8 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A plant entering or starting its turn in the corpseroot's aura begins to wither and must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 2} ({@condition sickened||sickened 4} on a critical failure). A plant that succeeds is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", - "A plant that stays in the aura for 7 consecutive days must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or die. If the plant was a creature or tree, it rises as a corpseroot. The newly risen corpseroot can't create more corpseroots but has all other corpseroot abilities. Plants that are neither magical nor creatures automatically fail saves against blight." + "30 feet. A plant entering or starting its turn in the corpseroot's aura begins to wither and must succeed at a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 2} ({@condition sickened||sickened 4} on a critical failure). A plant that succeeds is temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "A plant that stays in the aura for 7 consecutive days must succeed at a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or die. If the plant was a creature or tree, it rises as a corpseroot. The newly risen corpseroot can't create more corpseroots but has all other corpseroot abilities. Plants that are neither magical nor creatures automatically fail saves against blight." ] } ], @@ -3095,7 +3095,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The corpseroot has a creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}", "entries": [ - "The corpseroot buries its roots into the creature, dealing {@damage 1d6+11} piercing damage and draining the target's life force (DC 30 basic Fortitude save). On a failure, the creature is {@condition drained||drained 1} (or increases the value by 1 if already {@condition drained}), and the corpseroot regains 10 HP. If this would make a creature {@condition drained||drained 5}, the creature dies." + "The corpseroot buries its roots into the creature, dealing {@damage 1d6+11} piercing damage and draining the target's life force ({@dc 30} basic Fortitude save). On a failure, the creature is {@condition drained||drained 1} (or increases the value by 1 if already {@condition drained}), and the corpseroot regains 10 HP. If this would make a creature {@condition drained||drained 5}, the creature dies." ] } ] @@ -3309,7 +3309,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "40 feet. Vanyvers leak entropy and corruption from their very being. A living creature entering or starting its turn in the aura takes {@damage 3d6} negative damage with a DC 30 basic Fortitude save. If it fails, it's also {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 1} for 1 minute and pulled 10 feet toward the vanyver." + "40 feet. Vanyvers leak entropy and corruption from their very being. A living creature entering or starting its turn in the aura takes {@damage 3d6} negative damage with a {@dc 30} basic Fortitude save. If it fails, it's also {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 1} for 1 minute and pulled 10 feet toward the vanyver." ] }, { @@ -3338,7 +3338,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d10+5} piercing, DC 33" + "{@damage 3d10+5} piercing, {@dc 33}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -3577,7 +3577,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "40 feet. As vanyver, but DC 33 and {@dice 4d6} damage." + "40 feet. As vanyver, but {@dc 33} and {@dice 4d6} damage." ] }, { @@ -3623,7 +3623,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The sykever fixes their nightmarish gaze on one creature they can see, who must attempt a DC 36 Will save. Regardless of the result, the target is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", + "The sykever fixes their nightmarish gaze on one creature they can see, who must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save. Regardless of the result, the target is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3872,7 +3872,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. As vanyver, but DC 38 and {@dice 5d6} damage." + "60 feet. As vanyver, but {@dc 38} and {@dice 5d6} damage." ] }, { @@ -4137,7 +4137,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A nasurgeth's entropy grows even stronger underwater. All water within the aura is completely dark (as 4th-level {@spell darkness}). Magical light with a counteract level of 4th level or lower, along with magical {@spell light} cantrips, are suppressed. A living creature entering or starting its turn in the aura takes {@damage 4d6} negative damage, and the creature also takes an additional {@damage 2d10} cold damage if it's in water (DC 39 basic Fortitude save). If it fails, it's also {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 1} for 1 minute and pulled 10 feet toward the nasurgeth." + "60 feet. A nasurgeth's entropy grows even stronger underwater. All water within the aura is completely dark (as 4th-level {@spell darkness}). Magical light with a counteract level of 4th level or lower, along with magical {@spell light} cantrips, are suppressed. A living creature entering or starting its turn in the aura takes {@damage 4d6} negative damage, and the creature also takes an additional {@damage 2d10} cold damage if it's in water ({@dc 39} basic Fortitude save). If it fails, it's also {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 1} for 1 minute and pulled 10 feet toward the nasurgeth." ] }, { @@ -4154,7 +4154,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The nasurgeth takes slashing or piercing damage from a critical hit, or a swallowed creature cuts itself free", "entries": [ - "Darkness and negative energy spill out from the nasurgeth's wound, dealing {@damage 8d8} negative damage to creatures within 20 feet (DC 40 basic Fortitude)." + "Darkness and negative energy spill out from the nasurgeth's wound, dealing {@damage 8d8} negative damage to creatures within 20 feet ({@dc 40} basic Fortitude)." ] } ], @@ -4167,7 +4167,7 @@ }, "requirements": "A creature is {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} in the nasurgeth's jaws", "entries": [ - "The nasurgeth breaks a tooth off in the target, who takes {@damage 3d10} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and is no longer {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}. If the target is adjacent to a surface, the tooth also pins it in place, making it {@condition immobilized} ({@action Escape} DC 45)." + "The nasurgeth breaks a tooth off in the target, who takes {@damage 3d10} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} and is no longer {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}. If the target is adjacent to a surface, the tooth also pins it in place, making it {@condition immobilized} ({@action Escape} {@dc 45})." ] }, { @@ -4177,7 +4177,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The nasurgeth barrels forward with their mouth open, Swimming twice in a straight line and moving through the spaces of Huge or smaller creatures. The nasurgeth deals the damage of their jaws {@action Strike} to each creature whose space they enter (DC 45 basic Reflex save). Any creature that critically fails is automatically Swallowed Whole." + "The nasurgeth barrels forward with their mouth open, Swimming twice in a straight line and moving through the spaces of Huge or smaller creatures. The nasurgeth deals the damage of their jaws {@action Strike} to each creature whose space they enter ({@dc 45} basic Reflex save). Any creature that critically fails is automatically Swallowed Whole." ] }, { @@ -4366,7 +4366,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A living creature that enters the area must succeed at a DC 31 Will save or gain the {@condition doomed||doomed 1} condition. A critical failure increases this condition to {@condition doomed||doomed 2}. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune to this death coach's aura of doom for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A living creature that enters the area must succeed at a {@dc 31} Will save or gain the {@condition doomed||doomed 1} condition. A critical failure increases this condition to {@condition doomed||doomed 2}. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune to this death coach's aura of doom for 1 minute." ] }, { @@ -4381,7 +4381,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A {@condition dying} creature within the death coach's Aura of Doom dies or its {@condition dying} value increases", "entries": [ - "The death coach attempts to collect the triggering creature's soul. The triggering creature must succeed at a DC 34 Will save or its soul becomes trapped within the death coach's interior. A creature whose soul has been collected can't be restored to life while the soul remains in the death coach by any means short of a 10th-level spell, such as miracle. Eventually, the death coach grinds the soul down into raw spiritual essence, typically several hours later. At this point, restoring the soul to life is slightly easier, requiring a spell or ritual of 8th level or higher. If a death coach with a collected soul is slain before the soul is completely dissolved, the creature's soul returns to its body, allowing it to be returned to life normally. A death coach can choose not to dissolve a collected soul, though it usually has no reason to keep the soul intact." + "The death coach attempts to collect the triggering creature's soul. The triggering creature must succeed at a {@dc 34} Will save or its soul becomes trapped within the death coach's interior. A creature whose soul has been collected can't be restored to life while the soul remains in the death coach by any means short of a 10th-level spell, such as miracle. Eventually, the death coach grinds the soul down into raw spiritual essence, typically several hours later. At this point, restoring the soul to life is slightly easier, requiring a spell or ritual of 8th level or higher. If a death coach with a collected soul is slain before the soul is completely dissolved, the creature's soul returns to its body, allowing it to be returned to life normally. A death coach can choose not to dissolve a collected soul, though it usually has no reason to keep the soul intact." ] } ], @@ -4399,7 +4399,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, incorporeal wheel, DC 34" + "Large or smaller, incorporeal wheel, {@dc 34}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -4993,7 +4993,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The ecorche is wearing skin", "entries": [ - "The ecorche destroys the skin it's currently wearing. The ecorche reverts to its true appearance and size, and anyone within 120 feet who witnesses this must succeed at a DC 37 Will save or become {@condition frightened||frightened 2} ({@condition frightened||frightened 4} on a critical failure). Regardless of the results of their saving throws, the creatures are temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "The ecorche destroys the skin it's currently wearing. The ecorche reverts to its true appearance and size, and anyone within 120 feet who witnesses this must succeed at a {@dc 37} Will save or become {@condition frightened||frightened 2} ({@condition frightened||frightened 4} on a critical failure). Regardless of the results of their saving throws, the creatures are temporarily immune for 24 hours." ] }, { @@ -5151,7 +5151,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The excorion spews necrotic blood all over a foe it has {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}. The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 2}." + "The excorion spews necrotic blood all over a foe it has {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}. The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 2}." ] } ] @@ -5322,7 +5322,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The fiddling bones plays a catchy song that compels others to dance. Each creature in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 19 Will save. Fiddling bones are immune. The effect lasts until the end of the fiddling bones's next turn, but the fiddling bones can Sustain the effect on all affected creatures that remain within the emanation.", + "The fiddling bones plays a catchy song that compels others to dance. Each creature in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 19} Will save. Fiddling bones are immune. The effect lasts until the end of the fiddling bones's next turn, but the fiddling bones can Sustain the effect on all affected creatures that remain within the emanation.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -5352,7 +5352,7 @@ ], "requirements": "Dance with Death is in effect", "entries": [ - "The fiddling bones performs a boisterous finale. They choose a 30-foot cone or 15-foot emanation, and they deal {@damage 4d6} sonic damage to all creatures in that area (DC 21 basic Reflex save). Dance with Death immediately ends, and the fiddling bones can't use Dance with Death or Destructive Finale for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The fiddling bones performs a boisterous finale. They choose a 30-foot cone or 15-foot emanation, and they deal {@damage 4d6} sonic damage to all creatures in that area ({@dc 21} basic Reflex save). Dance with Death immediately ends, and the fiddling bones can't use Dance with Death or Destructive Finale for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] } ] @@ -5513,7 +5513,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "30 feet.", - "A gallowdead is surrounded by an aura of blasphemous whispers. A creature who hears them understands them to be mutterings of its most closely guarded secrets and private failings laid bare. A creature that first enters the area must attempt a DC 34 Will save. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune to aura of whispers for 1 minute. The {@condition frightened} condition from this aura can't be reduced while in the aura.", + "A gallowdead is surrounded by an aura of blasphemous whispers. A creature who hears them understands them to be mutterings of its most closely guarded secrets and private failings laid bare. A creature that first enters the area must attempt a {@dc 34} Will save. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune to aura of whispers for 1 minute. The {@condition frightened} condition from this aura can't be reduced while in the aura.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -5547,7 +5547,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Those who destroy gallowdead are subject to a powerful death curse. When a creature reduces a gallowdead to 0 HP, the creature must attempt a DC 34 Will save. A creature that fails this saving throw is {@condition doomed||doomed 1} and can't remove the condition until the curse has been lifted." + "Those who destroy gallowdead are subject to a powerful death curse. When a creature reduces a gallowdead to 0 HP, the creature must attempt a {@dc 34} Will save. A creature that fails this saving throw is {@condition doomed||doomed 1} and can't remove the condition until the curse has been lifted." ] } ], @@ -5693,7 +5693,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. Any creature that ends its turn in the aura feels the intense pain of starvation and must attempt a DC 30 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition fatigued} and takes {@dice 6d6} damage. Damage and fatigue a creature takes from this aura can't be healed until the affected creature has eaten a full meal." + "60 feet. Any creature that ends its turn in the aura feels the intense pain of starvation and must attempt a {@dc 30} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition fatigued} and takes {@dice 6d6} damage. Damage and fatigue a creature takes from this aura can't be healed until the affected creature has eaten a full meal." ] } ], @@ -5709,7 +5709,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The gashadokuro breathes a spray of bone shards in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 8d12} piercing damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The gashadokuro breathes a spray of bone shards in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 8d12} piercing damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -5868,7 +5868,7 @@ { "name": "Power of the Haunt", "entries": [ - "If a geist is within 100 feet of a haunt that isn't disabled or destroyed, they gain a +2 status bonus to AC and saving throws and deal an additional {@damage 1d6} negative damage with bite {@action Strike||Strikes}. A creature that succeeds at a DC 20 check to {@action Seek} or {@action Recall Knowledge} about the geist sees that the tendrils from the geist's cloak grow thicker and more agitated the closer it gets to the haunt." + "If a geist is within 100 feet of a haunt that isn't disabled or destroyed, they gain a +2 status bonus to AC and saving throws and deal an additional {@damage 1d6} negative damage with bite {@action Strike||Strikes}. A creature that succeeds at a {@dc 20} check to {@action Seek} or {@action Recall Knowledge} about the geist sees that the tendrils from the geist's cloak grow thicker and more agitated the closer it gets to the haunt." ] } ], @@ -5891,7 +5891,7 @@ "unit": "minute" }, "entries": [ - "The geist unleashes soul-piercing laughter in a 20-foot emanation, lasting until the beginning of their next turn. Any creature in the area or entering it must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or be overcome with panicked laughter, becoming {@condition frightened||frightened 2} (or {@condition frightened||frightened 3} on a critical failure). A creature attempts only one save per Terrifying Laugh, and a creature that succeeds on its saving throw is temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "The geist unleashes soul-piercing laughter in a 20-foot emanation, lasting until the beginning of their next turn. Any creature in the area or entering it must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or be overcome with panicked laughter, becoming {@condition frightened||frightened 2} (or {@condition frightened||frightened 3} on a critical failure). A creature attempts only one save per Terrifying Laugh, and a creature that succeeds on its saving throw is temporarily immune for 24 hours." ] }, { @@ -5910,7 +5910,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The geist is within 100 feet of an active haunt", "entries": [ - "The haunt feeds necromantic power into the geist, becoming inactive until the end of the geist's next turn and deactivating the power of the haunt aura until the haunt becomes active again. The edges of the geist's cloak transform into whip-like tendrils that lash out at nearby creatures. Any living creature within 10 feet of the geist takes {@damage 4d10} slashing damage plus {@damage 4d6} negative damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save)." + "The haunt feeds necromantic power into the geist, becoming inactive until the end of the geist's next turn and deactivating the power of the haunt aura until the haunt becomes active again. The edges of the geist's cloak transform into whip-like tendrils that lash out at nearby creatures. Any living creature within 10 feet of the geist takes {@damage 4d10} slashing damage plus {@damage 4d6} negative damage ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save)." ] } ] @@ -6066,7 +6066,7 @@ { "name": "Blinding", "entries": [ - "Breath {@as 2}(concentrate, divine, necromancy, negative) The gholdako exhales a 60-foot cone of noxious breath that deals {@damage 7d8} negative damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn (or for 1 minute on a critical failure) as a milky film coats its eyes. The gholdako can't use Blinding Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Breath {@as 2}(concentrate, divine, necromancy, negative) The gholdako exhales a 60-foot cone of noxious breath that deals {@damage 7d8} negative damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is also {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn (or for 1 minute on a critical failure) as a milky film coats its eyes. The gholdako can't use Blinding Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -6078,7 +6078,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The first time each round the gholdako damages a creature with a claw {@action Strike}, the creature must attempt a DC 27 Will save, as its mind is assaulted by horrifying visions. On a failure, the creature is {@condition confused} until the end of its next turn. On a critical success, the creature is immune for 24 hours." + "The first time each round the gholdako damages a creature with a claw {@action Strike}, the creature must attempt a {@dc 27} Will save, as its mind is assaulted by horrifying visions. On a failure, the creature is {@condition confused} until the end of its next turn. On a critical success, the creature is immune for 24 hours." ] } ] @@ -6227,7 +6227,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the ghost pirate captain is reduced to 0 HP, all creatures within 60 feet are subjected to a DC 25 mariner's curse spell. The locations of those that critically fail are known to the ghost until the curse is removed. This curse ends if the ghost is permanently destroyed." + "When the ghost pirate captain is reduced to 0 HP, all creatures within 60 feet are subjected to a {@dc 25} mariner's curse spell. The locations of those that critically fail are known to the ghost until the curse is removed. This curse ends if the ghost is permanently destroyed." ] }, { @@ -6268,7 +6268,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The ghost reduces a living creature to 0 Hit Points with a melee {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The creature attempts a DC 25 Fortitude save. If the creature fails its save, it remains conscious but is {@condition controlled} by the ghost until it loses its {@condition dying} condition. It continues to attempt recovery checks as normal for the {@condition dying} condition. The effect ends if the creature loses the {@condition dying} condition. If the creature dies while under this effect, it joins the ghost's undead crew in {@dice 1d4} days. If the ghost is destroyed before the creature dies, the creature is spared this terrible fate." + "The creature attempts a {@dc 25} Fortitude save. If the creature fails its save, it remains conscious but is {@condition controlled} by the ghost until it loses its {@condition dying} condition. It continues to attempt recovery checks as normal for the {@condition dying} condition. The effect ends if the creature loses the {@condition dying} condition. If the creature dies while under this effect, it joins the ghost's undead crew in {@dice 1d4} days. If the ghost is destroyed before the creature dies, the creature is spared this terrible fate." ] } ] @@ -6438,7 +6438,7 @@ "DC": 16, "savingThrow": "Fortitude", "notes": [ - "The lacedon discharges a spray of carrion vomit at a creature within 20 feet, dealing {@damage 1d6} poison damage with a DC 17 basic Fortitude save. A non-elf creature that fails its save is also {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save to end the paralysis at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save. The lacedon can't use Paralyzing Spew again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The lacedon discharges a spray of carrion vomit at a creature within 20 feet, dealing {@damage 1d6} poison damage with a {@dc 17} basic Fortitude save. A non-elf creature that fails its save is also {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save to end the paralysis at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save. The lacedon can't use Paralyzing Spew again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "stages": [ { @@ -6694,7 +6694,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A ghoul ally within 30 feet Consumes Flesh to regain Hit Points", "entries": [ - "The priest of {@deity Kabriri|LOGM} unleashes a rapturous howl in praise of their god. All ghouls within 30 feet of the priest of {@deity Kabriri|LOGM}, including the priest but not the triggering ghoul, regain half as many Hit Points as the triggering ghoul. All living creatures within 30 feet take negative damage equal to half the number of Hit Points the triggering ghoul gained, with a DC 20 basic Fortitude save. Only one Ecstatic Ululation can affect a use of" + "The priest of {@deity Kabriri|LOGM} unleashes a rapturous howl in praise of their god. All ghouls within 30 feet of the priest of {@deity Kabriri|LOGM}, including the priest but not the triggering ghoul, regain half as many Hit Points as the triggering ghoul. All living creatures within 30 feet take negative damage equal to half the number of Hit Points the triggering ghoul gained, with a {@dc 20} basic Fortitude save. Only one Ecstatic Ululation can affect a use of" ] }, { @@ -6724,7 +6724,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "As lacedon, but DC 20." + "As lacedon, but {@dc 20}." ] }, { @@ -6735,7 +6735,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living, non-elf creature hit by the priest's jaws or claws {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." + "Any living, non-elf creature hit by the priest's jaws or claws {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." ] }, { @@ -6921,7 +6921,7 @@ { "name": "Victory Celebration", "entries": [ - "If a spirit knocks a creature {@condition unconscious}, each creature within 60 feet that witnesses the victory is targeted with a DC 26 {@spell roaring applause|SoM} spell (Secrets of Magic 126). The spirit must spend all their actions until the end of the turn celebrating, and a new medal or belt appears on the spirit." + "If a spirit knocks a creature {@condition unconscious}, each creature within 60 feet that witnesses the victory is targeted with a {@dc 26} {@spell roaring applause|SoM} spell (Secrets of Magic 126). The spirit must spend all their actions until the end of the turn celebrating, and a new medal or belt appears on the spirit." ] } ] @@ -7079,7 +7079,7 @@ { "name": "Hungry Armor", "entries": [ - "A creature that {@action Strike||Strikes} a graveknight warmaster with a melee weapon must succeed at a DC 31 Reflex save or be disarmed of that weapon. If the creature critically fails, the weapon ends up in the graveknight's space. A creature that hits a graveknight warmaster with an unarmed attack must succeed at a DC 31 Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} by the graveknight until the end of its next turn, it Escapes, or the graveknight moves, whichever comes first." + "A creature that {@action Strike||Strikes} a graveknight warmaster with a melee weapon must succeed at a {@dc 31} Reflex save or be disarmed of that weapon. If the creature critically fails, the weapon ends up in the graveknight's space. A creature that hits a graveknight warmaster with an unarmed attack must succeed at a {@dc 31} Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} by the graveknight until the end of its next turn, it Escapes, or the graveknight moves, whichever comes first." ] }, { @@ -7137,7 +7137,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The graveknight unleashes a 30-foot cone of lightning. Creatures in the area take {@damage 8d12} electricity damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save). The graveknight can use this ability once every {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The graveknight unleashes a 30-foot cone of lightning. Creatures in the area take {@damage 8d12} electricity damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). The graveknight can use this ability once every {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -7401,7 +7401,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When the herexen is destroyed, it explodes in a wave of negative energy with the effects of a 3rd-level, 3-action {@spell harm} spell (DC 24). The herexen is destroyed, so it doesn't gain any Hit Points from this use of harm, and it doesn't need to have any {@spell harm} spells remaining to use this ability." + "When the herexen is destroyed, it explodes in a wave of negative energy with the effects of a 3rd-level, 3-action {@spell harm} spell ({@dc 24}). The herexen is destroyed, so it doesn't gain any Hit Points from this use of harm, and it doesn't need to have any {@spell harm} spells remaining to use this ability." ] }, { @@ -7611,7 +7611,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "As faithless ecclesiarch, except it has the effects of a 4th-level, 3-action {@spell harm} spell (DC 26)." + "As faithless ecclesiarch, except it has the effects of a 4th-level, 3-action {@spell harm} spell ({@dc 26})." ] }, { @@ -7674,7 +7674,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The fallen champion's last action was a {@action Strike} that dealt damage to a living creature", "entries": [ - "The fallen champion saps the hope and faith from that creature. It takes {@damage 3d6} negative damage with a DC 25 basic Will save. Regardless of the result of the save, the creature becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 1} or increases the value of its {@condition frightened} condition by 1." + "The fallen champion saps the hope and faith from that creature. It takes {@damage 3d6} negative damage with a {@dc 25} basic Will save. Regardless of the result of the save, the creature becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 1} or increases the value of its {@condition frightened} condition by 1." ] } ] @@ -7836,7 +7836,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A cloud of choking, acrid dust swirls about the hollow serpent, draining moisture from any enemy within. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 2} and {@condition slowed||slowed 1} for {@dice 1d4} rounds ({@dice 2d4} rounds on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "30 feet. A cloud of choking, acrid dust swirls about the hollow serpent, draining moisture from any enemy within. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or become {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 2} and {@condition slowed||slowed 1} for {@dice 1d4} rounds ({@dice 2d4} rounds on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 24 hours." ] }, { @@ -7859,7 +7859,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d10+7} bludgeoning plus {@condition drained||drained 1}, DC 36" + "{@damage 1d10+7} bludgeoning plus {@condition drained||drained 1}, {@dc 36}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -8022,7 +8022,7 @@ ], "cost": "1 batch of infused reagents", "entries": [ - "The ichor slinger creates a vial of tomb juice, an alchemical tonic that has the {@trait infused} trait and becomes inert after 24 hours. Tomb juice has the effects of snake oil, and maybe more depending on the results of the ichor slinger's DC 20 {@skill Crafting} check.", + "The ichor slinger creates a vial of tomb juice, an alchemical tonic that has the {@trait infused} trait and becomes inert after 24 hours. Tomb juice has the effects of snake oil, and maybe more depending on the results of the ichor slinger's {@dc 20} {@skill Crafting} check.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -8205,7 +8205,7 @@ "unit": "hour" }, "entries": [ - "The iruxi ossature beckons with glowing hands, commanding the earth to trip up opponents and marshaling the bone walls of its protectorate to lash out at intruders. The floor in a 30-foot cone in front of the ossature becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for 1 minute. Any square of a wall built by iruxis that's in the cone lashes out, with fossilized claws damaging any enemy within 5 feet of the wall. This deals {@damage 6d6} piercing damage with a DC 22 basic Reflex save. A creature attempts the save only once, even if adjacent to more than one affected square of the wall. Fossil Fury has no effect on the ossature's allies and never damages iruxi eggs." + "The iruxi ossature beckons with glowing hands, commanding the earth to trip up opponents and marshaling the bone walls of its protectorate to lash out at intruders. The floor in a 30-foot cone in front of the ossature becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for 1 minute. Any square of a wall built by iruxis that's in the cone lashes out, with fossilized claws damaging any enemy within 5 feet of the wall. This deals {@damage 6d6} piercing damage with a {@dc 22} basic Reflex save. A creature attempts the save only once, even if adjacent to more than one affected square of the wall. Fossil Fury has no effect on the ossature's allies and never damages iruxi eggs." ] }, { @@ -8222,7 +8222,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The iruxi ossature visits visions made of starlight, resembling totemic paintings or constellation diagrams, upon creatures in a 30-foot emanation. Any lizardfolk allies in the area are inspired, gaining a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, and each enemy in the area must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or be {@condition dazzled}. Both effects last for 1 minute or until the ossature is destroyed, whichever comes first." + "The iruxi ossature visits visions made of starlight, resembling totemic paintings or constellation diagrams, upon creatures in a 30-foot emanation. Any lizardfolk allies in the area are inspired, gaining a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, and each enemy in the area must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or be {@condition dazzled}. Both effects last for 1 minute or until the ossature is destroyed, whichever comes first." ] } ] @@ -8389,7 +8389,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The last guards unleash a soul-shaking bellow in unison. All creatures in a 60-foot cone take {@damage 7d6} sonic damage (DC 42 basic Will save). Any creature that fails its save is also {@condition frightened||frightened 3} (or {@condition frightened||frightened 4} on a critical failure). If the troop occupies 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 30-foot cone." + "The last guards unleash a soul-shaking bellow in unison. All creatures in a 60-foot cone take {@damage 7d6} sonic damage ({@dc 42} basic Will save). Any creature that fails its save is also {@condition frightened||frightened 3} (or {@condition frightened||frightened 4} on a critical failure). If the troop occupies 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 30-foot cone." ] }, { @@ -8404,7 +8404,7 @@ "unit": "round" }, "entries": [ - "The last guards engage in a coordinated attack with their spectral curve blades against each enemy within 5 feet (DC 40 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", + "The last guards engage in a coordinated attack with their spectral curve blades against each enemy within 5 feet ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@damage 1d8+2} slashing and {@damage 1d8} negative damage {@as 2} {@damage 2d8+14} slashing and {@damage 2d8} negative damage {@as 3} {@damage 3d8+14} slashing and {@damage 3d8} negative damage" ] }, @@ -8415,7 +8415,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The last guards charge, swarming through their foes. The troop Flies up to double its Speed, dealing {@damage 4d8} negative damage to each creature whose space it moves through (DC 40 basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its save is also {@condition drained||drained 1} (or {@condition drained||drained 2} on a critical failure). The troop can affect each creature only once in a single use of Spectral Charge." + "The last guards charge, swarming through their foes. The troop Flies up to double its Speed, dealing {@damage 4d8} negative damage to each creature whose space it moves through ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its save is also {@condition drained||drained 1} (or {@condition drained||drained 2} on a critical failure). The troop can affect each creature only once in a single use of Spectral Charge." ] }, { @@ -9150,7 +9150,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 38" + "60 feet, {@dc 38}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -9383,7 +9383,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The little man in the woods has a creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}", "entries": [ - "The little man in the woods tightens his grip around the creature's neck, extending the Grab, dealing {@damage 2d6+3} bludgeoning damage with a DC 24 basic Fortitude save, and strangling the creature for as long as it remains {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}. A strangled creature can't speak, which prevents it from casting spells with a verbal component or activating items with a command component. The strangled creature must hold its breath or start suffocating (Core Rulebook 478)." + "The little man in the woods tightens his grip around the creature's neck, extending the Grab, dealing {@damage 2d6+3} bludgeoning damage with a {@dc 24} basic Fortitude save, and strangling the creature for as long as it remains {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}. A strangled creature can't speak, which prevents it from casting spells with a verbal component or activating items with a command component. The strangled creature must hold its breath or start suffocating (Core Rulebook 478)." ] } ] @@ -9505,7 +9505,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d6+12} negative, DC 31" + "{@damage 2d6+12} negative, {@dc 31}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -9514,7 +9514,7 @@ { "name": "Funereal Touch", "entries": [ - "A creature touched by a llorona must attempt a DC 29 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition drained||drained 1} ({@condition drained||drained 2} on a critical failure) or increases their {@condition drained} value by 1 (2 on a critical failure), up to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}. Every time a creature becomes {@condition drained} in this way, the llorona gains 10 temporary Hit Points for 1 hour." + "A creature touched by a llorona must attempt a {@dc 29} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition drained||drained 1} ({@condition drained||drained 2} on a critical failure) or increases their {@condition drained} value by 1 (2 on a critical failure), up to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}. Every time a creature becomes {@condition drained} in this way, the llorona gains 10 temporary Hit Points for 1 hour." ] }, { @@ -9539,7 +9539,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The llorona unleashes a somber wail. Each living creature within 120 feet must attempt a DC 31 Will save. Regardless of its result, the creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours.", + "The llorona unleashes a somber wail. Each living creature within 120 feet must attempt a {@dc 31} Will save. Regardless of its result, the creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -9550,7 +9550,7 @@ "The creature is {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ], "Failure": [ - "The creature is {@condition fascinated} with the nearest body of water and compelled to move toward the water and drown itself. If there's no nearby body of water, the creature instead remains still. The creature can attempt another DC 31 Will save at the end of each of its turns. On a success, the creature is no longer {@condition fascinated}. Once the {@condition fascinated} condition ends, the creature becomes {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." + "The creature is {@condition fascinated} with the nearest body of water and compelled to move toward the water and drown itself. If there's no nearby body of water, the creature instead remains still. The creature can attempt another {@dc 31} Will save at the end of each of its turns. On a success, the creature is no longer {@condition fascinated}. Once the {@condition fascinated} condition ends, the creature becomes {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ], "Critical Failure": [ "As failure, except the creature receives another Will save only at the end of a round in which it's submerged in water." @@ -10054,7 +10054,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The relictner erodes an object within 30 feet, dealing {@damage 3d10} bludgeoning damage to it, with a DC 31 basic Reflex save if the object is attended." + "The relictner erodes an object within 30 feet, dealing {@damage 3d10} bludgeoning damage to it, with a {@dc 31} basic Reflex save if the object is attended." ] }, { @@ -10069,7 +10069,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "As shadern immolator, except up to 12 rounds.", - "Demolition {@as 3}(divine, evocation) The relictner bellows in fury, causing the surrounding structure to collapse. All creatures in a 30-foot emanation take {@damage 8d10} bludgeoning damage from falling debris (DC 31 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is knocked {@condition prone}.", + "Demolition {@as 3}(divine, evocation) The relictner bellows in fury, causing the surrounding structure to collapse. All creatures in a 30-foot emanation take {@damage 8d10} bludgeoning damage from falling debris ({@dc 31} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is knocked {@condition prone}.", "The area becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain}. The relictner can't use Demolition again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] } @@ -10525,7 +10525,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened||frightened 1} while in an ice mummy's great despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but recover instantly once they leave it. When a creature first enters the area, it must succeed at a DC 24 Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours." + "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened||frightened 1} while in an ice mummy's great despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but recover instantly once they leave it. When a creature first enters the area, it must succeed at a {@dc 24} Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours." ] } ], @@ -10557,7 +10557,7 @@ "This affliction can't be reduced below stage 1, nor can damage from it be healed, until successfully treated with remove curse or a similar effect. The affliction can then be removed as normal for a disease. A creature killed by cold rot turns to ice crystals and can't be resurrected except by a 7th-level resurrect ritual or similar magic; Saving", { "type": "affliction", - "name": "Throw DC 24 Fortitude;", + "name": "Throw {@dc 24} Fortitude;", "stages": [ { "stage": 1, @@ -10586,7 +10586,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The ice mummy exhales a 60-foot cone of razor-sharp ice that deals {@damage 5d6} cold and {@damage 4d6} slashing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). The ice mummy can't use Frozen Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ice mummy exhales a 60-foot cone of razor-sharp ice that deals {@damage 5d6} cold and {@damage 4d6} slashing damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). The ice mummy can't use Frozen Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] } ] @@ -10765,7 +10765,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "30 feet.", - "When a creature enters or starts its turn in the aura, it's affected by calm emotions for 1 minute, with a DC 27 Will save. A creature that succeeds at the save is temporarily immune for 24 hours. If the Iroran mummy takes a {@condition hostile} action, the aura of peace is suppressed and its effects end for anyone already affected. The Iroran mummy must spend 10 minutes in meditation to restore the aura." + "When a creature enters or starts its turn in the aura, it's affected by calm emotions for 1 minute, with a {@dc 27} Will save. A creature that succeeds at the save is temporarily immune for 24 hours. If the Iroran mummy takes a {@condition hostile} action, the aura of peace is suppressed and its effects end for anyone already affected. The Iroran mummy must spend 10 minutes in meditation to restore the aura." ] }, { @@ -10797,7 +10797,7 @@ "unit": "round" }, "entries": [ - "The Iroran mummy makes two unarmed {@action Strike||Strikes}. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses, and the target must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned||stunned 3} on a critical failure); this save has the {@trait incapacitation} trait." + "The Iroran mummy makes two unarmed {@action Strike||Strikes}. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses, and the target must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned||stunned 3} on a critical failure); this save has the {@trait incapacitation} trait." ] } ] @@ -11086,7 +11086,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As ice mummy, but DC 31." + "30 feet. As ice mummy, but {@dc 31}." ] } ], @@ -11120,7 +11120,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The prophet's Sandstorm is active", "entries": [ - "The prophet inhales its Sandstorm, suppressing the effect until the end of the prophet's next turn. It then exhales a 120-foot cone of negatively charged sand that deals {@damage 7d6} negative and {@damage 7d6} slashing damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save)." + "The prophet inhales its Sandstorm, suppressing the effect until the end of the prophet's next turn. It then exhales a 120-foot cone of negatively charged sand that deals {@damage 7d6} negative and {@damage 7d6} slashing damage ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save)." ] }, { @@ -11185,7 +11185,7 @@ "unit": "day" }, "entries": [ - "The mummy creates a temporary sandstorm in a 30-foot emanation that lasts for 1 minute. Creatures within the emanation take a \u20134 circumstance penalty to {@skill Perception} checks and must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or be forced to hold their breath or start suffocating (Core Rulebook 478). A creature within the sandstorm at the end of its turn takes {@damage 2d6} negative and {@damage 1d6} slashing damage." + "The mummy creates a temporary sandstorm in a 30-foot emanation that lasts for 1 minute. Creatures within the emanation take a \u20134 circumstance penalty to {@skill Perception} checks and must succeed at a {@dc 33} Fortitude save or be forced to hold their breath or start suffocating (Core Rulebook 478). A creature within the sandstorm at the end of its turn takes {@damage 2d6} negative and {@damage 1d6} slashing damage." ] } ] @@ -11338,7 +11338,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the obrousian's waves of sorrow aura, the creature is overwhelmed by the sorrow that suffuses the obrousian's being. The creature must succeed at a DC 33 Will saving throw or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the obrousian's waves of sorrow aura, the creature is overwhelmed by the sorrow that suffuses the obrousian's being. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 33} Will saving throw or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." ] } ], @@ -11523,7 +11523,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The onryo's last action was a successful claw {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The onryo attempts to instill its need for vengeance into the creature. The onryo, with their touch, casts a 5th-level geas on the creature they hit (DC 30 Will). On a failure, it's forced to seek and slay loved ones of the onryo's wrongdoer and anyone who attempts to defend them for up to one week. On a critical failure, the duration is 1 month and the creature gains Onryo's Rancor, which it's also compelled to use by the geas. Regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to Onryo's Rancor from this individual for 1 year." + "The onryo attempts to instill its need for vengeance into the creature. The onryo, with their touch, casts a 5th-level geas on the creature they hit ({@dc 30} Will). On a failure, it's forced to seek and slay loved ones of the onryo's wrongdoer and anyone who attempts to defend them for up to one week. On a critical failure, the duration is 1 month and the creature gains Onryo's Rancor, which it's also compelled to use by the geas. Regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to Onryo's Rancor from this individual for 1 year." ] }, { @@ -11538,7 +11538,7 @@ "unit": "hour" }, "entries": [ - "The onryo channels their boundless resentment, manifesting it as a tangled clump of wet hair, a clot of rancid swamp mud, or other disgusting mass of matter in the throat of a creature within 30 feet. The creature must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save.", + "The onryo channels their boundless resentment, manifesting it as a tangled clump of wet hair, a clot of rancid swamp mud, or other disgusting mass of matter in the throat of a creature within 30 feet. The creature must attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -11717,7 +11717,7 @@ "possession" ], "entries": [ - "The polong attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as the {@spell possession} spell (DC 26 Will), except the duration is 24 hours and, since the polong doesn't have a physical body, they're unaffected by that restriction of the spell. If the target has critically failed its save and become fully possessed by this polong before, it gets a save result one degree of success worse than it rolled.", + "The polong attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as the {@spell possession} spell ({@dc 26} Will), except the duration is 24 hours and, since the polong doesn't have a physical body, they're unaffected by that restriction of the spell. If the target has critically failed its save and become fully possessed by this polong before, it gets a save result one degree of success worse than it rolled.", "A creature possessed by a polong becomes {@condition drained||drained 1} and {@condition doomed||doomed 1}. These conditions don't reduce naturally unless the polong spends an entire day without possessing the creature. For each consecutive day the polong is able to return and possess the creature, the {@condition drained} and {@condition doomed} values each increase by 1, to a maximum of 4. If the polong possesses a different creature, the conditions end for any creature it previously possessed." ] }, @@ -11897,7 +11897,7 @@ { "name": "Involuntary Reaction", "entries": [ - "A creature struck by a raw nerve's nerve ending strike must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex saving throw or be unable to use reactions until the start of its next turn." + "A creature struck by a raw nerve's nerve ending strike must succeed at a {@dc 26} Reflex saving throw or be unable to use reactions until the start of its next turn." ] }, { @@ -11913,7 +11913,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The raw nerve releases a burst of mental energy in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 4d12} mental damage to each creature in the cone (DC 23 Will save).", + "The raw nerve releases a burst of mental energy in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 4d12} mental damage to each creature in the cone ({@dc 23} Will save).", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -12055,7 +12055,7 @@ { "name": "Self-Loathing", "entries": [ - "As pale stranger, but DC 33." + "As pale stranger, but {@dc 33}." ] }, { @@ -12073,7 +12073,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d8+7} bludgeoning, DC 33" + "{@damage 3d8+7} bludgeoning, {@dc 33}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -12205,7 +12205,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 13 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed||slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 13} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed||slowed 1} for as long as it's {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ] } ], @@ -12335,7 +12335,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "15 feet. As predatory rabbit, but DC 14." + "15 feet. As predatory rabbit, but {@dc 14}." ] } ], @@ -12638,7 +12638,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet, DC 37" + "20 feet, {@dc 37}" ] } ], @@ -12661,7 +12661,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "DC 37" + "{@dc 37}" ] } ] @@ -13212,7 +13212,7 @@ { "name": "Abdomen Cache", "entries": [ - "The abdomen of a beetle carapace can be fitted with a simple hinge, allowing it to open and be used as storage. The abdomen can hold up to one Medium or smaller creature, a Large or smaller swarm, or a similar amount of cargo. The beetle or a creature stored in it can {@action Interact} to open the hatch. If the beetle carapace takes a critical hit by a bludgeoning weapon, roll a DC {@flatDC 10} flat check. If the check fails, the cache is breached, and its contents spill out of the beetle. The hatch can also be Forced Open (DC 22 {@skill Athletics})." + "The abdomen of a beetle carapace can be fitted with a simple hinge, allowing it to open and be used as storage. The abdomen can hold up to one Medium or smaller creature, a Large or smaller swarm, or a similar amount of cargo. The beetle or a creature stored in it can {@action Interact} to open the hatch. If the beetle carapace takes a critical hit by a bludgeoning weapon, roll a DC {@flatDC 10} flat check. If the check fails, the cache is breached, and its contents spill out of the beetle. The hatch can also be Forced Open ({@dc 22} {@skill Athletics})." ] }, { @@ -13222,7 +13222,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+2} piercing, DC 24" + "{@damage 2d8+2} piercing, {@dc 24}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -13531,7 +13531,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The skeletal titan slams its mountain sword into the ground. The shock wave reverberates, dealing mountain sword damage to all creatures in a 20- foot line (DC 34 basic Reflex save). Those who fail are also knocked {@condition prone}." + "The skeletal titan slams its mountain sword into the ground. The shock wave reverberates, dealing mountain sword damage to all creatures in a 20- foot line ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). Those who fail are also knocked {@condition prone}." ] }, { @@ -13541,7 +13541,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 34" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 34}" ] } ] @@ -13722,7 +13722,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 26" + "30 feet, {@dc 26}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -13756,8 +13756,8 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The sluagh reaper touches a {@condition dying} creature or a creature that died within the past 1 hour. If the target is a {@condition dying} creature, it must attempt a DC 28 Fortitude save\u2014on a failure, its {@condition dying} value increases by 1 (2 on a critical failure). If the target is dead, it receives no save and the sluagh imprisons its soul in a small, grimy sack that keeps stolen souls fresh.", - "The sack is magically locked. Any sluagh can open it without difficulty, but any others must {@action Pick a Lock||Pick the Lock} (DC 35) or use dispel magic (5th level; counteract DC 32). A creature can {@action Interact} to empty an unlocked sack, which frees the souls but doesn't return them to life. While a soul is imprisoned, it can't be brought back to life by any means short of a wish or miracle. The sack can hold 12 souls at a time. Sluagh reapers typically attempt to return the souls to a queen so she can devour them." + "The sluagh reaper touches a {@condition dying} creature or a creature that died within the past 1 hour. If the target is a {@condition dying} creature, it must attempt a {@dc 28} Fortitude save\u2014on a failure, its {@condition dying} value increases by 1 (2 on a critical failure). If the target is dead, it receives no save and the sluagh imprisons its soul in a small, grimy sack that keeps stolen souls fresh.", + "The sack is magically locked. Any sluagh can open it without difficulty, but any others must {@action Pick a Lock||Pick the Lock} ({@dc 35}) or use dispel magic (5th level; counteract {@dc 32}). A creature can {@action Interact} to empty an unlocked sack, which frees the souls but doesn't return them to life. While a soul is imprisoned, it can't be brought back to life by any means short of a wish or miracle. The sack can hold 12 souls at a time. Sluagh reapers typically attempt to return the souls to a queen so she can devour them." ] } ] @@ -13975,7 +13975,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet, DC 37" + "120 feet, {@dc 37}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -14007,7 +14007,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The queen touches a {@condition dying} creature or a creature that died within the past 1 hour with her proboscis. If the target is {@condition dying}, it must attempt a DC 41 Fortitude save; on a failure, its {@condition dying} value increases by 2 (3 on a critical failure). If the target is dead, the queen devours the soul. Unless the queen is destroyed, the target can't be returned to life through any means, even powerful magic such as wish." + "The queen touches a {@condition dying} creature or a creature that died within the past 1 hour with her proboscis. If the target is {@condition dying}, it must attempt a {@dc 41} Fortitude save; on a failure, its {@condition dying} value increases by 2 (3 on a critical failure). If the target is dead, the queen devours the soul. Unless the queen is destroyed, the target can't be returned to life through any means, even powerful magic such as wish." ] }, { @@ -14033,7 +14033,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The queen has a creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} with her proboscis", "entries": [ - "The queen devours a portion of the creature's soul and steals some of its ability. The creature takes {@damage 5d8} negative damage (DC 41 Fortitude save). The queen gains temporary HP equal to the total amount of HP the target loses, including any HP lost from being {@condition drained}.", + "The queen devours a portion of the creature's soul and steals some of its ability. The creature takes {@damage 5d8} negative damage ({@dc 41} Fortitude save). The queen gains temporary HP equal to the total amount of HP the target loses, including any HP lost from being {@condition drained}.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -14241,7 +14241,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, or 60 feet if the tormented is at 125 HP or lower. The psychic agony of a tormented spills into the world around them, inflicting murderous hallucinations replicating the tormented's last moments. A non-undead creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 32 Will save or take the effect listed under Endless Suffering. While it has a condition from Tortured Gaze, a creature can't gain a new condition from the aura but can take damage from it again." + "30 feet, or 60 feet if the tormented is at 125 HP or lower. The psychic agony of a tormented spills into the world around them, inflicting murderous hallucinations replicating the tormented's last moments. A non-undead creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 32} Will save or take the effect listed under Endless Suffering. While it has a condition from Tortured Gaze, a creature can't gain a new condition from the aura but can take damage from it again." ] } ], @@ -14259,7 +14259,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "Each creature in the tormented's Tortured Gaze aura takes {@damage 14d6} mental damage (DC 34 basic Will save). A creature that fails is also {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (or {@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure). The tormented can't Scream in Agony again for {@dice 1d4} rounds, but recharges the ability whenever they take damage from an attacker's critical hit or their own critical failure on a saving throw." + "Each creature in the tormented's Tortured Gaze aura takes {@damage 14d6} mental damage ({@dc 34} basic Will save). A creature that fails is also {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (or {@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure). The tormented can't Scream in Agony again for {@dice 1d4} rounds, but recharges the ability whenever they take damage from an attacker's critical hit or their own critical failure on a saving throw." ] } ] @@ -14424,7 +14424,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The unrisen howls in pain at its cursed existence. Creatures within a 30-foot emanation take {@damage 9d8} mental damage (DC 30 basic Will save). The unrisen can't use Agonized Howl again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The unrisen howls in pain at its cursed existence. Creatures within a 30-foot emanation take {@damage 9d8} mental damage ({@dc 30} basic Will save). The unrisen can't use Agonized Howl again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -14434,7 +14434,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The unrisen reshapes its grotesque form to move swiftly. It Strides twice. Any living creature that can see the unrisen during this movement must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or be {@condition sickened||sickened 1} ({@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure). This is a {@trait mental} and {@trait visual} effect. The unrisen can't use Awful Approach again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The unrisen reshapes its grotesque form to move swiftly. It Strides twice. Any living creature that can see the unrisen during this movement must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or be {@condition sickened||sickened 1} ({@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure). This is a {@trait mental} and {@trait visual} effect. The unrisen can't use Awful Approach again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -14450,7 +14450,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The unrisen has a living creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}", "entries": [ - "The unrisen attempts to destroy its victim's life force to share the unrisen's fate. The creature must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed||doomed 1}. While the curse lasts, the creature regains only half as many HP from positive {@trait healing} effects; if it dies, any attempt to raise it from the dead causes it to return as an unrisen. The curse ends automatically if the creature's {@condition doomed} value is reduced to 0." + "The unrisen attempts to destroy its victim's life force to share the unrisen's fate. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed||doomed 1}. While the curse lasts, the creature regains only half as many HP from positive {@trait healing} effects; if it dies, any attempt to raise it from the dead causes it to return as an unrisen. The curse ends automatically if the creature's {@condition doomed} value is reduced to 0." ] } ] @@ -15327,7 +15327,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A creature targets the vetalarana manipulator with a {@trait mental} effect or spell", "entries": [ - "The manipulator psychically lashes out at the triggering creature, dealing {@damage 3d8} mental damage (DC 24 basic Will save)." + "The manipulator psychically lashes out at the triggering creature, dealing {@damage 3d8} mental damage ({@dc 24} basic Will save)." ] } ], @@ -15374,7 +15374,7 @@ { "name": "Paralyzing Claws", "entries": [ - "DC 27" + "{@dc 27}" ] } ] @@ -15566,7 +15566,7 @@ "name": "Forest Guardian", "entries": [ "A waldgeist is compelled to investigate the sound of wood or trees being damaged, such as by being burned or chopped down.", - "A waldgeist that hears such a sound must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or spend all their actions moving toward the sound until they identify the cause. This can't be used to compel a waldgeist to leave their bonded woodland. A waldgeist that succeeds at their saving throw is temporarily immune for 10 minutes." + "A waldgeist that hears such a sound must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or spend all their actions moving toward the sound until they identify the cause. This can't be used to compel a waldgeist to leave their bonded woodland. A waldgeist that succeeds at their saving throw is temporarily immune for 10 minutes." ] }, { @@ -15585,7 +15585,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The touch of a waldgeist transforms flesh into wood. A living creature damaged by the waldgeist's lignifying hand {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed||slowed 1} (or {@condition slowed||slowed 2} on a critical failure). Further failed saves against lignify increases the {@condition slowed} condition. Once a creature's actions are reduced to 0 by lignify, that creature becomes {@condition petrified}, except they're transformed into wood instead of stone." + "The touch of a waldgeist transforms flesh into wood. A living creature damaged by the waldgeist's lignifying hand {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 24} Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed||slowed 1} (or {@condition slowed||slowed 2} on a critical failure). Further failed saves against lignify increases the {@condition slowed} condition. Once a creature's actions are reduced to 0 by lignify, that creature becomes {@condition petrified}, except they're transformed into wood instead of stone." ] }, { @@ -15706,7 +15706,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A seetangeist secretes foul fluids into the surrounding water, poisoning it. A creature that enters or starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 2} ({@condition sickened||sickened 3} on a critical failure). Creatures that breathe water take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to this saving throw. As long as a creature remains in the aura, it can't reduce its {@condition sickened} condition below 1. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "60 feet. A seetangeist secretes foul fluids into the surrounding water, poisoning it. A creature that enters or starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 2} ({@condition sickened||sickened 3} on a critical failure). Creatures that breathe water take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to this saving throw. As long as a creature remains in the aura, it can't reduce its {@condition sickened} condition below 1. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ] } ], @@ -15718,7 +15718,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the seetangeist's space takes {@damage 3d6} slashing and {@damage 3d6} poison damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails this save also takes {@damage 1d12} {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}." + "Each enemy in the seetangeist's space takes {@damage 3d6} slashing and {@damage 3d6} poison damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails this save also takes {@damage 1d12} {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}." ] } ] @@ -15880,7 +15880,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The hunter wight is reduced to 0 Hit Points", "entries": [ - "The hunter wight has rigged their own body with a snare, which they trigger before being destroyed. Slivers of bone launch at an adjacent creature, dealing {@damage 4d8} piercing damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save)." + "The hunter wight has rigged their own body with a snare, which they trigger before being destroyed. Slivers of bone launch at an adjacent creature, dealing {@damage 4d8} piercing damage ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save)." ] } ], @@ -15898,7 +15898,7 @@ { "name": "Hit", "entries": [ - "Points, and the creature must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained||drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the hunter wight's unarmed and bound weapon attacks increases the value of the {@condition drained} condition by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}." + "Points, and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained||drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the hunter wight's unarmed and bound weapon attacks increases the value of the {@condition drained} condition by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}." ] }, { @@ -16045,7 +16045,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "As hunter wight, but 9 temporary Hit Points and DC 25." + "As hunter wight, but 9 temporary Hit Points and {@dc 25}." ] }, { @@ -16271,7 +16271,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "As hunter wight, but 12 temporary Hit Points and DC 29." + "As hunter wight, but 12 temporary Hit Points and {@dc 29}." ] }, { @@ -16701,7 +16701,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The zombie owlbear has a creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} with its talons", "entries": [ - "The zombie owlbear repeatedly slams the creature into the ground. This deals {@damage 1d10+7} bludgeoning damage (DC 20 basic Fortitude save). On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition stunned||stunned 1}, and on a critical success the creature is no longer {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}." + "The zombie owlbear repeatedly slams the creature into the ground. This deals {@damage 1d10+7} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 20} basic Fortitude save). On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition stunned||stunned 1}, and on a critical success the creature is no longer {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}." ] }, { @@ -16717,7 +16717,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The zombie owlbear unleashes a {@condition broken}, snarling screech that unnerves those who hear it. Each creature in a 60-foot emanation must attempt a DC 19 Will save. Regardless of the result, creatures are temporarily immune for 1 minute.", + "The zombie owlbear unleashes a {@condition broken}, snarling screech that unnerves those who hear it. Each creature in a 60-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 19} Will save. Regardless of the result, creatures are temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -16916,7 +16916,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The zombie lord intones blasphemous words to gain control over a zombie they can see within 100 feet. A zombie that is mindless and not under someone else's control falls under their control automatically; otherwise, the zombie or its controller can attempt a DC 22 Will save to avoid it being {@condition controlled} (whichever has the higher modifier). The target zombie is temporarily immune for 24 hours if successful. The attempt fails if the zombie is the same level as the zombie lord or higher.", + "The zombie lord intones blasphemous words to gain control over a zombie they can see within 100 feet. A zombie that is mindless and not under someone else's control falls under their control automatically; otherwise, the zombie or its controller can attempt a {@dc 22} Will save to avoid it being {@condition controlled} (whichever has the higher modifier). The target zombie is temporarily immune for 24 hours if successful. The attempt fails if the zombie is the same level as the zombie lord or higher.", "The zombie remains {@condition controlled} by the zombie lord until either is destroyed.", "A zombie lord can control up to 8 zombies at a time. If the zombie lord would control a number of zombies over this limit, they choose which to release." ] @@ -17271,7 +17271,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+7} bludgeoning, DC 30" + "{@damage 2d10+7} bludgeoning, {@dc 30}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -17284,7 +17284,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As Trample, Large or smaller, foot, DC 30 but the zombie mammoth Strides up to its Speed instead of double." + "As Trample, Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 30} but the zombie mammoth Strides up to its Speed instead of double." ] } ] @@ -17472,7 +17472,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Krant intones blasphemous words to gain control over a zombie he can see within 100 feet. A zombie that is mindless and not under someone else's control falls under his control automatically; otherwise, the zombie or its controller can attempt a DC 22 Will save to avoid being {@condition controlled} (whichever has the higher modifier). The target zombie is temporarily immune for 24 hours if successful. The attempt fails if the zombie is the same level as Krant or higher. The zombie remains {@condition controlled} by Krant until either is destroyed. Krant can control up to 8 zombies at a time. If Krant would control a number of zombies over this limit, he chooses which to release." + "Krant intones blasphemous words to gain control over a zombie he can see within 100 feet. A zombie that is mindless and not under someone else's control falls under his control automatically; otherwise, the zombie or its controller can attempt a {@dc 22} Will save to avoid being {@condition controlled} (whichever has the higher modifier). The target zombie is temporarily immune for 24 hours if successful. The attempt fails if the zombie is the same level as Krant or higher. The zombie remains {@condition controlled} by Krant until either is destroyed. Krant can control up to 8 zombies at a time. If Krant would control a number of zombies over this limit, he chooses which to release." ] }, { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-da.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-da.json index 64bfe17214..4bab111cc4 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-da.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-da.json @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ { "name": "Destabilized Form", "entries": [ - "When the Echo has fewer than 140 Hit Points, his form destabilizes, large chunks disintegrating from his face, limbs, and torso. White moths constantly stream from the missing spaces, creating a 10-foot emanation that deals {@damage 6d6} mental damage with a DC 34 basic Will save.", + "When the Echo has fewer than 140 Hit Points, his form destabilizes, large chunks disintegrating from his face, limbs, and torso. White moths constantly stream from the missing spaces, creating a 10-foot emanation that deals {@damage 6d6} mental damage with a {@dc 34} basic Will save.", "As long as the aura persists, he can dissolve into moths and re-form at another location within 15 feet as a free action at the beginning of each of his turns; this has the occult, {@trait conjuration}, and {@trait teleportation} traits." ] }, @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The Echo's spindle revolves faster and faster until it's a blur, lashing red threads in every direction. The threads deal {@damage 7d6} slashing damage and {@damage 7d6} mental damage to all creatures in a 30-foot emanation, with a DC 34 basic Reflex save. If a creature fails its save, the threads awaken the mindscape anchor within it, affecting it differently based on which anchor that creature used to gain access to the center of the mindscape. (If there is a PC who didn't absorb a mindscape anchor, for instance because there are more than four PCs in the party, then use the anchor of the PC closest to them.) The Echo then can't use Spindle's Web for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The Echo's spindle revolves faster and faster until it's a blur, lashing red threads in every direction. The threads deal {@damage 7d6} slashing damage and {@damage 7d6} mental damage to all creatures in a 30-foot emanation, with a {@dc 34} basic Reflex save. If a creature fails its save, the threads awaken the mindscape anchor within it, affecting it differently based on which anchor that creature used to gain access to the center of the mindscape. (If there is a PC who didn't absorb a mindscape anchor, for instance because there are more than four PCs in the party, then use the anchor of the PC closest to them.) The Echo then can't use Spindle's Web for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "The morrowkin tries to drain the motivation from its target, who must attempt a DC 31 Fortitude save. If the target fails, it is {@condition doomed||doomed 1} ({@condition doomed||doomed 2} on a critical failure) and must roll twice and use the worse result on all checks for 1 minute. Creatures wearing a hope talisman are unaffected." + "The morrowkin tries to drain the motivation from its target, who must attempt a {@dc 31} Fortitude save. If the target fails, it is {@condition doomed||doomed 1} ({@condition doomed||doomed 2} on a critical failure) and must roll twice and use the worse result on all checks for 1 minute. Creatures wearing a hope talisman are unaffected." ] }, { @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "The morrowkin inhales and draws forth the future deeds of all creatures around it. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation of the morrowkin take {@damage 6d8+18} mental damage and must attempt a DC 39 Will save. The morrowkin can't Swallow Future again for 1 minute. Creatures wearing hope talismans can choose to let their hope talisman break in order to ignore the effect after seeing the result of their Will save.", + "The morrowkin inhales and draws forth the future deeds of all creatures around it. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation of the morrowkin take {@damage 6d8+18} mental damage and must attempt a {@dc 39} Will save. The morrowkin can't Swallow Future again for 1 minute. Creatures wearing hope talismans can choose to let their hope talisman break in order to ignore the effect after seeing the result of their Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec1.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec1.json index 6469dec5fb..effd09c3cc 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec1.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec1.json @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the wrecker demon hits a creature with a jaws {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become physically mutilated. The creature then takes a \u20131 status penalty to Charisma-based checks.", + "When the wrecker demon hits a creature with a jaws {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 21} Fortitude save or become physically mutilated. The creature then takes a \u20131 status penalty to Charisma-based checks.", "This penalty is cumulative up to \u20133, and remains even if the wounds are healed.", "The penalty is reduced by 1 every 24 hours until it reaches 0." ], @@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the aura must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition.", + "30 feet. A creature that enters the aura must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition.", "A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" @@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "1 Focus Point, DC 22; 3rd cry of destruction (Core Rulebook 390)" + "1 Focus Point, {@dc 22}; 3rd cry of destruction (Core Rulebook 390)" ], "name": "Cleric Domain Spell" }, @@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The corrosive lizard vomits a gout of acid in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in this area takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). The lizard can't use Gout of Acid again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The corrosive lizard vomits a gout of acid in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in this area takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). The lizard can't use Gout of Acid again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Gout of Acid" }, @@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The corrupted priest is targeted by an effect with the {@trait mental} trait or that requires a Will save", "entries": [ - "The hermit's mind is a storm of chaos due to demonic influences. The creator of the triggering effect takes {@damage 3d8} mental damage (DC 20 basic Will save)." + "The hermit's mind is a storm of chaos due to demonic influences. The creator of the triggering effect takes {@damage 3d8} mental damage ({@dc 20} basic Will save)." ], "name": "Roiling Mind" } @@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "As giant flea, except DC 19." + "As giant flea, except {@dc 19}." ], "name": "Flea Fever" }, @@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d4+7} piercing damage and must attempt a DC 22 basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is exposed to flea fever." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d4+7} piercing damage and must attempt a {@dc 22} basic Reflex save. A creature that fails its save is exposed to flea fever." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" } @@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "Drain from flea fever can't be reduced or recovered from naturally until the disease is cured. Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude; Stage 1 {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} ({@dice 1d4} hours), Stage 2 {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} and {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (1 day), Stage 3 {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} and {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (1 day), Stage 4." + "Drain from flea fever can't be reduced or recovered from naturally until the disease is cured. Saving Throw {@dc 18} Fortitude; Stage 1 {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} ({@dice 1d4} hours), Stage 2 {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} and {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (1 day), Stage 3 {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} and {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (1 day), Stage 4." ], "name": "Flea Fever" } @@ -2131,7 +2131,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. A luminous ooze constantly sheds distracting multicolored light. A creature that ends its turn within the aura must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save or become {@condition dazzled} until the end of its next turn. On a critical failure, it instead becomes {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn." + "5 feet. A luminous ooze constantly sheds distracting multicolored light. A creature that ends its turn within the aura must attempt a {@dc 21} Fortitude save or become {@condition dazzled} until the end of its next turn. On a critical failure, it instead becomes {@condition blinded} until the end of its next turn." ], "name": "Bedazzling" }, @@ -2153,7 +2153,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The ooze glows with blinding brightness. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save.", + "The ooze glows with blinding brightness. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 21} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2746,7 +2746,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the pinacosaurus's tail must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save. On a failure, it's {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until the end of its next turn; on a critical failure, it's {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn." + "A creature hit by the pinacosaurus's tail must attempt a {@dc 21} Fortitude save. On a failure, it's {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until the end of its next turn; on a critical failure, it's {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn." ], "name": "Punishing Tail" }, @@ -2756,7 +2756,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Small or smaller, foot, DC 21" + "Small or smaller, foot, {@dc 21}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -2871,7 +2871,7 @@ "press" ], "entries": [ - "Pruana makes a fist {@action Strike} against a target she has previously attacked this turn. If she hits, she gains a +3 circumstance bonus to the damage, and the creature must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save to resist the staggering force of the blow.", + "Pruana makes a fist {@action Strike} against a target she has previously attacked this turn. If she hits, she gains a +3 circumstance bonus to the damage, and the creature must attempt a {@dc 20} Fortitude save to resist the staggering force of the blow.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3023,7 +3023,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} as long as itʼs {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (plus {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} as long as itʼs {@condition sickened} on a critical failure). While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -3091,7 +3091,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "Any living creature hit by Smiler's attack must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." + "Any living creature hit by Smiler's attack must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save." ], "name": "Paralysis" }, @@ -3454,7 +3454,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "Whenever the vermlek Abandons a Body or Inhabits a Body, all creatures within 30 feet who can see the vermlek must succeed at a DC 19 Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1}.", + "Whenever the vermlek Abandons a Body or Inhabits a Body, all creatures within 30 feet who can see the vermlek must succeed at a {@dc 19} Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1}.", "On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} and {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}. Regardless of the result, creatures are immune to the same vermlek's unsettling movement for 24 hours." ], "name": "Unsettling Movement" @@ -3579,7 +3579,7 @@ ], "requirements": "Viktor is holding an ignited baton", "entries": [ - "Viktor breathes fire in a 20-foot cone. Creatures within the cone take {@damage 3d6} fire damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save). Once Viktor breathes fire, he cannot do so again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Viktor breathes fire in a 20-foot cone. Creatures within the cone take {@damage 3d6} fire damage ({@dc 18} basic Reflex save). Once Viktor breathes fire, he cannot do so again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breathe Fire" }, @@ -3875,7 +3875,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute. A xulgath bilebearer can activate or deactivate its stench aura as a free action." + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 16} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute. A xulgath bilebearer can activate or deactivate its stench aura as a free action." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -3895,7 +3895,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "All adjacent creatures must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} ({@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} on a critical failure) until the end of its next turn and takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to Fortitude saves against xulgath bile for 1 minute." + "All adjacent creatures must attempt a {@dc 18} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} ({@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} on a critical failure) until the end of its next turn and takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to Fortitude saves against xulgath bile for 1 minute." ], "name": "Putrid Blast" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec2.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec2.json index a5c0b9f273..acb9f235ee 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec2.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec2.json @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Aives breathes out a cloud of poisonous smoke that he can make curl around him or cling to his weapons. Until the cloud dissipates at the start of his next turn, Aives is {@condition concealed}, his {@action Strike||Strikes} deal an extra {@damage 1d8} poison damage, and targets of his {@action Strike||Strikes} must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}." + "Aives breathes out a cloud of poisonous smoke that he can make curl around him or cling to his weapons. Until the cloud dissipates at the start of his next turn, Aives is {@condition concealed}, his {@action Strike||Strikes} deal an extra {@damage 1d8} poison damage, and targets of his {@action Strike||Strikes} must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}." ], "name": "Smoke Exhalation" }, @@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A bogeyman's aura of terror manifests as a shifting haze of images that reflect the viewers' deepest fears. Whenever a creature ends its turn within the aura, it must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1}. A creature's {@condition frightened} condition (including from striking fear) does not reduce as long as the creature remains in the aura. If the creature succeeds at its saving throw, it becomes temporarily immune to the aura for 24 hours." + "60 feet. A bogeyman's aura of terror manifests as a shifting haze of images that reflect the viewers' deepest fears. Whenever a creature ends its turn within the aura, it must succeed at a {@dc 28} Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1}. A creature's {@condition frightened} condition (including from striking fear) does not reduce as long as the creature remains in the aura. If the creature succeeds at its saving throw, it becomes temporarily immune to the aura for 24 hours." ], "name": "Deepest Fear" } @@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ { "entries": [ "The bugaboo deals {@dice 1d6} extra precision damage to {@condition flat-footed} creatures.", - "Striking Fear (emotion, fear, mental) If a bugaboo scores a critical hit with a claw {@action Strike}, the target must attempt a DC 24 Will save.", + "Striking Fear (emotion, fear, mental) If a bugaboo scores a critical hit with a claw {@action Strike}, the target must attempt a {@dc 24} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "If a bugaboo scores a critical hit with a claw {@action Strike}, the target must attempt a DC 24 Will save.", + "If a bugaboo scores a critical hit with a claw {@action Strike}, the target must attempt a {@dc 24} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet, DC 16. See previous page.", + "20 feet, {@dc 16}. See previous page.", "HP 55, negative healing; Immunities {@trait death} effects, disease, {@condition paralyzed}, poison, {@condition unconscious}; Weaknesses positive 5, whip vulnerability." ], "name": "Vengeful Presence" @@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ "disease" ], "entries": [ - "Visitants can be carriers of diseases, even if they are immune to their effects. Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude. Stage 1 {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (1 day); Stage 2 {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} (1 day); Stage 3 confusion (1 day); Stage 4 dead." + "Visitants can be carriers of diseases, even if they are immune to their effects. Saving Throw {@dc 16} Fortitude. Stage 1 {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (1 day); Stage 2 {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} (1 day); Stage 3 confusion (1 day); Stage 4 dead." ], "name": "Rabies" } @@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature within the babau's reach successfully hits the babau with a {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The babau excretes a gout of acidic, bloodlike slime against the attacker and its weapon. The attacker must attempt a DC 26 Reflex save.", + "The babau excretes a gout of acidic, bloodlike slime against the attacker and its weapon. The attacker must attempt a {@dc 26} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2014,7 +2014,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "When the iridescent elephant stomps its foot, a bright, disorienting burst of light pulses through its leg. Each creatures adjacent to the iridescent elephant when it makes a foot {@action Strike} (regardless of whether or not it hit) must succeed at a DC 24 Will save or be {@condition flat-footed} until the beginning of the elephant's next turn." + "When the iridescent elephant stomps its foot, a bright, disorienting burst of light pulses through its leg. Each creatures adjacent to the iridescent elephant when it makes a foot {@action Strike} (regardless of whether or not it hit) must succeed at a {@dc 24} Will save or be {@condition flat-footed} until the beginning of the elephant's next turn." ], "name": "Color Splash" }, @@ -2030,7 +2030,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 22" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 22}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The iridescent elephant blasts a beam of light from its trunk in a 30-foot line. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save.", + "The iridescent elephant blasts a beam of light from its trunk in a 30-foot line. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Mistress Dusklight spews a hatefully uttered curse at one creature within 30 feet that she can see. If the target fails a DC 32 Will save, whenever it attempts an attack roll or saving throw, it must roll twice and use the lower result. The target is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. The curse persists until it is removed or the target succeeds a later saving throw against it. The victim can attempt a new DC 32 Will save once per hour to end the curse." + "Mistress Dusklight spews a hatefully uttered curse at one creature within 30 feet that she can see. If the target fails a {@dc 32} Will save, whenever it attempts an attack roll or saving throw, it must roll twice and use the lower result. The target is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. The curse persists until it is removed or the target succeeds a later saving throw against it. The victim can attempt a new {@dc 32} Will save once per hour to end the curse." ], "name": "Black Cat Curse" }, @@ -2716,7 +2716,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. The muse phantom inspires a supernatural emotional response\u2014either comedy or drama. Each creature that begins its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 20 Will save; on a failure, the creature is affected as long as it remains within the aura. If the muse phantom is emitting a comedic aura, affected creatures become {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1}; if it is emitting a dramatic aura, affected creatures instead become {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1}.", + "30 feet. The muse phantom inspires a supernatural emotional response\u2014either comedy or drama. Each creature that begins its turn in the aura must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save; on a failure, the creature is affected as long as it remains within the aura. If the muse phantom is emitting a comedic aura, affected creatures become {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1}; if it is emitting a dramatic aura, affected creatures instead become {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1}.", "The muse phantom can change its aura from comedic to dramatic or viceversa, or cease or activate this aura, by spending a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait. A creature possessed by a muse phantom is immune to this aura." ], "name": "Thespian Aura" @@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The muse phantom's thespian aura is active", "entries": [ - "The muse ceases its thespian aura and deals {@damage 4d8} mental damage to creatures in a 30-foot burst, including the creature it is possessing, if any (DC 22 basic Will save). Creatures that fail their Will saves are {@condition fascinated} by the muse phantom for 1 minute. The muse phantom can't use Grand Finale again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The muse ceases its thespian aura and deals {@damage 4d8} mental damage to creatures in a 30-foot burst, including the creature it is possessing, if any ({@dc 22} basic Will save). Creatures that fail their Will saves are {@condition fascinated} by the muse phantom for 1 minute. The muse phantom can't use Grand Finale again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Grand Finale" }, @@ -2744,7 +2744,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The phantom muse attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as the {@spell possession} spell (DC 20), except the duration is {@dice 1d4} hours, and since the phantom muse doesn't have a physical body, it is unaffected by that restriction of the spell. If the target is at least trained in {@skill Performance}, the DC of this ability is 24." + "The phantom muse attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as the {@spell possession} spell ({@dc 20}), except the duration is {@dice 1d4} hours, and since the phantom muse doesn't have a physical body, it is unaffected by that restriction of the spell. If the target is at least trained in {@skill Performance}, the DC of this ability is 24." ], "name": "Muse Possession" } @@ -3059,7 +3059,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Creatures entering the aura or starting their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or be {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1} for 1 minute. On a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3}. As a reflection of Ulthadar's emotional state, this aura is active when Ulthadar is agitated or angry and is suppressed when he is calm." + "30 feet. Creatures entering the aura or starting their turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or be {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1} for 1 minute. On a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3}. As a reflection of Ulthadar's emotional state, this aura is active when Ulthadar is agitated or angry and is suppressed when he is calm." ], "name": "Existential Agony" }, @@ -3225,7 +3225,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the aura must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round.", + "30 feet. A creature that enters the aura must attempt a {@dc 21} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round.", "While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stench for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" @@ -3244,7 +3244,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The spinesnapper makes a claw or weapon {@action Strike}. If it hits, in addition to dealing damage, the creature must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude saving throw, with the following effects.", + "The spinesnapper makes a claw or weapon {@action Strike}. If it hits, in addition to dealing damage, the creature must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude saving throw, with the following effects.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3268,7 +3268,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The spinesnapper slams the creature against a nearby surface. The target and the surface struck each take {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage, and the target must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 round, or {@condition stunned} for 1 round on a critical failure." + "The spinesnapper slams the creature against a nearby surface. The target and the surface struck each take {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage, and the target must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 round, or {@condition stunned} for 1 round on a critical failure." ], "name": "Choke Slam" } @@ -3486,7 +3486,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature entering the aura must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stench for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature entering the aura must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stench for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -3494,7 +3494,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "The target must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} ({@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 4} on a critical failure). The target is {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} for as long as it is {@condition frightened}." + "The target must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} ({@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 4} on a critical failure). The target is {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} for as long as it is {@condition frightened}." ], "name": "Demonic Condemnation" } @@ -3586,7 +3586,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 22 Will save. On a failure, it becomes {@condition fascinated} with the zuipnyrn for 1 minute. Once the fascination ends, the creature is temporarily immune to this ability for 1 hour. The zuipnyrn can deactivate or activate this aura by using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a {@dc 22} Will save. On a failure, it becomes {@condition fascinated} with the zuipnyrn for 1 minute. Once the fascination ends, the creature is temporarily immune to this ability for 1 hour. The zuipnyrn can deactivate or activate this aura by using a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Alluring Aspect" } @@ -3602,7 +3602,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The zuipnyrn attempts to charm a creature within 30 feet that is currently {@condition fascinated} by the zuipnyrn. The target must attempt a DC 22 Will save. Whether it succeeds or fails the save, the target is temporarily immune for 1 hour.", + "The zuipnyrn attempts to charm a creature within 30 feet that is currently {@condition fascinated} by the zuipnyrn. The target must attempt a {@dc 22} Will save. Whether it succeeds or fails the save, the target is temporarily immune for 1 hour.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3625,7 +3625,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The zuipnyrn's eye produces a bright flash of light. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. The zuipnyrn can't use Blinding Flare again for 1 minute.", + "The zuipnyrn's eye produces a bright flash of light. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must attempt a {@dc 22} Fortitude save. The zuipnyrn can't use Blinding Flare again for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3879,7 +3879,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature entering the aura must attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stench for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature entering the aura must attempt a {@dc 25} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stench for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec3.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec3.json index 31d3dea545..098699bc14 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec3.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec3.json @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A target damaged by the bandit's shortbow {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until the end of the bandit's next turn." + "A target damaged by the bandit's shortbow {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} until the end of the bandit's next turn." ], "name": "Muscle Striker" }, @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 29.", + "60 feet, {@dc 29}.", "Animals take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to the Will save." ], "name": "Frightful Presence", @@ -291,13 +291,13 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "Creatures that see the bugul noz must succeed at a DC 31 Fortitude saving throw. On a failure, creatures are {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1} (or {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 2} on a critical failure)." + "Creatures that see the bugul noz must succeed at a {@dc 31} Fortitude saving throw. On a failure, creatures are {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1} (or {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Horrid Visage" }, { "entries": [ - "Upon seeing its own reflection in a mirror or other reflective surface, the bugul noz must succeed at a DC 34 Will save or become {@condition confused} and {@condition immobilized} for {@dice 1d4} \u2013 1 rounds (minimum 1 round)", + "Upon seeing its own reflection in a mirror or other reflective surface, the bugul noz must succeed at a {@dc 34} Will save or become {@condition confused} and {@condition immobilized} for {@dice 1d4} \u2013 1 rounds (minimum 1 round)", "While {@condition confused} and {@condition immobilized}, the bugul noz cries and wallows in misery, making it immune to {@trait visual} and {@trait auditory} effects for the duration." ], "name": "Mirror Vulnerability" @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The bugul noz lets out a hair-raising keen.", - "Other creatures within 30 feet must attempt a DC 31 Fortitude save. The bugul noz can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "Other creatures within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 31} Fortitude save. The bugul noz can't use this ability again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. Any creature within the area that can see the cat sith must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become struck by an ill omen. On a failure, the creature becomes immune to {@trait fortune} effects as long as it remains in the aura and for 1 minute thereafter. On a critical failure, the creature takes a \u20131 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws while within the ill omen aura and becomes immune to {@trait fortune} effects for 1 day." + "60 feet. Any creature within the area that can see the cat sith must succeed at a {@dc 21} Will save or become struck by an ill omen. On a failure, the creature becomes immune to {@trait fortune} effects as long as it remains in the aura and for 1 minute thereafter. On a critical failure, the creature takes a \u20131 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws while within the ill omen aura and becomes immune to {@trait fortune} effects for 1 day." ], "name": "Ill Omen" } @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ "misfortune" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by a cat sith's claw must succeed at a DC 23 Will save or be cursed with misfortune. Whenever the cursed creature rolls a critical success on a skill check or saving throw, it gets a success instead. Each day, a cursed creature can attempt a DC {@flatDC 10} flat check to break the curse." + "A creature hit by a cat sith's claw must succeed at a {@dc 23} Will save or be cursed with misfortune. Whenever the cursed creature rolls a critical success on a skill check or saving throw, it gets a success instead. Each day, a cursed creature can attempt a DC {@flatDC 10} flat check to break the curse." ], "name": "Cat Sith's Mark" }, @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The cat sith touches a {@condition dying} creature or a creature that died within the past 3 days. If the target is a {@condition dying} creature, it must attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save; on a failure, its {@condition dying} value increases by 1 (or 2 on a critical failure). If the target is dead, it receives no save and its soul is imprisoned in the cat sith's body, becoming freed only if the cat sith is slain. While the soul is imprisoned, the creature can't be brought back to life by any means short of a wish or miracle. The cat sith can hold only one soul at a time and can release a soul as a free action." + "The cat sith touches a {@condition dying} creature or a creature that died within the past 3 days. If the target is a {@condition dying} creature, it must attempt a {@dc 25} Fortitude save; on a failure, its {@condition dying} value increases by 1 (or 2 on a critical failure). If the target is dead, it receives no save and its soul is imprisoned in the cat sith's body, becoming freed only if the cat sith is slain. While the soul is imprisoned, the creature can't be brought back to life by any means short of a wish or miracle. The cat sith can hold only one soul at a time and can release a soul as a free action." ], "name": "Steal Soul" } @@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Saving Throw DC 30 Fortitude (DC 32 for plants and fungi); Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 {@damage 4d6} poison damage and {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} (1 round); Stage 2 {@damage 6d6} poison damage, {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1}, and {@condition fascinated} (1 round)" + "Saving Throw {@dc 30} Fortitude ({@dc 32} for plants and fungi); Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 {@damage 4d6} poison damage and {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} (1 round); Stage 2 {@damage 6d6} poison damage, {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1}, and {@condition fascinated} (1 round)" ], "name": "Counteflora Toxin" }, @@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Any creature within 200 feet of the cu sith that hears its Dooming Bark must attempt a DC 24 Will save.", + "Any creature within 200 feet of the cu sith that hears its Dooming Bark must attempt a {@dc 24} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As xulgath skirmisher (page 27), but DC 29." + "30 feet. As xulgath skirmisher (page 27), but {@dc 29}." ], "name": "Powerful Stench" } @@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A creature within 30 feet uses the {@action Sustain a Spell} action to sustain a divine spell or the {@action Cast a Spell} action to cast a divine spell with a verbal component", "entries": [ - "The herecite warps the caster's prayers into a sacrilegious echo praising the evils of its own deity. The triggering caster must succeed at a DC 29 Will saving throw or their spell is disrupted and their action wasted." + "The herecite warps the caster's prayers into a sacrilegious echo praising the evils of its own deity. The triggering caster must succeed at a {@dc 29} Will saving throw or their spell is disrupted and their action wasted." ], "name": "Perverse Prayer" } @@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Communion within the last round; The herecite casts bind soul, spirit blast, or spiritual epidemic (DC 31)", + "Communion within the last round; The herecite casts bind soul, spirit blast, or spiritual epidemic ({@dc 31})", "Once a herecite has used this ability (whether or not it was successful), the cabal must wait 24 hours before one of its members can use Assault the Soul again." ], "name": "Cabal" @@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ "evil" ], "entries": [ - "Recalling the cruelty of the foul ritual that birthed it, the herecite curses an enemy with a fragment of its blasphemy. The herecite targets one creature within 30 feet, which must attempt a DC 29 Will save. On a failure, the creature is cursed. As long as the creature is cursed, any art object, symbol, or implement of religious significance in the creature's possession\u2014such as a divine spellcasting focus, holy text, fetish, or rendering of a deity\u2014becomes physically corrupted in a way that debases the deity's tenets (a depiction of {@deity Shelyn}'s songbird, for example, might lose its beautiful plumage to reveal a hideous skeletal form beneath). While these items continue to function normally, the cursed creature is {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} as long as it possesses an object corrupted in this fashion. The creature can cast off its corrupted objects to remove the {@condition stupefied} condition, but any new religious objects it takes into its possession become similarly corrupted. The curse can be lifted by a {@spell remove curse} spell or by an atone ritual. After a creature is targeted with this ability, regardless of whether it was affected, it becomes immune to herecites' Curse of Defiled Idols for 1 day." + "Recalling the cruelty of the foul ritual that birthed it, the herecite curses an enemy with a fragment of its blasphemy. The herecite targets one creature within 30 feet, which must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save. On a failure, the creature is cursed. As long as the creature is cursed, any art object, symbol, or implement of religious significance in the creature's possession\u2014such as a divine spellcasting focus, holy text, fetish, or rendering of a deity\u2014becomes physically corrupted in a way that debases the deity's tenets (a depiction of {@deity Shelyn}'s songbird, for example, might lose its beautiful plumage to reveal a hideous skeletal form beneath). While these items continue to function normally, the cursed creature is {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} as long as it possesses an object corrupted in this fashion. The creature can cast off its corrupted objects to remove the {@condition stupefied} condition, but any new religious objects it takes into its possession become similarly corrupted. The curse can be lifted by a {@spell remove curse} spell or by an atone ritual. After a creature is targeted with this ability, regardless of whether it was affected, it becomes immune to herecites' Curse of Defiled Idols for 1 day." ], "name": "Curse of Defiled Idols" } @@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As xulgath skirmisher (page 27), but DC 28." + "30 feet. As xulgath skirmisher (page 27), but {@dc 28}." ], "name": "Powerful Stench" } @@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "Pin sprinkles pixie dust onto one of his arrows. If Pin hits a creature with that arrow before his next turn, the arrow inflicts one of the following special effects instead of dealing damage.", - "Each effect depends on the target's DC 26 Will save.", + "Each effect depends on the target's {@dc 26} Will save.", "On a critical hit, the target treats its save result as one degree worse.", { "type": "list", @@ -2001,7 +2001,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by a resin-seep xulgath's jaws or claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 28 Reflex save or be covered with clumps of noxious resin, taking {@damage 2d8} poison damage and a \u201315-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} for 1 minute). The creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} for as long it has a Speed penalty. A creature can spend an {@action Interact} action to scrape the resin off, decreasing the Speed penalty by 5 with each such action." + "A creature damaged by a resin-seep xulgath's jaws or claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 28} Reflex save or be covered with clumps of noxious resin, taking {@damage 2d8} poison damage and a \u201315-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} for 1 minute). The creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} for as long it has a Speed penalty. A creature can spend an {@action Interact} action to scrape the resin off, decreasing the Speed penalty by 5 with each such action." ], "name": "Resin Crust" }, @@ -2014,7 +2014,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The resin-seep xulgath flexes its pores and emits a 30-foot line of resin that deals {@damage 3d12} poison damage and knocks the target 5 feet back (DC 28 basic Reflex save; on a success or critical success the target isn't knocked back, and on a critical failure the target is knocked back 10 feet). The resin-seep xulgath can't use Resin Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The resin-seep xulgath flexes its pores and emits a 30-foot line of resin that deals {@damage 3d12} poison damage and knocks the target 5 feet back ({@dc 28} basic Reflex save; on a success or critical success the target isn't knocked back, and on a critical failure the target is knocked back 10 feet). The resin-seep xulgath can't use Resin Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Resin Spray" } @@ -3200,7 +3200,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 34 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}, and on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for as long as it is {@condition sickened}.", + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 34} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}, and on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for as long as it is {@condition sickened}.", "While within range of Thessekka's stench, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition.", "A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ], @@ -3233,7 +3233,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As xulgath stoneliege (page 84), but {@damage 10d10} bludgeoning damage and DC 34." + "As xulgath stoneliege (page 84), but {@damage 10d10} bludgeoning damage and {@dc 34}." ], "name": "Earthen Torrent" }, @@ -3270,7 +3270,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As xulgath stoneliege (page 84), but DC 36. The only action Thessekka can take while {@condition petrified} is to use Stone Throes again to end the effect." + "As xulgath stoneliege (page 84), but {@dc 36}. The only action Thessekka can take while {@condition petrified} is to use Stone Throes again to end the effect." ], "name": "Stone Throes" } @@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As xulgath skirmisher (page 27), but DC 24." + "30 feet. As xulgath skirmisher (page 27), but {@dc 24}." ], "name": "Powerful Stench" } @@ -3636,7 +3636,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}, and on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for as long as it is {@condition sickened}. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition.", + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 23} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}, and on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for as long as it is {@condition sickened}. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition.", "A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ], "name": "Powerful Stench" @@ -3815,7 +3815,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As xulgath warrior (Bestiary 336), except DC 24." + "30 feet. As xulgath warrior (Bestiary 336), except {@dc 24}." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -3854,7 +3854,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The stoneliege creates a violent wave of roiling earth. Creatures in a 15-foot cone take {@damage 7d8} bludgeoning damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save; on a critical failure, creatures are also knocked {@condition prone})." + "The stoneliege creates a violent wave of roiling earth. Creatures in a 15-foot cone take {@damage 7d8} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save; on a critical failure, creatures are also knocked {@condition prone})." ], "name": "Earthen Torrent" }, @@ -3868,7 +3868,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The stoneliege turns their own body into solid stone like a statue and immediately becomes {@condition petrified} (Core Rulebook 621). Any creature grappled or {@condition restrained} by the stoneliege becomes {@condition immobilized}; to get free, the creature must damage the statue enough to break it or succeed at a DC 28 {@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Escape}." + "The stoneliege turns their own body into solid stone like a statue and immediately becomes {@condition petrified} (Core Rulebook 621). Any creature grappled or {@condition restrained} by the stoneliege becomes {@condition immobilized}; to get free, the creature must damage the statue enough to break it or succeed at a {@dc 28} {@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Escape}." ], "name": "Stone Throes" } @@ -4038,7 +4038,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. The flames from a yaganty's fingers shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and are visible even in areas affected by magical darkness, but they do not shed dim light beyond that radius. Any creature within 60 feet in an area of darkness or dim light that sees the yaganty's candle fingers must succeed at a DC 27 Will save or become {@condition fascinated} by the yaganty for 1 minute or until the yaganty uses a {@condition hostile} action against the creature, whichever comes first." + "60 feet. The flames from a yaganty's fingers shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and are visible even in areas affected by magical darkness, but they do not shed dim light beyond that radius. Any creature within 60 feet in an area of darkness or dim light that sees the yaganty's candle fingers must succeed at a {@dc 27} Will save or become {@condition fascinated} by the yaganty for 1 minute or until the yaganty uses a {@condition hostile} action against the creature, whichever comes first." ], "name": "Light in the Darkness" }, @@ -4070,7 +4070,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The yaganty whips a stream of scalding wax in a 30-foot line. Each glob deals {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. An affected creature or adjacent ally can remove one glob of wax by spending an {@action Interact} action to scrape it off. The yaganty can't use Fling Wax again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", - "Creatures in the area must attempt a DC 27 Reflex save.", + "Creatures in the area must attempt a {@dc 27} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec4.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec4.json index 10fd1ba773..ceb77b557d 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec4.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec4.json @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The swarm deals {@damage 4d6} piercing damage and {@damage 2d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} to every creature in its space (DC 29 basic Reflex save). The first time per round that a creature is affected by an aukashungi swarm's Burrowing Agony, the creature is also exposed to expeditious evolution." + "The swarm deals {@damage 4d6} piercing damage and {@damage 2d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} to every creature in its space ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). The first time per round that a creature is affected by an aukashungi swarm's Burrowing Agony, the creature is also exposed to expeditious evolution." ], "name": "Burrowing Agony" }, @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The brughadatch conjures a decadent, enticing feast void of nutritional substance. This conjuration takes 1 minute and lasts for 24 hours.", - "For each item of illusory food a creature eats, it must attempt a DC 29 Will save.", + "For each item of illusory food a creature eats, it must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The brughadatch feasts on the souls of the creatures they've tricked. They target up to five creatures within 30 feet and feast on their ambient brainpower, dealing {@damage 4d10} mental damage (DC 26 basic Will save) to each creature. Unless a target succeeds at the Will save, this damage does not end the charm effect or the effect of Deceitful Feast as a {@condition hostile} action normally would." + "The brughadatch feasts on the souls of the creatures they've tricked. They target up to five creatures within 30 feet and feast on their ambient brainpower, dealing {@damage 4d10} mental damage ({@dc 26} basic Will save) to each creature. Unless a target succeeds at the Will save, this damage does not end the charm effect or the effect of Deceitful Feast as a {@condition hostile} action normally would." ], "name": "Psychic Sip" } @@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ ], "requirements": "A doblagub has bonded with their current location by being called there via a ritual or by remaining in one place for 10 years", "entries": [ - "40 feet. ; The doblagub grows etheric fibers that they can use to psychically keep prey close. Any time a creature tries to move within this aura, it must succeed at a DC 30 Will save or the movement fails and the action is wasted." + "40 feet. ; The doblagub grows etheric fibers that they can use to psychically keep prey close. Any time a creature tries to move within this aura, it must succeed at a {@dc 30} Will save or the movement fails and the action is wasted." ], "name": "Etheric Fibers" } @@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Requirements The doblagub's etheric fibers aura is active; ; All nonbrughadatch creatures within the aura must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or be pulled 10 feet toward the doblagub." + "Requirements The doblagub's etheric fibers aura is active; ; All nonbrughadatch creatures within the aura must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or be pulled 10 feet toward the doblagub." ], "name": "Etheric Tug" }, @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, DC 26. This aura is suppressed if the faceless butcher is using {@action Change Shape|LOAG}." + "10 feet, {@dc 26}. This aura is suppressed if the faceless butcher is using {@action Change Shape|LOAG}." ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ "acid" ], "entries": [ - "The giant aukashungi releases an acidic gas from its ventral glands in a 30-foot burst. Each creature that starts its turn in the area takes {@damage 10d8} acid damage plus {@damage 2d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage} (DC 32 basic Fortitude save). The gas moves 10 feet away from the giant aukashungi each round and lasts for 1 minute.", + "The giant aukashungi releases an acidic gas from its ventral glands in a 30-foot burst. Each creature that starts its turn in the area takes {@damage 10d8} acid damage plus {@damage 2d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage} ({@dc 32} basic Fortitude save). The gas moves 10 feet away from the giant aukashungi each round and lasts for 1 minute.", "The giant aukashungi can't use Acidic Effluence again for 1 minute." ], "name": "Acidic Effluence" @@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Up, that creature must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or become." + "Up, that creature must succeed at a {@dc 35} Fortitude save or become." ], "name": "Rolls" }, @@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ "misfortune" ], "entries": [ - "A creature struck by one of the harrow doll's cards must attempt a DC 25 Will save or be cursed with misfortune, which forces the creature to roll twice and take the lower result on its next roll of a specific type, determined by the card's suit (roll {@dice 1d6} to randomly determine the suit). A creature can be cursed with only one effect from harrowing misfortune at a time, with a new curse overriding any previous curse. The curse ends after 1 minute or after the specified roll is made, whichever comes first. The suits and their effects are: Hammers (melee attack roll), Keys (Reflex save), Shields (Fortitude save), Books (skill check), Stars (Will save), and Crowns (spell attack roll)." + "A creature struck by one of the harrow doll's cards must attempt a {@dc 25} Will save or be cursed with misfortune, which forces the creature to roll twice and take the lower result on its next roll of a specific type, determined by the card's suit (roll {@dice 1d6} to randomly determine the suit). A creature can be cursed with only one effect from harrowing misfortune at a time, with a new curse overriding any previous curse. The curse ends after 1 minute or after the specified roll is made, whichever comes first. The suits and their effects are: Hammers (melee attack roll), Keys (Reflex save), Shields (Fortitude save), Books (skill check), Stars (Will save), and Crowns (spell attack roll)." ], "name": "Harrowing Misfortune" } @@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Helg drains away the life force from a creature targeted by the spell, with a result depending on its Fortitude save (DC 36). This effect is magical and can be counteracted with {@spell dispel magic} (Level 15, DC 36). This ability cannot affect a creature that critically succeeded at the spell's saving throw, if any.", + "Helg drains away the life force from a creature targeted by the spell, with a result depending on its Fortitude save ({@dc 36}). This effect is magical and can be counteracted with {@spell dispel magic} (Level 15, {@dc 36}). This ability cannot affect a creature that critically succeeded at the spell's saving throw, if any.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 33" + "30 feet, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2276,7 +2276,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "Any creature that {@action Strike||Strikes} the qurashith with a melee weapon must attempt a DC 37 Reflex save. On a failure, the creature is disarmed of its weapon, which becomes stuck to the qurashith's body; if the {@action Strike} was an unarmed attack, the creature's limb sticks to the qurashith's body and the creature becomes {@condition immobilized}. A creature must succeed at a DC 31 {@skill Athletics} check to retrieve a stuck weapon. On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage and the weapon remains stuck, and on a critical failure, the creature also becomes stuck to the qurashith and becomes {@condition immobilized}. A stuck creature takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage each round it remains stuck to the qurashith and can use an {@action Escape} action to try to free itself from the monster (DC 31)." + "Any creature that {@action Strike||Strikes} the qurashith with a melee weapon must attempt a {@dc 37} Reflex save. On a failure, the creature is disarmed of its weapon, which becomes stuck to the qurashith's body; if the {@action Strike} was an unarmed attack, the creature's limb sticks to the qurashith's body and the creature becomes {@condition immobilized}. A creature must succeed at a {@dc 31} {@skill Athletics} check to retrieve a stuck weapon. On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage and the weapon remains stuck, and on a critical failure, the creature also becomes stuck to the qurashith and becomes {@condition immobilized}. A stuck creature takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage each round it remains stuck to the qurashith and can use an {@action Escape} action to try to free itself from the monster ({@dc 31})." ], "name": "Adhesive Body" }, @@ -2288,7 +2288,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 33" + "90 feet, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -2299,7 +2299,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature that takes damage from a qurashith's jaws or spittle must succeed at a DC 39 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for {@dice 1d4} rounds ({@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} on a critical failure). If a creature is already {@condition slowed} when it fails its save, it becomes {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." + "A creature that takes damage from a qurashith's jaws or spittle must succeed at a {@dc 39} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for {@dice 1d4} rounds ({@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} on a critical failure). If a creature is already {@condition slowed} when it fails its save, it becomes {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." ], "name": "Paralytic Saliva" }, @@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The qurashith unleashes a debilitating psionic scream. Creatures in a 60-foot cone must succeed at a DC 35 Will save or become {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} ({@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 4} on a critical failure) for 1 minute. A creature that critically succeeds at its Will save is immune to the qurashith's Psychic Howl for 24 hours. The qurashith can't use Psychic Howl again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The qurashith unleashes a debilitating psionic scream. Creatures in a 60-foot cone must succeed at a {@dc 35} Will save or become {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} ({@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 4} on a critical failure) for 1 minute. A creature that critically succeeds at its Will save is immune to the qurashith's Psychic Howl for 24 hours. The qurashith can't use Psychic Howl again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Psychic Howl" }, @@ -2425,7 +2425,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When a sodden sentinel is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it explodes, dealing {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation (DC 30 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails this save is also {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds (1 minute on a critical failure)." + "When a sodden sentinel is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it explodes, dealing {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails this save is also {@condition blinded} for {@dice 1d4} rounds (1 minute on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Tainted Guts" } @@ -2454,7 +2454,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The sodden sentinel vomits up a supernaturally tainted wave of seawater in a 30-foot cone. Each living creature in the area takes {@damage 6d10} negative damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). It can't use Seawater Retch again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The sodden sentinel vomits up a supernaturally tainted wave of seawater in a 30-foot cone. Each living creature in the area takes {@damage 6d10} negative damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). It can't use Seawater Retch again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Seawater Retch" } @@ -2581,7 +2581,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. Any creature that ends its turn in the aura feels the intense pain of starvation and must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition fatigued} and takes {@dice 7d6} damage. The damage and fatigue a creature takes from this aura can't be healed until the affected creature has eaten a full meal." + "60 feet. Any creature that ends its turn in the aura feels the intense pain of starvation and must attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition fatigued} and takes {@dice 7d6} damage. The damage and fatigue a creature takes from this aura can't be healed until the affected creature has eaten a full meal." ], "name": "Starvation Aura" } @@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The gashadokuro breathes a spray of bone shards in a 30-foot cone.", - "Each creature in the area takes {@damage 9d12} piercing damage (DC 36 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Each creature in the area takes {@damage 9d12} piercing damage ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -3030,7 +3030,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. Any creature that starts its turn in or enters a square in the area must attempt a DC 30 {@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Balance}. A creature that takes a {@action Step} doesn't need to roll this check." + "10 feet. Any creature that starts its turn in or enters a square in the area must attempt a {@dc 30} {@skill Acrobatics} check to {@action Balance}. A creature that takes a {@action Step} doesn't need to roll this check." ], "name": "Greasy Seepage" } @@ -3042,7 +3042,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 30, {@damage 4d10} bludgeoning, {@action Escape} DC 26, Rupture 25." + "{@dc 30}, {@damage 4d10} bludgeoning, {@action Escape} {@dc 26}, Rupture 25." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -3051,7 +3051,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When the tallow ooze critically succeeds at an attack against a creature or a creature escapes from being engulfed by the ooze, that creature's hands and gear become slick with grease. For {@dice 1d4} rounds, the affected creature must attempt a DC 30 Reflex save whenever it uses any item (including weapons) that must be wielded or held. On a failure, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to any attack roll or check to use the item; on a critical failure, the creature drops the item, which lands in a random adjacent square.", + "When the tallow ooze critically succeeds at an attack against a creature or a creature escapes from being engulfed by the ooze, that creature's hands and gear become slick with grease. For {@dice 1d4} rounds, the affected creature must attempt a {@dc 30} Reflex save whenever it uses any item (including weapons) that must be wielded or held. On a failure, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to any attack roll or check to use the item; on a critical failure, the creature drops the item, which lands in a random adjacent square.", "The creature (or an adjacent ally) can use 1 {@action Interact} action to wipe off the grease from an item or from its hands." ], "name": "Residual Grease" @@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet, DC 33. This aura is suppressed while the Vanish Man is using Change Shape." + "10 feet, {@dc 33}. This aura is suppressed while the Vanish Man is using Change Shape." ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3606,7 +3606,7 @@ "unit": "reaction" }, "entries": [ - "DC 32" + "{@dc 32}" ], "name": "Buck", "generic": { @@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature struck by the war sauropelta's tail must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save. On a failure, it's {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}; on a critical failure, it's {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3}." + "A creature struck by the war sauropelta's tail must attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save. On a failure, it's {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1}; on a critical failure, it's {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3}." ], "name": "Punishing Tail" }, @@ -3642,7 +3642,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, foot, DC 32" + "Medium or smaller, foot, {@dc 32}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -3827,7 +3827,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the wight damages a living creature with its claw or ranseur {@action Strike}, the wight gains 12 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wight increases the amount of drain by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained|CRB|drained 4}." + "When the wight damages a living creature with its claw or ranseur {@action Strike}, the wight gains 12 temporary Hit Points and the creature must succeed at a {@dc 29} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wight increases the amount of drain by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained|CRB|drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -4050,7 +4050,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that begins its turn in the area must succeed at a DC 32 Will save or become {@condition fascinated} with the xilvirek. If the creature is already {@condition fascinated} by the xilvirek and fails its save, the creature is compelled to approach the xilvirek and allow itself to be {@condition grabbed}, which ends the fascination." + "30 feet. A creature that begins its turn in the area must succeed at a {@dc 32} Will save or become {@condition fascinated} with the xilvirek. If the creature is already {@condition fascinated} by the xilvirek and fails its save, the creature is compelled to approach the xilvirek and allow itself to be {@condition grabbed}, which ends the fascination." ], "name": "Hypnotic Stench" }, @@ -4076,7 +4076,7 @@ "inhaled" ], "entries": [ - "The xilvirek retches a small pool of debilitating, acrid bile onto itself. All creatures within 30 feet take {@damage 4d6} acid damage as they inhale the bile's noxious fumes (DC 32 basic Fortitude save; on a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, or {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure). The xilvirek can't Disgorge Bile again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The xilvirek retches a small pool of debilitating, acrid bile onto itself. All creatures within 30 feet take {@damage 4d6} acid damage as they inhale the bile's noxious fumes ({@dc 32} basic Fortitude save; on a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, or {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure). The xilvirek can't Disgorge Bile again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Disgorge Bile" }, @@ -4234,7 +4234,7 @@ "acid" ], "entries": [ - "Requirements The gutrager has 45 or fewer HP; The gutrager compresses its gut and explodes in a burst of viscera, {@condition dying} instantly and dealing {@damage 8d8} acid damage to creatures and unattended objects in a 20-foot emanation centered on the gutrager (DC 31 basic Reflex save)." + "Requirements The gutrager has 45 or fewer HP; The gutrager compresses its gut and explodes in a burst of viscera, {@condition dying} instantly and dealing {@damage 8d8} acid damage to creatures and unattended objects in a 20-foot emanation centered on the gutrager ({@dc 31} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Self-Detonate" } @@ -4419,7 +4419,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As xulgath herd-tender (page 10), but DC 32." + "30 feet. As xulgath herd-tender (page 10), but {@dc 32}." ], "name": "Powerful Stench" }, @@ -4653,7 +4653,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save.", + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 26} Fortitude save.", "On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2}, and on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for as long as it is {@condition sickened}. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute." ], "name": "Powerful Stench" @@ -4835,7 +4835,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As xulgath herd-tender (page 10), but DC 30." + "30 feet. As xulgath herd-tender (page 10), but {@dc 30}." ], "name": "Powerful Stench" } @@ -5023,7 +5023,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As xulgath herd-tender (page 10), but DC 34." + "30 feet. As xulgath herd-tender (page 10), but {@dc 34}." ], "name": "Powerful Stench" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec5.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec5.json index df3a6fd528..2ed32dd0df 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec5.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec5.json @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ ], "effects": [ "{@dice 4d8+12}", - "{@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (DC 38 Fortitude negates)" + "{@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} ({@dc 38} Fortitude negates)" ], - "damage": "{@dice 4d8+12} plus {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (DC 38 Fortitude negates)", + "damage": "{@dice 4d8+12} plus {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} ({@dc 38} Fortitude negates)", "types": [] }, { @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The ammut exhales a blast of flame that deals {@damage 18d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 30- foot cone (DC 37 basic Reflex save). The ammut can't use their Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ammut exhales a blast of flame that deals {@damage 18d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 30- foot cone ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save). The ammut can't use their Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A creature dealt damage by an ammut's claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 37 Will save or become {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} (or {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 2} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} on a critical failed save). The conditions cannot be mitigated until the curse is removed, and the curse cannot be removed until all damage dealt by the claw {@action Strike} is healed. Each day, a creature afflicted with wasting wound must attempt another saving throw; on a failed save, the values of its {@condition enfeebled} and {@condition drained} conditions each increase by 1. If the victim dies while cursed, its soul is destroyed, as per the ammut's devour soul ability." + "A creature dealt damage by an ammut's claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 37} Will save or become {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} (or {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 2} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} on a critical failed save). The conditions cannot be mitigated until the curse is removed, and the curse cannot be removed until all damage dealt by the claw {@action Strike} is healed. Each day, a creature afflicted with wasting wound must attempt another saving throw; on a failed save, the values of its {@condition enfeebled} and {@condition drained} conditions each increase by 1. If the victim dies while cursed, its soul is destroyed, as per the ammut's devour soul ability." ], "name": "Wasting Wound" } @@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The death drider is reduced to 0 Hit Points", "entries": [ - "The death drider explodes in a shower of spiders. Each adjacent creature must succeed at a DC 31 Reflex save or take {@damage 3d6} piercing damage and be exposed to death drider venom." + "The death drider explodes in a shower of spiders. Each adjacent creature must succeed at a {@dc 31} Reflex save or take {@damage 3d6} piercing damage and be exposed to death drider venom." ], "name": "Sack of Spiders" } @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by a death drider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} DC 31). Each round thereafter until it breaks free, the creature takes {@damage 3d6} piercing damage (DC 31 basic Reflex save) and, on a failed save, is exposed to death drider venom." + "A creature hit by a death drider's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} {@dc 31}). Each round thereafter until it breaks free, the creature takes {@damage 3d6} piercing damage ({@dc 31} basic Reflex save) and, on a failed save, is exposed to death drider venom." ], "name": "Hungering Web" } @@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} while in Dyzallin's utter despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but lose the {@condition frightened} condition immediately upon leaving the area. When a creature first enters the aura, it must succeed at a DC 39 Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The creature is then temporarily immune to the paralysis caused by the utter despair aura for 24 hours." + "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} while in Dyzallin's utter despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but lose the {@condition frightened} condition immediately upon leaving the area. When a creature first enters the aura, it must succeed at a {@dc 39} Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The creature is then temporarily immune to the paralysis caused by the utter despair aura for 24 hours." ], "name": "Utter Despair" }, @@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Hollow Hush feeds on the emotional unrest of a single creature within 30 feet that's currently affected by an {@trait emotion} effect. The target must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or take {@damage 5d10} mental damage and be {@condition stunned} for 1 round. If the target fails its saving throw, Hollow Hush regains the same number of Hit Points and Feed on Emotion does not cost Hollow Hush an action, allowing it to use another action this turn." + "Hollow Hush feeds on the emotional unrest of a single creature within 30 feet that's currently affected by an {@trait emotion} effect. The target must succeed at a {@dc 41} Will save or take {@damage 5d10} mental damage and be {@condition stunned} for 1 round. If the target fails its saving throw, Hollow Hush regains the same number of Hit Points and Feed on Emotion does not cost Hollow Hush an action, allowing it to use another action this turn." ], "name": "Feed on Emotion" }, @@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 45. A creature entering or starting its turn in the aura that fails at a Fortitude save becomes {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}. If the target was already {@condition doomed} or {@condition drained}, the values of these conditions increase by 1, to a maximum of {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 3} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 3}. A creature that dies while {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 3} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 3} in this way disintegrates into black sand." + "60 feet, {@dc 45}. A creature entering or starting its turn in the aura that fails at a Fortitude save becomes {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}. If the target was already {@condition doomed} or {@condition drained}, the values of these conditions increase by 1, to a maximum of {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 3} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 3}. A creature that dies while {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 3} and {@condition drained|CRB|drained 3} in this way disintegrates into black sand." ], "name": "Aura of Annihilation" }, @@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 43, {@damage 10d6} negative, {@action Escape} DC 43, Rupture 45." + "{@dc 43}, {@damage 10d6} negative, {@action Escape} {@dc 43}, Rupture 45." ], "name": "Engulf", "generic": { @@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Iffdahsil deals {@damage 8d8} piercing damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation (DC 43 basic Reflex save) and can also attempt to Grab any creatures who critically fail their save as a free action.", + "Iffdahsil deals {@damage 8d8} piercing damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation ({@dc 43} basic Reflex save) and can also attempt to Grab any creatures who critically fail their save as a free action.", "Iffdahsil is then {@condition flat-footed} until the start of its next turn." ], "name": "Tentacular Burst" @@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "When Kharostan dies, his daemon-tainted flesh quickly rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 10-foot emanation around his body. All creatures within the area take {@damage 20d6} negative damage as their flesh curdles and rots as well (DC 37 basic Fortitude save)." + "When Kharostan dies, his daemon-tainted flesh quickly rots away and sublimates into a foul-smelling gas that fills a 10-foot emanation around his body. All creatures within the area take {@damage 20d6} negative damage as their flesh curdles and rots as well ({@dc 37} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay" }, @@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Kharostan's bite leaves the victim's flesh translucent around the site of the injury. He chooses one of the effects below, each of which requires the damaged creature to attempt a DC 37 Fortitude save. If the jaws {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the creature takes both effects, rolling the saving throw once and using the result for both effects.", + "Kharostan's bite leaves the victim's flesh translucent around the site of the injury. He chooses one of the effects below, each of which requires the damaged creature to attempt a {@dc 37} Fortitude save. If the jaws {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the creature takes both effects, rolling the saving throw once and using the result for both effects.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 33. Swirling winds of noxious, flammable gas surround a muurfeli.", + "30 feet, {@dc 33}. Swirling winds of noxious, flammable gas surround a muurfeli.", "An open flame, spark, or similar {@trait fire} effect in the area causes an explosion that deals {@damage 20d6} fire damage to all creatures in the aura (including the muurfeli) and temporarily disables the aura for 1 minute. When the muurfeli takes damage from an ability with the {@trait water} trait or fails a saving throw against a {@trait water} effect, their firedamp winds aura is disabled for 1 minute. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura must attempt a Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The obsidian golem slings razor-sharp shards of itself in a 15-foot cone.", - "Creatures in the area take {@damage 4d8+9} slashing damage (DC 37 basic Reflex save)." + "Creatures in the area take {@damage 4d8+9} slashing damage ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Fling Shards" }, @@ -2774,7 +2774,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save.", + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save.", "On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} and {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 1} for as long as it is {@condition sickened}; on a critical failure, the creature is instead {@condition doomed|CRB|doomed 2} for as long as it is {@condition sickened}. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition.", "A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to any creature's death stench for 1 minute." ], @@ -2798,7 +2798,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "When the Raptor Guard wight damages a living creature with a melee {@action Strike}, the wight gains 13 temporary Hit Points and the target creature must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wight increases the {@condition drained} condition by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained|CRB|drained 4}." + "When the Raptor Guard wight damages a living creature with a melee {@action Strike}, the wight gains 13 temporary Hit Points and the target creature must succeed at a {@dc 32} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1}. Further damage dealt by the wight increases the {@condition drained} condition by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of {@condition drained|CRB|drained 4}." ], "name": "Drain Life" }, @@ -3056,17 +3056,17 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "As graveknight, but {@damage 8d12} cold and DC 36." + "As graveknight, but {@damage 8d12} cold and {@dc 36}." ], "name": "Devastating Blast", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Devastating Blast As graveknight, but {@damage 8d12} cold and DC 36.' in Shraen Graveknight, p.52" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Devastating Blast As graveknight, but {@damage 8d12} cold and {@dc 36}.' in Shraen Graveknight, p.52" }, { "entries": [ - "As graveknight, but DC 36." + "As graveknight, but {@dc 36}." ], "name": "Graveknight's Curse", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Graveknight's Curse As graveknight, but DC 36.' in Shraen Graveknight, p.52" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Graveknight's Curse As graveknight, but {@dc 36}.' in Shraen Graveknight, p.52" }, { "activity": { @@ -3074,7 +3074,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The Shraen graveknight {@action Step||Steps} once then {@action Strike||Strikes} with its rapier. A creature damaged by the attack must attempt a DC 36 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}. On a critical failure, the attack pierces the creature's heart, and the creature dies." + "The Shraen graveknight {@action Step||Steps} once then {@action Strike||Strikes} with its rapier. A creature damaged by the attack must attempt a {@dc 36} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}. On a critical failure, the attack pierces the creature's heart, and the creature dies." ], "name": "Heart-Seeking Strike" }, @@ -3360,10 +3360,10 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 15d6} negative damage and DC 34." + "As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 15d6} negative damage and {@dc 34}." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Necrotic Decay As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 15d6} negative damage and DC 34.' in Urdefhan Dominator, p.83" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Necrotic Decay As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 15d6} negative damage and {@dc 34}.' in Urdefhan Dominator, p.83" } ], "bot": [ @@ -3380,10 +3380,10 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior, but DC 33." + "As urdefhan warrior, but {@dc 33}." ], "name": "Wicked Bite", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wicked Bite As urdefhan warrior, but DC 33.' in Urdefhan Dominator, p.83" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wicked Bite As urdefhan warrior, but {@dc 33}.' in Urdefhan Dominator, p.83" } ] }, @@ -3611,10 +3611,10 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 10d6} negative damage and DC 29." + "As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 10d6} negative damage and {@dc 29}." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Necrotic Decay As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 10d6} negative damage and DC 29.' in Urdefhan High Tormentor, p.82" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Necrotic Decay As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 10d6} negative damage and {@dc 29}.' in Urdefhan High Tormentor, p.82" } ], "bot": [ @@ -3637,10 +3637,10 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior, but DC 29." + "As urdefhan warrior, but {@dc 29}." ], "name": "Wicked Bite", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wicked Bite As urdefhan warrior, but DC 29.' in Urdefhan High Tormentor, p.82" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wicked Bite As urdefhan warrior, but {@dc 29}.' in Urdefhan High Tormentor, p.82" } ] }, @@ -3823,10 +3823,10 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 12d6} negative damage and DC 32." + "As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 12d6} negative damage and {@dc 32}." ], "name": "Necrotic Decay", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Necrotic Decay As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 12d6} negative damage and DC 32.' in Urdefhan Hunter, p.82" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Necrotic Decay As urdefhan warrior, but {@damage 12d6} negative damage and {@dc 32}.' in Urdefhan Hunter, p.82" } ], "bot": [ @@ -3863,10 +3863,10 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "As urdefhan warrior, but DC 32." + "As urdefhan warrior, but {@dc 32}." ], "name": "Wicked Bite", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wicked Bite As urdefhan warrior, but DC 32.' in Urdefhan Hunter, p.82" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wicked Bite As urdefhan warrior, but {@dc 32}.' in Urdefhan Hunter, p.82" } ] }, @@ -4029,7 +4029,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature lands a critical hit with a melee {@action Strike} against the vitalia", "entries": [ - "The vitalia sprays blood at the triggering creature. The creature must succeed at a DC 39 Reflex save or become {@condition dazzled} for 1 round (or {@condition blinded} for 1 round on a critical failure)." + "The vitalia sprays blood at the triggering creature. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 39} Reflex save or become {@condition dazzled} for 1 round (or {@condition blinded} for 1 round on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Blood Eruption" } @@ -4041,7 +4041,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 4d8+10} bludgeoning, DC 37" + "{@damage 4d8+10} bludgeoning, {@dc 37}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -4320,7 +4320,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As xulgath warrior (Bestiary 336), but DC 28." + "30 feet. As xulgath warrior (Bestiary 336), but {@dc 28}." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -4752,7 +4752,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A creature hit by Zinogyvaz's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} DC 35)." + "A creature hit by Zinogyvaz's web attack is {@condition immobilized} and stuck to the nearest surface ({@action Escape} {@dc 35})." ], "name": "Web Trap" } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec6.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec6.json index d41cfe8a33..0f56fd8ce8 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ec6.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ec6.json @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 30" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 30}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ { "name": "Unfathomable Aspect", "entries": [ - "Anytime a deghuun attempts a Will save against an enchantment spell, the spell's caster must attempt a DC 38 Will save or become {@condition confused} for up to the spell's duration." + "Anytime a deghuun attempts a Will save against an enchantment spell, the spell's caster must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save or become {@condition confused} for up to the spell's duration." ] } ], @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The deghuun vents caustic smog for {@dice 1d4} rounds. Any creature that ends its turn within 30 feet of the deghuun during this time takes {@damage 6d6} fire damage and is {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (DC 38 Fortitude save; the creature avoids the {@condition sickened} condition on a critical success, or is {@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure). While {@condition sickened} in this way, a creature takes a \u20132 status penalty to its saving throw against the deghuun's hallucination. Any creature that's in the smog is {@condition concealed} and treats other creatures as {@condition concealed}. Strong winds dissipate the smog." + "The deghuun vents caustic smog for {@dice 1d4} rounds. Any creature that ends its turn within 30 feet of the deghuun during this time takes {@damage 6d6} fire damage and is {@condition sickened||sickened 1} ({@dc 38} Fortitude save; the creature avoids the {@condition sickened} condition on a critical success, or is {@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure). While {@condition sickened} in this way, a creature takes a \u20132 status penalty to its saving throw against the deghuun's hallucination. Any creature that's in the smog is {@condition concealed} and treats other creatures as {@condition concealed}. Strong winds dissipate the smog." ] }, { @@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "Utopian runes burst from the convergent soldier. Any creature {@condition stupefied} by the convergence lattice who is within 100 feet of the convergent soldier and can see the runes must attempt a DC 34 Will save.", + "Utopian runes burst from the convergent soldier. Any creature {@condition stupefied} by the convergence lattice who is within 100 feet of the convergent soldier and can see the runes must attempt a {@dc 34} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 24" + "Medium or smaller, hoof, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 44 Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." + "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 44} Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." ], "name": "Impossible Stature" } @@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As xulgath thoughtmaw (page 85), but DC 42." + "30 feet. As xulgath thoughtmaw (page 85), but {@dc 42}." ], "name": "Psychogenic Secretions" }, @@ -1881,7 +1881,7 @@ "10th" ], "entries": [ - "fly, true seeing Occult Rituals DC 42; call spirit, inveigle, planar binding." + "fly, true seeing Occult Rituals {@dc 42}; call spirit, inveigle, planar binding." ], "name": "Constant" }, @@ -1891,7 +1891,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As xulgath thoughtmaw (page 85), but DC 42." + "As xulgath thoughtmaw (page 85), but {@dc 42}." ], "name": "Consume Knowledge" } @@ -2120,7 +2120,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters or begins their turn in the emanation must attempt a DC 45 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} and {@condition confused} for 1 round; on a critical failure, it can't target Sarvel with any {@action Strike||Strikes} or other effects from its {@condition confused} condition.", + "30 feet. A creature that enters or begins their turn in the emanation must attempt a {@dc 45} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} and {@condition confused} for 1 round; on a critical failure, it can't target Sarvel with any {@action Strike||Strikes} or other effects from its {@condition confused} condition.", "While within the emanation, the creature takes a \u20132 penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition.", "A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute. Sarvel can suppress or resume this aura as a free action." ], @@ -2165,7 +2165,7 @@ "10th" ], "entries": [ - "divine lance, message, read aura, shield; Constant (4th) air walk, freedom of movement Rituals DC 45; Abyssal pact, atone, commune." + "divine lance, message, read aura, shield; Constant (4th) air walk, freedom of movement Rituals {@dc 45}; Abyssal pact, atone, commune." ], "name": "Cantrips" }, @@ -2175,7 +2175,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 4d8+12} bludgeoning, DC 45" + "{@damage 4d8+12} bludgeoning, {@dc 45}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -2414,7 +2414,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The saurian warmonger bellows, evoking the power of the primordial world. Non-dinosaur creatures within 30 feet take {@damage 10d6} sonic damage (DC 34 basic Fortitude save). On a failed save, a creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} for 1 round ({@condition stunned} {@dice 1d4} on a critical failure). The saurian can't use Boneshaking Roar again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The saurian warmonger bellows, evoking the power of the primordial world. Non-dinosaur creatures within 30 feet take {@damage 10d6} sonic damage ({@dc 34} basic Fortitude save). On a failed save, a creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} for 1 round ({@condition stunned} {@dice 1d4} on a critical failure). The saurian can't use Boneshaking Roar again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Boneshaking Roar" }, @@ -2426,7 +2426,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When the warmonger makes a successful mancatcher {@action Strike}, their target must succeed at a DC 34 Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} until the end of the warmonger's next turn. Each time the creature fails an attempt to {@action Escape} the warmonger, it takes {@damage 2d6} piercing damage." + "When the warmonger makes a successful mancatcher {@action Strike}, their target must succeed at a {@dc 34} Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} until the end of the warmonger's next turn. Each time the creature fails an attempt to {@action Escape} the warmonger, it takes {@damage 2d6} piercing damage." ], "name": "Restrain" }, @@ -2698,7 +2698,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As saurian warmonger, but DC 38." + "As saurian warmonger, but {@dc 38}." ], "name": "Boneshaking Roar", "traits": [ @@ -2706,7 +2706,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries_as_xyz": [ - "The saurian warmonger bellows, evoking the power of the primordial world. Non-dinosaur creatures within 30 feet take {@damage 10d6} sonic damage (DC 34 basic Fortitude save). On a failed save, a creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} for 1 round ({@condition stunned} {@dice 1d4} on a critical failure). The saurian can't use Boneshaking Roar again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The saurian warmonger bellows, evoking the power of the primordial world. Non-dinosaur creatures within 30 feet take {@damage 10d6} sonic damage ({@dc 34} basic Fortitude save). On a failed save, a creature is also {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2} for 1 round ({@condition stunned} {@dice 1d4} on a critical failure). The saurian can't use Boneshaking Roar again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -2714,7 +2714,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "Whenever the worldwatcher hits a creature with their fist or naginata {@action Strike}, that creature must succeed at a DC 39 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} ({@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical hit)." + "Whenever the worldwatcher hits a creature with their fist or naginata {@action Strike}, that creature must succeed at a {@dc 39} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} ({@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical hit)." ], "name": "Stunning Blow" } @@ -2955,11 +2955,11 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet. As Elysian titan, but DC 45." + "100 feet. As Elysian titan, but {@dc 45}." ], "name": "Impossible Stature", "entries_as_xyz": [ - "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 44 Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." + "100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 44} Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} ({@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} on a critical failure) for 1 round." ] }, { @@ -2987,7 +2987,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The titan damages a creature capable of using divine spells or abilities", "entries": [ - "The creature must attempt a DC 45 Will save.", + "The creature must attempt a {@dc 45} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3010,7 +3010,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "If a titan's rock {@action Strike} isn't a critical failure, the rock explodes, dealing {@dice 10d6} damage of a damage type of the titan's choice to all creatures in a 20- foot burst (DC 45 basic Reflex save)." + "If a titan's rock {@action Strike} isn't a critical failure, the rock explodes, dealing {@dice 10d6} damage of a damage type of the titan's choice to all creatures in a 20- foot burst ({@dc 45} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Throw Rock", "generic": { @@ -3033,7 +3033,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 45" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 45}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -3280,7 +3280,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 37" + "60 feet, {@dc 37}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3313,7 +3313,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "The vavakia exhales ghostly green fire in a 60-foot cone. Living creatures in the area take {@damage 20d6} negative damage (DC 42 basic Reflex save). A good creature that fails this save is becomes {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} for 1 minute ({@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 4} on a critical failure). A creature slain by Soulfire Breath can't be resurrected except by powerful magic such as a {@spell wish} spell. The vavakia can't use." + "The vavakia exhales ghostly green fire in a 60-foot cone. Living creatures in the area take {@damage 20d6} negative damage ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save). A good creature that fails this save is becomes {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} for 1 minute ({@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 4} on a critical failure). A creature slain by Soulfire Breath can't be resurrected except by powerful magic such as a {@spell wish} spell. The vavakia can't use." ], "name": "Soulfire Breath" }, @@ -3350,7 +3350,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "If the vavakia critically hits with its tail {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a DC 40 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned} for 1 round ({@dice 1d4} rounds on a critical failure)." + "If the vavakia critically hits with its tail {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a {@dc 40} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned} for 1 round ({@dice 1d4} rounds on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Stunning Tail" }, @@ -3360,7 +3360,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, claw, DC 40" + "Large or smaller, claw, {@dc 40}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -3855,7 +3855,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the emanation must attempt a DC 36 Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1} for 1 minute ({@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} and also {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to psychogenic secretions for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature that enters the emanation must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 1} for 1 minute ({@condition stupefied|CRB|stupefied 2} and also {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to psychogenic secretions for 1 minute." ], "name": "Psychogenic Secretions" } @@ -3866,7 +3866,7 @@ "8th" ], "entries": [ - "telekinetic projectile; Constant (8th) fly Occult Rituals DC 36; inveigle." + "telekinetic projectile; Constant (8th) fly Occult Rituals {@dc 36}; inveigle." ], "name": "Cantrips" }, @@ -3881,7 +3881,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The thoughtmaw invades the mind of a creature within 100 feet and attempts to swallow its capacity for higher thought. The creature must attempt a DC 36 Will save." + "The thoughtmaw invades the mind of a creature within 100 feet and attempts to swallow its capacity for higher thought. The creature must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save." ], "name": "Consume Knowledge" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-fop.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-fop.json index 67b89ff495..2ded25eca1 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-fop.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-fop.json @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d4} piercing damage (DC 16 basic Reflex save). The first time each round a creature fails the save and takes piercing damage, it also suffers the effect of beestings.", + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 1d4} piercing damage ({@dc 16} basic Reflex save). The first time each round a creature fails the save and takes piercing damage, it also suffers the effect of beestings.", "Whenever the bee swarm uses this ability, the swarm takes 1 damage." ], "name": "Swarming Stings" @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The creature must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save. Those who fail take {@damage 1d4} poison damage and are {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} for 1 minute." + "The creature must attempt a {@dc 16} Fortitude save. Those who fail take {@damage 1d4} poison damage and are {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} for 1 minute." ], "name": "Beestings" } @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The blood ooze draws forth blood from nearby creatures, causing their flesh to break open and blood to spill out which replenishes the blood ooze. Each living creature within 15 feet takes {@damage 3d6} slashing damage (DC 21 basic Fortitude save). The blood ooze regains an amount of Hit Points equal to half the damage Siphon Vitality dealt to the single creature that took the most damage." + "The blood ooze draws forth blood from nearby creatures, causing their flesh to break open and blood to spill out which replenishes the blood ooze. Each living creature within 15 feet takes {@damage 3d6} slashing damage ({@dc 21} basic Fortitude save). The blood ooze regains an amount of Hit Points equal to half the damage Siphon Vitality dealt to the single creature that took the most damage." ], "name": "Siphon Vitality" } @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The tendrils of the bush reach out to siphon the blood from a victim up to 20 feet away with {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}, causing the victim to immediately take that amount of bleed damage (basic Reflex DC 17). The bush regains an amount of Hit Points equal to double the damage dealt." + "The tendrils of the bush reach out to siphon the blood from a victim up to 20 feet away with {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}, causing the victim to immediately take that amount of bleed damage (basic Reflex {@dc 17}). The bush regains an amount of Hit Points equal to double the damage dealt." ], "name": "Blood Siphon" }, @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The wolf unleashes a stream of bright green acid from its mouth, coating all creatures in a 30-foot line. All creatures in the line take {@damage 3d6} acid damage (DC 16 basic Reflex save). The caustic wolf cannot use this ability again for 1 minute." + "The wolf unleashes a stream of bright green acid from its mouth, coating all creatures in a 30-foot line. All creatures in the line take {@damage 3d6} acid damage ({@dc 16} basic Reflex save). The caustic wolf cannot use this ability again for 1 minute." ], "name": "Acid Breath" }, @@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The serpent rattles its strange metal tail and unleashes a bolt of lightning in a 60-foot line. The bolt deals {@damage 2d10} electricity damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save)." + "The serpent rattles its strange metal tail and unleashes a bolt of lightning in a 60-foot line. The bolt deals {@damage 2d10} electricity damage ({@dc 17} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Lightning Rattle" } @@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "When an icy rat is slain, its body explodes in a burst of frozen fur and bone, dealing {@damage 2d4} cold damage to all adjacent creatures (DC 14 basic Reflex save)." + "When an icy rat is slain, its body explodes in a burst of frozen fur and bone, dealing {@damage 2d4} cold damage to all adjacent creatures ({@dc 14} basic Reflex save)." ], "name": "Icy Death" } @@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "Anyone bitten by a mangy wolf is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} for 1 minute unless they succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save, but they can spend an {@action Interact} action to scratch away the fleas and remove the condition." + "Anyone bitten by a mangy wolf is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} for 1 minute unless they succeed at a {@dc 14} Fortitude save, but they can spend an {@action Interact} action to scratch away the fleas and remove the condition." ], "name": "Fleas" } @@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ ], "trigger": "A creature critically hits a mutant wolf while adjacent to it.", "entries": [ - "The wound causes gore to spray from a ruptured pustule. The triggering creature takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage (DC 19 basic Reflex save). This occurs even if the attack kills the wolf." + "The wound causes gore to spray from a ruptured pustule. The triggering creature takes {@damage 3d6} acid damage ({@dc 19} basic Reflex save). This occurs even if the attack kills the wolf." ], "name": "Gore Spray" }, @@ -1889,7 +1889,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The behemoth makes a melee {@action Strike} and, if the attack hits, it can push the creature back 10 feet (20 feet on a critical hit). The target must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or be knocked {@condition prone} by this attack." + "The behemoth makes a melee {@action Strike} and, if the attack hits, it can push the creature back 10 feet (20 feet on a critical hit). The target must succeed at a {@dc 19} Fortitude save or be knocked {@condition prone} by this attack." ], "name": "Massive Strike" }, @@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The behemoth can stomp on the ground, causing all creatures within 10 feet to fall {@condition prone} (DC 19 Reflex save negates)." + "The behemoth can stomp on the ground, causing all creatures within 10 feet to fall {@condition prone} ({@dc 19} Reflex save negates)." ], "name": "Stomp" } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-frp1.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-frp1.json index bc65b9b9c1..948eb51b10 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-frp1.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-frp1.json @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "If a berberoka sees a crab or crab-like creature, the berberoka must attempt a DC 33 Will save. They then becomes immune to the sight of that creature for 10 minutes.", + "If a berberoka sees a crab or crab-like creature, the berberoka must attempt a {@dc 33} Will save. They then becomes immune to the sight of that creature for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d12+12} bludgeoning, DC 33" + "{@damage 2d12+12} bludgeoning, {@dc 33}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The berberoka is waterlogged", "entries": [ - "The berberoka sprays a blast of water in a 60-foot line. All creatures in the line take {@damage 6d8} bludgeoning damage (DC 35 basic Reflex save). On a failed save, a creature is knocked {@condition prone} and pushed back 5 feet (10 feet on a critically failed save)." + "The berberoka sprays a blast of water in a 60-foot line. All creatures in the line take {@damage 6d8} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 35} basic Reflex save). On a failed save, a creature is knocked {@condition prone} and pushed back 5 feet (10 feet on a critically failed save)." ], "name": "Spray Water" } @@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature that touches the caustic monitor takes {@damage 2d8} acid damage (DC 32 basic Fortitude save)." + "A creature that touches the caustic monitor takes {@damage 2d8} acid damage ({@dc 32} basic Fortitude save)." ], "name": "Corrosive Flesh" }, @@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ "acid" ], "entries": [ - "The caustic monitor spits a spray of corrosive bile that deals {@damage 5d8} acid damage in a 20-foot cone (DC 32 basic Reflex save). It can't use." + "The caustic monitor spits a spray of corrosive bile that deals {@damage 5d8} acid damage in a 20-foot cone ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). It can't use." ], "name": "Caustic Spray" }, @@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Saving Throw DC 32 Fortitude;" + "Saving Throw {@dc 32} Fortitude;" ], "name": "Caustic Monitor Venom" }, @@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The dread roc screeches terrifyingly. Each creature in a 120-foot emanation must attempt a DC 32 Will save.", + "The dread roc screeches terrifyingly. Each creature in a 120-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save.", "Regardless of the result, creatures are temporarily immune for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, talon, DC 26" + "Medium or smaller, talon, {@dc 26}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -1850,10 +1850,10 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "As cauthooj, but DC 34." + "As cauthooj, but {@dc 34}." ], "name": "Warbling Song", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Warbling Song As cauthooj, but DC 34.' in Elder Cauthooj, p.49" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Warbling Song As cauthooj, but {@dc 34}.' in Elder Cauthooj, p.49" } ] }, @@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "As ghost. DC 25." + "As ghost. {@dc 25}." ], "name": "Frightful Moan", "generic": { @@ -2022,7 +2022,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "As ghost. {@damage 5d6} bludgeoning, DC 25." + "As ghost. {@damage 5d6} bludgeoning, {@dc 25}." ], "name": "Telekinetic Assault", "generic": { @@ -2182,7 +2182,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "When Gomwai targets the same creature with two {@action Strike||Strikes} from his {@action Flurry of Blows}, he can try to stun the creature. If either {@action Strike} hits and deals damage, the target must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure)." + "When Gomwai targets the same creature with two {@action Strike||Strikes} from his {@action Flurry of Blows}, he can try to stun the creature. If either {@action Strike} hits and deals damage, the target must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Stunning Fist" } @@ -2314,7 +2314,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The grave spinosaurus has a creature {@condition grabbed} in its jaws", "entries": [ - "The grave spinosaurus reaches up, slashes the creature it has {@condition grabbed} with its claws, dealing {@damage 6d10} slashing damage (DC 36 basic Reflex save) and {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." + "The grave spinosaurus reaches up, slashes the creature it has {@condition grabbed} with its claws, dealing {@damage 6d10} slashing damage ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save) and {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." ], "name": "Rip and Tear" }, @@ -2328,7 +2328,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The grave spinosaurus is swimming on the surface of water", "entries": [ - "With a powerful lunge to the side, the grave spinosaurus uses its sail to slap the water's surface, creating a crushing wave that deals {@damage 8d6} bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the water in the area must attempt a DC 36 Reflex save.", + "With a powerful lunge to the side, the grave spinosaurus uses its sail to slap the water's surface, creating a crushing wave that deals {@damage 8d6} bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the water in the area must attempt a {@dc 36} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2451,7 +2451,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Hana's Hundreds launch a volley of throwing knives in a 10-foot burst within 50 feet that deals {@damage 4d6+13} piercing damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save)", + "Hana's Hundreds launch a volley of throwing knives in a 10-foot burst within 50 feet that deals {@damage 4d6+13} piercing damage ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save)", "When the team is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." ], "name": "Rain of Knives" @@ -2462,7 +2462,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Hana's Hundreds attempt to trample all foes in their way. The team Forms Up and {@action Stride||Strides} twice, moving through the space of Medium or smaller creatures. Each creature the team moves through takes {@damage 4d8+14} bludgeoning damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save)", + "Hana's Hundreds attempt to trample all foes in their way. The team Forms Up and {@action Stride||Strides} twice, moving through the space of Medium or smaller creatures. Each creature the team moves through takes {@damage 4d8+14} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save)", "On a critical failure, the creature is also knocked {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Run Them Over!" @@ -2484,7 +2484,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Hana's Hundreds flail their swords wildly at each enemy adjacent to the team (DC 33 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", + "Hana's Hundreds flail their swords wildly at each enemy adjacent to the team ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@damage 2d8} slashing damage", "{@as 2} {@damage 3d8+13} slashing damage", "{@as 3} {@damage 4d8+16} slashing damage." @@ -2674,7 +2674,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the emanation must attempt a DC 27 Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition confused} until the end of its next turn (1 minute on a critical failure). During this confusion, the creature attempts to cause turmoil, using its actions to create disarray in its general vicinity by throwing around objects or scaring passersby. A creature that succeeds at its save is immune to all hantu belians' unrest auras for 1 hour. A hantu belian can suppress or resume the effects of this aura as an action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "30 feet. A creature that enters the emanation must attempt a {@dc 27} Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition confused} until the end of its next turn (1 minute on a critical failure). During this confusion, the creature attempts to cause turmoil, using its actions to create disarray in its general vicinity by throwing around objects or scaring passersby. A creature that succeeds at its save is immune to all hantu belians' unrest auras for 1 hour. A hantu belian can suppress or resume the effects of this aura as an action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Unrest Aura" } @@ -2848,7 +2848,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The hantu denai unleashes a loud animal cry to scare off nearby creatures. Each creature in a 120-foot emanation must attempt a DC 27 Will save and is then immune to the hantu denai's Terrifying Cry for 1 minute.", + "The hantu denai unleashes a loud animal cry to scare off nearby creatures. Each creature in a 120-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 27} Will save and is then immune to the hantu denai's Terrifying Cry for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3003,7 +3003,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 36" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 36}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -3037,7 +3037,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "Jaiban cracks its tail, creating a sonic boom in a 5-foot burst centered on a corner within reach of its tail {@action Strike}.", - "Each creature in the burst's area must attempt a DC 36 Fortitude save.", + "Each creature in the burst's area must attempt a {@dc 36} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3177,7 +3177,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As ghost. {@damage 7d6} negative damage, DC 33." + "As ghost. {@damage 7d6} negative damage, {@dc 33}." ], "name": "Corrupting Gaze", "generic": { @@ -4159,10 +4159,10 @@ "move" ], "entries": [ - "As giant snapping turtle, but DC 43." + "As giant snapping turtle, but {@dc 43}." ], "name": "Capsize", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Capsize As giant snapping turtle, but DC 43.' in Mammoth Turtle, p.31" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Capsize As giant snapping turtle, but {@dc 43}.' in Mammoth Turtle, p.31" }, { "activity": { @@ -4495,7 +4495,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "When a muckish creep {@action Stride||Strides} or {@action Step||Steps}, it leaves behind a slimy mud trail that coats the traversed area. All traversed squares are covered in grease (DC 26) until the start of the muckish creep's next turn." + "When a muckish creep {@action Stride||Strides} or {@action Step||Steps}, it leaves behind a slimy mud trail that coats the traversed area. All traversed squares are covered in grease ({@dc 26}) until the start of the muckish creep's next turn." ], "name": "Mud Trail" }, @@ -4509,7 +4509,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The muckish creep has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "The muckish creep fills the {@condition grabbed} creature's mouth and nose with mud. The creature begins to suffocate unless it succeeds at a DC 23 Fortitude save. The suffocating creature or any adjacent creatures can clear the suffocating creature's airway with an {@action Interact} action." + "The muckish creep fills the {@condition grabbed} creature's mouth and nose with mud. The creature begins to suffocate unless it succeeds at a {@dc 23} Fortitude save. The suffocating creature or any adjacent creatures can clear the suffocating creature's airway with an {@action Interact} action." ], "name": "Overwhelm" }, @@ -4694,7 +4694,7 @@ ], "trigger": "Nai Yan Fei hits a {@condition flat-footed} creature and deals damage", "entries": [ - "The target attempts a DC 39 Fortitude save. It then becomes immune to Nai Yan Fei's Master {@action Strike} for 1 day.", + "The target attempts a {@dc 39} Fortitude save. It then becomes immune to Nai Yan Fei's Master {@action Strike} for 1 day.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -4878,7 +4878,7 @@ "positive" ], "entries": [ - "{@damage 14d6} positive, DC 32" + "{@damage 14d6} positive, {@dc 32}" ], "name": "Divine Destruction" }, @@ -5143,7 +5143,7 @@ "pathfinder bestiary 3 305" ], "entries": [ - "Aim as One {@as 2} The terra-cotta squadron launches a ranged attack in the form of a 10-foot burst within 100 feet that deals {@dice 3d8+13} damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save). When the garrison is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." + "Aim as One {@as 2} The terra-cotta squadron launches a ranged attack in the form of a 10-foot burst within 100 feet that deals {@dice 3d8+13} damage ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). When the garrison is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." ], "name": "Form Up" }, @@ -5168,7 +5168,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The troop raises steel shields, with the effects of {@action Raise a Shield}.", - "{@action Strike} as One {@as 1} to {@as 3} Frequency once per round; The squadron makes a melee attack against each enemy within 5 feet (DC 30 basic Reflex save)", + "{@action Strike} as One {@as 1} to {@as 3} Frequency once per round; The squadron makes a melee attack against each enemy within 5 feet ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save)", "The damage depends on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@damage 2d8} slashing damage {@as 2} {@damage 3d8+13} slashing damage {@as 3} {@damage 4d8+16} slashing damage." ], @@ -5367,7 +5367,7 @@ { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { - "Critical Success": "Ran-to tosses his foe a great distance. The grapple ends. The {@condition grabbed} creature is thrown into a space within 10 feet, takes {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage, and falls {@condition prone}. All creatures adjacent to Ran-to take the same amount of bludgeoning damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save).", + "Critical Success": "Ran-to tosses his foe a great distance. The grapple ends. The {@condition grabbed} creature is thrown into a space within 10 feet, takes {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage, and falls {@condition prone}. All creatures adjacent to Ran-to take the same amount of bludgeoning damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save).", "Success": "As critical success, except the {@condition grabbed} creatures is thrown into a space within 5 feet, and creatures take {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage.", "Failure": "Ran-to tosses his foe aside. The grapple ends. The {@condition grabbed} creature falls {@condition prone}.", "Critical Failure": "Ran-to loses hold of his foe and the grapple ends." @@ -5528,14 +5528,14 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Hakusa targets a foe's pressure points to debilitate them. Hakusa makes a fist {@action Strike}. On a hit, the target takes damage as normal and must attempt a DC 35 Fortitude save. Regardless of the result of the save, the target is temporarily immune to Pressure Point Attack for 1 minute.", + "Hakusa targets a foe's pressure points to debilitate them. Hakusa makes a fist {@action Strike}. On a hit, the target takes damage as normal and must attempt a {@dc 35} Fortitude save. Regardless of the result of the save, the target is temporarily immune to Pressure Point Attack for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": "The target is unaffected.", "Success": "The target's muscles become temporarily weaker. For 1 round, the target is {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 2} and must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check when attempting to use actions with the {@trait manipulate} trait or the action is lost.", "Failure": "As success, but the duration is 1 minute.", - "Critical Failure": "As success, but the duration is 1 minute, the flat check is DC 11, and the target also takes \u201310-foot status penalty to their Speed for the duration." + "Critical Failure": "As success, but the duration is 1 minute, the flat check is {@dc 11}, and the target also takes \u201310-foot status penalty to their Speed for the duration." } } ], @@ -5673,7 +5673,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the emanation must attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, or {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is immune to all sigbins' stenches for 1 minute." + "30 feet. A creature that enters the emanation must attempt a {@dc 19} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}, or {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure. While within the aura, the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is immune to all sigbins' stenches for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" } @@ -6357,7 +6357,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "Tamikan unleashes a powerful and deadly blast of sonic force from her maw that deals {@damage 12d6} sonic damage in a 100- foot line (DC 37 basic Reflex save). She can't use Sonic Screech again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Tamikan unleashes a powerful and deadly blast of sonic force from her maw that deals {@damage 12d6} sonic damage in a 100- foot line ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save). She can't use Sonic Screech again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Sonic Screech" }, @@ -6367,10 +6367,10 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As kongamato, but DC 37." + "As kongamato, but {@dc 37}." ], "name": "Wailing Dive", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wailing Dive As kongamato, but DC 37.' in Tamikan, p.39" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Wailing Dive As kongamato, but {@dc 37}.' in Tamikan, p.39" } ] }, @@ -6641,10 +6641,10 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As tyrannosaurus, but DC 29." + "As tyrannosaurus, but {@dc 29}." ], "name": "Fling", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Fling As tyrannosaurus, but DC 29.' in Tyrannosaurus Imperator, p.31" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Fling As tyrannosaurus, but {@dc 29}.' in Tyrannosaurus Imperator, p.31" }, { "activity": { @@ -6679,7 +6679,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The tyrannosaurus sweeps its tail in a 15-foot cone, dealing {@damage 4d8+12} bludgeoning damage to all creatures in the cone. Creatures in the area must attempt a DC 34 Reflex save.", + "The tyrannosaurus sweeps its tail in a 15-foot cone, dealing {@damage 4d8+12} bludgeoning damage to all creatures in the cone. Creatures in the area must attempt a {@dc 34} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -6698,7 +6698,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 34" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 34}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -6879,7 +6879,7 @@ "incapacitation", "mental" ], - "requirements": "As poltergeist, but DC 33.", + "requirements": "As poltergeist, but {@dc 33}.", "name": "Frighten" }, { @@ -7906,7 +7906,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Ji-yook pins a foe's clothing to a wall or floor or the ground. Ji-yook makes a dart {@action Strike}. If the attack hits, it deals no damage and instead pins the target to an adjacent surface. The target is {@condition immobilized} and must spend an {@action Interact} action to attempt a DC 10 {@skill Athletics} check to pull the dart free; it can't move from its space until it succeeds. If Ji-yook's dart {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the target must succeed at two separate {@skill Athletics} checks to pull the dart free. The target is flatfooted while it remains {@condition immobilized} in this way." + "Ji-yook pins a foe's clothing to a wall or floor or the ground. Ji-yook makes a dart {@action Strike}. If the attack hits, it deals no damage and instead pins the target to an adjacent surface. The target is {@condition immobilized} and must spend an {@action Interact} action to attempt a {@dc 10} {@skill Athletics} check to pull the dart free; it can't move from its space until it succeeds. If Ji-yook's dart {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the target must succeed at two separate {@skill Athletics} checks to pull the dart free. The target is flatfooted while it remains {@condition immobilized} in this way." ], "name": "Pinning Shot" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-frp2.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-frp2.json index 6975487ac1..d6af060cf2 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-frp2.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-frp2.json @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The angoyang opens its mouth and drops its innocent disguise, releasing its monstrous tentacles and letting out a blood-curdling scream directed at a single target that it can see to deal {@damage 8d10} mental damage. Only the target of this ability can hear this scream. The target must succeed at a DC 30 Will save as the sound tears through their mind.", + "The angoyang opens its mouth and drops its innocent disguise, releasing its monstrous tentacles and letting out a blood-curdling scream directed at a single target that it can see to deal {@damage 8d10} mental damage. Only the target of this ability can hear this scream. The target must succeed at a {@dc 30} Will save as the sound tears through their mind.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The angoyang lets out a small meow and slowly blinks twice at a single creature.", - "The target must attempt a DC 31 Will save. On a critical success, the target is unaffected and immune to Slow Blink for 24 hours. Otherwise, the creature is overcome with the urge to pet the angoyang's silken fur, becoming {@condition fascinated}. If the angoyang attacks the creature, the creature can attempt a new save at the beginning of their next turn." + "The target must attempt a {@dc 31} Will save. On a critical success, the target is unaffected and immune to Slow Blink for 24 hours. Otherwise, the creature is overcome with the urge to pet the angoyang's silken fur, becoming {@condition fascinated}. If the angoyang attacks the creature, the creature can attempt a new save at the beginning of their next turn." ], "name": "Slow Blink" } @@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ "pravan majinapti; cold" ], "entries": [ - "Pravan blows icy winds in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 10d6} cold damage. Creatures in the area must attempt a DC 33 Reflex save as ice forms around them. The Speed penalty or {@condition immobilized} condition caused by this ability persist until a creature either Breaks Open the ice or Escapes (DC 37 in either case), or if the creature takes at least 30 fire damage.", + "Pravan blows icy winds in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 10d6} cold damage. Creatures in the area must attempt a {@dc 33} Reflex save as ice forms around them. The Speed penalty or {@condition immobilized} condition caused by this ability persist until a creature either Breaks Open the ice or Escapes ({@dc 37} in either case), or if the creature takes at least 30 fire damage.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ "usvani; acid" ], "entries": [ - "Usvani exhales a miasma of acidic fumes in a 15-foot emanation. A creature that starts its turn in the area takes {@damage 12d6} acid damage and must attempt a DC 33 Fortitude save.", + "Usvani exhales a miasma of acidic fumes in a 15-foot emanation. A creature that starts its turn in the area takes {@damage 12d6} acid damage and must attempt a {@dc 33} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ "ranya shibhatesh; electricity" ], "entries": [ - "Ranya looses four lightning bolts, electrifying creatures and magnetizing them closer to her. Four 60-foot lines of electricity stretch out from Ranya's space, one in each cardinal direction, dealing {@damage 4d12} electricity damage. Each creature in an affected area must attempt a DC 33 Reflex save. If this ability causes an {@condition undetected} creature to glow, that creature becomes {@condition hidden} instead to creatures that can see any part of its space (even if it is {@condition invisible} or {@action Sneak||Sneaks}).", + "Ranya looses four lightning bolts, electrifying creatures and magnetizing them closer to her. Four 60-foot lines of electricity stretch out from Ranya's space, one in each cardinal direction, dealing {@damage 4d12} electricity damage. Each creature in an affected area must attempt a {@dc 33} Reflex save. If this ability causes an {@condition undetected} creature to glow, that creature becomes {@condition hidden} instead to creatures that can see any part of its space (even if it is {@condition invisible} or {@action Sneak||Sneaks}).", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Jivati, dealing {@damage 8d6} fire damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 33 Will save.", + "Jivati, dealing {@damage 8d6} fire damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 33} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The drake spits a ball of liquid up to 60 feet that explodes into a 20-foot burst of freezing mist. Those in the burst take {@damage 13d6} cold damage (DC 31 basic Reflex save). The mist cakes all surfaces in the area with a sheet of slippery ice that turns the area into {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for {@dice 2d4} rounds. It can't use Freezing Mist Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "The drake spits a ball of liquid up to 60 feet that explodes into a 20-foot burst of freezing mist. Those in the burst take {@damage 13d6} cold damage ({@dc 31} basic Reflex save). The mist cakes all surfaces in the area with a sheet of slippery ice that turns the area into {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} for {@dice 2d4} rounds. It can't use Freezing Mist Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ], "name": "Freezing Mist Breath" }, @@ -2329,7 +2329,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Ji-yook expertly aims and flings a dart to peg an opponent to a nearby wall or floor. Ji-yook makes a dart {@action Strike}. If the attack hits, it deals no damage and instead pins the target to an adjacent surface. The target is {@condition immobilized} and must spend an {@action Interact} action to attempt a DC 10 {@skill Athletics} check to pull the dart free; it can't move from its space until it succeeds. If Ji-yook's dart {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the target must succeed at two separate {@skill Athletics} checks to pull the dart free. The target is {@condition flat-footed} while it remains {@condition immobilized} in this way." + "Ji-yook expertly aims and flings a dart to peg an opponent to a nearby wall or floor. Ji-yook makes a dart {@action Strike}. If the attack hits, it deals no damage and instead pins the target to an adjacent surface. The target is {@condition immobilized} and must spend an {@action Interact} action to attempt a {@dc 10} {@skill Athletics} check to pull the dart free; it can't move from its space until it succeeds. If Ji-yook's dart {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the target must succeed at two separate {@skill Athletics} checks to pull the dart free. The target is {@condition flat-footed} while it remains {@condition immobilized} in this way." ], "name": "Pinning Shot" }, @@ -3060,7 +3060,7 @@ "trigger": "A creature leaves a space within Kas Xi Rai's reach", "requirements": "Kas Xi Rai is in tangled forest stance", "entries": [ - "The triggering creature must attempt a DC 37 Reflex save, {@skill Acrobatics} check, or {@skill Athletics} check. On a failure, the creature is {@condition immobilized} for that action." + "The triggering creature must attempt a {@dc 37} Reflex save, {@skill Acrobatics} check, or {@skill Athletics} check. On a failure, the creature is {@condition immobilized} for that action." ], "name": "Tangled Forest Trip" } @@ -3068,7 +3068,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "When Kas Xi Rai targets the same creature with two {@action Strike||Strikes} from her {@action Flurry of Blows} and at least one hits and deals damage, the target must succeed at a DC 39 Fortitude save or be {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} and take a \u20135-foot status penalty to land Speed while {@condition enfeebled}. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 2} and takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to land Speed while {@condition enfeebled}." + "When Kas Xi Rai targets the same creature with two {@action Strike||Strikes} from her {@action Flurry of Blows} and at least one hits and deals damage, the target must succeed at a {@dc 39} Fortitude save or be {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 1} and take a \u20135-foot status penalty to land Speed while {@condition enfeebled}. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 2} and takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to land Speed while {@condition enfeebled}." ], "name": "Exhausting Flurry" }, @@ -3272,7 +3272,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The kun inhales violently, sucking in heat and all creatures in the water in a 60-foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or take {@damage 10d8} cold damage. The kun can't Funnel again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The kun inhales violently, sucking in heat and all creatures in the water in a 60-foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed at a {@dc 33} Fortitude save or take {@damage 10d8} cold damage. The kun can't Funnel again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -4214,7 +4214,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The melodic squall sings in a sonorous chorus. Any creature in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a DC 36 Will save to resist becoming {@condition fascinated} by the melodic squall. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", + "The melodic squall sings in a sonorous chorus. Any creature in a 30-foot emanation must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save to resist becoming {@condition fascinated} by the melodic squall. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -4240,7 +4240,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The melodic squall focuses intense sound at an inaudible frequency in a 100-foot line. Each creature in the line must attempt a DC 34 Fortitude save.", + "The melodic squall focuses intense sound at an inaudible frequency in a 100-foot line. Each creature in the line must attempt a {@dc 34} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -4619,7 +4619,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "1 mile. The ambient weather around a peng is always lightly cloudy with a pleasant breeze, and the temperature is pleasantly warm for the season. A creature that attempts to alter the weather within this aura (such as with a control weather ritual or localized effect like gust of wind) must succeed at a DC 33 Will save; otherwise the effect is disrupted. The peng can activate or deactivate this aura as a single action (this action has the {@trait concentrate} trait)." + "1 mile. The ambient weather around a peng is always lightly cloudy with a pleasant breeze, and the temperature is pleasantly warm for the season. A creature that attempts to alter the weather within this aura (such as with a control weather ritual or localized effect like gust of wind) must succeed at a {@dc 33} Will save; otherwise the effect is disrupted. The peng can activate or deactivate this aura as a single action (this action has the {@trait concentrate} trait)." ], "name": "Calm Weather Aura" } @@ -4652,7 +4652,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The peng beats its wings to create a mighty burst of frosty air and push away foes. Each creature within 10 feet of the peng takes {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning and {@damage 3d6} cold damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail their save are pushed away 10 feet; creatures that critically fail are pushed away 20 feet and knocked {@condition prone}. The peng can't Flap Wings again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The peng beats its wings to create a mighty burst of frosty air and push away foes. Each creature within 10 feet of the peng takes {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning and {@damage 3d6} cold damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail their save are pushed away 10 feet; creatures that critically fail are pushed away 20 feet and knocked {@condition prone}. The peng can't Flap Wings again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Flap Wings" } @@ -5104,7 +5104,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The portal eater unfurls its crystalline cloak of stolen realities, releasing a wave of cosmic energy and casting prismatic spray (DC 39) in a 60-foot emanation. The portal eater can't Unfurl Realities again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The portal eater unfurls its crystalline cloak of stolen realities, releasing a wave of cosmic energy and casting prismatic spray ({@dc 39}) in a 60-foot emanation. The portal eater can't Unfurl Realities again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Unfurl Realities" } @@ -5484,7 +5484,7 @@ }, "requirements": "Ran-to has a creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}", "entries": [ - "Ran-to throws his foe to the ground. The {@condition grabbed} creature takes {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 37 basic Fortitude save) and is knocked {@condition prone}. The grab ends." + "Ran-to throws his foe to the ground. The {@condition grabbed} creature takes {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 37} basic Fortitude save) and is knocked {@condition prone}. The grab ends." ] }, { @@ -5520,7 +5520,7 @@ "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": [ - "Ran-to tosses his foe a great distance. The grab ends. The {@condition grabbed} creature is thrown into a space within 10 feet, takes {@damage 12d6} bludgeoning damage, and falls {@condition prone}. All creatures adjacent to Ran-to take the same amount of bludgeoning damage (DC 37 basic Reflex save)." + "Ran-to tosses his foe a great distance. The grab ends. The {@condition grabbed} creature is thrown into a space within 10 feet, takes {@damage 12d6} bludgeoning damage, and falls {@condition prone}. All creatures adjacent to Ran-to take the same amount of bludgeoning damage ({@dc 37} basic Reflex save)." ], "Success": [ "As critical success, except the {@condition grabbed} creatures is thrown into a space within 5 feet, and creatures take {@damage 8d6} bludgeoning damage." @@ -5983,7 +5983,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The rivka opens its maw and projects a 60-foot line of primal energy that deals {@dice 14d6} damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save). The type of damage dealt by the ray depends on which kaiju the rivka has most recently fed from (see above). The rivka can't use Kaiju Ray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The rivka opens its maw and projects a 60-foot line of primal energy that deals {@dice 14d6} damage ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). The type of damage dealt by the ray depends on which kaiju the rivka has most recently fed from (see above). The rivka can't use Kaiju Ray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Kaiju Ray" } @@ -6246,13 +6246,13 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "A shadow yai's touch harms their target's spiritual essence in addition to its body. A creature hit by the shadow yai's fist {@action Strike} must attempt a DC 36 Will save.", + "A shadow yai's touch harms their target's spiritual essence in addition to its body. A creature hit by the shadow yai's fist {@action Strike} must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": "The creature is unaffected.", "Success": "The creature takes {@damage 2d6} negative damage.", - "Failure": "The creature becomes {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} and takes {@damage 3d6} negative damage. As long as the creature is {@condition drained} as a result of this ability, it loses the ability to speak above a whisper. When the creature attempts to {@action Cast a Spell} with a verbal component, it must succeed at a flat check or the spell is disrupted. The DC of this flat check is equal to 5 plus the creature's {@condition drained} value (for example, DC 7 if the creature is {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2}).", + "Failure": "The creature becomes {@condition drained|CRB|drained 1} and takes {@damage 3d6} negative damage. As long as the creature is {@condition drained} as a result of this ability, it loses the ability to speak above a whisper. When the creature attempts to {@action Cast a Spell} with a verbal component, it must succeed at a flat check or the spell is disrupted. The DC of this flat check is equal to 5 plus the creature's {@condition drained} value (for example, {@dc 7} if the creature is {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2}).", "Critical Failure": "As failure, but the creature becomes {@condition drained|CRB|drained 2} and takes {@damage 6d6} negative damage." } } @@ -6416,7 +6416,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Hakusa makes precise attacks that can debilitate a foe's movements. Hakusa makes a fist {@action Strike}. On a hit, the target takes damage as normal and must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save.", + "Hakusa makes precise attacks that can debilitate a foe's movements. Hakusa makes a fist {@action Strike}. On a hit, the target takes damage as normal and must attempt a {@dc 38} Fortitude save.", "Regardless of the result of the save, the target is then temporarily immune to Pressure Point Attacks for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -6424,7 +6424,7 @@ "Critical Success": "The target is unaffected.", "Success": "The target's muscles become temporarily weaker. For 1 round, the target is {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 2} and must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check when attempting to use actions with the {@trait manipulate} trait or the action is lost.", "Failure": "As success, but the duration is 1 minute.", - "Critical Failure": "As success, but the duration is 1 minute, the flat check is DC 11, and the target also takes \u201310-foot status penalty to their Speed for the duration." + "Critical Failure": "As success, but the duration is 1 minute, the flat check is {@dc 11}, and the target also takes \u201310-foot status penalty to their Speed for the duration." } } ], @@ -7454,7 +7454,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The taiga yai is standing in natural foliage or undergrowth and is targeted by a melee attack", "entries": [ - "The taiga yai infuses their power within the plants around them, causing the plants to shoot up and create a protective barrier. The taiga yai gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack roll. If the attack misses, the attacker must attempt a DC 33 Reflex save. On a failed save, the attacker is {@condition immobilized} for 1 round as the plants grab hold of them; on a critical failure, the attacker is also knocked {@condition prone}." + "The taiga yai infuses their power within the plants around them, causing the plants to shoot up and create a protective barrier. The taiga yai gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack roll. If the attack misses, the attacker must attempt a {@dc 33} Reflex save. On a failed save, the attacker is {@condition immobilized} for 1 round as the plants grab hold of them; on a critical failure, the attacker is also knocked {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Botanic Interruption" } @@ -7489,7 +7489,7 @@ "manipulate" ], "entries": [ - "The taiga yai commands underground plant roots to drag a creature within 60 feet into the earth. The target must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or be {@condition immobilized} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. After this time, the creature is buried; it is {@condition grabbed}, begins to suffocate, and takes {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage each round they remain buried. To escape either while {@condition immobilized} or {@condition grabbed}, the creature must succeed at a DC 35 {@action Escape} check or an adjacent ally must succeed at a DC 33 {@skill Athletics} check to pull them out." + "The taiga yai commands underground plant roots to drag a creature within 60 feet into the earth. The target must succeed at a {@dc 35} Fortitude save or be {@condition immobilized} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. After this time, the creature is buried; it is {@condition grabbed}, begins to suffocate, and takes {@damage 4d6} bludgeoning damage each round they remain buried. To escape either while {@condition immobilized} or {@condition grabbed}, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 35} {@action Escape} check or an adjacent ally must succeed at a {@dc 33} {@skill Athletics} check to pull them out." ], "name": "Return to Nature" } @@ -8032,12 +8032,12 @@ ], "requirements": "Troff is within reach of a creature that has taken cold damage since the end of Troff's last turn", "entries": [ - "Troff jabs a pressure point on the creature made vulnerable by cold. The creature must attempt a DC 31 Fortitude save as its skin freezes and its limbs turn sluggish and clammy.", + "Troff jabs a pressure point on the creature made vulnerable by cold. The creature must attempt a {@dc 31} Fortitude save as its skin freezes and its limbs turn sluggish and clammy.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": "The creature is unaffected.", - "Success": "The creature takes {@damage 2d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage} and a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds until the {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage} ends. Dealing fire damage to the creature is an especially effective way to help end the {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage} (allowing a new flat check to end it at DC 10).", + "Success": "The creature takes {@damage 2d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage} and a \u20135-foot status penalty to its Speeds until the {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage} ends. Dealing fire damage to the creature is an especially effective way to help end the {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage} (allowing a new flat check to end it at {@dc 10}).", "Failure": "As success, but the damage is {@dice 4d4} and the penalty is \u201315-foot.", "Critical Failure": "As success, but the damage is {@dice 6d4} and the creature is {@condition immobilized} instead of taking a Speed penalty." } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-frp3.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-frp3.json index 29445d3654..a1c58367a6 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-frp3.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-frp3.json @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ ], "requirements": "Abbot Tsujon's khakkhara holds a glowing orb from Absorb Worldly Influence", "entries": [ - "Abbot Tsujon strikes her prayer staff once upon the ground, releasing the energy she captured in it along with the jingling of its rings. She blasts a wave of force in a 30- foot emanation, dealing {@damage 2d6} force damage per level of the ability she counteracted (DC 40 basic Reflex save). If the ability she counteracted usually deals energy damage, she can choose to deal this type of damage instead (for instance, if she used Absorb Worldly Influence to counteract a fireball, she could deal either fire or force damage)." + "Abbot Tsujon strikes her prayer staff once upon the ground, releasing the energy she captured in it along with the jingling of its rings. She blasts a wave of force in a 30- foot emanation, dealing {@damage 2d6} force damage per level of the ability she counteracted ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). If the ability she counteracted usually deals energy damage, she can choose to deal this type of damage instead (for instance, if she used Absorb Worldly Influence to counteract a fireball, she could deal either fire or force damage)." ], "name": "Release Worldly Passions" }, @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "Frequency once per round; Abbot Tsujon makes two {@action Strike||Strikes}, each of which must be an unarmed {@action Strike} or crying temple bell {@action Strike}.", - "If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses. If either {@action Strike} hits and deals damage, the target must succeed at a DC 39 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure); this save has the {@trait incapacitation} trait." + "If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses. If either {@action Strike} hits and deals damage, the target must succeed at a {@dc 39} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure); this save has the {@trait incapacitation} trait." ], "name": "Stunning Flurry" } @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The bul-gae takes damage", "entries": [ - "The bul-gae releases a solar flare in a 30-foot emanation. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 6d8} fire damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, a creature also takes {@damage 2d10} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. After using this ability, the bul-gae's flames cool and they can't use Solar Flare again until after they have used Lunar Burst." + "The bul-gae releases a solar flare in a 30-foot emanation. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 6d8} fire damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, a creature also takes {@damage 2d10} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. After using this ability, the bul-gae's flames cool and they can't use Solar Flare again until after they have used Lunar Burst." ], "name": "Solar Flare" } @@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The bul-gae releases a blast of otherworldly frost that deals {@damage 6d8} cold damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation (DC 34 basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, a creature also becomes {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2}. After using this ability, the bul-gae's flames heat up and they can't use Lunar Burst again until after they have used Solar Flare." + "The bul-gae releases a blast of otherworldly frost that deals {@damage 6d8} cold damage to each creature in a 10-foot emanation ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, a creature also becomes {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 2}. After using this ability, the bul-gae's flames heat up and they can't use Lunar Burst again until after they have used Solar Flare." ], "name": "Lunar Burst" }, @@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The canopy elder launches a rapidly growing net of fungus from the mushrooms growing on its body at a single creature within 80 feet. The target must attempt a DC 39 Reflex save or become {@condition restrained} by the fungal web ({@action Escape} DC 39). While {@condition restrained}, the creature takes {@damage 4d6} poison damage at the end of each of their turns." + "The canopy elder launches a rapidly growing net of fungus from the mushrooms growing on its body at a single creature within 80 feet. The target must attempt a {@dc 39} Reflex save or become {@condition restrained} by the fungal web ({@action Escape} {@dc 39}). While {@condition restrained}, the creature takes {@damage 4d6} poison damage at the end of each of their turns." ], "name": "Fungal Web" }, @@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The canopy elder releases a dense cloud of pollen from the epiphytes living in its branches. The cloud emanates from the canopy elder in a 40-foot emanation. The cloud doesn't move with the canopy elder and remains in place for {@dice 1d6} rounds before dissipating. Creatures inside the cloud become {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the cloud become {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. Non-plant and non-fungus creatures within the cloud must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 3}, and on a critical failure the creature is also {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to the sickening and blinding effects of the canopy elder's pollen for 24 hours." + "The canopy elder releases a dense cloud of pollen from the epiphytes living in its branches. The cloud emanates from the canopy elder in a 40-foot emanation. The cloud doesn't move with the canopy elder and remains in place for {@dice 1d6} rounds before dissipating. Creatures inside the cloud become {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the cloud become {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. Non-plant and non-fungus creatures within the cloud must attempt a {@dc 38} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 3}, and on a critical failure the creature is also {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to the sickening and blinding effects of the canopy elder's pollen for 24 hours." ], "name": "Pollen Cloud" }, @@ -1090,10 +1090,10 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. As kirin, but DC 39. Cloudsplitter allows anyone involved in the player character's bout with Jin-Hae to use {@condition hostile} actions without a Will save." + "60 feet. As kirin, but {@dc 39}. Cloudsplitter allows anyone involved in the player character's bout with Jin-Hae to use {@condition hostile} actions without a Will save." ], "name": "Peaceful Aura", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Peaceful Aura As kirin, but DC 39. Cloudsplitter allows anyone involved in the player character's bout with Jin-Hae to use {@condition hostile} actions without a Will save.' in Cloudsplitter, p.19" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Peaceful Aura As kirin, but {@dc 39}. Cloudsplitter allows anyone involved in the player character's bout with Jin-Hae to use {@condition hostile} actions without a Will save.' in Cloudsplitter, p.19" }, { "activity": { @@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "Cloudsplitter breathes fire in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 18d6} fire damage (DC 40 basic Reflex save). Cloudsplitter can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Cloudsplitter breathes fire in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 18d6} fire damage ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). Cloudsplitter can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Medium or smaller, phantom hoof, DC 40" + "Medium or smaller, phantom hoof, {@dc 40}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. The night parade sweeps up those nearby in a riotous celebration. All creatures in the aura must attempt a DC 39 Will save. The target is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", + "60 feet. The night parade sweeps up those nearby in a riotous celebration. All creatures in the aura must attempt a {@dc 39} Will save. The target is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The night parade shouts a series of energetic call-and-responses, dealing {@damage 3d10} sonic damage and {@damage 4d6} mental damage to all creatures in a 10-foot burst within 20 feet (DC 41 basic Will save). If the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." + "The night parade shouts a series of energetic call-and-responses, dealing {@damage 3d10} sonic damage and {@damage 4d6} mental damage to all creatures in a 10-foot burst within 20 feet ({@dc 41} basic Will save). If the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst." ], "name": "Seiya! Soiya!" }, @@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The night parade dances with wild abandon, unintentionally striking nearby creatures. It deals damage to each adjacent creature (DC 41 basic Reflex save), and any creature that fails its save is pushed 10 feet in any direction as the night parade bounces it overhead. The damage depends on the number of actions.", + "The night parade dances with wild abandon, unintentionally striking nearby creatures. It deals damage to each adjacent creature ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save), and any creature that fails its save is pushed 10 feet in any direction as the night parade bounces it overhead. The damage depends on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@damage 1d10+7} bludgeoning damage", "{@as 2} {@damage 4d10+14} bludgeoning damage", "{@as 3} {@damage 6d10+14} bludgeoning damage" @@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "40 feet. Desecrated guardians exude a palpable malice that nauseates all but the most wicked passersby.", - "Non-evil creatures that enter the aura must attempt a DC 37 Will save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} ({@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure). In addition, any non-evil creatures that attempt to {@action Cast a Spell} within the aura must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check or the spell is lost." + "Non-evil creatures that enter the aura must attempt a {@dc 37} Will save. On a failure, the creature becomes {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} ({@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure). In addition, any non-evil creatures that attempt to {@action Cast a Spell} within the aura must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check or the spell is lost." ], "name": "Desecration Aura" }, @@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The desecrated guardian thrashes its body about, causing the nearby terrain to crumble and crash down on creatures in a 60-foot cone, dealing {@damage 12d10} bludgeoning damage (DC 42 basic Reflex save). It can't use Avalanche again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The desecrated guardian thrashes its body about, causing the nearby terrain to crumble and crash down on creatures in a 60-foot cone, dealing {@damage 12d10} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save). It can't use Avalanche again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Avalanche" }, @@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+18} bludgeoning, DC 39" + "{@damage 2d8+18} bludgeoning, {@dc 39}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, tail, DC 37" + "Huge or smaller, tail, {@dc 37}" ], "name": "Trample", "generic": { @@ -1719,8 +1719,8 @@ "air" ], "entries": [ - "A kaminari's bag holds the four winds. The kaminari unleashes four 20-foot bursts within 60 feet with the effects of a 9th-level {@spell wall of wind}. In addition, a creature that enters one of the bursts takes {@damage 6d6} slashing damage (DC 40 basic Reflex save). The bursts can't overlap. After using this activity the kaminari can't use Hurricane Bag for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", - "If a kaminari creates a column of lighting using Thunder Drums that intersects one of the areas of the wind, the wind explodes in a peal of thunder, dealing {@damage 6d10} sonic damage to creatures in the area of that wall of wind burst. Affected creatures must attempt a DC 40 Fortitude save. The kaminari can detonate only one burst per use of Thunder Drums.", + "A kaminari's bag holds the four winds. The kaminari unleashes four 20-foot bursts within 60 feet with the effects of a 9th-level {@spell wall of wind}. In addition, a creature that enters one of the bursts takes {@damage 6d6} slashing damage ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). The bursts can't overlap. After using this activity the kaminari can't use Hurricane Bag for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "If a kaminari creates a column of lighting using Thunder Drums that intersects one of the areas of the wind, the wind explodes in a peal of thunder, dealing {@damage 6d10} sonic damage to creatures in the area of that wall of wind burst. Affected creatures must attempt a {@dc 40} Fortitude save. The kaminari can detonate only one burst per use of Thunder Drums.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Electricity leaps between two kaminari. The kaminari establishes a connection with another kaminari within 150 feet, and lightning and thunder form a line between the centers of their spaces. For the next minute, a creature that begins its turn in the line or enters the line on its turn takes {@damage 4d12} electricity damage (DC 40 basic Reflex save). A creature can take this damage only once per round, even if it moves through several tempest tethers. If the distance between the kaminari ever exceeds 150 feet, the tether breaks." + "Electricity leaps between two kaminari. The kaminari establishes a connection with another kaminari within 150 feet, and lightning and thunder form a line between the centers of their spaces. For the next minute, a creature that begins its turn in the line or enters the line on its turn takes {@damage 4d12} electricity damage ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). A creature can take this damage only once per round, even if it moves through several tempest tethers. If the distance between the kaminari ever exceeds 150 feet, the tether breaks." ], "name": "Tempest Tether" }, @@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ "electricity" ], "entries": [ - "The peal of a kaminari's drums bring thunder and lightning. The kaminari summons four 100-foot-tall columns of lightning to strike in 5-foot bursts within 60 feet. These columns can't overlap. Creatures in the burst take {@damage 8d12} electricity damage and must attempt a DC 40 Reflex save. The kaminari can't use Thunder Drums again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The peal of a kaminari's drums bring thunder and lightning. The kaminari summons four 100-foot-tall columns of lightning to strike in 5-foot bursts within 60 feet. These columns can't overlap. Creatures in the burst take {@damage 8d12} electricity damage and must attempt a {@dc 40} Reflex save. The kaminari can't use Thunder Drums again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1998,7 +1998,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "Any creature that converses with a gumiho must attempt a DC 35 Will save. The creature then becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours.", + "Any creature that converses with a gumiho must attempt a {@dc 35} Will save. The creature then becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2281,7 +2281,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. Any creature within 60 feet of an inmyeonjo that the inmyeonjo can see must attempt a DC 32 Will save. The effects last for 1 day while it is within the area of blurred countenance.", + "60 feet. Any creature within 60 feet of an inmyeonjo that the inmyeonjo can see must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save. The effects last for 1 day while it is within the area of blurred countenance.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2710,7 +2710,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Barriers Laruhao wishes for nothing more than to dance atop his yagura, undisturbed. When he uses his {@spell house of imaginary walls} composition spell, he creates four 10-foot-by-10-foot walls in a cube around him. A creature must succeed at a DC 41 counteract check to teleport within these walls; otherwise, the teleportation attempt fails." + "Barriers Laruhao wishes for nothing more than to dance atop his yagura, undisturbed. When he uses his {@spell house of imaginary walls} composition spell, he creates four 10-foot-by-10-foot walls in a cube around him. A creature must succeed at a {@dc 41} counteract check to teleport within these walls; otherwise, the teleportation attempt fails." ], "name": "Master of" } @@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by a lophiithu's lure must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or be {@condition fascinated} with the lophiithu's lures for 1 minute. On a critical failure, it can't use reactions while it remains {@condition fascinated}. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 hour." + "A creature hit by a lophiithu's lure must succeed at a {@dc 41} Will save or be {@condition fascinated} with the lophiithu's lures for 1 minute. On a critical failure, it can't use reactions while it remains {@condition fascinated}. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 hour." ], "name": "Beguiling Lure" }, @@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 37" + "60 feet, {@dc 37}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The Rai Sho postulant makes two {@action Strike||Strikes}, which can be any combination of claw or icicle {@action Strike||Strikes}. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses. If either {@action Strike} hits and deals damage, the target must succeed at a DC 37 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure); this save has the {@trait incapacitation} trait." + "The Rai Sho postulant makes two {@action Strike||Strikes}, which can be any combination of claw or icicle {@action Strike||Strikes}. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses. If either {@action Strike} hits and deals damage, the target must succeed at a {@dc 37} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} (or {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 3} on a critical failure); this save has the {@trait incapacitation} trait." ], "name": "Frozen Flurry" }, @@ -3548,10 +3548,10 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "As yeti, but DC 37." + "As yeti, but {@dc 37}." ], "name": "Grisly Arrival", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Grisly Arrival As yeti, but DC 37.' in Rai Sho Postulant, p.13" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Grisly Arrival As yeti, but {@dc 37}.' in Rai Sho Postulant, p.13" }, { "entries": [ @@ -3698,7 +3698,7 @@ }, "requirements": "Ran-to is grabbing a creature", "entries": [ - "Ran-to throws his foe against the ground. The {@condition grabbed} creature takes {@damage 12d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 43 basic Fortitude save) and is knocked {@condition prone}. The creature is no longer {@condition grabbed}." + "Ran-to throws his foe against the ground. The {@condition grabbed} creature takes {@damage 12d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 43} basic Fortitude save) and is knocked {@condition prone}. The creature is no longer {@condition grabbed}." ], "name": "Body Slam" }, @@ -3708,7 +3708,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 7d4+5} bludgeoning, DC 43" + "{@damage 7d4+5} bludgeoning, {@dc 43}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -3764,7 +3764,7 @@ { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { - "Critical Success": "Ran-to tosses his foe mightily. The {@condition grabbed} creature is thrown into a space within 20 feet, takes {@damage 16d6} bludgeoning damage, and falls {@condition prone}. All creatures adjacent to Ran-to take the same amount of bludgeoning damage (DC 43 basic Reflex save).", + "Critical Success": "Ran-to tosses his foe mightily. The {@condition grabbed} creature is thrown into a space within 20 feet, takes {@damage 16d6} bludgeoning damage, and falls {@condition prone}. All creatures adjacent to Ran-to take the same amount of bludgeoning damage ({@dc 43} basic Reflex save).", "Success": "As critical success, except the {@condition grabbed} creature is thrown into a space within 10 feet, and creatures take {@damage 12d6} bludgeoning damage.", "Failure": "Ran-to tosses his foe aside. The {@condition grabbed} creature falls {@condition prone}.", "Critical Failure": "Ran-to loses hold of his foe." @@ -3928,7 +3928,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "The sanzuwu transforms into an enormous bird made of flame. As the sanzuwu begins their transformation, creatures within a 10-foot emanation take {@damage 6d8} fire damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save). While in their flame form, the sanzuwu gains the effects of 4th-level {@spell enlarge}. They can use Fiery Transformation again to revert back to their standard form." + "The sanzuwu transforms into an enormous bird made of flame. As the sanzuwu begins their transformation, creatures within a 10-foot emanation take {@damage 6d8} fire damage ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). While in their flame form, the sanzuwu gains the effects of 4th-level {@spell enlarge}. They can use Fiery Transformation again to revert back to their standard form." ], "name": "Fiery Transformation" }, @@ -3943,7 +3943,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The sanzuwu opens their mouth to produce a bead of burning energy, hurling it a point within 200 feet. The bead detonates, dealing {@damage 7d8} fire damage and {@damage 4d10} sonic damage to all creatures in a 30-foot burst (DC 33 basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically fail become {@condition blinded} for 1 round. The sanzuwu can't use." + "The sanzuwu opens their mouth to produce a bead of burning energy, hurling it a point within 200 feet. The bead detonates, dealing {@damage 7d8} fire damage and {@damage 4d10} sonic damage to all creatures in a 30-foot burst ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically fail become {@condition blinded} for 1 round. The sanzuwu can't use." ], "name": "Radiant Blast" }, @@ -3977,7 +3977,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The sanzuwu is in their fiery form", "entries": [ - "The sanzuwu spreads their wings, emitting a bright cascade of light in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the cone must attempt a DC 33 Fortitude save.", + "The sanzuwu spreads their wings, emitting a bright cascade of light in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the cone must attempt a {@dc 33} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -4173,7 +4173,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Hakusa rapidly strikes at pressure points to debilitate a foe. She makes a fingers {@action Strike}. On a hit, the target takes damage as normal and must attempt a DC 43 Fortitude save.", + "Hakusa rapidly strikes at pressure points to debilitate a foe. She makes a fingers {@action Strike}. On a hit, the target takes damage as normal and must attempt a {@dc 43} Fortitude save.", "Regardless of the result of the save, the target is then temporarily immune to Pressure Point Attack for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -4181,7 +4181,7 @@ "Critical Success": "The target is unaffected.", "Success": "The target's muscles become temporarily weaker. For 1 round, the target is {@condition enfeebled|CRB|enfeebled 2}, and any time it attempts to take an action with the {@trait manipulate} trait, the action is disrupted unless it succeeds at a flat check with a DC equal to 5 + its {@condition enfeebled} value.", "Failure": "As success, but the duration is 1 minute.", - "Critical Failure": "As success, but the duration is 1 minute, the flat check is DC 11, and the target takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to all Speeds for the duration." + "Critical Failure": "As success, but the duration is 1 minute, the flat check is {@dc 11}, and the target takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to all Speeds for the duration." } } ], @@ -4208,13 +4208,13 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Hakusa strikes a series of pressure points on her target's body that redirects its ki to the heart, before following up with a palm strike to the sternum. She makes a fingers {@action Strike} and a palm {@action Strike}, dealing damage as normal. If both hit, the target takes {@damage 8d10} negative damage as its life energy escapes from its body in a shower of bird-shaped sparks. The target attempts a DC 43 Fortitude save.", + "Hakusa strikes a series of pressure points on her target's body that redirects its ki to the heart, before following up with a palm strike to the sternum. She makes a fingers {@action Strike} and a palm {@action Strike}, dealing damage as normal. If both hit, the target takes {@damage 8d10} negative damage as its life energy escapes from its body in a shower of bird-shaped sparks. The target attempts a {@dc 43} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { "Critical Success": "The target is unaffected.", "Success": "The target takes half the negative damage.", - "Failure": "The target takes full damage, its life energy exploding violently from its back in a 30-foot cone originating from the target. All of Hakusa's other enemies in the cone also take the negative damage (DC 43 basic Fortitude save).", + "Failure": "The target takes full damage, its life energy exploding violently from its back in a 30-foot cone originating from the target. All of Hakusa's other enemies in the cone also take the negative damage ({@dc 43} basic Fortitude save).", "Critical Failure": "As failure, but the target takes double negative damage." } } @@ -4424,7 +4424,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Syndara makes six {@action Strike||Strikes}. Any creature struck must succeed at a DC 46 Will save or be teleported to a location of Syndara's choice within 60 feet of him when the flurry is complete. The teleportation has the {@trait conjuration}, {@trait divine}, and {@trait teleportation} traits." + "Syndara makes six {@action Strike||Strikes}. Any creature struck must succeed at a {@dc 46} Will save or be teleported to a location of Syndara's choice within 60 feet of him when the flurry is complete. The teleportation has the {@trait conjuration}, {@trait divine}, and {@trait teleportation} traits." ], "name": "Dimensional Flurry" }, @@ -4448,7 +4448,7 @@ "divine" ], "entries": [ - "With great regret, Syndara calls his masterpieces from the firmament to crash down upon his enemies. He flings four worldspheres to any four points within 500 feet. Each worldsphere deals {@dice 20d6} damage in a 40-foot burst (DC 48 basic Reflex save). Syndara chooses the type of damage for each worldsphere, which can be any type he chooses, though each worldsphere must deal a different type of damage. On a failed save, the target is pushed to the edge of the burst. No matter how many overlapping explosions it's caught in, a creature can take damage from only one worldsphere per round. Syndara is immune to the damage dealt by his worldspheres.", + "With great regret, Syndara calls his masterpieces from the firmament to crash down upon his enemies. He flings four worldspheres to any four points within 500 feet. Each worldsphere deals {@dice 20d6} damage in a 40-foot burst ({@dc 48} basic Reflex save). Syndara chooses the type of damage for each worldsphere, which can be any type he chooses, though each worldsphere must deal a different type of damage. On a failed save, the target is pushed to the edge of the burst. No matter how many overlapping explosions it's caught in, a creature can take damage from only one worldsphere per round. Syndara is immune to the damage dealt by his worldspheres.", "Syndara can't use Mover of Worlds again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Mover of Worlds" @@ -4705,7 +4705,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "100 feet. A spirit turtle exudes a constant feeling of calm. Creatures within the aura are subjected to a 10th-level {@spell calm emotions} spell (DC 44 Will save). The effects persist up to 1 hour, even if the creature leaves the aura. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 hour." + "100 feet. A spirit turtle exudes a constant feeling of calm. Creatures within the aura are subjected to a 10th-level {@spell calm emotions} spell ({@dc 44} Will save). The effects persist up to 1 hour, even if the creature leaves the aura. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 hour." ], "name": "Pacifying Aura" } @@ -4717,7 +4717,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 4d12+7} bludgeoning, DC 41" + "{@damage 4d12+7} bludgeoning, {@dc 41}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -4746,7 +4746,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The spirit turtle makes a foot {@action Strike}. Whether or not the {@action Strike} hits, the stomp creates a shockwave on the ground in a 15-foot burst centered on the target.", - "All creatures in the area other than the spirit turtle take {@damage 10d10} bludgeoning and {@damage 4d8} energy damage and are knocked {@condition prone} (DC 41 basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically succeed at their Reflex save are not knocked {@condition prone}. The spirit turtle can't use Unbalancing Stomp again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "All creatures in the area other than the spirit turtle take {@damage 10d10} bludgeoning and {@damage 4d8} energy damage and are knocked {@condition prone} ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically succeed at their Reflex save are not knocked {@condition prone}. The spirit turtle can't use Unbalancing Stomp again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Unbalancing Stomp" } @@ -4928,7 +4928,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura takes {@damage 6d6} cold damage (DC 42 basic Fortitude). If the creature is {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} by the sthira, it takes one degree of success worse than it rolled." + "20 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura takes {@damage 6d6} cold damage ({@dc 42} basic Fortitude). If the creature is {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} by the sthira, it takes one degree of success worse than it rolled." ], "name": "Freezing Death" }, @@ -4947,7 +4947,7 @@ "cold" ], "entries": [ - "A creature that damages the sthira with an unarmed attack, tries to {@action Grapple} it, or otherwise touches it takes {@damage 6d6} cold damage (DC 42 basic Fortitude)." + "A creature that damages the sthira with an unarmed attack, tries to {@action Grapple} it, or otherwise touches it takes {@damage 6d6} cold damage ({@dc 42} basic Fortitude)." ], "name": "Frozen to the Touch" } @@ -4955,7 +4955,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "A creature that takes cold damage from a sthira's {@action Strike||Strikes} or aura must attempt a DC 42 Fortitude save. A creature that already has {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage} from frostbite ignores this effect.", + "A creature that takes cold damage from a sthira's {@action Strike||Strikes} or aura must attempt a {@dc 42} Fortitude save. A creature that already has {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage} from frostbite ignores this effect.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -5218,7 +5218,7 @@ ], "requirements": "Syndara is in the {@i Glass Lighthouse}", "entries": [ - "Syndara exerts his will over the {@i Glass Lighthouse} to cause one of several effects. The effect is magical, but Syndara isn't using magic when he takes this action\u2014just triggering a {@trait magical} effect he already set up. The level for each of these effects is 10, and any save is DC 45. Syndara or Syndara's Reflection can't use Planar Restructuring for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "Syndara exerts his will over the {@i Glass Lighthouse} to cause one of several effects. The effect is magical, but Syndara isn't using magic when he takes this action\u2014just triggering a {@trait magical} effect he already set up. The level for each of these effects is 10, and any save is {@dc 45}. Syndara or Syndara's Reflection can't use Planar Restructuring for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -5248,7 +5248,7 @@ }, { "entries": [ - "Syndara has had an eternity to reflect on his own weaknesses and the weakness of others. If he critically hits with a melee {@action Strike}, he can target the eyes, joints, or other weak points to add one of the following effects of his choice unless the target succeeds on a DC 46 Fortitude save.", + "Syndara has had an eternity to reflect on his own weaknesses and the weakness of others. If he critically hits with a melee {@action Strike}, he can target the eyes, joints, or other weak points to add one of the following effects of his choice unless the target succeeds on a {@dc 46} Fortitude save.", { "type": "list", "items": [ diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-gmg.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-gmg.json index 69adcd074b..6b3081d6c5 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-gmg.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-gmg.json @@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ "linguistic" ], "entries": [ - "The barrister uses existing case law to undermine their opposition. If they succeed at a DC 20 {@skill Lore||Legal Lore} check, they impose a \u20132 circumstance penalty on the next {@skill Diplomacy} check an opponent attempts in a legal argument. Any further attempts to Cite Precedent fail until a new topic with different precedents is being argued." + "The barrister uses existing case law to undermine their opposition. If they succeed at a {@dc 20} {@skill Lore||Legal Lore} check, they impose a \u20132 circumstance penalty on the next {@skill Diplomacy} check an opponent attempts in a legal argument. Any further attempts to Cite Precedent fail until a new topic with different precedents is being argued." ], "name": "Cite Precedent" } @@ -3884,7 +3884,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The dancer {@action Stride||Strides} up to their Speed. Once during this movement, when the dancer is adjacent to a creature, the dancer can make that creature attempt a DC 17 Will save. On a failure, that creature is {@condition fascinated} with the dancer until the end of its next turn." + "The dancer {@action Stride||Strides} up to their Speed. Once during this movement, when the dancer is adjacent to a creature, the dancer can make that creature attempt a {@dc 17} Will save. On a failure, that creature is {@condition fascinated} with the dancer until the end of its next turn." ], "name": "Fascinating Dance" } @@ -4075,7 +4075,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "Demonic study has garnered the attention of at least one demon that is actively trying to possess the demonologist. When the demonologist publicly espouses the benefits of demonic power (whether they believe it a good thing or not), they gain a +1 status bonus to skill checks, AC, and saves for 1 day. These bonuses don't apply against demons.", - "At the end of the day, the demonologist must attempt a DC 20 Will save, becoming possessed for 1 day on a failure (permanently on a critical failure)." + "At the end of the day, the demonologist must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save, becoming possessed for 1 day on a failure (permanently on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Abyssal Temptation" } @@ -4408,7 +4408,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The dockhand is adjacent to a crate", "entries": [ - "The dockhand picks up a crate and heaves it up to 15 feet. Upon landing, the crate breaks open in a 5-foot burst. Each creature within the area takes {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 13 basic Reflex save), and the area becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} until cleared." + "The dockhand picks up a crate and heaves it up to 15 feet. Upon landing, the crate breaks open in a 5-foot burst. Each creature within the area takes {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 13} basic Reflex save), and the area becomes {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} until cleared." ], "name": "Heft Crate" }, @@ -4925,7 +4925,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The farmer's last action was a successful pitchfork {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The farmer moves the creature they hit with their pitchfork up to 5 feet, and the target falls {@condition prone}. The target can attempt a DC 13 Reflex save to avoid falling {@condition prone}, and avoids being moved altogether on a critical success." + "The farmer moves the creature they hit with their pitchfork up to 5 feet, and the target falls {@condition prone}. The target can attempt a {@dc 13} Reflex save to avoid falling {@condition prone}, and avoids being moved altogether on a critical success." ], "name": "Pitch Bale" } @@ -5491,7 +5491,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The gravedigger holds a bull's-eye lantern in one hand and their religious symbol in the other, and the lantern contains oil", "entries": [ - "The gravedigger recites a brief chant to ignite their lantern with positive energy. Each undead creature in a 15-foot line takes {@damage 3d6} positive damage (DC 14 basic Fortitude save). This action uses all remaining oil in the bull's-eye lantern." + "The gravedigger recites a brief chant to ignite their lantern with positive energy. Each undead creature in a 15-foot line takes {@damage 3d6} positive damage ({@dc 14} basic Fortitude save). This action uses all remaining oil in the bull's-eye lantern." ], "name": "Light in the Dark" } @@ -6969,7 +6969,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "1 Focus Point, DC 20; 2nd diviner's sight (Core Rulebook 406)" + "1 Focus Point, {@dc 20}; 2nd diviner's sight (Core Rulebook 406)" ], "name": "Wizard School Spell" } @@ -7422,7 +7422,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The miner has their hammer in hand", "entries": [ - "The miner Interacts to draw a piton, then hammers it into a creature to pin them in place, attempting an {@skill Athletics} check against the target's Reflex DC. On a hit, the target is {@condition immobilized} until it removes the piton with a successful DC 10 {@skill Athletics} check made as an {@action Interact} action." + "The miner Interacts to draw a piton, then hammers it into a creature to pin them in place, attempting an {@skill Athletics} check against the target's Reflex DC. On a hit, the target is {@condition immobilized} until it removes the piton with a successful {@dc 10} {@skill Athletics} check made as an {@action Interact} action." ], "name": "Piton Pin" } @@ -9433,7 +9433,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The reckless scientist is holding a bomb or elixir", "entries": [ - "The reckless scientist combines the bomb with another bomb or the elixir with another elixir. They can {@action Interact} to draw a second bomb or elixir if necessary as part of this action. They attempt a DC 28 {@skill Crafting} check, destroying both component items to create one new item. If a viable resulting item isn't used by the end of the scientist's next turn, it explodes as described under critical failure.", + "The reckless scientist combines the bomb with another bomb or the elixir with another elixir. They can {@action Interact} to draw a second bomb or elixir if necessary as part of this action. They attempt a {@dc 28} {@skill Crafting} check, destroying both component items to create one new item. If a viable resulting item isn't used by the end of the scientist's next turn, it explodes as described under critical failure.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-gw1.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-gw1.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..987d6611ae --- /dev/null +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-gw1.json @@ -0,0 +1,1921 @@ +{ + "_meta": { + "dependencies": { + "creature": [ + "B1", + "B3" + ] + }, + "internalCopies": [ + "creature" + ] + }, + "creature": [ + { + "name": "Cliffhunter Pteranodon", + "source": "GW1", + "_copy": { + "name": "Pteranodon", + "source": "B1", + "_mod": { + "abilities.bot": [ + { + "mode": "insertArr", + "items": { + "name": "Pluck", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "free" + }, + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "round" + }, + "trigger": "The pteranodon's last action this turn was a successful beak {@action Strike}. The pteranodon can use this ability mid-Swoop", + "entries": [ + "The pteranodon attempts to fling the struck creature into harm's way. The pteranodon makes an {@skill Athletics} check against the target's Fortitude DC.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The target creature is flung 15 feet in a direction of the pteranodon's choosing and potentially falls or takes damage accordingly. The creature cannot use the {@action Grab an Edge} reaction." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The pteranodon fails to move the target creature." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As failure, but the pteranodon's {@condition clumsy} movement leaves it open to attack. The pteranodon's turn ends, and it becomes {@condition flat-footed} until the beginning of its next turn." + ] + } + } + ] + } + } + ] + } + }, + "page": 48, + "description": "Variant {@creature pteranodon|b1}" + }, + { + "name": "Amelekana", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 84, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "n", + "large", + "amphibious", + "beast" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 14 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "lifesense ", + "range": { + "unit": "feet", + "number": 100 + } + } + ], + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 10 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 10 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 12 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 12 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 5, + "dex": 1, + "con": 4, + "int": -3, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 0 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 21 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 14 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 11 + }, + "will": { + "std": 14 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 72 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 20, + "swim": 20 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "pseudopod", + "attack": 13, + "damage": "{@damage 2d4+8} bludgeoning" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "name": "lob amoeba", + "attack": 14, + "damage": "{@damage 2d4+8} bludgeoning plus lob amoeba" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Reflective Shell", + "entries": [ + "An amelekana submerged in water gains a +4 circumstance bonus to {@skill Stealth} checks. If the water is moving, this bonus increases to +8." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Lob Amoeba", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "The amelekana flings a symbiotic amoeba at a target within 40 feet\u2014this is a ranged attack that doesn't count toward the amelekana's multiple attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this attack.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The target takes {@damage 2d4+8} bludgeoning damage and the symbiotic amoeba lands in a square adjacent to the target." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The target takes no damage, but the symbiotic amoeba still spawns in a square adjacent to the target." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The target takes no damage and the lobbed amoeba dies on impact." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Symbiotic Amoeba", + "entries": [ + "An amoeba produced by the amelekana is a Tiny, mindless, semi-independent creature {@condition controlled} by the amelekana. It has the {@trait minion} trait, AC 15, 1 Hit Point, and the same skills and saving throws as the amelekana. Each round, the amelekana can Command a Minion to make an amoeba {@action Step} or {@action Swim} 20 feet and make a pseudopod {@action Strike} (Melee pseudopod +13, Damage {@damage 2d4} acid). If an amelekana is killed, its symbiotic amoebas are also killed by the host creature's psychic backlash. An amelekana can have up to three extant symbiotic amoebas at a time." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Oaksteward Enforcers", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "description": "Human druids", + "level": 0, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "ln", + "medium", + "human", + "humanoid" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 6 + }, + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "common", + "druidic" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "intimidation": { + "std": 5 + }, + "nature": { + "std": 6 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 2, + "dex": 4, + "con": 0, + "int": -2, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 0 + }, + "items": [ + "dagger", + "leather armor", + "staff" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 16 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 4 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 6 + }, + "will": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 15 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 25 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "two-hand d8" + ], + "name": "staff", + "attack": 6, + "damage": "{@damage 1d4+2} bludgeoning" + }, + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse", + "versatile S" + ], + "name": "dagger", + "attack": 6, + "damage": "{@damage 1d4+2} piercing" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse", + "thrown 10 feet", + "versatile S" + ], + "name": "dagger", + "attack": 6, + "damage": "{@damage 1d4+2} piercing" + }, + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse" + ], + "name": "claw", + "attack": 7, + "damage": "{@damage 1d6+2} slashing" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "type": "Prepared", + "name": "Druid Prepared Spells", + "DC": 16, + "attack": 8, + "entry": { + "0": { + "level": 1, + "spells": [ + { + "name": "light" + }, + { + "name": "ray of frost" + }, + { + "name": "stabilize" + }, + { + "name": "tanglefoot" + } + ] + }, + "1": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "magic fang" + }, + { + "name": "shillelagh" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Wild Shape", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "morph", + "primal", + "transmutation" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "entries": [ + "The Oaksteward's hands transform into wild claws for 1 minute. The Oaksteward gains the following {@action Strike}." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Leiko", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 37, + "description": "Female {@creature shae|B3} experimenter", + "level": 4, + "_copy": { + "name": "Shae", + "source": "B3", + "_mod": { + "*": [ + { + "mode": "replaceTxt", + "replace": "The shae are", + "with": "Leiko is" + }, + { + "mode": "replaceTxt", + "replace": "The shae", + "with": "Leiko" + }, + { + "mode": "replaceTxt", + "replace": "shae are", + "with": "Leiko is" + } + ] + } + } + }, + { + "name": "The Looksee Man", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "description": "Male fetchling engineer", + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "ne", + "medium", + "fetchling", + "humanoid", + "shadow" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 14 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo", + "common", + "draconic", + "d'ziriak" + ], + "notes": [ + "Shadowtongue," + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 10 + }, + "arcana": { + "std": 12 + }, + "crafting": { + "std": 12 + }, + "medicine": { + "std": 10 + }, + "nature": { + "std": 8 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 12 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 10 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 0, + "dex": 4, + "con": 2, + "int": 4, + "wis": 3, + "cha": -2 + }, + "items": [ + "dagger", + "greater stalk goggles", + "padded armor", + "ring with {@deity Nethys} mask sigil (bonded item worth 4 gp)", + "spellbook" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 21 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 11 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 14 + }, + "will": { + "std": 14 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 70 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "abilities": [ + "during this {@action Stride}. The DC from shadow blending increases to 11 during this {@action Stride}", + "and the Looksee Man remains {@condition concealed} by dim light until the end of the movement", + "even if he leaves dim light during the {@action Stride}." + ] + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse", + "versatile S" + ], + "name": "dagger", + "attack": 12, + "damage": "{@damage 1d4} piercing" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse", + "thrown 10 feet", + "versatile S" + ], + "name": "dagger", + "attack": 12, + "damage": "{@damage 1d4} piercing" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "type": "Prepared", + "name": "Wizard Prepared Spells", + "DC": 21, + "attack": 14, + "entry": { + "0": { + "level": 2, + "spells": [ + { + "name": "mage hand" + }, + { + "name": "shield" + }, + { + "name": "tanglefoot" + } + ] + }, + "1": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "magic missile" + }, + { + "name": "shocking grasp" + } + ] + }, + "2": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "acid arrow" + }, + { + "name": "scorching ray", + "notes": [ + "2" + ] + }, + { + "name": "spider climb" + } + ] + } + } + }, + { + "tradition": "occult", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 21, + "entry": { + "1": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "illusory disguise" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "top": [ + { + "name": "Sylvan" + } + ], + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Shadow Blending When the Looksee", + "entries": [ + "Man is {@condition concealed} as a result of dim light, the flat check to target him has a DC of 7, not 5." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Stalk Goggles Specialist", + "entries": [ + "As long as he wears his greater stalk goggles, the Looksee Man can't be flanked by creatures of 4th level or lower." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Transmutation School Spell 1 Focus Point;", + "entries": [ + "1st physical boost (Core Rulebook 407)" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shadow Stride", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "illusion", + "occult", + "shadow" + ], + "requirements": "The Looksee Man is in dim light", + "entries": [ + "The Looksee" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Man Strides.", + "entries": [ + "He has a +10-foot status bonus to his" + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Tree Fisher", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 3, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "n", + "medium", + "animal" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 9 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "low-light vision" + } + ], + "skills": { + "athletics": { + "std": 12 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 11 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 4, + "dex": 3, + "con": 3, + "int": -5, + "wis": 1, + "cha": -3 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 19 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 10 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 10 + }, + "will": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 45 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 15, + "climb": 15 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "claw", + "attack": 11, + "damage": "{@damage 2d6+5} slashing" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "range 60 feet" + ], + "name": "harpoon", + "attack": 12, + "damage": "{@damage 2d6+5} piercing plus barbed filament" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Barbed Filament", + "entries": [ + "A creature hit by the tree fisher's barbed filament is {@condition grabbed}. The tree fisher can move while it has a creature {@condition grabbed} with its filament, but automatically releases the Grab if the tree fisher moves beyond the filament's 60-foot length. A creature {@condition grabbed} by the filament at the beginning of its turn takes 5 bleed damage.", + "The tree fisher can sever the filament and release any creature {@condition grabbed} by it as a free action. The filament can be severed by a {@action Strike} that deals at least 10 slashing damage to it. This doesn't deal any damage to the tree fisher itself. The filament has AC 17, and its {@action Escape} DC is 19. The tree fisher has only one harpoon; if the filament is severed, the tree fisher loses this ability and its ranged attack for 1 week as it fashions a new harpoon." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Quarry Constructs", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "n", + "large", + "construct", + "earth", + "mindless" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 8 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "skills": { + "athletics": { + "std": 9 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 4, + "dex": -2, + "con": 5, + "int": -5, + "wis": 0, + "cha": -5 + }, + "items": [ + "warhammer" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 18, + "when broken)": 14, + "abilities": [ + "", + "construct armor" + ] + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 11 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 4 + }, + "will": { + "std": 4 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 23 + } + ], + "hardness": 4, + "immunities": [ + "bleed", + "death effects", + "disease", + "doomed", + "drained", + "fatigued", + "healing", + "mental", + "necromancy", + "nonlethal attacks", + "paralyzed", + "poison", + "sickened", + "unconscious" + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 20 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "shove" + ], + "name": "warhammer", + "attack": 10, + "damage": "{@damage 1d8+4} bludgeoning" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Construct Armor", + "entries": [ + "Like normal objects, a quarry construct has Hardness. This Hardness reduces any damage it takes by an amount equal to the Hardness. Once a quarry construct is reduced to less than half its Hit Points, or immediately upon being damaged by a critical hit, its construct armor breaks and its Armor Class is reduced to 14." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Desa-Desa", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 85, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "n", + "small", + "animal" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 10 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "low-light vision" + } + ], + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 8 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 7 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 9 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 2, + "dex": 5, + "con": 1, + "int": -4, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 1 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 18 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 5 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 11 + }, + "will": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 34 + } + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "electricity", + "amount": 2 + } + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 4 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 40, + "climb": 20 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "bite", + "attack": 11, + "damage": "{@damage 1d4+2} piercing plus bubble venom" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Volatile Gasses", + "entries": [ + "Whenever a desa-desa takes electricity damage, it must attempt a" + ] + }, + { + "name": "DC 18", + "entries": [ + "Fortitude save. On a failure, the sparks cause the desa-desa to immediately use Fire Blast if it can, and the desa-desa becomes {@condition flat-footed} for 1 round." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Bubble Venom", + "traits": [ + "arcane", + "poison" + ], + "entries": [ + "A creature bit by a desa-desa breaks out in large, painful blisters which expand and pop as water in the victim's body turns into volatile gasses. Magical healing of any kind counteracts the bubble venom;", + { + "type": "affliction", + "DC": 18, + "savingThrow": "Fortitude", + "maxDuration": "6 rounds", + "stages": [ + { + "stage": 1, + "entry": "weakness to fire 2 and {@damage 1d6} piercing", + "duration": "1 round" + }, + { + "stage": 2, + "entry": "weakness to fire 4 and {@damage 2d6} piercing", + "duration": "1 round" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Fire Blast", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "arcane", + "evocation", + "fire" + ], + "entries": [ + "The desa-desa releases a burst of explosive gasses in all directions, dealing {@damage 3d6} fire damage to all creatures in a 5-foot emanation. The desa-desa can't use Fire Blast again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Temagyr", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 86, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "ce", + "medium", + "fey" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 9 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "greater darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo" + ], + "notes": [ + "Sylvan (can't speak any language)" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 7 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 7 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 2, + "dex": 3, + "con": 2, + "int": -2, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 1 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 16 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 8 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 10 + }, + "will": { + "std": 5 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 25 + } + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "cold iron", + "amount": 3 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 40 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "bite", + "attack": 9, + "damage": "{@damage 1d4+4} piercing" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Attack of Opportunity", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "entries": [ + "Cloak of Shadows Temagyrs are constantly surrounded by shifting shadows. A temagyr can always {@action Hide} in dim light or darkness." + ], + "generic": { + "tag": "ability" + } + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Shadow Bite", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "round" + }, + "entries": [ + "The temagyr attempts to tear away and swallow a gobbet of shadow from a creature within reach. The creature must attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The target takes no damage." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The target takes {@damage 1d4+4} piercing damage and the temagyr gains 2 temporary Hit Points for 1 minute." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The target takes {@damage 2d4+8} piercing damage and the temagyr gains 4 temporary Hit Points for 1 minute." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Umbral Leap", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "conjuration", + "primal", + "teleportation" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "entries": [ + "The temagyr bends light and darkness to leap into a creature's shadow. The temagyr targets a creature that it can see who is in dim or brighter light within 120 feet. The temagyr teleports to a space adjacent to the target creature." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Ocluai", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 88, + "level": 3, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "ce", + "medium", + "fey" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 12 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "greater darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo", + "common" + ], + "notes": [ + "Sylvan (can't speak any language; telepathy 100 feet, images only)" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 10 + }, + "deception": { + "std": 8 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 10 + }, + "nature": { + "std": 8 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 10 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 1, + "dex": 4, + "con": 0, + "int": 2, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 1 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 18 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 6 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 12 + }, + "will": { + "std": 12 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 55 + } + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "cold iron", + "amount": 5 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "fly": 25 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "talon", + "attack": 10, + "damage": "{@damage 3d4+3} slashing" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Lost in the Dark", + "traits": [ + "aura", + "darkness", + "enchantment", + "mental" + ], + "entries": [ + "60 feet. An ocluai's presence distorts nearby creatures' senses of direction. Nonmagical bright light within the aura becomes dim light, and nonmagical dim light with the aura becomes darkness. Any non-gorga within range of the ocluai's aura that attempts to move must declare where they intend to move. Before moving, however, the creature must attempt a secret DC 20 Will saving throw. An ocluai can exempt specific creatures from this effect. Magical light anywhere within the ocluai's aura increases the light level as normal and reduces the Will save DC by 5.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature moves normally." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature moves the intended distance, but not in the right direction.", + "The ocluai chooses the creature's destination and route, which could be a straight line or could include multiple changes in direction. If the path is blocked or would go through obviously dangerous terrain (such as off a cliff or through a fire), the movement ends before the blockage or danger." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As failure, but if the creature's path would lead them into obviously dangerous terrain, they must succeed at a second Will save to end their movement just before they would enter the danger." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Corner of the Eye", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "illusion", + "mental", + "primal", + "visual" + ], + "entries": [ + "The ocluai creates a wave of disturbing illusory images in a 10-foot burst centered on a point within 60 feet. Any creature caught in this burst takes {@damage 3d6} mental damage (DC 20 basic Will save) as their peripheral vision churns with terrifying visions of worm-eaten corpses and monsters ready to pounce." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Immolis", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 88, + "level": 3, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "n", + "medium", + "beast" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 12 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "heatsense ", + "range": { + "unit": "feet", + "number": 120 + } + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "immolis" + ], + "abilities": [ + "telepathy 100 feet" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 10 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 10 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 9 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 10 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 9 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 3, + "dex": 4, + "con": 0, + "int": -3, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 0 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 19 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 6 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 12 + }, + "will": { + "std": 9 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 50 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 40, + "climb": 40 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "jaws", + "attack": 10, + "damage": "{@damage 1d10+5} slashing" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "top": [ + { + "name": "Heatsense", + "entries": [ + "An immolis can sense creatures whose bodies are hotter than their surroundings as a precise sense at the listed range. Creatures that produce no heat\u2014such as many undead or constructs\u2014are {@condition concealed} to an immolis, as are creatures who successfully mask their body heat (such as by submerging themselves in cold water)." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Heat Beam", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "evocation", + "fire", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "The immolis targets a living creature within 30 feet and directs a beam of volatile psychic energy toward it, increasing the rate at which the creature's body produces heat. The target must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. The second and third time an immolis uses Heat Beam in the same round, the DC lowers to 16 or 12, respectively.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 2d6+5} fire damage." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 4d6+5} fire damage and 5 {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Kareq", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 89, + "level": 5, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "n", + "large", + "animal" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 15 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "low-light vision" + } + ], + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 12 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 13 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 13 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 12 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 10 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 5, + "dex": 2, + "con": 4, + "int": -4, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 0 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 22 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 15 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 13 + }, + "will": { + "std": 10 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 95 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "sonic" + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 40, + "climb": 20 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "claw", + "attack": 14, + "damage": "{@damage 2d10+5} slashing" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Boomstrike", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "The kareq beats its legs against its reverberation chamber, creating a blast of sound concentrated enough to ignite the air around it. The kareq chooses to affect either a 30- foot cone (which deals sonic damage) or a 60-foot line (which deals fire damage). Affected creatures must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature takes no damage." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@dice 3d6} damage of the appropriate type." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@dice 6d6} damage of the appropriate type and either is {@condition deafened} for 1 minute (if sonic damage) or takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} (if fire damage)." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Bolan Nogasso", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 90, + "description": "Male human druid", + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "ne", + "medium", + "human", + "humanoid" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 11 + }, + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "common", + "druidic", + "sylvan" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 7 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 7 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 8 + }, + "nature": { + "std": 8 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 5 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 2, + "dex": 2, + "con": 0, + "int": 0, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 2 + }, + "items": [ + "dagger", + "hide armor", + "leaf mask", + "+1 staff" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 18 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 8 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 8 + }, + "will": { + "std": 11 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 40 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "abilities": [ + "until the beginning of Bolan's next turn." + ] + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "magical", + "reach 10 feet [with wild morph]", + "two-hand d8" + ], + "name": "staff", + "attack": 9, + "damage": "{@damage 1d8+3} bludgeoning" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "type": "Prepared", + "name": "Druid Prepared Spells", + "DC": 18, + "attack": 10, + "entry": { + "0": { + "level": 1, + "spells": [ + { + "name": "acid splash" + }, + { + "name": "guidance" + }, + { + "name": "light" + }, + { + "name": "ray of frost" + }, + { + "name": "tanglefoot" + } + ] + }, + "1": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "burning hands" + }, + { + "name": "fleet step" + }, + { + "name": "shillelagh" + }, + { + "name": "summon fey" + } + ] + } + } + }, + { + "type": "Focus", + "name": "Druid Order Spells", + "DC": 18, + "attack": 10, + "fp": 1, + "entry": { + "1": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "wild morph", + "notes": [ + "Plant Shape" + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Guardian Thorns", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "conjuration", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Bolan compels plant-based materials within 10 feet of him to grow sharp thorns and spiky branches. This ability affects all walls, floors, and large objects made from dead organic material, such as wood. Affected areas become difficult terrain. Non-fey and non-plant creatures in the affected area or those who move through an affected square take {@damage 2d10} piercing damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save). This ability does not affect stone, dirt, living plants, or other materials. The effect ends when Bolan moves out of his square." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Item Treachery", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "primal", + "transmutation" + ], + "entries": [ + "Bolan targets a held item (such as a bow stave, wooden shield, or scroll) within 60 feet composed, at least partially, of wood, cotton, or other dead plant matter. The plant-based part of this item animates and attempts to wriggle free of its holder's grasp. The holder must attempt a DC 18 Reflex save.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature holds onto the item with no ill effect." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature struggles to hold onto the item.", + "Until the start of the creature's next turn, attempts to {@action Disarm} the creature of that item gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and the creature takes a \u20132 circumstance penalty to attacks with the item or other checks requiring a firm grasp on the item." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature drops the item into the creature's space or drops the object in an adjacent square of Bolan's choice, at which point the item returns to normal." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Vengeful Fibers", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "primal", + "transmutation" + ], + "entries": [ + "A piece of clothing animates and attacks its wearer at Bolan's command. Bolan targets a creature within 60 feet wearing clothing made from plants, such as cotton, hemp, or grass. The clothing chokes its wearer, restricts their movement, and abrades their skin. The target takes {@damage 2d10} bludgeoning damage (DC 18 basic Fortitude save). A creature that takes damage in this way is also {@condition flat-footed} and takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to" + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Kaneepo the Slim", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 93, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "ce", + "medium", + "fey" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 14 + }, + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "common", + "sylvan" + ], + "abilities": [ + "telepathy 100 feet" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "arcana": { + "std": 10 + }, + "first world lore": { + "std": 10 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 12 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 12 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 12 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 3, + "dex": 5, + "con": 2, + "int": 2, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 4 + }, + "items": [ + "Shadewither Key (page 79)" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 20 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 9 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 14 + }, + "will": { + "std": 14 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 80 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "fear" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "cold iron", + "amount": 5 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 30 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "claw", + "attack": 14, + "damage": "{@damage 1d6+1} slashing plus shadowfeed" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "primal", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 21, + "entry": { + "3": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "mind reading" + }, + { + "name": "paralyze" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Phasic Defenses", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "requirements": "Kaneepo hasn't Slimstepped since the beginning of their last turn", + "trigger": "Kaneepo would take damage from an attack", + "entries": [ + "Kaneepo Slimsteps, taking no damage if their new square would move them out of the range or area of the attack." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Create Breach", + "entries": [ + "Once per day, Kaneepo can tear open the fabric between planes, creating a portal between the Thinlands and a point anywhere in Sevenarches. This portal lasts for up to 1 hour, but Kaneepo can close it at will." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shadowfeed", + "traits": [ + "fear", + "emotion", + "mental" + ], + "entries": [ + "Whenever Kaneepo hits a creature with an attack, Kaneepo's flayed strips of flesh wrap around the target's shadow, causing the victim's body to wither. The struck creature must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude saving throw.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 3d6} mental damage and is {@condition frightened||frightened 1}." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 6d6} mental damage and is {@condition frightened||frightened 2}." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shadow Pull", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "All creatures in a 60-foot line are affected by Kaneepo's shadowfeed ability." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Slimstep", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "conjuration", + "primal", + "shadow", + "teleportation" + ], + "requirements": "Kaneepo is in dim light or darkness", + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "round" + }, + "entries": [ + "Kaneepo instantly transports themself from one shadow to another.", + "Kaneepo teleports themself and any items they're holding to a clear space within 30 feet that's in dim light or darkness. If this would bring any other creature with Kaneepo, the ability is disrupted." + ] + } + ] + } + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-gw3.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-gw3.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d31cdb7da --- /dev/null +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-gw3.json @@ -0,0 +1,3681 @@ +{ + "creature": [ + { + "name": "Snowy Owl", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 7, + "description": "Female avatar of a Sarkorian god", + "level": 7, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "n", + "medium", + "human", + "humanoid" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 16 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "celestial", + "common", + "elven", + "erutaki" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "astronomy lore": { + "std": 15 + }, + "fortune-telling lore": { + "std": 15 + }, + "medicine": { + "std": 16 + }, + "nature": { + "std": 16 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 15 + }, + "religion": { + "std": 14 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 16 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 0, + "dex": 1, + "con": 2, + "int": 1, + "wis": 5, + "cha": 4 + }, + "items": [ + "hide clothing" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 21 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 11 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 10 + }, + "will": { + "std": 14 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 60 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "cold" + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 25 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse", + "nonlethal", + "unarmed" + ], + "name": "fist", + "attack": 12, + "damage": "{@damage 1d4} bludgeoning" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "occult", + "type": "Prepared", + "DC": 18, + "attack": 12, + "entry": { + "0": { + "level": 4, + "spells": [ + { + "name": "detect magic" + }, + { + "name": "guidance" + }, + { + "name": "light" + }, + { + "name": "read aura" + }, + { + "name": "shield" + } + ] + }, + "1": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "alarm" + }, + { + "name": "bless" + }, + { + "name": "soothe" + } + ] + }, + "2": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "resist energy" + }, + { + "name": "soothe" + }, + { + "name": "restoration" + } + ] + }, + "3": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "dispel magic" + }, + { + "name": "hypercognition" + }, + { + "name": "soothe" + } + ] + }, + "4": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "read omens" + }, + { + "name": "soothe" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Ruun's Blessing", + "entries": [ + "The presence of Ruun's soul merged with her own grants Snowy Owl immunity to cold. In addition, she no longer needs to eat or drink, but often chooses to do so out of habit or politeness." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Ruun's Wings", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "conjuration", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "Snowy Owl manifests a spectral pair of owl's wings that grant her a fly Speed of 25 feet. She can use this action again to hide her wings, which she often does when in mixed company in order to avoid drawing too much attention. If she falls, she can activate this ability as a reaction to immediately arrest her fall." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Ogmunzorius", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 16, + "description": "Male variant animate dream (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 18)", + "level": 11, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "ne", + "large", + "dream", + "incorporeal" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 21 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo", + "common", + "varisian" + ], + "abilities": [ + "telepathy 100 feet" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 22 + }, + "deception": { + "std": 21 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 21 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 23 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 22 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": -5, + "dex": 5, + "con": 4, + "int": 4, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 6 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 28 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 19 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 21 + }, + "will": { + "std": 22 + }, + "abilities": [ + "+1 status to all saves vs. magic" + ] + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 145 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "cold", + "disease", + "paralyzed", + "poison", + "precision", + "sleep" + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "all", + "amount": 10, + "note": "except fire" + }, + { + "name": "force" + }, + { + "name": "ghost touch" + }, + { + "name": "or negative" + }, + { + "name": "double resistance vs. non-magical)" + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "fly": 40 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse", + "reach <10 feet>" + ], + "name": "nightmare tendril", + "attack": 22, + "damage": "{@damage 5d8} cold plus frozen nightmare" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "occult", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 30, + "entry": { + "4": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "nightmare" + }, + { + "name": "sleep" + } + ] + }, + "5": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "confusion" + }, + { + "name": "dimension door", + "amount": "at will" + } + ] + }, + "6": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "fear" + }, + { + "name": "phantasmal killer" + }, + { + "name": "teleport" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "rituals": [ + { + "DC": 30, + "rituals": [ + { + "name": "planar binding" + } + ] + } + ], + "abilities": { + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Frozen Nightmare", + "traits": [ + "curse", + "emotion", + "enchantment", + "fear", + "mental", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "Ogmunzorius's touch fills the victim's mind with realistic hallucinations and visions of being stranded alone and naked in an endless expanse of ice. The only point of reference in this vision when it manifests are strange dark spires looming impossibly tall on the horizon.", + { + "type": "affliction", + "DC": 30, + "savingThrow": "Fortitude", + "stages": [ + { + "stage": 1, + "entry": "{@condition fatigued}", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 2, + "entry": "{@condition fatigued} and {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 1}", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 3, + "entry": "The victim falls asleep and becomes covered in a rime of frost. They can't be awakened as long as they remain at this stage. A victim who perishes while at this stage frosts over completely, freezing solid into a block of ice.", + "duration": "1 day" + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Dreamscraper", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 83, + "level": 7, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "ne", + "large", + "aberration", + "dream" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 15 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo" + ], + "abilities": [ + "telepathy 100 feet" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 17 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 13 + }, + "deception": { + "std": 13 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 17, + "against sleeping creatures": 19 + }, + "thievery": { + "std": 15 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 2, + "dex": 6, + "con": 4, + "int": 2, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 2 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 24 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 12 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 18 + }, + "will": { + "std": 15 + }, + "abilities": [ + "+1 status to all saves vs. magic" + ] + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 115 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "cold", + "fatigued", + "sleep" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "electricity", + "amount": 5 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 20, + "fly": 40, + "abilities": [ + "freedom of movement" + ] + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse", + "magical", + "reach <5 feet>" + ], + "name": "claws", + "attack": 17, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8+8} negative and stolen dreams" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "incorporeal", + "magical", + "range <60 feet>" + ], + "name": "dream barb", + "attack": 16, + "damage": "stolen dreams" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "occult", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 25, + "attack": 17, + "entry": { + "2": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "darkness" + } + ] + }, + "4": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "sleep", + "amount": 3 + } + ] + }, + "constant": { + "4": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "freedom of movement" + } + ] + } + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "top": [ + { + "name": "Tireless", + "entries": [ + "Dreamscrapers never sleep or dream themselves. They gain the benefits of an 8-hour rest after 1 hour of minimal activity." + ] + } + ], + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Frightful Presence", + "traits": [ + "aura", + "emotion", + "fear", + "mental" + ], + "entries": [ + "90 feet, DC 22" + ], + "generic": { + "tag": "ability" + } + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Dream Step", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "The dreamscraper shifts to either the Dimension of Dreams or the Material Plane. While in the Dimension of Dreams, it can see clearly onto the Material Plane with a range of 60 feet. On its first round in an encounter, the dreamscraper can use this ability once as a free action." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Stolen Dreams", + "traits": [ + "mental", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "The dreamscraper catches hold of the target creature's dreams and tries to rip them away. The target must attempt a DC 22 Will save.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The dreamscraper manages to only scrape at the target creature's dreams. The target becomes {@condition fatigued}." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The dreamscraper rips the target's dreams away and captures them.", + "The target creature becomes {@condition fatigued}.", + "Furthermore, the target can never dream, can't be affected by spells that cause or affect dreams, can't detect or be detected by creatures with the {@trait dream} trait, and can't enter the Dimension of Dreams. This effect ends if the target creature's dreams are restored through powerful magic." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Ilakni", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 35, + "description": "Male fleshwarp", + "level": 11, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "ce", + "medium", + "aberration", + "humanoid" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 22 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "common", + "jotun", + "elven", + "erutaki" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 22 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 23 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 22 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 6, + "dex": 5, + "con": 3, + "int": 7, + "wis": 5, + "cha": 0 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 30 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 18 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 22 + }, + "will": { + "std": 22 + }, + "abilities": [ + "+1 circumstance vs. diseases and poisons" + ] + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 195, + "abilities": [ + "Immune cold" + ] + } + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 10 + } + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "slashing", + "amount": 10 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 25, + "burrow": 25 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "magical", + "reach <10 feet>" + ], + "name": "tentacle", + "attack": 22, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8+12} bludgeoning plus Grab" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "evocation", + "occult", + "range <30 feet>" + ], + "name": "blackfrost ice shard", + "attack": 21, + "damage": "{@damage 2d6+6} piercing plus {@damage 2d6} cold and blackfrost" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Blackfrost Breath", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "Ilakni breathes out a 60-foot cone of black wind. All creatures in the area take {@damage 10d6} cold damage (DC 30 basic Reflex); a creature that fails the save is also exposed to blackfrost (page 76). Ilakni can't use Blackfrost Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Blackfrost Ice Shard", + "entries": [ + "A creature struck by Ilakni's blackfrost ice shard is exposed to blackfrost (page 76)." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Constrict", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "{@damage 1d8+12} bludgeoning, DC 30" + ], + "generic": { + "tag": "ability" + } + }, + { + "name": "Siphon Mind", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "enchantment", + "mental", + "occult" + ], + "requirements": "The target creature is {@condition grabbed} by Ilakni, is helpless, or is willing, and is adjacent to Ilakni", + "entries": [ + "Ilakni extrudes a seething forest of tendrils from his mouth to wrap around the target's head. These tendrils begin siphoning away the target's mind to make them an empty vessel, ready to be inhabited by Osoyo in the future. The target must attempt a DC 30 Will save.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The target is unaffected and is temporarily immune to Siphon Mind for 24 hours." + ], + "Success": [ + "The target takes {@damage 3d6} mental damage." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The target takes {@damage 6d6} mental damage and becomes {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1}, or increases its {@condition stupefied} value by 1 to a maximum of {@condition stupefied||stupefied 4}. If the creature dies as a result of this mental damage, its body remains alive while its mind and soul move on. The body can remain alive without its soul and mind for many years, as long as it is cared for. If Osoyo escapes from its prison, a body in this state becomes animated by Osoyo's will, transforming into an entity with the same statistics as Ilakni but directly {@condition controlled} by the Blackfrost Whale. If the body is restored to life before this event, this development can be avoided." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As critical failure, but {@damage 12d6} mental damage and {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} (or increases its {@condition stupefied} value by 2, to a maximum of 4)." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Ilverani Sentries", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 30, + "description": "Elf hunters", + "level": 7, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "cg", + "medium", + "elf", + "humanoid" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 17 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "low-light vision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "common", + "elven", + "erutaki" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "arctic lore": { + "std": 13 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 11 + }, + "nature": { + "std": 17 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 17 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 17 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 4, + "dex": 4, + "con": 2, + "int": 1, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 0 + }, + "items": [ + "dagger", + "+1 composite longbow (20 arrows)", + "leather armor", + "shortsword" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 25 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 15 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 17 + }, + "will": { + "std": 15 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 115 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 25 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse", + "versatile " + ], + "name": "shortsword", + "attack": 18, + "damage": "{@damage 1d6+9} piercing" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "deadly ", + "magical", + "propulsive", + "range increment <100 feet>", + "reload <0>", + "volley <30 feet>" + ], + "name": "composite longbow", + "attack": 18, + "damage": "{@damage 1d8+8} piercing" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "top": [ + { + "name": "Arctic Forager", + "entries": [ + "While using {@skill Survival} to {@action Subsist} in arctic environments, if the Ilverani sentry rolls a failure or a critical failure, they get a success instead. If the sentry rolls a success, they can provide food for 4 additional creatures that eat about as much as a human, or 8 creatures on a critical success." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Snow Walker", + "entries": [ + "The Ilverani sentry ignores the effects of difficult terrain from snowy environments. When moving through snow, an Ilverani sentry minimizes traces left behind and makes it harder for others to find them. The DC of checks to {@action Track} an Ilverani sentry through snowy terrain gains a +4 status bonus." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Hunt Prey", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "concentrate" + ], + "entries": [ + "The Ilverani sentry designates a single creature they can see and hear, or one they're Tracking, as their prey. The sentry gains a +2 circumstance bonus to {@skill Perception} checks to {@action Seek} the prey and to {@skill Survival} checks to {@action Track} the prey. The first time the sentry hits the designated prey in a round, they deal an additional {@damage 1d8} precision damage. The sentry ignores the penalty for making ranged attacks within their second range increment. These effects last until the sentry uses {@action Hunt Prey} again." + ], + "generic": { + "tag": "action" + } + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "The Guests", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 23, + "description": "Fleshwarp (Pathfinder Bestiary 158)", + "level": 7, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "cn", + "medium", + "aberration", + "humanoid" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 15 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 14 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 17 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 4, + "dex": 3, + "con": 4, + "int": -4, + "wis": 2, + "cha": 0 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 24 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 17 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 14 + }, + "will": { + "std": 13 + }, + "abilities": [ + "+1 circumstance vs. diseases and poisons" + ] + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 130 + } + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "slashing", + "amount": 10 + } + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "bludgeoning", + "amount": 10 + }, + { + "name": "cold", + "amount": 10 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 25 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "versatile " + ], + "name": "claw", + "attack": 17, + "damage": "{@damage 2d6+10} slashing plus {@damage 1d6} cold" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Fall Apart", + "traits": [ + "necromancy", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "When one of the Guests dies, its body falls apart into a tangle of meat, gristle, fur, bone, and gore. All creatures within a 10-foot aura (other than other Guests) must make a DC 22 Will save to avoid becoming {@condition sickened||sickened 2} ({@condition sickened||sickened 4} on a critical failure) at the sight and smell of this fate." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Frozen Wind", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "The guest exhales a blast of freezing wind from its body in a 20-foot cone. All creatures in this area take {@damage 8d6} cold damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save). The Guest can't use Frozen Wind again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Stunning Critical", + "entries": [ + "If a Guest critically hits a creature with a claw {@action Strike}, the target must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Trigger Memory", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "free" + }, + "traits": [ + "emotion", + "enchantment", + "fear", + "mental", + "occult" + ], + "trigger": "A gatewalker attempts to {@action Strike} a Guest or target a Guest with a spell", + "entries": [ + "The first time a gatewalker (including any PC) attempts to {@action Strike} a Guest or target it with a spell, a repressed memory from their Missing Moment surfaces. For a brief instant, the character recalls facing down a much larger and fully formed saumen kar, one with four horns and glowing runes on its fur. This memory of the character's first encounter with Ainamuuren evokes waves of fear and shame. The character must make a successful DC 25 Will save or become {@condition frightened||frightened 1} ({@condition frightened||frightened 2} on a critical failure), after which the character is immune to Trigger Memory." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Blackfrost Guecubus", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 31, + "description": "Page 80, Pathfinder Bestiary 3 126", + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "ce", + "medium", + "cold", + "earth", + "undead" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 15 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + }, + { + "name": "tremorsense", + "type": "imprecise", + "unit": "feet", + "number": 60 + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "necril" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 16 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 18 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 15 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 16 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 6, + "dex": 4, + "con": 3, + "int": 4, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 3 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 27 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 17 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 16 + }, + "will": { + "std": 15 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 110, + "abilities": [ + "negative healing" + ] + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "death effects", + "disease", + "paralyzed", + "poison", + "unconscious" + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "electricity", + "amount": 10 + }, + { + "name": "physical", + "amount": 10, + "note": "except bludgeoning" + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 25, + "burrow": 15, + "abilities": [ + "tundra glide" + ] + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile" + ], + "name": "jaws", + "attack": 20, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8+8} piercing plus blackfrost and wrathful misfortune" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "primal", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 26, + "entry": { + "4": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "shape stone", + "amount": "at will" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Shattering Death", + "traits": [ + "cold" + ], + "entries": [ + "When the blackfrost guecubu is destroyed, it shatters and fills the air around it with a cloud of razor-sharp shards of ice. Creatures in a 10-foot emanation take {@damage 8d8} cold damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically fail this save also take {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Break Ground", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "As guecubu." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shove into Ice", + "traits": [ + "arcane", + "earth", + "transmutation" + ], + "entries": [ + "When the blackfrost guecubu successfully Shoves a creature into an ice or frozen earth barrier, the target must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex save or become merged with the barrier, with the effects of meld into stone until the target escapes (DC 26)." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Tundra Glide", + "entries": [ + "The blackfrost guecubu can {@action Burrow} through any frozen earth, ice, or snow, not including rock.", + "When it does so, the blackfrost guecubu moves at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Wrathful Misfortune", + "traits": [ + "arcane", + "curse", + "enchantment" + ], + "entries": [ + "As guecubu." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Equendia", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 52, + "description": "Female blackfrost ice mummy (page 80, Pathfinder Book of the Dead 131)", + "level": 11, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "ne", + "medium", + "cold", + "mummy", + "undead" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 21 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "common", + "elven", + "dwarven", + "hallit", + "necril", + "skald" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "arcana": { + "std": 20 + }, + "astronomy lore": { + "std": 20 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 22 + }, + "deception": { + "std": 22 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 22 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 21 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 7, + "dex": 4, + "con": 5, + "int": 5, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 7 + }, + "items": [ + "cloak of the bat", + "+1 striking composite longbow (20 arrows)" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 31 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 22 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 21 + }, + "will": { + "std": 21 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 175, + "abilities": [ + "negative healing" + ] + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "cold", + "death effects", + "disease", + "paralyzed", + "poison", + "unconscious" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 10 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 20 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "magical" + ], + "name": "fist", + "attack": 24, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8+13} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} cold and blackfrost rot" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "deadly ", + "propulsive", + "range <100 feet>", + "volley <30 feet>" + ], + "name": "composite longbow", + "attack": 22, + "damage": "{@damage 2d6+13} piercing" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "occult", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 30, + "entry": { + "3": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "enthrall", + "amount": "at will" + } + ] + }, + "4": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "glibness" + }, + { + "name": "suggestion" + } + ] + }, + "5": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "command" + }, + { + "name": "subconscious suggestion" + }, + { + "name": "tongues" + } + ] + }, + "6": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "dominate" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "top": [ + { + "name": "Snow", + "entries": [ + "Vision Equendia ignores the {@condition concealed} condition from falling snow." + ] + } + ], + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Great Despair", + "traits": [ + "aura", + "emotion", + "enchantment", + "fear", + "incapacitation", + "mental", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened||frightened 1} while in Equendia's great despair aura.", + "They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but recover instantly once they leave it. When a creature first enters the area, it must succeed at a" + ] + }, + { + "name": "DC 27", + "entries": [ + "Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for {@dice 1d4} rounds. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Blackfrost Rot", + "traits": [ + "cold", + "curse", + "disease", + "divine", + "necromancy" + ], + "entries": [ + "As blackfrost (page 76), but DC 30." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Frozen Breath", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "cold", + "concentrate", + "divine", + "evocation" + ], + "entries": [ + "Equendia exhales a 60-foot cone of icy shards that deal {@damage 6d6} cold and {@damage 6d6} slashing damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). She can't use Frozen Breath again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Hissing Command", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "auditory" + ], + "entries": [ + "Equendia utters a swift command in Necril to strike at adjacent enemies. Any blackfrost zombies within 30 feet can use a reaction to attempt a melee {@action Strike}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Invasive Blackfrost", + "entries": [ + "If a PC is critically hit by any of" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Equendia's", + "entries": [ + "Strikes, the wound takes on an unnerving blackened appearance, as if from advanced frostbite or charring. For the next 24 hours, the PC is no longer immune to blackfrost." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Ancient Tupilaq", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 56, + "description": "Variant tupilaq (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 278)", + "level": 11, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "n", + "medium", + "construct" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 22 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "skills": { + "athletics": { + "std": 24 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 7, + "dex": 5, + "con": 5, + "int": -5, + "wis": 5, + "cha": -5 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 32 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 22 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 20 + }, + "will": { + "std": 18 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 145 + } + ], + "hardness": { + "std": 11 + }, + "immunities": [ + "death effects", + "disease", + "doomed", + "drained", + "fatigued", + "healing", + "mental", + "necromancy", + "nonlethal attacks", + "paralyzed", + "poison", + "sickened", + "unconscious" + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 40, + "swim": 40 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile" + ], + "name": "jaws", + "attack": 24, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8+13} slashing plus" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "primal", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 30, + "entry": { + "5": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "lightning bolt", + "amount": 3 + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Construct Armor", + "entries": [ + "As tupilaq, but once reduced to 72 or fewer Hit Points (or immediately upon being damaged with a critical hit) it loses its hardness and its Armor Class is reduced to 28." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Carver's Curse", + "entries": [ + "As tupilaq, but a 5th-level primal spell." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Protosoul", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 58, + "description": "Variant roiling incant (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 215)", + "level": 11, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "n", + "large", + "divine", + "necromancy", + "mindless" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 19 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "lifesense" + } + ], + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 22 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 5, + "dex": 5, + "con": 7, + "int": -5, + "wis": 0, + "cha": -5 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 31 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 24 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 22 + }, + "will": { + "std": 17 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 190 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "bleed", + "death effects", + "disease", + "doomed", + "drained", + "fatigued", + "healing", + "mental", + "necromancy", + "negative", + "nonlethal attacks", + "paralyzed", + "poison", + "sickened", + "unconscious" + ] + }, + "speed": { + "fly": 40 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "divine", + "magical", + "necromancy", + "reach <10 feet>" + ], + "name": "necromantic tendril", + "attack": 22, + "damage": "{@damage 3d10+11} force" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "divine", + "magical", + "necromancy", + "range increment <30 feet>" + ], + "name": "necromantic bolt", + "attack": 22, + "damage": "{@damage 2d10+11} force" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "divine", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 30, + "attack": 22, + "entry": { + "0": { + "level": 5, + "spells": [ + { + "name": "chill touch" + } + ] + }, + "3": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "sudden blight", + "amount": "at will", + "source": "APG" + } + ] + }, + "4": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "enervation", + "amount": "at will", + "source": "APG" + } + ] + }, + "5": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "harm", + "amount": "at will", + "notes": [ + "see Unstable Magic" + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Absorb Necromancy", + "entries": [ + "A protosoul is made of necromantic energy. Any time it would be affected by another creature's non-cantrip necromancy spell, after applying its immunity, it also regains 10 Hit Points." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Engulf", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "DC 30, {@damage 2d8} force plus {@damage 3d8} negative, {@action Escape} DC 30, Rupture 25" + ], + "generic": { + "tag": "ability" + } + }, + { + "name": "Unstable Magic", + "entries": [ + "The roiling protosoul can't be healed or Repaired, and is destroyed at 0 Hit Points. So long as it is not destroyed, it naturally recovers 77 Hit Points each day. Each time a roiling protosoul casts one of its non-cantrip spells, it drains its own magic to do so, taking 6 force damage." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Blackfrost Zombie", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 80, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "ne", + "medium", + "cold", + "mindless", + "undead", + "zombie" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 10 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "skills": { + "athletics": { + "std": 15 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 5, + "dex": 2, + "con": 4, + "int": -5, + "wis": 0, + "cha": 0 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 23 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 16 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 12 + }, + "will": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 120, + "abilities": [ + "negative healing" + ] + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "cold", + "death effects", + "disease", + "mental", + "paralyzed", + "poison", + "unconscious" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 5 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 20, + "ice climb": 20 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "fist", + "attack": 15, + "damage": "{@damage 2d6+5} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} cold" + }, + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "jaws", + "attack": 15, + "damage": "{@damage 2d4+5} piercing plus {@damage 1d6} cold and blackfrost" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Opportune Bite", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A creature critically fails a {@action Strike} within 10 feet of the blackfrost zombie", + "entries": [ + "The blackfrost zombie Steps toward the triggering creature, then makes a jaws {@action Strike} against that creature." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Blackfrost Breath", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "As above." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Blackfrost Prophet", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 81, + "level": 9, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "ne", + "large", + "cold", + "undead" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 21 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + }, + { + "name": "scent", + "type": "imprecise", + "unit": "feet", + "number": 30 + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "erutaki", + "jotun" + ], + "abilities": [ + "telepathy 100 feet" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "athletics": { + "std": 21 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 18 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 17, + "in forests and snow": 21 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 6, + "dex": 4, + "con": 5, + "int": 2, + "wis": 4, + "cha": 1 + }, + "items": [ + "+1 striking halberd" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 28 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 20 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 18 + }, + "will": { + "std": 18 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 180, + "abilities": [ + "negative healing" + ] + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "cold", + "death effects", + "disease", + "mental", + "paralyzed", + "poison", + "unconscious" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 10 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 30, + "ice climb": 30 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "magical", + "reach <10 feet>", + "versatile " + ], + "name": "halberd", + "attack": 21, + "damage": "{@damage 2d10+10} piercing" + }, + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile" + ], + "name": "horns", + "attack": 21, + "damage": "{@damage 2d6+6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d6} cold and blackfrost" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Imprison Mind", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "mental", + "necromancy", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "The blackfrost prophet concentrates on a creature within 60 feet, filling the target's mind with befuddling susurrations. The creature must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or take {@damage 4d8+8} mental damage and become {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1} for 1 minute ({@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} on a critical failure). The creature is {@condition slowed||slowed 1} as long as it's {@condition stupefied}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Raise Blackfrost", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "cold", + "conjuration", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "The blackfrost prophet selects a point within 60 feet, then calls upon shards of blackfrost to stab up through the crust in a 30-foot burst. Creatures in the area take {@damage 2d8} piercing damage plus {@damage 2d8} cold damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). A creature that takes cold damage from this ability is exposed to blackfrost. Until the next time the blackfrost prophet uses Raise Blackfrost, the affected area is difficult terrain." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Crownbound Constellation", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 82, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "ln", + "huge", + "astral" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 19 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 16 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 21 + }, + "lamashtu lore": { + "std": 14 + }, + "star lore": { + "std": 16 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 16 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 7, + "dex": 4, + "con": 6, + "int": 4, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 3 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 30 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 19 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 16 + }, + "will": { + "std": 13 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 98 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "electricity", + "good", + "precision", + "swarm mind" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "area damage", + "amount": 8 + }, + { + "name": "splash damage", + "amount": 8 + } + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "bludgeoning", + "amount": 5 + }, + { + "name": "piercing", + "amount": 8 + }, + { + "name": "slashing", + "amount": 8 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 40 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "magical", + "versatile

" + ], + "name": "star greatsword", + "attack": 21, + "damage": "{@damage 2d12+10} slashing and starburst" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "deadly ", + "magical", + "reload <0>", + "volley <30 feet>" + ], + "name": "star composite longbow", + "attack": 18, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8+7} piercing and starburst" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Solar Instability", + "entries": [ + "The crownbound constellation is {@condition fatigued} and {@condition invisible} when in direct contact with the rays of the sun." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Starlight", + "traits": [ + "aura", + "light" + ], + "entries": [ + "15 feet. The glow of the crownbound constellation creates dim light. It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Attack of Opportunity", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "generic": { + "tag": "ability" + } + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Dazzling Assault", + "traits": [ + "visual" + ], + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "Each enemy in the crownbound constellation's space takes {@damage 7d4} bludgeoning damage (DC 23 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save are also {@condition dazzled} until the end of their next turn." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Starburst", + "traits": [ + "visual" + ], + "entries": [ + "A creature that takes damage from a crownbound constellation's attack must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Star Weapons", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "The crownbound constellation reforms its two weapons as +1 striking common or uncommon simple or martial weapons. These star weapons can't be disarmed, {@condition broken}, dropped, destroyed, or stolen. Ranged star weapons don't require ammunition and those with a reload of 2 have a reload of 0 instead. When the crownbound constellation dies or uses its swarm shape its star weapons disappear." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Swarm Shape", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "concentrate" + ], + "entries": [ + "The crownbound constellation disperses into a shapeless swarm of Small stars. It drops all held, worn, and carried items. While discorporated, the crownbound constellation can't use attack actions, but it has a fly Speed of 40 feet and can move through areas small enough for its individual stars to fit without having to {@action Squeeze}. It can use Swarm Shape again to coalesce back into its normal form, at which point its star weapons reappear." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Elder Thing Researcher", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 85, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "ln", + "medium", + "aberration", + "amphibious" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 21 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo", + "common", + "elder thing", + "mi-go", + "yithian" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 17 + }, + "arcana": { + "std": 21 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 19 + }, + "crafting": { + "std": 21 + }, + "medicine": { + "std": 21 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 23 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 19 + }, + "thievery": { + "std": 19, + "to Disable a Device": 21 + }, + "notes": [ + "plus Eldritch Insight" + ] + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 5, + "dex": 3, + "con": 5, + "int": 7, + "wis": 5, + "cha": 3 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 29 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 19 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 17 + }, + "will": { + "std": 21 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 218 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "cold" + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 10 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 25, + "fly": 20, + "swim": 30 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile" + ], + "name": "tentacle", + "attack": 20, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8+11} bludgeoning plus Grab" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "occult", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 29, + "attack": 21, + "entry": { + "0": { + "level": 5, + "spells": [ + { + "name": "daze" + }, + { + "name": "mage hand" + }, + { + "name": "read aura" + }, + { + "name": "sigil" + }, + { + "name": "telekinetic projectile" + } + ] + }, + "3": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "hypercognition" + }, + { + "name": "mind reading" + } + ] + }, + "4": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "modify memory" + }, + { + "name": "phantom pain" + } + ] + }, + "5": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "black tentacles" + }, + { + "name": "mind probe" + }, + { + "name": "summon entity" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "No Breath", + "entries": [ + "As elder thing." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Constrict", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "{@damage 2d8+11} bludgeoning, DC 29" + ], + "generic": { + "tag": "ability" + } + }, + { + "name": "Eldritch Insight", + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "divination", + "occult" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "entries": [ + "By focusing its senses and thoughts on a single concept, an elder thing researcher can draw upon the thousands of years of deep memories. It then selects one of the following skills: {@skill Arcana}, any {@skill Lore}, {@skill Nature}, {@skill Religion}, or {@skill Society}. Once the skill is chosen, the elder thing researcher can attempt checks for the selected skill using its {@skill Occultism} modifier. This effect lasts until the elder thing researcher uses Eldritch Insight again to change its focus. If no focus is predetermined, assume an elder thing researcher has chosen to focus on {@skill Lore||Library Lore}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Hibernate", + "entries": [ + "As elder thing." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Unnatural Flight", + "entries": [ + "As elder thing." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Elder Thing", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 84, + "level": 5, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "ln", + "medium", + "aberration", + "amphibious" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 14 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo", + "common", + "elder thing", + "mi-go", + "yithian" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 11 + }, + "astronomy lore": { + "std": 14 + }, + "arcana": { + "std": 14 + }, + "athletics": { + "std": 13 + }, + "crafting": { + "std": 12 + }, + "medicine": { + "std": 12 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 14 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 12 + }, + "thievery": { + "std": 11, + "to Disable a Device": 13 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 4, + "dex": 2, + "con": 4, + "int": 5, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 3 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 21 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 15 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 9 + }, + "will": { + "std": 12 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 90 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "cold" + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 5 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 25, + "fly": 20, + "swim": 30 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile" + ], + "name": "tentacle", + "attack": 13, + "damage": "{@damage 2d6+6} bludgeoning plus Grab" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "No Breath", + "entries": [ + "The elder thing doesn't breathe and is immune to effects that require breathing (such as inhaled poison)." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Constrict", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "{@damage 2d6+6} bludgeoning, DC 22" + ], + "generic": { + "tag": "ability" + } + }, + { + "name": "Hibernate", + "entries": [ + "The elder thing enters a state of hibernation after focusing its thoughts for 1 minute. While hibernating, an elder thing is {@condition unconscious}. The elder thing can remain in hibernation as long as it wishes\u2014while hibernating, it doesn't need to eat or drink, nor does it age. {@trait Time} effectively stands still for a hibernating elder thing. {@trait Any} effect that would normally rouse an {@condition unconscious} creature can end an elder thing's hibernation, but the elder thing must attempt a DC 25 Will save. On a success, the elder thing awakens in {@dice 2d4} rounds; otherwise it takes {@dice 1d4} days to wake from hibernation. The elder thing can set the length of its hibernation when it enters this state, so that it can awaken after a set amount of time has passed. When awakening in this way, the elder thing does so in only {@dice 1d4} rounds, with no Will save necessary." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Unnatural Flight", + "entries": [ + "The elder thing's wings allow it to fly in regions where flight is normally impossible, such as outer space. It gains a +2 circumstance bonus to checks made to {@action Maneuver in Flight}, and on saving throws against effects that impede flight." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Mindmoppet", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 86, + "level": 5, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "ln", + "tiny", + "ooze" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 12 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "mindsense", + "type": "precise", + "unit": "feet", + "number": 120 + }, + { + "name": "no vision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "common" + ], + "notes": [ + "one other language" + ], + "abilities": [ + "telepathy 100 feet" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "acrobatics": { + "std": 13 + }, + "crafting": { + "std": 14 + }, + "deception": { + "std": 11 + }, + "intimidation": { + "std": 11 + }, + "medicine": { + "std": 10 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 14 + }, + "society": { + "std": 14 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 13 + }, + "thievery": { + "std": 13 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 2, + "dex": 4, + "con": 2, + "int": 5, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 2 + }, + "items": [ + "shell (porcelain doll)" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 21 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 9 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 12 + }, + "will": { + "std": 15 + }, + "abilities": [ + "+1 status to all saves vs. magic" + ] + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 75 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "acid", + "critical hits", + "piercing", + "precision", + "unconscious", + "visual" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "electricity", + "amount": 5 + } + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "slashing", + "amount": 5 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "fly": 40 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "evocation", + "force", + "occult", + "range increment <20 feet>" + ], + "name": "telekinetic slam", + "attack": 15, + "damage": "{@damage 2d12} force plus Improved Push" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "occult", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 22, + "attack": 14, + "entry": { + "0": { + "level": 2, + "spells": [ + { + "name": "mage hand" + }, + { + "name": "telekinetic projectile" + } + ] + }, + "1": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "command" + }, + { + "name": "mending", + "amount": 3 + } + ] + }, + "2": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "telekinetic maneuver", + "amount": 2 + } + ] + }, + "constant": { + "1": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "mindlink" + } + ] + } + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "top": [ + { + "name": "Mindsense", + "entries": [ + "The mindmoppet senses the thoughts of intelligent creatures and builds a perception of reality from this information, allowing the mindmoppet to \"see\" as a precise sense. {@condition Invisible} intelligent creatures are visible to it." + ] + } + ], + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Prognosticate", + "entries": [ + "When the mindmoppet uses a reaction, it can {@action Step} before or after taking the reaction." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Synapse Glow", + "traits": [ + "aura", + "light" + ], + "entries": [ + "5 feet. The firing of the mindmoppet's synapses create dim light. The range increases to 10 feet if its shell is destroyed." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shell", + "entries": [ + "The mindmoppet believes its shell is an important part of itself.", + "Breaking the mindmoppet's shell (AC 25, Hardness 1, HP 6, BT 3) causes it to become {@condition fascinated} with its shell. This condition ends when its shell is repaired." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Redirect Attack", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "traits": [ + "mental" + ], + "trigger": "The mindmoppet is targeted by a melee or ranged {@action Strike}", + "entries": [ + "The mindmoppet attempts a Dexterity saving throw, using the attack roll as the DC for the check. On a success, it redirects the attack at another target within the attacker's range. On a failure, the attack resolves as normal." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Anticipate", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "The mindmoppet attempts to anticipate its opponent's actions. Until the end of its next turn, the mindmoppet gains one reaction." + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Yaiafineti", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 87, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "n", + "large", + "mindless", + "plant" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 16 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "pheromones", + "type": "precise", + "unit": "feet", + "number": 20 + }, + { + "name": "tremorsense", + "type": "imprecise", + "unit": "feet", + "number": 120 + }, + { + "name": "no vision" + } + ], + "languages": { + "notes": [ + "pheromones" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "athletics": { + "std": 18 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 7, + "in tundra": 9 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 6, + "dex": -5, + "con": 6, + "int": -5, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 0 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 24 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 19 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 11 + }, + "will": { + "std": 13 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 170 + } + ], + "immunities": [ + "mental", + "visual" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 5 + }, + { + "name": "slashing", + "amount": 5 + } + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "cold", + "amount": 10 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 10, + "climb": 10 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "reach <10 feet>" + ], + "name": "bite", + "attack": 18, + "damage": "{@damage 2d12+8} piercing plus Improved Grab" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "range increment <30 feet>" + ], + "name": "spore sap", + "attack": 7, + "damage": "alluring spores" + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Pheromones", + "traits": [ + "aura" + ], + "entries": [ + "5 miles. Yaiafinetis communicate with others of their kind via airborne pheromones.", + "They can use this form of communication to determine their relative distance to each other, call for help if they are under attack or need sustenance, announce that they've detected prey, and convey similar basic concepts.", + "Pheromones coat everything within the aura and allow all dusk poppies to perceive with their pheromone sense." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "type": "affliction", + "name": "Alluring Spores", + "traits": [ + "poison" + ], + "DC": 19, + "savingThrow": "Fortitude", + "maxDuration": "6 rounds", + "stages": [ + { + "stage": 1, + "entry": "{@condition fascinated} by the yaiafineti", + "duration": "1 round" + }, + { + "stage": 2, + "entry": "{@condition controlled} by the yaiafineti", + "duration": "1 round" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Feed", + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "The yaiafineti draws nutrients from a living creature it has swallowed, regaining {@dice 3d8+24} HP. The swallowed creature takes {@damage 2d12+8} bludgeoning damage." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Swallow Whole", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "entries": [ + "Medium, {@damage 2d12+8} bludgeoning, Rupture 18" + ], + "generic": { + "tag": "ability" + } + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Ainamuuren", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 88, + "description": "Male saumen kar last scion", + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "ne", + "large", + "cold", + "humanoid" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 23 + }, + "senses": [ + { + "name": "darkvision" + }, + { + "name": "scent", + "type": "imprecise", + "unit": "feet", + "number": 30 + } + ], + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo", + "common", + "elven", + "erutaki", + "jotun" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "athletics": { + "std": 25 + }, + "stealth": { + "std": 22 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 7, + "dex": 4, + "con": 5, + "int": 0, + "wis": 5, + "cha": 0 + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 32 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 23 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 22 + }, + "will": { + "std": 23 + }, + "abilities": [ + "Dex +22", + "Wis +23", + "+1 status bonus to saves against good and necromancy spells and effects" + ] + }, + "immunities": [ + "cold", + "controlled", + "disease" + ], + "resistances": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 10 + }, + { + "name": "mental", + "amount": 10 + } + ], + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 215 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 35 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "reach <10 feet>" + ], + "name": "tentacle", + "attack": 26, + "damage": "{@damage 3d6+10} bludgeoning plus invasive blackfrost" + }, + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "cold" + ], + "name": "horns", + "attack": 26, + "damage": "{@damage 3d8+10} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d6} cold and Knockdown" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "occult", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 32, + "attack": 24, + "entry": { + "0": { + "level": 6, + "spells": [ + { + "name": "daze" + } + ] + }, + "5": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "black tentacles" + }, + { + "name": "synaptic pulse" + } + ] + }, + "6": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "feeblemind" + }, + { + "name": "phantasmal calamity" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "abilities": { + "mid": [ + { + "name": "Reactive Tentacles", + "entries": [ + "At the start of his turn, when Ainamuuren regains his actions, he gains an additional reaction that can be used only to make an {@action Attack of Opportunity}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Attack of Opportunity", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "entries": [ + "Tentacle only." + ], + "generic": { + "tag": "ability" + } + }, + { + "name": "Blackfrost Evasion", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "Ainamuuren takes at least 35 physical damage from a single attack, and he isn't currently discorporated", + "entries": [ + "Ainamuuren discorporates into a whirling blizzard of blackfrost for 3 rounds. During this time, he gains resistance 10 to physical damage and weakness 10 to force damage. He gains a fly Speed of 40 feet, but the only action he can take is to {@action Fly}. While discorporated, the first time each round that Ainamuuren enters another creature's space or a creature enters Ainamuuren's space, that creature takes {@damage 4d8} cold damage and is exposed to blackfrost. At the start of his turn, Ainamuuren can end this effect as a free action." + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Dreams of the Blackfrost Whale", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "enchantment", + "incapacitation", + "mental" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "entries": [ + "Ainamuuren fixes his many-eyed gaze upon a single target he can see within 60 feet, then opens wide his maw to release a torrent of whispers channeled from Osoyo's slumbering mind. The targeted creature must attempt a DC 32 Will save.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature endures a brief moment where they believe they are imprisoned in the ice, as Osoyo has been for thousands of years, and is {@condition slowed||slowed 1} for 1 round." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The vision of being imprisoned in ice is more profound, and in the span of a few seconds, the creature endures what seems like a thousand years of imprisonment. The creature is {@condition paralyzed} until the end of its next turn, after which it emerges from its paralysis {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1}." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As failure, but the creature doesn't automatically recover from paralysis at the end of its turn. Instead, it can attempt a new DC 32 save. On a success, the paralysis ends and they are {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1}, but on a failure, the paralysis continues for another round." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Invasive Blackfrost", + "entries": [ + "Gatewalker characters are not immune to blackfrost effects inflicted by Ainamuuren, and it's a DC 32 save to resist this affliction. See page 76 for details on this affliction." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Twist Deviance", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "enchantment", + "mental", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "Ainamuuren reaches out, then clutches his fingers into a fist and twists his arm, as if he were wrenching and tugging. At the same moment, all gatewalkers in a 60-foot cone that Ainamuuren can see feel the signs they've worn on their bodies since they emerged from their Missing Moment spike with pain, as if Ainamuuren had {@condition grabbed} that flesh and was twisting and tearing it. The targets must attempt a DC 32 Will save. Ainamuuren can't use Twist Deviance again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature endures a brief moment of horrific pain and takes {@damage 4d8} mental damage." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The pain is much greater, and for a moment the creature is convinced that the portion of their flesh that was adorned with the sign of the gatewalker has been torn free. They take {@damage 8d8} mental damage and can't use their deviant abilities for 1 round." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As failure, but {@damage 16d8} mental damage and they can't use their deviant abilities for 1 minute." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "Etward Ritalson", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 91, + "description": "Male human alchemist", + "level": 9, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "ne", + "medium", + "human", + "humanoid" + ], + "perception": { + "std": 18 + }, + "languages": { + "languages": [ + "aklo", + "common", + "elven", + "erutaki", + "hallit", + "varisian" + ], + "abilities": [ + "telepathy 30 feet" + ] + }, + "skills": { + "academia lore": { + "std": 19 + }, + "arcana": { + "std": 17 + }, + "crafting": { + "std": 19 + }, + "deception": { + "std": 18 + }, + "medicine": { + "std": 20 + }, + "occultism": { + "std": 21 + }, + "society": { + "std": 19 + }, + "survival": { + "std": 18 + } + }, + "abilityMods": { + "str": 1, + "dex": 3, + "con": 1, + "int": 4, + "wis": 3, + "cha": 2 + }, + "items": [ + "+1 striking dagger", + "formula book", + "+1 leather armor", + "manor keys", + "greater pendant of the occult", + "scroll of black tentacles", + "scroll of confusion", + "scrolls of fly (2)" + ], + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 28 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 16 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 18 + }, + "will": { + "std": 20 + } + }, + "hp": [ + { + "hp": 140 + } + ] + }, + "speed": { + "walk": 25 + }, + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "agile", + "finesse", + "thrown <10 feet>", + "versatile " + ], + "name": "dagger", + "attack": 19, + "damage": "{@damage 2d4+4} piercing" + }, + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "range <30 feet>" + ], + "name": "moderate alchemist's fire", + "attack": 19, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8} fire plus 2 {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire} and 2 fire splash damage" + } + ], + "spellcasting": [ + { + "tradition": "occult", + "type": "Innate", + "DC": 28, + "attack": 20, + "entry": { + "0": { + "level": 5, + "spells": [ + { + "name": "daze" + }, + { + "name": "detect magic" + }, + { + "name": "read aura" + }, + { + "name": "telekinetic projectile" + } + ] + }, + "2": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "telekinetic maneuver", + "amount": 3 + } + ] + }, + "4": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "dream message" + }, + { + "name": "nightmare" + } + ] + }, + "5": { + "spells": [ + { + "name": "phantasmal killer" + }, + { + "name": "telekinetic haul" + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "rituals": [ + { + "DC": 28, + "rituals": [ + { + "name": "inveigle" + } + ] + } + ], + "abilities": { + "top": [ + { + "name": "Infused Items", + "entries": [ + "Etward carries the following infused items, which last for 24 hours or until the next time he makes his daily preparations: moderate alchemist's fire (8), moderate cognitive mutagen, greater comprehension elixirs (2), moderate elixirs of life (6), psychic colors elixirs (page 75; 5), vat-grown brain (page 75), winter wolf elixirs (2)" + ] + } + ], + "bot": [ + { + "name": "Dream Invasion", + "traits": [ + "enchantment", + "mental", + "occult" + ], + "entries": [ + "When Etward casts dream message and targets a gatewalker (like one of the PCs), he manifests inside the character's dream, appearing as he does when he cast the spell.", + "(Typically, Etward disguises himself as a saumen kar when he does this, to further unnerve the target.) Rather than send a message to the target of a dream invasion, Etward can instead sift through the target's recent memories to gain a vague idea of what they did and where they were in the past 24 hours. This leaves the target feeling somewhat unsettled when they wake but causes no lasting harm." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Nightmarish Attack", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "illusion", + "mental", + "occult" + ], + "requirements": "Etward has used Dream Invasion on the target at some point in the past", + "entries": [ + "Etward draws upon a target's deepest fears and capitalizes upon the nature of their nightmares in an attempt to do them grievous harm. He attempts a melee dagger {@action Strike} against a target, and as he does so, that target briefly sees Etward's appearance change to reflect their deepest fear. Someone who's afraid of fire might see Etward and his dagger catch aflame. A person who fears darkness might see Etward transform into a rolling wave of enveloping darkness. A character who's afraid of snakes might witness Etward's dagger and entire arm turn into a serpent. Use your knowledge of the character's past and the specific dream invasions they may have endured during this campaign to make each Nightmarish Attack feel unique and frightening. Etward inflicts an additional {@damage 5d6} mental damage if he hits with the dagger {@action Strike}, and his dagger strike gains the following additional failure effect.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Failure": [ + "The target takes {@damage 2d6} mental damage." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Use Occult Scrolls", + "entries": [ + "Etward can {@action Cast a Spell} from scrolls, as long as it's an occult spell of 5th level or lower." + ] + } + ] + } + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-loil.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-loil.json index 4aca8d3987..37b1ae2585 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-loil.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-loil.json @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ "curse" ], "entries": [ - "The creature must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become {@condition clumsy||clumsy 2} ({@condition clumsy||clumsy 3} on a critical failure) and gain a +1 status bonus to AC as their skin hardens to stone. The {@condition clumsy} condition can be temporarily relieved for 24 hours by casting stone to flesh on the cursed creature but can't be removed or reduced by any other means short of removing the curse; during this time, the cursed creature also no longer receives the status bonus to AC." + "The creature must succeed at a {@dc 21} Fortitude save or become {@condition clumsy||clumsy 2} ({@condition clumsy||clumsy 3} on a critical failure) and gain a +1 status bonus to AC as their skin hardens to stone. The {@condition clumsy} condition can be temporarily relieved for 24 hours by casting stone to flesh on the cursed creature but can't be removed or reduced by any other means short of removing the curse; during this time, the cursed creature also no longer receives the status bonus to AC." ] }, { @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The Quantium golem's eyes take on a brilliant glow and it unleashes an arc of destruction dealing {@damage 10d6} fire damage and {@damage 10d6} energy damage (see Twin Defenders) to creatures in a 120-foot line (DC 42 basic Reflex save). The Quantium golem can't use Lambent Beam for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The Quantium golem's eyes take on a brilliant glow and it unleashes an arc of destruction dealing {@damage 10d6} fire damage and {@damage 10d6} energy damage (see Twin Defenders) to creatures in a 120-foot line ({@dc 42} basic Reflex save). The Quantium golem can't use Lambent Beam for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. {@damage 5d6} cold damage (DC 41 basic Reflex save). On a failure, the creature takes a \u201315-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round." + "30 feet. {@damage 5d6} cold damage ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save). On a failure, the creature takes a \u201315-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round." ] }, { @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ "cold" ], "entries": [ - "A creature who takes damage from the benthic reaver's eye beam {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed||slowed 2} as cold stiffens its limbs. A flying creature who fails its save also descends safely to the ground below. This is forced movement." + "A creature who takes damage from the benthic reaver's eye beam {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 41} Fortitude save or become {@condition slowed||slowed 2} as cold stiffens its limbs. A flying creature who fails its save also descends safely to the ground below. This is forced movement." ] }, { @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ ] }, { - "name": "DC 41", + "name": "{@dc 41}", "entries": [ "Will save to resist. The benthic reaver can't use Song of the Lost for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { @@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 33, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 33}, standby" ] } ], @@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The clockwork cannoneer launches an explosive shot up to a range of 200 feet that explodes in a 20-foot burst. Creatures within the burst take {@damage 5d10} bludgeoning damage (DC 36 basic Reflex save)." + "The clockwork cannoneer launches an explosive shot up to a range of 200 feet that explodes in a 20-foot burst. Creatures within the burst take {@damage 5d10} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save)." ] }, { @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The clockwork cannoneer spews flames from one of its cannons, dealing {@damage 8d6} fire damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 36 basic Reflex save). Those that fail the save also take {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}." + "The clockwork cannoneer spews flames from one of its cannons, dealing {@damage 8d6} fire damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save). Those that fail the save also take {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}." ] } ] @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature enters or ends its turn within the cursed king's aura, it must attempt a DC 26 Will save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 2}. If it critically fails, it's cowed into submission; in addition to becoming {@condition frightened||frightened 2}, it must use its first action on its turn to kneel or flee from the cursed king. A creature who succeeds at its saving throw becomes immune to the king's false authority for 24 hours." + "30 feet. When a creature enters or ends its turn within the cursed king's aura, it must attempt a {@dc 26} Will save. If it fails, it becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 2}. If it critically fails, it's cowed into submission; in addition to becoming {@condition frightened||frightened 2}, it must use its first action on its turn to kneel or flee from the cursed king. A creature who succeeds at its saving throw becomes immune to the king's false authority for 24 hours." ] }, { @@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ "curse" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays a cursed king, it must attempt a DC 29 Will save. On a failure, it suffers the effects of the usurper's curse." + "When a creature slays a cursed king, it must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save. On a failure, it suffers the effects of the usurper's curse." ] }, { @@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ "name": "Berserk", "entries": [ "At the beginning of each of its turns in combat, a cursed king must attempt a DC {@flatDC 2} flat check. If it succeeds, the DC increases by 1. If it fails, it immediately goes berserk, becoming mindless for the rest of its turn, immune to all {@trait mental} effects, and attacking the nearest creature it can reach. While it's berserk, each of its unarmed attacks gain the deadly d8 trait. At the end of a turn it failed this flat check or whenever the combat encounter ends, the DC resets to 2.", - "Usurper's Curse (curse, necromancy, polymorph) DC 30 Will saving throw. On a failure, the creature who killed the cursed king becomes {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1}. On a critical failure, it becomes {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2}. As long as that creature remains cursed, it can't remove or decrease the value of the {@condition stupefied} condition in any way. Afflicted creatures must attempt the saving throw again every 24 hours, increasing the {@condition stupefied} condition by 1 on a failure or 2 on a critical failure. If the condition ever increases past {@condition stupefied||stupefied 4}, they transform, body and mind, into the same animal as the cursed king's head, similar to the critical failure effect of baleful polymorph." + "Usurper's Curse (curse, necromancy, polymorph) {@dc 30} Will saving throw. On a failure, the creature who killed the cursed king becomes {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1}. On a critical failure, it becomes {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2}. As long as that creature remains cursed, it can't remove or decrease the value of the {@condition stupefied} condition in any way. Afflicted creatures must attempt the saving throw again every 24 hours, increasing the {@condition stupefied} condition by 1 on a failure or 2 on a critical failure. If the condition ever increases past {@condition stupefied||stupefied 4}, they transform, body and mind, into the same animal as the cursed king's head, similar to the critical failure effect of baleful polymorph." ] } ] @@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The conformer is within reach of an {@condition unconscious} or willing creature, or a creature taking {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}", "entries": [ - "The conformer touches and absorbs some of the creature's flesh. The target must attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save; on a failure, they become {@condition drained||drained 1} and take damage from their {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}, even though it isn't the end of their turn." + "The conformer touches and absorbs some of the creature's flesh. The target must attempt a {@dc 26} Fortitude save; on a failure, they become {@condition drained||drained 1} and take damage from their {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}, even though it isn't the end of their turn." ] }, { @@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The fleshforged dreadnought is damaged by a non-reach piercing or slashing melee {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "Corrosive fluid sprays the attacker, dealing {@damage 8d6} acid damage (DC 40 basic Reflex save)." + "Corrosive fluid sprays the attacker, dealing {@damage 8d6} acid damage ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save)." ] } ], @@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The fleshforged dreadnought releases a wave of caustic fluid from vents in its sides.", - "Creatures within a 20-foot emanation take {@damage 8d6} acid damage (DC 40 basic Reflex save). Creatures who fail their saves also take {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage}." + "Creatures within a 20-foot emanation take {@damage 8d6} acid damage ({@dc 40} basic Reflex save). Creatures who fail their saves also take {@damage 3d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage}." ] }, { @@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ "attack" ], "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, battering ram, DC 44" + "Huge or smaller, battering ram, {@dc 44}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ "unit": "day" }, "entries": [ - "The kashrishi evaluator assesses the disharmony between themself and a creature within 30 feet and then sparks the discordance, sending psychic energy to overwhelm the target's feelings. This deals {@damage 6d6} mental damage (DC 21 basic Will save). On a critical failure, the target also becomes {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." + "The kashrishi evaluator assesses the disharmony between themself and a creature within 30 feet and then sparks the discordance, sending psychic energy to overwhelm the target's feelings. This deals {@damage 6d6} mental damage ({@dc 21} basic Will save). On a critical failure, the target also becomes {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ] } ] @@ -2056,7 +2056,7 @@ { "name": "Combust", "entries": [ - "Due to the volatile nature of its composition, the gunpowder ooze reacts explosively when exposed to open flame. Any time the gunpowder ooze takes fire damage from a source other than a gunpowder ooze's combust or gunpowder residue, it explodes, dealing {@damage 15d6} fire damage to creatures in a 15- foot emanation including itself (DC 34 basic Reflex save). When the gunpowder ooze combusts, it automatically splits as long as it has 10 or more HP." + "Due to the volatile nature of its composition, the gunpowder ooze reacts explosively when exposed to open flame. Any time the gunpowder ooze takes fire damage from a source other than a gunpowder ooze's combust or gunpowder residue, it explodes, dealing {@damage 15d6} fire damage to creatures in a 15- foot emanation including itself ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). When the gunpowder ooze combusts, it automatically splits as long as it has 10 or more HP." ] }, { @@ -2073,7 +2073,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the gunpowder ooze's pseudopod or blast is coated in explosive material unless it succeeds at a DC 34 Reflex save. If a creature makes an attack with a firearm, takes fire damage, or uses an action, activity, or item with the {@trait fire} trait while coated with the residue, the residue explodes, dealing {@dice 7d6} damage to the creature and all adjacent creatures (DC 34 basic Reflex save). The residue remains active for 24 hours, until it's ignited, or until it's scrubbed off (an activity that takes at least 10 minutes and requires soap and water). A creature can only be coated with one layer of gunpowder residue at a time." + "A creature hit by the gunpowder ooze's pseudopod or blast is coated in explosive material unless it succeeds at a {@dc 34} Reflex save. If a creature makes an attack with a firearm, takes fire damage, or uses an action, activity, or item with the {@trait fire} trait while coated with the residue, the residue explodes, dealing {@dice 7d6} damage to the creature and all adjacent creatures ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). The residue remains active for 24 hours, until it's ignited, or until it's scrubbed off (an activity that takes at least 10 minutes and requires soap and water). A creature can only be coated with one layer of gunpowder residue at a time." ] } ] @@ -2361,7 +2361,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The spellscar fext's last action was a successful fist {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The spellscar fext attempts a counteract check against a single spell affecting the creature (counteract level 4, counteract modifier +17). If the check is successful, the creature also takes {@damage 6d6} mental damage (DC 25 basic Will save)." + "The spellscar fext attempts a counteract check against a single spell affecting the creature (counteract level 4, counteract modifier +17). If the check is successful, the creature also takes {@damage 6d6} mental damage ({@dc 25} basic Will save)." ] } ] @@ -2454,7 +2454,7 @@ { "name": "Serrated Plates", "entries": [ - "Creatures who take damage from an ugvashi's body must attempt a DC 17 Reflex save or take {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} ({@dice 2d4} on a critical failure)." + "Creatures who take damage from an ugvashi's body must attempt a {@dc 17} Reflex save or take {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} ({@dice 2d4} on a critical failure)." ] } ] diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-lome.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-lome.json index c62522265a..1476c850ec 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-lome.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-lome.json @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ "requirements": "A {@condition grabbed}, {@condition paralyzed}, {@condition restrained}, {@condition unconscious}, or willing creature is within reach of the asanbosam's jaws", "entries": [ "The asanbosam sinks its teeth into the creature to drink its blood. If the victim is {@condition grabbed}, this is automatic; otherwise, the asanbosam must succeed at an {@skill Athletics} check against the victim's Fortitude DC. The victim becomes {@condition drained 1} and the asanbosam regains 10 HP, gaining any excess Hit Points beyond its maximum as temporary Hit Points. These temporary Hit Points remain for 1 minute. Drinking Blood from a creature that's already {@condition drained} increases the victim's {@condition drained} value by 1 to a maximum of {@condition drained 3}, but doesn't restore any HP to the asanbosam.", - "A victim's {@condition drained} condition decreases by 1 each week. A blood transfusion, which requires a successful DC 20 {@skill Medicine} check and a blood donor or sufficient blood, reduces the {@condition drained} value by 1 after 10 minutes." + "A victim's {@condition drained} condition decreases by 1 each week. A blood transfusion, which requires a successful {@dc 20} {@skill Medicine} check and a blood donor or sufficient blood, reduces the {@condition drained} value by 1 after 10 minutes." ], "name": "Drink Blood" } @@ -2341,7 +2341,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "tail only, {@damage 2d12+12} bludgeoning, DC 34" + "tail only, {@damage 2d12+12} bludgeoning, {@dc 34}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { @@ -2367,7 +2367,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The grootslang makes a foot {@action Strike} against a creature in reach. Whether or not the {@action Strike} hits, all creatures within 10 feet of the grootslang must attempt a DC 37 Reflex save.", + "The grootslang makes a foot {@action Strike} against a creature in reach. Whether or not the {@action Strike} hits, all creatures within 10 feet of the grootslang must attempt a {@dc 37} Reflex save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2482,13 +2482,13 @@ "mid": [ { "entries": [ - "When offered a gift worth at least 50 gp, the k'nonna must attempt a DC 20 Will saving throw; if the gift is worth at least 100 gp, the DC is instead 25. If they fail the save, the k'nonna accepts the gift, becomes {@condition fascinated} until the end of their next turn, and cannot attack while {@condition fascinated}. On a critical failure, the fascination lasts for 1 minute. Offering a gift is an {@action Interact} action, and offering multiple gifts in the same round has no additional effect." + "When offered a gift worth at least 50 gp, the k'nonna must attempt a {@dc 20} Will saving throw; if the gift is worth at least 100 gp, the DC is instead 25. If they fail the save, the k'nonna accepts the gift, becomes {@condition fascinated} until the end of their next turn, and cannot attack while {@condition fascinated}. On a critical failure, the fascination lasts for 1 minute. Offering a gift is an {@action Interact} action, and offering multiple gifts in the same round has no additional effect." ], "name": "Gilded Fascination" }, { "entries": [ - "A k'nonna can communicate easily with other k'nonna, but when communicating with other creatures, only half of the spoken words make sense. In order to convey information to a k'nonna or understand what they're saying, a non-k'nonna must succeed at a DC 20 {@skill Perception} check." + "A k'nonna can communicate easily with other k'nonna, but when communicating with other creatures, only half of the spoken words make sense. In order to convey information to a k'nonna or understand what they're saying, a non-k'nonna must succeed at a {@dc 20} {@skill Perception} check." ], "name": "Half-Speaker" }, @@ -3070,7 +3070,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The maliadi tries to capsize an adjacent aquatic vessel of its size or smaller. The maliadi must succeed at a DC 35 {@skill Athletics} check (reduced by 5 for each size smaller the vessel is than the maliadi) or the pilot's {@skill Lore||Sailing Lore} DC, whichever is higher." + "The maliadi tries to capsize an adjacent aquatic vessel of its size or smaller. The maliadi must succeed at a {@dc 35} {@skill Athletics} check (reduced by 5 for each size smaller the vessel is than the maliadi) or the pilot's {@skill Lore||Sailing Lore} DC, whichever is higher." ], "name": "Capsize" }, @@ -3203,7 +3203,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. The mamlambo emits dim light from its skin. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 23 Will save. Humanoids take a \u20132 penalty to this saving throw. Regardless of the save's result, the creature is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", + "30 feet. The mamlambo emits dim light from its skin. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura must attempt a {@dc 23} Will save. Humanoids take a \u20132 penalty to this saving throw. Regardless of the save's result, the creature is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3250,7 +3250,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The mamlambo has a creature {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained}, or there is a {@condition dying}, {@condition immobilized}, or {@condition unconscious} creature within the mamlambo's reach", "entries": [ - "The mamlambo deals {@damage 2d8+11} piercing damage to the creature (DC 28 basic Fortitude save). On a failure, the creature also takes an additional {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}, or {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} on a critical failure." + "The mamlambo deals {@damage 2d8+11} piercing damage to the creature ({@dc 28} basic Fortitude save). On a failure, the creature also takes an additional {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}, or {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} on a critical failure." ], "name": "Face Eater" }, @@ -3518,7 +3518,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. The rompo hums in a low voice. Each creature within the emanation must succeed at a DC 19 Will save or become {@condition fascinated} and compelled to move away from the rompo, traveling to the furthest edge of the emanation.", + "60 feet. The rompo hums in a low voice. Each creature within the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 19} Will save or become {@condition fascinated} and compelled to move away from the rompo, traveling to the furthest edge of the emanation.", "{@condition Fascinated} creatures are also {@condition flat-footed}. The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the rompo spends a single action on subsequent rounds, it can extend the duration by 1 round for all affected creatures. If the rompo attacks, the {@condition fascinated} condition ends only for the creature that is attacked. On a successful save, a creature is temporarily immune to Crooning Cry for 24 hours." ], "name": "Crooning Cry" @@ -3721,7 +3721,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Sié Goluo {@action Stride||Strides} twice, then makes a horn {@action Strike}. On a hit, Sié Goluo creates a shock wave that deals {@damage 4d12} force damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 34 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail their save are pushed away 5 feet (10 feet on a critical failure)." + "Sié Goluo {@action Stride||Strides} twice, then makes a horn {@action Strike}. On a hit, Sié Goluo creates a shock wave that deals {@damage 4d12} force damage in a 30-foot cone ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail their save are pushed away 5 feet (10 feet on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Spirit Charge" }, @@ -3846,7 +3846,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. The solar ibis's halo sheds bright light. Creatures that start their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute. A creature that critically fails its save is instead {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Creatures who successfully save are temporarily immune to this effect for 24 hours. The solar ibis can extinguish or resume the halo's light as a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "30 feet. The solar ibis's halo sheds bright light. Creatures that start their turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 22} Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute. A creature that critically fails its save is instead {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Creatures who successfully save are temporarily immune to this effect for 24 hours. The solar ibis can extinguish or resume the halo's light as a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "name": "Blinding Halo" }, @@ -3881,7 +3881,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "The solar ibis detonates its halo, sending shards of burning light in all directions that deal {@damage 6d8} fire damage to all creatures in a 20-foot emanation (DC 22 basic Reflex save). The shards deal an extra {@damage 6d8} good damage against fiends and undead. The solar ibis can't use Light Shatter again for {@dice 1d4} rounds, and its Blinding Halo is extinguished during this time. The halo is restored automatically once the {@dice 1d4} rounds have passed." + "The solar ibis detonates its halo, sending shards of burning light in all directions that deal {@damage 6d8} fire damage to all creatures in a 20-foot emanation ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). The shards deal an extra {@damage 6d8} good damage against fiends and undead. The solar ibis can't use Light Shatter again for {@dice 1d4} rounds, and its Blinding Halo is extinguished during this time. The halo is restored automatically once the {@dice 1d4} rounds have passed." ], "name": "Light Shatter" } @@ -4013,7 +4013,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+6} bludgeoning, DC 29" + "{@damage 2d10+6} bludgeoning, {@dc 29}" ], "name": "Greater Constrict", "generic": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-lomm.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-lomm.json index 24dd6a462f..79cd509b01 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-lomm.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-lomm.json @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ }, "trigger": "Ainamuuren takes at least 40 points of physical damage from a single attack, and he isn't currently discorporated;", "entries": [ - "Ainamuuren discorporates into a whirling blizzard for 3 rounds. During this time, he gains resistance 10 to physical damage and weakness 10 to force damage. He gains a fly speed of 40 feet, but the only action he can take is to {@action Fly}. While discorporated, the first time each round that Ainamuuren enters another creature's space or a creature enters Ainamuuren's space, that creature takes {@damage 4d8} cold damage and must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}. At the start of his turn, Ainamuuren can end this effect as a free action." + "Ainamuuren discorporates into a whirling blizzard for 3 rounds. During this time, he gains resistance 10 to physical damage and weakness 10 to force damage. He gains a fly speed of 40 feet, but the only action he can take is to {@action Fly}. While discorporated, the first time each round that Ainamuuren enters another creature's space or a creature enters Ainamuuren's space, that creature takes {@damage 4d8} cold damage and must succeed at a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}. At the start of his turn, Ainamuuren can end this effect as a free action." ] } ], @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Ainamuuren activates the runes covering his body to create an icy prison around a Huge or smaller creature he can see within 60 feet. The prison is a sphere made of unmelting ice, just large enough to fit his target. The target, and any creatures sharing its space, must attempt a DC 34 Reflex save. A creature that fails becomes trapped inside the prison. If it succeeds, the creature is pushed outside the prison into a space of its choice. If the target shares its space with a gargantuan creature, the effect fails.", + "Ainamuuren activates the runes covering his body to create an icy prison around a Huge or smaller creature he can see within 60 feet. The prison is a sphere made of unmelting ice, just large enough to fit his target. The target, and any creatures sharing its space, must attempt a {@dc 34} Reflex save. A creature that fails becomes trapped inside the prison. If it succeeds, the creature is pushed outside the prison into a space of its choice. If the target shares its space with a gargantuan creature, the effect fails.", "The dome has AC 10, Hardness 20, and 40 Hit Points; and is immune to cold, critical hits, and precision damage. The prison lasts until destroyed, until Ainamuuren uses this ability to create a new prison, or until he dies." ] } @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. Cuetzmonquali's flesh burns as hot as flame. Creatures that end their turn in the emanation take {@damage 4d6} fire damage (DC 35 basic Fortitude save)." + "5 feet. Cuetzmonquali's flesh burns as hot as flame. Creatures that end their turn in the emanation take {@damage 4d6} fire damage ({@dc 35} basic Fortitude save)." ] }, { @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Cuetzmonquali unleashes a blast of fire that deals {@damage 12d10} fire damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 38 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail their saves catch on fire and take {@damage 1d12} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. Cuetzmonquali can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Cuetzmonquali unleashes a blast of fire that deals {@damage 12d10} fire damage in a 50-foot cone ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail their saves catch on fire and take {@damage 1d12} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. Cuetzmonquali can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d6+8} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d10} fire, DC 38" + "{@damage 2d6+8} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d10} fire, {@dc 38}" ] }, { @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ "number": 3 }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, claw, DC 38" + "Large or smaller, claw, {@dc 38}" ] } ] @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 38" + "90 feet, {@dc 38}" ] }, { @@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Desert's Howl vents a long and desolate wail full of nightmares and despair. The devastating howl can be heard up to 1 mile away under the open sky. Any creature who hears it experiences a sudden sinking in its stomach and heart palpitations, its hair stands on end, and it must attempt a DC 38 Will save.", + "Desert's Howl vents a long and desolate wail full of nightmares and despair. The devastating howl can be heard up to 1 mile away under the open sky. Any creature who hears it experiences a sudden sinking in its stomach and heart palpitations, its hair stands on end, and it must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ { "name": "Paralytic Secretion", "entries": [ - "Desert's Howl's saliva is a potent paralytic substance that drains the energy from prey. A creature hit by its spit {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained <2>} as well as {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. If the target was already drained, it instead increases the condition's value by 1, to a maximum of drained 4." + "Desert's Howl's saliva is a potent paralytic substance that drains the energy from prey. A creature hit by its spit {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 41} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained <2>} as well as {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. If the target was already drained, it instead increases the condition's value by 1, to a maximum of drained 4." ] }, { @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ }, "requirements": "Desert's Howl has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "Desert's Howl begins to consume the creature, dealing {@damage 2d12+15} piercing damage (DC 41 basic Fortitude save) and exposing the creature to its paralytic secretion." + "Desert's Howl begins to consume the creature, dealing {@damage 2d12+15} piercing damage ({@dc 41} basic Fortitude save) and exposing the creature to its paralytic secretion." ] } ] @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 27" + "60 feet, {@dc 27}" ] }, { @@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ { "name": "Paralytic Secretion", "entries": [ - "The howling spawn's saliva is a potent paralytic substance that drains the energy from prey. A creature hit by its spit {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained <1>} as well as {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. If the target was already drained, it instead increases the condition's value by 1, to a maximum of drained 4." + "The howling spawn's saliva is a potent paralytic substance that drains the energy from prey. A creature hit by its spit {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained <1>} as well as {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. If the target was already drained, it instead increases the condition's value by 1, to a maximum of drained 4." ] }, { @@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The howling spawn has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ - "The howling spawn begins to consume the creature, dealing {@damage 2d12+5} piercing damage (DC 30 basic Fortitude save) and exposing the creature to its paralytic secretion." + "The howling spawn begins to consume the creature, dealing {@damage 2d12+5} piercing damage ({@dc 30} basic Fortitude save) and exposing the creature to its paralytic secretion." ] } ] @@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "When a creature slays Fafnheir, it becomes home to his soul, which slowly emerges from his killer's body. The creature must attempt a DC 52 Will save or become {@condition doomed||doomed 2} (doomed 1 on a success, unaffected on a critical success). Unless the creature critically succeeded at the saving throw, each day the doomed value increases by 1. If the creature dies while suffering the curse of the woeful wyrd, its corpse explodes in a 60-foot burst with the effect of Blasting Breath. Fafnheir is immediately returned to life in the nearest available space to the corpse with full Hit Points and no conditions. Even an indirect slaying usually still allows Fafnheir to curse the soul of his slayer through the metaphysical link between them." + "When a creature slays Fafnheir, it becomes home to his soul, which slowly emerges from his killer's body. The creature must attempt a {@dc 52} Will save or become {@condition doomed||doomed 2} (doomed 1 on a success, unaffected on a critical success). Unless the creature critically succeeded at the saving throw, each day the doomed value increases by 1. If the creature dies while suffering the curse of the woeful wyrd, its corpse explodes in a 60-foot burst with the effect of Blasting Breath. Fafnheir is immediately returned to life in the nearest available space to the corpse with full Hit Points and no conditions. Even an indirect slaying usually still allows Fafnheir to curse the soul of his slayer through the metaphysical link between them." ] }, { @@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 45" + "90 feet, {@dc 45}" ] }, { @@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Fafnheir exhales a cataclysmic firestorm laced with lightning and hurricane-strength winds, dealing {@damage 20d6} fire damage in a 90-foot cone (DC 48 basic Reflex save). Additionally, Fafnheir deals {@damage 10d6} additional electricity damage to one creature within the area of Blasting Breath of Fafnheir's choice, determined by the same basic Reflex save. Creatures in the area must also attempt a DC 48 Fortitude save to resist the powerful winds and deafening thunderclaps of the breath. Creatures that fail experience the effects of {@spell gust of wind}, affecting Large or smaller creatures as normal. Finally, creatures that fail their Fortitude save become {@condition deafened} for 1 minute (permanently deafened on a critical failure)." + "Fafnheir exhales a cataclysmic firestorm laced with lightning and hurricane-strength winds, dealing {@damage 20d6} fire damage in a 90-foot cone ({@dc 48} basic Reflex save). Additionally, Fafnheir deals {@damage 10d6} additional electricity damage to one creature within the area of Blasting Breath of Fafnheir's choice, determined by the same basic Reflex save. Creatures in the area must also attempt a {@dc 48} Fortitude save to resist the powerful winds and deafening thunderclaps of the breath. Creatures that fail experience the effects of {@spell gust of wind}, affecting Large or smaller creatures as normal. Finally, creatures that fail their Fortitude save become {@condition deafened} for 1 minute (permanently deafened on a critical failure)." ] }, { @@ -1527,7 +1527,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d8+4} bludgeoning, DC 25" + "{@damage 2d8+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 25}" ] }, { @@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "40 feet. Any creature that begins its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 34 Fort save or be {@condition blinded} for 1 minute and become temporarily immune for 1 day. If the creature critically fails this save, it's permanently blinded." + "40 feet. Any creature that begins its turn in the aura must attempt a {@dc 34} Fort save or be {@condition blinded} for 1 minute and become temporarily immune for 1 day. If the creature critically fails this save, it's permanently blinded." ] } ], @@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@ }, "trigger": "Grogrisant uses Rend", "entries": [ - "The target's armor takes damage equal to the damage from Rend. The target can attempt a DC 37 basic Reflex save, negating the armor damage on a successful save." + "The target's armor takes damage equal to the damage from Rend. The target can attempt a {@dc 37} basic Reflex save, negating the armor damage on a successful save." ] } ] @@ -1952,7 +1952,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The grisantian lion uses Rend", "entries": [ - "The target's armor takes damage equal to the damage from Rend. The target can attempt a DC 37 basic Reflex save, negating the armor damage on a successful save." + "The target's armor takes damage equal to the damage from Rend. The target can attempt a {@dc 37} basic Reflex save, negating the armor damage on a successful save." ] } ] @@ -2129,7 +2129,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet, DC 26" + "20 feet, {@dc 26}" ] }, { @@ -2139,7 +2139,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (sickened 2 on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its saves is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "20 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (sickened 2 on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its saves is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ] }, { @@ -2220,7 +2220,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The Kallas Devil has a creature {@condition grabbed}, and it has been grabbed since her last turn", "entries": [ - "The Kallas Devil flays her prey, dealing {@damage 2d12+17} slashing damage, and the target must attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save. On a failure, it becomes {@condition drained||drained 1} (drained 2 on a critical failure). On a critical success, the creature escapes from being grabbed; otherwise, the Kallas Devil extends the grabbed condition until the end of her next turn." + "The Kallas Devil flays her prey, dealing {@damage 2d12+17} slashing damage, and the target must attempt a {@dc 25} Fortitude save. On a failure, it becomes {@condition drained||drained 1} (drained 2 on a critical failure). On a critical success, the creature escapes from being grabbed; otherwise, the Kallas Devil extends the grabbed condition until the end of her next turn." ] } ] @@ -2452,7 +2452,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "300 feet, DC 41" + "300 feet, {@dc 41}" ] }, { @@ -2468,7 +2468,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the emanation must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or be {@condition sickened||sickened 2} (sickened 3 on a critical failure)." + "120 feet. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 41} Fortitude save or be {@condition sickened||sickened 2} (sickened 3 on a critical failure)." ] }, { @@ -2484,7 +2484,7 @@ "auditory" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet. Kothogaz's heartbeat booms like a deity's drum. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the emanation must attempt a DC 41 Will save. On a failure, its next two actions must be {@trait move} actions to move at least half its Speed away from Kothogaz. A creature that critically succeeds is temporarily immune to tympanic heartbeat for 1 minute." + "120 feet. Kothogaz's heartbeat booms like a deity's drum. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the emanation must attempt a {@dc 41} Will save. On a failure, its next two actions must be {@trait move} actions to move at least half its Speed away from Kothogaz. A creature that critically succeeds is temporarily immune to tympanic heartbeat for 1 minute." ] }, { @@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "Kothogaz raises a pustule from the ground within 120 feet, which erupts in a 10-foot radius, 200-foot-high cylinder of cloying filth. Creatures in the area must succeed at a DC 44 basic Reflex save or take {@damage 6d10} poison damage. On a failure, they can't fly for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure); flying creatures fall safely to the ground." + "Kothogaz raises a pustule from the ground within 120 feet, which erupts in a 10-foot radius, 200-foot-high cylinder of cloying filth. Creatures in the area must succeed at a {@dc 44} basic Reflex save or take {@damage 6d10} poison damage. On a failure, they can't fly for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure); flying creatures fall safely to the ground." ] }, { @@ -2558,7 +2558,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The earth festers in Kothogaz's wake. Kothogaz {@action stride||Strides} up to its Speed. Squares through which Kothogaz passes are {@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} until the start of its next turn, and any creature that enters or begins its turn in those squares must succeed at a DC 44 Reflex save or take {@damage 4d10} poison damage and {@damage 4d10} acid damage (on a critical failure, double damage and exposed to many-eyed blight)." + "The earth festers in Kothogaz's wake. Kothogaz {@action stride||Strides} up to its Speed. Squares through which Kothogaz passes are {@quickref greater difficult terrain||3|terrain} until the start of its next turn, and any creature that enters or begins its turn in those squares must succeed at a {@dc 44} Reflex save or take {@damage 4d10} poison damage and {@damage 4d10} acid damage (on a critical failure, double damage and exposed to many-eyed blight)." ] }, { @@ -2707,7 +2707,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "When a spawn dies, its foulness seeps into the land in a 100-foot radius. Non-magical plant life in the area decays within 1 hour, and new non-magical growth can't sprout for 1 month. A creature can act on the spawn's corpse within 1 minute of its death to limit this decay to a 10-foot square by succeeding at a DC 22 {@skill Medicine}, {@skill Nature}, or {@skill Occultism} check." + "When a spawn dies, its foulness seeps into the land in a 100-foot radius. Non-magical plant life in the area decays within 1 hour, and new non-magical growth can't sprout for 1 month. A creature can act on the spawn's corpse within 1 minute of its death to limit this decay to a 10-foot square by succeeding at a {@dc 22} {@skill Medicine}, {@skill Nature}, or {@skill Occultism} check." ] } ], @@ -2722,7 +2722,7 @@ "acid" ], "entries": [ - "The spawn retches up thick, caustic sludge and spits it at a creature within 60 feet, causing equipment and flesh to melt and partially fuse together. The creature must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or be {@condition clumsy||clumsy 2} for 1 minute." + "The spawn retches up thick, caustic sludge and spits it at a creature within 60 feet, causing equipment and flesh to melt and partially fuse together. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 23} Reflex save or be {@condition clumsy||clumsy 2} for 1 minute." ] } ] @@ -2878,7 +2878,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet, DC 23" + "30 feet, {@dc 23}" ] } ], @@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The Krampus celebrant hits a {@condition frightened} creature with its birch bundle {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "The target must attempt a DC 26 Will save to resist the effects of the fearful assault.", + "The target must attempt a {@dc 26} Will save to resist the effects of the fearful assault.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3212,7 +3212,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "120 feet, DC 42" + "120 feet, {@dc 42}" ], "name": "Frightful Presence", "generic": { @@ -3231,7 +3231,7 @@ "name": "Bountiful Bag", "entries": [ "Krampus carries a large bag brimming with barely contained gifts and trinkets, including one of every {@filter common item with the {@trait consumable} trait of levels 1 to 20|items||source=|Level=[0;20]|rarity=common|item=consumable|weapon==sand}, at least 20 {@item golden rod memento|LOMM|golden rod mementos}, and an assortment of food and valuables. Once every 24 hours, the bag's contents magically regenerate, replacing any of these items that have been removed. Krampus can Interact with the bag to stow or withdraw items, always finding the desired stored item at the top of the bag. The bag is an extradimensional space, so the weight of its contents doesn't count against Krampus's Bulk limit. The bag functions as a normal sack if used by anyone other than Krampus, and if the bag is stolen or Krampus is slain, the bag retains only {@dice 2d4} random {@filter common consumable items of 16th level or higher|items||source=|Level=[16;28]|rarity=common|item=consumable|weapon==sand}", - "A creature can use {@action Disarm} or {@action Steal} to extract a consumable item from Krampus's bag. As part of the action, the creature can envision a specific item it wants to extract. On a success, the creature Disarms or Steals the object and rolls a DC 13 flat check.", + "A creature can use {@action Disarm} or {@action Steal} to extract a consumable item from Krampus's bag. As part of the action, the creature can envision a specific item it wants to extract. On a success, the creature Disarms or Steals the object and rolls a {@dc 13} flat check.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3245,7 +3245,7 @@ { "name": "Crushing Avarice", "entries": [ - "Krampus's greed is so great that expending any of his wealth causes him to become physically ill and potentially nauseous. Whenever Krampus uses a {@trait consumable} item from his bountiful bag, or when he witnesses one of his possessions stolen, he must attempt a DC 44 Will save.", + "Krampus's greed is so great that expending any of his wealth causes him to become physically ill and potentially nauseous. Whenever Krampus uses a {@trait consumable} item from his bountiful bag, or when he witnesses one of his possessions stolen, he must attempt a {@dc 44} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3267,7 +3267,7 @@ "requirements": "Krampus has a Medium or smaller creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ "Krampus attempts to stuff the {@condition grabbed} creature into his basket, attempting an {@skill Athletics} check against the target's Reflex DC. If he succeeds, the creature is shoved into Krampus's basket and Krampus's spiked chain or claw is freed for future {@action Strike||Strikes}.", - "The captured creature is {@condition grabbed} and {@condition slowed 1}. If the victim {@action Escape||Escapes} (DC 48), it climbs out of the basket. A captured creature can attack the interior of the basket, but only with unarmed attacks or weapons of light Bulk or less, against an AC of 40. If the captured creature deals 40 slashing or piercing damage, the basket is {@condition broken} and all the creatures inside spill out. A creature that gets free by either Escaping or by someone breaking the basket is deposited in a square of their choosing adjacent to Krampus.", + "The captured creature is {@condition grabbed} and {@condition slowed 1}. If the victim {@action Escape||Escapes} ({@dc 48}), it climbs out of the basket. A captured creature can attack the interior of the basket, but only with unarmed attacks or weapons of light Bulk or less, against an AC of 40. If the captured creature deals 40 slashing or piercing damage, the basket is {@condition broken} and all the creatures inside spill out. A creature that gets free by either Escaping or by someone breaking the basket is deposited in a square of their choosing adjacent to Krampus.", "The basket is an extradimensional space, so the weight of the creatures within doesn't count against Krampus's Bulk limit. Up to four Small creatures or two Medium creatures can fit in the basket at one time. Krampus can {@action Repair} the basket as a 2-action activity that doesn't require tools. If the basket is lost or destroyed, Krampus can create a new one with 1 hour of work. The basket functions as a normal sack if used by anyone other than Krampus." ], "name": "Capture" @@ -3451,7 +3451,7 @@ "source": "LOMM" }, "entries": [ - "DC 32" + "{@dc 32}" ] }, { @@ -3461,7 +3461,7 @@ "number": 2 }, "entries": [ - "Kuworsys releases a choking field of spores within a 30-foot radius, continuing to release them until the end of its next turn. Creatures who begin their turns within the area of the spores, or who enter the area, must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes afflicted with {@disease addictive exhaustion|LOMM}. Kuworsys then can't use its Infectious Spores again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Kuworsys releases a choking field of spores within a 30-foot radius, continuing to release them until the end of its next turn. Creatures who begin their turns within the area of the spores, or who enter the area, must attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes afflicted with {@disease addictive exhaustion|LOMM}. Kuworsys then can't use its Infectious Spores again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -3471,7 +3471,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "Kuworsys studies a creature it can see, attempting to predict its actions. The creature attempts a DC 32 Will save. On a failed save, Kuworsys predicts the creature's moves, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and AC against the target creature for 1 minute." + "Kuworsys studies a creature it can see, attempting to predict its actions. The creature attempts a {@dc 32} Will save. On a failed save, Kuworsys predicts the creature's moves, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and AC against the target creature for 1 minute." ] }, { @@ -3645,7 +3645,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A creature that enters the emanation must attempt a DC 21 Will save. Regardless of outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to terrorspores for 1 minute.", + "60 feet. A creature that enters the emanation must attempt a {@dc 21} Will save. Regardless of outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to terrorspores for 1 minute.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -3691,7 +3691,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The Melfesh Monster has created a spore cloud, and the cloud is within range of one of the Melfesh Monster's {@trait fire} abilities;", "entries": [ - "The Melfesh Monster targets the cloud with one of its abilities with the {@trait fire} trait. The spore cloud explodes, dealing {@damage 4d10} fire damage and {@damage 4} persistent fire damage in a 40-foot burst originating from a single square within the cloud (DC 24 basic Reflex)." + "The Melfesh Monster targets the cloud with one of its abilities with the {@trait fire} trait. The spore cloud explodes, dealing {@damage 4d10} fire damage and {@damage 4} persistent fire damage in a 40-foot burst originating from a single square within the cloud ({@dc 24} basic Reflex)." ] }, { @@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The Melfesh Monster has created a spore cloud, and the cloud is within range of one of the Melfesh Monster's {@trait fire} abilities;", "entries": [ - "The Melfesh Monster conjures a cloud of spores within 60 feet in a 20-foot burst. The cloud lasts 1 minute. Creatures that enter or begin their turn within the cloud must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or take {@damage 3d8} poison damage, be {@condition sickened||sickened 2}, and inhale spores that remain in their bodies for 1 minute (on a critical failure, sickened 3 and an additional {@damage 4} persistent poison damage)." + "The Melfesh Monster conjures a cloud of spores within 60 feet in a 20-foot burst. The cloud lasts 1 minute. Creatures that enter or begin their turn within the cloud must succeed at a {@dc 21} Fortitude save or take {@damage 3d8} poison damage, be {@condition sickened||sickened 2}, and inhale spores that remain in their bodies for 1 minute (on a critical failure, sickened 3 and an additional {@damage 4} persistent poison damage)." ] } ] @@ -3881,7 +3881,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the emanation, it must attempt a DC 29 Will save. If the creature fails, it becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 1}. If it's already frightened, its frightened value instead increases by 1 (maximum frightened 3) and doesn't decrease by 1 at the end of the creature's next turn. If a creature's frightened value is 3 or higher before failing its save, the creature is also {@condition fleeing} for 1 round." + "30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the emanation, it must attempt a {@dc 29} Will save. If the creature fails, it becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 1}. If it's already frightened, its frightened value instead increases by 1 (maximum frightened 3) and doesn't decrease by 1 at the end of the creature's next turn. If a creature's frightened value is 3 or higher before failing its save, the creature is also {@condition fleeing} for 1 round." ] } ], diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ltiba.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ltiba.json index 97b5d7c708..5f86ed7428 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ltiba.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ltiba.json @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Small or smaller, headbutt, DC 14" + "Small or smaller, headbutt, {@dc 14}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ngd.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ngd.json index 46434cf449..fc81e06e2d 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ngd.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ngd.json @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ ] }, { - "name": "DC 36", + "name": "{@dc 36}", "entries": [ "Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} ({@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ] @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d8+7} slashing, DC 38" + "{@damage 3d8+7} slashing, {@dc 38}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The director general utters a few words to a non-{@condition frightened} target within 60 feet that can hear them, bolstering the target's indignation of cowards. The target creature must succeed at a DC 39 Will save, or it doesn't count {@condition frightened} creatures as allies and can't {@action Aid} them or flank with them. This effect lasts for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure)." + "The director general utters a few words to a non-{@condition frightened} target within 60 feet that can hear them, bolstering the target's indignation of cowards. The target creature must succeed at a {@dc 39} Will save, or it doesn't count {@condition frightened} creatures as allies and can't {@action Aid} them or flank with them. This effect lasts for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure)." ] } ] @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ { "name": "Decapitation", "entries": [ - "If the guillotine golem critically hits a creature with its blade {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a DC 40 Fortitude save or be decapitated, {@condition dying} instantly unless it can survive without a head." + "If the guillotine golem critically hits a creature with its blade {@action Strike}, the creature must succeed at a {@dc 40} Fortitude save or be decapitated, {@condition dying} instantly unless it can survive without a head." ] }, { @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ ] }, { - "name": "DC 44", + "name": "{@dc 44}", "entries": [ "Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise, it is damaged as if hit by the golem's blade {@action Strike}." ] @@ -1598,7 +1598,7 @@ "trigger": "A creature communicates telepathically with the conqueror worm (even to respond to the conqueror worm's telepathy or through a mental spell like sending) or fails a saving throw against a mental spell cast by the conqueror worm", "entries": [ "The conqueror worm infects the mind of the creature, allowing it to mentally contact the creature from afar.", - "The creature must attempt a DC 48 Will saving throw and is temporarily immune for 1 year.", + "The creature must attempt a {@dc 48} Will saving throw and is temporarily immune for 1 year.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ "possession" ], "entries": [ - "When the conqueror worm dies, it telepathically projects its consciousness into a creature infected by its Mental Invader ability and who is on the same plane as the conqueror worm. The creature must succeed at a DC 48 Will save or it is overtaken by the conqueror worm. This has the same effect as the {@spell possession} spell with an unlimited duration, except the conqueror worm has wholly foregone its physical body. A host body possessed by a conqueror worm undergoes terrible changes. Every day, the host must succeed at a DC 48 Will save or become permanently {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1} (or increase its {@condition stupefied} value by 1) and increasingly pale, balding, and bloated.", + "When the conqueror worm dies, it telepathically projects its consciousness into a creature infected by its Mental Invader ability and who is on the same plane as the conqueror worm. The creature must succeed at a {@dc 48} Will save or it is overtaken by the conqueror worm. This has the same effect as the {@spell possession} spell with an unlimited duration, except the conqueror worm has wholly foregone its physical body. A host body possessed by a conqueror worm undergoes terrible changes. Every day, the host must succeed at a {@dc 48} Will save or become permanently {@condition stupefied||stupefied 1} (or increase its {@condition stupefied} value by 1) and increasingly pale, balding, and bloated.", "When the host reaches {@condition stupefied||stupefied 4}, an ectoplasmic cocoon forms around it. Over the next 24 hours, the host undergoes a swift metamorphosis and emerges as a new conqueror worm with all the memories of its previous incarnation. At this point, the host is dead and can't be restored except by miracle, wish, or similar magic. Before that point, however, this horrid transformation can be ended by {@trait any} effect that expels the conqueror worm's possession, meaning would be slayers of a conqueror worm had best locate its consciousness and end the possession before it's too late and the worm rises again." ] } @@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The conqueror worm disgorges acid in a 120-foot-line that deals {@damage 14d10} acid damage to all creatures in the area (DC 44 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The conqueror worm disgorges acid in a 120-foot-line that deals {@damage 14d10} acid damage to all creatures in the area ({@dc 44} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "1,000 feet. Creatures that begin their turn in the area take {@damage 5d6} negative damage and must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed||doomed 1}. If the creature is 13th level or lower, this {@condition doomed} condition from soul bleed is cumulative, increasing by 1 with each failed save until the creature dies (typically at {@condition doomed||doomed 4})." + "1,000 feet. Creatures that begin their turn in the area take {@damage 5d6} negative damage and must succeed at a {@dc 42} Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed||doomed 1}. If the creature is 13th level or lower, this {@condition doomed} condition from soul bleed is cumulative, increasing by 1 with each failed save until the creature dies (typically at {@condition doomed||doomed 4})." ] } ], @@ -1850,7 +1850,7 @@ { "name": "Life Sap", "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by the gray death's hand {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained||drained 1}, and {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round on a critical failure." + "A creature damaged by the gray death's hand {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 42} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained||drained 1}, and {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round on a critical failure." ] }, { @@ -1871,7 +1871,7 @@ "unit": "round" }, "entries": [ - "The gray death chooses a living creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a DC 42 Will save or a fragment of embittered soul-stuff lodges within the target's spirit and turns it against its allies. While the target has this fragment, it doesn't count as anyone's ally for the purposes of providing flanking, and a would-be ally casting a spell that normally works only on an ally on the creature must succeed at a DC 42 counteract check (level 20) or the spell has no effect. The fragment fades after 24 hours." + "The gray death chooses a living creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a {@dc 42} Will save or a fragment of embittered soul-stuff lodges within the target's spirit and turns it against its allies. While the target has this fragment, it doesn't count as anyone's ally for the purposes of providing flanking, and a would-be ally casting a spell that normally works only on an ally on the creature must succeed at a {@dc 42} counteract check (level 20) or the spell has no effect. The fragment fades after 24 hours." ] }, { @@ -2107,7 +2107,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The riekanoy sways in a compelling fashion. Each non-fey creature within a 300-foot emanation that can see the riekanoy must attempt a DC 38 Will save. The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the riekanoy uses Beckoning Dance again on subsequent rounds, the duration extends by 1 round for all affected creatures. Once a creature succeeds at any save against Beckoning Dance, that creature is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", + "The riekanoy sways in a compelling fashion. Each non-fey creature within a 300-foot emanation that can see the riekanoy must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save. The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the riekanoy uses Beckoning Dance again on subsequent rounds, the duration extends by 1 round for all affected creatures. Once a creature succeeds at any save against Beckoning Dance, that creature is temporarily immune for 24 hours.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2131,7 +2131,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d10+12} bludgeoning, DC 41" + "{@damage 3d10+12} bludgeoning, {@dc 41}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -2577,7 +2577,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "100 feet.", - "Creatures within the aura must succeed at a DC 37 Fortitude save. On a failure, they can't breathe and must hold their breath to avoid suffocation until they leave the aura. The tumblak can activate or deactivate the aura with a single free action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "Creatures within the aura must succeed at a {@dc 37} Fortitude save. On a failure, they can't breathe and must hold their breath to avoid suffocation until they leave the aura. The tumblak can activate or deactivate the aura with a single free action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ] }, { @@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "A creature {@condition fatigued} by the tumblak's {@spell nightmare} spell is subject to paralyzing glimpses of being buried alive. Anyone using an effect that would remove the {@condition fatigued} condition through a means other than a full night's rest must succeed on a DC 44 counteract check or the {@condition fatigued} condition isn't removed. When the {@condition fatigued} creature enters a stressful situation, such as rolling initiative in combat or entering a high-stakes negotiation, it is affected by Entombing Echoes." + "A creature {@condition fatigued} by the tumblak's {@spell nightmare} spell is subject to paralyzing glimpses of being buried alive. Anyone using an effect that would remove the {@condition fatigued} condition through a means other than a full night's rest must succeed on a {@dc 44} counteract check or the {@condition fatigued} condition isn't removed. When the {@condition fatigued} creature enters a stressful situation, such as rolling initiative in combat or entering a high-stakes negotiation, it is affected by Entombing Echoes." ] }, { @@ -2610,7 +2610,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "A creature struck by the tumblak's fist or impacted by Claustrophobic Nightmares must succeed on a DC 44 Will save or feel itself confined on all sides. The creature is {@condition immobilized} and {@condition flat-footed} until it Escapes (DC 44)." + "A creature struck by the tumblak's fist or impacted by Claustrophobic Nightmares must succeed on a {@dc 44} Will save or feel itself confined on all sides. The creature is {@condition immobilized} and {@condition flat-footed} until it Escapes ({@dc 44})." ] }, { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa1.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa1.json index 980480992f..522621252b 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa1.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa1.json @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ { "name": "Weeping Wounds", "entries": [ - "The fluid in a Sludgespine's pustules is harmful to other creatures. Whenever a creature hits a Sludgespine killer with a melee attack, the attacker must succeed at a DC 14 Reflex save or take 1 acid damage (2 acid damage on a critical failure)." + "The fluid in a Sludgespine's pustules is harmful to other creatures. Whenever a creature hits a Sludgespine killer with a melee attack, the attacker must succeed at a {@dc 14} Reflex save or take 1 acid damage (2 acid damage on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ { "name": "Spores", "entries": [ - "A creature that takes damage from a follower of Shumfallow's spore pod {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or take 1 {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}. A creature has its vision reduced as long as the {@condition persistent damage} continues and can see only within 20 feet (or 10 feet, on a critical failure)." + "A creature that takes damage from a follower of Shumfallow's spore pod {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 15} Fortitude save or take 1 {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}. A creature has its vision reduced as long as the {@condition persistent damage} continues and can see only within 20 feet (or 10 feet, on a critical failure)." ] } ] @@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The gunner is holding a loaded firearm", "entries": [ - "The gunner Interacts to draw an alchemist's fire, throws it at a point within 30 feet, and then shoots the bomb in midair. Creatures within a 10-foot radius of the shot bomb must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or take the splash and {@condition persistent damage} from the alchemist's fire." + "The gunner Interacts to draw an alchemist's fire, throws it at a point within 30 feet, and then shoots the bomb in midair. Creatures within a 10-foot radius of the shot bomb must succeed at a {@dc 15} Reflex save or take the splash and {@condition persistent damage} from the alchemist's fire." ] } ] @@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ { "name": "Firearms Critical Specialization", "entries": [ - "When the gunmarshal makes a critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." + "When the gunmarshal makes a critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed at a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ] }, { @@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "48 hours, DC 14, standby" + "48 hours, {@dc 14}, standby" ] } ], @@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 15, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 15}, standby" ] } ], @@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ { "name": "Escapes or Forces", "entries": [ - "Open the rope with a successful DC 15 check (typically an attack roll or {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Escape}, or an {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Force Open} the ropes; {@condition restrained} creatures don't take a \u20132 penalty on this check for not using a crowbar). The rope has Hardness 2 and 8 Hit Points (BT 4)." + "Open the rope with a successful {@dc 15} check (typically an attack roll or {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Escape}, or an {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Force Open} the ropes; {@condition restrained} creatures don't take a \u20132 penalty on this check for not using a crowbar). The rope has Hardness 2 and 8 Hit Points (BT 4)." ] }, { @@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The clockwork handler emits a loud noise (such as a bell or highpitched mechanical scream) that can be easily heard by anyone within 500 feet. Creatures within 100 feet take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to {@skill Perception} checks that are hearing-based. Creatures within 30 feet who fail a DC 14 Fortitude save can't hear anything but the siren, critically fail {@skill Perception} checks that require hearing, and are immune to {@trait auditory} effects. This effect lasts until the creature leaves the area and for 1 round afterward." + "The clockwork handler emits a loud noise (such as a bell or highpitched mechanical scream) that can be easily heard by anyone within 500 feet. Creatures within 100 feet take a \u20132 circumstance penalty to {@skill Perception} checks that are hearing-based. Creatures within 30 feet who fail a {@dc 14} Fortitude save can't hear anything but the siren, critically fail {@skill Perception} checks that require hearing, and are immune to {@trait auditory} effects. This effect lasts until the creature leaves the area and for 1 round afterward." ] } ] @@ -1767,13 +1767,13 @@ { "name": "Standard Greeting", "entries": [ - "Clockwork brewers have a limited set of pre-recorded phrases they can use to interact with clientele, based on their instructions. The audio is recorded on an embedded gemstone worth 5 gp. Removing a gemstone from or installing a gemstone into a clockwork brewer requires a successful DC 18 {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}; on a failure, the gemstone is undamaged, but any recorded sounds are erased." + "Clockwork brewers have a limited set of pre-recorded phrases they can use to interact with clientele, based on their instructions. The audio is recorded on an embedded gemstone worth 5 gp. Removing a gemstone from or installing a gemstone into a clockwork brewer requires a successful {@dc 18} {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}; on a failure, the gemstone is undamaged, but any recorded sounds are erased." ] }, { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 18, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 18}, standby" ] } ], @@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The clockwork brewer clearly delivers a disarmingly {@condition friendly} greeting to a creature within 30 feet. The creature attempts a DC 17 Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition flat-footed} against the clockwork brewer's next attack before the end of the brewer's next turn.", + "The clockwork brewer clearly delivers a disarmingly {@condition friendly} greeting to a creature within 30 feet. The creature attempts a {@dc 17} Will save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition flat-footed} against the clockwork brewer's next attack before the end of the brewer's next turn.", "The target is then immune to Pre-Programmed Greeting for 1 day" ] } @@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 19, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 19}, standby" ] } ], @@ -1932,7 +1932,7 @@ "number": 1, "unit": "action" }, - "requirements": "The clockwork fabricator has a creature grappled or {@condition restrained}; Effect {@damage 2d4+4} bludgeoning, DC 21 Modular Arms A clockwork fabricator is built to perform a specific type of task repeatedly, and it comes with built-in artisan's tools and two detachable \"arms. \" An adjacent creature can forcibly remove a clockwork fabricator's arm with a successful DC 18 {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}. A creature can {@action Interact} to install a new arm with a successful DC 18 {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} check. A fabricator has two of any of the following types of arms.", + "requirements": "The clockwork fabricator has a creature grappled or {@condition restrained}; Effect {@damage 2d4+4} bludgeoning, {@dc 21} Modular Arms A clockwork fabricator is built to perform a specific type of task repeatedly, and it comes with built-in artisan's tools and two detachable \"arms. \" An adjacent creature can forcibly remove a clockwork fabricator's arm with a successful {@dc 18} {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device}. A creature can {@action Interact} to install a new arm with a successful {@dc 18} {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} check. A fabricator has two of any of the following types of arms.", "entries": [ { "type": "list", @@ -2073,7 +2073,7 @@ { "name": "Dirt", "entries": [ - "Breath{@as 2} (arcane, earth, evocation) The prairie drake spits a ball of dirt that explodes into a shower of rocks and mud. The attack has a range of 30 feet and explodes in a 5-foot radius burst. Creatures within the burst take {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 16 basic Reflex save). Plant creatures in the area take no damage on a successful save; regardless, once per day, plant creatures can spend 10 minutes in the area to absorb the nutrients and heal {@dice 1d8} Hit Points. The prairie drake can't use Dirt Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." + "Breath{@as 2} (arcane, earth, evocation) The prairie drake spits a ball of dirt that explodes into a shower of rocks and mud. The attack has a range of 30 feet and explodes in a 5-foot radius burst. Creatures within the burst take {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 16} basic Reflex save). Plant creatures in the area take no damage on a successful save; regardless, once per day, plant creatures can spend 10 minutes in the area to absorb the nutrients and heal {@dice 1d8} Hit Points. The prairie drake can't use Dirt Breath again for {@dice 1d6} rounds." ] }, { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa2.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa2.json index 84286ba098..e0378283a2 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa2.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa2.json @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 19, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 19}, standby" ] } ], @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The door warden holds shut an adjacent door. This ends the door warden's turn.", - "Until the start of its next turn, as long as it remains functional and in the same square, other creatures trying to get through must succeed at a DC 21 {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Force Open} the door." + "Until the start of its next turn, as long as it remains functional and in the same square, other creatures trying to get through must succeed at a {@dc 21} {@skill Athletics} check to {@action Force Open} the door." ] }, { @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ { "name": "Acidic Pustules", "entries": [ - "The marauder's skin is covered with necrotic boils that burst when struck. Whenever a creature deals slashing or piercing damage to the marauder, each creature within 5 feet takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save). On a critically failed save, a creature also takes {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage}." + "The marauder's skin is covered with necrotic boils that burst when struck. Whenever a creature deals slashing or piercing damage to the marauder, each creature within 5 feet takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). On a critically failed save, a creature also takes {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage}." ] }, { @@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The chimeric manticore's blue-dragon head breathes a 60-foot line of electricity that deals {@damage 8d6} electrical damage to all creatures in the area (DC 25 basic Reflex save). The chimeric manticore can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The chimeric manticore's blue-dragon head breathes a 60-foot line of electricity that deals {@damage 8d6} electrical damage to all creatures in the area ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save). The chimeric manticore can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "As manticore, but DC 25.", + "As manticore, but {@dc 25}.", "Three-Headed {@action Strike} {@as 2} As chimera." ] } @@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ { "name": "Crack Shot", "entries": [ - "When Palzu critically hits a creature with a ranged {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." + "When Palzu critically hits a creature with a ranged {@action Strike}, the target must succeed at a {@dc 26} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ] }, { @@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ "requirements": "Palzu has rolled initiative but hasn't acted yet in combat", "entries": [ "Palzu lets loose a blood-curdling howl while firing his rifle, making the report sound unearthly and disturbing. Palzu makes a Jax {@action Strike} against a foe within 40 feet.", - "On a hit, creatures in a 10-foot emanation centered on the target hit must attempt a DC 26 Will save or become {@condition frightened||frightened 1}." + "On a hit, creatures in a 10-foot emanation centered on the target hit must attempt a {@dc 26} Will save or become {@condition frightened||frightened 1}." ] }, { @@ -1609,7 +1609,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Akrida spits a gout of slimy green acid in a 30-foot line that deals {@damage 5d6} acid damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). Akrida can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Akrida spits a gout of slimy green acid in a 30-foot line that deals {@damage 5d6} acid damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). Akrida can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -1814,7 +1814,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "As hound of Tindalos, but DC 29." + "As hound of Tindalos, but {@dc 29}." ] }, { @@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As hound of Tindalos, but {@damage 6d6} slashing damage and DC 29." + "30 feet. As hound of Tindalos, but {@damage 6d6} slashing damage and {@dc 29}." ] }, { @@ -1943,7 +1943,7 @@ ], "name": "thunderstone", "attack": 15, - "damage": "{@damage 2d4} sonic damage plus 2 sonic splash and {@condition deafened} (DC 20)" + "damage": "{@damage 2d4} sonic damage plus 2 sonic splash and {@condition deafened} ({@dc 20})" }, { "range": "Ranged", @@ -2235,7 +2235,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 24, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 24}, standby" ] } ], @@ -2370,7 +2370,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 20, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 20}, standby" ] } ], @@ -2385,7 +2385,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The clockwork disposer coughs up a cloud of hot ash and embers that deals {@damage 6d6} fire damage in a 15-foot cone (DC 22 basic Reflex save). The clockwork disposer can't use Furnace Belch again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The clockwork disposer coughs up a cloud of hot ash and embers that deals {@damage 6d6} fire damage in a 15-foot cone ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). The clockwork disposer can't use Furnace Belch again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] } ] @@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 24, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 24}, standby" ] } ], @@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "When a clockwork sphinx is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it collapses and emits a steady ticking sound.", - "At the beginning of what would've been its next turn, the sphinx explodes into a 20-foot emanation of shrapnel, dealing {@damage 6d10} piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). An adjacent creature can cancel the self-destruct sequence by succeeding at a DC 26 {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device} at any point before the sphinx explodes, but on a critical failure, it explodes immediately." + "At the beginning of what would've been its next turn, the sphinx explodes into a 20-foot emanation of shrapnel, dealing {@damage 6d10} piercing damage ({@dc 26} basic Reflex save). An adjacent creature can cancel the self-destruct sequence by succeeding at a {@dc 26} {@skill Thievery} check to {@action Disable a Device} at any point before the sphinx explodes, but on a critical failure, it explodes immediately." ] } ], @@ -2704,7 +2704,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "The daelum unleashes a cloud of smog in a 10-foot emanation. The cloud persists for 3 rounds, but doesn't move with the daelum. All creatures within the cloud are {@condition concealed}. A creature that begins its turn in the smog cloud must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save (creatures that must breathe and don't hold their breath take a \u20132 circumstance penalty on their save).", + "The daelum unleashes a cloud of smog in a 10-foot emanation. The cloud persists for 3 rounds, but doesn't move with the daelum. All creatures within the cloud are {@condition concealed}. A creature that begins its turn in the smog cloud must attempt a {@dc 18} Fortitude save (creatures that must breathe and don't hold their breath take a \u20132 circumstance penalty on their save).", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2873,7 +2873,7 @@ ] }, { - "name": "DC 25", + "name": "{@dc 25}", "entries": [ "Fortitude save.", { @@ -3012,7 +3012,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "As giant toad, but DC 20." + "As giant toad, but {@dc 20}." ] }, { @@ -3027,7 +3027,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The mutant giant toad squirts a 60-foot line of acid from the pustules on its back. Creatures in the area take {@damage 3d6} acid damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). The mutant giant toad can't Squirt Acid for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The mutant giant toad squirts a 60-foot line of acid from the pustules on its back. Creatures in the area take {@damage 3d6} acid damage ({@dc 20} basic Reflex save). The mutant giant toad can't Squirt Acid for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -3207,7 +3207,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "As desert drake, but DC 28." + "As desert drake, but {@dc 28}." ] }, { @@ -3424,7 +3424,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened||frightened 1} while in a scarecophagus' despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the emanation but recover instantly once they leave it. When a creature first enters the emanation, it must succeed at a DC 22 Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened||frightened 1}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. The creature is then temporarily immune to this paralysis for 24 hours." + "30 feet. Living creatures are {@condition frightened||frightened 1} while in a scarecophagus' despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the emanation but recover instantly once they leave it. When a creature first enters the emanation, it must succeed at a {@dc 22} Will save (after taking the penalty from being {@condition frightened||frightened 1}) or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round. The creature is then temporarily immune to this paralysis for 24 hours." ] }, { @@ -3604,7 +3604,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d10} slashing damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} from the numerous painful wounds caused by the swarm." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 2d10} slashing damage ({@dc 22} basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} from the numerous painful wounds caused by the swarm." ] }, { @@ -3955,7 +3955,7 @@ "incapacitation" ], "entries": [ - "A living creature hit by Sharkosa's knuckle duster must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save.", + "A living creature hit by Sharkosa's knuckle duster must attempt a {@dc 23} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa3.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa3.json index 7325f7a1da..96f04a2dc0 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa3.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-ooa3.json @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ { "name": "Firearms Critical Specialization", "entries": [ - "When the shieldmarshal makes a critical hit with a firearm weapon, the target must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." + "When the shieldmarshal makes a critical hit with a firearm weapon, the target must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ] }, { @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ ] }, { - "name": "DC 25", + "name": "{@dc 25}", "entries": [ "Fortitude save or become {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ] @@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ "unit": "round" }, "entries": [ - "The shamblers lash out at any enemies in their squares or within 5 feet (DC 25 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", + "The shamblers lash out at any enemies in their squares or within 5 feet ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@damage 3d6+9} bludgeoning damage {@as 2} {@damage 3d8+13} bludgeoning damage" ] }, @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 29, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 29}, standby" ] } ], @@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, foot, DC 32" + "Large or smaller, foot, {@dc 32}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ { "name": "Wind Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 26, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 26}, standby" ] } ], @@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@ { "name": "Firearms Critical Specialization", "entries": [ - "When the buccaneer makes a critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." + "When the buccaneer makes a critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed at a {@dc 28} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ] }, { @@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The clockwork buccaneer has a full water tank", "entries": [ - "The clockwork buccaneer fires a narrow but highly pressurized blast of water in a 60-foot line, dealing {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures and unattended objects in the area (DC 28 basic Fortitude save; unattended objects automatically fail). Creatures and objects that fail the save are also knocked back 5 feet (10 feet on a critical failure). This empties the buccaneer's water tank." + "The clockwork buccaneer fires a narrow but highly pressurized blast of water in a 60-foot line, dealing {@damage 10d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures and unattended objects in the area ({@dc 28} basic Fortitude save; unattended objects automatically fail). Creatures and objects that fail the save are also knocked back 5 feet (10 feet on a critical failure). This empties the buccaneer's water tank." ] }, { @@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ { "name": "Wind Up", "entries": [ - "24 hours, DC 22, standby" + "24 hours, {@dc 22}, standby" ] } ], @@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ "aura" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A cloud of flying, spiderlike clockworks surrounds the clockwork puppeteer. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud takes {@damage 4d8} piercing damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save)." + "30 feet. A cloud of flying, spiderlike clockworks surrounds the clockwork puppeteer. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud takes {@damage 4d8} piercing damage ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save)." ] } ], @@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ "negative" ], "entries": [ - "The cranium preserver ejects one of its preserved-head jars at a point within 100 feet. The jar explodes, and all creatures in a 10-foot burst must attempt a DC 28 Will save.", + "The cranium preserver ejects one of its preserved-head jars at a point within 100 feet. The jar explodes, and all creatures in a 10-foot burst must attempt a {@dc 28} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ { "name": "Slosh", "entries": [ - "Whenever the cranium preserver ends a {@action Stride}, the movement causes necrotic embalming fluid and preserved body parts to slosh about and spill from its central vat. Each creature adjacent to the cranium preserver when it finishes its {@action Stride} must attempt a DC 26 Will save.", + "Whenever the cranium preserver ends a {@action Stride}, the movement causes necrotic embalming fluid and preserved body parts to slosh about and spill from its central vat. Each creature adjacent to the cranium preserver when it finishes its {@action Stride} must attempt a {@dc 26} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1587,7 +1587,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "5 feet. {@damage 4d6} fire, DC 29 basic Reflex save. This aura can't cause other pyronite oozes to split." + "5 feet. {@damage 4d6} fire, {@dc 29} basic Reflex save. This aura can't cause other pyronite oozes to split." ] }, { @@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ { "name": "Split", "entries": [ - "When a Large pyronite ooze is hit by an attack that would deal bludgeoning or fire damage and it has 10 or more HP, it explodes, dealing {@damage 6d6} fire damage to creatures in a 10-foot radius (DC 29 basic Reflex save). This explosion can't cause other pyronite oozes to split. After exploding, the ooze splits into two Medium pyronite oozes, each with half the original's HP, which each fly through the air and land 15 feet from the original ooze in a random direction. If no space is unoccupied where the ooze would land, it automatically pushes creatures and objects out of the way to fill a space (the GM decides if an object or creature is too big or sturdy to push)." + "When a Large pyronite ooze is hit by an attack that would deal bludgeoning or fire damage and it has 10 or more HP, it explodes, dealing {@damage 6d6} fire damage to creatures in a 10-foot radius ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). This explosion can't cause other pyronite oozes to split. After exploding, the ooze splits into two Medium pyronite oozes, each with half the original's HP, which each fly through the air and land 15 feet from the original ooze in a random direction. If no space is unoccupied where the ooze would land, it automatically pushes creatures and objects out of the way to fill a space (the GM decides if an object or creature is too big or sturdy to push)." ] } ], @@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The pyronite ooze is Large", "entries": [ - "The pyronite ooze explodes in a violent conflagration, dealing {@damage 3d6} fire and {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning damage to all creatures in a 30-foot radius (DC 29 basic Reflex save). This explosion can't cause other pyronite oozes to split. After exploding, the ooze splits into two Medium pyronite oozes (see above), but this splitting doesn't deal additional damage." + "The pyronite ooze explodes in a violent conflagration, dealing {@damage 3d6} fire and {@damage 3d6} bludgeoning damage to all creatures in a 30-foot radius ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). This explosion can't cause other pyronite oozes to split. After exploding, the ooze splits into two Medium pyronite oozes (see above), but this splitting doesn't deal additional damage." ] } ] @@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "30 feet.", - "Creatures within the aura are {@condition concealed}, and creatures outside the aura are {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. A creature that ends its turn within the aura must attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save.", + "Creatures within the aura are {@condition concealed}, and creatures outside the aura are {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. A creature that ends its turn within the aura must attempt a {@dc 25} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2053,7 +2053,7 @@ { "name": "Firearms Critical Specialization When", "entries": [ - "Anjelique makes a critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed a DC 34 Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." + "Anjelique makes a critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed a {@dc 34} Fortitude save or be {@condition stunned||stunned 1}." ] }, { @@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@ "name": "Plant Pyronite Charge", "entries": [ "After making a successful melee {@action Strike} against a creature, Anjelique makes a {@skill Thievery} check against the target's {@skill Perception} DC. On a success, she activates and secretly plants a specially formulated sticky pyronite charge on the creature.", - "This charge detonates after 3 rounds, dealing {@damage 4d8} fire damage to all creatures within a 10-foot radius (DC 34 basic Reflex save) and detonating any other pyronite charges within the area. After making a successful ranged {@action Strike} against a creature stuck with a planted charge, Anjelique can choose to shoot a bullet through the charge, dealing normal damage and detonating the charge immediately. A creature can use an {@action Interact} action to find and remove a planted charge from itself or an adjacent creature. These pyronite charges have the {@trait infused} trait and are inert until activated by Anjelique." + "This charge detonates after 3 rounds, dealing {@damage 4d8} fire damage to all creatures within a 10-foot radius ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save) and detonating any other pyronite charges within the area. After making a successful ranged {@action Strike} against a creature stuck with a planted charge, Anjelique can choose to shoot a bullet through the charge, dealing normal damage and detonating the charge immediately. A creature can use an {@action Interact} action to find and remove a planted charge from itself or an adjacent creature. These pyronite charges have the {@trait infused} trait and are inert until activated by Anjelique." ] }, { @@ -2562,7 +2562,7 @@ "unstable" ], "entries": [ - "Parsus pushes their necromechanical innovation beyond its normal limits, dealing {@damage 10d6} negative damage in a 10-foot emanation (DC 31 basic Reflex save). Parsus can choose to include themself in this effect." + "Parsus pushes their necromechanical innovation beyond its normal limits, dealing {@damage 10d6} negative damage in a 10-foot emanation ({@dc 31} basic Reflex save). Parsus can choose to include themself in this effect." ], "generic": { "tag": "action", diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-sli.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-sli.json index 39a91f2d1d..86c30b5460 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-sli.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-sli.json @@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ ], "trigger": "Cursebreaker hits a {@condition slowed} creature", "entries": [ - "The creature must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." + "The creature must succeed at a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." ], "name": "Impose Paralysis" }, @@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Cursebreaker {@action Stride||Strides} up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can attempt to bar the way by succeeding at a DC 32 Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise it is damaged as if hit by Cursebreaker's fist." + "Cursebreaker {@action Stride||Strides} up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can attempt to bar the way by succeeding at a {@dc 32} Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise it is damaged as if hit by Cursebreaker's fist." ], "name": "Inexorable March" }, @@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 minute.", + "Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 27} Fortitude save or be {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 minute.", "Cursebreaker can't use Slowing Pulse again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Slowing Pulse" @@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "15 feet. The fuming sludge constantly emits incendiary smoke that creates concealment around it. The smoke doesn't impair the fuming sludge's chemical sense. A creature that enters the aura or begins its turn in the aura becomes {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} (DC 25 Fortitude negates) and cannot recover from {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} for 1 round. It is then temporarily immune to the sickening effect of the smoldering haze for 1 minute. A creature that is currently holding its breath, that doesn't need to breathe, or that's immune to poison is immune to the aura's {@condition sickened} effect but not the concealment or inability to recover from {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}." + "15 feet. The fuming sludge constantly emits incendiary smoke that creates concealment around it. The smoke doesn't impair the fuming sludge's chemical sense. A creature that enters the aura or begins its turn in the aura becomes {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} ({@dc 25} Fortitude negates) and cannot recover from {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} for 1 round. It is then temporarily immune to the sickening effect of the smoldering haze for 1 minute. A creature that is currently holding its breath, that doesn't need to breathe, or that's immune to poison is immune to the aura's {@condition sickened} effect but not the concealment or inability to recover from {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}." ], "name": "Smoldering Haze" } @@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d8+6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire}, DC 24" + "{@damage 1d8+6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 1d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire}, {@dc 24}" ], "name": "Constrict", "generic": { @@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ { "entries": [ "A fuming sludge's ejected globs cling to targets.", - "A creature hit by an ejected glob {@action Strike} is {@condition encumbered} for 1 round. If the attack was a critical hit, the creature is instead {@condition restrained} for 1 round ({@action Escape} DC 24)." + "A creature hit by an ejected glob {@action Strike} is {@condition encumbered} for 1 round. If the attack was a critical hit, the creature is instead {@condition restrained} for 1 round ({@action Escape} {@dc 24})." ], "name": "Cooling Glob" } @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "Paga cringes and cowers before a creature within 10 feet that can see her. The target must attempt a DC 28 Will save. The target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.", + "Paga cringes and cowers before a creature within 10 feet that can see her. The target must attempt a {@dc 28} Will save. The target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot1.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot1.json index f1c00551c8..18323f6655 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot1.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot1.json @@ -745,8 +745,8 @@ }, { "mode": "replaceTxt", - "replace": "DC 13 Reflex", - "with": "DC 15 Reflex" + "replace": "{@dc 13} Reflex", + "with": "{@dc 15} Reflex" } ], "traits": { @@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature {@action Stride||Strides} or {@action Step||Steps} into {@quickref difficult terrain||3|terrain} adjacent to the gnagrif", "entries": [ - "The gnagrif gives the ground a hearty pound and it shifts beneath the triggering creature's feet. The triggering creature must succeed on a DC 18 Reflex save or fall {@condition prone}." + "The gnagrif gives the ground a hearty pound and it shifts beneath the triggering creature's feet. The triggering creature must succeed on a {@dc 18} Reflex save or fall {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Soften Stone" } @@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. Creatures other than animals, gremlins, and gnolls in the aura become extremely unlucky (DC 20 Will save; a creature must roll this Will save twice and take the worse result). On a successful save, the creature is temporarily immune to pugwampi unluck auras for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature must roll twice and take the worse result on all checks as long as it remains within the aura's emanation." + "20 feet. Creatures other than animals, gremlins, and gnolls in the aura become extremely unlucky ({@dc 20} Will save; a creature must roll this Will save twice and take the worse result). On a successful save, the creature is temporarily immune to pugwampi unluck auras for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature must roll twice and take the worse result on all checks as long as it remains within the aura's emanation." ], "name": "Unluck Aura" } @@ -2157,7 +2157,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the silverfish swarm's space takes {@damage 1d4} piercing damage (DC 14 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}." + "Each enemy in the silverfish swarm's space takes {@damage 1d4} piercing damage ({@dc 14} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1}." ], "name": "Swarming Bites" }, @@ -2308,7 +2308,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The spellskein is folded into its lizard shape", "entries": [ - "The spellskein puffs out its cloth frills and shakes them from side to side to look fierce. The first creature hit by its sharp edge {@action Strike} before the start of its next turn must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} ({@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a critical failure)." + "The spellskein puffs out its cloth frills and shakes them from side to side to look fierce. The first creature hit by its sharp edge {@action Strike} before the start of its next turn must succeed on a {@dc 14} Will save or become {@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 1} ({@condition frightened|CRB|frightened 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Lizard Frill" }, @@ -2540,7 +2540,7 @@ ], "requirements": "A foe within Stone Ghost's reach is standing on stone or soil", "entries": [ - "Stone Ghost briefly extends his intangibility to a foe and drags or pounds them into the earth. He makes an {@skill Athletics} check against the target's Fortitude DC. On a success, the foe is planted waist-deep in the ground and is {@condition immobilized} and {@condition flat-footed} until it Escapes (DC 22). On a critical success, the foe is completely buried and must hold its breath until it is free or else start suffocating. A successful {@action Escape} returns the foe to its original square on the surface, or the closest unoccupied square." + "Stone Ghost briefly extends his intangibility to a foe and drags or pounds them into the earth. He makes an {@skill Athletics} check against the target's Fortitude DC. On a success, the foe is planted waist-deep in the ground and is {@condition immobilized} and {@condition flat-footed} until it Escapes ({@dc 22}). On a critical success, the foe is completely buried and must hold its breath until it is free or else start suffocating. A successful {@action Escape} returns the foe to its original square on the surface, or the closest unoccupied square." ], "name": "Entombing Grasp" } @@ -2879,7 +2879,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Umbo targets one creature affected by purple pox within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a DC 18 Will save. It is then temporarily immune to spore domination for 10 minutes.", + "Umbo targets one creature affected by purple pox within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a {@dc 18} Will save. It is then temporarily immune to spore domination for 10 minutes.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot2.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot2.json index e6acd2175e..fa10f1a956 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot2.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot2.json @@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "When the great grodair dies, his body explodes in a blast of pressurized water that deals {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures within a 15-foot emanation (DC 25 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is pushed 5 feet (or 10 feet on a critical failure)." + "When the great grodair dies, his body explodes in a blast of pressurized water that deals {@damage 6d6} bludgeoning damage to creatures within a 15-foot emanation ({@dc 25} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its save is pushed 5 feet (or 10 feet on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Death Flood" } @@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A {@condition hostile} creature targets the jinxer with a melee {@action Strike}", "entries": [ - "Tattoos on the jinxer's body swirl and shift in mesmerizing patterns. The creature must attempt a DC 22 Will save.", + "Tattoos on the jinxer's body swirl and shift in mesmerizing patterns. The creature must attempt a {@dc 22} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "The i'iko dragon breathes a spray of jagged glass shards that deals {@damage 7d6} piercing damage in a 15-foot cone (DC 23 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The i'iko dragon breathes a spray of jagged glass shards that deals {@damage 7d6} piercing damage in a 15-foot cone ({@dc 23} basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The i'iko dragon spreads their wings, bares their teeth, and threatens their opponent in a terrifying display of draconic majesty. All creatures within 30 feet must attempt a DC 24 Will save. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creatures are temporarily immune." + "The i'iko dragon spreads their wings, bares their teeth, and threatens their opponent in a terrifying display of draconic majesty. All creatures within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 24} Will save. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creatures are temporarily immune." ], "name": "Draconic Grandeur" }, @@ -1670,7 +1670,7 @@ "bot": [ { "entries": [ - "Creatures hit by Kiru's dagger {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure). If Kiru's {@action Strike} is a critical hit, the DC increases to 25." + "Creatures hit by Kiru's dagger {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude save or become {@condition clumsy|CRB|clumsy 1} for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure). If Kiru's {@action Strike} is a critical hit, the DC increases to 25." ], "name": "Knife Jab" }, @@ -2363,7 +2363,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The mpeshi falls at least 10 feet", "entries": [ - "The mpeshi reorients itself to slam headfirst into the ground with a thundering crash. Creatures within 10 feet of the mpeshi take sonic damage equal to the bludgeoning damage the mpeshi took from the fall (DC 23 basic Fortitude save). Creatures that fail this save are {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} ({@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 2} on a critical failure)." + "The mpeshi reorients itself to slam headfirst into the ground with a thundering crash. Creatures within 10 feet of the mpeshi take sonic damage equal to the bludgeoning damage the mpeshi took from the fall ({@dc 23} basic Fortitude save). Creatures that fail this save are {@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 1} ({@condition stunned|CRB|stunned 2} on a critical failure)." ], "name": "Thunderous Fall" } @@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save.", + "30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a {@dc 23} Fortitude save.", "On a failure, the creature is {@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 1} ({@condition sickened|CRB|sickened 2} on a critical failure). A creature taking {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid damage} from the ooze's pseudopod can't recover from the {@condition sickened} condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Noxious Scent" @@ -2513,7 +2513,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The sewer ooze unleashes a wave of filth, covering all creatures within a 20-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 24 Reflex save or take {@damage 1d4} acid damage and a \u201310-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a critical failure, the creature also falls {@condition prone}). A creature can spend an {@action Interact} action to clean someone off, decreasing." + "The sewer ooze unleashes a wave of filth, covering all creatures within a 20-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must succeed at a {@dc 24} Reflex save or take {@damage 1d4} acid damage and a \u201310-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a critical failure, the creature also falls {@condition prone}). A creature can spend an {@action Interact} action to clean someone off, decreasing." ], "name": "Filth Wave" }, @@ -2659,7 +2659,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Old Thrasher makes up to three tail {@action Strike||Strikes} against different targets. Any target hit must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save (DC 30 on a critical hit) or be knocked {@condition prone}." + "Old Thrasher makes up to three tail {@action Strike||Strikes} against different targets. Any target hit must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save ({@dc 30} on a critical hit) or be knocked {@condition prone}." ], "name": "Thunderous Tail" } @@ -3337,7 +3337,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude" + "Saving Throw {@dc 22} Fortitude" ], "name": "Serpentfolk Venom" }, @@ -3631,10 +3631,10 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "As granitescale, but DC 23." + "As granitescale, but {@dc 23}." ], "name": "Serpentfolk Venom", - "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Serpentfolk Venom As granitescale, but DC 23.' in Serpentfolk Venom Caller, p.87" + "entries_as_xyz": "Ability not found: 'Serpentfolk Venom As granitescale, but {@dc 23}.' in Serpentfolk Venom Caller, p.87" }, { "activity": { @@ -3651,7 +3651,7 @@ "number": 1 }, "entries": [ - "The venom caller conjures a 10-foot burst of liquid poison within 60 feet. Each creature that begins its turn in the area takes {@damage 4d6} poison damage (DC 25 basic Fortitude save). On a critical failure, creatures also take {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}. Once per turn, starting the turn after the venom caller uses Venom Pool, the venom caller can use a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, to increase the radius of the burst by 5 feet. The pool of venom lasts for 1 minute, at which time it evaporates without a trace." + "The venom caller conjures a 10-foot burst of liquid poison within 60 feet. Each creature that begins its turn in the area takes {@damage 4d6} poison damage ({@dc 25} basic Fortitude save). On a critical failure, creatures also take {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}. Once per turn, starting the turn after the venom caller uses Venom Pool, the venom caller can use a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, to increase the radius of the burst by 5 feet. The pool of venom lasts for 1 minute, at which time it evaporates without a trace." ], "name": "Venom Pool" } diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot3.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot3.json index 69b9fac6b9..c0624e8f15 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot3.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot3.json @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ { "name": "Restrain", "entries": [ - "When the jailer makes a successful mancatcher {@action Strike}, their target must succeed at a DC 27 Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} until the end of the jailer's next turn.", + "When the jailer makes a successful mancatcher {@action Strike}, their target must succeed at a {@dc 27} Reflex save or become {@condition grabbed} until the end of the jailer's next turn.", "Each time the target fails an attempt to {@action Escape} the jailer, it takes {@damage 2d6} piercing damage." ] }, @@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "Bharlen unleashes crackling lightning in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the area take {@damage 6d12} electricity damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). Bharlen can use this ability once every {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "Bharlen unleashes crackling lightning in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the area take {@damage 6d12} electricity damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). Bharlen can use this ability once every {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "affliction", "name": "Graveknight's Curse This curse affects anyone who wears a", @@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "30 feet.", - "A creature that begins its turn within the area feels as if its lungs are filling with silt and must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or be unable to speak or breathe.", + "A creature that begins its turn within the area feels as if its lungs are filling with silt and must succeed at a {@dc 25} Fortitude save or be unable to speak or breathe.", "The creature can still hold its breath and can attempt a new saving throw at the end of its turn. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune to breath of silt for 24 hours." ] }, @@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The boggard unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non-boggard within 30 feet becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 1} unless they succeed at a DC 25 Will save; those who critically succeed are temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "The boggard unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non-boggard within 30 feet becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 1} unless they succeed at a {@dc 25} Will save; those who critically succeed are temporarily immune for 1 minute." ] }, { @@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The golgopo unleashes a wailing cry that heralds impending disaster. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 26 Will save. Golgopos and cyclopes are immune to this effect.", + "The golgopo unleashes a wailing cry that heralds impending disaster. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 26} Will save. Golgopos and cyclopes are immune to this effect.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "Grouloop utters a powerful croak that deals {@damage 6d10} sonic damage to any non-boggard within a 30-foot emanation (DC 27 basic Fortitude save). A creature with the {@condition frightened} condition that fails its saving throw increases its {@condition frightened} condition by 1 (on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition fleeing} for as long as it is {@condition frightened}). Grouloop can't use Soul-Shaking Croak again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Grouloop utters a powerful croak that deals {@damage 6d10} sonic damage to any non-boggard within a 30-foot emanation ({@dc 27} basic Fortitude save). A creature with the {@condition frightened} condition that fails its saving throw increases its {@condition frightened} condition by 1 (on a critical failure, the creature is also {@condition fleeing} for as long as it is {@condition frightened}). Grouloop can't use Soul-Shaking Croak again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -2411,7 +2411,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet, DC 26" + "90 feet, {@dc 26}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -2450,7 +2450,7 @@ { "name": "Terwa", "entries": [ - "Lake that deals {@damage 11d6} poison damage in a 40- foot cone (DC 29 basic Reflex save). She can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "Lake that deals {@damage 11d6} poison damage in a 40- foot cone ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). She can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -2804,7 +2804,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the karumzek swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} piercing damage (DC 27 basic Reflex save) plus karumzek venom." + "Each enemy in the karumzek swarm's space takes {@damage 2d6} piercing damage ({@dc 27} basic Reflex save) plus karumzek venom." ] }, { @@ -3314,7 +3314,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. The screaming sulfur constantly shrieks with the pained wails of countless spirits. A living creature that enters or starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or become {@condition frightened||frightened 1} as long as it remains in the aura ({@condition frightened||frightened 2} on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 1 hour." + "30 feet. The screaming sulfur constantly shrieks with the pained wails of countless spirits. A living creature that enters or starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 26} Will save or become {@condition frightened||frightened 1} as long as it remains in the aura ({@condition frightened||frightened 2} on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 1 hour." ] }, { @@ -3345,7 +3345,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The screaming sulfur bombards all creatures within its Agonizing Cries aura with visions of death and a feeling of suffocation. Each creature takes {@damage 4d6} mental damage (DC 26 basic Will save)." + "The screaming sulfur bombards all creatures within its Agonizing Cries aura with visions of death and a feeling of suffocation. Each creature takes {@damage 4d6} mental damage ({@dc 26} basic Will save)." ] } ] @@ -3555,7 +3555,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "10 feet.", - "When it rains, the ground near a ssumzili becomes slick. When raining, all terrain within 10 feet of a ssumzili is slippery, with the effects of grease (DC 29). Ssumzilis are immune to this effect." + "When it rains, the ground near a ssumzili becomes slick. When raining, all terrain within 10 feet of a ssumzili is slippery, with the effects of grease ({@dc 29}). Ssumzilis are immune to this effect." ] } ], @@ -3582,7 +3582,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The ssumzili makes a melee {@action Strike}. If the {@action Strike} damages the target, the target must also attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save.", + "The ssumzili makes a melee {@action Strike}. If the {@action Strike} damages the target, the target must also attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot4.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot4.json index db9266247d..227eb309ff 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot4.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot4.json @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 38" + "60 feet, {@dc 38}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ "entries": [ "10 feet.", "The avatar of {@deity Walkena|LOGM} radiates with an intense light.", - "Creatures that enter or begin their turn in the emanation are {@condition dazzled} and take {@damage 3d8} fire damage (DC 35 basic Fortitude save). Creatures remain {@condition dazzled} until they leave the emanation." + "Creatures that enter or begin their turn in the emanation are {@condition dazzled} and take {@damage 3d8} fire damage ({@dc 35} basic Fortitude save). Creatures remain {@condition dazzled} until they leave the emanation." ] } ], @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d4+11} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d8} fire, DC 38" + "{@damage 2d4+11} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d8} fire, {@dc 38}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "The avatar of {@deity Walkena|LOGM} plucks a small drop of sunlight from the sky and rains down sunfire on the battlefield. The avatar selects a 20-foot burst within 90 feet. Sunfire rains down in the area, dealing {@damage 12d8} fire damage (DC 38 basic Reflex save) to all creatures that enter or begin their turn in the area. The power of the sun restores the avatar; it instead recovers an equal number of Hit Points while in the area. The sunfire continues to rain until the end of the avatar's next turn. The avatar can't use Pull" + "The avatar of {@deity Walkena|LOGM} plucks a small drop of sunlight from the sky and rains down sunfire on the battlefield. The avatar selects a 20-foot burst within 90 feet. Sunfire rains down in the area, dealing {@damage 12d8} fire damage ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save) to all creatures that enter or begin their turn in the area. The power of the sun restores the avatar; it instead recovers an equal number of Hit Points while in the area. The sunfire continues to rain until the end of the avatar's next turn. The avatar can't use Pull" ] }, { @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ "light" ], "entries": [ - "The avatar intensifies its light. All creatures within 30 feet must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save. The avatar can't use Radiate Glory again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. During this time, the avatar's Sun Touch no longer dazzles creatures.", + "The avatar intensifies its light. All creatures within 30 feet must attempt a {@dc 38} Fortitude save. The avatar can't use Radiate Glory again for {@dice 1d4} rounds. During this time, the avatar's Sun Touch no longer dazzles creatures.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ { "name": "Caustic Acid", "entries": [ - "Whenever a creature takes acid damage from any of a ba'aupa mdoudu's abilities or {@action Strike||Strikes}, it must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained||drained 1} ({@condition drained||drained 2} on a critical failure). On each subsequent failure, the {@condition drained} condition value increases by 1 (or by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}." + "Whenever a creature takes acid damage from any of a ba'aupa mdoudu's abilities or {@action Strike||Strikes}, it must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained||drained 1} ({@condition drained||drained 2} on a critical failure). On each subsequent failure, the {@condition drained} condition value increases by 1 (or by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}." ] }, { @@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The ba'aupa mdoudu spews copious amounts of acid into the air, creating a cascading rain to fall in a 10- foot radius around itself. All creatures in the area take {@damage 14d6} acid damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save). The ba'aupa mdoudu can't use Caustic Rain again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The ba'aupa mdoudu spews copious amounts of acid into the air, creating a cascading rain to fall in a 10- foot radius around itself. All creatures in the area take {@damage 14d6} acid damage ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). The ba'aupa mdoudu can't use Caustic Rain again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The biloko reaver unleashes a frightful roar. Any non-biloko within 30 feet must succeed at a DC 29 Will save or become {@condition frightened||frightened 1} ({@condition frightened||frightened 3} on a critical failure). Those who critically succeed are temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "The biloko reaver unleashes a frightful roar. Any non-biloko within 30 feet must succeed at a {@dc 29} Will save or become {@condition frightened||frightened 1} ({@condition frightened||frightened 3} on a critical failure). Those who critically succeed are temporarily immune for 1 minute." ] } ] @@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "Dimari-Diji tries to overwhelm foes with a surge of information he has absorbed over his long life. This surge deals {@damage 12d6} mental damage to each enemy within 60 feet, who must attempt a DC 32 Will save.", + "Dimari-Diji tries to overwhelm foes with a surge of information he has absorbed over his long life. This surge deals {@damage 12d6} mental damage to each enemy within 60 feet, who must attempt a {@dc 32} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@ "water" ], "entries": [ - "The drenchdead touches a creature and causes water from its own body to flow into the creature's lungs. If the creature can't breathe water, it must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save.", + "The drenchdead touches a creature and causes water from its own body to flow into the creature's lungs. If the creature can't breathe water, it must attempt a {@dc 32} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ }, "entries": [ "The gold defender Strides up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement.", - "A creature can attempt to bar the way by succeeding at a DC 37 Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise, it is damaged as if hit by the defender's fist {@action Strike}." + "A creature can attempt to bar the way by succeeding at a {@dc 37} Fortitude save. On a critical success, the resisting creature takes no damage; otherwise, it is damaged as if hit by the defender's fist {@action Strike}." ] }, { @@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ ], "requirements": "The gold defender is not in darkness", "entries": [ - "The gold defender reshapes its skin into a reflective surface that magnifies ambient light into a precise beam that burns all creatures in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 14d6} fire damage (DC 31 Reflex save if the gold defender is in dim light, DC 33 Reflex save if it's in bright light). It can't use Light Reflection again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The gold defender reshapes its skin into a reflective surface that magnifies ambient light into a precise beam that burns all creatures in a 30-foot cone, dealing {@damage 14d6} fire damage ({@dc 31} Reflex save if the gold defender is in dim light, {@dc 33} Reflex save if it's in bright light). It can't use Light Reflection again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1750,7 +1750,7 @@ "unit": "round" }, "entries": [ - "The garrison makes a melee attack against each enemy within 5 feet (DC 30 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", + "The garrison makes a melee attack against each enemy within 5 feet ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@damage 2d8+2} bludgeoning damage {@as 2} {@damage 3d8+12} bludgeoning damage {@as 3} {@damage 4d8+15} bludgeoning damage" ] }, @@ -1973,7 +1973,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The grave karina breathes a cloud of burning ash in 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 9d8} fire damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). The area becomes filled with ash for 1 round. All creatures within the cloud of ash become {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the cloud become {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. The grave karina can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The grave karina breathes a cloud of burning ash in 30-foot cone that deals {@damage 9d8} fire damage ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). The area becomes filled with ash for 1 round. All creatures within the cloud of ash become {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the cloud become {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. The grave karina can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "affliction", "name": "Grave Blight", @@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@ }, "requirements": "The grave karina is adjacent to a creature that's casting a shadow", "entries": [ - "The grave karina drives a talon into a creature's shadow and attempts to manipulate it like a puppet with the effects of dominate (DC 27 Will save), except the duration is only 1 minute." + "The grave karina drives a talon into a creature's shadow and attempts to manipulate it like a puppet with the effects of dominate ({@dc 27} Will save), except the duration is only 1 minute." ] } ] @@ -2174,13 +2174,13 @@ "evocation" ], "entries": [ - "{@damage 4d12} electricity, DC 24; as graveknight." + "{@damage 4d12} electricity, {@dc 24}; as graveknight." ] }, { "name": "Graveknight's Curse", "entries": [ - "DC 24; as graveknight." + "{@dc 24}; as graveknight." ] }, { @@ -2393,13 +2393,13 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "{@damage 8d12} fire, DC 36; as graveknight" + "{@damage 8d12} fire, {@dc 36}; as graveknight" ] }, { "name": "Graveknight's Curse", "entries": [ - "DC 36; as graveknight." + "{@dc 36}; as graveknight." ] }, { @@ -2744,7 +2744,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. A creature that enters the emanation or starts its turn within it tumbles down a deep well of dread and must attempt a DC 33 Will save.", + "60 feet. A creature that enters the emanation or starts its turn within it tumbles down a deep well of dread and must attempt a {@dc 33} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2786,7 +2786,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@dice 2d12+15}, DC 36" + "{@dice 2d12+15}, {@dc 36}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -2804,7 +2804,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "The kilia mwibo feeds on the negative emotions of a creature within 60 feet; this must be a creature that it can precisely sense with its emotion sense. The target must succeed at a DC 36 Will save or increase its {@condition drained} condition value by 1 (by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}." + "The kilia mwibo feeds on the negative emotions of a creature within 60 feet; this must be a creature that it can precisely sense with its emotion sense. The target must succeed at a {@dc 36} Will save or increase its {@condition drained} condition value by 1 (by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}." ] } ] @@ -2970,7 +2970,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The sun-spire collects solar energy and uses the energy to create a deadly beam of fire. It fires the beam in a 120-foot line, dealing {@damage 11d8} fire damage to all creatures in the line (DC 33 basic Reflex save). The concentrated beam ignites everything in its path, including the air, creating a wall of burning flame along the line that continues to burn until the end of the sun-spire's next turn. This wall has the effects of a 5th-level {@spell wall of fire} spell, dealing {@damage 5d6} fire damage to any creature that crosses the wall or occupies the wall's area at the start of its turn. The sun-spire can't use the Beam of the Seven Suns again for {@dice 1d4} rounds, although rounds it's not in sunlight don't count toward this number." + "The sun-spire collects solar energy and uses the energy to create a deadly beam of fire. It fires the beam in a 120-foot line, dealing {@damage 11d8} fire damage to all creatures in the line ({@dc 33} basic Reflex save). The concentrated beam ignites everything in its path, including the air, creating a wall of burning flame along the line that continues to burn until the end of the sun-spire's next turn. This wall has the effects of a 5th-level {@spell wall of fire} spell, dealing {@damage 5d6} fire damage to any creature that crosses the wall or occupies the wall's area at the start of its turn. The sun-spire can't use the Beam of the Seven Suns again for {@dice 1d4} rounds, although rounds it's not in sunlight don't count toward this number." ] }, { @@ -2980,7 +2980,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Large or smaller, arm, DC 33" + "Large or smaller, arm, {@dc 33}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -3461,7 +3461,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "When the sun hunter is destroyed, they explode in a blast of flame that deals {@damage 6d6} fire damage in a 10-foot emanation (DC 27 basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically fail their saves are marked with {@deity Walkena|LOGM}'s religious symbol on a visible area of their body, which remains for 1 day. This mark allows {@deity Walkena|LOGM} to treat the creature as if he knew the creature's identity but not having met them for the purposes of scrying, lowering the spell's DC by 2. The sun hunter's gear and treasure are unaffected by the explosion and left in a pile where they die." + "When the sun hunter is destroyed, they explode in a blast of flame that deals {@damage 6d6} fire damage in a 10-foot emanation ({@dc 27} basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically fail their saves are marked with {@deity Walkena|LOGM}'s religious symbol on a visible area of their body, which remains for 1 day. This mark allows {@deity Walkena|LOGM} to treat the creature as if he knew the creature's identity but not having met them for the purposes of scrying, lowering the spell's DC by 2. The sun hunter's gear and treasure are unaffected by the explosion and left in a pile where they die." ] }, { @@ -4049,7 +4049,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 1d4+9} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d6} fire, DC 27" + "{@damage 1d4+9} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d6} fire, {@dc 27}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -4076,7 +4076,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The sun warrior attempts to drive their spear through a foe to pin them in place. The sun warrior makes a spear {@action Strike}. On a hit, the target's clothes, armor, or other piece of equipment becomes pinned to the ground. The sun warrior Releases the spear, and the target is {@condition immobilized} until they can remove the spear ({@action Escape} DC 27). If the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the DC increases by 2." + "The sun warrior attempts to drive their spear through a foe to pin them in place. The sun warrior makes a spear {@action Strike}. On a hit, the target's clothes, armor, or other piece of equipment becomes pinned to the ground. The sun warrior Releases the spear, and the target is {@condition immobilized} until they can remove the spear ({@action Escape} {@dc 27}). If the {@action Strike} was a critical hit, the DC increases by 2." ] } ] @@ -4204,7 +4204,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet, DC 30" + "60 feet, {@dc 30}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -4222,7 +4222,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The soul swarm unleashes a blast of burning sunlight or moonlight, dealing {@damage 4d8+6} fire damage to creatures in a 10-foot burst within 20 feet (DC 30 basic Reflex save). When the soul swarm is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this decreases to a 5-foot burst." + "The soul swarm unleashes a blast of burning sunlight or moonlight, dealing {@damage 4d8+6} fire damage to creatures in a 10-foot burst within 20 feet ({@dc 30} basic Reflex save). When the soul swarm is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this decreases to a 5-foot burst." ] }, { @@ -4244,7 +4244,7 @@ "unit": "round" }, "entries": [ - "The soul swarm reaches out and tries to tear at the spiritual energy of enemies within 5 feet (DC 32 basic Reflex save). The soul swarm can choose to deal slashing damage as it cuts away at a creature, fire damage as it burns other souls away, or negative damage as it attempts to unmake a soul. The damage depends on the number of actions.", + "The soul swarm reaches out and tries to tear at the spiritual energy of enemies within 5 feet ({@dc 32} basic Reflex save). The soul swarm can choose to deal slashing damage as it cuts away at a creature, fire damage as it burns other souls away, or negative damage as it attempts to unmake a soul. The damage depends on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@dice 2d6+1} damage {@as 2} {@dice 4d6+11} damage {@as 3} {@dice 6d6+11} damage" ] }, @@ -4439,7 +4439,7 @@ "unit": "round" }, "entries": [ - "The members of the brigade wildly swing their weapons\u2014primarily spears\u2014in a frenzied attack at each enemy adjacent to the troop (DC 29 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", + "The members of the brigade wildly swing their weapons\u2014primarily spears\u2014in a frenzied attack at each enemy adjacent to the troop ({@dc 29} basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.", "{@as 1} {@damage 1d12+1} piercing damage {@as 2} {@damage 2d12+11} piercing damage {@as 3} {@damage 3d12+11} piercing damage" ] }, @@ -4469,7 +4469,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The brigade calls upon {@deity Walkena|LOGM} to burn and blind their foes. The sun warriors present their religious symbols and create a white-hot flash of light in a 45-foot cone.", - "Creatures in the cone take {@damage 10d8} fire damage (DC 29 basic Fortitude save). Creatures that fail their save become {@condition dazzled} for 1 round. Creatures that critically fail become {@condition blinded} for 1 round instead. When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 20-foot cone." + "Creatures in the cone take {@damage 10d8} fire damage ({@dc 29} basic Fortitude save). Creatures that fail their save become {@condition dazzled} for 1 round. Creatures that critically fail become {@condition blinded} for 1 round instead. When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 20-foot cone." ] } ] @@ -4607,7 +4607,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. The sunburst corpse sheds bright light. Any creature that starts its turn in the emanation must succeed at a DC 31 Fortitude save.", + "60 feet. The sunburst corpse sheds bright light. Any creature that starts its turn in the emanation must succeed at a {@dc 31} Fortitude save.", "If it fails, it's {@condition blinded} for 1 minute, and if it critically fails, it's {@condition blinded} permanently. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to this effect for 24 hours." ] }, @@ -4626,7 +4626,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d6+6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d8} fire and residual light, DC 34" + "{@damage 2d6+6} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d8} fire and residual light, {@dc 34}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -4644,7 +4644,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The sunburst corpse intensifies its light and unleashes a burning blast of energy. It deals {@damage 12d8} fire damage to all creatures in a 20-foot emanation (DC 34 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save becomes {@condition dazzled} until the end of its next turn. The sunburst corpse can't use Nova Burst again for {@dice 1d4} rounds, and its blinding aura becomes inactive during this time." + "The sunburst corpse intensifies its light and unleashes a burning blast of energy. It deals {@damage 12d8} fire damage to all creatures in a 20-foot emanation ({@dc 34} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save becomes {@condition dazzled} until the end of its next turn. The sunburst corpse can't use Nova Burst again for {@dice 1d4} rounds, and its blinding aura becomes inactive during this time." ] }, { @@ -4655,7 +4655,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When a sunburst corpse {@action Strike||Strikes} or Grapples a creature, some of the corpse's light clings to the creature for a moment. The creature must attempt a DC 34 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition dazzled} until the end of its next turn. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute. A {@condition dazzled} creature can use an {@action Interact} action to wick off the light and remove the {@condition dazzled} condition." + "When a sunburst corpse {@action Strike||Strikes} or Grapples a creature, some of the corpse's light clings to the creature for a moment. The creature must attempt a {@dc 34} Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition dazzled} until the end of its next turn. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition dazzled} for 1 minute. A {@condition dazzled} creature can use an {@action Interact} action to wick off the light and remove the {@condition dazzled} condition." ] } ] diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot5.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot5.json index 4e369c43ae..92c67bc798 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot5.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot5.json @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ "unit": "round" }, "entries": [ - "The contemplative attempts to hinder a target creature's personal flow of time. The target must be within 60 feet, and once targeted must attempt a DC 36 Will save, becoming {@condition slowed||slowed 1} on a failure or {@condition slowed||slowed 2} on a critical failure. Each time an affected creature ends its turn, its {@condition slowed} value decreases by 1. A creature that critically succeeds on their save against Temporal Suppression is temporarily immune to it for 24 hours." + "The contemplative attempts to hinder a target creature's personal flow of time. The target must be within 60 feet, and once targeted must attempt a {@dc 36} Will save, becoming {@condition slowed||slowed 1} on a failure or {@condition slowed||slowed 2} on a critical failure. Each time an affected creature ends its turn, its {@condition slowed} value decreases by 1. A creature that critically succeeds on their save against Temporal Suppression is temporarily immune to it for 24 hours." ] } ] @@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "The contemplative mentor projects a field of perfect calm in a 60-foot emanation. All creatures within the area of effect must succeed at a DC 40 Will save or be unable to take {@condition hostile} actions for 1 round. After using this ability, the contemplative is {@condition drained||drained 1}, or increases its {@condition drained} value by 1 if it was already {@condition drained}. A contemplative mentor can't use this ability if its {@condition drained} value is 3 or more." + "The contemplative mentor projects a field of perfect calm in a 60-foot emanation. All creatures within the area of effect must succeed at a {@dc 40} Will save or be unable to take {@condition hostile} actions for 1 round. After using this ability, the contemplative is {@condition drained||drained 1}, or increases its {@condition drained} value by 1 if it was already {@condition drained}. A contemplative mentor can't use this ability if its {@condition drained} value is 3 or more." ] }, { @@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "As contemplative meditant, but DC 40." + "As contemplative meditant, but {@dc 40}." ] } ] @@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "30 feet. As lich, but DC 35." + "30 feet. As lich, but {@dc 35}." ] } ], @@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "As lich, but DC 38." + "As lich, but {@dc 38}." ] }, { @@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by a mageslayer's claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 37 Will save. The creature becomes {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} for 1 round on a failure. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} for 1 hour." + "A creature damaged by a mageslayer's claw {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 37} Will save. The creature becomes {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} for 1 round on a failure. On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition stupefied||stupefied 2} for 1 hour." ] } ] @@ -1770,7 +1770,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "A formian queen transfers her consciousness to the body of any formian within range of her telepathy to whom she has a line of effect. As long as the queen's consciousness is outside her body, her body is {@condition unconscious} (though she is aware if any damage is dealt to it). An unwilling target can attempt a DC 38 Will saving throw to resist being possessed, but the queen's offspring are part of her hive mind and thus are almost always willing. The queen receives all sensory input from the target creature; she can speak through it, and she can use her own modifier for Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based skill checks. If the target creature is slain or moves to a different plane from the queen's body, the queen returns to her own body immediately and is {@condition stunned||stunned 1}; otherwise, she can return to her own body as a free action, ending the {@trait possession} effect." + "A formian queen transfers her consciousness to the body of any formian within range of her telepathy to whom she has a line of effect. As long as the queen's consciousness is outside her body, her body is {@condition unconscious} (though she is aware if any damage is dealt to it). An unwilling target can attempt a {@dc 38} Will saving throw to resist being possessed, but the queen's offspring are part of her hive mind and thus are almost always willing. The queen receives all sensory input from the target creature; she can speak through it, and she can use her own modifier for Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based skill checks. If the target creature is slain or moves to a different plane from the queen's body, the queen returns to her own body immediately and is {@condition stunned||stunned 1}; otherwise, she can return to her own body as a free action, ending the {@trait possession} effect." ] }, { @@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@ ], "entries": [ "The formian queen unleashes a blast of debilitating telepathic feedback, targeting as many creatures as she wishes within range of her telepathy and to whom she has a line of effect.", - "Targeted creatures must attempt a DC 38 Will save.", + "Targeted creatures must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The gluttonworm Strides up to double its Speed and can move through the spaces of Large or smaller creatures, gulping each creature whose space the worm enters and attempting a body {@action Strike} against each of them. The gluttonworm can use this {@action Strike} on each creature only once in a single use of Gulping Charge. Creatures can attempt a DC 41 basic Reflex save against this damage." + "The gluttonworm Strides up to double its Speed and can move through the spaces of Large or smaller creatures, gulping each creature whose space the worm enters and attempting a body {@action Strike} against each of them. The gluttonworm can use this {@action Strike} on each creature only once in a single use of Gulping Charge. Creatures can attempt a {@dc 41} basic Reflex save against this damage." ] }, { @@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The gluttonworm exhales swirling sand in a 60-foot cone. Creatures in the area must attempt a DC 41 Reflex save. It can't Spew Sandstorm again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The gluttonworm exhales swirling sand in a 60-foot cone. Creatures in the area must attempt a {@dc 41} Reflex save. It can't Spew Sandstorm again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2220,7 +2220,7 @@ "unit": "day" }, "entries": [ - "The ikeshti squirts blood from one of their eyes at a target within 30 feet. The target must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} ({@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "The ikeshti squirts blood from one of their eyes at a target within 30 feet. The target must attempt a {@dc 18} Fortitude save or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} ({@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ] } ] @@ -2911,7 +2911,7 @@ { "name": "Biting Ants", "entries": [ - "Strides to a creature, ends h i s movement sharing a space with it, and deals {@damage 3d8} piercing damage and {@damage 3d8} poison damage to it (DC 39 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails this save also takes {@damage 2d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent piercing damage}." + "Strides to a creature, ends h i s movement sharing a space with it, and deals {@damage 3d8} piercing damage and {@damage 3d8} poison damage to it ({@dc 39} basic Reflex save). A creature that fails this save also takes {@damage 2d8} {@condition persistent damage||persistent piercing damage}." ] }, { @@ -3392,7 +3392,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "Whenever a creature targets the ravager of Tindalos with a {@trait mental} effect, that creature takes {@damage 9d6} mental damage (DC 40 basic Will save). On a critical failure, it also becomes {@condition confused} for 1 minute." + "Whenever a creature targets the ravager of Tindalos with a {@trait mental} effect, that creature takes {@damage 9d6} mental damage ({@dc 40} basic Will save). On a critical failure, it also becomes {@condition confused} for 1 minute." ] }, { @@ -3404,7 +3404,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "60 feet. As hound of Tindalos, but DC 37 and {@dice 9d6} damage." + "60 feet. As hound of Tindalos, but {@dc 37} and {@dice 9d6} damage." ] }, { @@ -4075,7 +4075,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A living creature hit by a mohrg's tongue {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. The creature can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns. The DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each attempt." + "A living creature hit by a mohrg's tongue {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 30} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. The creature can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns. The DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each attempt." ] } ] @@ -4246,7 +4246,7 @@ "necromancy" ], "entries": [ - "A living creature hit by Taon's tongue {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. The creature can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each attempt." + "A living creature hit by Taon's tongue {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 36} Fortitude save or become {@condition paralyzed}. The creature can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each attempt." ] } ] @@ -4370,7 +4370,7 @@ "radiation" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. Thasteron khefaks convert radioactive minerals they eat into thasteron, a combustive fuel (page 77). The more radioactive elements of the material concentrates in their chitin and taints the air around them. A creature who begins their turn within this aura must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} ({@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure)." + "10 feet. Thasteron khefaks convert radioactive minerals they eat into thasteron, a combustive fuel (page 77). The more radioactive elements of the material concentrates in their chitin and taints the air around them. A creature who begins their turn within this aura must succeed at a {@dc 20} Fortitude saving throw or become {@condition sickened||sickened 1} ({@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure)." ] } ] @@ -4587,7 +4587,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "Tollvych cries out in pain as his body twists and grinds into horrific, distorted shapes. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation take {@damage 16d6} bludgeoning damage (DC 36 basic Reflex save) as the sound of the Bone-Shattering Cry shakes and shatters their own bones.", + "Tollvych cries out in pain as his body twists and grinds into horrific, distorted shapes. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation take {@damage 16d6} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 36} basic Reflex save) as the sound of the Bone-Shattering Cry shakes and shatters their own bones.", "Tollvych can't use Bone-Shattering Cry for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, @@ -4606,7 +4606,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "Tollvych laments his fate, forcing each living creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 36 Will save. On a failure, a creature becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 2} (or {@condition frightened||frightened 3} on a critical failure). On a success, a creature is temporarily immune to Tollvych's frightful moan for 1 minute." + "Tollvych laments his fate, forcing each living creature within 30 feet to attempt a {@dc 36} Will save. On a failure, a creature becomes {@condition frightened||frightened 2} (or {@condition frightened||frightened 3} on a critical failure). On a success, a creature is temporarily immune to Tollvych's frightful moan for 1 minute." ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot6.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot6.json index 069fc77312..45ec972f0e 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-sot6.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-sot6.json @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ }, "trigger": "A creature within the alapolo's reach attempts to move away from the alapolo", "entries": [ - "The triggering creature must succeed at a DC 36 Reflex save or its movement ends before it leaves the alopolo's reach." + "The triggering creature must succeed at a {@dc 36} Reflex save or its movement ends before it leaves the alopolo's reach." ] } ], @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The alapolo whispers an invitation to a creature within 30 feet. The creature must attempt a DC 38 Will save.", + "The alapolo whispers an invitation to a creature within 30 feet. The creature must attempt a {@dc 38} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The alate ant sprays a cloud of pheromones in a 15-foot cone. Non-ant creatures in the cone must succeed at a DC 37 Will save or become {@condition confused} for {@dice 1d4} rounds (1 minute on a critical failure). It can't use Pheromone Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The alate ant sprays a cloud of pheromones in a 15-foot cone. Non-ant creatures in the cone must succeed at a {@dc 37} Will save or become {@condition confused} for {@dice 1d4} rounds (1 minute on a critical failure). It can't use Pheromone Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "As red guard ant, but DC 37.", + "As red guard ant, but {@dc 37}.", "While a creature is {@condition enfeebled} from this poison, it is {@condition confused} (this confusion is an emotion, {@trait enchantment}, and {@trait mental} effect)." ] } @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 7d8} piercing damage (DC 39 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites becomes {@condition clumsy||clumsy 1} for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure). If the creature attempts a concentrate or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check or the action is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before {@trait any} effects are applied." + "Each enemy in the swarm's space takes {@damage 7d8} piercing damage ({@dc 39} basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites becomes {@condition clumsy||clumsy 1} for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure). If the creature attempts a concentrate or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check or the action is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before {@trait any} effects are applied." ] } ] @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The Aspect of Hunger breathes a blast in a 60-foot cone that deals {@damage 18d6} mental damage to all creatures in the area (DC 41 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The Aspect of Hunger breathes a blast in a 60-foot cone that deals {@damage 18d6} mental damage to all creatures in the area ({@dc 41} basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ], "name": "Breath Weapon" }, @@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The Aspect of Insects breathes a blast of energy from one of its three heads; each creature in the area must attempt a DC 42 basic Reflex save. The Aspect of Insects can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", + "The Aspect of Insects breathes a blast of energy from one of its three heads; each creature in the area must attempt a {@dc 42} basic Reflex save. The Aspect of Insects can't use Breath Weapon again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "list", "items": [ @@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The Aspect of Insects makes two {@action Strike||Strikes} with different maws against the same target. If both hit, the target takes an extra {@damage 2d12+13} slashing damage (DC 42 basic Fortitude save). On a critical failure, the creature is torn to pieces and dies. The Aspect of Insect's multiple attack penalty increases only after all the attacks are made." + "The Aspect of Insects makes two {@action Strike||Strikes} with different maws against the same target. If both hit, the target takes an extra {@damage 2d12+13} slashing damage ({@dc 42} basic Fortitude save). On a critical failure, the creature is torn to pieces and dies. The Aspect of Insect's multiple attack penalty increases only after all the attacks are made." ] }, { @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, leg, DC 42" + "Huge or smaller, leg, {@dc 42}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "90 feet. The chromatic ooze emanates noxious chemicals into the environment. A creature that enters the aura or starts its turn within it is {@condition sickened||sickened 1} unless it succeeds at a DC 37 Fortitude save. Creatures with the scent ability or a particularly heightened sense of smell are {@condition sickened||sickened 2}, or {@condition sickened||sickened 1} on a successful Fortitude save. Creatures in the aura can't recover from the {@condition sickened} condition." + "90 feet. The chromatic ooze emanates noxious chemicals into the environment. A creature that enters the aura or starts its turn within it is {@condition sickened||sickened 1} unless it succeeds at a {@dc 37} Fortitude save. Creatures with the scent ability or a particularly heightened sense of smell are {@condition sickened||sickened 2}, or {@condition sickened||sickened 1} on a successful Fortitude save. Creatures in the aura can't recover from the {@condition sickened} condition." ] }, { @@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 3d10+13} bludgeoning, DC 40" + "{@damage 3d10+13} bludgeoning, {@dc 40}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ { "name": "Wind-Up", "entries": [ - "1 week, DC 40 (Bestiary 3 48)" + "1 week, {@dc 40} (Bestiary 3 48)" ] } ], @@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ ], "trigger": "The clockwork clock tower rolls initiative", "entries": [ - "The clock tower chimes, and all non-clockwork creatures within 300 feet who can hear it must succeed at a DC 42 Will save or be {@condition slowed||slowed 1} for 1 round ({@condition slowed||slowed 2} on a critical failure)." + "The clock tower chimes, and all non-clockwork creatures within 300 feet who can hear it must succeed at a {@dc 42} Will save or be {@condition slowed||slowed 1} for 1 round ({@condition slowed||slowed 2} on a critical failure)." ] } ], @@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@ "transmutation" ], "entries": [ - "A creature struck by a clockwork clock tower's fist must make a DC 40 Will save as time flows unevenly around it.", + "A creature struck by a clockwork clock tower's fist must make a {@dc 40} Will save as time flows unevenly around it.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ "attack" ], "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 42" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 42}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ }, "trigger": "The crawling slurry takes bludgeoning damage from a creature it can sense within 10 feet", "entries": [ - "The crawling slurry ejects a splash of acid onto the creature, dealing acid damage equal to the bludgeoning damage dealt to the crawling slurry (DC 37 basic Reflex)." + "The crawling slurry ejects a splash of acid onto the creature, dealing acid damage equal to the bludgeoning damage dealt to the crawling slurry ({@dc 37} basic Reflex)." ] } ], @@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 2d10+3} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d8} acid, DC 37" + "{@damage 2d10+3} bludgeoning plus {@damage 2d8} acid, {@dc 37}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "DC 37, {@damage 5d10} acid, {@action Escape} DC 37, Rupture 20. A crawling slurry regains 30 Hit Points if a living creature it is engulfing dies." + "{@dc 37}, {@damage 5d10} acid, {@action Escape} {@dc 37}, Rupture 20. A crawling slurry regains 30 Hit Points if a living creature it is engulfing dies." ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "20 feet. The hivebound arboreal is host to a cloud of flying ants that swarm around it and gnaw at any creature within the aura. Non-arboreal creatures that enter the aura or start their turn within it take {@damage 7d8} piercing damage from the bites (DC 38 basic Fortitude save). If the hivebound arboreal fails a saving throw against an area effect, the biting ants die off, and the aura is deactivated until new ants swarm out at the end of the hivebound arboreal's next turn (or after 1 minute, if the hivebound arboreal critically fails it saving throw)." + "20 feet. The hivebound arboreal is host to a cloud of flying ants that swarm around it and gnaw at any creature within the aura. Non-arboreal creatures that enter the aura or start their turn within it take {@damage 7d8} piercing damage from the bites ({@dc 38} basic Fortitude save). If the hivebound arboreal fails a saving throw against an area effect, the biting ants die off, and the aura is deactivated until new ants swarm out at the end of the hivebound arboreal's next turn (or after 1 minute, if the hivebound arboreal critically fails it saving throw)." ] } ], @@ -1830,7 +1830,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 4d6+16} bludgeoning, DC 41" + "{@damage 4d6+16} bludgeoning, {@dc 41}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@damage 4d6+20} bludgeoning, DC 44" + "{@damage 4d6+20} bludgeoning, {@dc 44}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -2002,7 +2002,7 @@ "unit": "round" }, "entries": [ - "The ironclad annihilator beetle stomps the ground. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 44 Fortitude saving throw or fall {@condition prone} and become {@condition stunned||stunned 1} ({@condition stunned} for 1 round on a critical failure)." + "The ironclad annihilator beetle stomps the ground. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation must succeed at a {@dc 44} Fortitude saving throw or fall {@condition prone} and become {@condition stunned||stunned 1} ({@condition stunned} for 1 round on a critical failure)." ] }, { @@ -2014,7 +2014,7 @@ "requirements": "The ironclad annihilator beetle has a creature {@condition grabbed}", "entries": [ "The ironclad annihilator injects its ovipositor under the {@condition grabbed} creature's skin.", - "The creature takes {@damage 4d6+20} bludgeoning damage (DC 44 basic Fortitude save). On a failed save, the beetle implants an egg, and the target creature takes {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} that is unusually tenacious. The DC to stop the bleeding using {@action Administer First Aid} is 40, and healing the creature to full Hit Points doesn't automatically stop the bleeding. If the target creature dies from this bleed damage, its body is destroyed and unrecoverable except with powerful magic such as miracle or wish, and an immature ironclad annihilator beetle (with statistics as a giant stag beetle; Pathfinder Bestiary 41) bursts forth." + "The creature takes {@damage 4d6+20} bludgeoning damage ({@dc 44} basic Fortitude save). On a failed save, the beetle implants an egg, and the target creature takes {@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} that is unusually tenacious. The DC to stop the bleeding using {@action Administer First Aid} is 40, and healing the creature to full Hit Points doesn't automatically stop the bleeding. If the target creature dies from this bleed damage, its body is destroyed and unrecoverable except with powerful magic such as miracle or wish, and an immature ironclad annihilator beetle (with statistics as a giant stag beetle; Pathfinder Bestiary 41) bursts forth." ] }, { @@ -2030,7 +2030,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "Huge or smaller, foot, DC 44" + "Huge or smaller, foot, {@dc 44}" ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -2145,7 +2145,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "The golem Strides up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can try to bar the way by attempting a DC 43 Fortitude save.", + "The golem Strides up to its Speed, pushing back each creature whose space it moves into and damaging them if they try to stop its movement. A creature can try to bar the way by attempting a {@dc 43} Fortitude save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -2187,7 +2187,7 @@ "fire" ], "entries": [ - "The golem vents a 30-foot cone of fiery splinters from its internal forge. This deals {@damage 13d6} piercing damage to all creatures in the cone (DC 38 basic Reflex save). Creatures who fail the save also take {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} ({@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} on a critical failure). The golem can't use Vent Splinters again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The golem vents a 30-foot cone of fiery splinters from its internal forge. This deals {@damage 13d6} piercing damage to all creatures in the cone ({@dc 38} basic Reflex save). Creatures who fail the save also take {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} ({@damage 4d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} on a critical failure). The golem can't use Vent Splinters again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] } ] @@ -2345,7 +2345,7 @@ "unit": "action" }, "entries": [ - "{@dice 5d10}, DC 38. Before using Constrict, the ant can choose to smash one creature that it has {@condition Grabbed} or {@condition restrained} against the ground. That creature uses the result one degree of success worse than its Fortitude save result against Constrict, but it is then no longer {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} by the ant." + "{@dice 5d10}, {@dc 38}. Before using Constrict, the ant can choose to smash one creature that it has {@condition Grabbed} or {@condition restrained} against the ground. That creature uses the result one degree of success worse than its Fortitude save result against Constrict, but it is then no longer {@condition grabbed} or {@condition restrained} by the ant." ], "generic": { "tag": "ability" @@ -2371,7 +2371,7 @@ "poison" ], "entries": [ - "As red guard ant, but DC 38." + "As red guard ant, but {@dc 38}." ] }, { @@ -2518,7 +2518,7 @@ "primal" ], "entries": [ - "The red guard ant sprays a 15-foot cone of acid from its abdomen that deals {@damage 10d10} acid damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save). It can't use Formic Acid Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The red guard ant sprays a 15-foot cone of acid from its abdomen that deals {@damage 10d10} acid damage ({@dc 34} basic Reflex save). It can't use Formic Acid Spray again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -2729,7 +2729,7 @@ "name": "Practiced Subterfuge When the Red", "entries": [ "Queen makes a {@skill Deception} check to {@action Feint}, she compares her result to the Will DC of each enemy within 30 feet to determine the effect against that enemy. On a critical success, the creature is {@condition flat-footed} to all melee attacks, not just melee attacks from the Red Queen, until the end of her next turn.", - "Red Ant Venom (poison) As red guard ant (page 72), but DC 40." + "Red Ant Venom (poison) As red guard ant (page 72), but {@dc 40}." ] } ] @@ -3034,7 +3034,7 @@ ], "requirements": "Shianshi has a creature {@condition grabbed} with her shadow whip", "entries": [ - "The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or become {@condition drained||drained 2} ({@condition drained||drained 3} on a critical failure). If the creature is already {@condition drained}, this increases its {@condition drained} value instead, to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}." + "The {@condition grabbed} creature must succeed at a {@dc 41} Fortitude save or become {@condition drained||drained 2} ({@condition drained||drained 3} on a critical failure). If the creature is already {@condition drained}, this increases its {@condition drained} value instead, to a maximum of {@condition drained||drained 4}." ] } ] @@ -3233,7 +3233,7 @@ "sonic" ], "entries": [ - "The slana emits a deafening roar. All creatures within a 100-foot cone take {@damage 16d8} sonic damage (DC 44 basic Reflex saving throw). On a failed save, a creature is also {@condition deafened} for 1 minute and {@condition stunned||stunned 1} (or {@condition deafened} permanently and {@condition stunned||stunned 3} on a critical failure). The slana can't use Great Roar again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." + "The slana emits a deafening roar. All creatures within a 100-foot cone take {@damage 16d8} sonic damage ({@dc 44} basic Reflex saving throw). On a failed save, a creature is also {@condition deafened} for 1 minute and {@condition stunned||stunned 1} (or {@condition deafened} permanently and {@condition stunned||stunned 3} on a critical failure). The slana can't use Great Roar again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] }, { @@ -3249,7 +3249,7 @@ { "name": "Thunder Trap", "entries": [ - "A creature hit by the slana's thunderclap attack is {@condition immobilized} and held in place by reverberations of sound until it Escapes or Forces Open the bonds of thunder that constrain it (DC 44). The target is {@condition deafened} as long as it is {@condition immobilized} by a thunder trap." + "A creature hit by the slana's thunderclap attack is {@condition immobilized} and held in place by reverberations of sound until it Escapes or Forces Open the bonds of thunder that constrain it ({@dc 44}). The target is {@condition deafened} as long as it is {@condition immobilized} by a thunder trap." ] } ] @@ -3393,7 +3393,7 @@ "trigger": "a non\u2013cold iron metal object damages the ta'apundo", "entries": [ "The ta'apundo emits a jolt of magic into the object, transforming it into wood with an unlimited duration.", - "A thrown weapon, ammunition, or other unattended item automatically transforms; the wielder of an attended object can resist this effect with a successful DC 41 Fortitude save. Dispel magic can end the effect. While a weapon is wood, the ta'apundo's resistance applies. Once transformed, a formerly metal item's Hardness and HP change to those of wood. This typically inflicts a \u20132 circumstance penalty to attack rolls made with metal weapons and a \u20132 circumstance penalty to AC for those wearing metal armor; the GM might determine a different penalty for a specific weapon or armor." + "A thrown weapon, ammunition, or other unattended item automatically transforms; the wielder of an attended object can resist this effect with a successful {@dc 41} Fortitude save. Dispel magic can end the effect. While a weapon is wood, the ta'apundo's resistance applies. Once transformed, a formerly metal item's Hardness and HP change to those of wood. This typically inflicts a \u20132 circumstance penalty to attack rolls made with metal weapons and a \u20132 circumstance penalty to AC for those wearing metal armor; the GM might determine a different penalty for a specific weapon or armor." ] } ], @@ -3680,7 +3680,7 @@ "occult" ], "entries": [ - "When Tatterthread deals acid damage with a {@action Strike}, she regains 10 Hit Points. The target must succeed at a DC 39 Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed||doomed 1} ({@condition doomed||doomed 2} on a critical failure)." + "When Tatterthread deals acid damage with a {@action Strike}, she regains 10 Hit Points. The target must succeed at a {@dc 39} Fortitude save or become {@condition doomed||doomed 1} ({@condition doomed||doomed 2} on a critical failure)." ] }, { @@ -3701,7 +3701,7 @@ "unit": "day" }, "entries": [ - "Tatterthread produces a scrap of shadow linked to the fate of a creature within 100 feet of her, then snips it with her caustic shears. The target takes 100 acid damage (DC 42 basic Fortitude save). If the target is reduced to 0 Hit Points from this damage, it melts into a puddle of fetid acid and dies immediately.", + "Tatterthread produces a scrap of shadow linked to the fate of a creature within 100 feet of her, then snips it with her caustic shears. The target takes 100 acid damage ({@dc 42} basic Fortitude save). If the target is reduced to 0 Hit Points from this damage, it melts into a puddle of fetid acid and dies immediately.", "If the target failed the saving throw, it loses any acid resistance it has for 1 minute (1 day on a critical failure). A creature slain by Shadow Snip can't be restored to life except by miracle, wish, or similarly powerful magic, or by divine intervention.", "Regardless of the outcome of its save, a creature targeted by Shadow Snip becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours. The norn can't use Shadow Snip again for {@dice 1d4} rounds." ] @@ -5262,7 +5262,7 @@ "unit": "day" }, "entries": [ - "Mariama ties her fate with that of another creature within 30 feet. The creature must attempt a DC 40 Will save. Regardless of the result of its save, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 day.", + "Mariama ties her fate with that of another creature within 30 feet. The creature must attempt a {@dc 40} Will save. Regardless of the result of its save, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 day.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -5270,13 +5270,13 @@ "The creature is unaffected." ], "Success": [ - "The two fates are bound. Whenever Mariama takes damage, the creature takes damage of the same type equal to half the damage Mariama took (DC 37 basic Fortitude save). Immunities, resistances, and weaknesses still apply as normal. The creature can attempt to sever the bond by spending an action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, to attempt another DC 40 Will save. On a success, the bond is severed, and the effect ends. The bond also ends when Mariama falls {@condition unconscious}, or if she actively ends the effect herself as a free action." + "The two fates are bound. Whenever Mariama takes damage, the creature takes damage of the same type equal to half the damage Mariama took ({@dc 37} basic Fortitude save). Immunities, resistances, and weaknesses still apply as normal. The creature can attempt to sever the bond by spending an action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, to attempt another {@dc 40} Will save. On a success, the bond is severed, and the effect ends. The bond also ends when Mariama falls {@condition unconscious}, or if she actively ends the effect herself as a free action." ], "Failure": [ "As success, but the creature takes damage equal to the full amount Mariama took. Severing the bond requires a 2-action activity, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ], "Critical Failure": [ - "As failure, but the basic Fortitude save is DC 40. Severing the bond requires a 3-action activity, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." + "As failure, but the basic Fortitude save is {@dc 40}. Severing the bond requires a 3-action activity, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait." ] } } @@ -5670,7 +5670,7 @@ "shadow" ], "entries": [ - "Okoro can create immense blisters on a creature's shadow, which immediately burst, dealing {@damage 20d6} acid damage. He targets a creature within 60 feet that is casting a shadow, which must attempt a DC 37 Will save.", + "Okoro can create immense blisters on a creature's shadow, which immediately burst, dealing {@damage 20d6} acid damage. He targets a creature within 60 feet that is casting a shadow, which must attempt a {@dc 37} Will save.", "Okoro can't use Rupture Shadow again for {@dice 1d4} rounds.", { "type": "successDegree", @@ -5909,7 +5909,7 @@ { "name": "Staggering Blow", "entries": [ - "A creature damaged by the wereant disciple's carapace fist {@action Strike} must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or become {@condition stunned||stunned 1} ({@condition stunned||stunned 2} on a critical failure). If the {@action Strike} is a critical hit, a creature that fails the save is also {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." + "A creature damaged by the wereant disciple's carapace fist {@action Strike} must succeed at a {@dc 35} Fortitude save or become {@condition stunned||stunned 1} ({@condition stunned||stunned 2} on a critical failure). If the {@action Strike} is a critical hit, a creature that fails the save is also {@condition paralyzed} for 1 round." ] } ] diff --git a/data/bestiary/creatures-tio.json b/data/bestiary/creatures-tio.json index debcf79a31..076b7bd82d 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/creatures-tio.json +++ b/data/bestiary/creatures-tio.json @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ { "name": "Adhesive", "entries": [ - "The mimic is coated in an adhesive slime. Any creature that touches the mimic (usually from a fists {@action Strike}, the mimic's pseudopod {@action Strike}, or a {@action Grapple} or {@action Shove}) must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or gain the {@condition grabbed} condition. The DC to {@action Escape} is 23. A melee or thrown weapon that successfully {@action Strike||Strikes} the mimic is stuck to the mimic. A character can spend an action to attempt a DC 23 {@skill Athletics} check, removing the weapon on a success. The mimic can release a stuck creature or object by spending a single action. The adhesive dissolves 1 minute after the mimic dies, releasing all stuck objects and creatures." + "The mimic is coated in an adhesive slime. Any creature that touches the mimic (usually from a fists {@action Strike}, the mimic's pseudopod {@action Strike}, or a {@action Grapple} or {@action Shove}) must succeed at a {@dc 23} Reflex save or gain the {@condition grabbed} condition. The DC to {@action Escape} is 23. A melee or thrown weapon that successfully {@action Strike||Strikes} the mimic is stuck to the mimic. A character can spend an action to attempt a {@dc 23} {@skill Athletics} check, removing the weapon on a success. The mimic can release a stuck creature or object by spending a single action. The adhesive dissolves 1 minute after the mimic dies, releasing all stuck objects and creatures." ] } ] @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ "concentrate" ], "entries": [ - "The mimic assumes the shape of any {@trait Medium} object. This doesn't change the mimic's texture or overall size, but the mimic can alter their coloration and visual appearance. A creature must succeed at a DC 28 {@skill Perception} check to figure out that the object is really a creature." + "The mimic assumes the shape of any {@trait Medium} object. This doesn't change the mimic's texture or overall size, but the mimic can alter their coloration and visual appearance. A creature must succeed at a {@dc 28} {@skill Perception} check to figure out that the object is really a creature." ] } ] @@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ "mental" ], "entries": [ - "The Kurnugian ends their Hypnotic Stare ability early, and just before this happens, the target must succeed at a DC 24 Will saving throw or forget any hostile activities the Kurnugian jackal performed against it." + "The Kurnugian ends their Hypnotic Stare ability early, and just before this happens, the target must succeed at a {@dc 24} Will saving throw or forget any hostile activities the Kurnugian jackal performed against it." ], "name": "Remove Memory" } @@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ "visual" ], "entries": [ - "The scalliwing spreads their iridescent wings and flutters them in a hypnotizing pattern. Each creature within 30 feet that can see the scalliwing must attempt a DC 20 Will save.", + "The scalliwing spreads their iridescent wings and flutters them in a hypnotizing pattern. Each creature within 30 feet that can see the scalliwing must attempt a {@dc 20} Will save.", { "type": "successDegree", "entries": { @@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ "olfactory" ], "entries": [ - "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or become {@condition flat-footed} for 1 round (and {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 round on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." + "10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a {@dc 14} Fortitude save or become {@condition flat-footed} for 1 round (and {@condition slowed|CRB|slowed 1} for 1 round on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute." ], "name": "Stench" }, diff --git a/data/bestiary/index.json b/data/bestiary/index.json index 61ce38ecd1..528740f0cb 100644 --- a/data/bestiary/index.json +++ b/data/bestiary/index.json @@ -51,5 +51,7 @@ "POS1": "creatures-pos1.json", "AFoF": "creatures-afof.json", "TaL": "creatures-tal.json", - "ToK": "creatures-tok.json" -} + "ToK": "creatures-tok.json", + "GW1": "creatures-gw1.json", + "GW3": "creatures-gw3.json" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/changelog.json b/data/changelog.json index 5d070a7870..fc4f068281 100644 --- a/data/changelog.json +++ b/data/changelog.json @@ -298,6 +298,12 @@ "ver": "0.8.4", "date": "2023-05-17", "txt": "- (Typos/Tags)" + }, + { + "ver": "0.8.5", + "title": "Stagnation", + "date": "2023-08-04", + "txt": "This update likely marks the end of PF2eTools in its current version, as the new remastered rules and lack of development combined make the book unconvertable.\n Typo fixes might still be pushed, but no new content or features.\nA new version of the website is in the works, but we cannot promise when it will be out.\n For now however, enjoy Kineticist, you will need the filters for their 128 feats.\n- Added the Kineticist Class, class feats, and backgrounds from Rage of Elements\n- Added Gatewalkers 1 and 3\n- (Typos/Tags)" } ] } diff --git a/data/class/class-kineticist.json b/data/class/class-kineticist.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd43dbd971 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/class/class-kineticist.json @@ -0,0 +1,747 @@ +{ + "class": [ + { + "name": "Kineticist", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 13, + "keyAbility": "Constitution", + "hp": 8, + "initialProficiencies": { + "perception": "T", + "fort": "E", + "ref": "E", + "will": "T", + "skills": { + "t": [ + { + "skill": [ + "Nature" + ] + } + ], + "add": 3 + }, + "attacks": { + "t": [ + "simple weapons", + "unarmed attacks" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "t": [ + "light armor", + "unarmored defense" + ] + }, + "classDc": { + "prof": "T", + "entry": "Trained in kineticist class DC" + } + }, + "advancement": { + "classFeats": [ + 2, + 4, + 6, + 8, + 10, + 12, + 14, + 16, + 18, + 20 + ], + "skillFeats": [ + 2, + 4, + 6, + 8, + 10, + 12, + 14, + 16, + 18, + 20 + ], + "generalFeats": [ + 3, + 7, + 11, + 15, + 19 + ], + "ancestryFeats": [ + 5, + 9, + 13, + 17 + ], + "skillIncrease": [ + 3, + 5, + 7, + 9, + 11, + 13, + 15, + 17, + 19 + ], + "abilityBoosts": [ + 5, + 10, + 15, + 20 + ] + }, + "classFeatures": [ + "Ancestry and Background|Kineticist|RoE|1", + "Initial Proficiencies|Kineticist|RoE|1", + "Attribute Boosts|Kineticist|RoE|1", + { + "classFeature": "Kinetic Gate|Kineticist|RoE|1", + "gainSubclassFeature": true + }, + "Kinetic Aura|Kineticist|RoE|1", + "Impulses|Kineticist|RoE|1", + "Kineticist Feats|Kineticist|RoE|1", + "Skill Feats|Kineticist|RoE|2", + "Extract Element|Kineticist|RoE|3", + "General Feats|Kineticist|RoE|3", + "Skill Increases|Kineticist|RoE|3", + "Will Expertise|Kineticist|RoE|3", + "Ancestry Feats|Kineticist|RoE|5", + "Gate's Threshold|Kineticist|RoE|5", + "Kinetic Durability|Kineticist|RoE|7", + "Kinetic Expertise|Kineticist|RoE|7", + "Perception Expertise|Kineticist|RoE|9", + "Kinetic Quickness|Kineticist|RoE|11", + "Reflow Elements|Kineticist|RoE|11", + "Weapon Expertise|Kineticist|RoE|11", + "Light Armor Expertise|Kineticist|RoE|13", + "Weapon Specialization|Kineticist|RoE|13", + "Greater Kinetic Durability|Kineticist|RoE|15", + "Kinetic Mastery|Kineticist|RoE|15", + "Double Reflow|Kineticist|RoE|17", + "Final Gate|Kineticist|RoE|19", + "Kinetic Legend|Kineticist|RoE|19", + "Light Armor Mastery|Kineticist|RoE|19" + ], + "subclasses": [ + { + "name": "Single Gate", + "type": "Gate", + "shortName": "Single", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 14, + "subclassFeatures": [ + "Kinetic Gate|Kineticist|RoE|Single|RoE|1" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Dual Gate", + "type": "Gate", + "shortName": "Dual", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 15, + "subclassFeatures": [ + "Kinetic Gate|Kineticist|RoE|Dual|RoE|1" + ] + } + ], + "classFeaturesIntro": [ + { + "type": "pf2-h2", + "page": 14, + "name": "Class Features", + "entries": [ + "You gain these abilities as a kineticist. Abilities gained at higher levels list the level at which you gain them next to the features' names." + ] + } + ], + "flavor": [ + "You are an eternal student of the arcane secrets of the universe, using your mastery of magic to cast powerful and devastating spells. You treat magic like a science, cross-referencing the latest texts on practical spellcraft with ancient esoteric tomes to discover and understand how magic works. Yet magical theory is vast, and there's no way you can study it all. You either specialize in one of the eight schools of magic, gaining deeper understanding of the nuances of those spells above all others, or favor a broader approach that emphasizes the way all magic comes together at the expense of depth." + ], + "fluff": [ + { + "type": "pf2-h3", + "page": 13, + "name": "During combat Encounters...", + "entries": [ + "Elemental magic surges from you throughout the fight. Without any restrictions on how often you can use your abilities, you become a reliable slinger of magic. You can develop powers you can use in a variety of situations... or you can choose just a few favorite attacks you use repeatedly." + ] + }, + { + "type": "pf2-h3", + "page": 13, + "name": "During social encounters...", + "entries": [ + "The elements you channel might guide or even influence how you carry yourself in social situations. You might leap to anger like a raging fire, stand your ground as solid as a mountain, keep your motives elusive as the wind, go with the flow like water, make cutting remarks sharp as metal, or exhibit the slow patience of the forest." + ] + }, + { + "type": "pf2-h3", + "page": 13, + "name": "While exploring...", + "entries": [ + "Your innate connection to the elements hones your awareness of the natural world. In an environment full of an element you can channel, you're unparalleled, with the ability to repeatedly manipulate the element around you." + ] + }, + { + "type": "pf2-h3", + "page": 13, + "name": "In downtime...", + "entries": [ + "You could commune with the elements or practice your control over your kineticist powers. Through retraining, you can realign the flow of your kinetic gate to perfect different manifestations of your element." + ] + }, + { + "type": "pf2-h3", + "page": 13, + "name": "You Might...", + "entries": [ + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "Have a conflicted relationship with the kinetic gate that fuels your kineticist magic, possibly because it manifested at a traumatic point in your past.", + "Struggle with controlling and understanding your elemental powers.", + "Form a kinship with elemental creatures or feel at home in areas strong with your element." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "pf2-h3", + "page": 13, + "name": "Others Probably...", + "entries": [ + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "Find your ability to keep calling on more and more elemental power truly astonishing.", + "Defer to you in all matters related to your element, from the smallest tasks to the politics of the elemental planes.", + "Worry you'll consume yourself with elemental magic or lose control of its primal forces." + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "summary": { + "images": [ + "https://2e.aonprd.com/Images/Classes/Iconic_Yoon.png" + ], + "keyAbility": "Constitution" + } + } + ], + "classFeature": [ + { + "name": "Ancestry and Background", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 14, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 1, + "entries": [ + "In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry and background." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Attribute Boosts", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 14, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 1, + "entries": [ + "In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level, you have four free boosts to different attribute modifiers.", + "At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you get four free boosts to different attribute modifiers. If an attribute modifier is already +4 or higher, it takes two boosts to increase it; you get a partial boost, and you must boost that attribute again at a later level to increase it by 1." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Initial Proficiencies", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 14, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 1, + "entries": [ + "At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that represent your basic training. These are noted at the start of this class." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Gate", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 14, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "subclasses": "Gate", + "level": 1, + "entries": [ + "As a kineticist, you've awakened or opened a kinetic gate, a supernatural conduit within your body that can channel elemental forces straight from the elemental planes. You can choose either a {@subclassFeature Kinetic Gate|Kineticist|RoE|Single|RoE|1||single gate} (one element) or {@subclassFeature Kinetic Gate|Kineticist|RoE|Dual|RoE|1||dual gate} (two elements) at 1st level.", + "When selecting an element for your kinetic gate, you can pick from six elements\u2014{@trait air}, {@trait earth}, {@trait fire}, {@trait metal}, {@trait water}, and {@trait wood}. Elements you can channel are referred to as your kinetic elements. Your kinetic elements function even in environments where they normally wouldn't. For example, you could use fire actions underwater even though that's normally not possible, and you could create air in a vacuum.", + "Your kinetic gate gives you impulse feats, magical actions that let you shape and control your elements in awesome ways. You can select more impulse feats using your kineticist class feats, as described under Impulses on page 15. At higher levels, the gate's threshold class feature gives you more impulse feats and lets you choose whether to improve with one element or access new kinetic elements." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Aura", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 15, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 1, + "entries": [ + "Through your kinetic gate, elements flow from an elemental plane to orbit your person. The form and appearance of this kinetic aura are unique to you. Examples include a chaotic wind orbiting the body, fragments of floating gravel, colorful wicks of flame, stars of raw metal always changing shape, floating snowflakes, or splinters dancing in the air. If you can channel more than one element, pieces of all your kinetic elements appear in the aura.", + "You have the {@action Channel Elements|RoE} action, which lets you activate your kinetic aura.", + { + "type": "data", + "tag": "action", + "name": "Channel Elements", + "source": "RoE" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Impulses", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 15, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 1, + "entries": [ + "An impulse is a special type of magical action available to kineticists, allowing them to wield or shape their element into diverse and powerful forms. To wield an element, you must have your kinetic aura active and have a free hand, as described in the {@trait impulse} trait. You automatically gain the Elemental Blast and Base Kinesis impulses, and your kinetic gate selection gives you additional impulse feats. You can select more impulse feats with kineticist class feats, and at higher levels, you'll automatically get more with the gate's threshold class feature. You can select an impulse feat only if it matches one of your kinetic elements.", + "Impulses are {@trait magical}, and though they aren't spells, some things that affect spells also affect impulses.", + "Abilities that restrict you from casting spells (such as being polymorphed into a battle form) or protect against spells (such as a spell that protects against other spells or a creature's bonus to saves against spells) also apply to impulses.", + { + "type": "pf2-h4", + "name": "Impulse Levels", + "entries": [ + "Any impulse you use is the same level you are. For instance, if you're 5th level, your {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} would be 5th level (and its counteract rank would be 3rd rank), even though you gained the action at 1st level.", + "Similar to spells, many impulses get more powerful as you increase in level. In these cases, the impulse ends with one or more \"Level\" entries. This either lists the levels at which the impulse gets an upgrade or has an entry with a plus sign that describes a benefit that increases on a regular basis. For instance, a 1st-level impulse with a \"Level (+4)\" entry would get stronger at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels." + ] + }, + { + "type": "pf2-h4", + "name": "Impulse Attacks and DCs", + "entries": [ + "An impulse that requires a saving throw uses your kineticist class DC. Some of your impulses require you to attempt an {@b impulse attack roll} to see how effective they are. Your impulse attack roll uses the same proficiency and attribute modifier as your kineticist class DC. Like a spell attack modifier, your impulse attack modifier uses the following formula: d20 roll + attribute modifier + proficiency bonus + other bonuses + penalties. This means your impulse attack roll is typically 10 lower than your class DC. The {@condition drained} condition can reduce your impulse attack rolls and class DCs. You can acquire a {@item gate attenuator|RoE} to gain a bonus to your impulse attack modifier." + ] + }, + { + "type": "pf2-h4", + "name": "Elemental Blast", + "entries": [ + "The {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} impulse is a simple expression of your power, allowing you to attack with the pure matter of your kinetic element. Though each element has its own strengths and weaknesses, the basic principles to using them are the same. You can customize the appearance of your {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} and can even choose a different form each time you use the impulse.", + { + "type": "data", + "tag": "action", + "name": "Elemental Blast", + "source": "RoE" + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "pf2-h4", + "name": "Base Kinesis", + "entries": [ + "The {@action Base Kinesis|RoE} impulse lets you perform simple alterations to an element.", + { + "type": "data", + "tag": "action", + "name": "Base Kinesis", + "source": "RoE" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kineticist Feats", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 17, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 1, + "entries": [ + "At 1st level and every even-numbered level, you gain a {@filter kineticist class feat|feats||type=class|Class=kineticist;!impulse|level=[1]}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Skill Feats", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 17, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 2, + "entries": [ + "At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a {@filter skill feat|feats||type=skill;!archetype}. You must be trained or better in the corresponding skill to select a skill feat." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Extract Element", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 17, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 3, + "entries": [ + "Creatures with a strong tie to your element might be troublesome for you to deal with, at least until you've learned to turn their elemental nature to your advantage. You gain the {@action Extract Element|RoE} action.", + { + "type": "data", + "tag": "action", + "name": "Extract Element", + "source": "RoE" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "General Feats", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 17, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 3, + "entries": [ + "At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a {@filter general feat|feats||type=general|level=[1;3]}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Skill Increases", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 17, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 3, + "entries": [ + "At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill increase. You can use this increase to either become trained in one skill you're untrained in or become an expert in one skill in which you're already trained.", + "At 7th level, you can use skill increases to become a master in a skill in which you're already an expert, and at 15th level, you can use them to become legendary in a skill in which you're already a master." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Will Expertise", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 17, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 3, + "entries": [ + "Your mental defenses grow stronger. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to expert." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ancestry Feats", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 18, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 5, + "entries": [ + "In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you gain an {@filter ancestry feat|feats||type=ancestry} at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Gate's Threshold", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 18, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 5, + "entries": [ + "You reach a new milestone in your odyssey to become in tune with your kinetic gate and must decide how to expand the gate's power. At 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, you choose to either expand the portal or fork the path.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + { + "type": "item", + "name": "Expand the Portal:", + "entries": [ + "Your gate attunes more precisely to one of your elements. Gain an {@filter impulse feat|feats||type=class|Class=impulse|level=[1;5]} of your level or lower for one of your kinetic elements; if you have more than one element, you can choose a {@filter composite feat|feats||type=class|Class=impulse;composite|level=[1;5]}. You also gain a gate junction for one of your kinetic elements. If you have no valid options for the feat\u2014typically because you have one kinetic element and devoted your class feats to gaining that element's impulses\u2014you can instead select any kineticist class feat of your level or lower for which you meet the prerequisites." + ] + }, + { + "type": "item", + "name": "Fork the Path:", + "entries": [ + "Your gate reaches to another elemental plane. Add a new element of your choice to your kinetic elements. Gain an {@filter impulse feat|feats||type=class|Class=impulse|level=[1;5]} of your level or lower with the trait of that element. You can't select a composite impulse feat with this feat selection." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "refClassFeature", + "classFeature": "Gate Junctions|Kineticist|RoE|5" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Gate Junctions", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 18, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 5, + "entries": [ + "When you gain a gate junction, you develop a specialized kinetic technique. Choose one benefit from the gate junction table for one of your kinetic elements.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "A {@b critical blast} junction happens when you get a critical success with an {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} of the kinetic element.", + "An {@b elemental resistance} grants you resistance to damage while your kinetic aura is active. This resistance is equal to your level, and it applies to damage of any listed type or that comes from a creature or effect that has any of the listed traits. At 17th level, you gain immunity to effects with any of the listed traits. This doesn't make you immune to creatures with such a trait. You can voluntarily forgo this resistance, immunity, or both if you want an effect to work on you.", + "You can choose an {@b impulse junction} instead of one of the listed junctions. Impulse junctions are listed under {@subclassFeature Kinetic Gate|Kineticist|RoE|Single|RoE|1||Single Gate}.", + "An {@b aura junction} adds an effect to your kinetic aura when you {@action Channel Elements|RoE}.", + "A {@b skill junction} makes you trained in the listed skill and grants you the listed skill feat. If you were already trained in the listed skill, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. While your kinetic aura is active, you gain a +1 status bonus to the listed skill; the bonus increases to +2 at 10th level and +3 at 17th level." + ] + }, + "You can select each gate junction only once, unless noted otherwise, but you can have the same type of junction for multiple elements. You can always choose not to use a gate junction when it would normally occur. If you have multiple junctions that would apply at the same time\u2014 such as kinetic aura junctions for different elements\u2014you can apply any number of them. (Though note that you can use only one impulse junction per round.)", + { + "type": "data", + "tag": "table", + "name": "Gate Junction", + "source": "RoE" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Durability", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 19, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 7, + "entries": [ + "The sustenance of your inner gate counters harm that would come to your body. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Expertise", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 19, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 7, + "entries": [ + "Your kinetic gate grows stronger, making your elements harder to resist. The power flowing from you is even harder to resist. Your proficiency rank for your kineticist class DC increases to expert." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Perception Expertise", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 19, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 9, + "entries": [ + "You remain alert to threats around you. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to expert." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Quickness", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 19, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 11, + "entries": [ + "Your body flows with the elegance of a flame, a wave, a breeze. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Reflex save, you get a critical success instead." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Reflow Elements", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 19, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 11, + "entries": [ + "You twist one of the impulses you've learned into a different but still similar magic. When you make your daily preparations, you can replace one of your {@filter impulse feats|feats||type=class|Class=impulse|level=[1;11]} with a different {@filter impulse feat|feats||type=class|Class=impulse|level=[1;11]} that has the same elemental trait. You can reflow only impulse feats that have exactly one elemental trait, not composite impulse feats or feats that vary by element. This follows the same rules as retraining; you can replace impulse feats gained through your class feats or through class features that grant you impulse feats." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Weapon Expertise", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 19, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 11, + "entries": [ + "You've improved your combat skill. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase to expert." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Light Armor Expertise", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 19, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 13, + "entries": [ + "You've learned how to dodge while wearing light or no armor. Your proficiency ranks for light armor and unarmored defense increase to expert." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Greater Kinetic Durability", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 19, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 15, + "entries": [ + "Your gate protects you even more. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to legendary. When you roll a critical failure on a Fortitude save, you get a failure instead. When you fail a Fortitude save against an effect that deals damage, you halve the damage you take." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Weapon Specialization", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 19, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 13, + "entries": [ + "You've learned how to inflict greater injuries with the weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you're an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you're a master, and 4 if you're legendary." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Mastery", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 20, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 15, + "entries": [ + "The power flowing from you grows even difficult to resist. Your proficiency rank for your kineticist class DC increases to master." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Double Reflow", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 20, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 17, + "entries": [ + "Your kinetic gate becomes even more adaptable. When you use {@classFeature reflow elements|kineticist|RoE|11}, you can replace two impulse feats instead of one." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Final Gate", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 20, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 19, + "entries": [ + "Your kinetic gate reaches a perfect form, its power constantly fighting to be released. If your kinetic aura is inactive, you automatically use the first action of your turn to {@action Channel Elements|RoE} as a free action. You can deliberately suppress the effect. If you're unable to act, final gate still functions, but you don't get to use the {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} or stance impulse you normally do from using {@action Channel Elements|RoE}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Legend", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 20, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 19, + "entries": [ + "Your elements become almost impossible to resist. Your proficiency rank for your kineticist class DC increases to legendary." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Light Armor Mastery", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 20, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "level": 19, + "entries": [ + "Your skill with light armor improves, increasing your ability to dodge blows. Your proficiency ranks for light armor and unarmored defense increase to master." + ] + } + ], + "subclassFeature": [ + { + "name": "Kinetic Gate", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 15, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "subclassShortName": "Dual", + "subclassSource": "RoE", + "level": 1, + "entries": [ + { + "type": "pf2-h4", + "name": "Dual Gate", + "entries": [ + "Your kinetic gate is a harmonious conduit between two planes, allowing you to combine their elements to give you a versatile set of abilities. Select two elements to be your kinetic elements. Then, select two {@filter 1st-level impulse feats|feats||type=class|Class=impulse|level=[1]}, one with the trait of the first element and one with the trait of the other." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Gate", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 14, + "className": "Kineticist", + "classSource": "RoE", + "subclassShortName": "Single", + "subclassSource": "RoE", + "level": 1, + "entries": [ + { + "type": "pf2-h4", + "name": "Single Gate", + "entries": [ + "Your kinetic gate links to a single elemental plane, starting you with a single element but giving you greater power with it. Choose one element to be your kinetic element, and select two {@filter 1st-level impulse feats|feats||type=class|Class=impulse|level=[1]} that have that element's trait.", + "In addition, you gain an impulse junction, a benefit that occurs when you use an impulse of the chosen element that takes 2 actions or more. This happens before the other effects of the impulse, unless noted otherwise. You can gain only one impulse junction per round; they are described in full below.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + { + "type": "item", + "name": "Air", + "entries": [ + "Before or after the other effects of the impulse, you can either {@action Stride} up to half your Speed or {@action Step}. If you have a fly Speed, you can {@action Fly} up to half your fly Speed instead." + ] + }, + { + "type": "item", + "name": "Earth", + "entries": [ + "Fragments of stone float around you, granting you a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn." + ] + }, + { + "type": "item", + "name": "Fire", + "entries": [ + "Increase the damage die size of fire damage dealt by the impulse by one step." + ] + }, + { + "type": "item", + "name": "Metal", + "entries": [ + "Choose acid, electricity, or piercing. Until the start of your next turn, each time a creature touches you or damages you with an unarmed melee attack or non- reach melee weapon, it takes damage of the chosen type equal to half your level (minimum 1 damage)." + ] + }, + { + "type": "item", + "name": "Water", + "entries": [ + "After the impulse's other effects, you can move one creature targeted by the impulse or in its area 5 feet in any direction, or 10 feet if it's in a body of water. This can't move the creature into the air. You can choose only a creature that's willing to be moved, that failed its save against the impulse, or that you succeeded at an impulse attack roll against." + ] + }, + { + "type": "item", + "name": "Wood", + "entries": [ + "You gain temporary Hit Points equal to your level that last until the start of your next turn." + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/class/index.json b/data/class/index.json index e86f6e57e1..d972dd3a4c 100644 --- a/data/class/index.json +++ b/data/class/index.json @@ -20,5 +20,6 @@ "gunslinger": "class-gunslinger.json", "inventor": "class-inventor.json", "psychic": "class-psychic.json", - "thaumaturge": "class-thaumaturge.json" + "thaumaturge": "class-thaumaturge.json", + "kineticist": "class-kineticist.json" } diff --git a/data/conditions.json b/data/conditions.json index 12e2d70c0e..2f13ccaf58 100644 --- a/data/conditions.json +++ b/data/conditions.json @@ -140,6 +140,9 @@ }, { "name": "Flat-Footed", + "alias": [ + "Off-guard" + ], "source": "CRB", "page": 620, "entries": [ diff --git a/data/deities.json b/data/deities.json index 95d61ba0f0..2edeedca72 100644 --- a/data/deities.json +++ b/data/deities.json @@ -6531,8 +6531,17 @@ "alias": [ "The Guiding Hand" ], - "source": "LOGM", - "page": 128, + "hasLore": true, + "entries": [ + "Findeladlara is the ancient elven goddess of art and architecture, who teaches the value of preservation, art, buildings and, most importantly, life. She assumed the twilight portfolio to guide her most fervent worshippers to safety in the wake of Earthfall, after they remained on Golarion to build shelters in her name for the survivors of the cataclysm." + ], + "source": "GW3", + "page": 73, + "otherSources": { + "Originally": [ + "LOGM|128" + ] + }, "alignment": { "alignment": [ "cg" @@ -6546,16 +6555,16 @@ }, "category": "Elven Gods", "edicts": [ - "preserve elven art and architecture", + "preserve art and architecture", "bless and secure households", "inspire and aid others with your works" ], "anathema": [ "break the laws of hospitality", - "allow a guest to bring harm to your family" + "knowingly allow a guest to bring harm to your family" ], "font": [ - "harm" + "heal" ], "divineAbility": { "abilities": [ @@ -6572,10 +6581,10 @@ ], "spells": { "1": [ - "temporary tools|LOGM" + "illusory object" ], "4": [ - "shape stone" + "creation" ], "7": [ "magnificent mansion" diff --git a/data/feats/feats-gw1.json b/data/feats/feats-gw1.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c8fdedb19 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/feats/feats-gw1.json @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +{ + "feat": [ + { + "name": "Oatia Skysage Dedication", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 82, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "archetype", + "dedication" + ], + "prerequisites": "trained in {@skill Occultism}", + "entries": [ + "Your study of the stars unlocks supernatural insights and magic. You either become trained in {@skill Lore||Astronomy Lore} or an expert in {@skill Occultism}.", + "You learn to cast spontaneous spells and gain the {@action Cast a Spell} activity. You gain a spell repertoire with two common cantrips of your choice; these cantrips can be from any spell tradition, but they must be divination spells. You cast these spells as occult spells as you draw on the stars and night sky. You're trained in occult spell attack rolls and spell DCs. If you have a hand free and you've gazed at the night sky in the last 24 hours, you can usually replace material components with somatic components, so you don't need to use a spell component pouch. Your key spellcasting ability for these spells is Intelligence." + ], + "special": [ + "You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Oatia skysage archetype." + ], + "leadsTo": [ + "Basic Skysage Divination|GW1", + "Expert Skysage Divination|GW1", + "Master Skysage Divination|GW1", + "Stargazer's Eyes|GW1", + "Night's Glow|GW1", + "Night's Shine|GW1", + "Minor Omen|GW1", + "Scholar's Hunch|GW1", + "Starlit Spells|GW1", + "Night's Warning|GW1", + "Starlight Armor|GW1" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Basic Skysage Divination", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 82, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Oatia Skysage Dedication|GW1}", + "entries": [ + "The stars move, granting you a sliver of their magic.", + "Choose a 1st-level spell from any spell list to add to your spell repertoire. You can Cast this Spell as an occult Oatia skysage spell.", + "At 6th level, you gain a 2nd-level spell, and at 8th level, you gain a 3rd-level spell. Each of these spells must be from the divination school." + ], + "leadsTo": [ + "Expert Skysage Divination|GW1", + "Master Skysage Divination|GW1" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Stargazer's Eyes", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 82, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Oatia Skysage Dedication|GW1}", + "entries": [ + "Long hours in darkened observatories have sharpened your senses. If you don't have low-light vision or darkvision, you gain low-light vision, or if you already have low-light vision, you gain darkvision." + ], + "special": [ + "You can take this feat a second time, upgrading your low-light vision to darkvision." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Night's Glow", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 82, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "evocation", + "occult" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Oatia Skysage Dedication|GW1}", + "entries": [ + "The stars and moon lend you their light. You gain your choice of the moonbeam or zenith star (Lost Omens Gods & Magic 117) domain spell. Like your Oatia skysage spells, you cast this focus spell as an occult spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell. This feat grants a focus pool of 1 Focus Point that you can recover by using the {@action Refocus} to reflect upon or gaze at the stars." + ], + "special": [ + "You can take this feat a second time, gaining the focus spell that you didn't gain the first time. Increase the number of Focus Points in your pool by 1." + ], + "leadsTo": [ + "Night's Shine|GW1" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Minor Omen", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 82, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "divination", + "fortune", + "occult" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Oatia Skysage Dedication|GW1}", + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "trigger": "You fail a Reflex save.", + "requirements": "You can see the night sky.", + "entries": [ + "The stars warn you of danger in the nick of time. Reroll the failed save and use the new result." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Scholar's Hunch", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 82, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "fortune", + "occult" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Oatia Skysage Dedication|GW1}", + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "hour" + }, + "trigger": "You fail a {@skill Lore} or {@skill Occultism} skill check.", + "entries": [ + "Scholarly debates have taught you to think on your feet. Reroll the failed check and use the new result." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Starlit Spells", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 82, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "evocation", + "occult" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Oatia Skysage Dedication|GW1}", + "entries": [ + "The stars reveal and punish your enemies. You can cast {@spell faerie fire} and 3rd-level {@spell searing light} as occult innate spells, each once per day." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Expert Skysage Divination", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 82, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Basic Skysage Divination|GW1}", + "entries": [ + "Your studies of the stars have taught you about the mysteries of the cosmos. You learn a 4th-level spell from any spell list. At 12th level, you learn a 5th-level spell, and at 14th level, you learn a 6th-level spell. Each of these spells must come from the divination school. You become an expert with spell attack rolls and spell DCs for occult spells." + ], + "leadsTo": [ + "Master Skysage Divination|GW1" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Night's Shine", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 83, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "evocation", + "occult" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Oatia Skysage Dedication|GW1}, {@feat Night's Glow|GW1}", + "entries": [ + "Your power from the moon and stars becomes strong enough to illuminate the night sky. You gain your choice of the asterism (Lost Omens Gods & Magic 117) or touch of the moon domain spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your pool by 1." + ], + "special": [ + "You can take this feat a second time, gaining the focus spell that you didn't gain the first time. Increase the number of Focus Points in your pool by 1." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Night's Warning", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 83, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "concentrate", + "occult" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Oatia Skysage Dedication|GW1}", + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "hour" + }, + "trigger": "A creature targets you with an attack and you can see the attacker.", + "requirements": "You can see the night sky.", + "entries": [ + "Portents written in the night sky show you how to avoid an attack. The triggering attack roll targets your {@skill Occultism} DC instead of your AC. Though this allows you to avoid taking penalties to your AC, it doesn't remove any conditions or other effects causing such penalties.", + "For example, an enemy with sneak attack would still deal extra damage to you for being {@condition flat-footed}, even though you wouldn't take the \u20132 circumstance penalty when defending against the attack." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Starlight Armor", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 83, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "conjuration", + "occult" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Oatia Skysage Dedication|GW1}", + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "entries": [ + "You armor yourself in the light of distant suns, shielding yourself from harm. The armor grants you resistance 7 to piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage. The armor also sheds bright light for 20 feet (and dim light for the next 20 feet). Whenever an adjacent creature attacks you, the attacker must attempt a Will save against your spell DC at the end of its action. On a failure, it becomes {@condition dazzled} until the end of its next turn. Regardless of the result of the save, the attacker is temporarily immune until the end of its next turn. The dazzling effect has the {@trait light} and {@trait visual} traits.", + "When you reach 17th level, the resistance increases to 10." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Master Skysage Divination", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 83, + "level": 16, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Expert Skysage Divination|GW1}", + "entries": [ + "You unlock the most powerful secrets hidden in the stars above. You learn a 7th-level spell from any spell list. At 18th level, you learn an 8th-level spell, and at 20th level, you learn a 9th-level spell. Each of these spells must come from the divination school. You gain master proficiency with spell attack rolls and spell DCs for occult spells." + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/feats/feats-gw3.json b/data/feats/feats-gw3.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed97279e68 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/feats/feats-gw3.json @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +{ + "feat": [ + { + "name": "Twilight Speaker Dedication", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 78, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "archetype", + "dedication" + ], + "prerequisites": "trained in {@skill Society}, you are an Ilverani elf", + "entries": [ + "You have carefully studied the histories, customs, and etiquette of many of the younger peoples of Golarion. You become an expert in {@skill Society}. At 7th level, you become a master in {@skill Society}, and at 15th level, you become legendary in {@skill Society}. You can use the {@skill Society} skill instead of the {@skill Diplomacy} skill when you attempt to {@action Make an Impression} on a non-elven intelligent humanoid creature." + ], + "special": [ + "You can't select another dedication feat until you've gained two other feats from the twilight speaker archetype." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Empathetic Envoy", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 78, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "Twilight Speaker Dedication", + "entries": [ + "You believe that treating others with respect is the fastest way into their hearts, and in turn others are more likely to believe in your good intentions and write off bad first impressions as flukes. If a creature's attitude towards you becomes lower over the course of a social interaction (for example, from {@condition friendly} to {@condition indifferent}, or from {@condition indifferent} to {@condition unfriendly}), their impression of you returns to its starting level an hour after the social interaction ends. This ability has no effect if the creature you are interacting with becomes {@condition hostile}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Disarming Smile", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 78, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "concentrate", + "emotion", + "mental", + "visual" + ], + "prerequisites": "Twilight Speaker Dedication", + "trigger": "You are the target of a melee attack and the attacker has not rolled yet.", + "requirements": "You are aware of the attacker, the attacker is an intelligent humanoid creature, and you have not attempted to harm the attacker.", + "entries": [ + "With a wide, sincere smile, you give your attacker pause. You attempt a {@skill Diplomacy} check against the triggering attacker's Will DC. After you use Disarming Smile, all creatures who witnessed you use it are temporarily immune to your Disarming Smile for the next 24 hours.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "Your enemy ceases their attack. The attack fails and the triggering target can't attempt {@condition hostile} actions against you until the beginning of its next turn or until you (or your allies) take {@condition hostile} actions against the enemy (or its allies). You can begin talking to the creature on your next turn to attempt another {@skill Diplomacy} check; on a success, you sustain the effect until the beginning of your next turn, to a maximum of 1 minute. Talking on subsequent rounds requires that you be able to communicate with the target creature and imparts the {@trait auditory} and {@trait linguistic} traits to the action." + ], + "Success": [ + "Your foe pauses momentarily. Their attack fails, but they can attempt further attacks against you." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The target's attack is unaffected." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Betraying Shank", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 79, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "Twilight Speaker Dedication", + "requirements": "You are within melee reach of a target, but it is not in combat with you.", + "entries": [ + "While your usual diplomacy is well intentioned, you know that sometimes those same skills will need to be turned to deception. In a flash, you draw a sheathed or {@condition concealed} agile or finesse weapon and make a melee {@action Strike}. The target is {@condition flat-footed} against your {@action Strike}. You then roll {@skill Deception} for initiative." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ilverani Purist", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 79, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "skill" + ], + "prerequisites": "Twilight Speaker Dedication", + "entries": [ + "All twilight speakers are trained to resist the alluring customs of younger peoples, but you have made it your mandate to keep the Ilverani way unchanged. Such dedication has given you a trained eye for subtlety and deception. When you attempt to Sense the Motive of a non-elf humanoid creature and you roll a critical failure, you fail instead." + ] + }, + { + "name": "World-Wise Vigilance", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 79, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "Twilight Speaker Dedication", + "entries": [ + "Your keen study of other cultures gives you insights into the ways those cultures fight. When you use {@skill Perception} to roll initiative and none of your enemies have the {@trait elf} trait, you can choose to roll {@skill Society} instead." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Emphatic Emissary", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 79, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "Disarming Smile", + "trigger": "You roll initiative.", + "entries": [ + "You can tell when diplomacy has failed and a meeting is close to unraveling or falling to blows. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your initiative roll. During your first turn in combat, you can use your Disarming Smile, targeting every {@condition hostile} intelligent humanoid creature that can see you but has yet to act. If you choose to sustain your Disarming Smile, you sustain the effect for only one creature, as normal." + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/feats/feats-roe.json b/data/feats/feats-roe.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f10462bb2d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/feats/feats-roe.json @@ -0,0 +1,3705 @@ +{ + "feat": [ + { + "name": "Elemental Familiar", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 20, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "A small creature made of elemental matter springs forth from your kinetic gate. This elemental familiar appears to be made of one of your kinetic elements, though it might have unusual or distinguishing aspects. Like other familiars, your elemental familiar can assist you in various tasks and on adventures.", + "You gain an elemental familiar (page 42) with the trait of one of your kinetic elements. If you have more than one kinetic element, you can change the element you've selected for your familiar to a different one of your kinetic elements each time you make your daily preparations. The familiar uses your Constitution modifier to determine its {@skill Perception}, {@skill Acrobatics}, and {@skill Stealth} modifiers." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Extended Kinesis", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 20, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@action Base Kinesis|RoE}", + "entries": [ + "You've refined the control you can exert over your elements. Add the following options to {@action Base Kinesis|RoE}.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "Proliferate You cause an existing element to expand. This works like the generate option, except that you can either create an equal quantity of the element in the same square as its source or in an adjacent square, or cause the element to expand to fill its square (making a flame bigger or turning a twig into a small tree, for example). After you proliferate an element, it reacts to the environment naturally\u2014water you proliferated into thin air would splash back down, for example. This affects only natural forms of the element, not durable, crafted goods.", + "Regulate (air, fire, metal, or water only) You change the temperature of an existing element, making it colder or warmer. This can snuff out a flame or turn water to ice or steam. After this change, the element cools or warms naturally unless you Sustain the impulse. An item that gets cold or hot enough (as determined by the GM) can be used as an improvised weapon that deals 1 cold damage or 1 fire damage in addition to the damage the GM determines for the improvised weapon.", + "Sculpt (earth, metal, or wood only) Reshape an existing element into a small object of a design you choose. It looks crude and artificial on close examination. The sculpted element can be shaped into a functional short tool (or a long tool if your {@action Base Kinesis|RoE} can affect 1 Bulk or greater). It's too fragile and artificial to be used as a weapon or have any monetary value." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Versatile Blasts", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 21, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "Accessing a wider realm of elemental manifestations, you can make blasts with rare forms of your elements. Add the following damage types to those you can choose for Elemental Blasts of that element: air cold, earth poison, fire cold, metal electricity, water acid, wood poison." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Weapon Infusion", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 21, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "free" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "infusion", + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "With a signature flair, you shape blasts of elemental power into the form of a weapon, such as a sword made of whirling wind or a bow that shoots flames. If your next action is an {@action Elemental Blast|RoE}, choose a weapon shape for it to take. You can choose to change the blast's damage type to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing\u2014whichever suits the weapon shape\u2014and you can choose other alterations depending on whether you make a melee or ranged blast.", + "{@b Melee} Add one of the following traits of your choice: {@trait agile}, {@trait backswing}, {@trait forceful}, {@trait reach}, {@trait sweep}.", + "{@b Ranged} Choose one of three options: range increment 100 feet and the {@trait volley <30 feet>} trait, range increment 50 feet and the {@trait propulsive} trait, or range increment 20 feet and the {@trait thrown} trait." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Activation", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 21, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "Rather than incantations and gestures, you can use your kinetic gate to directly unlock the potential of elementally empowered magic items. You can Activate magic items that require you to be able to {@action Cast a Spell}, provided you activate them to {@action Cast a Spell} with the same trait as one of your kinetic elements; for example, if you can channel fire, you could Activate a scroll of fireball.", + "For {@trait any} effects of these items that use a spell attack roll or spell DC, you can substitute your impulse attack roll or class DC.", + "You can also prepare a staff that has at least one spell with an appropriate trait, using half your level rounded up to determine the number of charges you add. This doesn't allow you to cast spells without the trait of one of your kinetic elements, and you don't get the extra benefits prepared and spontaneous spellcasters do." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Voice of Elements", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 21, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "You can speak with the secret tones of elements you channel, finding words in the crackle of flame, the grinding of stone. Your kinetic aura grants you these three benefits while active.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "You can speak all the languages of your kinetic elements (Sussuran for air, Petran for earth, Pyric for fire, Talican for metal, Thalassic for water, Muan for wood).", + "You can communicate with mindless elementals on a basic level if they have {@trait a} trait that matches one of your kinetic elements or are made of one of those elements. This allows you to use {@skill Diplomacy} to {@action Make an Impression} on them and to make very simple Requests.", + "You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Charisma-based skill checks you attempt against elementals of one of your kinetic elements." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Command Elemental", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 21, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You grasp the animating force within an elemental creature and bend it to your will. Choose {@trait a} trait matching one of your kinetic elements and target an elemental creature within 30 feet that has the chosen trait. The elemental becomes {@condition controlled} by you if its level is equal to or lower than your level \u2014 3, or {@condition slowed||slowed 1} for as long as you Sustain the effect if its level is equal to your level \u2014 2 or higher. It can attempt a Will saving throw against your class DC to resist being {@condition controlled} by you or to end the {@condition slowed} effect. If the target is already under someone else's command, it can't be {@condition slowed} by this ability, and the controlling creature also rolls a saving throw, with the elemental using the better result.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The target is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 24 hours." + ], + "Success": [ + "The target is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The elemental creature is {@condition controlled} or {@condition slowed} as long as you Sustain the impulse, up to 1 minute. This effect ends if you or an ally attacks the elemental." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As failure, but you can Sustain the impulse up to 1 hour." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Safe Elements", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 22, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "Elements are wild and dangerous, but you've found ways to reduce their risk. When you {@action Channel Elements|RoE} or use a stance impulse that affects your kinetic aura, you can designate a number of creatures up to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1 creature). Choose whether they are immune to the benefits of your kinetic aura or immune to its damage and drawbacks. You don't have to be able to see a creature to designate it, nor does it need to be in your kinetic aura, but you can't designate a creature that's {@condition unnoticed} by you. In addition, you gain the Pacifying Infusion action. Pacifying Infusion {@as 1} (infusion) If your next action is an impulse, it gains the {@trait nonlethal} trait. If it has an area, you can exclude creatures you've designated with Safe Elements from its effects." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Counter Element", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 22, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist" + ], + "prerequisites": "exactly one kinetic element", + "trigger": "You're targeted by or in the area of an effect that has the trait matching your kinetic element and originates from an enemy or hazard.", + "entries": [ + "Your absolute dedication to a single element lets you attempt to gain control over it, even when the element is in service to another entity. You attempt to counteract the effect, using your kineticist class DC \u2013 10 as your counteract check modifier and half this impulse's level rounded up as the counteract rank. If you counteract the effect, you protect only yourself unless you got a critical success on your counteract check." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (12th)": "If you successfully counteract the effect, you can have it target or affect a different creature within 30 feet of you. If you got a critical success on the counteract check, you can choose the effect's targets or entire area." + } + }, + { + "name": "Fearsome Familiar", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 22, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "prerequisites": "a familiar", + "entries": [ + "Your elemental familiar trades places with an elemental from its elemental plane. Summon a common creature that has the {@trait elemental} trait and a level no greater than your level \u2013 4.", + "This creature appears in the same space as your familiar, which disappears for the duration of this impulse. You can Sustain this impulse up to 1 minute. When the impulse ends, the familiar appears in the space the summoned elemental occupied. A familiar can endure this process only so often\u2014if you use this impulse on your familiar more than once per day, it dies as soon as it returns the second time." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Two-Element Infusion", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 22, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "free" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "infusion", + "kineticist" + ], + "prerequisites": "two or more kinetic elements", + "entries": [ + "Slamming one element into another, you combine their strengths. If the next action you use is an {@action Elemental Blast|RoE}, choose two of your kinetic elements instead of one. The blast gains the traits of both elements and uses the highest range and damage die among the two elements. Half the blast's damage is the damage type of one element, and the other half is the damage type of the other element. If the total damage is an odd number, you choose which element deals the higher damage. Determine the damage amounts before altering the amount due to halving, doubling, resistances, weaknesses, and other calculations. If either element can deal more than one type of damage, you can still choose which damage type to use. You gain any added effects of both elements, such as their critical blast junction effects." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elemental Overlap", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 22, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "prerequisites": "exactly one kinetic element", + "entries": [ + "Though you've dedicated yourself to one element, you learn to mix that element with another. Gain a composite impulse feat that includes your kinetic element. You can use that impulse even though you can't channel all its elements. The feat's level must be lower than the level at which you selected Elemental Overlap." + ], + "special": [ + "You can select this feat more than once, choosing a different impulse feat each time." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Purify Element", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 22, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You turn an element into its purest form. Choose one of your kinetic elements and target up to 1 cubic foot of that element within 30 feet. (One cubic foot of liquid is roughly 8 gallons.) You remove toxins and pollutants from the element as well as anything intruding into the element, such as plant roots in soil. This can't change the grade of a material, alter the form of a manufactured object, or change the structural integrity of the element. If the purification would remove an alchemical or magical pollutant (such as a poison or curse), Purify Element attempts to counteract that impurity, using your class DC \u2014 10 for the counteract check. If it fails to counteract a particular impurity, any further attempt you make to counteract that impurity with Purify Element fails as well." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Aura Shaping", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "You control the size of your kinetic aura. You can make your kinetic aura's emanation any size from a 5-foot emanation to a 20-foot emanation (you must choose a multiple of 5). You choose the size when you {@action Channel Elements|RoE} and can change it when you use a stance impulse that affects your kinetic aura.", + "Increase the maximum size you can choose by 5 feet at 15th and 20th levels." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Chain Infusion", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "infusion", + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "The elemental matter in your blast keeps reconstituting itself to travel onward, no matter how many bodies it collides with.", + "If your next action is an {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} and it hits, attempt a new ranged {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} from the target against a different creature that's within the blast's range, measuring from the creature you hit. You can keep chaining the blast in this way each time you hit. Your multiple attack penalty applies normally to any blasts in the chain after the first. You can make up to five blasts total, but you can't target the same creature more than once. Roll damage only once and apply it to each creature you hit. (If you start with a melee blast, you still add your Strength to only that blast, not the successive ranged blasts.)" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elemental Transformation", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "kineticist", + "polymorph", + "primal" + ], + "prerequisites": "exactly one kinetic element", + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "requirements": "Your kinetic gate is deactivated.", + "entries": [ + "You open your kinetic gate, but rather than activating your kinetic aura, you instead become overwhelmed with transformative elemental energy. You're affected by an {@spell elemental form} spell with the same trait as your kinetic element. You can heighten it to any spell rank up to half your level rounded up." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Effortless Impulse", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "free" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "trigger": "Your turn begins.", + "entries": [ + "A steady ripple from your kinetic gate maintains one of your impulses. You immediately Sustain one of your active impulses that can be sustained." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Nourishing Gate", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "You can sustain yourself on a single drop of elemental dew or the slightest spark from the Plane of Fire. You gain a +2 status bonus to saving throws against poisons, sleep, and effects that would make you {@condition paralyzed}. You don't need to breathe, eat, or sleep, though you must still take a full night's rest every 24 hours to be able to make your daily preparations. During this time, you remain awake and alert, but you must spend the time meditating or attuning to your kinetic gate rather than engaging in other complex activities. Each kineticist attunes in their own individual way." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rapid Reattunement", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "concentrate", + "exploration", + "kineticist" + ], + "prerequisites": "reflow elements", + "entries": [ + "You spend 10 minutes realigning your elemental connections in an elemental trance. Replace one of your impulse feats using the same process as reflow elements. If you have double reflow, you can replace two impulse feats instead of one." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Imperious Aura", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "free" + }, + "level": 16, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "prerequisites": "one or more stance impulses that affect your kinetic aura", + "trigger": "Your turn begins.", + "entries": [ + "Your glowing and majestic kinetic aura marks you as a true child of the elements. Use a stance impulse that affects your kinetic aura." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elemental Apotheosis", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "prerequisites": "Nourishing Gate, exactly one kinetic element", + "entries": [ + "You take on an elemental countenance, appearing like a type of elemental of your element. You gain any Speeds listed in the {@spell elemental form} spell for your element and gain darkvision if you don't already have it. You also gain the {@trait elemental} trait and the trait of your chosen element." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kinetic Pinnacle", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "level": 20, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "entries": [ + "No one can match the pace at which elements flow from you. You're permanently {@condition quickened}. You can use your extra action only to {@action Channel Elements|RoE}, use a 1-action {@action Elemental Blast|RoE}, or use a 1-action stance impulse." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Omnikinesis", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 23, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 20, + "traits": [ + "kineticist" + ], + "prerequisites": "reflow elements", + "entries": [ + "You can realign your kinetic gate with a thought. Replace one of your impulse feats using the same process as reflow elements. You can replace only one, even if you have double reflow." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Aerial Boomerang", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 24, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "air", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "A blade of shearing wind races away from you in a 60-foot line. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 2d4} slashing damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. In the final square of the line, the boomerang whirls in place until the end of your next turn. Any creature that ends its turn in that square has to save against the boomerang.", + "On your next turn, you can use a single action, which has the {@trait concentrate} trait, to return the boomerang to you. It returns in a line from its square to your current location, with the same effect as the initial line, then the impulse ends. You must have line of effect to the boomerang and be within 60 feet of it." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (+2)": "The damage increases by {@damage 1d4}." + } + }, + { + "name": "Air Cushion", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 24, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "air", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "trigger": "A creature within 60 feet is falling.", + "entries": [ + "Air currents flow upward to slow the target's fall to 60 feet per round. The cushion ends when the target reaches the ground, and the creature takes no damage from the fall. The cushion expires if the creature doesn't reach the ground within 1 minute, but any distance it fell during that minute doesn't count for any damage the creature would take from the fall. You can't use Air Cushion again while you have one in effect." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (8th)": "The range is 120 feet, and you can create cushions for up to 5 falling creatures with one reaction." + } + }, + { + "name": "Four Winds", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 24, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "air", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Mimicking the anemoi\u2014monarchs of the four winds\u2014you propel four creatures. Target up to four willing creatures within 30 feet of you. Each of those creatures can {@action Stride} up to half its Speed.", + "If it has a fly Speed, it can instead {@action Fly} up to half its fly Speed." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (10th)": "The targets move up to full Speed instead of half." + } + }, + { + "name": "Whisper on the Wind", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 24, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "air", + "auditory", + "illusion", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "linguistic", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You speak in a whisper, a soft wind carrying your words far away.", + "This has the effect of the {@spell message} spell with a range of 500 feet, and it can target only a creature surrounded by air. If you start your message with the target's name, you and the target don't need to be able to see each other, nor do you need line of effect." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (4th)": "The range is 1 mile.", + "Level (14th)": "The range is planetary plus the Plane of Air." + } + }, + { + "name": "Air Shroud", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 24, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "air", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "Turbulent air suffuses your kinetic aura. This doesn't displace other matter but provides air for creatures in your kinetic aura that need air to breathe. Attacks with ranged weapons take a \u20131 circumstance penalty to their attack rolls if their paths pass through your kinetic aura. Air in your kinetic aura is difficult terrain for flying creatures other than yourself." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Lightning Dash", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 24, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "air", + "electricity", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "move", + "overflow", + "polymorph", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "For an instant, you transform yourself into a being of pure lightning and fly forward, shocking anyone in your way. You propel yourself forward in a 30-foot line. You can move through creatures during this movement, and this movement doesn't trigger reactions that are triggered by movement. Each creature you move through takes {@damage 2d12} electricity damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. You return to your normal form in the final square of the line. If you're in the air, you fall unless you have a fly Speed." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (+3)": "The length of the line increases by 5 feet, and the damage increases by {@damage 1d12}." + } + }, + { + "name": "Clear as Air", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 24, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "air", + "illusion", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Compact layers of air diffract and bend light around your body, making you appear as clear as the sky on a perfect day. You become {@condition invisible} until the end of your next turn. You can Sustain the impulse. If you use a {@condition hostile} action, the impulse ends after that action is completed. If you activate your kinetic aura, the impulse conceals its elements, though any special effects of your aura might give away your location.", + "This impulse weakens if you use it too frequently. Using it again within 10 minutes makes you {@condition concealed} instead of {@condition invisible}." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (10th)": "The impulse doesn't end if you take a {@condition hostile} action, but if you're {@condition invisible}, you become {@condition concealed} instead of {@condition invisible} until the start of your next turn.", + "Level (16th)": "Taking a {@condition hostile} action has no effect on the impulse." + } + }, + { + "name": "Flinging Updraft", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 24, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "air", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "A speeding wind heeds your call, picking someone up and depositing them nearby. Choose a creature within 60 feet of you. The target jumps in any direction, up to a maximum of 30 feet. If the target doesn't land on a space of solid ground within 30 feet of where it started, it falls unless it has a fly Speed but doesn't take any damage from the fall. You choose the distance and direction of the jump. If you target an unwilling creature, it attempts a Reflex save against your class DC with the following results.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "You make the creature jump up to half the maximum distance." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "You make the creature jump up to the maximum distance. Level (+2) The maximum distance increases by 15 feet." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Cyclonic Ascent", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 25, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "air", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Whorls of wind surround your lower body, forming a cyclone that lifts you into the air. You gain a fly Speed equal to your land Speed or 30 feet, whichever is greater, for 10 minutes. Unlike with a normal fly Speed, you can move upward without treating it as difficult terrain. In addition, you can remain in the air at the end of your turn if you used an air impulse during that turn, even if you didn't use a {@action Fly} action that turn." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (14th)": "You can target up to five additional creatures, each of which gains a fly Speed equal to its land Speed or 30 feet, whichever is greater. They don't gain the other benefits." + } + }, + { + "name": "Storm Spiral", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 25, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "air", + "electricity", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "sonic" + ], + "entries": [ + "Dark thunderclouds swirl in a miniature storm, crisscrossed with lightning bolts; a tremendous thunderclap fills the air. The storm appears in a 20-foot burst within 60 feet. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 3d12} electricity damage and {@damage 1d10} sonic damage, with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that fails its save is {@condition deafened} until the end of its next turn (or for 1 minute on a critical failure). A creature wearing metal armor or made of metal takes a \u20131 circumstance penalty to its save." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (+3)": "The electricity damage increases by {@damage 1d12}." + } + }, + { + "name": "Ghosts in the Storm", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 25, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "air", + "electricity", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "Clouds, like eager pets, are drawn to you and to those in your good graces. Fast-moving gray clouds surround you, as well as your allies while they're in your kinetic aura. Anyone surrounded by these clouds gains a +2 status bonus to Reflex saves and {@skill Acrobatics} checks. When an affected creature uses a move action, clouds dance around it. Until the start of its next turn, it's {@condition concealed}, and its Strikes gain the shock rune." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Wiles on the Wind", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 25, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "air", + "auditory", + "illusion", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Speaking lies, you set them loose upon a drifting wind. You create an auditory illusion that comes from a square within 500 feet and can be as loud as four normal humans talking. The sound can be intricate, including speech or music, though the GM might require you to attempt a check or know a language for it to be convincing. The illusion lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse.", + "You can have any creature within 40 feet of the illusion, or that comes within 40 feet of it during the duration, attempt a Will save against your class DC. This is a {@trait mental} effect.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected, disbelieves the illusion, and is temporarily immune for 1 hour." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature is {@condition fascinated} with the source of the sound until the end of its next turn. When the fascination ends, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 hour." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As failure, but the creature is {@condition fascinated} for 1 minute or until it disbelieves." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Body of Air", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 25, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "air", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "polymorph", + "primal" + ], + "trigger": "An enemy you can observe targets you with an attack or other damaging effect.", + "entries": [ + "Your gathered air consumes your body, leaving only a cloud of living vapor. This has the same effects on you as vapor form.", + "The effect lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain the form up to 5 minutes. If you activate your kinetic aura, Body of Air ends.", + "You can use Body of Air as a reaction only when the trigger is met, but you can use it as a 2-action activity without the trigger being met." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (+1)": "The resistance increases by 1." + } + }, + { + "name": "Crowned in Tempest's Fury", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 25, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "air", + "electricity", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "You become one with a devastating thunderstorm from the Plane of Air, placing a crown of lightning upon your brow. Sparks flash in your eyes, and lightning strikes constantly in the air around you as howling winds lift you from the ground.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "Any creature that enters your kinetic aura or ends its turn there takes {@damage 2d12} electricity damage.", + "If you don't have a fly Speed, you gain a 20-foot fly Speed. If you have the Cyclonic Ascent impulse, you instead gain that fly Speed and the extra benefits.", + "You gain a +10-foot status bonus to all your Speeds.", + "Your air Elemental Blasts deal an additional {@damage 1d12} electricity damage." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Infinite Expanse of Bluest Heaven", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 25, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "air", + "illusion", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "mental", + "overflow", + "primal", + "visual" + ], + "entries": [ + "An illusion of a limitless expanse with an impossibly blue sky makes all within feel the sensation of falling... forever. The vision appears in a 20-foot burst within 100 feet. The illusion lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. Using this impulse again ends any previous one.", + "Each creature in the area or that later enters it must attempt a Will save against your class DC. Creatures with the {@trait air} trait are immune. {@trait Any} effect of the illusion ends for a creature as soon as it leaves the illusion's area or the impulse ends, and the creature then becomes temporarily immune for 1 hour.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature is off-guard." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature is off-guard. It is {@condition fleeing} from the illusory sky but is also disoriented; any time it uses an action to attempt to flee, it must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 11} flat check or flee to a space that's still within the illusion. The GM determines where the creatures ends up, but the creature can't stay stationary if it's able to move." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Armor in Earth", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 26, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Stone encases you like armor. The stone armor is medium armor but uses your highest armor proficiency. The stone armor's statistics are: AC Bonus +4; Dex Cap +1; Check Penalty \u20132; Speed Penalty \u201310 feet; Strength 16; Bulk 1; Group plate. You gain its armor specialization effect. Any bonuses, runes, and magical abilities of your actual armor are suppressed, but any runes that could apply to the stone armor are replicated onto it.", + "The stone armor lasts for 10 minutes, and you can {@action Dismiss} this impulse. If you use this impulse again, any existing one ends." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (3rd)": "The armor becomes heavy armor. Its AC Bonus becomes +5, and it gains the bulwark armor trait." + } + }, + { + "name": "Geologic Attunement", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 26, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "You tune to the earth and stone around you, extending your senses through it in rippling waves. You gain tremorsense (imprecise) in your kinetic aura. Once per round, you can {@action Point Out} a creature you can sense with tremorsense as a free action." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (13th)": "The tremorsense becomes precise." + } + }, + { + "name": "Stepping Stones", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 26, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Disks of rock fly to points that you designate to make a new path. You can set them horizontally to make a path across the ground or atop a liquid, or anchor them into a vertical surface to make steps. The path can be up to 20 feet (4 squares) long, and steps can extend up to 10 feet up the side of the surface. All squares must be contiguous and within 60 feet of you. Moving across the path lets a creature ignore difficult terrain and hazardous terrain from the ground beneath it. The disks last until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain the impulse." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (+2)": "Increase the length of the path by 10 feet or the height of the steps by 5 feet, and increase the maximum distance away from you a square can be by 10 feet." + } + }, + { + "name": "Tremor", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 26, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You unleash a small, localized tremor in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 1d8} bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. A creature that critically fails is knocked {@condition prone}. Earth and stone in the area is difficult terrain until the start of your next turn." + ], + "footer": { + "Level (+2)": "The damage increases by {@damage 1d10}." + } + }, + { + "name": "Calcifying Sand", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 26, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "incapacitation", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "trigger": "A creature damages you with an attack using an unarmed attack or a non-reach melee weapon.", + "entries": [ + "Your flesh gives way as you're struck, becoming coarse sand that can magically turn your enemy to stone. You gain resistance equal to your level to physical damage from the triggering attack. The attacking creature must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC. Regardless of the result, that creature can't trigger Calcifying Sand again for 1 hour.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature is {@condition slowed||slowed 1} until the end of its next turn." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature is {@condition petrified} until the end of its next turn." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Igneogenesis", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 26, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You can create a permanent stone object, either sculpting stone pulled directly from your kinetic gate or manipulating earth and stone around you. It must fit within one 5-foot cube that's adjacent to you and on solid ground, and you can make the object large enough to occupy the square. If you create the object underneath you or another willing creature, you cause the target to rise on top of the object; you can't create it under an unwilling creature. This impulse has an unlimited duration, but if you use Igneogenesis again, the object returns to its original location or form. You can spend 1 hour to use Igneogenesis as an exploration activity; in this case, the object is permanent and non-magical.", + "The object can't include any intricate parts or moving pieces. You can attempt a {@skill Crafting} skill check as part of using this impulse to add details to your creation, such as a symbol, short message, or pattern (with the DC determined by the GM). Level (+3) You can add an additional 5-foot cube to the object.", + "Each cube must be contiguous." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Sand Snatcher", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 26, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "A figure of sand with grasping arms arises in an unoccupied square within 30 feet. You can choose to make it Small or Medium size, and it can flank. When the sand snatcher appears, you can have it attempt to {@action Grapple} one creature adjacent to it that's no more than one size larger than it. This {@action Grapple} uses your impulse attack roll instead of an {@skill Athletics} check and shares your multiple attack penalty. The sand snatcher lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute. Each time you Sustain the impulse, you can have the sand snatcher either {@action Grapple} again or {@action Burrow}, {@action Climb}, or {@action Stride} up to 20 feet. Attempts to {@action Escape} its grasp use your class DC.", + "Level (10th) You can also choose Large size.", + "Level (14th) You can also choose Large or Huge size." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Weight of Stone", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 26, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "A packed cloud of thundering boulders descends from the sky, beating down everyone in its path. The rain of stone falls in a cylinder 20 feet in diameter and 80 feet high, and the bottom must be within 120 feet of you. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 4d8} bludgeoning damage and might be pushed downward, depending on its Reflex save against your class DC.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature takes half damage." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature takes full damage and is pushed downward 40 feet without taking falling damage. If it reaches the bottom of the cylinder or the ground, the push ends. If the creature is pushed to the ground, it can't {@action Fly}, levitate, or otherwise leave the ground for 1 round." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As failure, but double damage and the distance the creature is pushed is 80 feet.", + "Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d8}." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Spike Skin", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 27, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You touch a willing creature, causing its skin to harden and form spiky protrusions. The target gains resistance 4 to all physical damage (except adamantine). Whenever a creature damages the target with an unarmed attack or non-reach melee weapon, the attacking creature takes 2 piercing damage.", + "This impulse lasts for 10 minutes, but each time the target takes physical damage, the duration decreases by 1 minute. The target is temporarily immune to this impulse for 1 hour. If you use Spike Skin again, any previous one ends. Level (+2) The resistance and damage each increase by 2." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Swim Through Earth", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 27, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "The earth parts before you, letting you swim through it. You gain a burrow Speed equal to your land Speed and can immediately {@action Burrow} once. You don't gain the ability to breathe while in the earth, so you must hold your breath. The impulse ends at the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. If you're inside the earth when the impulse ends, you immediately return to the surface directly above you, fall {@condition prone} when you reach the surface, and are {@condition slowed||slowed 1} until the end of your next turn.", + "Level (14th) You can burrow through rock and similar dense earthen matter, leaving no tunnels or signs of your passing." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rattle the Earth", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 27, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Striking the ground with the gravity of the deepest rocks, you cause an earthquake. This has the effects of earthquake but comes from you, with an area of a 60-foot cone or an emanation with the same size as your kinetic aura. You and your space are unaffected by the quake. The fissures are only 10 feet deep, and the DC of the flat check for a collapse is 4 higher.", + "Level (16th) Fissures are 20 feet deep, and the DC of the flat check is 2 higher.", + "Level (20th) The fissures and flat check are unchanged from the spell." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rock Rampart", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 27, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Drawing on your connection to the Plane of Earth, you form a wall of rock and earth. This has the effect of wall of stone, but the wall's maximum length is 40 feet. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute.", + "Level (+4) The maximum length of the wall increases by 10 feet, and the Hit Points of each section increase by 5." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Assume Earth's Mantle", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 27, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "Enormous pieces of rock cluster around your body. You can {@action Dismiss} this impulse.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "You become Large if you were smaller. This increases your reach by 5 feet (or by 10 feet if you started out Tiny).", + "You gain a climb Speed equal to your land Speed, but you can use it only to climb surfaces of earthen matter.", + "The armor grants you a +1 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude saves and a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex DCs against attempts to {@action Shove} you, {@action Trip} you, or knock you {@condition prone}.", + "If your Strength is below +4, this armor raises your Strength to +4. If your Strength is +4 or higher, this armor grants you a +1 item bonus to your Strength.", + "If you have the Armor in Earth impulse, you can add its effects to Assume Earth's Mantle." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rebirth in Living Stone", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 27, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "polymorph", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "Rock overflows from within you to consume your form before cracking open to reveal your body transformed into living stone.", + "You gain 40 temporary Hit Points. You're immune to critical hits and precision damage. You can't be pushed, pulled, or tripped while you're standing on earth or stone. Your earth Elemental Blasts deal an additional {@dice 1d10} damage of their normal type.", + "These benefits last until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain them up to 1 minute. After you gain temporary Hit Points from this impulse, you can't do so again for 10 minutes.", + "Level (20th) You gain 50 temporary Hit Points." + ] + }, + { + "name": "The Shattered Mountain Weeps", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 27, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "A massive sphere of rock explodes, unleashing a cataclysm of falling debris and deadly shrapnel. Its destruction falls in a 20-foot burst within 120 feet. Creatures in the area take {@damage 9d10} bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. Those who fail are knocked {@condition prone}. For the next minute, rocks continue to fall, making the area difficult terrain and dealing {@damage 3d10} bludgeoning damage to any creature that ends its turn in the area. If you use this impulse again, any previous one ends.", + "Level (20th) The initial damage is {@dice 10d10}, and the area damage is {@dice 4d10}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Burning Jet", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 28, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "A condensed burst of flame shoots behind you, propelling you forward with its sheer force. {@action Stride} up to 40 feet in a straight line. Movement from this impulse ignores difficult terrain and doesn't trigger reactions.", + "Level (6th) The maximum distance of the {@action Stride} is 60 feet. You can choose to {@action Leap} up to 40 feet in any direction instead of Striding. If you're in the air at the end of this {@action Leap}, you fall normally.", + "Level (10th) As 6th level, but you hover briefly after leaping into the air. If you {@action Leap}, you don't fall until the end of your next turn. If you use Burning Jet again on a subsequent turn, you remain airborne." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Eternal Torch", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 28, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "light", + "manipulate", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You open a connection to your kinetic gate, large enough for a torch flame to flow. You create a magical, torch-like flame within 120 feet in any color you choose. It's as bright and hot as a torch.", + "You can have it orbit a target willing creature or emit from a target object that's unattended or attended by a willing creature.", + "If you create a flame on a weapon, you still need to use it as an improvised weapon to attack with the flame, just as with a torch.", + "The flame has an unlimited duration. You can have a maximum number of Eternal Torches equal to your Constitution modifier, and you can {@action Dismiss} each torch individually.", + "Level (8th) All your torches\u2014even ones you already created\u2014 shed bright light in a 60-foot radius (and dim light for the next 60 feet)." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Flying Flame", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 28, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "A Tiny shape of flame appears, taking a form of your choice\u2014 such as a bird, an arrow, or a simple sphere. It Flies from you up to 30 feet in a path you choose. Each creature it passes through takes {@damage 1d6} fire damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature attempts only one save, even if the flame passes through it multiple times. Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Scorching Column", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 28, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "With an upward gesture, you shape a vertical column of extreme heat. The cylinder is 10 feet in diameter and 30 feet high, and the bottom must be within 60 feet of you. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 1d6} fire damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC.", + "The flame remains briefly, making all squares in the column hazardous terrain until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute. A creature takes 1 fire damage each time it moves into one of these squares. Level (+3) The initial damage increases by {@damage 1d6}, and the hazardous terrain damage increases by 2." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Blazing Wave", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 28, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Flames flow out of you in a cascade, engulfing everyone in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 4d6} fire damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that critically fails its save is knocked {@condition prone}. Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Thermal Nimbus", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 28, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "You direct waves of warmth into or out of your kinetic gate to drastically shift the temperature around you. Choose cold or fire. You and allies in your kinetic aura gain resistance equal to your level to damage of that type. Any creature that starts its turn in your kinetic aura or moves into your aura during its turn takes damage equal to half your level of the chosen type.", + "Elemental resistance from a gate junction is cumulative with resistance from Thermal Nimbus." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Crawling Fire", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 28, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You mimic the motions of a beast of your devising, and it becomes real, with a flaming pelt and searing claws. It is Small and appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet. You can sense from the crawling fire's space as well as your own, using your senses. When you use a fire impulse, you can have it originate from the crawling fire instead of you (with the exception of impulses that affect your kinetic aura). The creation lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. Each time you Sustain it, you can have the crawling fire {@action Stride} up to 40 feet. The crawling fire can be attacked. It uses your statistics for defenses but is immune to fire. Any damage that would be dealt to the crawling fire is dealt to you instead, though you take damage only once from any ability that includes both you and the creation in the area of effect. If you use Crawling Fire again, any previous one ends. Level (8th) The fire can be Small or Medium.", + "Level (10th) The fire can be Small, Medium, or Large.", + "Level (14th) The fire can be Small, Medium, Large, or Huge." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Volcanic Escape", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 28, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "trigger": "An enemy in your kinetic aura damages you.", + "entries": [ + "Lava reflexively explodes underneath you and the creature that hurt you. The triggering enemy takes {@damage 1d6} fire damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. You {@action Leap} up to half your Speed in any direction; this movement doesn't trigger reactions.", + "Level (+4) The damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kindle Inner Flames", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 29, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "As a candle can light another, you awaken the latent potential to channel fire in other creatures. You shed faint, glowing embers, as do your allies while they're in your kinetic aura. Anyone shedding these embers gains a +1 status bonus to Reflex saves and {@skill Acrobatics} checks and can {@action Step} as a free action once per round. When an affected creature takes a move action, its Strikes deal an extra 2 fire damage until the end of its turn.", + "Level (12th) The status bonus to Reflex saves and {@skill Acrobatics} checks is +2, and the Strikes gain the flaming rune instead of the extra 2 fire damage." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Solar Detonation", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 29, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "incapacitation", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "vitality" + ], + "entries": [ + "Blinding flames explode in a swirling sphere! The detonation fills a 20-foot burst within 60 feet of you. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 6d6} fire damage, plus {@damage 2d6} vitality damage if it has void healing, and can become {@condition dazzled} or {@condition blinded} depending on the result of its Reflex save. The light from Solar Detonation is sunlight for creatures with a particular vulnerability to sunlight.", + "Each creature that attempts a save becomes temporarily immune to being {@condition dazzled} or {@condition blinded} by Solar Detonation for 10 minutes, but not the impulse's other effects.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature takes half damage and is {@condition dazzled} until the start of your next turn." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature takes full damage and is {@condition blinded} until the start of your next turn." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature takes double damage and is {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Level (+2) Increase the fire damage by {@dice 1d6} and the vitality damage by {@dice 1d6}." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Architect of Flame", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 29, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Flames rise and shape to your will, forming a wall or dome of your design. You create a wall of fire. In addition to the normal choices, you can make the wall up to 10 feet long and 60 feet high. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute.", + "Level (+3) The damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Furnace Form", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 29, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "polymorph", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Opening your kinetic gate, you allow flames to consume your form and leave you a living flame. You gain the benefits of the {@spell fiery body} spell (except the ability to cast ignition) until the end of your next turn. You can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute, and when you do, you can {@action Fly} up to half your fly Speed. Your fire Elemental Blasts deal an additional die of damage.", + "Level (16th) This duration is 1 minute, you can't Sustain the impulse, and you can {@action Dismiss} the impulse." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Walk Through the Conflagration", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 29, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "teleportation" + ], + "entries": [ + "You fall through your own kinetic gate, leaving behind an effigy of flame and reappearing majestically near another fire.", + "You instantly transport yourself, and any items you're wearing and holding, from your current space to a clear space within 120 feet you can observe that's adjacent to an open flame or a creature taking {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. If this would bring another creature with you\u2014even if you're carrying it in an extradimensional container\u2014the action fails. A whorl of fire surrounds you in a 5-foot emanation either before you depart or after you arrive. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 4d6} fire damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC.", + "Level (+3) The fire damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "All Shall End in Flames", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 29, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "death", + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "White-hot fire consumes everything in a cataclysmic sphere of death. The fire fills your choice of a 30-foot burst within 500 feet or a 30-foot emanation. This deals {@damage 13d6} fire damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Any creature dropped to 0 HP by this fire dies, reduced to a pile of ash.", + "If you die to this impulse, you return to life at the start of your next turn in the same space. When you return, you have Hit Points equal to double your level.", + "Level (20th) The damage is {@dice 15d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ignite the Sun", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 29, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "light", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "The fires of creation become yours to control. You create a miniature sun in a 5-foot burst within 500 feet. A creature takes {@damage 7d6} fire damage any time it's in the miniature sun, with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature can take this damage no more than once per round. The sun sheds bright light in a 500-foot emanation (and dim light for another 500 feet); this is sunlight for creatures with a particular vulnerability to sunlight.", + "The sun lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. The first time you Sustain the impulse each round, you can choose to increase the size of the sun's burst by 5 feet, then make it {@action Fly} up to 30 feet. The sun can move through creatures, damaging them as described above.", + "The sun continually channels fire into you and your allies. You and each of your allies within the sun's light deal an additional {@damage 1d6} fire damage with all Strikes, spells that deal fire damage, and impulses that deal fire damage (except for Ignite the Sun itself). These aren't cumulative with multiple suns." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Flashforge", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 30, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "An artificial metal object forms in the hands of you or a willing ally within 30 feet. You can choose a level 0, common, handheld weapon or piece of adventuring gear of 1 Bulk or less. The item is entirely made from metal, making some items impossible or impractical to use (if it's unclear, the GM decides). You can make items with simple moving parts or magnetism, like a compass, poor lock, or merchant's scale. The item lasts for 10 minutes, but each time it's used, the user must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 5} flat check or the item is destroyed after the action is completed." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Magnetic Pinions", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 30, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Small pieces of metal fly from you, propelled with magnetism at great velocity. Make ranged impulse attack rolls against up to three creatures within 60 feet of you; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll against any target wearing metal armor or made of metal. All three attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but it doesn't increase until after all the attacks. The metal pieces deal {@damage 1d4} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 1d4} piercing damage on a hit (or double damage on a critical hit). Level (+2) Each type of damage increases by {@damage 1d4}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Metal Carapace", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 30, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Sheets of bent and rusted metal cover you in an armored shell. The carapace is medium armor but uses your highest armor proficiency. The carapace's statistics are: AC Bonus +3; Dex Cap +2; Check Penalty \u20132; Speed Penalty \u20135 feet; Strength 14; Bulk 2; Group plate; Armor Traits noisy. Any bonuses, runes, and magical abilities of your actual armor are suppressed, but any that could apply to the metal carapace are replicated onto it.", + "When you use this impulse, you can also create a rusty steel shield in a free hand, which uses the statistics of a regular steel shield. You can Shield Block with this shield even if you don't have that feat. The hand wielding this shield counts as a free hand for using impulses. The shield crumbles to flakes of rust if it becomes {@condition broken} or leaves your grasp.", + "The impulse lasts for 10 minutes, and you can {@action Dismiss} this impulse. If you use this impulse again, any existing one ends.", + "The metal is rusted and fragile. If you take damage from a critical hit, the metal shatters and the impulse ends. Level (+3) The shield's Hardness increases by 1, its HP by 4, and its BT by 2." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shard Strike", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 30, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Jagged metal shards form in the air and lash out from you. You choose shards or spines, which changes the area, damage type, and critical failure effect. Each creature in the area attempts a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Shards deal {@damage 1d6} slashing damage in a 15-foot cone, and a creature that critically fails takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}. Spines deal {@damage 1d6} piercing damage in a 30-foot line, and a creature that critically fails is {@condition clumsy||clumsy 1} until the start of your next turn.", + "Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Magnetic Field", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 30, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "A magnetic field surrounds you. Choose a polarity when you take this action. You can switch the polarity as a free action at the start of each of your turns while you remain in this stance.", + "Attract A creature that is wearing metal armor, has the metal trait, or is made of metal treats squares in your kinetic aura as difficult terrain when moving away from you. You pull unattended metal objects of light Bulk or less in your kinetic aura to you. They gather in your space and move with you.", + "Repel A creature that is wearing metal armor, has the metal trait, or is made of metal treats squares in your kinetic aura as difficult terrain when moving closer to you. You push unattended metal objects of light Bulk or less in your kinetic aura away. They stop moving once they're outside your aura." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Plate in Treasure", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 30, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Precious metal flows from your fingers to plate an object. This has the effects of a clad in metal spell (page 142) with a rank equal to half your level rounded up. While you're wearing or holding an item of light Bulk or greater that's Plated in Treasure, any metal created by one of your impulses is plated with the metal. If you use Plate in Treasure again, any previous one ends." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Consume Power", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 30, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "trigger": "You would take acid, electricity, fire, or sonic damage.", + "entries": [ + "You absorb energy and hold it in your kinetic gate. You gain resistance equal to your level to the triggering damage\u2014choose one eligible type of resistance. If this reaction prevents any damage, you gain a status bonus equal to half your level to the damage roll of the next metal impulse you use before the end of your next turn." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Scrap Barricade", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 30, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "metal", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Ragged pieces of metal weld together into a ramshackle structure. The barricade is up to 30 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1/2 inch thick. It must form in a straight line in an unbroken open space that doesn't pass through any creatures or objects, or the impulse fails. Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of the wall has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 20 Hit Points, and it's immune to critical hits and precision damage. If any section is destroyed, the entire wall collapses, and each creature adjacent to the wall takes {@damage 2d8} slashing damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute.", + "Level (+2) The maximum length of the wall increases by 10 feet, the HP of each section increases by 10, and the damage when it's destroyed increases by {@dice 1d8}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Conductive Sphere", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 31, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "electricity", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "A floating metal ball forms in a space within 30 feet, flashing with electricity. It can't be targeted or damaged. Any of your allies adjacent to it gain resistance to electricity equal to your level and add the shock rune to all their Strikes with metal objects. The sphere lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. When you conjure the sphere and the first time you Sustain the impulse on subsequent rounds, you can either have it {@action Fly} up to 20 feet or deal {@damage 1d12} electricity damage to an adjacent creature with a basic Reflex save against your class DC." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Retch Rust", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 31, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You exhale tendrils formed from flakes of rusted metal. All creatures in a 30-foot cone take {@damage 4d10} slashing damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. A metal creature that fails its save also takes {@damage 2d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent slashing damage}.", + "Heightened (+2) The cloud's slashing damage increases by {@damage 1d10} and the {@condition persistent damage} increases by {@damage 1d4}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rain of Razors", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 31, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Razor-sharp slivers of metal fall from the sky. Each creature in a 20-foot burst within 60 feet takes {@damage 9d6} slashing damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. The razors embed in all surfaces in the area, making them hazardous terrain for 1 minute. A creature that moves through this hazardous terrain takes 3 slashing damage for every square of the area it moves into.", + "Level (+2) The initial damage increases by {@damage 1d6} and the hazardous terrain damage increases by 1." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shattershields", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 31, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "Four plates of pitted metal float around you to intercept attacks. You and allies in your kinetic aura gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC. When any creature with this bonus would take damage from a physical attack, one of the plates reduces the damage by its Hardness of 5. If the damage exceeds the Hardness, that plate is destroyed. You can replenish all destroyed plates as a single action that has the {@trait concentrate} trait.", + "Level (+2) The Hardness increases by 1." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Alloy Flesh and Steel", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 31, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "metal", + "polymorph", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Elemental energy replaces every cell of your body with raw metal. You gain the benefits of the ferrous form spell (except you can't cast needle darts; see page 142) until the end of your next turn. You can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute, and when you do, you can Raise a metal Shield if you're wielding one. Your metal Elemental Blasts deal an additional die of damage. If you suspend any conditions with Alloy Flesh and Steel, when it ends, you're temporarily immune to Alloy Flesh and Steel for 1 hour.", + "Level (16th) The resistance is 15." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Beasts of Slumbering Steel", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 31, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You conjure metal elemental mounts made of interlocking metal pieces. Target up to 5 Medium or smaller willing creatures within 30 feet. Large mounts appear underneath them, and the targets can immediately {@action Mount} the creatures. Each mount can take four different forms. One form has only a land Speed of 80 feet, and the other forms each have a land Speed of 30 feet with a climb, fly, or swim Speed of 60 feet. Each rider chooses the initial form and can change the form as a single action, which has the concentration trait. The mounts have AC 40, Fortitude +30, Reflex +30, Will +25, and 180 Hit Points. They're mindless and immune to bleed, healing, {@condition paralyzed}, poison, and sleep. They can't attack.", + "They remain for 1 minute or until you use this impulse again. You can use this impulse as a 1-minute exploration activity to make the duration 1 hour, but this halves the mounts' defenses and HP." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Hell of 1,000,000 Needles", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 31, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "The landscape fills with monumental filaments of metal. The needles lance into a cube 30 feet on a side within 500 feet. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 13d6} piercing damage, with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Each creature that fails its save is impaled, becoming {@condition immobilized} until it Escapes (the DC is your class DC); a creature that critically failed is also off-guard as long as it's impaled. The hell remains until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. Using this impulse again ends any previous one. The first time you Sustain it each round, lightning crisscrosses the needles. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 3d12} electricity damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Squares in the area are hazardous terrain. A creature takes 6 piercing damage for every square of the area it moves through.", + "Level (20th) The initial damage is {@dice 17d6}, and the hazardous terrain damage is 7." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Deflecting Wave", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 32, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "trigger": "You would take acid, bludgeoning, fire, or slashing damage from an enemy's attack, spell, or other {@condition hostile} effect.", + "requirements": "You're aware of the {@condition hostile} effect, and you aren't off-guard against it.", + "entries": [ + "A cascade of water blunts or disperses the incoming attack. You gain resistance to damage from the triggering effect equal to your level if it's bludgeoning or slashing, or double your level if it's acid or fire damage. If the effect deals more than one applicable type of damage, apply the highest resistance, but apply it only once." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ocean's Balm", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 32, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "healing", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "primal", + "vitality", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "A blessing of the living sea salves wounds and douses flames. Touch a willing living creature. It regains {@dice 1d8} Hit Points and gains resistance 2 to fire for 1 minute. If it has {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}, it can attempt a flat check to remove it with especially appropriate help. The target is temporarily immune to healing from Ocean's Balm for 10 minutes. Level (+2) The healing increases by {@dice 1d8}, and the resistance increases by 1." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Tidal Hands", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 32, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "With an emphatic gesture, you create waves that rush out from you in the shape of your hands. You either form two 15-foot cones that don't overlap or you combine the hands into one 30-foot cone. Each creature in a wave takes {@damage 1d8} bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. If a creature critically fails, you also push that creature 5 feet.", + "Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d8}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Winter's Clutch", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 32, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "cold", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "Gleaming flakes of chilling snow fall in a 10-foot burst within 60 feet. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 2d4} cold damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. The ground in the area is covered in a snow drift, which is difficult terrain.", + "Each square of the drift lasts until it melts, either naturally or until fire damage is dealt in that square.", + "Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d4}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Return to the Sea", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 32, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "morph", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "You adapt a creature to living and moving in water. Target a willing creature within 30 feet. For 10 minutes, it gains the effects of a {@spell feet to fins} spell, can breathe water, and gets a +1 status bonus to AC and saves against any creature with the amphibious, {@trait aquatic}, or {@trait water} trait. In addition, its attacks ignore the effects water normally has on bludgeoning and slashing attacks. If you use Return to the Sea again, any existing one ends.", + "Level (6th) You can target up to 5 willing creatures." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Winter Sleet", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 32, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "cold", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "Bone-chilling, swirling sleet surrounds you, cruel as deepest winter. Surfaces in your kinetic aura are coated in slippery ice. A creature that moves on this uneven ground immediately falls unless it Balances (DC 15). A creature is off-guard on the ice, as normal for uneven ground. You're immune to these effects.", + "If a creature on the ice is critically hit by one of your water impulses or critically fails at a save against one, that creature is {@condition slowed||slowed 1} until the end of its next turn." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Driving Rain", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 32, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "Heavy drops of rain batter down, hitting like sling stones and impeding vision. Each creature in a 15-foot burst within 120 feet takes {@damage 3d8} bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Until the start of your next turn, all creatures are {@condition concealed} while in the area, and all creatures outside the area are {@condition concealed} to creatures within it.", + "Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d8}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Torrent in the Blood", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 32, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "healing", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "overflow", + "primal", + "vitality", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "A healing wave splashes across creatures in a 30-foot cone, its cleansing water driving afflictions from the body. Each creature in the area regains {@dice 3d8} Hit Points and can attempt a new save against one poison or disease affliction affecting it; on a failed save, the condition doesn't worsen. Each creature that benefited from this impulse becomes temporarily immune to Torrent in the Blood for 10 minutes. Level (+2) The healing increases by {@dice 1d8}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Call the Hurricane", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 32, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "Massive waves spiral around you, with you as the eye of the hurricane. The waves appear in a 20-foot emanation, or a 30-foot emanation if you're in a body of water. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 6d8} bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that fails its save is battered by the waves and pushed 10 feet (or 20 feet on a critical failure). Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d8}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Impenetrable Fog", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 33, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "overflow", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "Fog condenses in a chaotic, swirling pattern, thick enough that it seems to push back against you. You call forth a fog bank in a 10-foot burst within 120 feet. All creatures in the fog are {@condition concealed}, and all creatures outside the fog become {@condition concealed} to creatures within it. The fog is so magically dense it impedes movement, making the area difficult terrain. The fog lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute.", + "Level (+3) You can make the radius of the burst larger. Increase its maximum size by 5 feet." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Glacial Prison", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 33, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "cold", + "impulse", + "incapacitation", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "Intense cold swirls around your foe, covering it in frost that slows it down and turns its body to ice. Target a creature you can observe within 120 feet. It must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The target is unaffected." + ], + "Success": [ + "The target is {@condition slowed||slowed 1} until the end of its next turn." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The target is frozen solid. It can't act, its AC is 9, it has Hardness 5, and it's immune to other {@trait cold} effects, critical hits, and precision damage. This lasts until the end of your next turn, but if the target is affected by a {@condition hostile} action, this effect ends immediately after that action." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As failure, but after becoming unfrozen, the creature is {@condition slowed||slowed 1} until the end of its next turn." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Sea Glass Guardians", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 33, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "Eerily beautiful elemental water beings race around you, eager to protect and heal you and your allies. Their forms vary and might include eels formed of undulating water or ice crystals whirling in the shape of a jellyfish. The guardians flow around combatants and don't occupy a space. They attempt to intercept all dangers, granting you and your allies within your kinetic aura a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws.", + "If any creature affected is critically hit or critically fails at a saving throw against an attack, effect from an enemy, or hazard and remains above 0 HP, the guardians reach out to heal that creature. The creature regains {@dice 4d8+8} Hit Points, and the impulse ends. If the creature is in water, the healing dice are d10s instead of d8s.", + "Level (+3) The healing increases by {@dice 1d8+4}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Barrier of Boreal Frost", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 33, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "cold", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "overflow", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "You form an intricate structure of ice, such as a wall of bricks made of packed snow or a screen of enormous icicles. This has the effect of a {@spell wall of ice} spell with a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. It can only be a wall (not a hemisphere), and you choose whether the ice is transparent or opaque. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ride the Tsunami", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 33, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "Booming, crashing walls of water, enough to fill a harbor, smash out ahead of you, overwhelming all in their path. The waves move forward in your choice of a 60-foot cone or 120-foot line. If you're in water, you can increase these waves to a 90-foot cone or 180-foot line. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 10d10} bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that fails its save is pushed 20 feet (or 40 feet on a critical failure). Any unattended object of 1 Bulk or less in the area is pushed to the far edge of the area. The sheer mass of water extinguishes all non-magical flames in the area.", + "As the wave crashes down, you can catch it to your destination. After the impulse deals damage, you can {@action Swim} in a straight line to any point in its area before the water disappears." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Usurp the Lunar Reins", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 33, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "The moon has always been connected to the tides, and now you can grasp that connection. You can create massive amounts of water and control these tides, subverting even the moon's sovereignty over the oceans and seas. Choose an area 50 feet long by 50 feet wide within 500 feet, and choose two different effects from the options provided below. The effects take place in the listed order.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "Flood You create a pool of pure, clean water in the area, which coalesces from ambient moisture. This water must be created on a surface\u2014not in air\u2014and flows normally.", + "Control You tug on the moon to raise or lower the level of bodies of water in the area by 10 feet. If you control a portion of a larger body of water, the water then equalizes normally.", + "Modulate With a wave of your hand, you create or smooth ripples, making all bodies of water in the area either calm or turbulent. Making it calm turns difficult terrain or greater difficult terrain to calm water, and making it turbulent turns calm water into difficult terrain.", + "Slow By exercising your rightful control over all water, each creature with the {@trait water} trait in the area must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be {@condition slowed||slowed 1} (or {@condition slowed||slowed 2} on a critical failure). Flood and control are permanent and non-magical. Modulate and slow last until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain the impulse to continue them." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Fresh Produce", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 34, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "healing", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "plant", + "primal", + "vitality", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "You grow a nourishing nut, vegetable, seed, or fruit. Choose a creature in your kinetic aura. The produce grows in their open hand, or at their feet if they have no open hands. The produce has light Bulk. A creature can eat it with an {@action Interact} action to regain {@dice 1d4+1} HP; this is a healing vitality effect. The creature feels full for 10 minutes, during which it has resistance 2 to void damage and can't eat another piece of produce. Produce not consumed by the start of your next turn withers away.", + "Level (+2) The healing increases by {@dice 1d4+5}, and the resistance increases by 2." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Hail of Splinters", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 34, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "A fusillade of jagged splinters flies from you. Creatures in a 30-foot cone take {@damage 1d4} piercing damage and {@damage 1d4} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage} with a basic Reflex save against your class DC.", + "Level (+2) Each type of damage increases by {@damage 1d4}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Hardwood Armor", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 34, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "Wood and bark grow over your body like armor. This hardwood armor is medium armor but uses your highest armor proficiency.", + "The wooden armor's statistics are: AC Bonus +3; Dex Cap +2; Check Penalty \u20132; Speed Penalty \u20135 feet; Strength 14; Bulk 1; Group wood TV. Any bonuses, runes, and magical abilities of your actual armor are suppressed, but any runes that could apply to the hardwood armor are replicated onto it. When you use this impulse, you can also create a wooden shield in a free hand. You can Shield Block with this shield even if you don't have that feat. The hand wielding this shield counts as a free hand for using impulses. The shield decays in an instant if it becomes {@condition broken} or leaves your grasp.", + "The armor lasts for 10 minutes, and you can {@action Dismiss} this impulse. If you use this impulse again, any existing one ends. Level (+3) The shield's Hardness increases by 1, its HP by 4, and its BT by 2." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Timber Sentinel", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 34, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "plant", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "A slim, symmetrical tree travels from the Plane of Wood. You conjure a tree within 30 feet, as a protector tree SoM spell of a rank equal to half your level rounded up. If you use this impulse again, any previous one ends, and an ordinary tree remains." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ravel of Thorns", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 34, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "plant", + "primal", + "stance", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "Thorny vines grow in geometric patterns on surfaces in your kinetic aura. A creature that starts its turn in the thorns takes a \u201310-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the area. The thorns are hazardous terrain. A creature takes 2 piercing damage each time it moves into one of these squares.", + "If any square the thorns grow on is water or soil, double the hazardous terrain damage for all thorns. If you move, the thorns disappear; new thorns grow at the end of your turn. Level (+4) The damage increases by 1." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Tumbling Lumber", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 34, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "A slew of logs eject from the Plane of Wood and slam into your enemies. They roll in a 10-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line. Non-magical difficult terrain on any ground the logs roll over is smashed flat; greater difficult terrain remains. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 2d8} bludgeoning damage and might be moved by the logs, depending on its Reflex save against your class DC.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature takes half damage." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature takes full damage and is pushed out of the line in the most direct path available." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature takes double damage and is knocked {@condition prone}. Level (+3) The damage increases by {@damage 1d8}." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Dash of Herbs", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 34, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "healing", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "plant", + "primal", + "vitality", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "A small cloud of medicinal herbs heal a creature. The type of herbs depends on which malady you decide to treat: {@condition confused}, disease, poison, {@condition sickened}, or injuries. Target one living creature within 30 feet, who regains {@dice 2d8+4} HP and can attempt a new save against one malady of the chosen kind. If you chose injuries, instead increase the healing dice to d10s. The creature becomes temporarily immune to Dash of Herbs for 10 minutes.", + "Alternatively, you can add the herbs to a dish of food being prepared for up to six people. Creatures who partake in the meal gain the benefits. The herbs' {@trait healing} effects wear off if not eaten within an hour, though their flavor remains.", + "Level (+2) The healing increases by {@dice 1d8}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Wooden Palisade", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 34, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "overflow", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "Planks of wood, embellished with carvings, spring forth to form a wall. The palisade is up to 30 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 inch thick. It must form in a straight line in an unbroken open space that doesn't pass through any creatures or objects, or the impulse fails. When you create the wall, you can choose to create ledges on one side of the wall, 4 feet from the top, with ladders reaching to them from the bottom of the wall.", + "Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of the wall has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 20 Hit Points, and is immune to critical hits and precision damage. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute.", + "Level (+2) The maximum length of the wall increases by 10 feet, and the HP of each section increase by 10." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Drifting Pollen", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 35, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "plant", + "primal", + "stance", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "A haze of pollen floats around you. A creature in your kinetic aura when you enter the stance, or who later enters the aura or ends its turn in the aura, attempts at a Fortitude save against your class DC. On a failure, it's {@condition sickened||sickened 1} ({@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical failure) and {@condition dazzled} until it's no longer {@condition sickened}. A creature attempts this save no more than once per round and doesn't attempt a new save if already affected." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Sanguivolent Roots", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 35, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "plant", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "Blood-drinking vines grow from the ground in a 15-foot burst within 120 feet. Each living enemy in the area has its blood {@condition drained}, taking {@damage 3d6} piercing damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. Each time the vines drink blood, living creatures in the area who aren't your enemies regain HP equal to half the damage a single creature took; calculate this using the highest damage a single creature took. This is a healing vitality effect. Your enemies with void healing in the area take vitality damage in the same amount as the healing.", + "The vines last until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse. The first time you Sustain the impulse on subsequent turns, you can repeat the effect.", + "Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Hedge Maze", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 35, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "manipulate", + "overflow", + "plant", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "You sculpt a manicured maze of hedges. You create a wall of shrubs (page 199) in a square 30 feet on a side, with 15-foot- high walls. You can place up to four more walls inside, each 10 feet wide and 15 feet high. The hedge lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute.", + "You can spend 10 minutes using this impulse as an exploration activity to instead create a cozy cabin with hedges for walls. It lasts for 12 hours, but ends if you use the impulse again." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Witchwood Seed", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 35, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "plant", + "polymorph", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "You touch a creature to implant a malignant seed in its body. The creature takes {@damage 5d10} piercing damage and other effects depending on its Fortitude save against your class DC. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. Creatures with the fungus, plant, or wood trait are immune.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature takes half damage and takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to all its Speeds until the end of its next turn." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The target takes full damage and is {@condition clumsy||clumsy 2} and {@condition immobilized} until the end of its next turn." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The target takes double damage and is {@condition clumsy||clumsy 2} and {@condition immobilized}. It attempts a new save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect if it succeeds.", + "Level (+4) The damage increases by {@damage 1d10}." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Orchard's Endurance", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 35, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "plant", + "primal", + "stance", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "Patches of bark appear on the skin of you and your nearby allies. You and your allies in your kinetic aura gain resistance 5 to bludgeoning and piercing damage. In addition, you and your affected allies roll flat checks to recover from {@condition persistent damage} twice and take the higher result; this is a {@trait fortune} effect.", + "Level (+4) The resistance increases by 2." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rouse the Forest's Fury", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 35, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "plant", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "Terrifying trees attack your enemies. Three Large trees appear in unoccupied spaces within 500 feet, at least 15 feet from one another. Each tree has AC 40, Fortitude +33, Reflex +24, Will +30, and 200 HP. The trees can flank, but are unable to move.", + "When the trees appear, each makes a {@action Strike}; they share a multiple attack penalty. The tree's melee {@action Strike} is a branch that has reach 10 feet; on a hit, the target is {@condition grabbed} by the tree ({@action Escape} DC 40). The ranged {@action Strike} is a hurled fruit, gourd, seed, or stone with a range increment of 60 feet. Either {@action Strike} has a +30 attack modifier and deals {@damage 4d10+9} bludgeoning damage.", + "The trees last until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse. Each time you Sustain the impulse, you can have one tree make a {@action Strike}.", + "Level (20th) The attack modifier is +32 and the {@action Strike} damage is {@dice 5d10+9}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Turn the Wheel of Seasons", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 35, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 18, + "traits": [ + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "The seasons shift rapidly. This impulse affects a cube 100 feet in each dimension within 1,000 feet. Choose the starting season. The impulse lasts for 4 rounds, proceeding to the next season at the start of each of your turns. You can't use this impulse again until the previous one ends. Spring Each ally in the cube gains 20 temporary HP that last until the start of your next turn. Any {@condition dying} ally rolls a recovery check, but can't get worse than a success.", + "Summer (light) Each enemy in the area is exposed to sunlight and must attempt a Reflex save against your class DC. It's unaffected on a critical success, dazed until the start of your next turn on a success, or {@condition blinded} until the start of your next turn on a failure.", + "Autumn Leaves and rain make everything in the area {@condition concealed} until the start of your next turn, and a cold wind makes each enemy in the area {@condition slowed||slowed 1} until the start of your next turn unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save against your class DC.", + "Winter Each enemy in the aura takes {@damage 5d6} cold damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that fails its save also takes {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent cold damage}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ambush Bladderwort", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 36, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "composite", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "plant", + "primal", + "water", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "You plant the seed of a giant bladderwort in an unoccupied square of ground or water within 30 feet. It lasts for 10 minutes.", + "Using this impulse again ends any previous one. If a creature enters its square, the seed erupts into a voluminous, translucent plant that seals tight around the triggering creature and fills with water. Unless the creature succeeds at a Reflex save against your class DC, it's {@condition immobilized} within the bladderwort and must hold its breath or begin drowning. The {@action Escape} DC is also your class DC. The plant has AC 10 and 50 Hit Points.", + "If a creature dies inside it, the plant shrinks down, converting itself and the remains into a watery fruit. A creature can eat this consumable to regain {@dice 1d8+4} HP, after which that creature is temporarily immune for 10 minutes. This fruit rots after 1 hour.", + "Level (+4) The bladderwort's HP increase by 25 and the fruit's healing increases by {@dice 1d8+4}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Lava Leap", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 36, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "composite", + "earth", + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You wreath yourself in molten stone and hurtle toward your enemy. {@action Leap} up to your Speed. At the end of your {@action Leap}, a wave of lava crashes onto all creatures in a 10-foot emanation. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 1d6} bludgeoning damage and {@damage 2d6} fire damage, with a basic Reflex save against your class DC.", + "The cooling remains of the lava form a temporary protective shell around you, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.", + "Level (+3) Each type of damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Living Bonfire", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 36, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "composite", + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "Roots and branches of living wood writhe in elemental fire at your command, forming a bonfire fearsome enough to scare off predators in the night. You conjure a bonfire in an unoccupied 10-foot-square space within 30 feet. The bonfire burns for 10 hours, providing all the benefits of a normal campfire. If you use this impulse again, any previous one ends.", + "When you make a wood ranged {@action Elemental Blast|RoE}, you can have it come from the bonfire instead of you, flinging burning logs. This blast deals an additional {@damage 1d6} fire damage. Each time you do this, the size of the bonfire is reduced by one 5-foot square. If all the squares are removed, the impulse ends.", + "Level (+5) The fire damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rain of Rust", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 36, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "composite", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "You conjure a red raincloud in a 10-foot burst within 60 feet, which pours rust-colored rain directly below it. Any creature in the rain with the metal trait, that is made of metal, or is wearing metal armor is covered in corrosive build-up. Any such creature is {@condition clumsy||clumsy 1} as long as it remains in the area. If such a creature is in the rain at the start of its turn, it takes {@dice 3d6} damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC, plus {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage} if it fails. Damage from this impulse ignores Hardness. Level (+2) The initial damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Whirling Grindstone", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 36, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "attack", + "composite", + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "A whirling grindstone made of flint appears in an unoccupied square within 30 feet. The grindstone shreds flesh and shoots sparks. Attempt an impulse attack roll against the AC of a creature adjacent to the grindstone. On a hit, the creature takes {@damage 2d6} slashing damage and {@damage 1d6} fire damage (or double damage on a critical hit). The grindstone lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute. On subsequent turns, the first time you Sustain the impulse that turn, you can roll the grindstone up to 20 feet and can repeat the attack.", + "A creature within reach of the grindstone can {@action Interact} with it to sharpen a metal weapon. This grants a +2 circumstance bonus to the next damage roll made with that weapon within 1 minute.", + "Level (+5) The grindstone's damage increases by {@damage 1d6} slashing and {@damage 1d6} fire, and the bonus to weapons increases by 1." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ash Strider", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 36, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "air", + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "polymorph", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You discorporate into a cloud of whirling ash and {@action Stride}. If you have a fly Speed, you can {@action Fly} instead. This movement doesn't trigger reactions, you can move through occupied spaces and tiny cracks, and you ignore any difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain that wouldn't impede smoke. The first creature you pass through during this movement takes {@damage 3d6} fire damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Ash lingers around you after your movement is complete, granting you concealment until the start of your next turn.", + "Level (+2) The damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Desert Wind", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 36, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "air", + "composite", + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance" + ], + "entries": [ + "A vortex of sand and dust surrounds you. Each creature inside your kinetic aura (including you) is {@condition concealed} from any creature outside your kinetic aura, and creatures outside the aura are {@condition concealed} from creatures inside the aura other than you.", + "Your air impulses carry sands that cut at great speed. When you use a damaging air impulse that affects at least one creature in your kinetic aura, that impulse deals 1 additional slashing damage, or 2 if the impulse has a single target.", + "Level (+2) The extra damage increases by 1, or 2 if the impulse has a single target." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elemental Artillery", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 36, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "composite", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "Spinning wood and metal together, you create a rugged wooden ballista. The ballista is Medium and appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet. It immediately shoots a bolt with a jagged tip of elemental metal. Make an impulse attack roll against the AC of a target within 120 feet. The target takes {@damage 3d12} piercing damage on a hit (or double damage on a critical hit). The ballista can be shot again, but it must first be reloaded with two {@action Interact} actions. The ballista lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse. Each time you Sustain it, you can roll the ballista up to 20 feet, shoot it if it's loaded, or contribute 1 action toward reloading it.", + "Level (+3) The damage increases by {@damage 1d12}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Jagged Berms", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 37, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "composite", + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "You conjure up to six cube-shaped mounds of packed earth. Each appears in an unoccupied square within 120 feet, fills its square, and provides cover. A mound has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 20 HP, and is immune to critical hits and precision damage.", + "If destroyed, a mound becomes difficult terrain. The mounds last for an unlimited duration, but if you use the impulse again, any previous one ends.", + "Sharpened wooden stakes protrude from each mound into adjacent squares. They can project from any of its sides; you choose which sides for each mound. For each square of wooden stakes a creature enters, that creature takes {@damage 2d6} piercing damage. Destroying a mound also destroys its stakes. Level (+2) The HP of each section of the wall increases by 10, and the piercing damage increases by {@damage 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Lightning Rod", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 37, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "air", + "composite", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "You smash a metal rod into your foe and call lightning to it. Attempt a 1-action melee {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} using the metal element. On a hit, the target is skewered with a metal rod, which gives it a \u20131 circumstance penalty to AC and saves against electricity; the penalty is \u20132 if the creature also has the metal trait, is made of metal, or is wearing metal armor. A hit creature immediately takes {@damage 1d12} electricity damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. The creature can {@action Interact} to attempt a DC 10 {@skill Athletics} check to pull the lightning rod free.", + "Level (+6) The electricity damage increases by {@damage 1d12}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Molten Wire", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 37, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "composite", + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "metal", + "primal" + ], + "entries": [ + "Spinning molten iron through a vortex of fire, you trap your foe in searing wires. Make an impulse attack roll against a creature within 15 feet. On a success, the target takes {@damage 2d6} slashing damage and is wrapped in molten wire for 1 minute.", + "It is {@condition clumsy||clumsy 1} and takes {@damage 2d4} fire damage at the start of each of its turns, with a basic Reflex save. The wire's {@action Escape} DC is your class DC. The wire has AC 10 and 75 HP. The impulse ends if the creature Escapes or the wire is destroyed.", + "Level (+4) The slashing damage increases by {@damage 1d6}, the fire damage increases by {@damage 1d4}, and the wire's HP increases by 25." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rising Hurricane", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 37, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "air", + "composite", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "overflow", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "A hurricane lifts your enemies into the air before bringing them crashing down in a bloody rain. Your hurricane appears in a cylinder that's 40 feet tall, has a 30-foot diameter, and is within 120 feet. All creatures in the area take {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. Lift any creature that fails its save to any height you choose within the area, move it up to 5 feet in any direction, then drop it. It takes falling damage normally unless it has a fly Speed.", + "Level (+3) The rain damage increases by {@damage 1d6}, and the cylinder's height increases by 5 feet." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Roiling Mudslide", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 37, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "composite", + "earth", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "You form water and earth into a mudslide that smashes your opponents and coats them in mud. Each creature in the area takes {@damage 2d8} bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. A creature that fails is also pushed 5 feet (or 10 feet on a critical failure) and coated in mud until the end of its next turn. While coated in mud, the creature falls {@condition prone} at the end of its movement any time it ends a move action other than a {@action Crawl} or {@action Step}. The creature can attempt an {@skill Acrobatics} check or Reflex save against your class DC, avoiding the fall if it succeeds.", + "Level (+4) The damage increases by {@damage 1d8}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Steam Knight", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 37, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "composite", + "fire", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "stance", + "water" + ], + "entries": [ + "You shape your kinetic aura into swirling armor of steam that scalds your enemies and propels you on super-heated jet streams. A creature can take damage from Steam Knight only once per round. Your steam armor has the following effects.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed.", + "When you {@action Leap}, you can jump up to your Speed. You don't immediately fall at the end of a jump, provided you {@action Leap} again with your next action. If you {@action Leap} over a creature and come within 10 feet, that creature takes {@damage 2d6} fire damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC.", + "At the start of each of your turns, you can emit steam as a free action. It deals {@damage 2d6} fire damage to each creature in your kinetic aura with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that fails is also pushed 5 feet." + ] + }, + "Level (+5) The fire damage from a jump or blast of steam increases by {@dice 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Tree of Duality", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 37, + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "air", + "composite", + "impulse", + "kineticist", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "entries": [ + "An ephemeral tree bursts forth, floating on air in an unoccupied square of your choice within 60 feet. Blooming flowers and fungal growths shed pollen and spores, which a swirling gust of air spreads in a 10-foot emanation around it. The tree lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain it up to 1 minute.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "Cleansing Pollen (healing, vitality) Each living ally that's in the area or enters it regains {@dice 3d4} HP and is then temporarily immune to regaining HP from Tree of Duality for 10 minutes.", + "Hallucinogenic Spores (mental) Enemies in the area are {@condition dazzled}. An enemy that leaves the area remains {@condition dazzled} until the start of its next turn. Level (+2) The healing increases by {@dice 1d4}." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ambersoul", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 47, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "ardande", + "lineage" + ], + "entries": [ + "Your elemental heritage is reflected in the oils and fragrances of plants, in tree resin that fossilizes into amber, or in the gentle smell of a flower. Sticky, golden sap runs through your veins instead of blood. Each time a creature deals slashing or piercing damage to you with a melee {@action Strike}, your sap coats its weapon or unarmed attack.", + "The creature takes a \u20131 circumstance penalty on attack rolls with that weapon or unarmed attack until the end of its turn." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Grove-Harbored", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 48, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "ardande" + ], + "entries": [ + "You are accustomed to exploring thick woodlands and defending yourself against the attacks of magical plants. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against plant, poison, and wood effects, and if you roll a success on a save against a {@trait poison} effect, you get a critical success instead." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Moldersoul", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 48, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "ardande", + "lineage" + ], + "entries": [ + "Your connection to elemental wood asserts itself in the form of decay, like forgotten logs left to rot and the char that remains after a forest fire, cycles of devastation clearing away what was to make room for the next generation of life. You gain the Decompose action.", + { + "name": "Decompose", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "primal", + "void" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "entries": [ + "Void energy seeps out of you, decaying everything within a 5-foot emanation and causing plants and foliage to age and decompose. Natural difficult terrain is destroyed, and creatures in the area with the plant or wood trait take {@damage 1d6} void damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher." + ], + "type": "ability" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Springsoul", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 48, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "ardande", + "lineage" + ], + "entries": [ + "Your connection to elemental wood manifests as fresh blossoms, spring fruits, and the seeds of new life, and you harness this power to spread vitality and abundance. You can cast the tangle vine cantrip as an innate primal or arcane spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Sunlit Vitality", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 48, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "ardande" + ], + "entries": [ + "You gain nourishment through photosynthesis, like trees and other green plants.", + "You typically don't need to pay for food, though you begin to starve if you go without sunlight for 1 week. You can derive nourishment from specially formulated bottles of sunlight instead of natural sunlight, but these bottles cost 10 times as much as standard rations (4 gp per week)." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Woodworker", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 48, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "ardande" + ], + "entries": [ + "Denizens of the Plane of Wood take immense pride in the magnificent works of art they can craft from wood, and practicing your own woodcraft helps you feel a connection with your planar heritage. You gain the trained proficiency rank in {@skill Crafting}. If you would automatically become trained in {@skill Crafting} (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You gain the {@feat Specialty Crafting} skill feat for woodworking." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Read the Roots", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 48, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 5, + "traits": [ + "ardande", + "primal", + "scrying", + "wood" + ], + "requirements": "You are standing on the ground, and there are plants rooted in the ground within 100 feet of you.", + "entries": [ + "The root systems of trees are a far-reaching network of information, and you know how to access them and extract their secrets. You {@action Seek} within 30 feet using tremorsense, an imprecise sense, instead of one of your own senses. You can also detect subjects touching or burrowing through the surface you are standing on in this way." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Treespeech", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 49, + "level": 5, + "traits": [ + "ardande" + ], + "prerequisites": "You speak Muan.", + "entries": [ + "Your connection to elemental wood allows you to communicate with trees in the Universe in Muan, the language of wood elementals. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the {@skill Diplomacy} skill with woody plants like trees and shrubs." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Flowering Path", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 49, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 9, + "traits": [ + "ardande", + "plant", + "primal" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "entries": [ + "Vitality and elemental wood flows out from your body and into the earth, infusing it with a stream of new life. When you walk, you leave blooming flowers and sprouting vines in your wake. For the next minute, each time you {@action Step} or {@action Stride}, you create difficult terrain in each square you leave during your movement." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kizidhar Magic", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 49, + "level": 9, + "traits": [ + "ardande" + ], + "entries": [ + "You can wield the arcane magic of a kizidhar, casting entangling flora and one with plants once per day each as 2nd-rank arcane innate spells." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Summon Wood Elemental", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 49, + "level": 13, + "traits": [ + "ardande" + ], + "entries": [ + "Your connection to the Plane of Wood allows you to summon elemental allies. Once per day, you can cast {@spell summon elemental} as a 5th-rank primal innate spell, but the elemental must be a wood elemental." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Wooden Mantle", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 49, + "level": 13, + "traits": [ + "ardande" + ], + "entries": [ + "Your connection to the magic of the Plane of Wood allows you to call upon the power of plants and trees to protect yourself. You can cast mantle of the unwavering heart (page 197) as a 5th-rank primal innate spell once per day." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Wood Ward", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 49, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 17, + "traits": [ + "ardande", + "concentrate", + "plant", + "primal", + "wood" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "hour" + }, + "trigger": "A creature targets you with an attack.", + "entries": [ + "With a sweep of your hand, vines and roots burst from the ground along the edge of your space between you and the attacker, creating a natural lattice of wood that grants standard cover. The circumstance bonus from the cover applies to your AC when you're determining the outcome of the triggering attack. If the triggering attack still hits and deals physical damage to you, the ward reduces the damage by 30 and is immediately destroyed. If the attack misses, the ward instead persists for 3 rounds before withering back into the earth. Creatures can cross the ward, but it's difficult terrain." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ferrousoul", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 52, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "lineage", + "talos" + ], + "entries": [ + "Whether in their pure elemental forms or as part of an alloy such as steel, the elemental metal in your soul resonates strongly with iron, bronze, and other sturdy, practical metals suitable for weaponry. Your fist attacks gain the modular B, P, or {@trait S} trait (Pathfinder Treasure Vault 25) and lose the {@trait nonlethal} trait. Your fist's damage die increases to {@dice 1d6}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Gildedsoul", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 52, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "lineage", + "talos" + ], + "entries": [ + "Your elemental lineage manifests in the polished gleam of precious metals, such as silver and gold, or even rare and valuable skymetals like adamantine or orichalcum. This natural luster enhances your charm; you become trained in your choice of {@skill Diplomacy} or {@skill Society}. If you would automatically become trained in both these skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. If you're trained in {@skill Society}, you also gain the {@feat Courtly Graces} skill feat." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Quicksoul", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 52, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "lineage", + "talos" + ], + "entries": [ + "The elemental metal in your bloodline literally courses through your veins in the form of liquid metals like mercury, rubidium, gallium, and djezet, giving your actions a languid fluidity. You gain the trained proficiency rank in {@skill Acrobatics}.", + "If you would automatically become trained in {@skill Acrobatics} (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. As these metals are largely toxic to organic life, you also gain the Toxic Touch action.", + { + "name": "Toxic Touch", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "traits": [ + "poison" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "requirements": "Your most recent action was to {@action Tumble Through}, and you successfully moved through an enemy's space", + "entries": [ + "Make a melee unarmed {@action Strike} against the enemy whose space you moved through. On a hit, the target takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage} and is {@condition sickened||sickened 1} (or takes {@damage 2d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison} and is {@condition sickened||sickened 2} on a critical hit)." + ], + "type": "ability" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Reflective Defense", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 52, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "light", + "talos" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "interval": 10, + "unit": "minute" + }, + "trigger": "A creature within 30 feet of you targets you, and you can see the attacker.", + "requirements": "You are in dim or bright light.", + "entries": [ + "Your body's natural luster has been polished to a gleaming shine. You use this to reflect light back into your enemy's eyes, disrupting its aim and focus; it must succeed at a Reflex save against your class DC or be {@condition dazzled} until the end of your next turn." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Conductor's Redirection", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 53, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 5, + "traits": [ + "talos" + ], + "trigger": "You are hit by an attack, spell, or other effect that deals electricity damage.", + "entries": [ + "You conduct the damage through your body, taking damage as normal (if applicable) and redirecting it at one target within 10 feet that you can see. The creature must make a Fortitude save using your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. On a failure, they take the electrical damage; on a success, they take half damage." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Precious Alloys", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 53, + "level": 5, + "traits": [ + "talos" + ], + "entries": [ + "Choose cold iron or silver. Your melee unarmed attacks have the special properties of a weapon made of that metal. If you are at least 13th level, you can choose adamantine instead of just cold iron or silver." + ], + "special": [ + "You can take this ancestry feat multiple times, choosing a different metal each time." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Natural Magnetism", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 53, + "level": 9, + "traits": [ + "talos" + ], + "entries": [ + "Your connection with elemental iron grants you a natural field of weak magnetic attraction. You can cast {@spell magnetic attraction|SoM} (Secrets of Magic 114) and magnetic repulsion (Secrets of Magic 115) once per day each as 2nd-rank primal innate spells." + ], + "special": [ + "If you chose the gildedsoul lineage, you can replace one of the above spells with enthrall." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Summon Metal Elemental", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 53, + "level": 13, + "traits": [ + "talos" + ], + "entries": [ + "You can summon an elemental ally. Once per day, you can cast {@spell summon elemental} as a 5th-rank primal innate spell, but the elemental summoned must be a metal elemental." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Metallic Skin", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 53, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 17, + "traits": [ + "concentrate", + "primal", + "talos" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "entries": [ + "Duration 1 minute You fortify your natural resistances with elemental metal, covering your skin with thick metal. You gain a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 10 to physical damage (except adamantine), but you take a \u201310-foot penalty to Speed. If you take fire damage while this ability is active, until the end of your next turn, you deal an additional {@damage 2d6} fire damage with all your unarmed melee Strikes." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elemental Evolution", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 54, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "barbarian" + ], + "prerequisites": "elemental instinct", + "entries": [ + "The elemental power within you is more mutable and versatile than most. Choose a second damage type for your element. Whenever you {@action Rage}, you can choose that type instead of the damage type you would normally gain. The new damage type can be the one you did not choose when you selected the element initially if you had multiple options available for your element, or one of the following types: air cold, earth poison, fire cold, metal electricity, water acid, wood poison." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elemental Explosion", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 54, + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "barbarian", + "concentrate", + "primal", + "rage" + ], + "prerequisites": "elemental instinct", + "requirements": "You're raging, and you haven't used this ability since you last Raged.", + "entries": [ + "You unleash the energy roiling within you, exploding elemental matter in a 15-foot emanation. Each creature in the area takes {@dice 1d8} damage per level you possess, with the same type you chose for elemental rage.", + "Each creature in the area must attempt a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Elemental Explosion gains the trait of your element." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kineticist Dedication", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 57, + "level": 2, + "featType": { + "archetype": [ + "Kineticist" + ] + }, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "dedication", + "multiclass" + ], + "prerequisites": "Constitution +2", + "entries": [ + "You become trained in kineticist class DC and impulse attack rolls. Choose one element to be your kinetic element (air, earth, fire, metal, water, or wood). You gain a kinetic aura and the {@action Channel Elements|RoE} action (page 15), though you don't get to use an {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} or stance impulse when you take that action. You gain the {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} action (page 16). Your {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} does not automatically gain additional damage dice every four levels, instead requiring you to take the Improved {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} feat." + ], + "leadsTo": [ + "Base Kinesis|RoE", + "Through the Gate|RoE", + "Improved Elemental Blast|RoE", + "Expert Kinetic Control|RoE" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Base Kinesis", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 57, + "featType": { + "archetype": [ + "Kineticist" + ] + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Kineticist Dedication|RoE}", + "entries": [ + "You gain the {@action Base Kinesis|RoE} impulse (page 16). For the purposes of determining when the range and Bulk improvements of the action occur, your kineticist level is equal to half your level (for example, {@action Base Kinesis|RoE} for a 10th- level character with this feat would have a range of 45 feet and could affect 1 Bulk of their chosen element)." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Through the Gate", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 57, + "featType": { + "archetype": [ + "Kineticist" + ] + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Kineticist Dedication|RoE}", + "entries": [ + "You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level kineticist feat of your choice. Your options include impulse feats for your kinetic element, as normal for a kineticist." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Advanced Element Control", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 57, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "featType": { + "archetype": [ + "Kineticist" + ] + }, + "prerequisites": "Through the Gate", + "entries": [ + "You gain one kineticist feat. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your kineticist level is equal to half your level.", + "Your options include impulse feats for your kinetic element, as normal for a kineticist." + ], + "special": [ + "You can select this feat more than once. Each time you select it, you gain another kineticist feat." + ], + "leadsTo": [ + "Add Element|RoE" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Improved Elemental Blast", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 57, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "featType": { + "archetype": [ + "Kineticist" + ] + }, + "prerequisites": "{@feat Kineticist Dedication|RoE}", + "entries": [ + "The power of your elemental blast improves. The damage of your elemental blast increases by one die." + ], + "special": [ + "You can take Improved {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} a second time at 14th level to increase your {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} to three damage die, and a third time at 18th level to increase your {@action Elemental Blast|RoE} to four damage die." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Add Element", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 57, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "featType": { + "archetype": [ + "Kineticist" + ] + }, + "prerequisites": "{@feat Advanced Element Control|RoE}", + "entries": [ + "Choose a second kinetic element to add to the one you already have. You gain an impulse feat for that element. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your kineticist level is equal to half your level. If you gain more kineticist feats, you can select hybrid impulses that have both your elements, as normal for a kineticist." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Expert Kinetic Control", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 57, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "featType": { + "archetype": [ + "Kineticist" + ] + }, + "prerequisites": "{@feat Kineticist Dedication|RoE}", + "entries": [ + "You become an expert in kineticist class DC and impulse attack rolls." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elementalist Dedication", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 59, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "class", + "dedication" + ], + "prerequisites": "elemental magic", + "entries": [ + "Each day when you make your daily preparations, you can attune yourself to one element of your choice from your elemental philosophy. You gain resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1 resistance) against damage dealt by effects with your attuned {@trait elemental} trait. This attunement lasts until you next make your daily preparations." + ], + "leadsTo": [ + "Dousing Spell|RoE", + "Elemental Familiar|RoE", + "Burning Spell|RoE", + "Current Spell|RoE", + "Expanded Elemental Magic|RoE", + "Metabolize Element|RoE", + "Reverberating Spell|RoE", + "Growth Spell|RoE", + "Rockslide Spell|RoE", + "Redirect Elements|RoE", + "Water Step|RoE", + "Wind-Tossed Spell|RoE" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Dousing Spell", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 59, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "spellshape", + "water" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}, water is in your elemental philosophy", + "entries": [ + "You enhance your spell with elemental water, soaking the target. If the next action you use is to {@action Cast a Spell} targeting a single creature, you soak the target of the spell with water. If the target has {@condition persistent damage||persistent acid} or fire damage, the DC to end those conditions is reduced to 10, and the creature can attempt a flat check to end those types of {@condition persistent damage} immediately. The spell gains the {@trait water} trait (causing it to deal extra damage to creatures with weakness to water)." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Elemental Familiar", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 59, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}, Familiar", + "entries": [ + "Your familiar becomes an elemental spirit capable of taking on aspects of the elements. Other than taking the form of an elemental instead of an animal, this familiar continues to use all the same rules as other familiars. If you want to give your familiar the elemental familiar abilities found on page 42, you must select that familiar ability. Your familiar gains one additional familiar ability each day, which must be one of the following elemental familiar abilities. While your familiar has an elemental familiar ability, your familiar is composed of the associated elemental matter and gains the matching {@trait elemental} trait. You can't select more than one elemental familiar ability at a time.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "{@b Air} If your familiar stays completely still for 1 round, it becomes {@condition invisible} until it next takes an action. Any motion, even being moved or carried by another creature, ends this effect.", + "{@b Earth} Your familiar gains resistance to physical damage (except adamantine) equal to half your level.", + "{@b Fire} Your familiar sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet) and emits warmth. Creatures who remain within a 15-foot emanation don't take damage from severe environmental cold.", + "{@b Metal} Your familiar gains resistance to physical damage from metal weapons equal to half your level.", + "{@b Water} Your familiar can move through a gap at least 2 inches wide without Squeezing and can {@action Squeeze} through a gap at least 1 inch wide.", + "{@b Wood} If your familiar remains in bright light for 1 round, it gains fast healing equal to half your level. Once it is out of bright light, this effect ends." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Burning Spell", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 59, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "fire", + "spellshape" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}, fire is in your elemental philosophy", + "entries": [ + "You enhance your spell with elemental fire, causing it to set the target on fire. If the next action you use is to Cast a non- cantrip Spell that deals damage at a single target, the spell deals additional {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage} equal to the spell rank, in addition to its other effects. This has no effect if the spell already deals {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. The spell gains the {@trait fire} trait." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Current Spell", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 59, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "concentrate", + "spellshape" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}, air or water is in your elemental philosophy", + "entries": [ + "As you use your magic to manipulate air or water, you divert some of its currents to form a barrier around you. If your next action is to {@action Cast a Spell} with the {@trait air} or {@trait water} trait, until the start of your next turn, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC or a +2 circumstance bonus against ranged attacks. This effect has the {@trait air} or {@trait water} trait, or both, depending on the traits of the spell you cast. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all saves against effects with the {@trait air} trait, {@trait water} trait, or both until the start of your next turn, depending on the spell's traits." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Expanded Elemental Magic", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 60, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}", + "entries": [ + "You reach new understandings of the elements, taking an expansive view. Add to your elemental philosophy any of the following elements it doesn't already include: air, earth, fire, metal, water, and wood." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Metabolize Element", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 60, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}", + "trigger": "You take damage from a foe's spell or magical ability with {@trait a} trait of one of the elements in your elemental philosophy.", + "entries": [ + "Your rapidly metabolize the elemental particles in your opponent's spell to gain a boost of energy. You gain the {@condition quickened} condition until the end of your next turn. You can use the extra action only to {@action Step} or {@action Stride}." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Reverberating Spell", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 60, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "metal", + "spellshape" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}, metal is in your elemental philosophy", + "entries": [ + "Your spell disorients your targets with a metallic clangor. If the next action you use this turn is to Cast a non-cantrip Spell that deals damage in an area (such as a burst, line, or cone), the spell deals an additional {@damage 1d8} sonic damage and all creatures who fail their save against the spell are {@condition deafened} for 1 round. Targets who critically fail their saves against this spell are instead {@condition deafened} for 1 minute. The spell gains the {@trait sonic} trait." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Growth Spell", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 60, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "spellshape" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}, wood is in your elemental philosophy", + "entries": [ + "You enhance your spell with elemental wood, causing your magic to expand and grow beyond its original limitations. If the next action you use this turn is to Cast a non-cantrip Spell that affects an area, expand the area of the spell. For bursts, expand the radius by 5 feet; for cones, expand the cone by 10 feet; and for lines, expand the length by 15 feet.", + "The spell gains the wood trait." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rockslide Spell", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 60, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "archetype", + "earth", + "spellshape" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}, earth is in your elemental philosophy", + "entries": [ + "You enhance your spell with elemental earth, causing chunks of stone to litter the ground. If the next action you use is to Cast a non-cantrip Spell that affects an area, a number of 5-foot squares in the area equal to the spell rank become difficult terrain for 1 round. These squares must be on the ground, and the entire area of difficult terrain must be contiguous. The spell gains the {@trait earth} trait." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Redirect Elements", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 60, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}", + "trigger": "The spell attack roll for a foe's spell with an {@trait elemental} trait targeting you fails or critically fails, and the {@trait elemental} trait is in your elemental philosophy.", + "entries": [ + "You seize the elemental essence of an incoming spell and redirect the spell to a creature of your choice within the spell's area. The attacker rerolls the spell's attack roll against the new target." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Water Step", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 60, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "archetype" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}, water is in your elemental philosophy", + "entries": [ + "You can {@action Stride} across liquid and surfaces normally wouldn't support your weight. This benefit lasts only during your movement. If you end your movement on a surface that can't support you, you fall in or it collapses as normal." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Wind-Tossed Spell", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 60, + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "level": 14, + "traits": [ + "air", + "archetype", + "concentrate", + "spellshape" + ], + "prerequisites": "{@feat Elementalist Dedication|RoE}, air is in your elemental philosophy", + "entries": [ + "You enhance your spell with elemental air, using the wind to find your target and carry your magic around cover. If the next action you use is to {@action Cast a Spell} that requires a spell attack roll, you ignore the target's {@condition concealed} condition and any cover they have from you. The spell gains the {@trait air} trait." + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/feats/index.json b/data/feats/index.json index c76bb6a51e..1c3e67df6d 100644 --- a/data/feats/index.json +++ b/data/feats/index.json @@ -44,5 +44,8 @@ "NGD": "feats-ngd.json", "AAWS": "feats-aaws.json", "LOKL": "feats-lokl.json", - "TV": "feats-tv.json" -} + "TV": "feats-tv.json", + "GW1": "feats-gw1.json", + "GW3": "feats-gw3.json", + "RoE": "feats-roe.json" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/fluff-deities.json b/data/fluff-deities.json index 43c003ab02..8af234b5d7 100644 --- a/data/fluff-deities.json +++ b/data/fluff-deities.json @@ -5,6 +5,22 @@ ] }, "deityFluff": [ + { + "name": "Findeladlara", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 73, + "entries": [ + { + "type": "pf2-h2", + "name": "Findeladlara", + "page": 73, + "source": "GW3", + "entries": [ + "Findeladlara is the ancient elven goddess of art and architecture, who teaches the value of preservation, art, buildings and, most importantly, life. She assumed the twilight portfolio to guide her most fervent worshippers to safety in the wake of Earthfall, after they remained on Golarion to build shelters in her name for the survivors of the cataclysm." + ] + } + ] + }, { "name": "Droskar", "page": 126, diff --git a/data/hazards.json b/data/hazards.json index db511a30d4..5f1da3b714 100644 --- a/data/hazards.json +++ b/data/hazards.json @@ -1,5 +1,1326 @@ { "hazard": [ + { + "name": "Scholar's Bane", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 53, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "complex", + "illusion", + "magical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "bonus": 14, + "minProf": "trained", + "notes": "to notice magical sensors {@condition hidden} within four of the carvings' eyes" + }, + "description": [ + "Illusion magic overwhelms the minds of particularly intelligent creatures, forcing them to relive every intellectual failure and shame they've ever suffered." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 22 {@skill Thievery} (trained) to carve out one eye sensor, DC 22 {@skill Arcana} or {@skill Occultism} (trained) to blank out one's mind (disables trap for self only), or dispel magic (2nd level; counteract DC 20) to counteract one eye sensor" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 20 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 12 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "hardness": { + "Eye ": 6 + }, + "hp": { + "Eye ": 20, + "notes": { + "Eye ": "" + } + } + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Reveal Failurs", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A creature with an Intelligence score of 10 or greater enters the room", + "entries": [ + "The trap fills the triggering creature's mind with shameful memories. The creature must succeed at a DC 22 Will save or take {@damage 2d8+2} mental damage. The trap then rolls initiative." + ] + } + ], + "routine": [ + "(4 actions) The trap uses each action to target a creature in the room with an Intelligence score of 10 or greater. A target must succeed at a DC 22 Will save or take {@damage 2d8+2} mental damage. On a critical failure, the creature takes a \u201310-foot status penalty to Speed for 1 minute as they stagger under the weight of their failures. The trap loses 1 action for each eye sensor disabled or destroyed." + ], + "reset": [ + "The trap can function for 10 rounds, which don't need to be consecutive, before it must recharge for 24 hours." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Reservoir Trap", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "complex", + "mechanical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "bonus": 11, + "dc": 19, + "minProf": "expert", + "notes": "to notice the water tank bulging under the immense pressure" + }, + "description": [ + "Pipes extending from a pressurized water tank spray flesh-cutting jets of water at unwary passersby." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 18 {@skill Thievery} (trained) to safely puncture a pipe, or DC 16 {@skill Lore||Engineering Lore} (trained) to find and turn a pressure release valve; any combination of three punctured pipes or turned valves disables the trap" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 18 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 11 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 3 + } + }, + "hardness": { + "Tank ": 7, + "Pipe ": 7 + }, + "hp": { + "Tank ": 50, + "Pipe ": 30 + }, + "bt": { + "Tank ": 25, + "Pipe ": 15 + }, + "immunities": [ + "critical hits", + "object immunities", + "precision damage" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Water Jets", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A creature steps on a floor space in this room", + "entries": [ + "Seals on the water pipes burst, issuing forth high-pressure water jets in random directions. The hazard makes a water jet {@action Strike} against the triggering creature. The hazard rolls initiative." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Violent Deluge", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "The water tank is {@condition broken} or destroyed", + "entries": [ + "A torrent of water bursts from the shattered tank, dealing {@damage 3d8} bludgeoning damage to each creature within 15 feet (basic DC 22 Reflex save). The trap is then disabled." + ] + } + ], + "routine": [ + "(3 actions) For each pipe destroyed or disabled, the trap loses 1 action. On each of the trap's actions, the trap targets a random creature in the room with a water jet {@action Strike}." + ], + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Ranged", + "traits": [ + "water" + ], + "name": "water jet", + "attack": 11, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8} piercing", + "noMAP": true + } + ], + "reset": [ + "The trap deactivates after 5 rounds. It cannot be reactivated until the reservoir is refilled, which takes an average of 5 days." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Cordon Alarm", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "abjuration", + "magical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 18, + "minProf": "trained" + }, + "description": [ + "A hempen rope tied between trees emanates an {@condition invisible}, cylindrical barrier that sounds an alarm when crossed." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 18 {@skill Thievery} (trained) to move the rope without setting off the alarm, or dispel magic (1st level; counteract DC 16) to disable the rope's magic" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Alarm", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "traits": [ + "abjuration", + "primal" + ], + "trigger": "An object or creature of at least 1 Bulk crosses an {@condition invisible} vertical barrier extending 30 feet above and below the rope", + "entries": [ + "The rope squawks like an angry squirrel from the point where the barrier was breached. This alarm is as loud as a human scream and lasts for 1 minute.", + "If an item or creature is still breaching the barrier at the end of this duration, the alarm immediately triggers again." + ] + } + ], + "reset": [ + "The alarm resets immediately. Multiple breaches can cause the alarm to sound in multiple places at the same time, though the alarm can still be triggered only once per round." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shadowshift Field", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "complex", + "conjuration", + "magical" + ], + "stealth": { + "bonus": 7, + "minProf": "trained", + "notes": "to notice the air and plants wavering and shifting" + }, + "description": [ + "Cross-planar seepage from the Oaksteward rebels' ritual causes shadowy warping effects to strain and damage living creatures in the forest clearing." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 17 {@skill Arcana} (trained) to will the Material Plane's hold on the area back into firmness and disable the effect for 1 hour, or dispel magic (1st level; counteract DC 15) to end the effect permanently" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Shadowshift", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "traits": [ + "conjuration", + "primal" + ], + "trigger": "A character enters the affected area", + "entries": [ + "The hazard rolls initiative as the field of planar warping surges, filling the forest clearing." + ] + } + ], + "routine": [ + "(1 action) Each creature in the clearing must attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save as the planar warping threatens to create microscopic tears inside their body.", + "Fey, plant creatures, and druids are unaffected.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected and immune for 24 hours. The land is healed {@dice 1d6} points by the primal magic." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected and immune to the effect for 24 hours." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 1d6+3} force damage." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 2d6+6} force damage." + ] + } + } + ], + "reset": [ + "This effect continues for 1 day, after which it ends and cannot be triggered again without another ritual." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Exploding Stove", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 3, + "traits": [ + "mechanical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 22, + "minProf": "expert" + }, + "description": [ + "The stove has been rigged to explode when pressure sensors under the floor are depressed." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 20 {@skill Thievery} (trained) to disable the pressure sensors, or DC 20 {@skill Survival} (trained) to safely extinguish the stove fires" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 19 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 10 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 5 + } + }, + "hardness": { + "std": 10 + }, + "hp": { + "std": 42 + }, + "bt": { + "std": 21 + }, + "immunities": [ + "critical hits", + "object immunities", + "precision damage" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Explode", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A creature steps on the floor within 5 feet of the stove", + "entries": [ + "The stove explodes, dealing {@damage 2d10+13} fire damage to each creature within 10 feet (basic DC 20 Reflex save)." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Violet Mister", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "mechanical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 20, + "minProf": "trained", + "notes": "to notice the trap's trigger-thread attached to the door" + }, + "description": [ + "Opening the door pulls a thread, which causes a plant mister to spray a cloud of poison into the triggering creature's face." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 18 {@skill Thievery} to safely cut the thread" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 16 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 10 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 10 + } + }, + "hardness": { + "std": 7 + }, + "hp": { + "std": 25, + "notes": { + "std": "" + } + } + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Poisoned Welcome", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A creature attempts to open the door", + "entries": [ + "Every creature within 10 feet of the door is exposed to violet venom poison.", + { + "type": "affliction", + "name": "Violet Venom", + "traits": [ + "contact", + "poison" + ], + "DC": 17, + "savingThrow": "Fortitude", + "onset": "1 minute", + "maxDuration": "6 rounds", + "stages": [ + { + "stage": 1, + "entry": "{@damage 1d6} poison plus {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 1}", + "duration": "1 round" + }, + { + "stage": 2, + "entry": "{@damage 1d6} poison plus {@condition drained||drained 1}", + "duration": "1 round" + }, + { + "stage": 3, + "entry": "{@damage 2d6} poison plus {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 1}", + "duration": "1 round" + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Falling Bridge", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 3, + "traits": [ + "mechanical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 23, + "minProf": "trained" + }, + "description": [ + "The frayed ropes on both sides of this bridge snap when enough weight is put on the bridge's center." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 20 {@skill Survival} (trained) to reinforce and secure the ropes on one side of the bridge" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 10 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 1 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 1 + } + }, + "hp": { + "Rope ": 6 + }, + "bt": { + "Rope ": 3 + }, + "immunities": [ + "critical hits", + "object immunities", + "precision damage" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Collapse", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A Medium or larger creature steps onto the middle of the bridge (any of the squares marked \"T\" on the map)", + "entries": [ + "The ropes on both sides of the bridge snap simultaneously, causing the bridge to collapse. Any creature on the bridge falls to the forest floor 50 feet below and takes 25 bludgeoning damage. A creature within 10 feet of one end of the bridge can attempt a DC 18 Reflex saving throw to Grab a Ledge along the side of either A8 or A13.", + "If one side of the bridge has been disabled by resecuring the ropes, a character on any section of the bridge can attempt a DC 18 Reflex save to hang onto the bridge as one side of it falls. The dangling bridge thereafter functions as a ladder connecting either area" + ] + }, + { + "name": "A8 or A13", + "activity": { + "unit": "varies", + "entry": "whichever was secured" + }, + "components": [ + "to the forest floor." + ], + "entries": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Corpse Disposal", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "mechanical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 21, + "notes": "(or 0 if the trapdoor is disabled or {@condition broken})" + }, + "description": [ + "A wooden trapdoor conceals a spike-filled pit 10 feet square and 20 feet deep. The DC to {@action Climb} out of the pit is 10." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 18 {@skill Thievery} (trained) to jam the trapdoor open" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 18 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 7 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 7 + } + }, + "hardness": { + "Trapdoor ": 9 + }, + "hp": { + "Trapdoor ": 30 + }, + "immunities": [ + "critical hits", + "object immunities", + "precision damage" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Dispose", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A creature steps onto the trapdoor (marked \"T\" on the map)", + "entries": [ + "The triggering creature falls into the pit. The creature can use the {@action Grab an Edge} reaction to avoid falling. Failing that, the creature falls 20 feet (taking 10 bludgeoning damage from the fall) and takes {@damage 3d6} piercing damage from the metal spikes jutting up from the pit's floor. A creature who takes damage from the spikes is exposed to tetanus.", + { + "type": "affliction", + "name": "Tetanus", + "traits": [ + "disease" + ], + "DC": 14, + "savingThrow": "Fortitude", + "onset": "10 days", + "stages": [ + { + "stage": 1, + "entry": "{@condition clumsy||clumsy 1}", + "duration": "1 week" + }, + { + "stage": 2, + "entry": "{@condition clumsy||clumsy 2} and can't speak", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 3, + "entry": "{@condition paralyzed} with spasms", + "duration": "1 day" + }, + { + "stage": 4, + "entry": "death" + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shadow Guards", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "complex", + "evocation", + "magical", + "shadow", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "bonus": 11, + "minProf": "trained", + "notes": "to notice the runes {@condition concealed} among the drawings" + }, + "description": [ + "Shadowy caricatures of elves peel themselves from the floor and attack everyone in the room." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 16 {@skill Acrobatics} to move through the room without touching any of the runes, followed by DC 18" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 18 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 11 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 11 + } + }, + "hardness": { + "std": 8 + }, + "hp": { + "std": 32, + "notes": { + "std": "" + } + } + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Thievery", + "traits": [ + "trained" + ], + "entries": [ + "to carve them out of the wood without triggering them; or dispel magic (1st level; counteract DC 16) to counteract the runes" + ] + }, + { + "name": "Shadow Rush", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A creature enters the room", + "entries": [ + "After waiting 1 round, the trap animates its shadowy stick figures and makes a painted spear {@action Strike} against each creature in the room. The trap rolls initiative." + ] + } + ], + "routine": [ + "(1 action) The drawings stab at each character in the room with spears drawn from sharp lines." + ], + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "painted spear", + "attack": 11, + "damage": "{@damage 1d10+4} piercing" + } + ], + "reset": [ + "The trap deactivates and resets after 1 minute. The drawings cannot pursue characters out of the room." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Mindhammer Mushrooms", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 3, + "traits": [ + "environmental", + "fungus" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 20, + "minProf": "trained", + "notes": "to notice small animal skeletons among the mushrooms" + }, + "description": [ + "The mushrooms emit powerful psychic blasts that overwhelm potential predators with exhausting psychedelic visions." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 20 {@skill Survival} (trained) to navigate a safe path without triggering the mushrooms" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 16 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 10 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "hp": { + "std": 20 + }, + "immunities": [ + "critical hits", + "object immunities", + "precision damage" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 10 + } + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Psychic Blast", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A creature walks through the mushrooms", + "entries": [ + "The mushrooms release a loud hum of psychic energy. The triggering creature takes {@damage 2d8+8} mental damage (DC 23 basic Will save). On a critical failure, the creature is {@condition fatigued}." + ] + } + ], + "reset": [ + "The mushrooms must rest for 24 hours before they can emit another Psychic Blast." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Sacred Geyser", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 3, + "traits": [ + "environmental", + "fire", + "water" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 19, + "minProf": "trained" + }, + "description": [ + "A geyser of boiling water erupts at any character who attempts to take water from the oasis." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 21 {@skill Thievery} (trained) to concoct a mechanism for indirectly harvesting the water from a safe distance" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Boiling Geyser", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "A creature dips a vessel or otherwise attempts to remove water from the oasis", + "entries": [ + "A jet of magical boiling water targets the triggering creature and affects all creatures within 5 feet of the target. Creatures caught in the burst take {@damage 2d10+13} fire damage (basic DC 23 Reflex save)." + ] + } + ], + "reset": [ + "The geyser resets automatically and adapts to previous circumvention, requiring a new check to disable it each time." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Poisonous Atmosphere", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "complex", + "environmental", + "magical", + "mental", + "poison" + ], + "stealth": { + "bonus": 5, + "minProf": "expert", + "notes": "to identify the source of sudden nausea" + }, + "description": [ + "Aucturn's poisonous, magical atmosphere has strange effects on the planet's creatures." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 20 {@skill Survival} (trained) or {@skill Occultism} (trained) to breathe pockets of safe air trapped in bags and clothing" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Poisonous Atmosphere", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "traits": [ + "illusion", + "mental", + "occult" + ], + "trigger": "A non-native creature breathes the atmosphere", + "entries": [ + "The triggering creature must attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save. The hazard then rolls initiative.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is invigorated by the atmosphere and is {@condition quickened} for 1 round." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature is {@condition clumsy||clumsy 1}." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature is {@condition confused} for 1 round." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ], + "routine": [ + "(1 action; illusion, mental, occult) The atmosphere continues to affect all creatures in the area, requiring a new Fortitude save each round against its Poisonous Atmosphere (above). A creature holding its breath gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the save." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rushing Wind", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 2, + "traits": [ + "complex", + "environmental" + ], + "stealth": { + "bonus": 7, + "minProf": "trained", + "notes": "to detect the change in pressure" + }, + "description": [ + "A raging wind sucks creatures in the area toward the aiudara." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 20 {@skill Thievery} (trained) or {@skill Arcana} (trained) to recognize what's happening and craft a patch to block air from escaping through the portal" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Gale", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "The aiudara appears here on Eox", + "entries": [ + "A jet of wind pulls creatures caught between the worlds toward the archway. The hazard rolls initiative." + ] + } + ], + "routine": [ + "(1 action) The hazard uses its action to suck each creature (except the cairn wight) toward the aiudara. Each affected creature must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature is pulled 5 feet toward the aiudara and is {@condition stunned||stunned 1}. If the creature is already adjacent to the aiudara, it doesn't move but is {@condition stunned||stunned 2}." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature is pulled 10 feet toward the aiudara, falls {@condition prone}, and is {@condition stunned||stunned 1}. If the creature is already adjacent to the aiudara, it doesn't move but falls {@condition prone} and is {@condition stunned||stunned 2}." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Formian Sting Trench", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "mechanical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 25, + "minProf": "trained" + }, + "description": [ + "A thin layer of canvas conceals this 10-foot-square pit, the walls of which are studded with dagger-sized formian stingers. Creatures that fall into the trap risk being gouged by the poisonous barbs." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 22 {@skill Thievery} (trained)" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 18 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 8 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 8 + } + }, + "hp": { + "Canvas ": 30 + }, + "bt": { + "Canvas ": 15 + }, + "immunities": [ + "critical hits", + "object immunities", + "precision damage" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Entrench", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "traits": [ + "attack" + ], + "trigger": "A creature walks onto the canvas", + "entries": [ + "The creature falls into the {@condition concealed} trench and takes falling damage (typically 10 bludgeoning damage). The creature is also gouged by three poisoned stingers as they fall. The creature can use the {@action Grab an Edge} reaction to avoid falling." + ] + }, + { + "type": "affliction", + "name": "Formian Trench Poison", + "traits": [ + "poison" + ], + "DC": 21, + "savingThrow": "Fortitude", + "maxDuration": "6 rounds", + "stages": [ + { + "stage": 1, + "entry": "{@damage 1d6} poison damage", + "duration": "1 round" + }, + { + "stage": 2, + "entry": "{@damage 1d6} poison damage and {@condition clumsy||clumsy 1}", + "duration": "1 round" + }, + { + "stage": 3, + "entry": "{@damage 1d6} poison damage, {@condition clumsy||clumsy 1}, and {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 1}", + "duration": "1 round" + }, + { + "stage": 4, + "entry": "{@damage 2d6} poison damage, {@condition clumsy||clumsy 1}, and {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 1}", + "duration": "1 round" + } + ] + } + ], + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "name": "stinger", + "attack": 17, + "damage": "{@dice 1d8+3} plus formian trench poison" + } + ], + "reset": [ + "Creatures can still fall into the trap, but the canvas must be reset manually for the trap to become {@condition hidden} again." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Haunted Aiudara", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 6, + "traits": [ + "complex", + "haunt" + ], + "stealth": { + "bonus": 15, + "minProf": "expert" + }, + "description": [ + "The spiritual imprints of long-dead explorers haunt this aiudara, manifesting as a trio of astral wraiths who guard the gateway jealously." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 25 {@skill Religion} (trained) to exorcise one of the wraiths or DC 25 {@skill Occultism} (expert) to erase one of the wraith's astral sigils; three successful checks are required to disable the haunt" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Forceful Screech", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "traits": [ + "divine", + "necromancy" + ], + "trigger": "A creature comes within 30 feet of the aiudara", + "entries": [ + "Three aiudara wraiths screech in unison and manifest to protect the arch. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 27 Will save. The haunt rolls initiative.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 2d8+9} force damage." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 4d8+9} force damage and is {@condition fatigued}." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ], + "routine": [ + "(3 actions; conjuration, divine, teleportation) With spectral claws, the aiudara wraiths hurl trespassers through time and space. Each of the three wraiths has 1 action which it can use to make a forceful hand {@action Strike} against a creature within 60 feet. The haunt loses 1 action for each successful check to disable the haunt.", + "When the haunt rolls a critical hit to {@action Strike} a creature, the creature is instantly shunted to an empty space within 30 feet. The haunt chooses which space the creature is transported to." + ], + "attacks": [ + { + "range": "Melee", + "traits": [ + "magical" + ], + "name": "forceful hand", + "attack": 17, + "damage": "{@damage 2d8+9} force", + "noMAP": true + } + ], + "reset": [ + "The aiudara wraiths disperse after 1 minute, but the haunt resets after 24 hours." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Blooming Jijioa", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "level": 5, + "traits": [ + "environmental" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 26, + "minProf": "expert" + }, + "description": [ + "An {@condition invisible} solar flare causes this patch of unassuming ground cover to suddenly bloom into a radioactive field." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 22 {@skill Survival} (trained) to remove a 5-foot square of jijioa, or 5 points of fire damage to destroy an affected area" + ] + }, + "defenses": { + "ac": { + "std": 25 + }, + "savingThrows": { + "fort": { + "std": 17 + }, + "ref": { + "std": 9 + } + }, + "hp": { + "std": 52 + }, + "bt": { + "std": 26 + }, + "immunities": [ + "critical hits", + "object immunities", + "precision damage" + ], + "weaknesses": [ + { + "name": "fire", + "amount": 10 + } + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Solar Bloom", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "trigger": "The jijioa patch is exposed to a solar flare", + "entries": [ + "The countless jijioa flowers suddenly bloom, magnifying the ambient heat of the sun a hundredfold.", + "Creatures in the jijioa patch take {@damage 4d6} fire damage (DC 22 basic Fortitude save). Creatures that end their turn in the patch continue to take damage in this way as long as the jijioa is in bloom." + ] + } + ], + "reset": [ + "An hour after blooming, a jijioa patch goes dormant for 1 week." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Soporific Lecture", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 13, + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "mechanical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 28, + "minProf": "expert" + }, + "description": [ + "Several {@condition hidden} nozzles spray colorless sleeping gas into the seating area." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 28 {@skill Thievery} (expert) to crimp shut the primary feeding tube for the gas, or DC 31 {@skill Perception} (expert) to discover the {@condition hidden} bypass switch next to the door to area A3 that shuts the trap off" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Gas Spray", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "traits": [ + "incapacitation", + "mental", + "poison", + "sleep" + ], + "trigger": "Pressure is applied to any of the steps in the middle of the seating area, or applied to the manual trigger on the stage. This manual trigger can activate the trap even if its {@condition hidden} bypass switch is engaged", + "entries": [ + "Sleeping gas is silently sprayed into the seating area. All creatures in the area must roll a DC 26 Will save to resist its effects.", + "The gas persists in the area for 3 rounds before becoming inert. Any creature who ends their turn in this area during these 3 rounds must attempt a new DC 26 Will save.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected and realizes that the area has been gassed." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected but doesn't notice the gas." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature feels a bit drowsy and lethargic, and becomes {@condition fatigued} for 1 minute. If the creature is already {@condition fatigued}, it instead falls {@condition unconscious}. If it's still {@condition unconscious} after 1 minute, it wakes up automatically." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature falls {@condition unconscious}. If it's still {@condition unconscious} after 1 hour, it wakes up automatically." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Etward's Nightmare", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 19, + "level": 9, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "complex", + "haunt" + ], + "stealth": { + "bonus": 30, + "minProf": "master" + }, + "description": [ + "The incense burners begin to smoke, filling the air with strangely nostalgic scents." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 26 {@skill Occultism} (expert) to enter a state akin to lucid dreaming so as to unweave the nightmare from within, or DC 30 {@skill Intimidation} (master) to stand resolute against the nightmares and turn the fear back upon itself" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Light Incense Burners", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "traits": [ + "enchantment", + "incapacitation", + "mental", + "occult", + "sleep" + ], + "trigger": "A creature lies down on the bed, or a living creature spends more than 3 rounds inside this room", + "entries": [ + "Incense swiftly fills the room (even if the incense burners have been removed or were destroyed). All creatures in area A12 must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save. The haunt then rolls initiative.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature is {@condition sickened||sickened 1} by the incense's scent." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature falls {@condition unconscious}. If it's still {@condition unconscious} after 1 minute, it wakes up automatically." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "As failure, but if it's still {@condition unconscious} after 1 hour, it wakes up automatically." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "DC 28", + "entries": [ + "Fortitude saving throw. If at the end of the round there are no {@condition unconscious} creatures in the room, Etward's nightmare ends and the trap deactivates.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Critical Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected and wakes up." + ], + "Success": [ + "The creature remains {@condition unconscious} and takes {@damage 1d10} cold damage and {@damage 1d10} mental damage. This damage does not wake the creature, and those who are awake can see the {@condition unconscious} creature thrash as if in the throes of a nightmare while their body rimes over with layers of frost. The creature can fight against the bitter cold and monstrous shapes by attempting a DC 28 Will save as a three-action activity on its turn\u2014 on a success, the creature wakes up." + ], + "Failure": [ + "As success, but {@damage 1d10+6} cold and {@damage 1d10+6} mental damage, and with a DC 32 Will save to wake up." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature remains {@condition unconscious} and takes {@damage 2d10+12} cold damage and {@damage 2d10+12} mental damage." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ], + "routine": [ + "(2 actions; cold, enchantment, mental, occult) The haunt uses its first action to light incense burners again, forcing any creature that isn't already {@condition unconscious} to save against that effect once more. Its second action is to cause any {@condition unconscious} creatures in the room to experience horrific, vivid dreams about being lost in the arctic during a blizzard, while enormous furred figures\u2014 saumen kar\u2014lunge at them through the snow to attack repeatedly. Each {@condition unconscious} creature must attempt a" + ], + "reset": [ + "The hazard resets when Etward dreams in this room." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Dream-Poisoned Door", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 54, + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "magical", + "trap" + ], + "stealth": { + "dc": 35, + "minProf": "master" + }, + "description": [ + "Eerie shapes manifest within the doorway as it's opened, conjuring a group of four animate dreams into being." + ], + "disable": { + "entries": [ + "DC 30 {@skill Occultism} (expert) to concentrate on the eldritch energies and diffuse them through meditation, DC 35 {@skill Thievery} (master) to scratch warding runes along the door's hinges and block dreams from manifesting, or dispel magic (6th level; counteract DC 30) to counteract the trap" + ] + }, + "actions": [ + { + "name": "Manifest Dream Guardians", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "traits": [ + "conjuration", + "occult" + ], + "trigger": "The door is opened", + "entries": [ + "A group of four animate dreams manifest in the area just beyond the door. These four animate dreams each appear as vaguely whale-shaped but human-sized masses of tendrils. They swim through he air and attack the intruders at once, fighting to the death and pursuing any who flee the temple." + ] + } + ] + }, { "name": "Pouncing Tiger Haunt", "source": "QFF1", diff --git a/data/items/baseitems.json b/data/items/baseitems.json index 9688577b48..82b3450d34 100644 --- a/data/items/baseitems.json +++ b/data/items/baseitems.json @@ -2524,7 +2524,8 @@ "page": 158, "type": "Item", "traits": [ - "uncommon" + "uncommon", + "combination" ], "access": "The following regions have access to firearms: Alkenstar, Dongun Hold, Tian Xia, Vudra, Arcadia, Ustalav, the Shackles", "price": { @@ -4332,7 +4333,7 @@ "category": "Weapon", "subCategory": "Simple", "entries": [ - "The most commonly available of firearms in Alkenstar, the flintlock musket includes an external firing mechanism and an efficient and relatively compact frame. Though lacking the range and firing power of the {@item arquebus} preferred by Alkenstar and Dongun Hold's military members, the flintlock musket is popular among civilians for its ease of use." + "The most commonly available of firearms in Alkenstar, the flintlock musket includes an external firing mechanism and an efficient and relatively compact frame. Though lacking the range and firing power of the {@item arquebus|G&G} preferred by Alkenstar and Dongun Hold's military members, the flintlock musket is popular among civilians for its ease of use." ], "weaponData": { "ammunition": "round (10)|G&G|rounds", diff --git a/data/items/index.json b/data/items/index.json index 57e63e56eb..b4b4d3e200 100644 --- a/data/items/index.json +++ b/data/items/index.json @@ -60,5 +60,7 @@ "BB": "items-bb.json", "TV": "items-tv.json", "AFoF": "items-afof.json", - "ToK": "items-tok.json" -} + "ToK": "items-tok.json", + "GW1": "items-gw1.json", + "GW3": "items-gw3.json" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/items/items-frp2.json b/data/items/items-frp2.json index 12e871c3f3..0cc2d87d01 100644 --- a/data/items/items-frp2.json +++ b/data/items/items-frp2.json @@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ "command", "{@action Interact}" ], + "traits": [ + "electricity" + ], "traits": ["electricity"], "frequency": { "unit": "hour", diff --git a/data/items/items-g&g.json b/data/items/items-g&g.json index 9dc3c08cb1..ce4c618705 100644 --- a/data/items/items-g&g.json +++ b/data/items/items-g&g.json @@ -5241,6 +5241,7 @@ "usage": "attached ", "bulk": 1, "category": "Customization", + "subCategory": "Weapon", "entries": [ "These modifications include a heavier stock and larger replacement barrel designed to increase the stopping power of firearms. Large bore modifications can only be applied to firearms with the kickback or scatter traits, and attaching large bore modifications takes 1 hour, though this time can overlap with the standard time required to maintain and clean your firearm to prevent misfires.", "When you attach large bore modifications to a {@trait kickback} weapon, the circumstance bonus to damage granted by the kickback trait increases from 1 to 2 additional damage and the Strength requirement to fire the weapon without penalty increases to 18.", @@ -8307,8 +8308,7 @@ "Weapon" ], "entries": [ - "This device replaces the attached firearm's normal firing mechanism (normally, most of the guns in this chapter use a flintlock or matchlock firing mechanism). When the firearm's wielder fires the weapon, a small rune etched on a piece of stone affixed inside the mechanism releases a magical spark that's propelled through the firing mechanism and into the firearm, launching its bullet. An underwater firing mechanism allows the attached firearm to be fired underwater or in other conditions that would normally prevent the ignition of black powder. Attaching an underwater firing mechanism to a firearm takes 1 hour, though this time can overlap with the standard time required to maintain and clean your firearm to prevent misfires.", - "Talismans A talisman is a small object affixed to armor, a shield, or a weapon (which is called the affixed item). You must be wielding or wearing an item to activate a talisman attached to that item. Once activated, a talisman burns out permanently. The talismans included in this section are particularly useful for characters who wield firearms or crossbows." + "This device replaces the attached firearm's normal firing mechanism (normally, most of the guns in this chapter use a flintlock or matchlock firing mechanism). When the firearm's wielder fires the weapon, a small rune etched on a piece of stone affixed inside the mechanism releases a magical spark that's propelled through the firing mechanism and into the firearm, launching its bullet. An underwater firing mechanism allows the attached firearm to be fired underwater or in other conditions that would normally prevent the ignition of black powder. Attaching an underwater firing mechanism to a firearm takes 1 hour, though this time can overlap with the standard time required to maintain and clean your firearm to prevent misfires." ] }, { diff --git a/data/items/items-gw1.json b/data/items/items-gw1.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea33f31916 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/items/items-gw1.json @@ -0,0 +1,313 @@ +{ + "item": [ + { + "name": "Shadewither Key", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "type": "Item", + "level": 22, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "artifact", + "cursed", + "illusion", + "invested", + "primal", + "shadow" + ], + "usage": "worn", + "bulk": "\u2014", + "category": "Artifact", + "entries": [ + "This palm-sized talisman hangs on a string of braided bark fibers. It resembles a leaf from some unknown tree similar to oak, carved from jade and then dipped halfway into black ink that looks wet despite feeling completely dry. The gate key was originally created to open the aiudara known as the Seventh Arch. In recent years, corrupting magic has given it additional, stranger powers.", + "When you wear and invest the Shadewither Key, shadows gather around you. You gain a +1 item bonus to {@skill Stealth} checks. However, this boon comes with great risk:", + "any elf who touches the Shadewither Key is immediately afflicted with the obnubilate curse (see below).", + { + "type": "ability", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Interact}" + ], + "entries": [ + "You touch the Shadewither Key and command the shadows it casts around you to peel away. The shadows form an umbral double that resembles you in every way except for its fiery red eyes and the expression of wicked delight on its face. The double occupies the same space as you and attempts to intercept any attacks aimed at you. A creature must succeed at a DC {@flatDC 11} flat check when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect; on a failure, they hit the shadowy double instead of you. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until the double is hit, whichever comes first. Once the double is hit, it's destroyed. As long as the double exists, you don't gain the Shadewither Key's item bonus to {@skill Stealth} checks.", + "Destruction The Shadewither Key's magic can be destroyed by exposing the artifact to uncontained teleportation energies. If touched to an unlinked or malfunctioning aiudara, the Shadewither Key causes the gate to connect to a new counterpart. If this happens, the key's magic leaves it, rendering the item useless (as described on page 65)." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Bioluminescence Bomb", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "type": "Item", + "level": 1, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "alchemical", + "bomb", + "consumable", + "light" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 3, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "held in 1 hand", + "bulk": "L", + "activate": { + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Strike}" + ] + }, + "category": "Bomb", + "entries": [ + "This vial of glowing goo constantly sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius. When a bioluminescence bomb strikes a creature or a hard surface, it shatters and releases the bioluminescent fluid's energy in a flare of light. Each creature within 10 feet of where the bomb exploded must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or be marked with dye that continues to glow for 24 hours. An affected creature must also attempt a DC 17 Fortitude saving throw against the overwhelming burst of light.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature is {@condition dazzled} for 1 round." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature is {@condition blinded} for 1 round, then {@condition dazzled} for 1 round." + ] + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Cloak of Gnawing Leaves", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "type": "Item", + "level": "3+", + "traits": [ + "rare", + "invested", + "primal", + "transmutation" + ], + "usage": "worn cloak", + "bulk": "L", + "category": "Worn", + "entries": [ + "This cloak appears to be woven from a thousand living leaves, hungry for flesh and eager to defend the cloak's wearer.", + { + "type": "ability", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "reaction" + }, + "components": [ + "envision" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "trigger": "You are damaged by a melee attack from an adjacent creature", + "entries": [ + "The leaves lash out at your attacker, rising up to reveal snapping jaws made of wicked thorns. The triggering creature must attempt a DC 17 Reflex saving throw.", + { + "type": "successDegree", + "entries": { + "Success": [ + "The creature is unaffected." + ], + "Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 1d4} piercing damage." + ], + "Critical Failure": [ + "The creature takes {@damage 2d4} piercing damage and 1 bleed damage." + ] + } + } + ] + } + ], + "variants": [ + { + "level": 3, + "price": { + "amount": 60, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "entries": [], + "variantType": "cloak of gnawing leaves" + }, + { + "level": 7, + "price": { + "amount": 330, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "entries": [ + "The save DC is 23, and the cloak can be activated once per minute. The leaves deal {@damage 1d6} piercing damage to a creature on a failed save, or {@damage 2d6} piercing damage and 2 bleed damage on a critical failure." + ], + "variantType": "cloak of thirsty fronds" + }, + { + "level": 12, + "price": { + "amount": 2000, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "entries": [ + "The save DC is 30, and the cloak can be activated once per round. The leaves deal {@damage 2d6} piercing damage to a creature on a failed save, or {@damage 4d6} piercing damage and 3 bleed damage on a critical failure." + ], + "variantType": "cloak of devouring thorns" + } + ], + "generic": "G" + }, + { + "name": "Stalk Goggles", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "type": "Item", + "level": "1+", + "traits": [ + "rare", + "invested", + "magical", + "morph", + "transmutation" + ], + "usage": "worn eyepiece", + "bulk": "\u2014", + "category": "Worn", + "entries": [ + "These black leather goggle frames have no lenses. Instead, when a character puts them on and invests them, the wearer's eyes transform and lengthen into snail-like eyestalks. The wobbly eyestalks stretch out through the lens holes and up over the wearer's head on lengthened optic nerves.", + { + "type": "ability", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "envision" + ], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + }, + "entries": [ + "By focusing hard, you can watch for enemies in all directions. You gain all-around vision for 1 minute; during this time, you can't be flanked." + ] + } + ], + "variants": [ + { + "level": 1, + "price": { + "amount": 20, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "entries": [], + "variantType": "stalk goggles" + }, + { + "level": 3, + "price": { + "amount": 60, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "entries": [ + "When you activate the goggles, you also gain a +1 item bonus to {@skill Perception} checks involving sight for the duration of the effect." + ], + "variantType": "greater stalk goggles" + }, + { + "level": 8, + "price": { + "amount": 450, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "entries": [ + "When you activate the goggles, you also gain a +2 item bonus to {@skill Perception} checks involving sight and low- light vision for the duration of the effect." + ], + "variantType": "major stalk goggles" + } + ], + "generic": "G" + }, + { + "name": "Bottled Omen", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "type": "Item", + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "consumable", + "divination", + "fortune", + "magical", + "potion" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 20, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "held in 1 hand", + "bulk": "L", + "activate": { + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Interact}" + ] + }, + "category": "Potion", + "entries": [ + "This potion holds a tiny, tightly wrapped scroll and tastes like paper. Upon drinking it, you gain a burst of insight into your immediate future\u2014and how to potentially avoid it. When you attempt a saving throw, you can roll twice and use the better result. The potion's magic ends when you make use of this effect, or after 1 minute. You then become immune to bottled omen potions for 24 hours." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Draft of Stellar Radiance", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 0, + "type": "Item", + "level": 3, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "consumable", + "evocation", + "light", + "magical", + "potion" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 12, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "held in 1 hand", + "bulk": "L", + "activate": { + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Interact}" + ] + }, + "category": "Potion", + "entries": [ + "This potion's bottle glows softly with shimmering silver light. Upon drinking this potion, you're surrounded by a nimbus of blazing starlight that lasts for 1 minute. You emanate a field of bright light with a 20-foot radius (and dim light for another 20 feet, like a torch). You take a \u201320 penalty to {@skill Stealth} checks. Any creature that targets you with an attack or an ability must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or be {@condition dazzled} for 1 round. A creature who succeeds at this save is immune to the effect for 24 hours." + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/items/items-gw3.json b/data/items/items-gw3.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bcd951e235 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/items/items-gw3.json @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +{ + "item": [ + { + "name": "Aether Marbles", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 75, + "type": "Item", + "level": "4+", + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "bomb", + "consumable", + "force", + "splash" + ], + "usage": "held in 1 hand", + "bulk": "L", + "activate": { + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Strike}" + ] + }, + "category": "Bomb", + "entries": [ + "Aether marbles create violent, lingering eddies of force that extend partially into unseen planes. When the bomb explodes, it deals the listed force damage and force splash damage. Many aether marbles grant an item bonus to attack rolls.", + "Surfaces in the splash area are filled with twisting eddies of force, which are difficult terrain for incorporeal creatures but not for corporeal ones. The force eddies in a square disperse after an incorporeal creature enters the square." + ], + "generic": "G", + "variants": [ + { + "level": 4, + "price": { + "amount": 19, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "entries": [ + "You gain a +1 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals {@damage 2d6} force damage and 2 force splash damage." + ], + "variantType": "lesser" + }, + { + "level": 12, + "price": { + "amount": 360, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "entries": [ + "You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals {@damage 3d6} force damage and 3 force splash damage." + ], + "variantType": "moderate" + }, + { + "level": 18, + "price": { + "amount": 3400, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "entries": [ + "You gain a +3 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals {@damage 4d6} force damage and 4 force splash damage." + ], + "variantType": "greater" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Telekinetic Converters", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 75, + "type": "Item", + "level": 12, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "invested", + "magical", + "transmutation" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 1950, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "worn gloves", + "bulk": "L", + "category": "Worn", + "entries": [ + "Copper cables run from these thick leather gloves to nodes that attach to the wearer's temples, allowing a spellcaster to convert the magic they normally cast to pure psychic intention. When you {@action Cast a Spell} using the telekinetic converters, you substitute any verbal spellcasting components for mental components of simple thought, granting the {@trait concentrate} trait to the spell you're casting.", + { + "type": "ability", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Interact}" + ], + "prerequisites": "You have a spellcasting class feature and you can cast cantrips", + "entries": [ + "You cast {@spell telekinetic projectile} as an occult cantrip, heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up." + ] + }, + { + "type": "ability", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Interact}" + ], + "prerequisites": "You have a spellcasting class feature and have an unexpended spell slot of 5th level or higher", + "entries": [ + "You cast your choice of telekinetic haul or {@spell telekinetic maneuver} as a 5th-level occult spell, consuming one of your unexpended spell slots of the same level as if you had used it to cast the spell." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Psychic Colors Elixir", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 75, + "type": "Item", + "level": 8, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "alchemical", + "consumable", + "elixir" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 100, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "held in 1 hand", + "bulk": "L", + "activate": { + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Interact}" + ] + }, + "category": "Elixir", + "entries": [ + "This orange liquid lets you visibly detect the psychic energies that enable telekinesis and telepathy. For the next minute, you can sense if a creature you can see is using a telepathic or telekinetic ability, such as the telepathy monster ability, spells like telekinetic projectile or telepathic bond, or similar abilities. You also can sense if an object or creature you can see is being manipulated or contacted by such an ability. Both the user and the target of the ability are outlined in faint shimmers of matching color." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Vat-Grown Brain", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 75, + "type": "Item", + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "alchemical", + "consumable" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 190, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "held in 2 hands", + "bulk": 1, + "activate": { + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Interact}" + ] + }, + "category": "Consumable", + "entries": [ + "A malformed, artificial brain pulses with alchemical life inside a nutrient-rich vat. When the vat-grown brain is activated, it attempts to counteract one condition of your choice that was gained from an ability with the {@trait mental} trait, which it does by drawing the negative mental impressions into itself. However, the artificial brain is not robust, and the strain of the transfer quickly destroys it.", + "The vat-grown brain has a counteract level of 5 and a +17 modifier on the roll." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Ice Forge", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 76, + "type": "Item", + "level": 11, + "traits": [ + "rare", + "conjuration", + "magical", + "structure" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 1300, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "bulk": "L (when not activated) While many of the magical wonders created by saumen kar have been destroyed, ice forges, while rare, still see use today among the few individuals who manage to discover and keep one of these portable treasures. When an ice forge isn't activated, it appears to be a small anvil carved from a lump of ice no larger than an apple. While in this state, the ice forge remains cold to the touch but doesn't melt in the presence of high temperatures. It can be used to chill a beverage in a small container, although those who venerate and respect these items' legacy would doubtless find this use to be insulting at best.", + "activate": { + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "minute" + }, + "components": [ + "envision", + "{@action Interact}" + ], + "requirements": "The ice forge is in forge form" + }, + "category": "Structure", + "entries": [], + "frequency": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "day" + } + }, + { + "name": "Oil of Corpse Restoration", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 77, + "type": "Item", + "level": 9, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "consumable", + "magical", + "necromancy", + "oil" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 150, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "held in 2 hands", + "bulk": "L", + "activate": { + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "minute" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Interact}" + ] + }, + "category": "Oil", + "entries": [ + "Adlet spiritual leaders create this thick purple gel so that the dead can temporarily assume their appearance in life during ancestral worship ceremonies. Spreading it over the bones of an undead creature or a lifeless corpse causes the gel to congeal, forming a cosmetic layer that covers or restores any missing or compromised flesh until the body mimics its appearance in life. The dead creature's flesh looks healthy and whole. It gains a +2 circumstance bonus on {@skill Deception} checks to look like a living creature. The gel does not restore life or Hit Points and the flesh quickly rots away 8 hours after application." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Rime Jar", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 77, + "type": "Item", + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "evocation", + "magical" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 175, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "held in 2 hands", + "bulk": 1, + "category": "Held", + "entries": [ + "Magical reagents slosh inside this rime-frosted pottery jar the size of a human head. Despite appearing to be rimed in hoarfrost, the jar is warm to the touch. Ilverani wizards create rime jars to sustain themselves during the coldest winter nights.", + { + "type": "ability", + "activity": { + "number": 3, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "{@action Interact}" + ], + "entries": [ + "The jar draws off the cold and warms your body. If you have the {@condition fatigued} condition caused by exposure to environmental cold, it removes the condition. For 8 hours after applying the rime, you treat extreme cold as severe cold." + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Star of Cynosure", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 77, + "type": "Item", + "level": 10, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "abjuration", + "consumable", + "magical", + "talisman" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 175, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "affix to armor", + "bulk": "\u2014", + "activate": { + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "free" + }, + "components": [ + "envision" + ], + "trigger": "You attempt a Will save against a mental enchantment spell, but you haven't rolled yet", + "requirements": "You have master proficiency in Will saves." + }, + "category": "Talisman", + "entries": [ + "Found throughout Golarion, these star-shaped talismans of whalebone scrimshaw are carved by Erutaki from the Crown of the World. They are popular with adherents to the cult of {@deity Desna}, who believe the talismans protect their dreams. When you activate this talisman, you gain a +2 status bonus to saves against enchantment magic with the {@trait mental} trait for 1 minute. On the triggering save, if the outcome of the roll is a failure, you get a success instead, or if the outcome is a critical failure, you get a failure instead." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Mindsponge", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 77, + "type": "Item", + "level": 9, + "traits": [ + "unique", + "mental", + "necromancy", + "occult" + ], + "price": { + "amount": 700, + "coin": "gp" + }, + "usage": "held in 1 hand", + "bulk": "L", + "category": "Held", + "entries": [ + "A mindsponge appears as a misshapen gray sponge that unsettlingly resembles a malformed human brain. Though pliable in all the same ways as a damp sponge, a mindsponge has no ability to absorb water and, in fact, doesn't seem terribly porous at all. Instead, a mindsponge is used to absorb thoughts and memories from living creatures.", + { + "type": "ability", + "activity": { + "number": 2, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + "envision", + "{@action Interact}" + ], + "entries": [ + "The mindsponge casts modify memory, but only to erase a memory\u2014a mindsponge can't enhance memory clarity, alter memories, or add false memories." + ] + }, + { + "type": "ability", + "activity": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "minute" + }, + "components": [ + "envision", + "{@action Interact}" + ], + "entries": [ + "You use the mindsponge to harvest the memories and mental energy of a specially prepared target as it dies. To prepare the target (who must be willing or helpless), you must perform a 10-minute surgery to expose a portion of the target's brain without killing them. This requires a successful DC 28 {@skill Medicine} (master) check; if you fail this check, the target dies before you can use the mindsponge.", + "Memories and psychic energy absorbed aren't taken from the target's soul but from energies temporarily infused within the body, so that a creature slain in this way who is later brought back to life retains their harvested memories and energy. The corpse of someone who has had their memories harvested is difficult to communicate with via talking corpse\u2014treat the saving throw result against that spell as one degree of success lower than the actual result.", + "A mindsponge can store the memories and energy of up to four creatures at a time. Once full, it cannot be activated at all, other than to squeeze it as an {@action Interact} action with the envision trait, which causes all of the memories within to drip out as cold ectoplasm, which swiftly evaporates if not used or contained." + ] + } + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/items/items-tv.json b/data/items/items-tv.json index aefc078e24..10ab1e1a38 100644 --- a/data/items/items-tv.json +++ b/data/items/items-tv.json @@ -14444,7 +14444,7 @@ "bulk": 5, "category": "Armor", "entries": [ - "The joints of this black +2 greater resilient fortification fortress plate look like swirling vortices of silver. Non-magical ammunition and thrown weapons aimed at you are destroyed after they hit you and deal damage or miss you. You also have resistance 10 to physical damage from ranged attacks.", + "The joints of this black +2 greater resilient fortification {@item fortress plate|TV} look like swirling vortices of silver. Non-magical ammunition and thrown weapons aimed at you are destroyed after they hit you and deal damage or miss you. You also have resistance 10 to physical damage from ranged attacks.", "When an enemy's ranged attack misses you or hits you and deals no damage, the armor absorbs the projectile.", "When it has absorbed six projectiles, the armor glows at the joints.", { @@ -15814,7 +15814,7 @@ "category": "Bomb", "entries": [ "Blightburn bombs have radioactive materials sealed inside flasks treated with lead. The bomb grants an item bonus to attack rolls and deals poison damage, {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage}, and poison splash damage, according to the bomb's type. A creature that takes the {@condition persistent damage||persistent poison damage} deals the splash damage again from its current position as the radiation continues to harm nearby creatures. The {@condition persistent damage} can last up to 1 minute.", - "Blightburn bombs also expose the primary target to blightburn sickness (page 45) at the listed Fortitude DC." + "Blightburn bombs also expose the primary target to {@disease blightburn sickness|TV} at the listed Fortitude DC." ], "generic": "G", "variants": [ @@ -19632,7 +19632,7 @@ }, "category": "Armor", "entries": [ - "This suit of bone-based fortress plate is a masterpiece of alchemical science. This armor has a receiver that can hold a single lodestone bomb (page 44), which takes 3 {@action Interact} actions to install. A loaded suit of bone dreadnought plate can be activated to cause the bomb to shift numerous small plates and hinges, offering a wide variety of protections, granting you resistance to cold, electricity, fire, piercing, and slashing damage equal to the loaded lodestone bomb's splash damage. These effects last for 20 minutes, but each time you're hit by an attack that deals damage of one of these types, decrease the remaining duration by 1 minute. Once activated, the armor can't be deactivated. The armor uses up the lodestone bomb during the duration and can't be activated again until a new one is installed." + "This suit of bone-based {@item fortress plate|TV} is a masterpiece of alchemical science. This armor has a receiver that can hold a single {@item lodestone bomb|TV}, which takes 3 {@action Interact} actions to install. A loaded suit of bone dreadnought plate can be activated to cause the bomb to shift numerous small plates and hinges, offering a wide variety of protections, granting you resistance to cold, electricity, fire, piercing, and slashing damage equal to the loaded lodestone bomb's splash damage. These effects last for 20 minutes, but each time you're hit by an attack that deals damage of one of these types, decrease the remaining duration by 1 minute. Once activated, the armor can't be deactivated. The armor uses up the lodestone bomb during the duration and can't be activated again until a new one is installed." ] }, { @@ -19748,7 +19748,7 @@ }, "category": "Armor", "entries": [ - "This suit of leaf weave armor (page 9) is specially modified to metabolize the alchemical accelerants in medicinal compounds.", + "This suit of {@item leaf weave|TV|leaf weave armor} is specially modified to metabolize the alchemical accelerants in medicinal compounds.", "A special receptacle in the armor can hold an elixir of life, which takes 3 {@action Interact} actions to install. A loaded suit of living leaf weave can be activated to grow slithering vines from the armor, granting an item bonus to {@skill Athletics} checks to {@action Grapple}, to your Fortitude DC to resist {@action Grapple}, {@action Disarm}, or {@action Shove} attempts, and to your Reflex DCs to resist {@action Trip} attempts. The effects last for 3 rounds, consuming the elixir of life, and once the reaction has begun it can't be deactivated." ] }, @@ -20795,7 +20795,7 @@ }, "category": "Talisman", "entries": [ - "An enterprising chirurgeon reversed the forces evoked by a void thousand-pains fulu (page 79) to create the golden breath fulu, which fortifies ki and the body as elements move out of balance. When you Activate this fulu, you regain 75 Hit Points and attempt a flat check to end any {@condition persistent damage} affecting you. The fulu is particularly appropriate help for ending any {@condition persistent damage}. Also, if you would regain more Hit Points from the fulu than your maximum, you can gain the excess as temporary Hit Points or distribute the excess among creatures of your choice within 30 feet. The temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute." + "An enterprising chirurgeon reversed the forces evoked by a void {@item thousand-pains fulu|TV} to create the golden breath fulu, which fortifies ki and the body as elements move out of balance. When you Activate this fulu, you regain 75 Hit Points and attempt a flat check to end any {@condition persistent damage} affecting you. The fulu is particularly appropriate help for ending any {@condition persistent damage}. Also, if you would regain more Hit Points from the fulu than your maximum, you can gain the excess as temporary Hit Points or distribute the excess among creatures of your choice within 30 feet. The temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute." ] }, { @@ -30062,7 +30062,7 @@ "bulk": "L", "category": "Held", "entries": [ - "Clockwork mechanisms tick away inside the weights of these +1 striking returning bolas (page 30), spooling out more cord in midair.", + "Clockwork mechanisms tick away inside the weights of these +1 striking {@item returning} {@item bola|TV|bolas}, spooling out more cord in midair.", { "type": "ability", "activity": { @@ -30102,7 +30102,7 @@ "bulk": 1, "category": "Held", "entries": [ - "Metal caps the bottom of this +1 striking thundering dancer's spear (page 25) and its point gives off the faint smell of ozone. If you hit a target that has been struck by a polarizing mace within the last round, you deal additional electricity damage to the target equal to the number of grounding spike's damage dice. If you critically hit such a target, the creature is {@condition flat-footed} until the start of your next turn.", + "Metal caps the bottom of this +1 striking {@item thundering} {@item dancer's spear|TV} and its point gives off the faint smell of ozone. If you hit a target that has been struck by a polarizing mace within the last round, you deal additional electricity damage to the target equal to the number of grounding spike's damage dice. If you critically hit such a target, the creature is {@condition flat-footed} until the start of your next turn.", "Special The grounding spike pairs with the polarizing mace." ] }, @@ -30210,7 +30210,7 @@ "bulk": 1, "category": "Held", "entries": [ - "Though the body of this +2 striking impactfulSoM boomerang (page 30) is riddled with glowing hairline cracks, the weapon feels reassuringly solid in the hand. If you damage a target that has been struck by a rime foil within the last round, you bruise its chilled body, and the target takes a \u20135-foot penalty to all its Speeds, or a \u201310-foot penalty on a critical hit.", + "Though the body of this +2 striking {@item impactful|SoM} {@item boomerang|TV} is riddled with glowing hairline cracks, the weapon feels reassuringly solid in the hand. If you damage a target that has been struck by a rime foil within the last round, you bruise its chilled body, and the target takes a \u20135-foot penalty to all its Speeds, or a \u201310-foot penalty on a critical hit.", "Special The shattered plan pairs with the rime foil." ] }, @@ -30235,7 +30235,7 @@ "bulk": 1, "category": "Held", "entries": [ - "The Celestial word for \"repent\" is etched in golden lettering on the shaft of this +2 greater striking merciful (page 33) mithral warhammer. An evil-aligned creature is {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 2} when carrying or wielding this weapon.", + "The Celestial word for \"repent\" is etched in golden lettering on the shaft of this +2 greater striking {@item merciful|TV} mithral {@item warhammer}. An evil-aligned creature is {@condition enfeebled||enfeebled 2} when carrying or wielding this weapon.", { "type": "ability", "activity": { @@ -30685,7 +30685,7 @@ "bulk": 2, "category": "Held", "entries": [ - "Dragon teeth line the edges of this +2 greater striking leiomano (page 25). The leiomano also has a flaming, frost, shock, or corrosive rune, as appropriate for the dragon from which the teeth were taken, which also grants the weapon the associated {@trait energy} trait (for instance, fire for a club made with teeth taken from a red dragon).", + "Dragon teeth line the edges of this +2 greater striking {@item leiomano|TV}. The leiomano also has a flaming, frost, shock, or corrosive rune, as appropriate for the dragon from which the teeth were taken, which also grants the weapon the associated {@trait energy} trait (for instance, fire for a club made with teeth taken from a red dragon).", { "type": "ability", "activity": { diff --git a/data/languages.json b/data/languages.json index 1a6a737ce9..65f9c8bb84 100644 --- a/data/languages.json +++ b/data/languages.json @@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ }, { "name": "Aquan", + "alias": [ + "Thalassic" + ], "source": "CRB", "page": 65, "type": "Uncommon", @@ -121,6 +124,9 @@ }, { "name": "Auran", + "alias": [ + "Susurran" + ], "source": "CRB", "page": 65, "type": "Uncommon", @@ -405,6 +411,9 @@ }, { "name": "Ignan", + "alias": [ + "Pyric" + ], "source": "CRB", "page": 65, "type": "Uncommon", @@ -803,6 +812,9 @@ }, { "name": "Terran", + "alias": [ + "Petran" + ], "source": "CRB", "page": 65, "type": "Uncommon", diff --git a/data/places.json b/data/places.json index 531a466013..16ad35129b 100644 --- a/data/places.json +++ b/data/places.json @@ -1,5 +1,148 @@ { "place": [ + { + "name": "Sevenarches", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 13, + "category": "Settlement", + "level": 4, + "traits": [ + "n", + "town" + ], + "description": "Long-cursed River Kingdom and arboreous city of enigmatic druids.", + "settlementData": { + "government": "Mayor and Oakstewards (elected leader and druidic oligarchy)", + "population": { + "total": 4340, + "ancestries": { + "human": 88, + "fey": 5, + "gnome": 4, + "halfling": 2, + "other": 1 + } + }, + "languages": [ + "{@language Common}", + "{@language Druidic}", + "{@language Gnomish}", + "{@language Sylvan}" + ], + "religions": [ + "{@deity Erastil}, {@deity Greem Faith}, {@deity Hanspur}" + ], + "threats": [ + "attacks from gorgas", + "internal divisions", + "threat of the obnubilate curse's return" + ], + "features": [ + { + "name": "Superstitious of Elves", + "entries": [ + "Sevenarches was long plagued by the obnubilate curse\u2014a mysterious affliction that erased the memories of elves and half-elves before it killed them. The curse has recently been lifted, but the people of Sevenarches still bar elven characters from their settlement, afraid that any change to their longstanding ways might result in some unforeseeable catastrophe. Elves and half-elves caught by the kingdom's guards are politely but firmly escorted to the River Kingdom's border." + ] + } + ] + }, + "residents": [ + { + "name": "Esmet Silkenlock", + "alignment": "n", + "gender": "f", + "ancestry": "human", + "position": "ranger", + "bond": "Mayor of Sevenarches" + }, + { + "name": "Dethenesthen Carcusian", + "alignment": "n", + "gender": "m", + "ancestry": "human", + "position": "ranger", + "bond": "Captain of the Underbrush" + }, + { + "name": "Leoti", + "alignment": "ln", + "gender": "f", + "ancestry": "human", + "position": "druid", + "bond": "Voice of the Wind" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "Lepidstadt", + "source": "GW3", + "page": 7, + "category": "Settlement", + "level": 7, + "traits": [ + "n", + "city" + ], + "description": "Scholarly settlement and home of Ustalav's greatest university.", + "settlementData": { + "government": "council", + "population": { + "total": 9780, + "ancestries": { + "human": 98, + "other": 2 + } + }, + "languages": [ + "{@language Common}", + "{@language Varisian}" + ], + "religions": [ + "{@deity Pharasma}" + ], + "threats": [ + "conspirators", + "grave-robbers and what they accidently awaken", + "hidden cults and sinister secret societies", + "scholastic experiments gone horribly awry", + "unexpected dangers hidden within shipments or among returning expeditions from distant lands" + ], + "features": [ + { + "name": "Occultist's Haven", + "entries": [ + "Occult magic items, particularly scrolls bearing occult spells, are plentiful in Lepidstadt's numerous bookstores and curio shops. Treat the settlement's level as 10 for the purposes of availability for purchase for these types of items." + ] + } + ] + }, + "residents": [ + { + "name": "Acciani Viacarri", + "alignment": "ln", + "gender": "m", + "ancestry": "human", + "position": "expert", + "bond": "Dean of Lepidstadt University" + }, + { + "name": "Alpon Caromarc", + "alignment": "n", + "gender": "m", + "ancestry": "human", + "position": "alchemist", + "bond": "mysterious local aristocrat and former count of the region" + }, + { + "name": "The Beast of Lepidstadt", + "alignment": "n", + "gender": "m", + "ancestry": "flesh golem", + "position": "barbarian", + "bond": "Legendary (and perhaps misunderstood) local monster" + } + ] + }, { "name": "Kovlar", "source": "AoA4", diff --git a/data/sources.json b/data/sources.json index 23602870a2..c6c8012153 100644 --- a/data/sources.json +++ b/data/sources.json @@ -1,5 +1,15 @@ { "source": [ + { + "source": "RoE", + "date": "2023-08-02", + "store": "https://paizo.com/products/btq02eal", + "name": "Rage of Elements", + "entries": [ + "{@b Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition)} © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.", + "{@b Pathfinder Rage of Elements} © 2023, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, James Case, Jessica Catalan, Andrew D. Geels, Sen H.H.S., Patrick Hurley, Jason Keeley, Luis Loza, Mark Moreland, Jonathan Morgantini, AJ Neuro, Jessica Redekop, Solomon St. John, Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Shahreena Shahrani, Shay Snow, Levi Steadman, Mari Tokuda, Ruvaid Virk, Andrew White, and Linda Zayas-Palmer." + ] + }, { "source": "TV", "date": "2023-02-22", @@ -698,24 +708,48 @@ ] }, { - "unreleased": true, "source": "GW0", "name": "Gatewalkers Player's Guide", - "adventure": true + "adventure": true, + "date": "2023-01-10", + "store": "https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo6si7s", + "entries": [ + "{@b Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition)} © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.", + "{@b Gatewalkers Player's Guide} © 2022, Paizo Inc.; Author: Patrick Renie." + ] }, { - "unreleased": true, + "date": "2023-01-25", "source": "GW1", "store": "https://paizo.com/products/btq02dsq", "name": "Gatewalkers #1: The Seventh Arch", - "adventure": true + "adventure": true, + "entries": [ + "{@b Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition)} © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.", + "{@b Pathfinder Adventure Path #187: The Seventh Arch} © 2023, Paizo Inc.; Authors: James L. Sutter, with Patrick Renie." + ] }, { - "unreleased": true, + "date": "2023-02-22", "source": "GW2", "store": "https://paizo.com/products/btq02dw1", "name": "Gatewalkers #2: They Watched the Stars", - "adventure": true + "adventure": true, + "entries": [ + "{@b Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition)} © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.", + "{@b Pathfinder Adventure Path #188: They Watched the Stars} © 2023, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jason Keeley, with Ivis K. Flanagan." + ] + }, + { + "date": "2023-03-29", + "source": "GW3", + "store": "https://paizo.com/products/btq02ef2", + "name": "Gatewalkers #3: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires", + "adventure": true, + "entries": [ + "{@b Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition)} © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.", + "{@b Pathfinder Adventure Path #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires} © 2023, Paizo Inc.; Authors: James Jacobs, with Jacob W. Michaels and Rodney Sloan." + ] }, { "source": "HPD", diff --git a/data/spells/index.json b/data/spells/index.json index 7279d7c80c..43bf949d35 100644 --- a/data/spells/index.json +++ b/data/spells/index.json @@ -35,5 +35,6 @@ "LOKL": "spells-lokl.json", "BotD": "spells-botd.json", "ToK": "spells-tok.json", - "TV": "spells-tv.json" + "TV": "spells-tv.json", + "GW1": "spells-gw1.json" } diff --git a/data/spells/spells-gw1.json b/data/spells/spells-gw1.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..311d65570e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/spells/spells-gw1.json @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "spell": [ + { + "name": "Lashunta's Life Bubble", + "source": "GW1", + "page": 81, + "level": 5, + "traits": [ + "uncommon", + "abjuration", + "air" + ], + "traditions": [ + "arcane", + "divine", + "primal" + ], + "cast": { + "number": 1, + "unit": "action" + }, + "components": [ + [ + "V" + ] + ], + "range": { + "unit": "feet", + "number": 30 + }, + "targets": "1 creature", + "duration": { + "number": 8, + "unit": "hour" + }, + "entries": [ + "You create a replenishing protective bubble of fresh, temperate air around the target. The shell of air enables the target to breathe even underwater or in a vacuum, protects from severe cold and heat, and grants a +1 status bonus to the target's saves against inhaled dangers such as inhaled poisons and cloudkill." + ], + "heightened": { + "X": { + "6": [ + "The bubble lasts until your next preparation." + ], + "8": [ + "The bubble lasts until your next preparation, protects against extreme cold and heat, and grants a +2 status bonus instead of +1." + ] + } + } + } + ] +} diff --git a/data/tables.json b/data/tables.json index 214248c9b7..5034bb5d30 100644 --- a/data/tables.json +++ b/data/tables.json @@ -439,6 +439,117 @@ ] ] }, + { + "type": "table", + "name": "Gate Junction", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 18, + "colStyles": [ + "text-left", + "text-left", + "text-left" + ], + "labelRowIdx": [ + 0, + 5, + 10, + 15, + 20, + 25 + ], + "rows": [ + [ + "Air Gate Junctions" + ], + [ + "{@b Critical Blast} Push the target up to 10 feet." + ], + [ + "{@b Elemental Resistance} {@trait air}, {@trait electricity}" + ], + [ + "{@b Aura Junction} You and any ally that starts its turn in the aura gets a +10-foot status bonus to land Speed until the end of that turn, and to fly Speed if applicable." + ], + [ + "{@b Skill Junction} {@skill Stealth}, {@feat Experienced Smuggler}" + ], + [ + "Earth Gate Junctions" + ], + [ + "{@b Critical Blast} If the target is on the ground, it's knocked {@condition prone}; if it isn't on the ground, it descends up to 20 feet (you choose the distance)." + ], + [ + "{@b Elemental Resistance} {@trait earth}, {@trait poison}" + ], + [ + "{@b Aura Junction} Squares in the aura are difficult terrain for your enemies, but only if moving into the square would make the enemy farther away from you." + ], + [ + "{@b Skill Junction} {@skill Athletics}, {@feat Hefty Hauler}" + ], + [ + "Fire Gate Junctions" + ], + [ + "{@b Critical Blast} The target takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent fire damage}. You gain an item bonus to this persistent damage equal to your item bonus to impulse attack rolls, such as from a {@item gate attenuator|RoE}." + ], + [ + "{@b Elemental Resistance} {@trait cold}, {@trait fire}" + ], + [ + "{@b Aura Junction} Enemies in your kinetic aura gain weakness to fire from your fire impulses. The weakness is equal to half your level (minimum weakness 1)." + ], + [ + "{@b Skill Junction} {@skill Intimidation}, {@feat Intimidating Glare}" + ], + [ + "Metal Gate Junctions" + ], + [ + "{@b Critical Blast} The target takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage||persistent bleed damage}; if the creature has the metal trait or is made of metal, it instead takes {@damage 1d6} {@condition persistent damage} with no type from rust. You gain an item bonus to this persistent damage equal to your item bonus to impulse attack rolls, such as from a {@item gate attenuator|RoE}." + ], + [ + "{@b Elemental Resistance} {@trait electricity}, {@trait metal}" + ], + [ + "{@b Aura Junction} Your enemies in the aura take a \u20131 status penalty to attacks with metal objects, and they take a \u20131 status penalty to AC if they're wearing metal armor, have the {@trait metal} trait, or are made of metal." + ], + [ + "{@b Skill Junction} {@skill Crafting}, {@feat Quick Repair}" + ], + [ + "Water Gate Junctions" + ], + [ + "{@b Critical Blast} The blast deals 2 splash damage per damage die of the blast, with the same damage type." + ], + [ + "{@b Elemental Resistance} {@trait fire}, {@trait water}" + ], + [ + "{@b Aura Junction} The aura becomes saturated with humidity, and water moves as you please. Non-magical fires in the aura are extinguished, and creatures in the aura gain fire resistance equal to half your level." + ], + [ + "{@b Skill Junction} {@skill Athletics}, {@feat Underwater Marauder}" + ], + [ + "Wood Gate Junctions" + ], + [ + "{@b Critical Blast} If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to a surface, roots entangle it. The target is {@condition immobilized} and must spend an {@action Interact} action to attempt a DC 10 {@skill Athletics} check to pull itself free. The target doesn't become stuck if it is incorporeal, is liquid, or could otherwise escape without effort." + ], + [ + "{@b Elemental Resistance} {@trait poison}, {@trait wood}" + ], + [ + "{@b Aura Junction} Life-giving blossoms spring up around you. Any ally that begins its turn in the aura gains 1 temporary Hit Point that lasts until the start of its next turn. This increases to 2 temporary Hit Points if you're 10th level or higher and to 3 temporary Hit Points if you're 15th level or higher. " + ], + [ + "{@b Skill Junction} {@skill Survival}, {@feat Terrain Expertise} (forest)" + ] + ] + }, { "source": "TV", "page": 158, @@ -4034,6 +4145,223 @@ ] ] }, + { + "type": "table", + "source": "GW0", + "page": 4, + "name": "Suggested Character Options", + "labelRowIdx": [ + 0 + ], + "colSizes": [ + 4, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 3 + ], + "rows": [ + [ + "Ancestries", + "Classes", + "Languages", + "Skills", + "Feats" + ], + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@b Strongly Recommended}", + "", + "", + "", + "" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@ancestry Elf} (Auideen, Ilverani)", + "{@class Investigator|APG}", + "{@language Common}", + "{@skill Arcana}", + "Any occult skill feats" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@ancestry Human||Half-elf|Half-elf}", + "{@class Psychic|DA}", + "{@language Elven}", + "{@skill Deception}", + "{@feat Arcane Sense}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@ancestry Human} (Erutaki, Kellid, Taldan, Ulfen)", + "{@class Thaumaturge|DA}", + "", + "{@skill Occultism}", + "{@feat Oddity Identification}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@b Recommended}", + "", + "", + "", + "" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@ancestry Gnome} (bleachling, feychild, keenspark)", + "{@class Bard}", + "{@language Aklo}", + "{@skill Nature}", + "{@feat Forager}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "", + "{@class Oracle|APG}", + "{@language Sylvan}", + "{@skill Society}", + "{@feat Hobnobber}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "", + "{@class Witch|APG}", + "", + "{@skill Survival}", + "{@feat Recognize Spell}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@b Appropriate}", + "", + "", + "", + "" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@versatileHeritage Beastkin|LOAG}", + "{@class Alchemist}", + "{@language Erutaki}", + "{@skill Medicine}", + "{@feat Dubious Knowledge}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@versatileHeritage Changeling|APG}", + "{@class Champion}", + "{@language Hallit}", + "{@skill Religion}", + "{@feat Lie to Me}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@versatileHeritage Dhampir|APG}", + "{@class Cleric}", + "{@language Skald}", + "", + "{@feat Ride}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@versatileHeritage Tiefling|APG}", + "{@class Wizard}", + "", + "", + "{@feat Survey Wildlife}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "{@b Not Recommended}", + "", + "", + "", + "" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "\u2014", + "\u2014", + "\u2014", + "\u2014", + "{@feat Terrain Expertise}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "type": "multiRow", + "rows": [ + [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "{@feat Terrain Stalker}" + ] + ] + } + ] + }, { "type": "table", "source": "OoA0", diff --git a/data/traits.json b/data/traits.json index 987c917eba..0fc8a22e79 100644 --- a/data/traits.json +++ b/data/traits.json @@ -1,5 +1,64 @@ { "trait": [ + { + "name": "Overflow", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 15, + "categories": [ + "Class", + "Action & Ability" + ], + "entries": [ + "Powerful impulses temporarily overdraw the energy of your kinetic gate. When you use an impulse that has the overflow trait, your kinetic aura deactivates until you revitalize it (typically with {@action Channel Elements|RoE}). Extinguishing your element this severely is taxing, and consequently, you can use only one overflow impulse per round, even if you reactivate your kinetic gate." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Infusion", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 15, + "categories": [ + "Class", + "Action & Ability" + ], + "entries": [ + "Actions with the infusion trait tweak your kineticist impulses. You must use an infusion action directly before the impulse action you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than an impulse action directly after, you waste the benefits of the infusion action. Any additional effects added by an infusion action are part of the impulse's effect, not of the infusion action itself." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Composite", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 15, + "categories": [ + "Class", + "Action & Ability" + ], + "entries": [ + "A composite impulse combines multiple elements. You can gain an impulse with the composite trait only if your kinetic elements include all the elements listed in the impulse's traits." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Impulse", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 15, + "categories": [ + "Class", + "Action & Ability" + ], + "entries": [ + "The primary magical actions kineticists use are called impulses. You can use an impulse only if your kinetic aura is active and channeling that element, and only if you have a hand free to shape the elemental flow. The impulse trait means the action has the {@trait concentrate} trait unless another ability changes this. If an impulse allows you to choose an element, you can choose any element you're channeling, and the impulse gains that element's trait." + ] + }, + { + "name": "Kineticist", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 237, + "categories": [ + "Class" + ], + "entries": [ + "This indicates abilities from the kineticist class." + ] + }, { "name": "Charau-ka", "source": "LOME", @@ -3845,6 +3904,17 @@ "These aquatic humanoids have an upper body similar to a human and a lower body similar to a fish." ] }, + { + "name": "Spellshape", + "source": "RoE", + "page": 238, + "categories": [ + "General" + ], + "entries": [ + "Actions with the spellshape trait tweak the properties of your spells. You must use a spellshape action directly before casting the spell you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than casting a spell directly after, you waste the benefits of the spellshape action. Any additional effects added by a spellshape action are part of the spell's effect, not of the spellshape action itself." + ] + }, { "name": "Metamagic", "source": "CRB", diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 5366ec475c..84abdac13b 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -367,16 +367,16 @@


- -




+ +




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= "HPD" SRC_LOACLO = "LOACLO" SRC_LOAG = "LOAG" @@ -1339,6 +1341,7 @@ SRC_SoT6 = "SoT6" SRC_TaL = "TaL" SRC_TiO = "TiO" SRC_ToK = "ToK" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_RoE] = "Rage of Elements" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_TV] = "Treasure Vault" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_AAWS] = "Azarketi Ancestry Web Supplement" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_AFoF] = "A Fistful of Flowers" @@ -1395,6 +1398,7 @@ Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_GMG] = "Gamemastery Guide" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_GW0] = "Gatewalkers Player's Guide" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_GW1] = "Gatewalkers #1: The Seventh Arch" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_GW2] = "Gatewalkers #2: They Watched the Stars" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_GW3] = "Gatewalkers #3: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_HPD] = "Hero Point Deck" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_LOACLO] = "Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_LOAG] = "Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide" @@ -1436,6 +1440,7 @@ Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_SoT6] = "Strength of Thousands #6: Shadows of the Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_TaL] = "Torment and Legacy" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_TiO] = "Troubles in Otari" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_FULL[SRC_ToK] = "Threshold of Knowledge" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_RoE] = "RoE" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_TV] = "TV" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_AAWS] = "AAWS" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_AFoF] = "AFoF" @@ -1492,6 +1497,7 @@ Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_GMG] = "GMG" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_GW0] = "GW0" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_GW1] = "GW1" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_GW2] = "GW2" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_GW3] = "GW3" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_HPD] = "HPD" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_LOACLO] = "LOACLO" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_LOAG] = "LOAG" @@ -1533,6 +1539,7 @@ Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_SoT6] = "SoT6" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_TaL] = "TaL" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_TiO] = "TiO" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_ABV[SRC_ToK] = "ToK" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_RoE] = "2023-08-02" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_TV] = "2023-02-22" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_AAWS] = "2021-02-24" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_AFoF] = "2022-07-25" @@ -1586,9 +1593,10 @@ Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_FRP2] = "2021-07-07" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_FRP3] = "2021-07-07" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_GnG] = "2021-10-13" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_GMG] = "2020-02-26" -Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_GW0] = undefined -Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_GW1] = undefined -Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_GW2] = undefined +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_GW0] = "2023-01-10" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_GW1] = "2023-01-25" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_GW2] = "2023-02-22" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_GW3] = "2023-03-29" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_HPD] = "2021-11-10" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_LOACLO] = "2021-12-22" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_LOAG] = "2021-02-24" @@ -1630,6 +1638,7 @@ Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_SoT6] = "2021-07-26" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_TaL] = "2019-09-11" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_TiO] = "2020-12-09" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_DATE[SRC_ToK] = "2021-11-19" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_RoE] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq02eal" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_TV] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq02eav" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AAWS] = "https://paizo-images.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/image/download/Azarketi+Ancestry.pdf" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AFoF] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq02d8f" @@ -1637,14 +1646,14 @@ Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoA0] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq024wj" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoA1] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq024tw" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoA2] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq022ci" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoA3] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq022lx" -Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoA4] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq0233p" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoA4] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq0204d" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoA5] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq023dz" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoA6] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq023g1" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoE0] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq01zth" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoE1] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq01znq" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoE2] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq01znt" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoE3] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq01zrs" -Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoE4] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq0204d" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoE4] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq0233p" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoE5] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq02065" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_AoE6] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq021cb" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_APG] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq023ih" @@ -1683,9 +1692,10 @@ Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_FRP2] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq027sp" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_FRP3] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq027sq" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_GnG] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq026mw" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_GMG] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq022c1" -Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_GW0] = undefined +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_GW0] = "https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo6si7s" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_GW1] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq02dsq" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_GW2] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq02dw1" +Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_GW3] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq02ef2" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_HPD] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq024ut" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_LOACLO] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq02ap2" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_LOAG] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq026k5" @@ -1727,11 +1737,11 @@ Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_SoT6] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq027u1" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_TaL] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq021ax" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_TiO] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq026k1" Parser.SOURCE_JSON_TO_STORE[SRC_ToK] = "https://paizo.com/products/btq027qf" -Parser.SOURCES_ADVENTURES = new Set([SRC_AFoF, SRC_AoA0, SRC_AoA1, SRC_AoA2, SRC_AoA3, SRC_AoA4, SRC_AoA5, SRC_AoA6, SRC_AoE0, SRC_AoE1, SRC_AoE2, SRC_AoE3, SRC_AoE4, SRC_AoE5, SRC_AoE6, SRC_AV0, SRC_AV1, SRC_AV2, SRC_AV3, SRC_AVH, SRC_BB, SRC_BL0, SRC_BL1, SRC_BL2, SRC_BL3, SRC_BL4, SRC_BL5, SRC_BL6, SRC_EC0, SRC_EC1, SRC_EC2, SRC_EC3, SRC_EC4, SRC_EC5, SRC_EC6, SRC_FoP, SRC_FRP0, SRC_FRP1, SRC_FRP2, SRC_FRP3, SRC_GW0, SRC_GW1, SRC_GW2, SRC_LTiBA, SRC_Mal, SRC_NGD, SRC_OoA0, SRC_OoA1, SRC_OoA2, SRC_OoA3, SRC_POS1, SRC_QFF0, SRC_QFF1, SRC_QFF2, SRC_QFF3, SRC_SaS, SRC_Sli, SRC_SoT0, SRC_SoT1, SRC_SoT2, SRC_SoT3, SRC_SoT4, SRC_SoT5, SRC_SoT6, SRC_TaL, SRC_TiO, SRC_ToK ]) +Parser.SOURCES_ADVENTURES = new Set([SRC_AFoF, SRC_AoA0, SRC_AoA1, SRC_AoA2, SRC_AoA3, SRC_AoA4, SRC_AoA5, SRC_AoA6, SRC_AoE0, SRC_AoE1, SRC_AoE2, SRC_AoE3, SRC_AoE4, SRC_AoE5, SRC_AoE6, SRC_AV0, SRC_AV1, SRC_AV2, SRC_AV3, SRC_AVH, SRC_BB, SRC_BL0, SRC_BL1, SRC_BL2, SRC_BL3, SRC_BL4, SRC_BL5, SRC_BL6, SRC_EC0, SRC_EC1, SRC_EC2, SRC_EC3, SRC_EC4, SRC_EC5, SRC_EC6, SRC_FoP, SRC_FRP0, SRC_FRP1, SRC_FRP2, SRC_FRP3, SRC_GW0, SRC_GW1, SRC_GW2, SRC_GW3, SRC_LTiBA, SRC_Mal, SRC_NGD, SRC_OoA0, SRC_OoA1, SRC_OoA2, SRC_OoA3, SRC_POS1, SRC_QFF0, SRC_QFF1, SRC_QFF2, SRC_QFF3, SRC_SaS, SRC_Sli, SRC_SoT0, SRC_SoT1, SRC_SoT2, SRC_SoT3, SRC_SoT4, SRC_SoT5, SRC_SoT6, SRC_TaL, SRC_TiO, SRC_ToK ]) Parser.SOURCES_VANILLA = new Set([SRC_APG, SRC_B1, SRC_B2, SRC_B3, SRC_BotD, SRC_CRB, SRC_DA, SRC_GnG, SRC_GMG, SRC_SoM ]) Parser.TAG_TO_DEFAULT_SOURCE = {"versatileHeritage": SRC_APG, "familiar": SRC_APG, "optfeature": SRC_APG, "creatureTemplate": SRC_B1, "ability": SRC_B1, "creature": SRC_B1, "spell": SRC_CRB, "item": SRC_CRB, "class": SRC_CRB, "condition": SRC_CRB, "background": SRC_CRB, "ancestry": SRC_CRB, "archetype": SRC_CRB, "feat": SRC_CRB, "trap": SRC_CRB, "hazard": SRC_CRB, "deity": SRC_CRB, "action": SRC_CRB, "classFeature": SRC_CRB, "subclassFeature": SRC_CRB, "table": SRC_CRB, "language": SRC_CRB, "ritual": SRC_CRB, "trait": SRC_CRB, "group": SRC_CRB, "domain": SRC_CRB, "skill": SRC_CRB, "familiarAbility": SRC_CRB, "companion": SRC_CRB, "companionAbility": SRC_CRB, "disease": SRC_GMG, "curse": SRC_GMG, "variantrule": SRC_GMG, "vehicle": SRC_GMG, "place": SRC_GMG, "plane": SRC_GMG, "relicGift": SRC_GMG, "settlement": SRC_GMG, "nation": SRC_GMG, "organization": SRC_LOCG, "event": SRC_LOTG, "eidolon": SRC_SoM }; -[SRC_TV, SRC_AAWS, SRC_APG, SRC_B1, SRC_B2, SRC_B3, SRC_BotD, SRC_CFD, SRC_CHD, SRC_CRB, SRC_DA, SRC_GnG, SRC_GMG, SRC_HPD, SRC_LOACLO, SRC_LOAG, SRC_LOCG, SRC_LOGM, SRC_LOGMWS, SRC_LOIL, SRC_LOKL, SRC_LOL, SRC_LOME, SRC_LOMM, SRC_LOPSG, SRC_LOTG, SRC_LOTGB, SRC_LOWG, SRC_PFUM, SRC_SoM ].forEach(src => { Parser.SOURCES_AVAILABLE_DOCS_BOOK[src] = src; Parser.SOURCES_AVAILABLE_DOCS_BOOK[src.toLowerCase()] = src; }); -[SRC_AFoF, SRC_AoA0, SRC_AoA1, SRC_AoA2, SRC_AoA3, SRC_AoA4, SRC_AoA5, SRC_AoA6, SRC_AoE0, SRC_AoE1, SRC_AoE2, SRC_AoE3, SRC_AoE4, SRC_AoE5, SRC_AoE6, SRC_AV0, SRC_AV1, SRC_AV2, SRC_AV3, SRC_AVH, SRC_BB, SRC_BL0, SRC_BL1, SRC_BL2, SRC_BL3, SRC_BL4, SRC_BL5, SRC_BL6, SRC_EC0, SRC_EC1, SRC_EC2, SRC_EC3, SRC_EC4, SRC_EC5, SRC_EC6, SRC_FoP, SRC_FRP0, SRC_FRP1, SRC_FRP2, SRC_FRP3, SRC_GW0, SRC_GW1, SRC_GW2, SRC_LTiBA, SRC_Mal, SRC_NGD, SRC_OoA0, SRC_OoA1, SRC_OoA2, SRC_OoA3, SRC_POS1, SRC_QFF0, SRC_QFF1, SRC_QFF2, SRC_QFF3, SRC_SaS, SRC_Sli, SRC_SoT0, SRC_SoT1, SRC_SoT2, SRC_SoT3, SRC_SoT4, SRC_SoT5, SRC_SoT6, SRC_TaL, SRC_TiO, SRC_ToK ].forEach(src => { Parser.SOURCES_AVAILABLE_DOCS_ADVENTURE[src] = src; Parser.SOURCES_AVAILABLE_DOCS_ADVENTURE[src.toLowerCase()] = src; }); +[SRC_RoE, SRC_TV, SRC_AAWS, SRC_APG, SRC_B1, SRC_B2, SRC_B3, SRC_BotD, SRC_CFD, SRC_CHD, SRC_CRB, SRC_DA, SRC_GnG, SRC_GMG, SRC_HPD, SRC_LOACLO, SRC_LOAG, SRC_LOCG, SRC_LOGM, SRC_LOGMWS, SRC_LOIL, SRC_LOKL, SRC_LOL, SRC_LOME, SRC_LOMM, SRC_LOPSG, SRC_LOTG, SRC_LOTGB, SRC_LOWG, SRC_PFUM, SRC_SoM ].forEach(src => { Parser.SOURCES_AVAILABLE_DOCS_BOOK[src] = src; Parser.SOURCES_AVAILABLE_DOCS_BOOK[src.toLowerCase()] = src; }); +[SRC_AFoF, SRC_AoA0, SRC_AoA1, SRC_AoA2, SRC_AoA3, SRC_AoA4, SRC_AoA5, SRC_AoA6, SRC_AoE0, SRC_AoE1, SRC_AoE2, SRC_AoE3, SRC_AoE4, SRC_AoE5, SRC_AoE6, SRC_AV0, SRC_AV1, SRC_AV2, SRC_AV3, SRC_AVH, SRC_BB, SRC_BL0, SRC_BL1, SRC_BL2, SRC_BL3, SRC_BL4, SRC_BL5, SRC_BL6, SRC_EC0, SRC_EC1, SRC_EC2, SRC_EC3, SRC_EC4, SRC_EC5, SRC_EC6, SRC_FoP, SRC_FRP0, SRC_FRP1, SRC_FRP2, SRC_FRP3, SRC_GW0, SRC_GW1, SRC_GW2, SRC_GW3, SRC_LTiBA, SRC_Mal, SRC_NGD, SRC_OoA0, SRC_OoA1, SRC_OoA2, SRC_OoA3, SRC_POS1, SRC_QFF0, SRC_QFF1, SRC_QFF2, SRC_QFF3, SRC_SaS, SRC_Sli, SRC_SoT0, SRC_SoT1, SRC_SoT2, SRC_SoT3, SRC_SoT4, SRC_SoT5, SRC_SoT6, SRC_TaL, SRC_TiO, SRC_ToK ].forEach(src => { Parser.SOURCES_AVAILABLE_DOCS_ADVENTURE[src] = src; Parser.SOURCES_AVAILABLE_DOCS_ADVENTURE[src.toLowerCase()] = src; }); Parser.SOURCES_ACCESSORIES = new Set(SRC_CFD, SRC_CHD, SRC_HPD) /* PF2ETOOLS_SOURCE__CLOSE */ diff --git a/js/render.js b/js/render.js index dbf405273f..4a5e219113 100644 --- a/js/render.js +++ b/js/render.js @@ -3831,6 +3831,7 @@ Renderer.action = { ${Renderer.utils.getTraitsDiv(it.traits || [])} ${Renderer.action.getSubHead(it)} ${Renderer.generic.getRenderedEntries(it)} + ${Renderer.action.getFooter(it)} ${opts.noPage ? "" : Renderer.utils.getPageP(it)}`; }, getSubHead (it) { @@ -3916,6 +3917,17 @@ Renderer.action = { if (renderStack.length !== 0) renderStack.push(Renderer.utils.getDividerDiv()) return renderStack.join(""); }, + getFooter (it) { + if (!it.footer) return ""; + const renderStack = [Renderer.utils.getDividerDiv()]; + const renderer = Renderer.get() + + it.footer.forEach(entry => { + renderStack.push(`

${entry.name} ${renderer.render(entry.entries)}

`) + }) + + return renderStack.join(""); + }, getQuickRules (it) { let renderStack = [""] Renderer.get().setFirstSection(true).recursiveRender({ type: "pf2-h3", name: it.name, entries: it.info }, renderStack) diff --git a/js/utils.js b/js/utils.js index 672bace103..e4cf4e4cc4 100644 --- a/js/utils.js +++ b/js/utils.js @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if (typeof module !== "undefined") require("./parser.js"); // in deployment, `IS_DEPLOYED = "";` should be set below. IS_DEPLOYED = undefined; -VERSION_NUMBER = /* PF2ETOOLS_VERSION__OPEN */"0.8.4"/* PF2ETOOLS_VERSION__CLOSE */; +VERSION_NUMBER = /* PF2ETOOLS_VERSION__OPEN */"0.8.5"/* PF2ETOOLS_VERSION__CLOSE */; DEPLOYED_STATIC_ROOT = ""; // ""; // FIXME re-enable this when we have a CDN again IS_VTT = false; diff --git a/node/pdf-parser.js b/node/pdf-parser.js index 2a29533935..73bf9b2ba2 100644 --- a/node/pdf-parser.js +++ b/node/pdf-parser.js @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Object.assign(global, require("../js/converter.js")); /* How To: 1. Create a new .txt file and copy all of the statblocks from a book into it. The name of the file determines its source. - 2. Run this script. node node/pdf-parser.js input="./path/to/dir" + 2. Run this script. node node/pdf-parser.js input="./trash" 3. The parser will split the txt, parse each chunk, save chunks without errors as data, and those with errors as txt. */ @@ -20,33 +20,42 @@ class PdfConverter extends Converter { } exec () { - const files = ut.listFiles({dir: this._args.input, whitelistFileExts: [".txt"]}); - // console.log(`Parsing ${files.length} files...`); - files.filter(f => f.endsWith(".txt") && !f.endsWith("-errors.txt")).forEach(file => { - this._parseFile(file); + const files = ut.listFiles({ + dir: this._args.input, + whitelistFileExts: [".txt"], }); + // console.log(`Parsing ${files.length} files...`); + files + .filter((f) => f.endsWith(".txt") && !f.endsWith("-errors.txt")) + .forEach((file) => { + this._parseFile(file); + }); if (Object.keys(this._errors).length) { console.log("Encountered errors while parsing:"); Object.entries(this._errors).forEach(([file, errors]) => { console.log(`"${file}": ${errors.length} errors:`); - errors.forEach(err => console.log(`--- "${err.block}": ${err.e.message}`)) - console.log("-----------------------------------------------") - }) + errors.forEach((err) => + console.log(`--- "${err.block}": ${err.e.message}`), + ); + console.log("-----------------------------------------------"); + }); } } _parseFile (file) { console.log(`Parsing "${file}"...`); const source = file.split("/").last().replace(/\.txt/, ""); - const {data, strFailedChunks} = this._parseChunks(file, source); + const { data, strFailedChunks } = this._parseChunks(file, source); const fileErr = file.replace(/\.txt/, "-errors.txt"); if (strFailedChunks.length) fs.writeFileSync(fileErr, strFailedChunks); else if (fs.existsSync(fileErr)) fs.unlinkSync(fileErr); - Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { + Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => { const folder = key === "creature" ? "bestiary" : `${key}s`; - const dirPart = `${this._args.output || "./trash/parsed"}/${folder}`; - fs.mkdirSync(dirPart, {recursive: true}); - const out = {[key]: data[key]}; + const dirPart = `${ + this._args.output || "./trash/parsed" + }/${folder}`; + fs.mkdirSync(dirPart, { recursive: true }); + const out = { [key]: data[key] }; const filePath = `${dirPart}/${key}s-${source.toLowerCase()}.json`; console.log(`Writing to "${filePath}"...`); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, CleanUtil.getCleanJson(out)); @@ -56,25 +65,31 @@ class PdfConverter extends Converter { _parseChunks (file, source) { const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf-8"); const sourceText = this._preprocessString(fileContent); - const chunks = sourceText.split(/\n{2,}/).map(it => it.trim()).filter(it => it !== ""); + const chunks = sourceText + .split(/\n{2,}/) + .map((it) => it.trim()) + .filter((it) => it !== ""); let page = 0; let data = {}; let strFailedChunks = ""; - chunks.forEach(chunk => { + chunks.forEach((chunk) => { if (/^\d+$/.test(chunk)) { page = Number(/\d+/.exec(chunk)); } else { try { - const parsed = this.parse(`${chunk}\n\n\n`, {source, initialPage: page}); + const parsed = this.parse(`${chunk}\n\n\n`, { + source, + initialPage: page, + }); data = MiscUtil.merge(data, parsed); } catch (e) { strFailedChunks += `\n\n${page}\n\n${chunk}`; - const err = {e, block: chunk.trim().split("\n")[0]}; + const err = { e, block: chunk.trim().split("\n")[0] }; (this._errors[file] = this._errors[file] || []).push(err); } } }); - return {data, strFailedChunks}; + return { data, strFailedChunks }; } } @@ -99,5 +114,9 @@ async function main () { } if (require.main === module) { - main().then(() => console.log("Parsing complete.")).catch(e => { throw e; }); + main() + .then(() => console.log("Parsing complete.")) + .catch((e) => { + throw e; + }); } diff --git a/node/update-jsons.js b/node/update-jsons.js index 54f003c1be..e2059808c5 100644 --- a/node/update-jsons.js +++ b/node/update-jsons.js @@ -9,155 +9,233 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { console.log(`Updating directory ${folder}...`); const files = ut.listFiles({ dir: folder }); files - .filter(file => file.endsWith(".json")) - .forEach(file => { - let json = ut.readJson(file) + .filter((file) => file.endsWith(".json")) + .forEach((file) => { + let json = ut.readJson(file); // For targeted schema changes, like changing a name of an object key if (json.item) { - json.item = json.item.map(x => { - if (x.category !== "Coda" && x.traits && Array.isArray(x.traits) && x.traits.filter(t => t.includes("coda")).length > 0) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} coda category in ${file}...`) - x.category = "Coda" - } - if (x.entries && Array.isArray(x.entries) && x.entries.length) { - x.entries = x.entries.map(e => { + json.item = json.item.map((x) => { + if ( + x.category !== "Coda" + && x.traits + && Array.isArray(x.traits) + && x.traits.filter((t) => t.includes("coda")).length > 0 + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} coda category in ${file}...`, + ); + x.category = "Coda"; + } + if ( + x.entries + && Array.isArray(x.entries) + && x.entries.length + ) { + x.entries = x.entries.map((e) => { if (typeof e === "object") { if (e.variants) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} item variants being stuck in abilities in ${file}...`) + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} item variants being stuck in abilities in ${file}...`, + ); if (!Array.isArray(x.variants)) { - x.variants = e.variants + x.variants = e.variants; } else { - x.variants.push(...e.variants) + x.variants.push(...e.variants); } - delete e.variants - if (!x.generic) x.generic = "G" + delete e.variants; + if (!x.generic) x.generic = "G"; } } - return e - }) + return e; + }); } if (x.variants) { if (!x.generic) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} not having generic attribute in ${file}...`) - x.generic = "G" + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} not having generic attribute in ${file}...`, + ); + x.generic = "G"; } - x.variants.map(v => { - if (v.entries && Array.isArray(v.entries) && v.entries.length) { - v.entries = v.entries.map(e => { + x.variants.map((v) => { + if ( + v.entries + && Array.isArray(v.entries) + && v.entries.length + ) { + v.entries = v.entries.map((e) => { if (typeof e === "object") { if (e.variants) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} item variants being stuck in abilities in ${file}...`) - x.variants.push(...e.variants) - delete e.variants - if (!x.generic) x.generic = "G" + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} item variants being stuck in abilities in ${file}...`, + ); + x.variants.push(...e.variants); + delete e.variants; + if (!x.generic) x.generic = "G"; } } - return e - }) + return e; + }); } if (!v.variantType) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} item variants in ${file}...`) + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} item variants in ${file}...`, + ); if (!v.type && v.name) { - v.variantType = v.name.length > x.name.length ? v.name.replace(x.name, "") : v.name - delete v.name + v.variantType = + v.name.length > x.name.length + ? v.name.replace(x.name, "") + : v.name; + delete v.name; } else { - v.variantType = v.type - delete v.type + v.variantType = v.type; + delete v.type; } } if (v.craftReq && !Array.isArray(v.craftReq)) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} item variant craftReq to array in ${file}...`) - v.craftReq = [v.craftReq] + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} item variant craftReq to array in ${file}...`, + ); + v.craftReq = [v.craftReq]; } - return v - }) - } - if (typeof (x.destruction || x.special || x.craftReq) === "string") { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} destruction/special/craftReq to arrays in ${file}...`) + return v; + }); + } + if ( + typeof (x.destruction || x.special || x.craftReq) === + "string" + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} destruction/special/craftReq to arrays in ${file}...`, + ); if (typeof x.special === "string") { - x.special = [x.special] + x.special = [x.special]; } if (typeof x.destruction === "string") { - x.destruction = [x.destruction] + x.destruction = [x.destruction]; } if (typeof x.craftReq === "string") { - x.craftReq = [x.craftReq] + x.craftReq = [x.craftReq]; } } - if (x.activate && x.activate.components && !Array.isArray(x.activate.components)) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} components to array in ${file}...`) - x.activate.components = [x.activate.components] - } - if (x.activate && x.activate.components && x.activate.components.length) { - x.activate.components.map(component => { - if (component.toLowerCase() === "strike" || component.toLowerCase() === "interact" || component.toLowerCase() === "cast a spell") { - console.log(`\tTagging ${x.name} components in ${file}...`) - component = `{@action ${component}}` + if ( + x.activate + && x.activate.components + && !Array.isArray(x.activate.components) + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} components to array in ${file}...`, + ); + x.activate.components = [x.activate.components]; + } + if ( + x.activate + && x.activate.components + && x.activate.components.length + ) { + x.activate.components.map((component) => { + if ( + component.toLowerCase() === "strike" + || component.toLowerCase() === "interact" + || component.toLowerCase() === "cast a spell" + ) { + console.log( + `\tTagging ${x.name} components in ${file}...`, + ); + component = `{@action ${component}}`; } - return component - }) + return component; + }); } if (x.activate != null && x.trigger != null) { - x.activate.trigger = x.trigger - delete x.trigger + x.activate.trigger = x.trigger; + delete x.trigger; } if (x.activate != null && x.requirements != null) { - x.activate.requirements = x.requirements - delete x.requirements + x.activate.requirements = x.requirements; + delete x.requirements; } if (x.activate != null && x.prerequisites != null) { - x.activate.prerequisites = x.prerequisites - delete x.prerequisites + x.activate.prerequisites = x.prerequisites; + delete x.prerequisites; } if (x.type === "Equipment" && !(x.equipment === true)) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} types from Equipment to Item in ${file}...`) - x.type = "Item" + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} types from Equipment to Item in ${file}...`, + ); + x.type = "Item"; } - return x - }) + return x; + }); } if (json.baseitem) { - json.baseitem = json.baseitem.map(x => { + json.baseitem = json.baseitem.map((x) => { if (x.type === "Equipment" && !(x.equipment === true)) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} types from Equipment to Item in ${file}...`) - x.type = "Item" + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} types from Equipment to Item in ${file}...`, + ); + x.type = "Item"; } - return x - }) + return x; + }); } if (json.spell) { - json.spell = json.spell.map(sp => { - if (sp.heightened && sp.heightened.X && Array.isArray(sp.heightened.X)) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${sp.name} spell heightening in ${file}...`) - let heightenedOld = sp.heightened.X - sp.heightened.X = {} - heightenedOld.forEach(v => { - sp.heightened.X = { ...sp.heightened.X, [v.level]: v.entries } - }) + json.spell = json.spell.map((sp) => { + if ( + sp.heightened + && sp.heightened.X + && Array.isArray(sp.heightened.X) + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${sp.name} spell heightening in ${file}...`, + ); + let heightenedOld = sp.heightened.X; + sp.heightened.X = {}; + heightenedOld.forEach((v) => { + sp.heightened.X = { + ...sp.heightened.X, + [v.level]: v.entries, + }; + }); } if (sp && sp.range && sp.range.type) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${sp.name} spell range in ${file}...`) - sp.range.unit = sp.range.type - delete sp.range.type + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${sp.name} spell range in ${file}...`, + ); + sp.range.unit = sp.range.type; + delete sp.range.type; } if (sp && sp.type) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${sp.name} type in ${file}...`) - if (sp.type.toLowerCase() === "focus") sp.focus = true - delete sp.type - } - if (sp && typeof sp.components === "object" && !Array.isArray(sp.components)) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${sp.name} spell components in ${file}...`) - sp.components = [Object.keys(sp.components)] - } - if (sp && sp.traditions && sp.traditions.some(rx => rx.match(/[A-Z]/g))) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${sp.name} traditions in ${file}...`) - sp.traditions = sp.traditions.map(t => t.toLowerCase()) + console.log(`\tUpdating ${sp.name} type in ${file}...`); + if (sp.type.toLowerCase() === "focus") sp.focus = true; + delete sp.type; + } + if ( + sp + && typeof sp.components === "object" + && !Array.isArray(sp.components) + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${sp.name} spell components in ${file}...`, + ); + sp.components = [Object.keys(sp.components)]; + } + if ( + sp + && sp.traditions + && sp.traditions.some((rx) => rx.match(/[A-Z]/g)) + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${sp.name} traditions in ${file}...`, + ); + sp.traditions = sp.traditions.map((t) => + t.toLowerCase(), + ); } if (sp && sp.subclass && sp.subclass["Cleric|Domain"]) { - sp.domains = sp.subclass["Cleric|Domain"] - delete sp.subclass["Cleric|Domain"] + sp.domains = sp.subclass["Cleric|Domain"]; + delete sp.subclass["Cleric|Domain"]; if (Object.keys(sp.subclass.length).length === 0) { - delete sp.subclass + delete sp.subclass; } } if (sp && sp.duration) { @@ -167,85 +245,116 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { } delete duration.type; if (duration.sustain) { - delete duration.sustain - duration.sustained = true + delete duration.sustain; + duration.sustained = true; } - if (duration.unit === "unlimited" || duration.unit === "special") { + if ( + duration.unit === "unlimited" + || duration.unit === "special" + ) { delete duration.number; } if (duration.entry) { const cpy = MiscUtil.copy(duration); delete cpy.entry; const renderedDuration = Parser.durationToFull(cpy); - if (renderedDuration === duration.entry) delete duration.entry; + if (renderedDuration === duration.entry) { + delete duration.entry; + } } delete duration.duration; sp.duration = duration; } - return sp - }) + return sp; + }); } if (json.ancestry) { - json.ancestry = json.ancestry.map(x => { - if (typeof x.size === "string" || x.size instanceof String) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} ancestry size in ${file}...`) - x.size = x.size.split(/, or |, | or /g) - } - return x - }) + json.ancestry = json.ancestry.map((x) => { + if ( + typeof x.size === "string" + || x.size instanceof String + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} ancestry size in ${file}...`, + ); + x.size = x.size.split(/, or |, | or /g); + } + return x; + }); } if (json.feat) { - json.feat = json.feat.map(x => { + json.feat = json.feat.map((x) => { if (typeof x.special === "string") { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} special to arrays in ${file}...`) - x.special = [x.special] + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} special to arrays in ${file}...`, + ); + x.special = [x.special]; } - return x - }) + return x; + }); } if (json.vehicle) { - json.vehicle = json.vehicle.map(x => { - if (typeof (x.destruction || x.special || x.craftReq) === "string") { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${x.name} destruction/special/craftReq to arrays in ${file}...`) + json.vehicle = json.vehicle.map((x) => { + if ( + typeof (x.destruction || x.special || x.craftReq) === + "string" + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${x.name} destruction/special/craftReq to arrays in ${file}...`, + ); if (typeof x.special === "string") { - x.special = [x.special] + x.special = [x.special]; } if (typeof x.destruction === "string") { - x.destruction = [x.destruction] + x.destruction = [x.destruction]; } if (typeof x.craftReq === "string") { - x.craftReq = [x.craftReq] + x.craftReq = [x.craftReq]; } - return x + return x; } - return x - }) + return x; + }); } if (json.creature) { - json.creature = json.creature.map(cr => { + json.creature = json.creature.map((cr) => { if (cr.creatureType) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${cr.name} creature type in ${file}...`) - cr.traits.push(cr.creatureType.map(t => t.toLowerCase())) - delete cr.creatureType - cr.traits = [...new Set(cr.traits.flat())] + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${cr.name} creature type in ${file}...`, + ); + cr.traits.push( + cr.creatureType.map((t) => t.toLowerCase()), + ); + delete cr.creatureType; + cr.traits = [...new Set(cr.traits.flat())]; } if (cr.isNpc === false) { - delete cr.isNpc + delete cr.isNpc; } if (cr.hasImages === false) { - delete cr.hasImages + delete cr.hasImages; } - if (cr.skills && Object.keys(cr.skills).find(k => k.match(/[A-Z]/g))) { + if ( + cr.skills + && Object.keys(cr.skills).find((k) => k.match(/[A-Z]/g)) + ) { // Stolen from https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/javascript-lowercase-object-keys - console.log(`\tUpdating ${cr.name} skill to lowercase in ${file}...`) + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${cr.name} skill to lowercase in ${file}...`, + ); - cr.skills = Object.keys(cr.skills).reduce((accumulator, key) => { - accumulator[key.toLowerCase()] = cr.skills[key]; - return accumulator; - }, {}) + cr.skills = Object.keys(cr.skills).reduce( + (accumulator, key) => { + accumulator[key.toLowerCase()] = cr.skills[key]; + return accumulator; + }, + {}, + ); } if (cr.skills) { - for (const skill of Object.keys(cr.skills).filter(s => s.match(/[Ll]ore\s+\(.*\)/g))) { + for (const skill of Object.keys(cr.skills).filter((s) => + s.match(/[Ll]ore\s+\(.*\)/g), + )) { cr.skills["lore"] = cr.skills[skill]; const match = /\((.*)\)/.exec(skill); const note = match[1].trim().replace(/\s/g, " "); @@ -253,10 +362,30 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { delete cr.skills[skill]; } } - if (cr.ac || cr.savingThrows || cr.hardness || cr.hp || cr.bt || cr.immunities || cr.weaknesses || cr.resistances) { + if ( + cr.ac + || cr.savingThrows + || cr.hardness + || cr.hp + || cr.bt + || cr.immunities + || cr.weaknesses + || cr.resistances + ) { cr.defenses = cr.defenses || {}; - console.log(`\tUpdating ${cr.name} defenses in ${file}...`) - for (let k of ["ac", "savingThrows", "hardness", "hp", "bt", "immunities", "weaknesses", "resistances"]) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${cr.name} defenses in ${file}...`, + ); + for (let k of [ + "ac", + "savingThrows", + "hardness", + "hp", + "bt", + "immunities", + "weaknesses", + "resistances", + ]) { if (cr[k]) { cr.defenses[k] = cr[k]; delete cr[k]; @@ -270,58 +399,96 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { } } if (cr.defenses && cr.defenses.savingThrows) { - if (typeof cr.defenses.savingThrows.abilities === "string") { - cr.defenses.savingThrows.abilities = [cr.defenses.savingThrows.abilities]; + if ( + typeof cr.defenses.savingThrows.abilities === + "string" + ) { + cr.defenses.savingThrows.abilities = [ + cr.defenses.savingThrows.abilities, + ]; } } if (cr.defenses && cr.defenses.resistances) { - cr.defenses.resistances = cr.defenses.resistances.map(r => { - if (r.note) { - r.note = r.note.trimAnyChar("()"); - } - return r; - }) + cr.defenses.resistances = cr.defenses.resistances.map( + (r) => { + if (r.note) { + r.note = r.note.trimAnyChar("()"); + } + return r; + }, + ); } if (cr.defenses && cr.defenses.weaknesses) { - cr.defenses.weaknesses = cr.defenses.weaknesses.map(r => { - if (r.note) { - r.note = r.note.trimAnyChar("()"); - } - return r; - }) - } - if (cr.languages && cr.languages.languages && cr.languages.languages.length && cr.languages.languages.find(k => k.match(/[A-Z]/g))) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${cr.name} languages to lowercase in ${file}...`) - cr.languages.languages = cr.languages.languages.map(k => k.toLowerCase()) + cr.defenses.weaknesses = cr.defenses.weaknesses.map( + (r) => { + if (r.note) { + r.note = r.note.trimAnyChar("()"); + } + return r; + }, + ); + } + if ( + cr.languages + && cr.languages.languages + && cr.languages.languages.length + && cr.languages.languages.find((k) => k.match(/[A-Z]/g)) + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${cr.name} languages to lowercase in ${file}...`, + ); + cr.languages.languages = cr.languages.languages.map( + (k) => k.toLowerCase(), + ); } if (cr.attacks && cr.attacks.length) { - if (cr.attacks.find(k => k.activity && k.activity.unit && k.activity.unit === "action" && k.activity.number && k.activity.number === 1)) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${cr.name} attacks to remove vestigial data in ${file}...`) - cr.attacks = cr.attacks.map(k => { - delete k.activity - return k - }) + if ( + cr.attacks.find( + (k) => + k.activity + && k.activity.unit + && k.activity.unit === "action" + && k.activity.number + && k.activity.number === 1, + ) + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${cr.name} attacks to remove vestigial data in ${file}...`, + ); + cr.attacks = cr.attacks.map((k) => { + delete k.activity; + return k; + }); } - cr.attacks = cr.attacks.map(k => { + cr.attacks = cr.attacks.map((k) => { if (k.effects && k.effects.length === 0) { - delete k.effects + delete k.effects; } - return k - }) + return k; + }); } else if (cr.attacks && cr.attacks.length === 0) { - delete cr.attacks + delete cr.attacks; } if (cr.spellcasting && cr.spellcasting.length) { - cr.spellcasting = cr.spellcasting.map(k => { + cr.spellcasting = cr.spellcasting.map((k) => { if (k.type) { k.type = k.type.toTitleCase(); } if (k.tradition) { k.tradition = k.tradition.toLowerCase(); } - if (k.name && k.type && k.tradition - && (k.name.localeCompare(`${k.type} ${k.tradition}`, { sensitivity: "base" }) - || k.name.localeCompare(`${k.tradition} ${k.type}`, { sensitivity: "base" })) + if ( + k.name + && k.type + && k.tradition + && (k.name.localeCompare( + `${k.type} ${k.tradition}`, + { sensitivity: "base" }, + ) + || k.name.localeCompare( + `${k.tradition} ${k.type}`, + { sensitivity: "base" }, + )) ) { delete k.name; } @@ -333,7 +500,7 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { } const mapSpellLevel = (l) => { - l.spells = l.spells.map(s => { + l.spells = l.spells.map((s) => { if (s.note) { if (typeof s.note === "string") { s.notes = [s.note]; @@ -345,24 +512,31 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { return s; }); return l; - } + }; if (k.entry) { for (let l = 0; l <= 10; l++) { const level = l.toString(); if (k.entry[level]) { - k.entry[level] = mapSpellLevel(k.entry[level]); + k.entry[level] = mapSpellLevel( + k.entry[level], + ); } - if (k.entry.constant && k.entry.constant[level]) { - k.entry.constant[level] = mapSpellLevel(k.entry.constant[level]); + if ( + k.entry.constant + && k.entry.constant[level] + ) { + k.entry.constant[level] = mapSpellLevel( + k.entry.constant[level], + ); } } } - return k - }) + return k; + }); } if (cr.rituals && cr.rituals.length) { - cr.rituals = cr.rituals.map(k => { + cr.rituals = cr.rituals.map((k) => { if (k.tradition) { k.tradition = k.tradition.toLowerCase(); } @@ -374,8 +548,8 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { } delete k.note; } - return k - }) + return k; + }); } if (cr.abilities) { const mapAbility = (a) => { @@ -383,35 +557,59 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { delete a.entries; } if (a.activity) { - if (a.activity.number === 1 && a.activity.unit === "free") { + if ( + a.activity.number === 1 + && a.activity.unit === "free" + ) { delete a.activity.entry; } } return a; - } + }; if (cr.abilities.top) { - cr.abilities.top = cr.abilities.top.map(mapAbility) + cr.abilities.top = cr.abilities.top.map(mapAbility); } if (cr.abilities.mid) { - cr.abilities.mid = cr.abilities.mid.map(mapAbility) + cr.abilities.mid = cr.abilities.mid.map(mapAbility); } if (cr.abilities.bot) { - cr.abilities.bot = cr.abilities.bot.map(mapAbility) + cr.abilities.bot = cr.abilities.bot.map(mapAbility); } } return cr; }); } if (json.hazard) { - json.hazard = json.hazard.map(h => { - if (h.actions && h.actions.filter(a => a.type === "attack").length) { - console.log(`\tUpdating ${h.name} actions in ${file}...`) - h.attacks = h.actions.filter(a => a.type === "attack"); - h.actions = h.actions.filter(a => a.type !== "attack"); - } - if (h.actions) h.actions.forEach(a => { if (a.type !== "affliction") { delete a.type } }); - if (h.attacks) h.attacks.forEach(a => { if (a.type !== "affliction") { delete a.type } }); + json.hazard = json.hazard.map((h) => { + if ( + h.actions + && h.actions.filter((a) => a.type === "attack").length + ) { + console.log( + `\tUpdating ${h.name} actions in ${file}...`, + ); + h.attacks = h.actions.filter( + (a) => a.type === "attack", + ); + h.actions = h.actions.filter( + (a) => a.type !== "attack", + ); + } + if (h.actions) { + h.actions.forEach((a) => { + if (a.type !== "affliction") { + delete a.type; + } + }); + } + if (h.attacks) { + h.attacks.forEach((a) => { + if (a.type !== "affliction") { + delete a.type; + } + }); + } if (h.defenses) { for (let k of ["ac", "hardness", "hp", "bt"]) { @@ -422,10 +620,19 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { } if (h.defenses.savingThrows) { for (let k of ["fort", "ref", "will"]) { - if (typeof h.defenses.savingThrows[k] === "number") { - h.defenses.savingThrows[k] = { std: h.defenses.savingThrows[k] } - } else if (h.defenses.savingThrows[k] && h.defenses.savingThrows[k].default) { - h.defenses.savingThrows[k].std = h.defenses.savingThrows[k].default; + if ( + typeof h.defenses.savingThrows[k] === + "number" + ) { + h.defenses.savingThrows[k] = { + std: h.defenses.savingThrows[k], + }; + } else if ( + h.defenses.savingThrows[k] + && h.defenses.savingThrows[k].default + ) { + h.defenses.savingThrows[k].std = + h.defenses.savingThrows[k].default; delete h.defenses.savingThrows[k].default; } } @@ -437,18 +644,28 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { delete h.defenses.notes.default; } // Old data assumed notes was only for hp - h.defenses.hp.notes = h.defenses.notes - delete h.defenses.notes + h.defenses.hp.notes = h.defenses.notes; + delete h.defenses.notes; } - if (h.defenses && h.defenses.hp && h.defenses.hp.notes) { - Object.keys(h.defenses.hp.notes).forEach(k => h.defenses.hp.notes[k] = h.defenses.hp.notes[k].trimAnyChar(".,;")) + if ( + h.defenses + && h.defenses.hp + && h.defenses.hp.notes + ) { + Object.keys(h.defenses.hp.notes).forEach( + (k) => + (h.defenses.hp.notes[k] = + h.defenses.hp.notes[k].trimAnyChar( + ".,;", + )), + ); } } return h; }); } if (json.ritual) { - json.ritual = json.ritual.map(r => { + json.ritual = json.ritual.map((r) => { if (r && r.duration) { let duration = r.duration; if (duration.duration) { @@ -456,17 +673,22 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { } delete duration.type; if (duration.sustain) { - delete duration.sustain - duration.sustained = true + delete duration.sustain; + duration.sustained = true; } - if (duration.unit === "unlimited" || duration.unit === "special") { + if ( + duration.unit === "unlimited" + || duration.unit === "special" + ) { delete duration.number; } if (duration.entry) { const cpy = MiscUtil.copy(duration); delete cpy.entry; const renderedDuration = Parser.durationToFull(cpy); - if (renderedDuration === duration.entry) delete duration.entry; + if (renderedDuration === duration.entry) { + delete duration.entry; + } } delete duration.duration; r.duration = duration; @@ -475,26 +697,38 @@ function updateFolder (folder) { }); } if (json.archetype) { - json.archetype = json.archetype.map(a => { - if (a.traits && Array.isArray(a.traits) && a.traits.length) { - a.rarity = a.traits[0] + json.archetype = json.archetype.map((a) => { + if ( + a.traits + && Array.isArray(a.traits) + && a.traits.length + ) { + a.rarity = a.traits[0]; delete a.traits; } - return a - }) + return a; + }); } if (json.background) { - json.background = json.background.map(b => { + json.background = json.background.map((b) => { if (b.feat) { - if (Array.isArray(b.feat)) b.feats = b.feat - else b.feats = [b.feat] - delete b.feat + if (Array.isArray(b.feat)) b.feats = b.feat; + else b.feats = [b.feat]; + delete b.feat; + } + + if (b.boosts) { + b.boosts = b.boosts.map((b) => b.toLowerCase()); + } + if (b.skills) { + b.skills = b.skills.map((b) => b.toLowerCase()); } - return b - }) + + return b; + }); } fs.writeFileSync(file, CleanUtil.getCleanJson(json), "utf-8"); - }) + }); } updateFolder(`./data`); diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 2b8a1626b7..ba75bcf1e1 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "name": "pf2etools", "author": "Pf2eTools", - "version": "0.8.4", + "version": "0.8.5", "license": "MIT", "description": "A site dedicated to making playing games with your friends as easy as possible.", "scripts": { diff --git a/scss/source.scss b/scss/source.scss index acd04f4dea..a69e746ccd 100644 --- a/scss/source.scss +++ b/scss/source.scss @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ $rgb-source-DA: #5c8ba9; $rgb-source-LOKL: #556168; $rgb-source-LOIL: #47a08d; + $rgb-source-RoE: #a78015; $rgb-source-TV: #8b8b56; @@ -28,6 +29,12 @@ text-decoration-color: $rgb-source-TV !important; } + &RoE { + color: $rgb-source-RoE !important; + border-color: $rgb-source-RoE !important; + text-decoration-color: $rgb-source-RoE !important; + } + &AAWS { color: $rgb-source-AAWS !important; border-color: $rgb-source-AAWS !important; diff --git a/test/schema-template/_generated/sources.json b/test/schema-template/_generated/sources.json index 17c63467b6..bcd090c914 100644 --- a/test/schema-template/_generated/sources.json +++ b/test/schema-template/_generated/sources.json @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ "FoP", "G&G", "GMG", + "GW0", + "GW1", + "GW2", + "GW3", "HPD", "LOACLO", "LOAG", @@ -84,6 +88,7 @@ "QFF1", "QFF2", "QFF3", + "RoE", "SaS", "Sli", "SoM", diff --git a/test/schema-template/_generated/traits.json b/test/schema-template/_generated/traits.json index 58bfaa8f6d..7f00f54ac2 100644 --- a/test/schema-template/_generated/traits.json +++ b/test/schema-template/_generated/traits.json @@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ { "$ref": "#/definitions/combatTrait" }, - { - "$ref": "#/definitions/actionAbilityTrait" - }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/spellTrait" }, @@ -88,9 +85,6 @@ { "$ref": "#/definitions/settlementTrait" }, - { - "$ref": "#/definitions/classTrait" - }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/variableTraits" }, @@ -99,10 +93,74 @@ }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/creatureTrait" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/actionAbilityTrait" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/classTrait" } ], "uniqueItems": true }, + "classTrait": { + "type": "string", + "description": "A list of all Class traits.", + "enum": [ + "[class]", + "aftermath", + "alchemist", + "barbarian", + "bard", + "champion", + "class", + "cleric", + "composite", + "deviant", + "druid", + "fighter", + "gunslinger", + "impulse", + "infusion", + "inventor", + "investigator", + "kineticist", + "magus", + "monk", + "oracle", + "overflow", + "psychic", + "ranger", + "rogue", + "sorcerer", + "spellshot", + "summoner", + "swashbuckler", + "thaumaturge", + "witch", + "wizard" + ] + }, + "actionAbilityTrait": { + "type": "string", + "description": "A list of all Action & Ability traits.", + "enum": [ + "composite", + "concentrate", + "deviant", + "downtime", + "esoterica", + "exploration", + "impulse", + "infusion", + "instinct", + "mindshift", + "overflow", + "psyche", + "reckless", + "tandem" + ] + }, "creatureTrait": { "type": "string", "description": "A list of all Creature traits.", @@ -332,39 +390,6 @@ } ] }, - "classTrait": { - "type": "string", - "description": "A list of all Class traits.", - "enum": [ - "[class]", - "aftermath", - "alchemist", - "barbarian", - "bard", - "champion", - "class", - "cleric", - "deviant", - "druid", - "fighter", - "gunslinger", - "inventor", - "investigator", - "magus", - "monk", - "oracle", - "psychic", - "ranger", - "rogue", - "sorcerer", - "spellshot", - "summoner", - "swashbuckler", - "thaumaturge", - "witch", - "wizard" - ] - }, "settlementTrait": { "type": "string", "description": "A list of all Settlement traits.", @@ -470,22 +495,6 @@ "litany" ] }, - "actionAbilityTrait": { - "type": "string", - "description": "A list of all Action & Ability traits.", - "enum": [ - "concentrate", - "deviant", - "downtime", - "esoterica", - "exploration", - "instinct", - "mindshift", - "psyche", - "reckless", - "tandem" - ] - }, "combatTrait": { "type": "string", "description": "A list of all Combat traits.", @@ -571,6 +580,7 @@ "revolutionary", "secret", "shadow", + "spellshape", "structure", "true name", "wayfaring"