This project is a Gnosis Safe Module that allows periodically vesting of some tokens. You set the interval between each vest, the token, the amount, and the beneficiary of the vest. Then you can ask the module to release the unlocked tokens whenever you like, without the need of the Safe wallet signatures.
Tested with:
Truffle v5.1.25 (core: 5.1.25)
Solidity - 0.5.17 (solc-js)
Node v12.16.2
The module can be attached to a Safe wallet when initializing. Reference migration code (link)
const moduleData = await vestingModuleMasterCopy.contract.methods.setup(
[usdtToken.address], // token
[startTime], // start time
[interval], // interval
[amount], // amount
[to] // to
const proxyFactoryData = await proxyFactory.contract.methods.createProxy(vestingModuleMasterCopy.address, moduleData).encodeABI();
const modulesCreationData = utils.processModulesData(web3, [proxyFactoryData]);
const createAndAddModulesData = await createAndAddModules.contract.methods.createAndAddModules(proxyFactory.address, modulesCreationData).encodeABI();
// prepare craete module call
const gnosisSafeData = await gnosisSafeMasterCopy.contract.methods.setup(
[accounts[0]], 1, createAndAddModules.address, createAndAddModulesData,
utils.Address0, utils.Address0, 0, utils.Address0
const tx = await proxyFactory.createProxy(gnosisSafeMasterCopy.address, gnosisSafeData);
const gnosisSafeAddress = utils.getParamFromTxEvent(tx, 'ProxyCreation', 'proxy', proxyFactory.address);
: Zero address for Ether, otherwise an ERC20 token addressstartTime
: The time of the first unlock (unix timestamp in seconds). Must be later than the block time of the setup transactioninterval
: The interval between vests in secondsamount
: The amount of each vestto
: The address of the beneficiary
- All unlocked rounds:
- Available rounds:
Simply call vestingModule.execute(tokenAddress)
from any Ethereum account.
truffle test ./test/vestingModule.js