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Skript Artifact


This project is just in development.

Lang Ver



  • Same as MythicCrucible or MMOItems but smaller version and its Free :D


Skill Trigger:

Value Description
right_click Like using Fishing Rod or other righ clicked items.
left_click When attack or hit air and block.
etc.. You can add more than this because this is skrip :>

Example Item Nbt

  display: {
    Name: "{""text"": ""Wooden Bat"", ""italic"": false}"
  CustomModelData: 1,
  Abilities: [
    {id: "dash", event: "right_click"},
    {id: "berserk", timer: 10}

API Documentation

This is Api section or basically you can use it easily without worrying couse problem on main code.

cast(Entity, SkillMetaData) - Cast skill form mythicmobs. Example:

on right click:
  cast(player, "SmashAttack")

isArtiact(ItemStack) - Check if item is Artifact if not return false, basically just get abilities tag and if is set return true. Example:

on right click:
  if isArtiact(player's tool) = true:
    cast(player, "SmashAttack")

Plans for Project

  • Item abilities activator

  • Armor abilities activator

  • Modifying damage or attributes skill on configuration item(if possible)

  • Make own NBT system system using NMS(For reduce dependency of plugins if possible)

  • Basic & Simpler File configuration

  • Advance File configuration (When i have lot of free time)

If I've done with file configuration

  • Oraxen support (I dont know where the javadoc is it, mybe i just make it read configuration file but that will couse lot of lag if content of file is big)

  • Itemsadder support (I found the javadoc but i dont see where i can get CustomModelData item but i found get config function mybe i can use that)

  • Make it plugin (I really want to make this code in plugin but i dont have a pc or desktop device so i just use what i have)