A simple social media app with voting capabilities. Save time and vote on the fly!
So, I bet you're wondering why this is here. It's an app that makes voting easy, right? Well, yeah, that's what it does.
But what if you were just standing in line trying to sign up for something at a show, you're basically waiting in line, writing on a sheet of paper that could get lost at any time, might even have to restart all over again if you mess one thing up and maybe have to have reference photos for something you've made. That happens, [I've seen it].
Well, guess what this program does? It takes all the problems and throws them in the trash. Save your profile, take your reference photos, make a simple switchover from show to show with your entry, and have people vote for a thing you've done.
Currently, this is limited to conventions... you know, the ones with the comic books and the people in costume. That's the first iteration.
It is currently just a social media service for anyone in the cosplay community built on Swift with a Firebase backend and some added help from HMSegmentedControl and SDWebImage instead of some normal UI elements from the taskbar.
A Phantom-Hex project.