- Make mod split into submods so people can pick a choose what they want (Genes, Psycast, Faction)
- Make greater daemon sprites for all gods.
- Give Khorne marked pawns special abilities that grows stronger the more they've killed.
- Special effect for daemon ressurection and summoning.
- Wounded space marine drop pod - for genes acqusition
- Complete gene drop pod - archmagus misplaced these
- Chapter specific genes?
- Ork Genes?
- Make item that when used creates a whole gene-seed ready for use, make expensive and possibly require friendship with imperium
- Make more chaos genes, like tentacle of tzeentch or mouth of nurgle, make them work on the ritual system. Maybe a random chance to get a beneficial mutation or a bad one.
- Nervous breakdown may cause chaos to notice and do stuff?
- Harvest psychic potential from dead psykers to upgrade other psychic powers.
- Add guardsmen to imperial faction that are then patched to use Grimworld Hammer of imperium guardsmen armor.
- Psytrainer quest reward giving access to paths without psyker gene. (VPE thing, need to look into code and harmony fix it?)
- imperium faction quests not showing up properly for some?
- fix factions, chaos to properly raid and imperium to properly show?
- Patch for immortals mod when person is afflitced with nurgles rot
- Marines called using favor doesnt have the correct xenotype
First 19 gene-seed have a complexity of 2, all 3 primaris have a complexity of 4 and requires 1 archite capsule.
Secondary Heart
Larraman's Organ
Catalepsean Node
Lyman's Ear
Sus-an Membrane
Oolitic Kidney
Betcher's Gland
Progenoid Glands
Black Carapace
Sinew Coil
Belisarian Furnace
Iota Psyker
Epsilon Psyker
Delta Psyker
Beta Psyker
Mark of Khorne
Mark of Nurgle
Mark of Tzeentch
Mark of Slaanesh
Mark of Chaos
Daemon Mutation
Daemon Wings
Daemon Tail
Daemon Horns
Daemon Hide
20 different mutations genes with different maluses.
Chaos psyker
Sanctioned psyker
Tzeentch psyker
Nurgle psyker
Slaanesh psyker