- python 3.6
- jieba
- nltk
- synonyms
- pyltp
- xlsxwriter
- stanfordcorenlp
- argparse
- ltp-models 3.4.0
- Stanford Corenlp
- Chinese models
Start Stanford Corenlp service(Linux/MacOS)
Translate sentences:
- python translate_sent.py --file-name XXXX --MTSys XXXX --sid X --eid X
- file-name: the file names in directory pred_sents
- MTSys: bing; youdao; google; baidu
- sid: the sentence id of starting translating
- eid: the sentence id of ending translating
Detect translation errors:
- python detect_bug.py --file-name XXXX --MTSys XXXX --sid X --eid X
- file-name: the file names in directory translations
- MTSys: bing; youdao; google; baidu
- sid: the sentence id of detecting errors
- eid: the sentence id of detecting errors
Generate error reports
- python gen_report.py --file-name XXXX --MTSys XXXX
- file-name: the file names in directory bugs
- MTSys: bing; youdao; google; baidu