- Performs MCMC based phylogenetics.
- Can handle multistate characters.
- Can handle polymorphism (or synonymous states of a concept).
- Can handle Jukes-Cantor, Felsenstein-81 models.
- Handles only Rooted trees like in linguistics. So, the trees will have branch lengths and a root.
- Handles trees like Phylo class in ape package of R.
- Performs tree moves using external SPR and NNI.
- Branch lengths are sampled according to a exponential distribution.
- Substitution parameters are sampled using Dirichlet and DualSampler move.
Compile code using
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
usage: mat_mcmc_gamma.py [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-m MODEL] [-n N_GEN] [-t THIN]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
Input a file in Phylip format with taxa and characters
separated by a TAB character
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
-n N_GEN, --n_gen N_GEN
Number of generations
-t THIN, --thin THIN Number of generations after to print to file
-d DATA_TYPE, --data_type DATA_TYPE
Type of data if it is binary/multistate. Multistate
characters should be separated by a space whereas
binary need not be. Specify bin for binary and multi
for multistate characters or phonetic alignments
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Name of the out file prefix
Linguistic datasets are quite different from biological morphological datasets. A Jukes-Cantor model where all the transition rates are the same is useful for estimating trees with branch lengths.
Example Usage:
python3 mat_mcmc_gamma.py -i data/narrow.phy -m F81 -n 100000 -t 1000 -d bin -o narrow
- Returns a .params file that can be viewed in [Tracer] (http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/tracer/). The .params file consists of the likelihood and the tree length for each state.
- Returns a .trees file that can be viewed in [FigTree] (http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/figtree/).
- Python3
- Scipy (0.18.1)
- Numpy (1.12.0)