Isogram Checker
Isogram Checker
For this CodeWars challenge, write a function checks if a word is an isogram. An isogram is a word that has no repeating letters, consecutive or non-consecutive. The application accepts a user's input and evaluates whether or not it is an isogram. Additionally, if the input does not fit the criteria for evaluation, the user is prompted to try again.
The input automatically clears after 2.5 seconds.
There are two JavaScript files. Main.js contains the function and additional coding neccessary to connect to the html. Isogram.js has the plain function.
- Solution URL: GitHub Repository
- Live Site URL: Isogram Checker
- Semantic HTML5 Markup
- JavaScript
- String Methods
- Array Methods
- Document Object Model
- Regular Expressions
- For Loops
- Conditional Operators
- Template Literals
- CSS3
As simple as this app may seem, it was challenging to implement a function that evaluates the input based on certain conditions prior to actually evaluating whether the input is an isogram or not. I learned to how to create functions that used a combination of string & array methods, regular expressions, loops, conditional operators, template literals and DOM maipulation.
- LinkedIn - Pia Torain
- Twitter - @FeenixRizn