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DT021A/4 IoT Module

The IoT module is broken down into 3 sections:

  • Low Level Interfacing (BBC Micro:Bit & ZephyrOS) [3 weeks] ✅
  • BTLE & MQTT Node JS [3 weeks] ✅
  • Databases (MariaDB & InfluxDB)[2 weeks] ✅

Final Module Grade: 97%

Low Level Interfacing:

The low level interfacing section runs for the first 3 weeks and is focused on low level interfacing using the RTOS Zephyr OS with a BBC Micro:Bit V2 which has a Nordic nRF52833 at its core and a range of sensors and peripherals on board to interface with.

In the final week of the Low Level Interfacing section of the module a Sensirion SDC30 CO2, temperature and humidity sensor was added. Which was interfaced using I2C from the BBC Micro:Bit V2 and debugged using a small USB logic analyser.

Video Presentation


This section of the module focused on interfacing with the BBC Micro:Bit V2 over Bluetooth and sending the data to an MQTT broker using Node JS and the node-ble and mqtt modules and a HiveMQ broker.

Video Presentation

Databases (MariaDB & InfluxDB):

In the final section of the module, the focus was on database design and paradigms. It looked intially at relational databases and MariaDB and later shifted to noSQL databases and more specifically time series databases using influxDB. This was integrated with the Node JS application written in the previous section using the mariaDB and node-influx modules. The data was later presented in a Grafana dashboard.

Video Presentation