- Is CODEx safe to use ?
- Which game is supported by CODEx
- My anti-virus software show CODEx as a virus is it normal ?
- I can't find my configs where are they ?
- Why CODEx isn't starting/showing ?
- Why is CODEx slower when I got a lot of results while looking for a DVAR ?
- How can I update CODEx ?
- Can (you/I) improve something on CODEx ?
Yes, and No.
You have to understand, that you will be cheating, hacking
while using it, I would not be responsable if you get VACBan because of CODEx
At this time being it only supports the following games :
- Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare - Multiplayer
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Multiplayer
- Call of Duty Black Ops 2 - Multiplayer
- Call of Duty Black Ops 2 - Zombies
No it's not, this version of CODEx isn't hidding any maliscious software, third part or any thing like this.
Try to add CODEx as an exception to your anti-virus software and re-download CODEx from this github repository.
By default config files are stored in : Documents > CODEx
If not check the custom location you set in your CODEx application : Settings tab
here you can see the config folder path.
- Your computer is slow, let him time to load CODEx
- CODEx has been deleted by an anti-virus software, you have to re-install it
C# application only got one thread for the UI (User Interface (What you can see... The app 😃)) so loading more than 50 UserControl will slow it down (I could replace it by something else but it would be as beautifull as it is 😅
Go in the Settings
tab and click on the update button, it should do it work
Certainly I hope you could tell me what should I improve, or you can create/add a new feature to CODEx because it's an open source application 😃
ps: I will love to see what you will be able to add so dm me if you improved CODEx