This is a segmented CFMM on Tezos inspired by Uniswap v3. The code in this repository has been taken and modified from the original implementation available at
A specificiation for the updated contract is available here.
- A new
type has been added to the core contract to allow for the same Michelson code for all possible pairs. - The ctez burn feature has been removed.
- A dev and protocol share has been added to the trading fees.
- New entrypoints
have been added. - The callback based views have been changed to native onchain views.
- The original
contract has been renamed tofarm
and has been modified to work with the segmented CFMM's onchain views. - Haskell tests have been moved to Typescript to cater to a wider audience.
|- deploy // A basic script to deploy the factory contract
|- src
|--- ligo // Segmented CFMM contracts written in Cameligo [version 0.68.0]
|--- michelson // LIGO contracts compiled down to Michelson
|- test // Jest tests written for the compiled Michelson code and run via deployment on flextesa
All contracts are written in Cameligo version 0.68.0
: The core CFMM pool where liquidity is added and tokens can be swapped. This also natively adheres to the FA2
: A liquidity mining contract explicitly built for the segmented CFMM's non-fungible positions.factory
: A generator contract for core.
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Run flextesa sandbox:
$ npm run flextesa
Run the whole test suite:
$ npm run test
To run a specific test:
$ npm run test <test-file-name>