Here is a summary of all the error codes thrown by the contract. (The list of errors may be inaccurate and incomplete, it will be updated during the implementation.)
Error Code | Error Label | Error Argument | Description |
100 | invalid_witness_err |
- |
Invalid witness. The witness must refer to an initialized tick that is below or equal to the supplied tick. |
101 | too_big_price_change_err |
- |
The action would apply too big of a change to the price, which is not allowed. We assume that the amount of X or Y tokens in the contract should not change by more than 30% at once (in some circumstances, a larger change may be allowed). |
102 | price_out_of_bounds_err |
- |
The action would put the price out of bounds. Used tick indices should remain within [-1048575; 1048575] range, and, respectively, amount of one token type in the pair should not exceed exp(0.0001)^1048575 ≈ 3.46 * 10^45 times the amount in the other token. |
103 | past_deadline_err |
(deadline :timestamp, executed_at :timestamp) |
Swap has expired: now > deadline. |
104 | smaller_than_min_asset_err |
(min :nat, actual :nat) |
Threshold on amount of bought tokens violated: dx received < min_dx or dy received < min_dy . |
105 | tick_not_exist_err |
- |
User provided tick is not initialized. |
106 | high_tokens_err |
(max :nat, actual :int) |
The amount of tokens that needs to be transferred to the contract is higher than maximum_tokens_contributed . |
107 | invalid_x_prime_contract_err |
- |
The X prime contract address provided is not a segmented-cfmm contract. |
108 | observe_outdated_timestamp_err |
(oldest_stored :timestamp, requested :timestamp) |
Some of the timestamps passed to the observe entrypoint are too far back in the past. |
109 | observe_future_timestamp_err |
(newest_available :timestamp, requested :timestamp) |
Some of the timestamps passed to the observe entrypoint are yet in the future. |
110 | tick_order_err |
- |
When setting a new position, upper_tick_index must be strictly greater than lower_tick_index . When observing cumulative values at range, upper_tick_index must be greater or equal than lower_tick_index . |
111 | position_liquidity_below_zero_err |
- |
Liquidity of a position went below zero. |
112 | incorrect_tick_spacing_err |
- |
Tick indexes must be a multiple of the tick spacing. |
113 | non_zero_transfer_err |
- |
Contract call also transfers some XTZ; this is not allowed, it would be stuck. |
Error Code | Error Label | Error Argument | Description |
200 | asset_transfer_invalid_entrypoints_err |
- |
The x_token_address or y_token_address has no transfer entrypoint. |
201 | asset_update_operator_invalid_entrypoints_err |
- |
The x_token_address or y_token_address has no update_operator entrypoint. |
202 | asset_approve_invalid_entrypoints_err |
- |
The x_token_address or y_token_address has no approve entrypoint. |
Error Code | Error Label | Error Argument | Description |
300 | internal_impossible_err |
- |
Generic impossible error. |
301 | internal_tick_not_exist_err |
- |
Tick is not initialized. |
302 | internal_epoch_bigger_than_now_err |
- |
Time now is smaller than epoch time. |
303 | internal_fee_more_than_100_percent_err |
- |
The fee_bps is initialized to be higher than 10000 (100%). |
304 | internal_bad_sqrt_price_move_x_direction |
- |
Unexpected price direction movement after sqrt_price_move_x. |
305 | internal_bad_sqrt_price_move_y_direction |
- |
Unexpected price direction movement after sqrt_price_move_y. |
306 | internal_flip_fee_growth_outside_err |
- |
Flip for fee_growth_outside failed. (This is an invariant of the contract). |
307 | internal_307 |
- |
Thrown when (p.dx - dx_consumed) or (p.dy - dy_consumed) is not nat. |
308 | internal_liquidity_below_zero_err |
- |
Liquidity of a tick went below zero. |
309 | internal_309 |
- |
Thrown when (p.dx - r.dx) is not nat. |
311 | internal_311 |
- |
Thrown when s.cur_tick_index.i >= upper_tick_index.i and (s.fee_growth.x - upper_tick.fee_growth_outside.x) (or y ) is not nat. |
312 | internal_312 |
- |
Thrown when s.cur_tick_index.i < lower_tick_index.i and (s.fee_growth.x - lower_tick.fee_growth_outside.x) (or y ) is not nat. |
313 | internal_position_underflow_err |
- |
Number of positions underflow. |
316 | internal_316 |
- |
Thrown when (fee_growth_inside.x - position.fee_growth_inside_last.x) is not nat. |
317 | internal_317 |
- |
Thrown when (fee_growth_inside.y - position.fee_growth_inside_last.y) is not nat. |
318 | internal_sqrt_price_grow_err_1 |
- |
Thrown when s.cur_tick_index.i < p.lower_tick_index.i and the sqrt_price happened not to grow monotonically with tick indices (This is an invariant of the contract). |
319 | internal_sqrt_price_grow_err_2 |
- |
Thrown when p.lower_tick_index.i <= s.cur_tick_index.i && s.cur_tick_index.i < p.upper_tick_index.i and the sqrt_price happened not to grow monotonically with tick indices (This is an invariant of the contract). |
320 | internal_negative_seconds_outside_err |
- |
Thrown when seconds_outside is negative. |
321 | internal_bad_access_to_observation_buffer |
- |
Failed to access a value in time-weighted i_c cumulative sums buffer. |
322 | internal_observe_bin_search_failed |
- |
Some issue with binary search in observe entrypoint. |
323 | internal_non_empty_position_gc_err |
- |
Attempt to garbade collect a tick with non-zero liquidity net. |
324 | internal_flip_seconds_per_liquidity_outside_err |
- |
Flip of seconds_per_liquidity_outside failed. (This is an invariant of the contract). |
325 | internal_unexpected_income_err |
- |
Position creation/change unexpectedly transferred tokens to someone |
326 | internal_negative_price |
- |
Price became negative when crossing a tick |