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-title: Designing DAG-based consensus
-description: A formal, yet friendly consensus framework
-# Designing DAG-based consensus
-## Agenda
-1. formalizing the consensus problem and related concepts
-2. meeting a framework for designing DAG-based consensus protocols
-## How can this help?
-It's not very likely that you will design a new consensus protocol from scratch or even implement one...
-but it's more likely that you will have to either choose or integrate one with your system.
-## The actual goals
-- identify the key assumptions and limitations of the protocols
-- understand the trade-offs between different approaches
-- see what consequences the design choices have
-## What is consensus?
-- a **process** of agreeing on the same result among a group of participants
-- a fundamental **problem** in distributed computing
-- a key **component** of blockchain technology stack
-## Consensus features
-liveness, safety, integrity
-## We have already seen some
-## Who is running the protocol?
-Participants, called **nodes**
-## Nodes
-- nodes can be either honest or malicious
-- honest nodes follow the protocol
-- malicious nodes can deviate from the protocol in any way they want
-- malicious nodes can collude with each other
-- malicious nodes can be controlled by an adversary
-## Public key infrastructure
-- every node has its own private and public key
-- every node signs messages with its private key
-- every node verifies messages with other nodes' public keys
-## Public key infrastructure
-authenticated point-to-point communication
-## Adversary
-Adversary **can** control the network delays, but is _computationally bounded_, i.e. it **cannot** break the cryptography (like forging the signatures).
-## Network
-Communication via network... but what kind of network?
-## Network models
-partially synchronous
-## Network models: synchronous
-> There exists a known upper bound \\(\Delta\\) on message delivery time.
-_Intuition: there's a well-defined notion of a protocol round_
-## Network models: asynchronous
-> There is no upper bound on message delay, though delivery is guaranteed.
-_Intuition: you can't tell whether a node has crashed or has a long delay_
-## Network models: asynchronous
-> There is no upper bound on message delay, though delivery is guaranteed.
-- We assume that the adversary has full control over the message delays.
-- The concept of a timeout is basically useless.
-## Network models: partially synchronous
-> There exists a known bound \\(\Delta\\), and an unknown point in time **GST** after which the communication becomes synchronous with a delay \\(\Delta\\).
-_Intuition: protocol will eventually work synchronously, but it needs to be safe before_
-## Crucial theoretical results
-> [FLP theorem] It is impossible to have a deterministic protocol that solves consensus in an asynchronous system in which at least one process may fail by crashing.
-> [Castro-Liskov theorem] It is impossible to have a protocol that solves consensus in a partially synchronous system with \\(3f+1\\) nodes in which more than \\(f\\) processes are byzantine.
-## Crucial theoretical results
-> [FLP theorem] It is impossible to have a deterministic protocol that solves consensus in an asynchronous system in which at least one process may fail by crashing.
-> [Castro-Liskov theorem] It is impossible to have a protocol that solves consensus in a partially synchronous system with \\(3f+1\\) nodes in which more than \\(f\\) processes are byzantine.
-## Consequence
-The best one can hope for in **asynchronous** scenario is **probabilistic** protocol tolerating **up to** \\(f\\) faults for \\(3f+1\\) participants.
-> ✅ **Doable!**
-## Note on randomness
-Real probability is actually needed in the extremely hostile environment.
-In case where the adversary is not legendarily vicious, even a dumb (but non-trivial) randomness source will do.
-## Responsiveness
-## Responsiveness
-Protocols that are **not responsive** have to **wait for** \\(\Delta\\) **time** to proceed to the next round.
-## Responsiveness
-Protocols that are **not responsive** have to **wait for** \\(\Delta\\) **time** to proceed to the next round.
-- \\(\Delta\\) must be long enough to allow all honest nodes to send their messages.
-- \\(\Delta\\) must be short enough to allow the protocol to make progress.
-- In case of failure, they have to perform a pretty expensive recovery procedure (like the leader change).
-## Responsiveness
-Protocols that are **responsive** **wait for** \\(2f+1\\) **messages** to proceed to the next round.
-> Why \\(2f+1\\)?
-## Responsiveness
-Protocols that are **responsive** **wait for** \\(2f+1\\) **messages** to proceed to the next round.
-> Among \\(2f+1\\) nodes, there are at least \\(f+1\\) honest ones, i.e. honest majority.
-## Responsiveness
-Protocols that are **responsive** **wait for** \\(2f+1\\) **messages** to proceed to the next round.
-- Asynchronous protocols must be responsive.
-- In good network conditions, they significantly much faster.
-## Checkpoint
-Up to this point, we covered:
-- consensus problem
-- node types and adversary
-- inter-node communication
-- network models (synchronicity)
-- protocol limitations in asynchronous network (honesty fraction and the need for randomness)
-- responsiveness
-## Warmup exercise: broadcast
-> (In an asynchronous network) **reliably** send a single message to all other nodes.
-- (_validity_) If the sender is honest and broadcasts a message \\(m\\), then every honest node outputs \\(m\\).
-- (_integrity_) If an honest node outputs a message \\(m\\), then it must have been broadcast by the sender.
-- (_agreement_) If an honest node outputs a message \\(m\\), every other honest node outputs \\(m\\).
-## Reliable broadcast protocol (RBC)
-## Reliable broadcast in practice
-Due to the very high communication complexity we use heuristics or cryptography-based tricks.
-## Blockchain protocol vs Atomic broadcast
-Atomic broadcast
-## Randomness formalized
-Randomness beacon
-## Atomic broadcast: timeline
-## Atomic broadcast: timeline
-## Fun fact
-Aleph paper, as the first, also achieved fully asynchronous randomness beacon:
-- with efficient setup (\\(O(1)\\) rounds, \\(O(N^2)\\) communication)
-- with \\(O(1)\\) expected rounds to output a random value with \\(O(N)\\) communication per round
-## Consensus protocols (selection)
-Directed Acyclic Graph
-## How does it relate to consensus?
-Intuition: graph represents the dependencies between messages (units).
-## Framework core
-1. We maintain a local DAG representing our knowledge of the units.
-2. We perform a local, offline consensus on our DAG.
-## Framework core
-1. We maintain a local DAG representing our knowledge of the units.
-2. We perform a local, **offline consensus** on our DAG.
-## Framework core (in other words)
-1. (online): sending and receiving units that contribute to the local DAG
-2. (offline): everybody performs a local consensus on the DAG, just by looking at it
-## Clue observations
-- local DAGs might differ...
-- but they are guaranteed to converge to the same DAG
-- the offline consensus is guaranteed to produce the same result
-## Adversary control
-## Randomness? Where is randomness?
-It is put into the local consensus protocol.
-## Relation to the atomic consensus problem
-- nodes receive transactions and put them into units
-- nodes send each other their new units
-- (locally) nodes come up with a linear ordering of the units and make blocks from chunks
-## Digression: block production, information dissemination and finalization
-The common approach (e.g. in Substrate):
-- production and dissemination is done in the same layer
-- afterwards, nodes perform consensus on finalizing disseminated blocks
-Natural approach for DAG-based protocols:
-- information dissemination happens as 'the first phase'
-- block building and (instant) finalization happens locally
-## Main consequences of the different separation
-- block signatures
-- speed
-## Local consensus: goal
-Local copies might differ significantly, blocks might have not come to all nodes yet, etc...
-but we have to make common decision about unit ordering!
-## Key concept: availability
-Intuitively, a unit is **available** if:
-- most of the nodes have it
-- it was distributed pretty promptly (we won't call a unit available, if it finally arrived everywhere after a month)
-- most of the nodes know that most of the nodes know that most of the nodes know... that it is available (mutual awareness)
-## Availability
-If a unit is available, it is a good candidate for being chosen as an 'anchor' in extending current ordering.
-## Lightweight case study
-Aleph Zero BFT protocol
-## Head
-## Building blocks
-## Choosing head
-## Availability determination
-Units vote for each other's availability.
-## (Part of) availability determination
-VoteU(V) =
-- \[\[U is parent of V\]\] if V is from the round just after the round of U
-- `0`/`1` if all children of U voted `0`/`1`
-- `CommonVote(round(`U`), round(`V`))` otherwise
-_(U comes from the earlier round than V)_
-## Bonus: generating randomness