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Simulator and engine for the board game Derby also known as Jägersro and Sport of Kings. The simulator is able to simulate the race-part of the Derby game, and not the betting, or management-parts between each race.

The engine, however, has been designed in a way that makes it possible to extend with these parts.

Mobile friendly web-app

To calculate odds for a given race, see the online version of this engine at

Pre-calculated static rankings

The pre-calculated statistics for static rankings for both game versions (and a version for the original rules), can be found here: docs/static-rankings.

How to run

  1. Compile the project and locate the exe output in the bin folder.

  2. The engine can be run from the command line:

  Run the derby simulator, to play through one or multiple Derby games

  Derby.Simulator [command] [options]

  --version       Show version information
  -?, -h, --help  Show help and usage information

  single  Run a single Derby race and show the log for each movement.
  random  Run a Derby race, where horses are chosen at random, and show the log for each movement.
  many    Run many Derby races and collect results for all games.
  odds    Calculates the odds of the specified group of horses running i races.


  Run a single Derby race and show the log for each movement.

  Derby.Simulator single [options]

  --p1 <p1>                                        The stable of the first player. Indicate horse name. E.g. --p1 Avalon Isolde
  --p2 <p2>                                        The stable of the second player. Indicate horse name. E.g. --p2 Avalon Isolde
  --p3 <p3>                                        The stable of the third player. Indicate horse name. E.g. --p3 Avalon Isolde
  --p4 <p4>                                        The stable of the fourth player. Indicate horse name. E.g. --p4 Avalon Isolde
  --p5 <p5>                                        The stable of the fifth player. Indicate horse name. E.g. --p5 Avalon Isolde
  --r <Derby2023Traditional|Drechsler> (REQUIRED)  Specify the ruleset/version of the board-game to run the simulation


  Run a Derby race, where horses are chosen at random, and show the log for each movement.

  Derby.Simulator random [options]

  --c <c> (REQUIRED)                               Number of horses to race. The horses will be equally distributed
                                                   amongst the players 1 to 5.
  --r <Derby2023Traditional|Drechsler> (REQUIRED)  Specify the ruleset/version of the board-game to run the simulation


  Run many Derby races and collect results for all games.

  Derby.Simulator many [options]

  --mode <All|FiveYears|FourYears|ThreeYears|TwoYears>  Combination mode to run many games.
  --size <size> (REQUIRED)                              Race size. Number of horses in each race. From 1 to 5.
  --i <i>                                               Number of iterations (times) to run the race for the specified
                                                        combination. [default: 1]
  --r <Derby2023Traditional|Drechsler> (REQUIRED)       Specify the ruleset/version of the board-game to run the
                                                        simulation against.


  Calculates the odds of the specified group of horses running i races.

  Derby.Simulator odds [options]

  --horses <horses> (REQUIRED)                     Names of the horses in the race. Indicate horses' names. E.g.
                                                   --horses Avalon Isolde Whispering
  --i <i>                                          Number of iterations to run to calculate odds. Defaults to 1.000.
                                                   [default: 1000]
  --r <Derby2023Traditional|Drechsler> (REQUIRED)  Specify the ruleset/version of the board-game to run the simulation

Command examples

Run a single game

Run a 2-player race where player 1 has Comet and Avalon, and player 2 has Rapid.

Derby.Simulator single --p1 Comet Avalon --p2 Rapid

Run a random game

Run a random game with 5 players, each having 1 horse. Random will distribute horses equally amongst players 1 to 5.

Derby.Simulator random --c 5

Run many games for all horses in heats of 5

Run a game with all horses, in heat-sizes of n, i times. The number of games will be the cartesian product of the set size, excluding duplicates.

5 horses amongst all 20 horses for 1 iteration will run 20!/15! = 1.860.480 times.

Derby.Simulator many --mode all --size 5 --i 1

Run many games for all 2-years in heats of 3, 1000 times

5 horses amongst all 5 2-years for 1000 iterations will run 5!/2! * 1000 = 60.000 times.

Derby.Simulator many --mode twoyears --size 3 --i 1000

Rulesets / Board-game versions

The simulator currently supports the two rulesets below.

Alga/Drechsler (1st edition Jägersro)

The original Drechsler board-game (1st edition Jägersro).

Derby 2023 by Gameplay Publishing (2nd edition Jägersro), Traditional

The 2023 Derby edition by Gameplay Publishing (2nd edition Jägersro) in their game mode 'Tradition'.

The game mode, 'Modern' is not supported, as this game version has re-worded many Gallop cards to include may instead of must, which adds an element of skill to the outcome of a given race. As such, the statistical variance will increase with this variable, and the outcome will be less predictable.

The difference between the two game versions are few, but very significant:

  1. Derby 2023 has changed the Chance card, 'Hesten er halt' to a Gallop card. This change makes it much more likely to draw this card in general, from 1 in 30 to 1 in 20. It also has an impact on horses that predominantly land on either gallop fields (these will be eliminated more often or chance fields (these will be eliminated less). This makes a horse like Figaro even stronger, as it is, by far, the horse that lands on chance fields the most, where it can no longer get eliminated.

  2. Derby 2023 has removed the card 'Hesten falder tilbage'. This decision puts a winning bias on horses that gets an early head start, which would previously be punished more often.

  3. Derby 2023 has changed the wording on 'Stærkt tempo!', to repeat the horse's move if it's not in the lead, as opposed to the Drechsler phrasing, which moves the horse on-par with the leading horse. This is a very significant change, that heavily favors horses with a good program score-card (the total number of moves the horse has), over horses that often land on Gallop cards, such as Caruso, Whispering and Castor.

Rule interpretations

This section is dedicated to the interpretations for rules which are written ambiguously in the rulebook.


The rulebook states that horses in different lanes can be compared to each other by observing the forward-most facing field between the lanes.

This can translate to the programmatic game, by associating each lane-field with a tie-breaker value, that indicates how this relates to the other 3 lanes.

Because of lane curvature in the original game, some lanes with fewer fields are ahead of lanes with more fields, even though the lane with more fields are further from start.

For example, in the first curve, field 7 in lane 2 is ahead of field 7 in lane 3, 4 and 5. Field 8 in lane 3, however, is ahead of field 8 in lane 4 and 5 (but behind field 8 in lane 2).

Steady-pace and home stretch gallop cards

The steady pace card states, that a horse will move 4 fields from next turn and onwards, and will not pick up any gallop cards.

This has been interpreted as gallop cards via gallop card fields, and not the card picked up when the horse is in home stretch, which the horse will still draw.

Alternatively, this could be interpreted as all gallop cards, including the home stretch gallop cards. This interpretation has not been used.

Await next and last horse

Multiple gallop cards state, that the horse must wait for the following or last horse to be on-par with the current horse, before the current horse may move again.

This has been interpreted as when any horse and not a specific horse:

If the card states, await the horse behind, the horse will resume running once any horse behind the current horse is on-par with the current horse.

If the card states, await the last horse, the horse will resume running once all horses behind the current horse is on-par with the current horse.

Alternatively, the await-effect could be interpreted as await a specific horse. I.e. if the card states, await the horse behind, this specific horse would be noted, and if another horse overtakes the current horse, it would not resumt moving. This interpretation has not been used.

Horses on the same field in the same lane

If two or more horses are on the same field in the same lane, the rulebook states during scoring, that whichever horse is first in turn is considered ahead of the other horse(s).

This interpretation has also been applied on the await-cards, when a horse has to await the next or last horse.

Awaiting a horse which is then eliminated

It can occur, that a horse is awaiting another horse, which is then eliminated before it overtakes the awaiting horse. In this case, the awaiting horse is effectively soft-locked from the game.

It has been interpreted as the awaiting horse may resume movement, should the horse awaited horse be eliminated.

Repeated movement

In the traditional Derby 2023 (2nd Edition Jägersro), the rulebook states for card 'Stærkt tempo!', that if a horse is not in the lead, it moves the same number of moves that it previously moved.

This has been interpreted as the same number moves that it moved in the previous turn, based on its race program, and not the same number of moves it moved most recently, based on any factor, such as gallop card effects like 'Fin galop'.

This interpretation has been chosen, as it is unlikely that players in the over-the-board game would be able to keep track of all previous movement when the card is drawn. It also opens up for complicated scenarios, if a gallop card states that the horse moves to the leader position. Would this then count as a previous movement, and the number of moves between its original position and the leader is repeated?