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This document explains how to use polymer-resin. See if you want to know what polymer-resin is.

Getting polymer-resin via bower

The easiest way to get polymer-resin is via bower by installing the polymer-resin package.

$ bower info polymer-resin --verbose

Available versions:

You can request info for a specific version with 'bower info polymer-resin#<version>'

and to add a dependency on polymer-resin you can run

bower install --save polymer-resin

or if you want the specific version 1.2.3

bower install --save polymer-resin#1.2.3

Downloading a release

If you don't want to use bower, you can browse releases of polymer-resin via the project's GitHub release page and tarballs are available there.


Once you've got a release of polymer-resin you need to integrate it into your app and ideally into your unit tests.

Within a release there are several versions of the code.

  1. If your Polymer project uses Google's Closure library you can vulcanize your code with polymer-resin/polymer-resin.html which includes Closure dependencies.
  2. If you do not use Google's Closure library, then you can HTML import polymer-resin/standalone/polymer-resin.html which is pre-compiled with all the Closure dependencies into one compact bundle.
  3. The precompiled JS can be a bit hard to debug with. polymer-resin/standalone/polymer-resin-debug.html is less aggressively compiled and logs violations to the developer console.

We recommend using Closure library. Polymer-resin treats goog.html.SafeUrl and other values as privileged so that Polymer apps can achieve end-to-end XSS safety via strict policies with type-checked exemptions from the rule.

Once you've found the variant you want, you can use a simple HTML import to load it.

Polymer-resin must be loaded early to protect an application from reflected XSS, and it should be loaded early in a test case so that the code being tested runs with polymer-resin installed.

Before After
<html> <html>
. <head> . <head>
. . <script . . <script
. . . src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"> . . . src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js">
. . </script> . . </script>
. . <link rel="import"
. . . href="polymer-resin/polymer-resin.html" />
. . <script>
. . security.polymer_resin.install({ /*config*/ })
. . </script>
. . <link rel="import" href="my-app.html" /> . . <link rel="import" href="my-app.html" />
. <body> . <body>
. . <my-app></my-app> . . <my-app></my-app>

The webcomponents-lite.js script makes sure that the document supports HTML importing, and must appear before polymer-resin is loaded.

When polymer-resin is installed, you specify a configuration.

The above Polymer document demonstrates installing resin via a synchronous script tag.

security.polymer_resin.install({ /* config */ })

polymer-resin will provide no protection until explicitly installed. This allows it to be installed on an experimental basis for some subset of users during migration.

The { /* config */ } object can have a variety of properties..

{ 'allowedIdentifierPrefixes: ['prefix-'] }

allowedIdentifierPrefixes specifies an array of ID prefixes. This allows data bindings to specify id="prefix-..." attribute values. If there are multiple values, then an ID is allowed if it starts with any of the prefixes.

Attacker controlled IDs are not an arbitrary-code execution vulnerability but skilled attackers have exploited the fact that document.getElementById(x) returns one of potentially many elements with the same ID. Ideally, an application would make sure that important form input names and IDs controllable by attackers are disjoint so that the content of inputs sent to the server reflects user intent. If your application is not careful about IDs, and you want to use polymer-resin to prevent arbitrary-code execution while you work on separating ID namespaces, you can use the following:

security.polymer_resin.install({ allowedIdentifierPrefixes: [''] });

{ 'reportHandler': myReportHandlerFn }

reportHandler is a callback that receives reports about rejected values and module status.

By default, if goog.DEBUG is false at init time, reportHandler is never called, and if goog.DEBUG is true at init time, reportHandler logs to the JS developer console.

Assuming it is enabled, either via goog.DEBUG or an explicit call to this setter, then it is called on every rejected value, and on major events like module initialization.

This may be used to identify false positives during debugging; to compile lists of false positives when migrating; or to gather telemetry by compiling a table summarizing disallowed value reports.

{ 'safeTypesBridge': myBridgeFn }

The bridge function defines what values are safe. It allows a framework to interoperate with different kinds of "safe values" like Google Closure's goog.html package, the Trusted Types polyfill, or node-sec-patterns.

If you are using Google's closure library, use the bridge function provided by ./closure-bridge.js.


  'safeTypesBridge': security.polymer_resin.closure_bridge.safeTypesBridge,

It has a contract like

 * @param {*} value the value assigned which may not be safe.
 * @param {string} type the kind of value expected.
 *    'HTML': a string of HTML;
 *    'JAVASCRIPT': a string of JavaScript source code;
 *    'RESOURCE_URL': a URL that could be loaded into the current document;
 *    'STYLE': a string of CSS,
 *    'URL': a URL that could be loaded separately from the current document
 *      though some protocols like "javascript:" do affect the current document;
 *    'CONSTANT': a value known to come from the developer;
 *    'STRING': passed to unwrap a wrapped string.
 * @param {*} fallback returned to indicate that the bridge does not know how
 *    to make value safe.
 * @return {?} a value that is safe in the context identified by type or
 *    fallback.
function mySafeTypesBridge(value, type, fallback) {

The default safeTypesBridge just returns fallback which will prevent assigning most URL values.

If you are implementing a safe type bridge, make sure an attacker can't forge trusted values.

function brokenSafeTypesBridge(value, type, fallback) {
  if (value && typeof value === 'object'
      // DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      && value.trustedType === type) {
    return value.content;
  return fallback;

// Values can be forged by controlling a string to JSON.parse
let attack = `{ "content": "javascript:alert('evil')", "trustedType": "URL" }`;
brokenSafeTypesBridge(JSON.parse(attack), 'URL', {})
    === "javascript:alert('evil')";

When migrating an app to use polymer-resin, it can be helpful to get a list of false positives. One false negative can cause a cascading security failure that compromises your app, but false positives can also cause a cascading failure that makes it hard to get coverage when manually testing an application.

var polymerResinDebugTelemetry = {};

// Collect violation counts in a table instead of logging.
function telemetryGatheringReportHandler(
    isDisallowedValue, fmtString,
    optContextNodeName, optNodeName, optAttrName, optValue,
    var_args) {
  if (isDisallowedValue) {
    var key = optContextNodeName + ' : ' + optNodeName + ' : '
            + optAttrName;
    polymerResinDebugTelemetry[key] =
        (polymerResinDebugTelemetry[key] || 0) + 1;

// Can be called from console.
function dumpPolymerResinDebugTelemetry() {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(polymerResinDebugTelemetry, null, 2));

      'reportHandler': telemetryGatheringReportHandler,

      // Allow application to progress as normal so we can
      // exercise as much of the app as possible without working
      // around problems caused by false positives.
      'UNSAFE_passThruDisallowedValues': true

This configuration MUST NOT be used in production systems since UNSAFE_passThruDisallowedValues disables the security protections similar to CSP Report-Only mode.

With this configuration, Polymer-resin doesn't actually substitute innocuous values for unsafe inputs but collects them so that you can dump a digest to the console.

Polymer-resin works by intercepting the values of data bindings before they reach browser internals. It applies a white-listing policy to values with runtime type-checked exemptions.

Adding polymer-resin to a project helps protect against XSS but false positives can happen.

For example, polymer-resin will find nothing wrong with:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="foo()">foo</a>

A javascript: URL has been explicitly specified as the value of an HTML attribute. Polymer-resin never looks at regular attribute values, only data bound attributes. Polymer-resin trusts template authors to specify values for any attribute or element explicitly, and focuses on double checking that values that could be influenced by attackers are safe.

The following href="..." will be blocked though:

<dom-module id="my-a-tag">
    <a href="[[_getUrl()]]" onclick="foo()">foo</a>
      is: 'my-a-tag',
      _getUrl: function () { return "javascript:void(0)"; }

In this case, the javascript: URL comes from a data binding. Polymer evaluates expressions inside [[...]] and {{...}} and passes the results to polymer-resin to be checked. Polymer-resin assumes that any values are dangerous unless they match a strict policy, OR have a runtime type that asserts they're safe in the context of the given data binding expression. javascript:, steam:, ms-its:, and other protocols have been used to attack users, so polymer-resin white-lists a small group of widely-used, widely-tested, and well-understood protocols.

If you're using the debug version of polymer-resin, you should see the following in your JavaScript console.

Developer JS console log showing "Failed to sanitize"

and in the element inspector, you see that the href did change to about:invalid#zClosurez. The rejected URL has been replaced with an innocuous value that does not lead to arbitrary code execution.

Developer DOM inspector showing "a" tag with href of "about:invalid#zClosurez"

In this case the string is safe and was specified by the author, but polymer-resin has no way of knowing the origin of a simple JavaScript string. When polymer-resin is checking an href="..." attribute, it looks at its white-list and realizes that the value will be interpreted by the browser as a URL. We can ask polymer-resin to not double-check a value by using a contract-type. A contract-type's values can be assumed safe for a given context, in this case a goog.html.SafeUrl.


 is: 'my-a-tag',
 SAFE_URL: goog.html.SafeUrl.fromConstant(
 _getUrl: function () { return this.SAFE_URL; }

This requires the use of the Closure library which defines the contract types and provides various APIS to construct (goog.html) and use ( safe HTML types.

Instead of using a contract type, code can often be refactored to do without. This sample code could be refactored to use a <button> without any data binding.

If you find that something is rejected that is innocuous, file a bug. Polymer-resin whitelists elements and attributes, and our whitelist is probably incomplete.

End-to-end safety

TODO: talk about using in conjunction with JSConformance and --polymer_pass to check sanitariness of JS and sources of safe html types. We're going to base this on the JSConformance sample policy or the closure-maven-plugin policy demo, but writing this section prior to deploying one alongside polymer-resin is premature.


Polymer-resin provides a high level of confidence that Polymer templates will not unintentionally

  1. Execute code contained in third party strings or load code from URLs specified by a third party, or
  2. send data to a location specified by a third party, or
  3. allow third-parties to introduce element IDs except in specified namespaces.

Polymer-resin can fail to protect an app in some circumstances.

  1. There might be bugs in polymer-resin. Polymer-resin has been developed and reviewed by Google's security engineering team but bugs with security consequences have been found in similar systems.
  2. JavaScript code that assigns to properties of builtin elements instead of via Polymer data bindings. See end to end for an explanation of how to use JSConformance to secure your JavaScript.
  3. Incorrect use of unchecked conversions
  4. XSS in server-side HTML generation. This affects the HTML before polymer-resin has a chance to run. Use a contextually auto-escaped template system to generate your server-side HTML.


Should I stop reviewing code for security vulnerabilities?

No. Just because polymer-resin is preventing attacker controlled values from reaching browser internals does not mean that one can safely ignore injection vulnerabilities.

It is good to have defense in depth. Polymer-resin may have bugs or browsers may change so that what was once safe no longer is. The latter can be mitigated by upgrading regularly, but the probability that polymer-resin fails and an attacker finds a way to get a payload to vulnerable code is still lower than the probability that polymer-resin fails, so reviewing code for vulnerabilities still contributes to safety.

Injection vulnerabilities often occur when code is incorrect. Polymer-resin may prevent incorrectness from having security consequences but it may still affect user experience. For example, in the below, the favoriteColor does not reach the browser's CSS parser, but the value for <select> still corresponds to no option.

  <div style="color: [[favoriteColor]]">[[favoriteColor]]</div>
  <select value="{{favoriteColor::change}}">
    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{colors}}">
      <option value="{{item}}">{{item}}</option>

Polymer-resin stops data-bound values from reaching browser sinks, but if an attacker can thread a value all the way through frontends and storage systems to a data binding expression, it's more likely that they can get it to other common targets like JavaScript, server-side template languages, and database query engines.