Composer create for us a set of transactions to make CRUD operations on assets and participants. For now, it's not possible to listen for events from those transactions without using the native api. This module connects to an eventHub from your hyperledger fabric network, and listens for all transactions that are submitted. It dispatchs all events that you can listen to do what you need.
The class Subscriber extends the node js EventEmitter from events module
Using npm
npm install composer-events-subscriber --save
Or using yarn
yarn add composer-events-subscriber
import Subscriber from 'composer-events-subscriber'
//connect to the business network using the composer-client
businessNetwork.connect('cardName').then((invokedTx, historianTx) => {
const subscriber = new Subscriber(businessNetwork)
//subscribe to event hub
const unsubscribe = subscriber.subscribe()
//listen for all transaction
subscriber.on('tx', (tx, historianTx)=> {
console.log('All events')
}).on('error', e => {
//unsubscribe on process exit
process.on('exit', () => unsubscribe())
import Subscriber from 'composer-events-subscriber'
//connect to the business network using the composer-client
businessNetwork.connect('cardName').then(=> {
const subscriber = new Subscriber(businessNetwork)
//subscribe to event hub
const unsubscribe = subscriber.subscribe()
//listen for a named transaction
subscriber.on('tx:org.hyperledger.composer.system.UpdateParticipant', (tx, historianTx) => {
}).on('error', e => {
//unsubscribe on process exit
process.on('exit', () => unsubscribe())