To use this code you need Arduino IDE version 1.5.7 or later which can be downloaded here.
The easiest way to work with this repo is to set it as the sketchbook folder in the IDE's File->Preferences menu (restart the IDE after changing this setting).
This way you will not have any conflicts with your existing sketchbook and library folders.
N.B. Arduino 1.5.7 stores its preferences in a separate location to that of the Arduino 1.0.x IDE).
The TiLDA code base is split in 3 distinct sections:
- The custom TiLDA board definition is kept in hardware/emfcamp/sam/.
- The custom TiLDA hardware libraries are kept in hardware/emfcamp/sam/libraries and will only be used if a TiLDA board is selected from the Tools->Board menu.
- Third is the main firmware sketch which is kept in EMF2014/, this has the .ino, .c[pp] and .h files for each task.
- There may also be other examples or test sketches either in their own directory or as examples in TiLDA library folders.
- This folder contains TiLDA Mk2 board definition for use with the Arduino IDE (version -> 1.5.7).
- To use: copy the emfcamp folder to your ~/sketchbook/hardware/ folder.
- You can then select TiLDA Mk2 from the Tools->Board menu.
- To use the FTDI upload port you will need to manually erase the board before uploading a new sketch (short the Erase pins for 1 second).
- This is the main sketch for the EMF 2014 firmware.
- It is complied using the TiLDA Mk2 board form the the Tools->Board menu.
- void setup() and void loop() can be found in EMF2014.ino
- There are several .c[pp] and .h files that make up the FreeRTOS tasks used by the main app.
- This is the first fully functional test of the RGB Task.
- Some of the buttons are set up to test the different RGB modes.
- If you wish to work on code please fork our repo, do your work in a branch and submit a pull request for review
- Please do not commit to master