I am a developer that enjoys brainstorming and attempting to solve problems in many varieties of fields.
- Work : Creative Technologist @Madlabs.
- Area : GenAI, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed/Extended Reality, Game Developement, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, UI/UX, Data Visualization, Full-stack
- RateMyProfessor-Database-APIs : Python PyPI package for RateMyProfessor.com database scrapper.
- Virtual Piano : Play piano from any plane surface using Mediapipe Hand tracking system.
- Stellar Variability Investigation in VR : NASA - TESS data investigation in VR for Exoplanet discover + Stellar Variability.
- Breast Cancer Detection : Brease cancer detection and visualization.
- BrainNet : Android application to solve the issue of biometric liveness detection from an EEG dataset.
- EMNIST Evaluation : Variants in the Extended MNIST dataset were subjected to in-depth analysis. I was able to achieve comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art models using a simple Conv2D CNN model and precise hyperparameter tuning.
- Depression Detection using Sentiment Analysis of social media : Formulated a machine learning model to analyse thousands of Twitter tweets, to predict people’s sentiment by the correlation between emotions and specific linguistic features.
- Best Buy : Visualise commercial product data in AR on product by scanning barcode.
- Project Trash : Built a CNN model (Resnet101 variant) for garbage classification and volume estimation. Also accurately mapped and visualized data using heat maps. Citizens can provide an image dataset, later used by local municipalities.
- ShopAR : Try apparels on your 3D model(using single picture) before buying online in Augmented Reality.
- AR Assist : Augmented reality training program for manufacturing products.
- ProHelm : Smart biker's helmet with XR (Extended Reality) System for visual assistance in navigation(HUD). Extended augmented reality-based display effects were achieved by reflecting a mini projector onto the translucent helmet visor at a certain angle. Results provide a hands-free and distraction less biking experience.
- MUnix : Mobile + UNIX = MUNIX is a featured phone interface build on a UNIX system using command and Perl scripting for implementing various features of the phone.
- Bi Direction Search - PacMan : Bi-Direction Search, DFS, BFS, UCS and A-Star implementation for Pacman game.
- Image Retrival System : Developed an image retrieval system. Color Moments, LBP, and HOG are examples of implemented feature extraction methods. Then, using techniques like PCA, LDA, SVD, and K-means, reduce the dimensionality to the top K features. Decision Tree, SVM, and Personalised PageRank classifiers were used to classify the data.