Releases: PranavAmarnath/SecresCSV
Releases · PranavAmarnath/SecresCSV
SecresCSV 3.0
This release adds a custom row number manager that serves the same purpose as the old RowNumberTable
because of conflict with the SwingX JXTable
The JXTable
was added to enable a find/search functionality, and several existing bugs were fixed by overriding methods with this implementation.
SecresCSV 2.0
The "new" option has been removed.
The current version's (v2.0) highlights include open, save, print, refresh, drag-and-drop, multiple tabs (MDI), different themes, and cross-platform functionality.
New icon provided by Icons8: Slider icon icon by Icons8
Release Notes:
--1. Remove "new file" functionality -> make exclusively an "opener"
* Will continue to get windier otherwise
* Greet user with filechooser maybe
--2. Remove "save" functionality for "new file"
March 3 -> Fix NOTE 2 and bug where handling selection of already-open file didn't work correctly.
--1. Use scroll layout for JTabbedPane: setTabLayoutPolicy(1)
--2. Change save button functionality so that no prompt opens
--3. Change tab close functionality to prompt the user if they want to save changes -> not if they want to close
--4. Add Refresh button to reload data
--5. Add JMenuBar
March 4 -> Fixed NOTE 3 and added svg toolbar icons
--1. Add icon to tabs in JTabbedPane
--2. Add printing support for table
March 6 -> Fixed NOTE 4.
--1. Change "Save" toolbar icon to 'outline' instead of 'fill'
--2. Set "Print" toolbar button disabled/enabled when no tabs/ > 0 tabs open respectively (BUG)
--3. Change enabled/disabled mechanism to ChangeListener on the JTabbedPane using a boolean to check if the tabCount > 0
March 7 -> Fixed NOTE 5.
--1. DnD support using [FileDrop](
March 8 -> Fixed NOTE 6.
--1. Fix bug with light/dark mode switch where bottom tabbed pane doesn't change (use CardLayout)
March 12 -> Fixed NOTE 7.
--1. Fix Taskbar repeated exception on macOS.
March 13 -> Fixed NOTE 8.
jpackage command:
> jpackage --input target/ --name "SecresCSV" --main-jar secrescsv-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --type exe --win-menu --win-shortcut --icon "C:\Users\User\Downloads\gear-47203_1280.ico" --win-menu-group Secres --vendor "Secres" --copyright "Apache-2.0 License" --license-file "C:\Users\User\Workspace\secrescsv\LICENSE" --app-version 2.0 --verbose
March 14 -> Changed busy label functionality, added more taskbar functionality, added multi selection to file chooser
March 14 -> Fixed more bugs
--1. Fix busy label functionality so that busy label stays visible/busy until all tasks have finished
* Sorted files by size from least to greatest using Comparable
* The busy label stays active until it reaches the end of the last file (largest file)
* The reason was that if GlobalLandTemperatureByCountry.csv is before GlobalTemperature.csv, GlobalTemperature.csv would finish first because it is smaller. However, since GlobalTemperature.csv was the last file, the busy label would not be visible anymore even though GlobalLandTemperatureByCountry.csv is still loading.
March 15 -> Fixed NOTE 9.
NOTE 10:
--1. Add [TableColumnManager]( to show/hide columns by right-clicking on table header
--2. Add exit menu item
March 15 -> Fixed NOTE 10.
SecresCSV 1.0
Release Notes:
March 1 -> Add data into table, create file chooser "open" functionality
March 2 -> Create "save" imported csv file (i.e. not one made in GUI), create "new" functionality for new sheet
--1. Fix off-by-one bug where saving an imported file creates extra column -> most likely Model class exportToCSV(...) method
--2. Change all getComponentAt(getSelectedIndex()) calls to getSelectedComponent()
March 2 -> Fix NOTE 1.
This release contains "new file" functionality which will be removed in the next release to only keep open/save functionality.