A hackathon using OpenShift environment which was around IOT. Below are the objectives for the hackathon.
- An IoT connected asset will provide the details about the type, threshold temp, current temp, light, humidity, etc.
- An IoT connected vehicle provides real time information of the vehicle like speed, fuel level, route name, latitude and longitude of vehicle etc.
- The asset information can be analyzed and data can be extracted and transformed to the final result which can be sent back to the vehicle or to a monitoring dashboard. If the threshold temp is reached the coolants in the vehicle can be triggered automatically.
- Also, using the information collected for different vehicles we can analyze and monitor the traffic on a particular route. We’ll use Apache Spark to analyze and process IoT connected vehicle’s data and send the processed data to a real time traffic monitoring dashboard.
- A real time decision can be made to reroute the vehicle based on the traffic, weather and fuel availability.If there is a deviation from the route, there will be alert to the concerns parties.
- Java 8
- Spring Boot
- Apache Kafka
- Hazelcast
- Apache Spark
- Cassandra
- WebSockets
- JQuery
- Open Shift / Azure (Tomcat)