The PrestaShop Docker tool aims to easily configure, build and tag PrestaShop Docker images. It requires Python 3.6+.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages
Display the help:
$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--debug] [--cache] [subcommand] ...
PrestaShop Docker manager.
positional arguments:
tag Tag managment
generate Generate Dockerfile
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug Use Debug
--cache Enable cache
It allows you to generate Dockerfile files related on what you defined in
$ ./ generate --help
usage: generate [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
It builds docker images on local et allows you to push them on DockerHub.
$ ./ tag --help
usage: tag [-h] {exists,build,push,aliases} ...
positional arguments:
exists Check if tag exists on Docker Hub
build Build container and create docker tag
push Push docker tags
aliases Get aliases
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To generate the new base files, you need to update the
file, add a section ith your new version along with the associated PHP versions, then run
docker compose up generate
This will create new folders for the new version you just added.
To run the python tests you need to install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Then you can run the tests:
$ nosetests
Locally you may have an error like ``, running these commands may help running tests locally:
$ pip uninstall -y nose
$ pip install -U nose --no-binary :all:
or alternatively:
$ pip install nose-py3
If you need to debug one specific test you first need to run
$ nosetests --with-id
This will execute tests and each test method will be assigned an ID that you can then use to filter it specifically:
$ nosetests --with-id 7
This will also generate a .nodeids
binary file, when you add new test methods you need to remove this file to re-generate the list of IDs.
First to make sure you will use the local docker containers and not the ones from Docker hub make sure you remove all existing PrestaShop images (including the base images)
# This should be empty to be extra sure
$ docker images
Then you'll have to build the base image for the PHP version and server you are willing to use. If you are on MacOS this is crucial that you clean any image from cache and tun this locally, especially if your architecture is based on linux/arm64 (processor M1, M2, ...).
docker build base/images/8.3-apache -t prestashop/base:8.3-apache
# You should see an image with Repository: prestashop Tag: 8.3-apache
docker images
Then you can build the image of the PrestaShop version you want to use:
# Now build the PrestaShop version you want based on this local base image
$ docker build images/9.0.x/8.3-apache -t prestashop/prestashop:9.0.x-8.3-apache
Finally, you can launch your PrestaShop container using docker compose
$ PS_VERSION=9.0.x PHP_VERSION=8.3 docker compose -f images/docker-compose.yml up
Or you can use the
script that performs these actions based on the options
# Script options:
# -s SERVER (apache|fpm)
# -p PHP_VERSION (7.1, 8.2, ...)
# -l Launch shop thanks to a docker compose (default false)
# Default values are nightly 8.3 apache
$ ./ -v 9.0.x -p 8.1 -s fpm
Adding the -l
option will also launch a container build with docker compose so you get an accessible shop locally
$ ./ -v 9.0.x -p 8.1 -s fpm -l
Now you should be able to access a shop at this address: http://localhost:8001/
The BO is accessible at http://localhost:8001/admin-dev
with the following login:
Password: Correct Horse Battery Staple