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CNN-ripple detector for MATLAB

This ripple detector uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) originally created for python in this repository. This code is a version that internally calls the python function to output a ripple probability along time. You can check our results in our manuscript (Navas-Olive, Amaducci et al. eLife 2022)

UPDATE! We have added the option to discard False Positives that come from extreme offset drifts on the recording signal. Just as muscular artifacts affect filter detection of SWRs, extreme offset noise can affect the CNN, but it has been already implemented a solution to counteract this noise.

UPDATE! Also, the CNN predicts now much faster when the sliding window (called pred_every) is less than 32ms.


For this script you should have anaconda installed. Here are the steps to install python packages.

  1. Open your anaconda terminal, and go to your "cnn-matlab" folder by typing:

     cd <full path to cnn_matlab folder>
  2. Then make a new anaconda environment with:

     conda create --name cnn-env python=3.8 tensorflow=2.3 keras=2.4 numpy=1.18 h5py=2.10
  3. Copy the path of the environment that outputs the following command:

     conda activate cnn-env
     echo %CONDA_PREFIX%
  4. That path corresponds to the optional input variable "exec_env", an input of detect_ripples_cnn() function.

Using Tensorflow from Matlab

Every time you want to use the CNN for SWR detection, you will have to open the anaconda terminal, and execute MATLAB from there, typing:


Detecting ripples


The MATLAB function detect_ripples_cnn(data, fs, <optionals>) calls python to compute the sharp-wave ripple probability along time. It receives:

  • Mandatory inputs

    • data: n_samples x n_channels. LFP data (in double format). As the CNN works with 8 channels, by default it will take the first 8 channels.
    • fs: sampling frequency
  • Optional inputs

    • exec_env: Full path to python executable of the cnn-env containing tensorflow (output of installation step 3)
    • channels: List of 8 channels to use for the prediction. By default it takes the first 8 channels
    • model_file: Full path to folder where the CNN model is stored. By default searches in 'cnn/' inside the folder containing this file.
    • pred_every: (optional) Prediction window size. By default is 0.032 seconds, but it can be change to any other value less than that.
  • Output

    • n_samples x 1 array of the probability (between 0 and 1) of a sample to be a sharp-wave ripple.


In order to get time intervals of SWRs, a threshold must be chosen. You can use get_intervals(SWR_prob, <optionals>), that has usage modes depending on the inputs:

  • Setting a threshold

    • get_intervals(SWR_prob): displays a histogram of all SWR probability values, and a draggable threshold to set a threshold based on the values of this particular session. When 'Done' button is pressed, the GUI takes the value of the draggable as the threshold.
    • get_intervals(SWR_prob, 'LFP', data, 'fs', fs, 'win_size', win_size): if data is also added as an input, then the GUI adds up to 50 examples of SWR detections. If the 'Update' button is pressed, another 50 random detections are shown. When 'Done' button is pressed, the GUI takes the value of the draggable as the threshold. Sampling frequency fs (in Hz) and window size win_size (in seconds) can be used to set the window length of the displayed examples. It automatically discards false positives due to drifts, but if you want to set it off, you can set discard_drift to false. By default, it discards noises whose mean LFP is above std_discard times the standard deviation, which by default is 1SD. This parameter can also be changed.
    • get_intervals(SWR_prob, 'threshold', threshold): if a threshold is given, then it takes that threshold without displaying any GUI.
  • Additional optional inputs are: handle_overlap and verbose. In order to handle prediction of overlapping windows, use handle_overlap to choose to do the 'mean' (by default) or 'max'. verbose prints the description of internal processes (false by default).

  • Getting the intervals Once the threshold is set, it automatically finds the intervals where SWR_prob is over that threshold. The output of get_intervals() is a n_ripples x 2 array of beginnings and ends. If fs has been given, the output is in seconds; if it's not given, then the output is in timestamps.

Other utils

  • interpolate_channels This function generates a new LFP recording with interpolated channels in between. As the CNN was trained with a probe of 20um of separation between electrodes, interpolated channels should be added to achieve a similar channel density. Performance is not affected by this operation. To indicate where to interpolate, ch_map in interpolate_channels(y, ch_map) should be a vector of size (1 x n_desired_channels). The channels used as a source are indicated by the number of the channel (>0), and the desired interpolated ones by a -1.

  • ripple_manual_selection This function provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that shows the detections in windows of 10 x 10 ripples, all windows with the same win_size (by default 100ms). The user can choose if the selected detections must be kept ('Keep' option) or killed ('Kill' option), and this option can be modified window by window independently. There is an additional option, shuffle, that when true, windows are shuffled instead of being presented in chronological order.


In the test folder you can find a test main script test_cnn_matlab.m that downloads a recording from figshare and runs the CNN detection for several configurations, including dead channels.