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Philip Mally edited this page Jul 1, 2019 · 3 revisions

How to compile firmware for the Printrboard

  1. Download Config Files for your printer

Download Config Files here (Very important: for Simple: select the config file for REVF!)

  1. Download and install Marlin-Confi

Download Marlin Config here

  1. Download and install Git

Download Git here

  1. Download and install PlatformIO

Download PlatformIO here

Process for Mac:

  1. Open and edit Config files in Marlin-Confir

Marlin-Config Visual Guide (Instructables) link

5.1. Create an empty folder on your machine

5.2. Open Marlin-Config

5.3. Select Open Folder created ib 5.1 (It will download Marlin if there is no Marlin in the folder)

5.4. In the new Marlin-Config window select upload (Upload the Simple config files from 1.)

5.5. Make changes to fit your build mods

Reference: Printrbot Specs: Prusa Calculator

Some things you might want to change:

  • Author: NameDDMMYYv1
  • Bed Size
  • Extrude Min Temp
  • Default Axis Steps
  • Default Max Feed Rate
  • Default Max Acceleration
  • You can turn off LCD Bed Levelling and all LCD screen types to keep the firmware size small. Thats all I could see for now
  1. Select Compile> Teensy20

If you get a board not recognised the issue is: In Platformio.ini file (located in folder created for Marlin-Cofig>Marlin>platform.ini) Teensy is defined incorrectly, you need to change board = teensy20pp TO board = teensy2pp

  1. Compile exports the Hex on Mac it is in the Marlin-Config folder you created >Marlin>.pioenvs>teensy20

Note: On Mac it is a hidden folder, use defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES in terminal to show hidden files

  1. Load the firmware Reprap Firmware Loading Guide here

Mac Instructions

  • Mac: Dowload from here OR the prebuilt version here
  • Drag Hex onto installer and follow instructions.
  • On reboot and reconnect run G28 then G29.
  • Do M500 then M501 then M503 to refresh eprom to hard code EPROM settings

(Optional) 11. Z-Offset Instructions:

11.1. Home all axis of 3D printer (You can use the software interface)

11.2. M851 Z0 - Reset Z0Offset (This removes all current settings)

11.3. M500 - Store setting to eeprom

11.4. M501 - Set active parameters

11.5. M503 - Display Active Parameters

11.6. G28 Z - Home Z Axis

11.7. G1 F60 Z0 - Moves nozzle to true 0 offset

  • Soft limit switch will prevent you from moving the nozzle further down (-Z)

11.8. M211 S0 - Switch off soft endstops

11.9. Grab a piece of paper, and put it under the nozzle. Move nozzle towards bed slowly until the paper can barely move when you shift it back and forth. (You need to feel the friction between the nozzle and the bed when you move the paper). You can substitute the paper for anything you have an accurate (Vernier!) measure of, 80gsm printer paper is about 0.1mm.

11.10. Take note of the Z on the printer display (take that number and add the measurement of the calibration sheet or device used)

11.11. M851 Z X.XX (X.XX being your z offset achieved) *So if from 9. if Z is a -2.49, you take -2.49 + Calibration device (Paper) -0.1 add them together -2.50, and this becomes the number for 11.

11.12. M211 S1 - Enable Soft Endstops

11.13. M500 - Save settings to Eeprom

11.14. M501 - Set Active Parameters

11.15. M503 - display current settings

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