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add script to build fetch methods from backend's openapi json
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cocowmn committed Jan 13, 2024
1 parent 09f6e72 commit e75fc75
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Showing 5 changed files with 2,519 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added scripts/openapi-codegen/bun.lockb
Binary file not shown.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions scripts/openapi-codegen/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"name": "openapi-codegen",
"module": "src/app.ts",
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"start": "openapi-typescript src/openapi/openapi.json --output src/openapi/openapi.ts && bun src/app.ts"
"devDependencies": {
"bun-types": "latest",
"openapi-typescript": "^6.7.3",
"typescript": "^5.3.3"
"peerDependencies": {
"typescript": "^5.0.0"
371 changes: 371 additions & 0 deletions scripts/openapi-codegen/src/app.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
import * as ts from 'typescript'
import * as fs from 'fs/promises'
import { join } from 'path'

import apidocs from './openapi/openapi.json'

type EndpointData = {
meta: {
methodName: string
controller: string

method: 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete'
path: string

query?: { [index: string | number | symbol]: string }
pathVariables?: { [index: string | number | symbol]: string }
body?: {
required: boolean
type: string
response?: string

const apiBaseURL = apidocs.servers[0].url
const interfaceNames = Object.keys(apidocs.components.schemas)

const outputDirectory = join('dist', 'api')
const outputModelsFile = 'models.ts'
const outputEndpointsFile = 'endpoints.ts'
const outputIndexFile = 'index.ts'

const inputFilePath = 'src/openapi/openapi.ts'
const program = ts.createProgram([inputFilePath], {})

const source = program.getSourceFile(inputFilePath)
let outputBuffer = ''

async function writeBufferToFile(file: string) {
try {
await fs.mkdir(outputDirectory, { recursive: true })
} catch (_) {
/* Directory already exists */
await fs.writeFile(join(outputDirectory, file), outputBuffer)
outputBuffer = ''

function convertValue(type: string): string {
if (type === 'integer') return 'number'
return type

function parseSchema(value: any): string {
// { type: "type or array or undefined", $ref: "undefined or points to schema", items: "present when type=array, presumably has type or ref" }
if (value.oneOf)
return{ $ref }: { $ref: string }) => parse$Ref($ref)).join(' | ')
if (value.enum && value.type === 'string')
return string) => `'${value}'`).join(' | ')
if (value.items && value.type !== 'array') return parseSchema(value.items)
if (value.type === 'array') {
if (value.items.type) return convertValue(value.items.type) + '[]'
return parseSchema(value.items).replaceAll(/(\w+)/g, '$1[]')

return convertValue(value.type) ?? parse$Ref(value.$ref)

function parse$Ref(value: string): string {
return value?.replace('#/components/schemas/', '')

function bufferModels() {
outputBuffer = 'export type WithRequired<T, K extends keyof T> = T & { [P in K]-?: T[P] }\n'

const componentsInterface = source!.statements.find(
(statement) =>
ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(statement) && && === 'components',
) as ts.InterfaceDeclaration | undefined
if (componentsInterface) {
const schemasProperty = componentsInterface.members.find(
(statement) =>
ts.isPropertySignature(statement) && === 'schemas',
) as ts.PropertySignature | undefined
if (schemasProperty) {
schemasProperty.forEachChild((node) => {
if (ts.isTypeLiteralNode(node)) {
node.forEachChild((node) => {
const components = node.getText(source).split(':')
const name = components.shift()
const declaration = components
.replace(/components\["schemas"\]\["(\w+)"\]/gi, '$1')
.replaceAll(/ {2,}/g, ' ')
.replaceAll(/^ \}/gm, '}')
const type = `export type ${name} = ${declaration}`.replaceAll(';', '')
outputBuffer += `\n${type}\n`

function bufferEndpoints() {
outputBuffer = `import {\n`
interfaceNames.forEach((name) => (outputBuffer += ` ${name},\n`))
outputBuffer += `} from './models'\n\n`
outputBuffer += `type Fetch = (input: URL | RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>\n\n`

outputBuffer += `export const BASE_URL = '${apiBaseURL}'\n\n`

outputBuffer += `function resolveURL(url: URL, { query, path }: { query?: {[index: string]: any}, path?: {[index: string]: any}}): string {\n`
outputBuffer += ` let resolvedURL = url.toString()\n`
outputBuffer += ` \n`
outputBuffer += ` if (path) {\n`
outputBuffer += ` for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(path)) {\n`
outputBuffer += ` const variablePattern = new RegExp(\`{\s*\${key}\s*}\`, 'g')\n`
outputBuffer += ` resolvedURL = resolvedURL.replace(variablePattern, value)\n`
outputBuffer += ` }\n`
outputBuffer += ` }\n`
outputBuffer += `\n`
outputBuffer += ` if (query) {\n`
outputBuffer += ` const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(query)\n`
outputBuffer += ` const queryString = searchParams.toString()\n`
outputBuffer += `\n`
outputBuffer += ` if (queryString) {\n`
outputBuffer += ` resolvedURL += resolvedURL.includes('?') ? \`&\${queryString}\` : \`?\${queryString}\`\n`
outputBuffer += ` }\n`
outputBuffer += ` }\n`
outputBuffer += `\n`
outputBuffer += ` return resolvedURL\n`
outputBuffer += `}\n\n`

const endpoints = getEndpoints()
const endpointMethods =
endpointMethods.forEach((method) => (outputBuffer += method + '\n\n'))

function getEndpoints(): EndpointData[] {
const endpoints = []
for (const path in apidocs.paths) {
// @ts-expect-error typescript for whatever reason does not recognize path as a valid key of apidocs.paths
const allOperations = apidocs.paths[path]
for (const httpMethod in allOperations) {
const details = allOperations[httpMethod]
const query = (details.parameters?.filter((parameter: any) => === 'query') ??
[]) as any[]
const pathVariables = (details.parameters?.filter(
(parameter: any) => === 'path',
) ?? []) as any[]
const hasBody = !!details.requestBody

const endpoint = {
meta: {
methodName: details.operationId,
controller: details.tags[0],
method: httpMethod,
} as any

if (query.length > 0) {
endpoint.query = {}
query.forEach((parameter) => {
endpoint.query[`${}${parameter.required ? '' : '?'}`] = parseSchema(

if (pathVariables.length > 0) {
endpoint.pathVariables = {}
pathVariables.forEach((parameter) => {
endpoint.pathVariables[`${}${parameter.required ? '' : '?'}`] = parseSchema(

if (hasBody) {
endpoint.body = {
type: parseSchema(details.requestBody.content['application/json'].schema),
required: details.requestBody.required,

if (details.responses['200'].content) {
endpoint.response = parseSchema(details.responses['200'].content['*/*'].schema)

return endpoints

const tsStringify = (
obj: { [index: string | number | symbol]: any },
addWhitespace = false,
indentCount = 2,
): string => {
const transform = JSON.stringify(
addWhitespace ? ''.padStart(indentCount, ' ') : undefined,
.replaceAll('"', '')
.replaceAll(':', ': ')
.replaceAll(',', ', ')
.replace(/^}$/m, '}'.padStart(indentCount - 1, ' '))
if (!addWhitespace) return transform.replace(/^{/m, '{ ').replace(/}$/m, ' }')
return transform

function createFunctionSignature(endpoint: EndpointData): string[] {
const hasQuery = 'query' in endpoint
const hasVariables = 'pathVariables' in endpoint
const hasBody = 'body' in endpoint

const sum: number = [hasQuery, hasVariables, hasBody]
.map((truthy) => (truthy ? 1 : 0) as number)
.reduce((acc: number, next) => acc + next)

let fnArguments: string[] = []

if (sum === 1) {
if (hasQuery)
' query: ' + tsStringify(endpoint.query!, Object.keys(endpoint.query!).length > 2, 4),
if (hasVariables)
' path: ' +
tsStringify(endpoint.pathVariables!, Object.keys(endpoint.pathVariables!).length > 2, 4),
if (hasBody)
fnArguments.push(` body${endpoint.body!.required ? '' : '?'}: ` + endpoint.body!.type)
} else if (sum > 1) {
' { ' +
[hasQuery ? 'query' : null, hasVariables ? 'path' : null, hasBody ? 'body' : null]
.filter((x) => !!x)
.join(', ') +
' }: {',

if (hasQuery) {
const typedef =
Object.keys(endpoint.query!).length > 1
? tsStringify(endpoint.query!, true, 6).split('\n')
: [tsStringify(endpoint.query!)]
fnArguments.push(' query: ' + typedef.shift() + (typedef.length > 0 ? '' : ', '))
if (typedef.length > 0)
typedef.forEach((line, index) =>
fnArguments.push(line + (index === typedef.length - 1 ? ', ' : '')),

if (hasVariables) {
const typedef =
Object.keys(endpoint.pathVariables!).length > 1
? tsStringify(endpoint.pathVariables!, true, 6).split('\n')
: [tsStringify(endpoint.pathVariables!)]
' path: ' + typedef.shift() + (typedef.length === 0 && hasBody ? ', ' : ''),
if (typedef.length > 0)
typedef.forEach((line, index) =>
fnArguments.push(line + (index === typedef.length - 1 && hasBody ? ', ' : '')),

if (hasBody) {
fnArguments.push(` body${endpoint.body!.required ? '' : '?'}: ` + endpoint.body!.type)

fnArguments.push(' }')

return [
`export async function ${endpoint.meta.methodName}(`,
' fetch: Fetch,',
`): Promise<${endpoint?.response ? endpoint.response + ' | undefined' : 'void'}> {`,

function createEndpointMethod(endpoint: EndpointData) {
const hasQuery = 'query' in endpoint
const hasVariables = 'pathVariables' in endpoint
const hasBody = 'body' in endpoint

const functionSignature = createFunctionSignature(endpoint)
const pathOptions =
hasQuery && hasVariables
? `{ query, path }`
: hasQuery
? `{ query }`
: hasVariables
? `{ path }`
: null

const declareURL = !!pathOptions
? [
`const url = resolveURL(`,
` new URL('${endpoint.path}', BASE_URL),`,
` ${pathOptions},`,
: [`const url = new URL('${endpoint.path}', BASE_URL).toString()`]

return [
...functionSignature, => ` ${text}`),
` const options: RequestInit = {`,
` method: '${endpoint.method}',`,
` headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },`,
endpoint.body && endpoint.body.required ? ` body: JSON.stringify(body),` : null,
` }`,
...(endpoint.body && !endpoint.body.required
? ['', ` if(body) options.body = JSON.stringify(body)`]
: [null]),
` try {`,
` const response = await fetch(url, options)`,
` if (!response.ok)`,
` throw new Error(\`Request failed with status: \${ response.status }\`)`,
endpoint.response ? ` return await response.json() as ${endpoint.response}` : ` return`,
` } catch(error) {`,
...(hasBody && endpoint.body!.required
? [
` console.error(\`received error while fetching url("\${ url }") with data(\${ JSON.stringify(body) })\`, error)`,
: hasBody
? [
` if(body) console.error(\`received error while fetching url("\${ url }") with data(\${ JSON.stringify(body) })\`, error)`,
` else console.error(\`received error while fetching url: \${ url }\`, error)`,
: [` console.error(\`received error while fetching url: \${ url }\`, error)`]),
` return undefined`,
` }`,
.filter((x) => x !== null)

function bufferIndex() {
outputBuffer = `export * from './models'
export * from './endpoints'

if (source) {
await writeBufferToFile(outputModelsFile)

await writeBufferToFile(outputEndpointsFile)

await writeBufferToFile(outputIndexFile)

console.log(`Finished Processing`)
} else {
console.error(`Error: Source file ${inputFilePath} not found.`)

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