Welcome to the Library Management System, a comprehensive solution for managing your library's resources efficiently. This system offers a wide range of features tailored to meet the needs of both users and administrators.
Deployed link- https://library-managemnet.onrender.com/graphql
Read Document to know more about queries: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/31788909/2sA2xnxpqv
- email: prity@gmail.com
- Password: 123456
- email: user@gmail.com
- Password: 123456
User Authentication
- Signup: Users can create an account with OTP verification for added security.
- Signin: Secure login functionality for registered users.
- Logout: Users can securely logout from their accounts.
Book Management
- Browse Books: Users can browse through the collection of available books.
- Purchase Books: Users can purchase books from the library.
- Rent Books: Users have the option to rent books for a specified duration.
- Admin Operations: Administrators can create, update, and delete books from the library.
- New users can register by providing their details and verifying their account using OTP sent to their email.
- Registered users can sign in using their credentials.
- Users can securely logout from their accounts to end their session.
Book Operations
- Browse Books: Users can explore the collection of books available in the library.
- Purchase Books: Users can buy books from the library by selecting the desired title and completing the purchase process.
- Rent Books: Users can rent books for a specified period by selecting the book and duration of the rental.
Admin Operations
- Create Book: Admins can add new books to the library, providing details such as title, author, description, and pricing information.
- Update Book: Admins can modify existing book details, including title, author, description, and pricing.
- Delete Book: Admins have the authority to remove books from the library if necessary.
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves a list of all books.
- Authorization: Required
- Example Query:
query { getbooks { id title author description rentPrice buyPrice status } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves a list of all users.
- Authorization: Required
- Example Query:
query { getusers { id username email password role status } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Adds a new book to the system.
- Authorization: Required
- Example Mutation:
mutation { addBook(bookInput: { title: "Book Title", author: "Author Name", description: "Book Description", rentPrice: 9.65, buyPrice: 199.44 }) { id title author description rentPrice buyPrice status } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Deletes a book from the system.
- Authorization: Required
- Example Mutation:
mutation { deleteBook(id: "book_id_here") { id title author } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Updates a book in the system.
- Authorization: Required
- Example Mutation:
mutation { updateBook(id: "book_id_here", edits: { title: "New Book Title", author: "New Author Name", description: "New Book Description", rentPrice: 6.99, buyPrice: 24.99, status: "Available" }) { id title author description rentPrice buyPrice status } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Allows a user to buy a book.
- Authorization: Required
- Example Mutation:
mutation { buyBook(bookId: "book_id_here") { id title author description rentPrice buyPrice status } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Allows a user to rent a book.
- Authorization: Required
- Example Mutation:
mutation { rentBook(bookId: "book_id_here") { id title author description rentPrice buyPrice status } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Allows a user to return a rented book.
- Authorization: Required
- Example Mutation:
mutation { returnBook(bookId: "book_id_here") { id title author description rentPrice buyPrice status } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Registers a new user.
- Authorization: Not required
- Example Mutation:
mutation { signUpUser(userInput: { name: "Prity", email: "prity@example.com", password: "password", role: "admin" }) { id username email role } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Logs in a user and generates access tokens.
- Authorization: Not required
- Example Mutation:
mutation { login(email: "john@example.com", password: "password") { token user { id name email } } }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Description: Logs out a user by blacklisting access tokens.
- Authorization: Required
- Example Mutation:
mutation { logout }
- Endpoint:
- Node.js: Backend JavaScript runtime.
- Express.js: Web application framework for Node.js.
- Apollo Server Express: GraphQL server for Node.js.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for data storage. Thank you for choosing our platform!