- The purpose of the app is to use throttling when typing on the searchbar and pulling up relevant data with api calls
- You will need a supabase database with environment variables set up in an .env file for the app to work
- You will also need to make a supabase function to help with querying. The code snippet is found within the README file.
- Can be found the in supabase folder of the project
- App searchbar will not run without the supabase Connection
- The import "react-native-url-polyfill/auto"; in App.js is needed due to an error that appears
- environment variables are pulled using import { REACT_APP_SUPABASE_URL, REACT_APP_ANON_KEY } from "@env";
- the .babelrc file was created to account for the environment variable in the .env file
plugins: [
envName: "APP_ENV",
moduleName: "@env",
path: ".env"
- info on environment variables can be found here: https://blog.logrocket.com/understanding-react-native-env-variables/
- the supabase.js file is where I create the client and export it to other files
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
const supabase = createClient(REACT_APP_SUPABASE_URL, REACT_APP_ANON_KEY);
export default supabase;
- The table on supabase has the following columns:
- id(int8)
- created_at(timestamptx)
- title(text)
- method(text)
- rating(int8)
- Uses a listener for the Keyboard object from the "react-native" library. This is to address the issue of the focus on the Textinput element.
- The issue can be found here: facebook/react-native#33532
- The listener is placed in a useEffect so it can be removed when not in use on the return.
- The custom hook also returns the active state and the handler to change it and the ref and the actual ref itself.
- In the app I use the throttle instead of the debounce
- I followed the format from this link: https://www.codingdeft.com/posts/react-debounce-throttle/
- I rearranged the code so that it works with the supabase database
- The searching is done with a custom supabase function that used the pg_trgm extension
The timing for the throttle or debounce is found at the end of the setTimeout and is set to 600 miliseconds
setTimeout(() => {
throttling.current = false;
const fetchSmoothies = async () => {
}, 600);
- To search the terms from the database, a role procedure call with a supabase database function is made
- The custom function made is called search_smoothie
- the parameter of the custom function is called smoothie_name
const { data, error } = await supabase.rpc("search_smoothie", {
smoothie_name: textAdj,
- In order to use this custom function you need to create it on the SQL editor on the Supabase website
- Go to the SQL editor and create a new query, then paste this code snippet in
create or replace function search_smoothie(smoothie_name varchar) returns setof smoothies as $$
select *
from smoothies
WHERE smoothie_name % ANY(STRING_TO_ARRAY(smoothies.title, ' '));
$$ language sql;
- The code isn't in this repo, but on my supabase account
- The code requires that the pg_trgm extension be turned on for trigram search
- Information can be found here:
- It uses a useEffect to console.log the data whenever there's a change. Not needed in production.
- used in the menu screen without filtering the query
- uses "@react-navigation/native": "^6.1.1" and "@react-navigation/native-stack": "^6.9.7",
- Info can be found: https://reactnavigation.org/
- navigation object is sent to each page and is passed to components
const Home = ({ navigation }) => {
- The set up is done in App.js
import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native";
import { createNativeStackNavigator } from "@react-navigation/native-stack";
const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator();
export default function App() {
return (
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Home">
headerShown: false,
title: "Smoothie Menu",
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: "#b95e5e",
headerTintColor: "#fff",
headerTitleStyle: {
fontWeight: "bold",
options={({ route }) => ({
title: route.params.title,
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: "#b95e5e",
headerTintColor: "#fff",
headerTitleStyle: {
fontWeight: "bold",
{smoothies.length === 0 && <TitlePic />}
smoothies.length === 0 ? styles.container : styles.containerAltered
- The most complex component in the app. In the future, I may make a searchBarContainer component to simplify the code and handles the useIsSearchBarActive hook there
- takes in the inputRef, active, handleActive returned from the custom hook useIsSearchBarActive
- takes in state and handlers for text, smoothies
- takes in the searchHandler which can either be the debounce or throttle returned from the useDebounce and useThrottle, respectively.
{smoothies.length > 0 && (
<SmoothieList smoothies={smoothies} text={text} />
{smoothies.length === 0 && <BottomTextHome />}
- gets data from useGetSmoothies and lists all the smoothies on the menu
- The list is ordered alphabetically
{smoothies.length > 0 && (
<SmoothieList smoothies={smoothies} text={text} />
- Returns the full details of the smoothie without truncating the steps