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Documentation for the Project Kleutghen Site

Where We Left Off

Although GitHub Pages are always 'live' or 'served' on the internet, the project site is not ready to be published/presented.

  • 001 tab has the map, text comparison & analysis, additional reference links, and a space for the article on the 'Fragrant Concubine' by Teng.
  • other tabs are set up for text/image collections, a tab for the 010 & 011 texts, a search tab
  • working contact form

What it Needs

  • peer-reviewed pinyin and translation uploaded to the 001 tab
  • peer-reviewed name for 001 to use throughout the website
  • expanding the website to hold more data (more texts, images, FC map)
  • fixing the search tab
  • adding credits to the sidebar navigation images (and choosing deciding the teaser images for the tabs besides 001)

Site Setup

from jekyll-theme-skinny-bones-master

  • _site # compiled site ready to deploy
  • images # unoptimized images
  • includes # reusable blocks for _layouts
  • _layouts
    • archive.html # archive listing of a group of posts or collection
    • article.html # articles, blog posts, text heavy material layout
    • default.html # base
    • home.html # home page
      • media.html # portfolio, work, media layout *_Pages
    • _contact-us .html # contact form
    • _defining-hindustan.html # tab/page for jade010 & 011 (if still wanted)
    • _jade-001.html # page for jade001 map, text, analysis, info
    • search_tab # tab for hosting the search bar
    • text-images-collection # page to eventually host static images & texts
  • _posts # posts grouped by category for sanity
  • _sass
    • vendor
      • bourbon # Bourbon mixin library
        • neat # Neat grid library
  • _animations.scss # CSS3 animations
    • _badges.scss # small badges
    • _bullets.scss # visual bullets
    • _buttons.scss # buttons
    • _grid-settings.scss # Neat settings
    • _helpers.scss # site wide helper classes
    • _layout.scss # structure and placement, the bulk of the design
    • _mixins.scss # custom mixins
    • _notices.scss # notice blocks
    • _syntax.scss # Pygments.rb syntax highlighting
    • _reset.scss # normalize and reset elements
    • _sliding-menu.scss # sliding menu overlay
    • _variables.scss # global colors and fonts
      • css
        • main.scss # loads all Sass partials
    • fonts # webfonts
    • images # images on site
      • js *plugins # jQuery plugins
        • vendor # vendor scripts that don't get combined with the rest
        • _main.js # site scripts and plugin settings go here
          • main.min.js # concatenated and minified site scripts
  • # homepage content
    • _config.yml # Jekyll settings


No packages published


  • HTML 95.6%
  • SCSS 4.1%
  • Other 0.3%