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Code of ITI, a multisports routing app developed by 4 geoinformatics students as the final project of their master's degree


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ITI, multisports routing application

ITI is the result of a final year project of 4 students of the GéoNum master's degree (Lyon / Saint-Étienne, France): Idrissa Djepa Creutz, Maodo Kanteye, Ashley Ouedraogo and Lubin Picard.

It is an application that allows the user to calculate a route through a sport activity chosen by him.

It works with a PostgreSQL database, connected to a GeoServer that interfaces with the JavaScript scripts.

Watch the app's presentation video here:

Watch the app's presentation video here:


To install the application, the BD.sql database must be downloaded and imported into a PostgreSQL database (for example via the "restore" option of PgAdmin). The extensions installed with the database are PostGIS and pgRouting.

The road graph used in ITI was created from the IGN's BD TOPO and is limited to the Alpes-Maritimes department, but in principle you can use any road graph you have (obtained with osmtopgrouting for example).


Launch GeoServer and connect a warehouse to the database containing the graph and the sports data.

Then create the following SQL views, EPSG is 4326 for all:


This is the "route" view, with two parameters source and target:

	MIN(a.seq) AS seq,  
        sum(b.distance) AS distance
	pgr_dijkstra ('SELECT gid as id, source, target, distance AS cost FROM edges', %source%, %target%, FALSE)
	a INNER JOIN edges b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq

Regular expression for validation is: ^[\w\d\s]+$


This is the "nodes" view, with two parameters x and y:

  edges_vertices_pgr AS v,
  edges AS e
          FROM edges_vertices_pgr
          ORDER BY the_geom <-> ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(%x%, %y%), 4326) LIMIT 1)
  AND (e.source = OR =
GROUP BY, v.the_geom

Regular expression for validation is: ^[.\w\d\s]+$

Default values can be:

x: 7.14518

y: 43.99156


This view returns all the sport_06 table:

SELECT * FROM sport_06


This view returns all the seasons from the features that are within the bufferized envelope around the departure and arrival chosen by the user, it has two parameters dep and arr:

SELECT DISTINCT saison, saison_code from sport_06
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom,
ST_Buffer(ST_Envelope(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(%dep%, %arr%)', 4326)),0.01))

Regular expression for validation is: ^[.\w\d\s]+$

Default values can be:

dep: 7.14518 43.99156

arr: 7.342542 43.808902


This view returns all the practice environments of features that comply with the 'saison' view and the saison chosen by the user, it has three parameters dep, arr and saison_code:

SELECT DISTINCT milieu, milieu_code
FROM sport_06
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom,
ST_Buffer(ST_Envelope(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(%dep%, %arr%)', 4326)),0.01))
AND saison_code = '%saison_code%'

Regular expression for validation is:

dep and arr: ^[.\w\d\s]+$

saison_code: ^[\w\d\s]+$


This view returns all the sports of features that comply with saison and milieu views and the environment chosen by the user, it has all the previous parameters and milieu_code:

SELECT DISTINCT sport, sport_code
FROM sport_06
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom,
ST_Buffer(ST_Envelope(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(%dep%, %arr%)', 4326)),0.01))
AND saison_code = '%saison_code%'
AND milieu_code = '%milieu_code%'

Regular expression for validation is:

dep and arr: ^[.\w\d\s]+$

saison_code and milieu_code: ^[\w\d\s]+$


This view returns all the features that comply with 'saison', 'milieu' and 'sport' views, it has all the previous parameters and sport_code:

SELECT * FROM sport_06
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom,
ST_Buffer(ST_Envelope(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(%dep%, %arr%)', 4326)),0.01))
AND saison_code = '%saison_code%'
AND milieu_code = '%milieu_code%'
AND sport_code = '%sport_code%'

Regular expression for validation is:

dep and arr: ^[.\w\d\s]+$

saison_code, milieu_code and sport_code: ^[\w\d\s]+$


All the JS files are well commented, but here is a schema explaining the functioning of button pages files and functions:


Map's features

  • Draggable departure and arrival markers, new routing with the new locations
  • Info control displaying info on the routes, updated with each new routing
  • Button allowing the export of actual route to gpx using togpx plugin
  • Filter of equipments by sport with a layers control
  • A (very french) joke is hidden in the map (and in the scripts), try to find it!

Limits of ITI

  • Note that the road graph used does not include costs for road sections. Consequently, the routes can take any road (except motorways), including unmade roads not suitable for cycling.
  • The data used to gather the sports equipments (BPE from INSEE) does not include individual names, so the only thing that distinguishes two ski stations are their geom/coordinates.
  • CORS restrictions must be lifted in order for the application to work properly, either by enabling it in GeoServer settings, or by running the app in a local web server (Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code extensions, Python HTTPServer, etc.)


Code of ITI, a multisports routing app developed by 4 geoinformatics students as the final project of their master's degree







Contributors 4
