Script built with openAI to summarize text from any PDF, no matter the length.
- Feel free to clone or branch. Run locally on your machine.
- Go to and obtain your unique API key [remember do not share this]
Instructions for use:
- Install Python
- Install Anaconda
- You will need to install the following packages for Python in your Anaconda prompt by:
- -pip install --upgrade openai
- -pip install PyPDF2
- -pip install jupyterlab
- -pip install notebook
- Download whatever .PDF you want to use into the same directory you store this python script
- In Anaconda, navigate to directory where this code is saved
- type "jupyter notebook" in your prompt. A new notebook should open in your browser where you can run line by line
- Read comments for where changes to your file name and directory and API key need to be updated
- (There is where all the fun happens!) Enter your AI commands after " prompt=f""" " and before the backslashes to instruct the AI what do to
- Enjoy!
See "Discussions" tab to log issues or request modifications/additions, vent, etc.