A PowerShell module for Lenovo API. Currently supports v2.5.
The eSupport WebAPI Documentation has also been added to the WIKI
You will need to contact either contact your 'Lenovo Account Representative' or maybe the 'Lenovo Partner Program': http://www.lenovo.com/partners/ to obtain a "ClientId".
Branch | AzurePipelines CI |
dev | |
master |
Need to create it's own function
$lenovoApiKeyName = "LENOVO_API_KEY"
$lenovoApiKey = "##ADD YOUR API KEY HERE##"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($lenovoApiKeyName, $lenovoApiKey, "Machine")
$global:ApiKey = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($lenovoApiKeyName, "Machine")
#Log File Info
$LogFilePath = $PSScriptRoot
$LogFile = $LogFilePath + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + "_" + (Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd) + ".log"
$Serial = "##YOUR SERIAL NUMBER##"
$warranty = Get-WarrantyBySerial -Serial $Serial
$Serials = @("#x#","#y#")
$warranties = Get-WarrantyBySerials -Serials $Serials
$WarrantyId = "#ID#"
$warranty = Get-WarrantyById -Id $WarrantyId
$WarrantyIds = @("#a#","#b#")
$warranties = Get-WarrantyByIds -Ids $WarrantyIds
$ContractId = "#ID#"
$contract = Get-ContractById -Id $ContractId
$Serial = "##YOUR SERIAL NUMBER##"
$warrantyoptions = Get-WarrantyOptionsBySerial -Serial $Serial
This will return all the Countries to get the CountryCode for a subsequent request.
$Serial = "##YOUR SERIAL NUMBER##"
$CountryCode = "GB"
$warrantyoptions = Get-WarrantyOptionsBySerialAndCountryCode -Serial $Serial -CountryCode $CountryCode
Need to work out the different Machine Types
$MachineType = "Laptop"
$warrantyoptions = Get-WarrantyOptionsByMachineType -MachineType $MachineType
$MachineType = "Laptop"
$CountryCode = "GB"
$warrantyoptions = Get-WarrantyOptionsByMachineTypeAndCountryCode -MachineType $MachineType -CountryCode $CountryCode
$response = Get-Catalog -IncludeFutureProducts $true
#$response = Get-Catalog
$response = Get-Catalog-Raw -IncludeFutureProducts $true
#$response = Get-Catalog-Raw
$response = Get-Catalog-All -IncludeFutureProducts $true
#$response = Get-Catalog-All
$response = Get-Catalog-Children -IncludeFutureProducts $true
#$response = Get-Catalog-Children
$ProductID = "CELL-PHONES"
$response = Get-Catalog-Children -ProductID $ProductID -IncludeFutureProducts $true
#$response = Get-Catalog-Children -ProductID $ProductID
$Serial = "##YOUR SERIAL NUMBER##"
$response = Get-Product -Serial $Serial
$Id = "##ID##"
$response = Get-Content -Id $Id
$ServiceRequestId = "##ServiceRequestId##"
$Serial = "##YOUR SERIAL NUMBER##"
$response = Get-Support-ServiceRequests -ServiceRequestId $ServiceRequestId -Serial $Serial
$Serial = "##YOUR SERIAL NUMBER##"
$response = Get-Support-ServiceOrders -Serial $Serial
$Id = "##ID##"
$response = Get-Part -Id "#ID#"
$Ids = @("1","2")
$response = Get-PartByIds -Ids $Ids
$Id = "##ID##"
$response = Get-Accessory -Id "#ID#"
$Ids = @("1","2")
$response = Get-AccessoryByIds -Id $Ids
$ProductId = "##ProductId##"
$response = Get-AccessoryForProduct -ProductId "#ProductId#"
$Serial = "##Serial##"
$response = Get-AccessoriesFromSerial -Serial "#Serial#"
$ProductId = "##ProductId##"
$CountryCode = "##CountryCode##"
$Serial = "##Serial##"
$Coordinates = "##Coordinates##"
$response = Get-Provider-ServiceProviders -ProductId "ProductID" -CountryCode "CountryCode" -Serial "SerialNumber" -Coordinates "Coordinates"
#$response = Get-Provider-ServiceProviders -Serial "SerialNumber"
$ProductId = "##ProductId##"
$CountryCode = "##CountryCode##"
$Serial = "##Serial##"
$Coordinates = "##Coordinates##"
$response = Get-Contacts-SupportContacts
-ProductId "ProductID" -CountryCode "CountryCode" -Serial "SerialNumber" -Coordinates "Coordinates"
#$response = Get-Contacts-SupportContacts -Serial "SerialNumber"
$Id = "##ID##"
$response = Get-Case -Id "#ID#"
$Ids = @("1","2")
$response = Get-CasesByIds -Id $Ids
$response = New-Case -Case @{}
$type = "eSupport.Domain.Profile+Personal"
#$type = "eSupport.Domain"
$response = Get-Profile -Type $type
$serial = "Add you Serial Number here"
$apikey = "Add your ClientId here"
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("ClientID", $apikey)
$warranty = Invoke-RestMethod http://supportapi.lenovo.com/v2.5/warranty?serial=$serial -ContentType "application/JSON" -Headers $headers
To get your Serial number run the following in Command Prompt (PC)
Terminal (Mac)
system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial/ {print $4}'
ioreg -l | awk '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/ { print $4;}'
system_profiler |grep "Serial Number (system)"
system_profiler |grep "r (system)"
- https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/warrantylookup/
- https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/warrantylookup/batchquery
There are also a number of scripts which post data to the above website but the API is a cleaner way to do this.